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Review Article

The current application of nanotechnology in food

and agriculture

Xiaojia He a,1, Hua Deng b,1, Huey-min Hwang c,d,*

The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, 30602, USA
Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD, 21251, USA
Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, 39217, USA
Dalian Marinetime University, Dalian, Liaoning, China

article info abstract

Article history: The rapid development of nanotechnology has been facilitating the transformations of
Received 30 November 2018 traditional food and agriculture sectors, particularly the invention of smart and active
Accepted 3 December 2018 packaging, nanosensors, nanopesticides and nanofertilizers. Numerous novel nano-
Available online 24 December 2018 materials have been developed for improving food quality and safety, crop growth, and
monitoring environmental conditions. In this review the most recent trends in nano-
Keywords: technology are discussed and the most challenging tasks and promising opportunities in
Nanotechnology the food and agriculture sectors from selected recent studies are addressed. The toxico-
Food logical fundamentals and risk assessment of nanomaterials in these new food and agri-
Agriculture culture products are also discussed. We highlighted the potential application of bio-
Bio-synthesized nanomaterial synthesized and bio-inspired nanomaterial for sustainable development. However,
Bio-inspired nanomaterial fundamental questions with regard to high performance, low toxic nanomaterials need to
Public acceptance be addressed to fuel active development and application of nanotechnology. Regulation
Regulation and legislation are also paramount to regulating the manufacturing, processing, applica-
tion, as well as disposal of nanomaterials. Efforts are still needed to strengthen public
awareness and acceptance of the novel nano-enabled food and agriculture products. We
conclude that nanotechnology offers a plethora of opportunities, by providing a novel and
sustainable alternative in the food and agriculture sectors.
Copyright © 2018, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan
LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

agriculture and food industry since 2003 when United States

1. Introduction Department of Agriculture published the first roadmap in
September 9, 2003 [1]. Research on this topic has skyrocketed
Nanotechnology is widely applied in our everyday life and is over the last decade. It almost covers every aspect in the food
changing the entire society. It has begun marching into the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.-m. Hwang).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
1021-9498/Copyright © 2018, Food and Drug Administration, Taiwan. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
2 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1

and agriculture industry, including agriculture, irrigation/ nanomaterials for the purpose of legislation as well as the
water filtration, food processing and packaging, animal feed, public acceptance. Under this circumstance, bio-synthesized
and aquiculture [2e6]. (or “green synthesized”) nanomaterials may provide an
The food and beverage sector is a global multi trillion dollar alternative solution to apply novel nanomaterials in food in-
industry [7]. A recent estimate of the global economical impact dustry with relatively “acceptable” negative impact.
of nanotechnology is projected to be at least $3 trillion by 2020,
which may employee 6 million labors in the rising nano-
technology industries worldwide [8]. This is very attractive 2. Current status on food and agriculture
and has driven many food enterprises involved in develop- nanotechnology
ment and marketing of novel nanomaterial based products,
and improving production efficiency, food characteristics, Nanotechnology deals with nanomaterials which have at least
taste and safety. Incredibly, there are hundreds of products one dimension ranging from 1 to 100 nm. Tested nano-
that have already been marketed and used in the food busi- materials in food industry include inorganic (metal and metal
ness over the past decade. Majority of these products are oxide NPs), organic (mainly natural product NPs) and com-
designed “out-of-food” but “inside” food industry, i.e. food bined (i.e. clay). Among all metal NPs, silver NP is the one most
contacting materials but not directly consumed by people. No commercially made and applied due to its antimicrobial ac-
novel nanomaterials containing products have been directly tivity while gold NP is widely studied as a sensor/detector.
put into human food yet, except titanium dioxide and iron Titanium dioxide NPs are also well studied as disinfecting
oxide that have been used as food pigment and colorant agent as well as food additive (white color pigment) and flavor
respectively already. The fundamental reason is that regula- enhancer. Natural product NPs are normally designed as a
tion and legislation is very limited regarding nano food, delivery system, and also involved as ingredients or supple-
especially due to complexity of nanomaterials and case-by- ments in food industry.
case legislating procedures [9e11]. As shown in Fig. 1, various nanomaterials have shown
A deeper cause for the limited regulation is the poor exciting potential in every aspect of food industry ranging
knowledge of toxicity and risk which novel nanomaterials from agriculture to plates, while much information remains
could bring [5,12e14]. Many studies focus on in vitro toxicity of unknown. The recent progress will be briefly discussed in the
nanomaterials while very little in vivo toxicity data is avail- following parts, using representatives in the past 5 years.
able, not to mention chronic effect of nanomaterials (espe-
cially metal nanoparticles, NPs) [15]. At least several gaps have 2.1. Current status on food nanotechnology
to be filled: toxicity of nanomaterial to mammal cells, tissues/
organs and chronic effect to human body; migration of Food nanotechnology has infiltrated into many aspects of
nanomaterials to food; degradation or environmental fate of customer products, such as food packaging, additives, and food
nanomaterials; bioaccumulation of nanomaterials and their preservation. The recognition of this novel technology has
impact on ecosystems. advanced the food processing and storage in ensuring food
Another important aspect is public acceptance which is safety. Many conventional chemicals added as food additives or
often ignored by researchers, manufacturers, as well as au- packaging materials have also been found partially existing at
thorities [16,17]. It ultimately determines whether or not nanometer scale. For example, food-grade TiO2 NPs now have
nanotechnology could be actually applied and/or accepted by been found up to approximately 40% in the nanometer range
customers. Nanomaterials can and have been widely applied [18,19]. Although nanomaterials like TiO2 NPs are generally
in every aspect of food industry, from food agriculture, pro- recognized low toxic at ambient conditions, long-term expo-
cessing, storage and transportation to our plate. Regardless of sure to such nanomaterials may cause adverse damages [20].
the population of those who accept these novel nano foods, The application of novel food nanotechnology, together with
the waste will ultimately be disposed into the environment the presence of nanoscale chemicals, has also attracted public
and elicit specific impact on flora, fauna and ecosystems. attention regarding the potential risks. We carefully review
Unfortunately, this piece of information is very little. To make current progress on the application of food nanotechnology in
it worse, the proper disposal method has not been mentioned this section. Selected nanomaterials used in food products are
yet by either researcher, food company or government listed in Table 1. United State Food and Drug Administration
agency. In addition the in vivo toxicity data of nanomaterials is (U.S. FDA) and European Commission (EC) are the main sources
very lacking, especially the potential chronic effect on human for legislation and regulation on food nanotechnology. Some
organs. authorizations made by the U.S. FDA and EC in Table 1 are
As shown in Fig. 1, from food nanotechnology to marketed based on the risk assessment of the conventional particle size
product, or from fundamental aspects of nanotoxicity to of a substance; therefore, a case-by-case basis by the authority
regulation and legislation, or from knowledge of food nano- may be required for engineered NPs. A few applications under
technology to public awareness and acceptance, a huge research and development (R&D) are also included in Table 1 to
amount of information and effort is needed and all these as- indicate potential future applications.
pects are strictly related to each other. Each section has
abundant reports and reviews are available for every single 2.1.1. Food processing
one of them. This chapter briefly covers recent progress on all Nanomaterials are well designed as color or flavor additives,
these aspects and emphasizes the urgent necessity to get preservatives, or carriers for food supplement (i.e. nano-
insight into risk assessment and toxicity evaluation of novel encapsulation and nanoemulsion), including animal feed
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1 3

Fig. 1 e Schematic illustration of food nanotechnology from scientific research to marketed product, and to consumer's
plate. Scientific research is a one-way output providing guidance for both food manufacturer to develop product, and for
agencies to make regulation and legislation. Regulation and legislation play a central and core role to control marketing
product and proper disposal of the waste, which, unfortunately is currently very limited globally. Public awareness and
acceptance are often ignored by scientists and manufacturers, since government agency (regulation/law) and manufacturer
(product/advertisement) serve as the main information source for the general public. But it is the end user who decides
whether or not food nanotechnology can actually appear in consumer's plates.

products. The unique properties of engineered nanomaterials of the most widely used and studied for food packaging due to
offer great advantages for food processing as ingredients or their mechanical, thermal, and barrier properties, and low
supplement. Additionally, inorganic oxide chemicals such as cost. For instance, 1 wt % bentonite clay/poly (vinyl alcohol)
SiO2 (E551), MgO (E530), and TiO2 (E171) are permitted by the loaded nanocomposite membrane significantly enhanced
U.S. FDA as anti-caking agent, food flavor carrier, and food permeance with a water permeance of 6500 gpu and a selec-
color additives (see Table 1). For instance, TiO2 is widely used tivity value of 46 [23]. Another study from Gabr et al. (2015)
as additive in foods such as gum, white sauces, cake icing, showed 3% nanoclay loaded woven carbon fiber /compatibi-
candy and puddings [19]. Current authorizations on the lized polypropylene nanocomposites significantly improved
chemicals listed in Table 1 for food processing are all based on interlaminar fracture toughness and elevated glass transition
conventional particle size, except carbon black (authorized by temperature increased by about 6  C [24]. Additionally, sig-
EC 10/2011 but no longer authorized by the U.S. FDA) and ti- nificant enhancement of corrosion resistance was reported for
tanium nitride. However, it is common to detect those epoxy/clay nanocomposites [25]. Nanoclays are developed
chemicals used in foods in nanometer scale. into several subclasses including montmorillonite, bentonite,
In addition to food products directly serving human beings, kaolinite, hectorite, and halloysite, depending on the physi-
animal feeds play a significant role in the global food industry, ochemical properties of the nanomaterials. Montmorillonite
ensuring economic and safe production of animal products and bentonite are now listed as GRAS and in Effective Food
throughout the world. Copper oxide, iron oxide, and zinc Contact Substance (FCS) notifications by the U.S. FDA (see
oxide now have been categorized as “generally recognized as Table 2). FCS acts as the U.S. FDA effective premarket notifi-
safe” (GRAS) by the U.S. FDA as nutritional dietary supplement cations for food contact substances that have been demon-
in animal feeds (Table 1). The European Food Safety Authority strated to be safe for their intended use. However, recent
(EFSA) Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in reports indicate potential migration risks associated with
Animal Feed (FEEDAP Panel) also concludes the use of dicop- nanoclay packaging [26e28]. Case studies for migration risks
per oxide (Cu2O or copper(I) oxide) as nutritional supply for all are provided in section 3.
animal species is of no concern for consumer safety [21]. Edible coating with nanomaterials encoded has also shown
its potential for food preserving and storage. Coated fresh food
2.1.2. Food packaging products such as vegetables and fruits remain active during
Food contact materials are intended to directly contact food transportation and storage processes. The active respiration
products during manufacturing, transportation, and storage. processes may cause significant postharvest losses and poor
Nanotechnology as novel solution now has been widely quality cosmetically and nutritionally in products as the
studied and developed for food packaging in food industry transportation and storage time extends. The control over
[22]. Nanomaterials designed for food packaging possess such weight and nutrition loss is paramount to extend shelf
many advantages when compared to conventional packaging life of fresh food products. Relative humidity and temperature
materials. Among many novel nanomaterials, nanoclay is one are of the utmost concerns. They act together to alter fresh
Table 1 e Current status of nanotechnology-enabled food products.
Sector Application Nanomaterials Manufacturer Current status Note Reference
Food processing Color additives TiO2 Exempt from <1% by weight of the food [41]
Synthetic iron oxide Exempt from <0.25% (for dogs and cats) and 0.1 [41,42]
certification (for human) % by weight of the
finished food
Additive or polymer ZnO Authorized by EC 10/ Authorization based on [43]
production aid Iron oxide 2011 conventional particle size
Aluminium oxide
Silicon dioxide
Cobalt oxide
Manganese oxide (E530)

j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1
Titanium nitride No migration reported. Only to be
used in PET bottles up to 20 mg/kg
Carbon black Authorized by EC 10/ <2.5% w/w in the polymer
2011; no longer
authorized by the
U.S. FDA as additives
Preservatives Silver-silica Nanox Intelligent FCS Inventorya FCN No. 1235. <4 ppm by weight of [44]
Materials silver as an antimicrobial agent
blended into polymers
Flavor carrier Silicon dioxide (E551d) Authorized by EC <10,000 mg/kg, excluding foods for [45]
1334/2008 infants and young children
Marking fruit and Silicon dioxide (E551) Exempt from <2% of the ink solids [41]
vegetables certification
Anticaking agents Silicon dioxide (E551) REGb <2% by weight of the food [46]
Nutritional dietary Copper oxide Approved for animal feed [47]
supplement Iron oxide
Food contact packaging Pesticides detection Zinc Oxide QDs R&D [33]
Pathogens detection Magnetic nanosensors R&D [34,35]
Plasmonic nanosensors [36]
Fluorescent nanosensors [37]
Toxins detection Fluorescent nanosensors R&D [38]
Plasmonic nanosensors [39]
Phosphorescent QDs [40]
Edible film/coating Chitosan/Nano-Silica Coating Tested on Longan fruit [48]
Poly-ε-caprolactone Tested on fresh-cut “Red Delicious” [49]
Nanoemulsion/Quinoa Protein/ Tested on fresh strawberries [32]
Bio-nano-hybrid pectins and LDH- Tested on fresh apricots [30]
Nanoemulsion with lemongrass R&D Tested on fresh-cut Fuji apples [31]
essential oil
Bentonite (Al2O34SiO2nH2O) GRAS U.S. FDA 21CFR184.1155 [50]
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1 5

food respiration, as well as the microbial activities in the

products. A thin layer of hybrid nano-edible films (nor-
mally < 100 um, see examples listed in Flores-Lo  pez et al.,




2016 [29]) can be used as gas and moisture barrier, enhance
mechanical properties and sensory perceptions, prevent
microbial spoilage, and improve the storage life of fresh food
not to exceed 200 nm, not for use in
FCN No. 1839. For use at a thickness

FCN No. 1437. <0.05% by weight of

contact with infant formula and

thickness of the surface coating

products. Unlike the metal-based nanomaterials discussed in
section 2.1.1, most edible coatings are based on organic
FCN No. 302. The maximum

shall not exceed 5 mm. chemicals from natural extracts (see Table 2). For instance,
pectin from apples [30], lemongrass essential oil [31], and
quinoa protein/chitosan [32] have been developed as edible
coating to increase the shelf life of highly perishable
FCN No. 1163.

human milk.

the polymer.
FCN No. 932.

Other applications in food contact packaging include
pesticides detection [33], pathogens detection [34e37], and
toxins detection [38e40] are also under active research and
development due to the ultra-sensitive properties of nano-
materials. A recent report from Saho et al. (2018) found that
ZnO quantum dots (QD) can be used to detect various pesti-
FCS Inventory

FCS Inventory

cides, including aldrin, tetradifon, glyphosate, and atrazine,

due to the fact that the pesticide containing strong leaving
groups (e.g. Cl) interact with QD quickly with high binding

E numbers are codes of specific substances used as food additives approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

affinity at 107 M1. Additionally, ZnO QD could also photo-

catalyze pesticides during the interaction. “Active packaging”
Oerlikon Balzers Coating

and “smart packing” now have become a popular trend to

Limited and Nanocor

AG, Oerlikon Surface

PolyOne Corporation

utilize nanomaterials based sensor for monitoring the quality

Toyo Seikan Kaisha


Technologies, Inc.

of the food.
Nanocor® Inc.

Solutions AG

Nyacol Nano

2.2. Current status on agriculture nanotechnology


In agriculture, nanotechnology is employed to increase food

production, with equivalent or even higher nutritional value,
quality and safety. Efficient use of fertilizers, pesticides,
herbicides and plant growth factors/regulators are the most
Nanoemulsion with lemongrass
Montmorillonite Chromium (III)

important ways to improve crop production. Controlled

Titanium aluminum nitride

REG: Food additives for which a petition has been filed and a regulation issued.

release of pesticides, herbicides and plant growth regulators

can be achieved via the usage of nanocarriers. For instance,
Tin antimony oxide

poly (epsilon-caprolactone) nanocapsules have been recently


developed as herbicide carrier for atrazine [51]. The treat-

ment of mustard plants (Brassica juncea) with atrazine loaded
essential oil

poly (epsilon-caprolactone) nanocapsules enhanced the

herbicidal activity compared to commercial atrazine,

FCS: Effective Food Contact Substance (FCS) Notifications.

showing a drastic decrease in net photosynthetic rates and

stomatal conductance, a significant increase of oxidative
stresses, and ultimately weight loss and growth reduction of
Prevent abrasive wear
Additives, gas barrier,
etc. Prevent abrasive

Heating enhancer in

tested plants [51]. Similarly, other nanocarriers like silica NPs

terephthalate (PET)
Flame Retardation

[52] and polymeric NPs [53] have also been developed as

modified release system to deliver pesticides in a controlled

GRAS: Generally Recognized as Safe.

manner. Nanoscale carriers can be utilized to perfectly ach-


ieve the delivery and slow release of these species. Such


strategies are known as “precision farming” that improves

crop yields but not damage soil and water [54]. Most impor-
tantly, application of nanoencapsulation can lower dosage of
the herbicide, without any loss of efficiency, which benefits
environment. In addition to nanocarriers, nanoparticle-
mediated gene or DNA transfer in plants was used to
develop insect-resistant varieties. More details can be found
in previously published reviews [55,56]. Moreover, certain
nanomaterials per se can act as pesticides with enhanced

toxicity and sensitivity (see examples listed in Table 2). Metal

Table 2 e Current status of nanotechnology-enabled agriculture products.
Application Commercial names Manufacturer Current status and Nanomaterial Function of Reference
legislation compliance compositions nanomaterials
Nanofertilizer Nano-Ag Answer® Urth Agriculture Commercialized. Unknown nanomaterials Fertilizer
NanoPro™, NanoRise™, Aqua-Yield® Operations, Commercialized. Unknown nanomaterials Fertilizer

j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1
NanoGro™, NanoPhos™, LLC Compliance with OSHA HCS
NanoK™, NanoPack™, (29CFR 1910.1200) and
NanoStress™, NanoZn™. WHMIS 2015 Regulations
pH5® Bio Nano Technology, Giza, Commercialized. Unknown nanomaterials Increase permeability
Saula Drip, Saula Solocross, Commercialized. Minor elements (Iron, Zinc, Fertilizer
Saula Motawazen Manganese, Copper, Boron)
Ready to Use Spray, Plus GreenEarth-NanoPlant, FL, Commercialized. US Biohumus in size range 100 Fertilizer
(Concentrate) USA patents (US 15/290,257, US e700 nm
NovaLand-Nano Land Green & Technology Commercialized. Microelements as Mn, Cu, Fertilizer
Co., Ltd., Taiwan Fe, Zn, Mo, N NPs
Nanopesticides N/A N/A R&D Cu(OH)2 NPs Fungicide [69]
N/A N/A R&D Silica NPs Controlled release [52]
N/A N/A R&D Polymeric NPs Controlled release [53]
N/A N/A R&D ZnO NPs Bactericide [70]
NANOCU® Bio Nano Technology, Giza, Commercialized. Copper NPs Fungicide and bactericide
Nanoherbicides N/A N/A R&D Poly (epsilon-caprolactone) Controlled release [51]
(PCL) nanocapsules
Nanosensors N/A N/A R&D copper doped Propineb fungicide [62]
montmorillonite detection in aquatic
N/A N/A R&D Graphene Pathogen detection in [63]
Note: Information is available online through company's website. The authors do not certify the company's claims of nano-ingrediens.
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1 7

oxide nanomaterials like ZnO, TiO2, and CuO are widely nanopesticides, nanoherbicides, and less likely the immobi-
studied to protect plant from pathogen infections owing to lized nanosensors. The behavior and fate of nanomaterials in
their intrinsic toxicity. We take ZnO NPs as an example. It has environments largely depend on the physiochemical proper-
been demonstrated that ZnO NPs can effectively inhibit ties of the nanomaterials per se. Additionally, the complexity
growth of microbes such as Fusarium graminearum [57], of environmental conditions limits the predictability of the
Aspergillus flavus [58], Aspergillus niger [58], Aspergillus fumiga- behavior and fate of nanomaterials. It is difficult to trace and
tus [58], F. culmorum [58] and F. oxysporium [58], showing strong monitor the distribution of nanomaterials as a result of the
antifungal and antibacterial activity. complicated nano-bio-eco interactions [74,77,78]. Although
Conventional mineral fertilizers suffer substantially from holistic approach has been recommended for understanding
low nutrient uptake efficiencies and high losses. The devel- of the nano-bio-eco interactions between the nanomaterials
opment of nanofertilizers brings forward the novel solution and biotic and abiotic environments in a connected ecosystem
for such economic losses. Nanofertilizers are capable of [73], case-by-case studies are needed for a conclusive assess-
reducing nutrient loss and enhancing nutrient incorporation ment of environmental nanotoxicity.
by crops and soil microorganisms [59]. Commercialized We here take the exposure routes of aluminum NPs in
nanofertilizers are mainly the micro-nutrients at nanoscale human digestion system as an example [79] to illustrate the
(e.g., Mn, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo, N, B, see Table 2). It is noted that the complexity and possible experimental workflow to assess
use of other nanomaterials (instead of the typical conven- nano-products associated risks (Fig. 2). At the initial stage of
tional crop fertilizers), such as carbon nano-onions [60] and digestion, samples remain unchanged in artificial saliva.
chitosan NPs [61], could also increase crop growth and quality. Aluminum NPs begin to partially dissolve and release
It is anticipated that the novel nanofertilizers will motivate aluminum ions in stomach fluid. Particle agglomeration may
and transform current fertilizer production industries in the occur any time during the digestions process, but mostly
next decade. significantly in stomach fluid. In intestinal fluid, agglomerates
Owing to many beneficial aspects of nanomaterials, tend to deagglomerate into primary particles. In addition,
nanosensors, particularly wireless nanosensors, have also nanoparticulate structures are formed de novo from free ions
been developed to monitor crop diseases and growth, nutrient [79]. The same routine applies to silver NPs. Silver colloids
efficiency, and environmental conditions in field. Notably, exist in any medium as complicated mixtures with many
engineered nanosensors can detect chemicals such as pesti- different species absorbed on the surface [13,80,81]. This
cides and herbicides, as well as pathogens at trace amount in triggers release of Agþ ions as both culprit for toxicity [82e84]
food and agricultural systems. Such in situ and real-time and as antimicrobial agents for drug-resistant bacteria
monitoring system helps to remediate potential crop losses [85e87]. Gold NPs can also release Au (I and III) ions in ambient
and improve crop production, together with the proper use of conditions and contribute to downstream interactions [88].
nanofertilizer, nanopesticide, and nanoherbicides. A recent
report showed that copper doped montmorillonite can be 3.2. Nanotoxicology mechanisms
used for on-line monitoring of propineb fungicide in aquatic
environment (both in fresh and salty water), with a low Human health upon exposure to nanomaterials as food ad-
detection limit of about 1 mM [62]. Another study showed that ditives and other functional ingredients of food and agricul-
nanomaterials like graphene can be developed to detect ture products is also of major concerns. The direct contact of
pathogen in wastewater [63] and purify it for use as drinking nanomaterials used as food additives/functional/nutritional
water [64], indicating potential application in aquaculture. ingredients may pose threats to human health. The produc-
Many other nanomaterials such as copper NPs [65], carbon tion of reactive oxidative species (ROS) acts as one of the main
nanotube [66], gold NPs [67] and silver NPs [68] have also been toxicological mechanisms causing cellular damage and death
under developing as nanosensors for real-time monitoring of [73]. Overproduction of ROS can lead to autophagy [89], neuron
environmental conditions and crop health and growth. damage [90], and severe damage to DNA [78,91], and poten-
tially mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and aging-related diseases
in humans. Allergic reactions and damage from metal ion
3. Toxicological fundamentals and risk release from nanomaterials are also possible adverse out-
assessment comes upon the exposure to food nano-products [76]. Addi-
tionally, the accumulation of nanomaterials in edible
3.1. Exposure routes and interactions parts (seeds) of plants [60] and human body [92] may cause
severer problems at a higher concentration and long-term
The increasing application of nanotechnology in the food and interactions.
agriculture sectors has attracted public attentions over the
past decade. Nanomaterials are either intentionally added as 3.3. Data generating and analysis
food additives or unintentionally introduced via migration [71]
in many food and agriculture products. Consequently, con- Thorough and accurate assessment of nanotoxicology thus
cerns over environmental and human health arise as the becomes paramount to the safe engineering, handling and use
spread of nano-products expands, owing to the unique of nanomaterials in food and agriculture products. Moreover,
physiochemical properties of nanomaterials [72e77]. The current methodologies typically used for toxicology provide
concerns over environmental health are a direct consequence little information that is useful for chemists to improve their
from the interaction of nanomaterials used as nanofertilizers, sustainable design for large scale use [93]. Aside from many
8 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1

Fig. 2 e The fate of engineered aluminum nanoparticles in digestion system as an example to illustrate the complexity and
possible experimental workflow to assess nano-products associated risks. Reproduced with permission from Sieg et al.,
2017, American Chemical Society [79].

research progresses on cellular damage in vitro and in vivo, agency (ANSES) evaluated the French INRA study and made
toxicological data is still largely limited to reach any conclu- recommendations on the carcinogen potential of TiO2 to Eu-
sive statement for the general pattern of nanomaterial expo- ropean Chemicals Agency (ECHA). In the mid of 2018, one of
sure and toxic impact on human health. The limit at large is the French Farm and Food bill amendments that passed the
due to the complexity of nano-bio-eco interactions as we have National Assembly, yet not final, is targeted to ban on the
discussed elsewhere [74,77,78]. The cost is high and the import and marketing of TiO2 additives in food products by
generated data is limited for traditional in vitro and in vivo 2020 [99]. Many French food manufacturers, like Mars Choc-
analyses focusing on limited endpoints and processes, such as olat France, the French confectionary subsidiary of Mars Inc.,
ROS production, DNA damage, immune responses, and many have already announced to follow the ban on TiO2. Dunkin’
others. Using model organisms and cell lines such as Escher- Brands, a U.S. company, has also announced that they will be
ichia coli [94] and human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line removing the alleged TiO2 NPs from Dunkin’ Donuts’
[95], respectively, for generating omics data is probably the powdered sugar donuts. The progress taken on banning the
future trend for the study of nanotoxicity. Machine learning use of E171 gives an example of how legislation would impact
approach should be adapted to explore the growing data at the the application and marketing of nano-food products. Many
same time. other factors such as public awareness and acceptance,
together with research progress and governmental legislation,
make the future of nanotechnology in food industry uncer-
4. Frontier topics tain, in spite of all the exciting marketed applications.
The potential risks of traditional nanomaterials are an
Although some studies showed the low toxic impact of ongoing debate and are under active research. More data on
nanomaterials in food and agriculture products [96,97], the risk assessment is definitely required. Additionally, many
toxicity may be altered as a result from long-term exposure. It approaches have been utilized to reduce the toxicity of engi-
is better to take precautions, as we know little about the neered nanomaterials, and meanwhile, improve the target
bioavailability and biodistribution of nanomaterials therein, selection and performing reliability. For example, controlled
and the ultimate acute and chronic toxicity upon exposure to tailoring on surface functionalization, doping, and morpho-
them. Recently France has led the global trend to re-evaluate logical (i.e. size and shape) control has been demonstrated as
the safety of TiO2 (E171) as food additives at the legislation effective approaches to make engineered nanomaterials more
level. In 2017, the French Agricultural Research Institute sustainable and less toxic. In the following section we high-
(INRA)-led research group reported the non-malicious, pre- light possible solutions including bio-synthesized (or “green
tumorous damages in the colon of rats fed with TiO2 NPs over synthesized”) and bioinspired nanomaterials for the future
100 days of treatment [98]. Later, the French Food safety guidance and consideration.
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4.1. Perspectives on biosynthesized and bioinspired biomolecules such as proteins and lipids with functional
nanomaterials amide and carboxyl groups can be adsorbed on nanoparticles
surface, for example, which could be involved in the reduction
4.1.1. Biosynthesized nanomaterials of Au3þ and the stabilization of Au NPs [101]. Jain et al. (2011)
Biosynthesis has become a hot topic for the design and showed that SDS-PAGE profiles of the extracellular proteins
development of many nanomaterials in searching for sus- are responsible for stabilizing silver NPs during the biosyn-
tainable and eco-friendly green chemistry method (Fig. 3). thesis [102]. Additionally, many reports have found the role of
Many biological systems, including bacteria, fungi, yeast, ac- biomolecules as capping agent in nanomaterials synthesis
tinomycetes, enzymes, and various plant parts (e.g. leaves, (see examples listed in Table 3). Moreover, ambient tempera-
fruits, roots, and their extracts), have shown promising suit- ture and pressure, and neutral pH are the common re-
ability for the nanomaterials biosynthesis, as listed in Table 3. quirements for biological systems. Chemical synthesis of
Three main advantages have been noted by many researchers nanomaterials often is carried out at high temperature, pres-
including: 1) biological system as manufacturing host can act sure, and extreme pH. For instance, to engineer TiO2 NPs final
as capping, stabilizing, and reducing agent so that less haz- solution was maintained at 100  C- 400  C for hours [103], and
ardous materials will be used during the engineering pro- extreme pH (NaOH solution at pH 11 and HCl at pH 1) to en-
cesses; 2) biosynthesis often takes in ambient temperature gineer ZnO [104]. Lastly, surface functionalization of bio-
and pressure, and neutral pH that can help alleviate the use of synthesized nanomaterials can be easily confirmed by using
energy resources and hazardous chemicals; and 3) most bio- FT-IR. For instance, the results of FT-IR showed the exis-
synthesized nanomaterials are biocompatible and low toxic tence of various functional groups such as hydroxyl, carboxyl,
due to the surface functionalization during the biosynthesis carbonyl and amine as well as iron and oxygen bounds in the
process. In this section we will illustrate briefly on those three biosynthesized iron NPs. Moreover, surface functionalization
aspects of the biosynthesis application on designing and en- is a common approach to engineer biocompatible nano-
gineering nanomaterials. materials and to simulate many bioprocesses in nature
Instead of using chemical capping, stabilizing, and [105e108]. Therefore, biological system frequently acts as a
reducing agents, biological systems per se act as those func- natural environment to provide surface functionalization on
tioning factors. Studies have shown that some macro- nanomaterials.

Fig. 3 e Biological snthesis and applications of nnoparticles. Reproduced with permission from Singh et al., 2016,
Elsevier [100].
Table 3 e Selected examples of biosynthesized nanomaterials in recent 5 years (2014e2018).
Biological system Biogenic nanoparticles (NPs) Characterization Features Note References
Bacteria Pichia fermentans JA2 Silver and zinc oxide NPs UVevis, XRD, and FEeSEM Silver NPs inhibited most of the G Showed synergistic effect [112]
eEDX analysis clinical pathogens; ZnO NPs with antibiotics
inhibited only Pseudomonas
Bacillus cereus strain HMH1 Magnetic iron oxide NPs 29.3 nm. FE-SEM, DLS, VSM, Low cytotoxicity: IC50, MCF-7 > 5 capping and stabilizing [113]
UVevis, FT-IR and EDS mg/ml and IC50, 3T3 > 7.5 mg/ml agents
Serratia sp. BHUeS4 Silver NPs TEM (10e20 nm), XRD, As fungicide against reduction and stabilization [114]
EDXA, FTIR phytopathogen Bipolaris
sorokiniana causing spot blotch
disease in wheat
Fungi Saccharomyces cerevisiae Silver NPs UVevis, XRD, TEM, FTIR Photocatalytic degradation of Biomolecules as reducing [115]

j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1
methylene blue and capping agent
Aspergillus flavus TFR 7 TiO2 NPs TEM (12e15 nm), EDX, DLS Stimulate plant growth: shoot Fungi directly isolated from [116]
length (þ17%), root length rhizosphere soil
(þ49.6%), root area (þ43%) and root
nodule (þ67.5%). Promote
rhizospheric microbes
Aspergillus flavus and Silver NPs Hexagonal- and triangular- Synergistic antibacterial and reducing and capping agent [117]
Emericella nidulans shaped. DLS (36e531 nm, 37 antibiofilm activity
e340 nm), XRD, TEM (30
e150 nm, 10e450 nm), FTIR,
Yeast Candida lusitaniae Silver/silver chloride NPs UVevis, XRD, TEM Antimicrobial activity Yeast isolated from termite [118]
(13.4 ± 14.5 nm and gut
6.9 ± 4.5 nm), FIB/SEM, SEM-
Magnusiomyces ingens LH-F1 Gold NPs UVevis, DLS Catalytic reduction of nitrophenols reducing, stabilizing/ [101]
(137.8 ± 4.6 nm), TEM capping agent.
(80.1 ± 9.8 nm), SEM, SDS-
Cryptococcus laurentii and Silver NPs UVevis, TEM (15e220 nm), Antifungal activity against Yeast isolated from apple [119]
Rhodotorula glutinis XRD, FTIR phytopathogenic fungi (Botrytis peel
cinerea, Penicillium expansum,
Aspergillus niger, Alternaria sp., and
Rhizopus sp.)
Actinomycetes isolate VITBN4 CuO NPs UVevis, TEM (61.7 nm), DLS Antibacterial activity against Isolated from soil samples. [120]
(198 nm), SEM, EDX, FTIR, human and fish bacterial reduction, capping and
XRD (61.7 nm) pathogens stabilization
Streptomyces sp. strain NH21 Silver and gold NPs UVevis, TEM (44 ±9 nm for Antibacterial activity Isolated from acidic soil. [121]
supernatant and Capping agent
8.4 ± 12 nm for biomass
synthesized particles), AFM,
Enzyme alpha amylase TiO2 NPs XRD, TEM, FTIR MIC of 62.50 mg/ml on Enzyme as reducing and [122]
Staphylococcus aureus and capping agent
Escherichia coli
Plant extracts Coffea arabica seed Silver NPs DLS (20e30 nm), UVevis, MIC  0.2675 mg/L on E. coli and S. [123]
Red ginseng root Silver and gold NPs UVevis, TEM (10e30 nm), Antimicrobial activity Reduction and stabilization [124]
Aloe vera plant Nanoscale zero-valent iron FESEM, EDS, XRD, FT-IR and Removal of arsenic (As) and Plant extract as reducing [125]
TGA selenium (Se) from water agent
Cassia tora leaf Silver NPs XRD, FTIR, SEM and EDAX antioxidant and antibacterial Plant extract as reducing [126]
activities agent
Nigella sativa leaf Silver NPs 15 nm, UVevis, FTIR, SEM Lower cytotoxicity and Plant extract as reducing [127]
phytotoxicity than wet-chemistry and capping agent
synthesized ones (30 nm)
Atrocarpus altilis leaf Silver NPs SEM (34 nm), TEM (38 nm) Antimicrobial and antioxidant Phyto constituents as [128]
and DLS (162.3 nm), FTIR, activity capping agent

j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1
Butea monosperma leaf Gold and silver NPs DLS, UVevis, XRD, TEM, inhibition of cancer cell Plant extract as reducing, [129]
XPS, FTIR proliferation stabilizing/capping agent.
Pineapples and oranges Silver NPs UVevis, SEM (10e300 nm) N/A Reducing agent [110]
Longan fruit Silver NPs UVevis, TEM (4e10 nm), Enzymatic browning reduction on Reducing, stabilizing/ [130]
XRD, EDX, FTIR white cabbage. MIC 31.25 mg/ml capping agent.
against Staphylococcus
aureus and Basillus subtilus, 62.5 mg/
ml against Escherichia coli.
Butea monosperma bark Silver NPs DLS (98.28 nm), TEM, FTIR, Cytotoxic effect on human myeloid Reducing and capping agent [131]
XRD and EDX leukemia cell line and antibacterial
Marine algae Macroalga Sargassum ZnO NPs 30e57 nm. FESEM, UVevis, N/A [132]
muticum XRD, FTIR
Brown alga Cystoseira CuO NPs XRD,AFM, EDX, FE-SEM (6 Catalytic, antioxidant and Reducing, stabilizing [133]
trinodis e7.8 nm), TEM (7e10 nm), antibacterial properties

12 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1

However, biosynthesis of nanomaterials suffers drawbacks agriculture sectors is very limited currently. However, some
such as low production and less controllable engineering artificial bio-inspired devices have been successfully studied
processes. This is largely owing to the fact that the exact for pesticide delivery, chemical and pathogen detection, and
mechanism and the biological processes responsible for environmental sensing, as listed in Table 4.
nanoparticles biosynthesis remain to be elucidated. Though it Here we take three interesting topics as examples to
has been proposed that many biomolecules and metabolites illustrate the application of bioinspired nanostructures in
such as proteins, amino acids, vitamins, flavonoids, alkaloids, food and agriculture systems. 1). Pesticide delivery. Liang
and polysaccharides are involved in metal reduction, capping et al. (2018) [146] recently reported bioinspired mussel aver-
and stabilizing, the systematic pathways remain unclear. mectin NPs [P(SteMAA)eAveCat] with strong adhesion to
Additionally, it is extremely difficult to design nanomaterials crop foliage to reduce the loss and possible further contam-
with exact features, such as shape and size, in biological ination to soils of pesticide. The bioinspired nanostructure
systems. This is particularly important for engineering showed remarkably high retention of avermectin, excellent
nanomaterials in biomedical uses, in which a desirable storage stability, as well as sustained release. As a result, the
morphological feature may be required to act as nanocarriers. indoor toxicity of P(SteMAA)eAveCat was highly enhanced.
A few studies have attempted to control the morphology of 2). Environmental sensing. Zhang et al. (2015) [147] developed
nanomaterials by using different biological systems [109,110]. cactus bioinspired ZnSnO3 nanoneedles that can adsorb and
For instance, orange extract resulted in round and almost desorb water molecules depending on environmental hu-
spherical silver NPs, whereas pineapple extract produced midity due to the small area of the tips (1.5e2.5 nm). The
nanoparticles with sharp corners [110]. Although the results device showed good sensitivity with response and recovery
indicated a certain level of controllable manufacturing, the times of ~2.5 s and ~3 s, and can be applied to detect tiny
processes need to be studied further in detail for the under- fluctuations in moisture. Asadnia et al. (2016) [148] reported a
lying mechanisms. Nevertheless, future research in this di- novel microelectromechanical system flow sensors that
rection involving biosynthesized nanomaterials is strongly mimic the anatomy and function of hair cells (Fig. 4Aa). The
recommended [111]. individual bundle has a tall pillar and another 54 short pillars
that are analogous to stereocilia (Fig. 4Ab). These pillars are
4.1.2. Bioinspired nanomaterials designed to detect and respond to the flow disturbances
It is not uncommon to misuse the concept of bioinspired (Fig. 4Ac). The voltage output as a result of tensile stress
approach with biosynthesis approach (for example, reports applied to nanofibers at both contact pads can be collected
from Refs. [134,135] misuse biosynthesis as bioinspired and corrected to flow velocity and direction (Fig. 4Ad). The
approach, and sometimes bio-inspired synthesis is used for system is highly biocompatible and does not need external
biosynthesis [136]). In general, bioinspired approach often power supply, showing high sensitivity to flow velocity and
associates with the design of novel nanomaterials with directions. 3). Pathogen monitoring. In 2012, Mannoor and
similar morphologies and functions with a biological tem- coworkers successfully developed a silk inspired, graphene
plate, e.g. mussel, cilia, and insect tentacles, etc. Bioinspired based wireless pathogen sensor on tooth enamel [149]. Gra-
approach has been widely studied in biomedical researches phene was printed onto bioresorbable silk and formed con-
[137] and many other fields [138,139] owing to the intrinsic taining a wireless coil on the surface of a tooth (Fig. 4B). The
nature of bioinspired approach [140] (see Figure 4). With device showed bioselective detection of bacteria at single-cell
biosynthesis approach one uses biological systems (e.g. cells, levels. Though it is not a direct application in food and
plant extracts as we discussed in section 4.1.1) to directly agriculture sectors, it shows promising results for real-time
synthesize green and low toxic nanomaterials. The evolved pathogen monitoring in food and agriculture systems.
optimal biological structures have enlightened many modern Nevertheless, one can anticipate that more complex and
inventions in human history, by mimicking the well-ordered advanced natural biofunctions await to be discovered and
multiscale interfaces. Those innovations include, to name a fully understood, and bioinspired nanomaterials that fully
few, Gecko-inspired adhesives [141,142], spider-web mem- mimic such biofunctions remain to be developed with low-
brane [143], and artificial compound eyes [144]. In nature, cost methodologies and large-scale production.
taking Gecko as an example, the complex hierarchical adhe-
sion system utilizes nanoscale fibers to produce adhesion 4.2. Regulation and legislation
through van der Waals forces and to attach and detach by
controlling the loading angle [145]. Gecko-inspired adhesives Regulation and legislation play a fundamental and key role
are inspired from the particular nanoscale structures evolved for the implication of nanotechnology as well as marketing of
over million years [142]. products. They also serve as official sources and references
Analogous to naturally existed biofunctions, many novel for public knowledge and awareness. There are normally
bioinspired nanomaterials are able to dynamically adjust their three main steps to legislate. 1) Suggestions are firstly made
physicochemical properties in a controlled manner, with the by academic parties (can be research institute, organization,
changes of interfacial environmental conditions. The preci- government agency or even individuals). 2) Reasonable sug-
sion to control the nanomaterials at such high-resolution in gestions are taken by a government agency (sometimes
response to immediate environmental changes is very diffi- named guidance) and are proposed (by head of a state/
cult to achieve. It has been a challenging task to mimic the country or a legislative body) as a directive, known as legis-
dynamic structure of naturally occurred biological systems. lation. Legislation is then passed by a parliament of a country
The study of bio-inspired nanomaterials in food and or other legislative arm of a government and becomes laws.
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1 13

Table 4 e Selected examples of bioinspired nanomaterials in food and agriculture sectors (2012e2018).
Bioinspired Nanomaterials Characterization Features Note Reference
Mussel Mussel avermectin NPs 120 nm in diameter. As nanocarrier for Show potential to enhance [146]
[P(SteMAA)eAveCat] controlled release of folia retention
avermectin and protection
against UV light. Higher
toxicity towards aphids.
Cactus ZnSnO3 Nanostructures BET (29.2 m2 g1), High-performance Show potential in humidity [147]
TEM (30e50 nm in humidity nanosensors monitoring
Silk Graphene N/A Battery-free sensors for Shed light on wireless [149]
remote monitoring of nanosensors for food
pathogenic bacteria at pathogen detection
single cell level
Biological cilia Polyvinylidenefluoride N/A Flow velocity and flow May assist in taste sensors [148]
piezoelectric nanofiber direction or real-time sensing in food
safety [150], such as food
pathogen [151], allergens
[152], and food quality
monitoring [153]
Mussel Polydopamine (PDA)- TEM (~85 nm) Specific recognition of the Show potential in [154]
coated molecularly trace quantities of papain bioanalaysis in nutritional
imprinted SiO2 NPs with low detection limit of and dietary supplement
0.63 nM
Zwitterion Fluorescent biomimetic DLS (4.65 nm) Detection limit for vitamin Show potential in [155]
carbon quantum dots B12 at 81 nM; highly bioanalaysis in nutritional
biocompatible and dietary supplement
Insect tentacles Nanoporous Prussian TEM (diameter and Sensitive detection of H2O2 Show potential for [156]
blue (PB) nanocube interspacing at a low detection limit biomolecule detection in
heads/TiO2 nanowire between adjacent (~20 nM), broad detection food safety
(NW) arms NWs are ~100 and range (108 to 105 M), short
150 nm) response time (~5 s) and
long-term biocatalytic
activity (up to 6 months).

3) Legislation (or law) usually covers broad and general 4.2.2. Limitation and urgent need for legislation
aspect pertaining to an industry. Thus, when it is enforced by In the nano world, materials behave distinctly from bulks in a
regulators, regulations are generated, referring to the conventional world. Nanomaterials have different “standard
detailed and specific requirement that can take on various protocol” to follow, which is of very little we now understand.
forms. Regulations are much broader in the scope for a This includes both understanding and control of nanoscale
particular industry. interactions/properties/functions/toxicities, which further
determine beneficial application, adverse effect, transition of
4.2.1. Recent updates nanomaterials, and ultimately their environmental fate and
It takes the same procedures to legislate for the nanotech- impact to ecosystem. As a result, it is extremely difficult to
nology in food industry. Back to 2003 when nanotechnology in make suggestions as the first step stated above, since sug-
food industry was first proposed, governing agencies were gestions are based on a set of database containing scientific
formed or appointed by the relevant governments all over the findings and sufficient evidences. Thus, regulation and legis-
world. Some are listed in Ref. [157]. Registration, Evaluation, lation has no foundation to be developed and to stand on. To
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), as the make it worse, each type of nanomaterials has its unique
main regulation for Europe Union (EU), is the most active properties, leading to a “case-by-case” or “product-by-prod-
agency concerning legislation of nanotechnology in food in- uct” evaluation regarding regulation and legislation [167,168].
dustry, followed by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Given these limitations, current legislation is still at initial
USA. Their up to date documents are available at https:// stage of development. It might share a common framework
europa.eu/european-union/index_en and https://www.fda. globally to address all aspects of applications, risks, food
gov/default.htm, respectively. safety and disposal. Currently, it covers an extremely broad
In the past decades, much effort has been put into legis- and general aspect regarding nanomaterials and nanotech-
lation, which has been extensively reviewed in previous nology. It needs evaluation or re-evaluation when it comes to
publications [11,158e163]. Identification and expression by a specific nanomaterial. However, in most cases, it is unclear
different agencies may vary but they share the common basic of the detailed criteria for the specific nanomaterials to be put
concepts, for instance, nanotechnology deals with materials into the food market. Even in the final guidance for industry
with at one dimension lying within 100 nm. Some key updates proposed by FDA, it states that “FDA does not categorically
are listed in Table 5. judge all products containing nanomaterials or involving
14 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1

Fig. 4 e (A). Microelectromechanical system flow sensors that mimic the anatomy and function of hair cells. a). Morphology
of actual hair bundles and the schematic design of microelectromechanical system flow sensors that mimic hair cells. b).
Schematic illustration of pillars that mimic the function of hair cells. c). Illustration of how pillars respond to the flow with
different designing features. d). Illustration of how the nanofiber sensor generates electric charge readings in response to
flow disturbances. Reproduced with permission from Asadnia et al., 2016, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License [148] (B). Schematic illustration of silk inspired, graphene based wireless pathogen sensor on tooth
enamel. Reproduced with permission from Mannoor et al., 2012, Springer Nature [149].

application of nanotechnology as intrinsically benign or contacting materials, i.e. food package, sensors and detectors.
harmful”, with no further details of evaluation standards/ No product has been approved yet as food additive or pigment,
protocols [169]. directly consumed by human being, except titanium dioxide
On the other hand, food manufacturers have invested a lot and iron oxide that have been used as food pigment and
of money to develop novel nanotechnology based products in colorant already. This is determined by food safety code. Food
food industry. Their efforts stimulate and promote implica- directly consumed by human has the highest safety level and
tion of nanotechnology and many products are marketed in is under strictly control/evaluation while safety level of “side”
the food industry [3]. Most of them are in the field of food product (like food contacting materials) is relatively lower and
j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1 15

easier to be approved and marketed [3,170e172]. Safety to

Taiwan FDA guidelines (in Chinese), available at https://www.fda.gov.tw/TC/newsContent.

FDA final guidance [165], available at https://www.fda.gov/downloads/AnimalVeterinary/

EU MEMO [167], available at http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-12-732_en.htm?

human being (mainly evaluated from toxicity data) is the first


EU Press Release [168], available at http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-1050_en.

Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials (by EU) [166], available at https://eur-lex.
EU Commission Recommendation [164], available at https://ec.europa.eu/research/ concern for all these new products. However, the concern of
their potential impact to environment and natural ecosystems


Final guidance for industry, by FDA [169], https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/
should be raised as well. So far, data of environmental fate of
nanomaterials and the impact on natural ecosystems is not a

focus of a food manufacturer or a novel product developer.
This piece of information is more likely contributed by inter-
ested academic research groups and thus very limited. This
could be improved if such data is required to market a specific
product, as proposed by EU commission [167]. Otherwise, it is
Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials (by EU) [166]

highly risky that wide applications of nanomaterials could

bring new disaster, like plastics to the marine, and ultimately

tragedy for the earth.

Since nowadays our main focus is to implement nano-
technology and develop novel product in food industry, the
number of marketing products has been increasing in folders
every year. This makes regulation and legislation more ur-
gent. Whether or not these novel products can have a stand-

point in the food market also depends on public attitude and

consumers’ acceptance.

4.3. Public awareness and acceptance



There were cases that silver NPs were added into package

materials due to their antimicrobial activity and these mate-

rials had been widely used in many food (like milk) packages.
General public consumed these products without knowing the
addition of nanoparticles. That could be a both ethic and
Provide data on the stability of the nanomaterials in the proposed formulations and under the

Assess the coverage of nanomaterials in environmental legislation such as waste, water and air
Mandatory labelling for nano-ingredients in food introduced in labelling Regulation, Labelling

compliance check. Substance of the “CoRAP” list includes silicon dioxide (NL 2012), silver (NL
Evaluation of REACH registration dossiers concerning nanomaterials prioritised by ECHA for

legislative issue. Now proper labeling becomes mandatory so

packaging nanomaterials to go through safety assessment and obtain pre-market approval.
Taiwan FDA considers nanomaterials as new food contact substances and enforces food

that public is aware of what they consume. It's manufacturer's

responsibility to keep this information transparent and
FDA does not categorically judge all products containing nanomaterials (or involving

available to the public.

Public awareness and acceptance is an important part but
often ignored by a food manufacturer. In fact, most food
manufacturers keep their new product development “under-
ground” and would not like to share with the public (maybe
application of nanotechnology) as intrinsically benign or harmful.

partly due to the competition and trade secret) [173]. This can
be a conflict with the fact that the public intends to know what
Policy (change/update)

and why the food manufacturer is marketing a new product.

The case study in Singapore already proved that unawareness
of nanotechnology and its adverse effects of nanotechnology
Case-by-case safety evaluation for nanomaterials.
Table 5 e Several key regulation and legislation.

increases negative perception of the public [174]. It's even

worse that agri-food organisations (stakeholders) also have a
very low awareness with regards to nanotechnology, as re-
ported by a survey on the island of Ireland [175].
proposed conditions of use (in feed).
“Official” definition of nanomaterial.

2013) and titanium dioxide (F 2014).

Public voice is twofold, assent and dissent (or altruism and

skepticism) with nanotechnology in food industry [176]. Public
applicable from December 2014

attitude greatly depends on the specific applications. Nano-

technology in food received 49% support in 2005 and 32% in
2008 (which is one of the lowest among all nanotechnology
application) while applications of food packing that monitors
condition was supported by 73% of respondents in 2008. The
highest concern was expressed regarding the usage of nano-

technology, particular in food (28%) [16]. Using canola oil as an

example, according to a nationwide online survey in the U.S.,
consumers are only willing to pay less for canola oil that is
processed or packaged with nanotechnology modified seeds








or techniques. No significant difference was found for canola

oil with health-enhancing nano-engineered oil drops [177]. It
16 j o u r n a l o f f o o d a n d d r u g a n a l y s i s 2 7 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 e2 1

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