(Barbara Cruikshank) The Will To Empower (B-Ok - Xyz) PDF
(Barbara Cruikshank) The Will To Empower (B-Ok - Xyz) PDF
(Barbara Cruikshank) The Will To Empower (B-Ok - Xyz) PDF
to Empower
Other Subjects
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324.6'3'o973 — dc2i
IO 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I
IO 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I
Acknowledgments vii
1 Democratic Subjects 19
Subjects 20
Citizens and Subjects 24
Homo Politicus and Homo Civicus: Democracy
and Power 28
Producing the Poor, or Making Subjects 34
Making Citizens: Bio-Power 38
Notes 127
vi Contents
This book is dedicated to Peter Schwartz, who told me I could be
a political theorist. I believed him.
During its production I incurred a great many personal debts which are
a pleasure to bear. The first is to Judith Halberstam, whose faith and finan-
cial support sustained my earliest efforts, even when she wasn't sure what I
had to say. I am most grateful to Judith for teaching me how to live well.
For friendship, camaraderie, and her intelligence, I owe Carla Bates more
respect and gratitude than my prose could ever muster. I rely upon Janet
Lukehart and Marta Schultz for all good things; without them I could not
have written this book. I am grateful to Beth Jones for her bravura, research
assistance, and last-minute rescues. Jenny Robertson put her muscle into
the later stages of the production. Lisa Henderson and Janice Irvine helped
to keep it all in perspective week by week. Linda Rahm gave me something
to look forward to after the book was finished.
Thomas Dumm read the entire manuscript and gave critical advice at
many turns; my intellectual debt to his own work is enormous. Diane
Brooks, Neta Crawford, Louis Howe, Sue Hyatt, Shane Phelan, Jenny
Robertson, Nikolas Rose, Sanford Schram, Jackie Urla, and Mariana
Valverde read chapters, offered criticism, and encouraged my labors. Also,
many thanks to Nikolas Rose and the others who sustain the History of the
Present Research Network.
Under the tutelage of Mary G. Dietz I learned what it meant to be taken
seriously and that intellectual rigor does not mean sacrificing what one has
to say. Thanks also to Sara Evans, Edwin Fogelman, Lawrence Jacobs, and
Paula Rabinowitz for criticism and encouragement. The University of
Minnesota Graduate School Wallace Fellowship provided early research
Women, Work and Welfare, a welfare rights organization in Minneapo-
lis, offered me and many other women the opportunity to cut our political
teeth. For their political savvy, for all our infighting, and especially for
teaching me to suspect my own will to empower, I am grateful to Betty
Christenson, Kelly Pitts, Barbara Jones, Cheri Honkala, and Carla Bates.
Finally, to Alison Shonkwiler, a generous editor and a patient reader,
many thanks.
Permission has been granted to use in revised versions the following
three previously published articles: "Revolutions Within: Self-Government
and Self-Esteem," Economy and Society 22, no. 3 (1993): 327-344; "The
Will to Empower: Technologies of Citizenship and the War on Poverty,"
Socialist Review 23, no. 4 (1994): 29-55; "Welfare Queens: Policing by the
Numbers," in Tales of the State: Readings on the Legendary Character of Public
Policy, ed. Sanford Schram and Phillip Neisser, (Lanham, M D : Rowman &
Littlefield, 1997), 1 1 3 - 1 2 4 .
viii Acknowledgments
The Will
to Empower
Small Things
The popular mind in fact doubles the deed: it posits the same event as
cause and then a second time as its effect.
2 Introduction
trace the origins of the will to empower to the shift from Christian charity
to social work as a guiding principle of philanthropy in the nineteenth
century; in Chapters 2 and 3 I explain that the will to empower is expressed
in peculiar^nds^ o£,goyem relationships which byjlefinition^ erase jthe
traces of th^philanthro self-help and,, self-
empowerment. My goal, however, is not to indict the will to empower buf
to show that even the most democratic modes of government entail power
relationships that are both voluntary and coercive. _
Two questions drive the discussion that follows. The first is, what are the
problems to which democratic participation is posed as the solution? Most
consistently, what I have found is that democratic participation and self-
government are regarded as solutions to the lack of something: for ex-
ample, a lack of power, of self-esteem, of coherent self-interest, or of polit-
ical consciousness. Along with social service programs, philanthropy, and
some kinds of political associations, participatory democratic discourse is
preoccupied with the subjects who do not rebel against their own exploita-
tion and inequality, who fail to act in their own interests, and who do not
participate politically even though free to do so. Indeed, the analytical and
normative vocabularies of democratic theory are replete with formulations
expressing what is not there: "powerlessness," "non-participation," "non-
decision," and "counterfactuals."
The second question is, by what means is the capacity, power, con-
sciousness, or subjectivity proper to democratic participation and self-
government infused into citizens? How does the will to empower work;
how are individuals empowered, transformed from apathetic and power-
less subjects into active, participatory citizens? How is subjugation trans-
formed into subjectivity? Are the means by which citizens are constituted
themselves democratic?
The first of my two main arguments is that democratic modes of gover-
nance and social scientific ways of knowing (re)produce citizens who are
capable of governing themselves, of acting in their own interests and in
solidarity with others. Citizens are not born; they are made. I explain the
political significance of the ways social scientific knowledge is operational-
ized in techniques, programs, and strategies for governing, shaping, and
guiding those who are held to exhibit some specified lack. Throughout the
book I use examples of the practical role played by social science in apply-
ing the liberal arts of government.
To be clear, I do not mean that citizens are socially constructed by the
government. My argument turns on distinguishing between the state and
3 Introduction
governance. By "the state" I mean the liberal, representative, electoral, ad-
ministrative, legislative, and judicial institutions and practices articulated
within the confines of a liberal constitutional framework. By "governance,"
I mean what Michel Foucault called "the conduct of conduct" or "govern-
mentality," forms of action and relations of power that aim to guide and
' shape (rather than force, control, or dominate) the actions of others. In this
/ broad sense, governance includes any program, discourse, or strategy that
) attempts to alter or shape the actions of others or onesel£ It includes but
> is not limited to programs conducted by the liberal state, for governance
can also involve internal and voluntary relations of rule, the ways we act
upon ourselves.
Liberal democratic governance is premised not so much upon the au-
. tonomy or the rights of individuals as upon their social fabricatian_as citi-
zens, a fact that is obscured when citizenship is regarded as a solution. The
two normative trajectories of liberal democratic thought diverge on the
question of whether or not the citizen is inherently rational and self-
interested or self-realizing. In either case, however, the liberty of the citi-
zens is understood to be the limit of liberal governance. It is in those cases
where individuals do not act in their own self-interest or appear indifferent
to their own development as full-fledged citizens that the limit of the lib-
eral state at the threshold of individual rights, liberty, and pursuits must be
I find that participatory and democratic schemes—what I am calling
technologies of citizenship — for correcting the deficiencies of citizens are
endemic within liberal-democratic societies. Technologies of citizenship
operate according to a political rationality for governing people in ways
that promote their autonomy, self-sufficiency, and political engagement; in
the classic phrase of early philanthropists, they are intended to "help people
toJheljD themselves." This is a manner of governing that relies not on insti-
tutions, organized violence or state power but on [securing the voluntary
compliance of citizens; I argue, however, that the autonomy, interests, and
wills of citizens are shaped as well as enlisted. Technologies of citizenship
do not cancel out the autonomy and independence of citizens but are
modes of governance that work upon and through the capacities of citizens
to act on their own. Technologies of citizenship are voluntary and coercive
at the same time; the actions of citizens are regulated, but only after the
capacity to act as a certain kind of citizen with certain jrijxis-4s4rfstilled.
Democratic citizens, in short, are both the effects and the instruments of
liberal governance. ^ ^
4 Introduction
Three relatively recent technologies of citizenship are fully treated here
in Chapters 3, 4, and 5: Community Action Programs under the Johnson
administration; the self-esteem movement; and the reorganization of wel-
fare accounting practices under President Carter which resulted in the
emergence of a new kind of citizen — the welfare queen. Below and in
Chapter 2, garbage reform and nineteenth-century self-help schemes illus-
trate the extent to which social reform movements aim at accomplishing
through volunteerism and gentle coercion what the liberal state cannot do
without using force or violating its limits. Although the scope and impact
of a given social reform movement may be short-lived, its techniques for
making citizens do not disappear but are reformed or carried over into new
My second overarching argument is that the political itself is continu-
ally transformed and reconstituted at the micro-levels of everyday life
where citizens are constituted. If power is ubiquitous, as I assert through-
out, then it makes no sense to speak of"the political," "the social," "the
private," and "the public" as separate domains. The political cannot be
clearly demarcated from other domains without excluding some relations
of power.2 Instead of reconceptualizing the political per se, I try to under-
stand how the social transformation of the political opens new possibilities
for political action.
I resist the temptation to locate the political only where there is contes-
tation or overt relationships of power. First, I want to avoid the presump-
tion that there is an inside and an outside to politics. Second, in Chapters 1
and 5 , 1 argue that to say something is political only once it is contested is a
strategical move that masks the will to empower. For example, in Chapter 5
I find it troubling to say with Nancy Fraser that where there is no overt
political resistance, relations of power and inequality have been "depoliti-
cized." To say that welfare and bureaucratic modes of government "de-
politicize" the political exclusion of welfare recipients is to mistake^the
absence of resistance for an absence of politics.
It is not enough to say that recipients are excluded from politics, be-
cause, as Judith Butler put a related argument, that "misses the point that
the subject is an accomplishment regulated and produced in advance. And
as such is fully political; indeed, perhaps most political at the point in which
it is claimed to be prior to politics itself." 3 The citizen is an effect and an
instrument of political power rather than simply a participant in politics.
The measure of democracy is not the extent to which citizens participate in
politics rather than stand back in fear or apathy. That is to mistake power
5 Introduction
for what it excludes rather than what it produces. /The critical question for
democratic theory is how citizens are constituted by politics and powerjlo
answer that question, one must recognize the contingency of the political
For example, in Chapter 4 on the self-esteem movement, I explain how
the self is made into a terrain of political action, a terrain that carries new
political possibilities for self-government. In that case, acting upon the self
is also a manner of acting politically which self-esteem advocates believe
can transform society as a whole. One might be tempted to say that the
self-esteem movement "politicizes" the self. To "politicize" self-esteem,
however, to bring it into the domain of politics, is to leave politics as it was
and simply add something new to it.
I understand social reform movements to do something more profound
than carry new issues into the political domain. Social movements trans-
form the political itself; that is, they transform the terrain of political ac-
tion. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe make a similar claim about the
unprecedented politicization of the social by new social movements since
the 1960s: "What has been exploded is the idea and the reality itself of a
unique space of the political. What we are witnessing is a politicization far
more radical than any we have known in the past, because it tends to dis-
solve the distinction between the public and the private."4 I trace their in-
sight to reform movements in the nineteenth century and so call into ques-
tion the "newness" of new social movements.
There are two points of departure for this book. The first is democratic
theory. The second is the idea of the social —"society as a whole" and "so-
cial government"—that developed over the course of the nineteenth cen-
tury. The social emerged as (1) an object of scientific knowledge (statistics,
surveys, the census, and political economy), (2) a set of techniques for in-
directly intervening in the lives of the dispossessed (social work, social ser-
vice, social welfare, economy), and (3) the object of reform movements. A
brief account of the historical emergence of the social is given in Chapter 2.
What is most important for my purposes is not the history of the social it-
self but the unique modes of reform and government it made possible.
Once more, to be clear, "the social" is not the space traversed between
citizens and the state; it is neither the space of uncoerced association (as in
"civil society") nor the space of conformity and domination (as in "social
control"). Rather, the social confuses and reconstitutes the boundaries be-
tween the personal and the political, the economy and the state, the volun-
tary and the coercive.
6 Introduction
For example, "social problems," given their first systematic treatments
at the turn of the twentieth century, define an abstract field of intervention.
As Gilles Deleuze put it, the social is a "hybrid domain" made consistent
not by its institutions but by its techniques.5 The novelty of social tech-
niques of government was that they made it possible to target individuals
and society as a whole in a single aim. Social government had a new object,
to govern what J. A. Hobson in The Social Problem (1901) described as "man
in society."6
The key to understanding the political possibilities that emerged with
the social in the nineteenth century is that the term was used both to des-
ignate "the whole of society" and to distinguish the poor from the body of
society. Mary Poovey suggests that this double usage "allowed social ana-
lysts to treat one segment of the population as a special problem at the
same time that they could gesture toward the mutual interests that (theo-
retically) united all parts of the social whole." 7 As Hobson put it in, the "so-
cial problem may be set in terms of wealth or terms of want." 8 In either
case, any impediment to harmony and progress, including class conflict,
needed to be calculated, known, and acted upon. The welfare and progress
of society as a whole were linked to solving the poverty of some of its mem-
bers. Any solution had to be "applied alike to the individual and the social
organism, so as to yield a scientific harmony of the claims of Socialism and
To extend the reach of power to both at the same time, the political it-
self had to be reconstituted at the social level, where the individual's liberty
was brought into harmony, with social progress. That is to say, once the so-
cial became the object of reform, agitation, and science, the political lost
its spatial association with sovereign power and the state. What mattered
most was that "the form of the solution," in Hobson's phrase, be resolved
so that it might provide the principles needed by social reformers of all
kinds. The form of Hobsoh's solution to the social problem was "the art of
social conduct": /
The theory and the art of social conduct provided reformers with a ra-
tionality of government that they carefully distinguished from the state.
7 Introduction
The art of social conduct, wrote Hobson, required "marking clearly the
operation of those industrial and social forces which make for the larger
and more various activities of the state in politics and industry, and those
which, on the other hand, directly tend to enlarge the bounds of individual
liberty and enterprise."1 Applying the art of social conduct at the level on
which the individual was constituted and regulated meant that power had
to find a way into the minute and mundane reaches of the habits, desires,
interests, and daily lives of individuals.; The art of social conduct was ap-
plied to secure the "social cooperation^ necessary to keep state interven-
tion to a minimum; in the same step, the sphere of individual liberty was
With the advent of the social as the principle of governing individual
conduct, power was articulated through the constitution and regulation of
individual liberty. Even, or most especially, the smallest details of life came
under the terrain of social intervention. Although Hobson argued for the
unity of the "Social Question," he also recognized its practical components:.
"The practical reformer has narrowed the phrase to connote Drink, Sex,
Relations, Population, or even Money"; 12 he added labor, class conflict,
education, and consumption to the list. The unity of the social question,
however, was provided by the laws of progress. "'The history of progress
is the record of a gradual diminution of Waste.' From this standpoint the
Social Question will find its essential unity in the problem of how to deal
with human waste." 13
Waste, taken perhaps more literally than Hobson intended, provides the
perfect illustration of how citizens are constituted and regulated and how
the political is reconstituted by the arts of social conduct.
George Edwin Waring, a Civil War colonel who became the street-
cleaning commissioner of New York City, created the Juvenile Street
Cleaning League in the 1890s in order to encourage the public to feel re-
sponsible for the disposal of waste. The league — a voluntary association of
working class-children that was formed despite the initial suspicion that
the children were being used as an informal army of garbage police —was
a great success and spread from New York to other cities shortly after the
turn of the century. The children, Waring claimed, "are being taught that
government does not mean merely a policeman to be run away from, but
an influence that touches the life of the people at every point" 14 Another way
to say the same thing is that government is not merely the activity of
the state officials and institutions. For Waring, governance was a way of
8 Introduction
exercising power that touched people as individuals and as "the people" in
a single reach.
The goal was to create civic pride, Colonel Waring argued, and if "noth-
ing is gained to the city except in a negative way, at least the neutrality of
thousands of children has been purchased and the streets are cleaner from
the fact that so many are kept from making them dirty." 15 In other words,
Waring sought to link each volunteer to the resolution of collective social
problems (including the lack of municipal power to enforce the sanitary
code). The league encouraged the people to carry out the purpose of gov-
ernment. For sanitation reform to succeed, according to a report in Engi-
neering News, "every citizen would be an inspector." 16
The league employed what I am calling a technology of citizenship: it
sought to make good citizens out of poor and recent immigrants, to expand
the limits and maximize the powers of city government by making the
people self-governing. It was voluntary, but it practiced an art of coer-
cion that made children at once subject to government and subjects of self-
government. "This profession [sanitary engineering] is neither that of
physician, nor engineer, nor educator, but smacks of all three. It levies
autocratic powers, kin to those of ancient tyrants, but at the same time
depends upon the sheerest democracy of information and co-operation to
give its work effect." 17 To be sure, this social government took place
largely outside the government in voluntary associations and special com-
missions, but it was expressly political.
For progressives such as Colonel Waring and J. A. Hobson, the object
of "the new social profession" was life, its conditions and health, and its
civic or p"oIiticarengagement. (Readers will recognize in the Juvenile Street
Cleaning League the contours of Foucault's concept of "bio-power," which
is elaborated in Chapters i and 2.) Colonel Waring saw political as well as
commodity value in garbage: "Dickens' 'Golden Dustman' and the ac-
counts of the rag-pickers of Paris have made us familiar with the fact that
there is an available value in the ordinary rejectanenta of human life. We
learn by the work of the dock Italian of New York that to regain this value
is a matter of minute detail; it calls for the recovery of unconsidered trifles
from a mass of valueless wastes, and the conversion of these into a saleable
commodity." 18 Waring learned from scavengers and immigrants that recy-
cling is profitable, but he sought to render that commodity value of politi-
cal use to the municipal government of New York City. Government, to be
effective, must concern itself and its citizens with "minute detail," "trifles,"
9 Introduction
and "valueless waste," for the smallest things were the means of transform-
ing waste into political capital. Waring devised a classically liberal and
democratic technology to get the people to police themselves so that the
street-cleaning commissioner did not have to. The city was cleaner and the
citizens more active and civically minded; all this without the government
being directly involved. Today garbage is still linked to government, but
the link is evermore indirect and minute.
Around 1989 the garbage bins in my neighborhood were locked. A
minor and local reform, it shaped my own understanding of how power
works and how the political is constituted. The story — a set of anecdotes
loosely based on my memories and some research on the history of garbage
reform — goes something like this:
Walking to the bus stop, I noticed that Dumpsters in my Minneapolis
neighborhood had new locks. Among the many consequences of the
lockup, the most significant, it seemed to me, was that people who survived
on Dumpster-diving — recyclers and homeless people—were now much
less free to live on their own terms. Those struggling to stay out of the arms
of the poverty industry now had no recourse but to steal their subsistence
or submit to case management in one or another shelter or social service
program. It seemed obvious to me that the space of freedom was shrinking,
that the very means of subsistence were being enclosed behind the bars of
criminal justice and "helping."
I began to search for the authority, official, reason, or interest behind
the Dumpster lockup. I intended to protest, to badger that authority, to try
to reverse the decision. In a manner of speaking, I took up the cause. Much
later, I figured out that the effect rather than the cause was, if not the whole
story, the more important part.
First, I asked the cashier at a local convenience store why the Dumpster
in the parking lot was locked. He said that the store was liable if anyone get-
ting into the bin was injured or made sick from ingesting its contents. I
doubted that it was a question of that particular store's liability, because
many stores had locked up their bins at about the same time. Certainly
people do get sick and injured from the contents of garbage containers. In
his memoir about living homeless, Lars Eighner reports that Dumpster-
diving has serious drawbacks as a way of life, "including dysentery about
once a month." 19 For a store to be sued by the sick and injured, though, is
extremely unlikely. When I inquired why the other stores locked their
Dumpsters as well, the cashier shrugged; the conversation was over.
Later on, I asked a neighborhood activist about the lockup. She said that
10 Introduction
residents living near the parking lot where one Dumpster sat complained
about the drunks who congregated there on weekends. The noise, the nui-
sance, and the occasional fights spilled over from the parking lot into
nearby yards. (She assumed, and I accepted at the time, that it was the trash
bin that attracted the drinkers, even though the store sold no alcohol. Later f
I found out that because residents are obliged to arrange with the city in
advance — and pay for — the collection of large objects such as furniture
and appliances, some would covertly drop off such items near commercial
Dumpsters. Drinkers congregated in those spots, then, because there were
accommodations, couches and chairs.) She also mentioned that residents
were concerned about children's safety because they were attracted to
Dumpsters for treasure hunts and sometimes used them as a hideaways.
Still, I couldn't believe that the neighborhood association had that kind
of clout with local businesses. Even after a protracted fight, the association
had failed to prevent a garbage incinerator from going up on the edge of
that inner-city neighborhood. Lest it begin to sound as if I am inventing
this remarkable confluence of events having to do with garbage (which I
have only begun to list), all these things happened during the three years I
lived on the south side of Minneapolis while attending graduate school.
Only the chain of events is hypothesized from my memory.
Around this time I heard about a homeless man who was killed while
sleeping in a downtown Dumpster; a garbage truck emptied him into its
crusher. Also, I learned that Dumpster-diving college students were mak-
ing maps of local bins with timetables for the freshest spoils. In response to
the fad, a bagel shop and a pizza place near campus stopped putting out
their trash at night before eventually locking their bins.20
Somewhat confounded by this time, I still had faith that I could find and
confront the real cause of the lockup. I went back to the convenience store
and asked for the owner who was not in. I spoke to a manager, who claimed
that people were dumping their household garbage, as well as washing ma-
chines and old couches, in or near the Dumpster. Since the store paid for
garbage pickup by weight, he explained, the lockup was a cost-saving mea-
sure. Although there were fines for illegal dumping, the manager claimed
that no one enforced the rules.21 Grocers' associations as well as neighbor-
hood associations do attempt to police the system themselves in more or
less organized ways.22
Thus, the manager's explanation was plausible, based as it was on the bot-
tom line, and it fit within the broader context of garbage reform. Through-
out many states garbage disposal became more expensive in the 1980's be-
11 Introduction
cause of environmental concerns and privatization. Landfills were closed or
restricted from accepting lawn waste and large objects. Municipal garbage
contracts for residences and the imposition of fees for disposing of motor
oil, tires, refrigerators, and the like made the efforts to regulate garbage
more vigilant. Illegal dumping, privatization, health, safety and environ-
mental concerns, liability — all these were plausible reasons for locking
garbage containers in the 1980s. Yet I still wanted to know who was re-
sponsible for devising and enacting the solutions"
For a number of reasons I doubted that the manager's explanation was
the whole story. First, the local stores were not associated; moreover, it was
not only convenience or grocery stores that locked their Dumpsters but
also nonprofits, clinics, and schools. Second, the reason he gave was exclu-
sively based upon his private interest, but the context in which his interests
were defined was not of his own making. His self-interest was an effect,
then, rather than a cause of the changes. Third, despite the privatization of
garbage contracts and the changes in environmental laws, lots of different
people articulated their interest in the lock up; they often gave answers that
coincided with other broad changes in the 1980s, such as the rise in the
number of homeless people and the imperative to take personal responsi-
bility for recycling. So many people I spoke with had perfectly good rea-
sons for the lock up, and so many claimed responsibility, that I began to
doubt that there was any one cause, one doer behind the deed. Was there
more to the story?
I continued looking. Officials of the company that owned and emptied
the Dumpsters could (or would) not tell me who instituted the lockup or
whether there was a law they were complying with. Calls to their insurance
company and to the city got the run-around but never an answer to my
question. I was none too persistent in this aspect of my search because bu-
reaucrats and company officials were less than forthcoming over the phone
and I had no appeal: I could not claim to represent a large group or hire an
attorney tp represent me; I didn't want to pose as a journalist. Approaching
individuals in person was a more successful tactic.
At a nearby grocery chain store, I asked a manager about the lockup. He
thought I was asking him about salvageable food and assured me that the
chain did not throw away anything edible, but passed items beyond their
prime to local food shelves and soup kitchens (and, someone told me later,
to school lunch programs).23 His store's garbage and recycling facilities
were behind a fence, he assured me, not to keep people out but to keep the
12 Introduction
garbage in and prevent its littering the parking lot and surrounding neigh-
I asked several people who worked in or around food banks and soup
kitchens about the lockup. Each of them assured me that there was no need
for anyone to eat out of garbage bins because free food was available — if not
all the time, at least often enough to get by. Kent Beittel, executive director
of the Open Shelter in Ohio, claimed that Dumpster-diving for food was
unnecessary. According to the Columbus Dispatch, he said that "because of
the city's generous donations to food pantries and soup kitchens, 'it is im-
possible to starve in this town.'" He added, however, that the "real question
is what is happening with our social-service agencies that causes people to
run these kinds of health risks instead of using resources available through
the system."24 A very good question, which I take up in Chapter i.
No one I spoke to. in the helping industries was particularly concerned
about the lockup, tending to see it as a public health matter rather than a
question of freedom. One food bank administrator did express disgust at
the locked bins and at corporate food retailers. She acknowledged that re-
cycling and scavenging could be marginally profitable, but she could not
answer why people might avoid soup kitchens and charities if they could.
"They're afraid, schizophrenic, paranoid, abused," she offered, but not be-
cause of anything in particular that the charities were doing. She suggested
that Ronald Reagan was the real culprit because he was responsible for de-
institutionalizing so many mentally ill people, leaving them to fend for
As a welfare rights activist at the tirae, working in coalition with other
groups involved in antipoverty movements, I mistrusted most social service
workers and "helping" professionals myself. I asked homeless and formerly
homeless people I organized with, mainly but not exclusively from a group
called Up & Out of Poverty Now, about the Dumpsters. The overwhelm-
ing response was that the lockup was a way for "them" or "the system" to
control people. When asked to be more specific, most said, "capitalists,"
"Reagan," "rich people," or "the city," indicating that, like me, other
activists tended to believe that the powers-that-be made things happen
and that their power insulated them from being held accountable for their
power. Power did double duty for us as a "real" or "actual" cause and as that
which rendered itself invisible or unaccountable; power was, tau to logically,
both cause and effect.
When I asked these same people if they would like to take up the cause,
13 Introduction
they said that the Dumpster matter was small potatoes and not the "real"
issue for homeless people or the impoverished. Again, there was a tautology
at work. The "real" object of resistance was against those who had power,
but because their power insulated them, it was the principal of power —
rather than the powerful themselves or their specific actions — that was to
be the object of resistance. In other words, acts of power and powerful ac-
tors are caused by power. (I discuss the tautological conception of power
and the question of resistance at length in Chapters 1 , 3 , and 5.)
My confusion with all this competing and seemingly trivial information
about Dumpsters turned to utter stupefaction when a short time later the
city instituted a set of "incentives" for encouraging residential recycling.
Households were to pay by the pound for garbage hauling, whereas recy-
cling was to be free and curbside. Was there no end to reform, to new plans,
fads and events, interests, and purposes surrounding the disposal of garbage?
Was my own concern about freedom merely idiosyncratic? Was there no
one in charge of or accountable for these reforms? No one voted on them;
there was no general public discussion. So who was responsible?
I finally resolved to go with what I had. I sorted over all the different rea-
sons that were given for the lockup which I had initially discounted because
they were contradictory and seemed irrelevant to my goal of finding the
doer of the deed. Strangely, all these interests-at-odds never clashed. In-
surance companies, the city, garbage contractors, neighborhood activists,
store owners, all found that their (different) interests were served by the
lockup. Either most were seriously deluded, and only one or two coincid-
ing interests were in fact served, or I was deluded in thinking that a partic-
ular set of interests had to be served for an act of power like the lockup to
occur. No common interest was articulated, only particular and local in-
terests, yet collective action was taken. Was some invisible hand at work?
A happy coincidence for all but the excluded Dumpster-divers?
In short, I found that I had no cause. Compared with the search for
Roger in Michael Moore's documentary film, Roger and Me, my search had
no clear object but ended in similar frustration.25 Whereas Roger was some-
where behind closed doors, waiting to be exposed like Oz for the coward
that he was, perhaps the object of my search wasn't hidden away, but sim-
ply didn't exist apart from local folklore and the innumerable new plans,
schemes, local and national trends affecting garbage. No law, no decree,
no contracting parties had determined the outcome of locked Dumpsters.
Worse yet, I realized I had no strategy for cohtesting an act of power if I
could not find, let alone confront, the powerful.
14 Introduction
The task for democratic theory, faced with the facelessness of power,
could be understood as the effort to give power a face or a name, to make
it visible and accountable. During the postwar period democratic theorists
on the left did attempt to reveal the hidden countenance of power even, or
especially, when the powerful did not visibly act on their interest. Invisible
acts such as "nondecisions," "nonparticipation" or political apathy, and in-
visible truths such as "objective interests" (as opposed to manifest interests)
were conceptualized to reveal the interests and powers that operated pre-
cisely by making themselves invisible and thereby subverting the otherwise
inevitable conflict with those upon whom they acted. On the right, in that
school of democratic theory named by the apparent oxymoron "democratic
elitism," or "democratic pluralism," political scientists such as Robert Dahl
pursued the assumption that where there was no overt conflict, no power
could have been exercised. Without visible conflict, he argued, there was
no act of power, no exclusion, no oppression. What was invisible was not
an act of power or the interest of the powerful but the silent consent of un-
equal parties to their inequality and to the system of government more
In either case, democratic theory was driven by what was not there. Each
party to what came to be known as the "three faces of power debate" ex-
plained that what was not visible was really there, either objective interests
and latent resistance or an implicit consensus. Though not visible or intel-
ligible,[a face was surely lurking behind the shadow appearance of political-
apathy and inactiomiBoth sides assumed that a face-to-face confrontation
with power was both a possibility and a measure of democratic freedom.
This had been my assumption, too, until I took up the cause of Dumpster-
Once I realized that my desire to act on the level of the macro-
political— to confront the sovereign decision-makers—was thwarted by
the micro-political, then the profusion of those small and confusing events,
interests, and acts became the real story to tell. New questions arose. What
makes it possible for so many contradictory interests to be served without
clashing with one another? If acts of power are anonymous, how can we say
they are still democratic? Why did so many different people articulate their
responsibility and interests in such small things as locking up garbage? Why
did I? In what sense are reforms—whether small changes with no grand
structural impact or large changes of whole systems—with no clear cau-
sality, no clear line of authority, democratic? Absent an actual cause, in
what sense can reforms be resisted?
15 Introduction
Oddly enough, the League of Women Voters promised to answer my
questions with the publication of a pamphlet, The Garbage Primer, in 1993. 26
In the name of citizen education and active participation, the primer sets
out to educate citizens like me on the forms and tactics of participation for
everyone with a stake in garbage reform (according to the primer, that in-
cludes just about everyone). The primer is limited, however, to concerns of
the environment, disposal methods, hazardous waste, and cost. It does not
answer the questions listed above or my concern for freedom but repeats
Colonel Waring's faith that the citizen is sovereign and the most effective
politically because each one carries the responsibility for how garbage is
handled. To get the average citizen to act, the primer insists, all that is
necessary is to provide information about the technical aspects of disposal,
a list of alternative methods of disposal, and tips for getting involved in de-
cision-making processes. Of course, the Socratic assumption that citizens
fail to act only out of ignorance assumes that all those I talked to knew the
same thing. In fact, they each knew what the real problem was, but in no
sense could they have come to agree.
But the people I spoke to, with the possible exception of the neighbor-
hood activist, did take responsibility for the garbage lockup without ever
having involved themselves in public or political decision-making. In fact,
the terrain I traveled in search of a cause was not "the political" in any
traditional sense, nor were the interests involved necessarily those of or-
ganized interest groups. Yet everyone seemed to have an interest. I came
to suspect that all the individuals who took responsibility for the lockup,
though not engaged in a conspiracy, were the points of articulation for a
kind of power I didn't understand and a form of politics I could see no
way into.
The impetus for this book was a blindness that seeing clearly could not
cure.father than another theory or an alternative vision of democracy and
citizenship, I needed to understand the mode of government by which in-
dividuals take responsibility for small things .1
That same impetus only grew stronger when I found myself in an activ-
ist's version of the welfare trap. For several years I was steeped in the inade-
quacies, petty humiliations, and crushing poverty of A F D C (Aid to Fami-
lies with Dependent Children). As a welfare rights activist I was deeply
opposed to A F D C because the sums of money meted out were so small that
no one could live decently, let alone well, on welfare. As a system of power,
welfare seemed designed to hold single mothers down. Then again, it was
16 Introduction
impossible to be against welfare because it was the only stable source of in-
come and health benefits for so many women and children. -/ö
Proponents and critics of welfare have changed sides over the last ten
years, but the possible positions on welfare have not changed.27 It is a po-
litical trap: I cannot be for or against welfare; there is no way to win. I hope
to draw others into the same trap in order that ^Lmay^thjnk.an£w about^ up f k
welfare and s o c i a L s e m c ^ ways...(they are tied to freedom, power, >-^
justice, and politics: that is, the ways in which small and contingent things J " 5
connect up to the grand scheme of things.
The practices of welfare do not lend themselves to analytical precision.
If a juvenile court official orders a mother to graduate from a self-esteem ^
program because she failed to protect or to discipline her child (a program
operated, say, by an explicitly feminist organization combatting domestic ^
violence), is that act political, judicial, or administrative? If Wisconsin t ^
docks a family's welfare check for a child's truancy, a program called "learn-
fare," what kind of punishment or justice is it? Social, civil, familial? If a
private, nonprofit organization incarcerates an allegedly drug-addicted
pregnant woman, is it usurping the jurisdiction of the courts, or is it creat-
ing a new political jurisdiction?
To take up any of these questions as a cause, whether the garbage lockup
or the protection of poor women from overly zealous "help," means an
endless search for a sovereign power that is not there. To take up these
questions as effects of the changing configuration of the political, however,
would be to refigure the terri tory of politics itself rather than to wrestle the
At first, I sought to politicize the Dumpster lockup by holding whoever
caused it politically accountable. That is, I sought to bring the issue into the
political realm of contestation, thus leaving the structure of the political as
it was, yet adding to it. Even if every small thing is political, they cannot all
be drawn into the political. As William Connolly points out, words and
things are not essentially contested but contingently contested.28 Nor is it
the case that if every little thing is political, politics is everywhere — even
if power may be. What is required of democratic theory is less a solution to ^
the conundrum of the political than a way to articulate the contingency of
the political that neither exhausts nor determines any efforts to reconsti-
tute political order and the space of politics.
Although my themes are large and include an examination of the bound- \
aries between subjectivity and subjection, democracy and despotism, social \
17 Introduction
intervention and the limited liberal state, the social and the political, wel-
fare and citizenship, I trace those boundaries through the minute practices
of self-government in the history of democratic and social reform. I ana-
lyze each of these boundaries more in terms of its details than as philo-
sophical questions of difference in nature or meaning. Instead of saying
what democracy — or any of the boundaries just listed — should be, I at-
tempt to explain how it is done, how it is thought and practiced.
Again, rather than envisioning democracy differently, my goal is to un-
dermine the self-evidence of the notion that democracy is a good thing,
pure and simple, the best form of government; the assumption that we all
know what it is; the conviction that democratic forms of government are
more free than any other form. Democratic relations are still relations of
power and as such are continually recreated, which requires that demo-
cratic theory never presuppose its subject but persistently inquire into the
constitution of that subject.
18 Introduction
Democratic Subjects
A caveat: I will not, for the sake of consistency, fix the meanings of
the terms "subject" and "subjectivity" in advance for the reader. Ana-
lytical precision is neither possible nor desirable at the moment; I have
Democratic Subjects 21
the possession of one party over and above another. On this view, the world
can be divided into citizens and subjects, those who have power and those
who do not. These senses of both "subject" and "power" are endemic to the
"three faces of power" debate in democratic theory, which is treated further
on. For the moment, it is enough to emphasize that here the "subject" is
defined against the "citizen." ^
Second, in the title of this chapter, "democratic subjects" is meant to in-
dicate the subject matter of democratic theory, all that is deemed appro-
priate to the field of inquiry traversed by democratic theorists and all that
is deemed relevant to the study of democracy. This sense of "subject" is
confounded by the fact that we also refer to the subject matter of any dis-
cipline as "objects of inquiry," or things that are perceptible. "Democratic
subjects" is also meant to signify that democracy is a form-of government
that requires a new kind of subject rather than, a. formof government that
liberates the subject from under the sovereign.
The third sense of "subject," related to the second, also contravenes
"object." Today we might refer to Tocqueville's subject as an "object" of
power.5 A subject, after Kant, has possession of him- or herself and is no
longer the object of another's will or knowledge but now the subject of
consciousness and self-motivation. In this modern sense, the subject is one
in possession of the power to command oneself, a "subject of power" rather
than a mere "object of power." The "subject" in this sense is often used as
a synonym for "individual," "knower," "agent," or "actor."
Fourth, I use "citizen-subject" to hold together the first and the third
usages but not to conflate them. "Citizen-subject" is not used here to indi-
cate a contradiction or a dichotomy but to indicate that although demo-
cratic citizens are formally free, their freedom is a condition of the opera-
tionalization of powerSjln the third sense as developed by Marx, the subject
is the source of desire and is a subject only so long as that desire is a prod-
uct of his or her own consciousness. To say that any persons are no longer
subjects is to say that their consciousness, and so their desire, has been al-
tered or fabricated in some way. For Marx, the first sense of "subject" is the
antithesis of the third.
Finally, I use the hyphenated "citizen-subject" to indicate that neither
the first nor the third sense of "subject" is the antithesis of the-other.
Neither can stand for an ontological being. My concern is to focus atten-
tion on the mutually constitutive relations between these two senses of
"subject." To see the citizen-subject in this way is potentially to recon-
Democratic Subjects 23
their own right that I replace the dichotomizing slash in citizen/subject
with a hyphen: citizen-subject. Of course, it would be in vain to suggest
that replacing a slash with a hyphen actually confers upon subjects a place in
the politics of citizenship. Discourse works by telling us in advance of any
perception what it is we can see and what is or is not important.7 Discourse
continues its work even after its structure is recognized (for example, even
after it is recognized that heterosexuals are a recent invention of scientific
and popular discourses, the difference between hetero- and homosexuals
does not disappear).8 Still, by incorporating citizen-subjects into democratic
discourse, I hope to promote a political awareness of how citizen-subjects
are made.
Democratic Subjects 25
general community and substitutes the idea of individuals who are grouped
according to conflicting interests. . . . He or she is instead [of a citizen] a
business executive, a teamster, a feminist, office worker, farmer, or homo-
sexual whose immediate identity naturally divides him or her from others." 15
Wolin uses the citizen/subject antithesis as a critical wedge into the
antidemocratic forces of modernity, including the modes of resistance
adopted by social movements. For Wolin, if we choose to differentiate our-
selves as particular kinds of citizens — feminist, union member, Chicano,
black, welfare recipient, or queer — rather than as citizens of the polity, we
are no longer bearers of a properly political identity. He takes human dif-
ferences of race, gender, and class to be prepolitical, yet social movements
since the 1960s were organized on the principle of politicizing those cate-
gories. If human differences were not natural but constructed, social move-
ments argued, it was possible to change them through political means.
Against the politicizations of power in sexual, familial, educational, racial,
and economic relations which characterized new social movements, Wolin
argues that those who were politically engaged in resistance in the 1960s
and 1970s were acting in the capacity of "depoliticized" subjects.16 Wolin
calls those who engaged in new social movements "groupies": "The citizen,
unlike the groupie, has to acquire a perspective of commonality, to think
integrally and comprehensively rather than exclusively. The groupie never
gets beyond 'politics,' the stage of unreflective self interest." 17 Caught up
in politics, then, the groupie cannot join citizens in collective efforts con-
fined in the "the political." Perhaps another way to say this is that Wolin's
proper citizens do not choose their own conceptions of themselves as
citizens or act to transform the boundaries of the political.18 Both those
boundaries and the standard of democratic citizenship are fixed prior to the
political action of citizens.19
Why does a committed democratic theorist so sharply chastise those who
demand to participate in setting the terms of their own citizenship? Wolin
insists that any politicial action that does not conform to a communal stan-
dard of democratic citizenship is "depoliticized." For example, he holds
that the grassroots movements flourishing in the Reagan years were "polit-
ically incomplete. There are major problems in our society that are general
in nature and necessitate modes of vision and action that are comprehen-
sive rather than parochial."20 Social movements and grassroots politics
were merely prerequisites to real and authentic democratic action aimed at
the state. "These developments are suggestive because they represent the
first steps ever toward systematic popular intervention in the sacrosanct
Democratic Subjects 27
are, of course, many reasons for the political passivity of the unemployed
and the permanently poor, but one of the most important is the depoliti-
cization to which they have been subjected."27 Wolin is arguing that de-
politicization is both a cause and an effect of political passivity. When we
do not act politically, we are subject to a kind of power that operates to
mask its own exercise. According to Wolin, if citizens do not participate in
politics, the task of a critical democratic theory is to investigate how their
natures have been tampered with, to uncover the powers that have "de-
politicized" the naturally political citizen. The critical standard of "the
genuinely political" effectively reduces the subject matter appropriate to
democratic theory to the judgment of this or that according to the critical
standards of citizenship and the political.
To back up his claim that citizenship is "depoliticized," Wolin follows
Hannah Arendt in suggesting that the premodern political is replaced in
modernity by the social. "Depoliticization is more extreme among the poor
and racial minorities because they are the most helpless of all groups in the
political economy, the new social form that is replacing the older form of
the political order."28 Under these same circumstances, social movements
contested what was to count as politics (as in "the personal is political"). In
contrast, Wolin's presumption is that the "genuinely political" is timeless.
The politics of feminists and others, including "politics" in the sense of
conflict of interest, the exercise of rights, the struggle for power, social
movements, and protest, are not properly political. The question Wolin
asks—what is "genuinely" political and what is not? — is as misguided as
Robert DahPs question: "Who governs?" (treated below).
Democratic theory, with important exceptions, counts voting and open
rebellion as "political" actions, for example, but neglects or dismisses the
constitution of citizens in the therapeutic, disciplinary, programmatic, in-
stitutional, and associational activites of everyday life. Dismissing these ac-
tivities and their locations as administrative, social, "prepolitical" or "de-
politicizing" reduces democratic criticism to documenting the exclusion of
certain subjects from the homogeneous sphere of the political, from the
places and powers of citizenship.
Democratic Subjects 29
people did not participate directly in democratic political life it was be-
cause, as rational actors, citizens could achieve what they wanted through
economic and private activity and had little time for or interest in politics.
In Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City, a study of
New Haven, Dahl distinguished between the natures of homo politicus, the
citizen actively engaged in governmental processes, and homo civicus, whose
identities and interests are shaped and met in the ungoverned and nonpo-
litical realm of civil society.31 Homo civicus designated the vast majority of
potential voters, who rarely pursued their interests by engaging in politics.
Homo politicus—the elected representative, interest-group advocate, and
policy activist — actively participated in the process of government (nar-
rowing the definition of political action to the electoral arena). At the same
time Dahl argued that the political process is a completely open one. Since
in his line of vision there were no persons or groups clamoring to engage
at the level of government, he concluded that no citizens in New Haven
were being excluded from participating. Significantly, less than six years af-
ter Who Governs? was published in 1961, clashes between the police force
and black residents of New Haven made state violence daily news.32
Radical democrats such as Sheldon Wolin and the New Left generally
despised the pluralist assumption that "man is by nature an a-political ani-
mal." To them, American pluralism seemed a thinly veiled apology for the
inequality and elitism that characterized American politics. Critics of plu-
ralism sought to disclose the invisible operation of power that excluded the
masses from participation (for example, the media manipulation of mass in-
terpretations; the bureaucratic domination that pervaded and depoliticized
political and economic inequality; control of the state by economic elites).
Democratic critics generally took political participation to be an essential
feature of democracy; nonparticipation revealed that power was in the hands
of elites and that the political participation of the masses was repressed or
controlled. If people did not rebel against their oppression and political ex-
clusion, then there must be some invisible coercion or threat hidden behind
their acquiescence. That was, of course, power. What lurked in the shadow
of homo civicus was power, not consent. Radical democrats believed that to
reveal the truth of power, to assign it a face, would be to transform quies-
cence into a confrontation.
For example, in Regulating the Poor, Frances Fox Piven and Richard
Cloward explained that welfare provision in the modern state was a re-
sponse to the political rebellion of the destitute during periods of contrac-
tion in the capitalist economy and a mode of regulating labor in times of
Democratic Subjects 31
was the possibility of proving or disproving the truth of power: either some
people were excluded from power and from the pursuit of happiness (ac-
cording to the first and second faces), or they were quite happy and there-
fore apathetic about being unequal, (according to the third).
Each "face" assumed that power can be rationally and intentionally used
by someone to affect (influence) other people. In other words, power is ex-
ercised unitarily, not as a struggle or in the relations between two or more
parties, but in the causal effect of one upon another. Radical theorists
sought to locate power after the fact, when B failed to protest against the
power of A over conditions of inequality. Reformists asked whether agen-
das were set in advance in such a way that conflicts were diverted from
erupting by the "mobilization of bias." Why look before and after the fact?
Because the concern was with the lack of political participation: the prob-
lem was to explain what was not there. "Latent" dissent, "nondecisions,"
and "nonparticipation" on the part of the powerless were taken on the left
as (invisible) signs of the domination that led to the "decision" not to par-
ticipate.38 Another way to say this is that citizens may or may not take a cer-
tain action: if they do so as a matter of their own interest, no power is in-
volved; if they do so against their interest, then power is present and they
act not as citizens but as the subjects of another.
In any case, there was general agreement that power could not be vol-
untary and coercive at the same time.39 An action taken could not be an ef-
fect (caused by or taken under the influence) of power if it was voluntary.
Lukes ruled out the possibility that B's real interests or desires could be
shaped by power and still belong to B. If B voluntarily acts one way rather
than another then no power is present, since power is considered only as an
external and repressive force before or after the fact with no constitutive
role in action. The possibility that power might be a positive force revealed
in action is ruled out.
Lukes came very close to admitting that an action could be voluntary
and coerced at the same time when he suggested that desire could be a
product of power: "The radical, however, maintains that men's wants may
themselves be a product of a system which works against their intersts, and,
in such cases, relates the latter to what they would want and prefer, were
they able to make the choice."40 Lukes's neo-Marxist or Gramscian view of
power depends upon the a priori counterfactual of "real" or "objective" in-,
terests to explain what does not happen, conflicts that do not erupt, and the
possibility that people can be wrong about their own interests. To be "ob-
jective," however, desires must have their origin in the actor, never in
Democratic Subjects 33
themselves. The will to speak the truth of power was in effect the will to
speak on behalf of those whose silence placed a strain upon the legitimacy
of liberal democratic government. (Of course, it is impossible to speak in
the voice of the voiceless without first constituting their inability to speak
for themselves.)
Further, both sides accepted that the measure of democratic freedom is
the transparency of power and the openness of political processes.43 If plu-
ralists argued that power was transparent in the present despite inequality,
then the left argued that invisible powers prevented the promise of open-
ness from being realized. On all sides, "power" admitted into political analy-
sis was seen to operate through the repression of the essential subjectivity
of citizens and to result in their exclusion. So long as the transparency of
power was accepted as the measure of democratic freedom, the question
of how power actually works was displaced.
If we are to understand how democratic modes of government work, it
is essential to ask not who has power and who does not, but how does power
operate? If power relationships cannot be made wholly transparent, how
can they be made democratic?
Democratic Subjects 35
choose to subject themselves to the dictates of the market? His attempted
answer is that welfare produced irrational behavior by overriding market
incentives, especially among young black males. The labor market did not
disappear, however, and if human beings are rationally self-interested, as
Murray maintains, then they would choose to discipline themselves in the
market rather than in the system of welfare. (Of course, Murray followed
up Losing Ground with a book that undermined his own claim that all be-
havior is rational; in The Bell Curve, he argued that black male poverty is
related to low IQ!)47
From the left, in The Tyranny of Kindness, Theresa Funiciello makes a
different argument for dismantling the welfare system, but one that has the
same basic structure as Murray's. According to her detailed and carefully
documented indictment of the poverty industry, welfare works to create
punitive, discretionary, and stigmatizing bureaucratic structures. More im-
portant, welfare works to enrich middle-class social service providers, cor-
porations, and nonprofit foundations. Funiciello identifies the causes of
poverty and the political exclusion of poor women, first, in the economic
interests of the rich and of service providers and, second, in their ability
to mask their prejudices and their economic interests in the ideology of
helping. The bulk of most welfare budgets, she argues — including philan-
thropic, for-profit, state, county, and federal expenditures — goes into the
pockets of the middle-class service providers, leaving poor women poor.
Funiciello claims that the emphasis on service over direct income redis-
tribution to the poor masks the massive redistribution of wealth to middle-
class poverty pimps. The poverty industry expanded so much during the
1980s that social service agencies and programs actually had to compete
for clients. But that was not the only reason that clients were scarce. Ac-
cording to Funiciello, service providers and recipients were engaged in a
struggle over the right to represent the interests'of the poor:
The toughest adversaries of welfare mothers who organized for their rights
were often those in the "not for profit" charity organizations. These func-
tioned in a kind of vulterine relation to poor people. Their very survival de-
pended upon the existence of poor people. In theory, they were "allies." In
fact, as agents of the status quo, they couldn't sell poor women out fast
enough. (Or buy some, advertise them in their promotional literature, and
parade them around like tamed savages, living testimony to the power of so-
cial work.) Sometimes they were even well-intentioned. Class and cultural
barriers combined with their paychecks made it all but impossible for them
Contra Murray, Funiciello argues that recipients are well aware that
welfare does not serve their interests. In fact, her book is filled with anec-
dotes about women who did not act as the system expected them to.
The Tyranny of Kindness opens with the story of Fatima Ali, who threw her
children out the window rather than face a life of impoverished single-
motherhood. From the morbid to the heroic, the devious to the courageous,
the range of resistance that Funiciello documents inadvertently demon-
strates that the powers of the powerful depend not so much on the exclu-
sion of the poor as on recruiting and retaining the voluntary compliance of
their clients in punitive and coercive programs.
But Funiciello does not account for why so many seek and continue to
receive "help" that in all actuality, as she herselfjrgues, is no help at all. Al-
though she writes from the perspective of those who suffer the conse-
quences of the poverty industry, the combined causes of ruling-class inter-
ests and ideology fail to account for the possibility that a recipient might-
either refuse or demand "help." Nevertheless, in arguing that power works
to serve the interests of the rich by producing the acquiescence and exclu-
sion of the poor, as well as their condition of poverty, she gives evidence in
countless examples that refute the social control thesis. When she argues
that welfare recipients are excluded, intimidated, and impoverished by the
system of welfare and social services, Funiciello fails to recognize the po-
litical significance of the fact that welfare programs operate to promote au-
tonomy, self-sufficiency, and participation. In her eyes, those objectives are
merely an ideological justification for enriching the middle-class poverty
pimps, not a rationale for governing the poor, h t
For example, poverty pimps cannot force a pregnant woman into a pre-
natal health-care program. Attempts in the 1980s to incarcerate drug addicts
during the term of their pregnancy proved unpopular and unsuccessful.49
Methods to induce women to enter programs voluntarily included gifts of
diapers, toys, and cosmetics, all donated by local businesses and offered as
inducements to participate in prenatal care. Another was the "Tupperware"
model of home parties, where one invites friends to participate in plans to
earn free goods.50 But because such programs operated under intense su-
pervision and control, recruitment was a constant problem.
Democratic Subjects 37
Funiciello fails to look beyond the (hypothetical) clash of economic in-
terests between recipients and service providers to the political effects of
"help." Just the fact that there are poverty pimps does not explain how
poor people are governed. Moreover, in her single-minded focus on fol-
lowing the money trail, Funiciello fails to investigate the links between the
agencies, the professionals who staff them, and knowledge: in other words,
the links between representing the poor, helping the poor, and knowing
the poor.
While it is true that those who benefit most from welfare are middle-
class service providers, they do so by instrumentalizing the needs of others.
I mean to say not that their actions are instrumental in securing their own
interests but that they instrumentalize the voice of "the poor." Any claim
to know what is best for poor people, to know what it takes to get out of
poverty and what needs must be met in order to be fully human, is also a
claim to power. Even the silence of the poor can be instrumentalized to
represent the poor, as Funiciello herself documents; silence can be heard as
a call for new programs to ensure that the voice of "the poor" is heard.
In other words, service providers and caseworkers not only wield power
in their own interest; they also act upon the interests of those they "help."
In Funiciello's account of the poverty industry, programs are designed in
the name of "the poor" without ever so much as consulting poor people
about their needs —yet her own evidence suggests that every conceivable
effort is made to document poor women's desires and needs in order to turn
those desires into an instrument for recruiting. Funiciello aptly uses the
vocabulary of market research: "the creation and marketing of homeless
people," for example.51 Recipients do have to be created, however, their
social construction is founded not on the abnegation of their real interests
but on the production of their interest in helping themsleves.
Democratic Subjects 39
of life and its needs, enacts the good of all society upon the antisocial bod-
ies of the poor, deviant, and unhealthy. It seeks to unite the interests of the
individual with the interests of society as a whole (a strategy I described in
the introduction).
The health, education, and welfare of the people constitute a territory
upon which it is possible to act. Solutions to the problems of poverty and
need can be tried out only after the problem of poverty is transformed into
a set of possible actions. For example, to declare a war on poverty, drugs,
or garbage is to say that these fields are open to action, places upon which
it is possible to act, and where government might intervene. To wage a war
on human need is to extend the reach of bio-power, to mobilize knowledge
and power on the terrain of poverty, hunger, violence, or drugs.
As I have noted, Foucault defined government broadly as "the conduct of
conduct," an "ensemble formed by the institutions, analyses and reflections,
the calculations and tactics, that allow the exercise of this very specific al-
beit complex form of power." 56^A11 those experts and agencies that are au-
thorized to intervene in the life of a pregnant crack addict, for example —;
doctors, police, therapists, judges, child protection officials—are involved
in making up the ensemble^j The ways poor people are governed very of-
ten have little to do with state power except when, for example, the national
guard is brought in. More often, poor people are governed at the level of
the social through case management, empowerment programs, parenting
classes, and work training. Again, constituting the needs and interests of
others to fulfill their human potential is a mode of governing people.58
For social problems to be territorialized, they must be known. For gov-
ernment to solve the "social problems" of poverty, delinquency, depen-
dency, crime, self-esteem, and so on, it must have a certain kind of knowl-
edge that is measurable, specific, and calculable, knowledge that can be
organized into governmental solutions. Social scientific knowledge is cen-
tral to the government of the poor, to the very formation ofthe.poor as an
identifiable group (see Chapter 3), and to the formation of the domain of
social government. Foucault suggests that the beginning of modern forms
of government is marked by "new methods of power whose operation is
not ensured by right but by technique, not by law but by normalization, not
by punishment but by control, methods that are employed on all levels and
in forms that go beyond the state and its apparatus."59
Following Foucault, I argue that the subjectivity of the citizen is the ob-
ject and the outcome of government. That is not to say that no subjectiv-
But what is inchoate in Hasler's work, from beginning to end —what he best
represents — is the realization that large-scale, messy, informal systems are
necessary in order to develop, on top of them, precise, hard-edged, tractable
systems; more accurately, structures that are so informal it's questionable
whether they can be called systematic at all are prerequisites for those
structures that can, indeed, be recognized as systems in the first place. . . .
For Hasler, the messy is what provides the energy which holds any system
within it coherent and stable.61
Democratic Subjects 41
Hasler, then, subverts the causal order found in Funiciello and Murray's
arguments for the abolition of welfare. He also suggests to me that welfare
is not the cause of dependence and poverty but the effect of messy, non-
generalizable, and contingent practices, institutions, and discourses — not
whole systems. Social construction is just not that simple or straightfor-
ward. /The system and its makers do not create order from above; rather,
the messiness of small things makes possible a large system like welfare^
But society equalizes under all circumstances, and the victory of equality
in the modern world is only the political and legal recognition of the fact
that society has conquered the public realm, and that distinction and dif-
ference have become private matters of the individual.
It is along the same line that the points of authoritarianism, the points of
reform, the points of resistance and revolution, come face to face around
this new stake, "the social."
Society as a Whole
The social was and is the province of women and feminist reformers in
particular. "The new breed of governing and guiding women," in Beatrice
Webb's phrase, organized and entered social life through philanthropy.45
Indeed, the phrase "municipal housekeeping" was applied to sanitary re-
form in part because of the large number of female reformers who took re-
sponsibility for cleaning up the garbage and pollution in their cities. One
report from 1897 explains why women involved themselves in indirect
forms of government: "Every attempt on the part of women to benefit the
public is necessarily somewhat indirect. They do not hold the ballot, nor sit
in legislative halls. . . . Their part in public reforms is chiefly suggestive or
Marginal social groups, as in the case of blacks, are now becoming full par-
ticipants in the political system. Yet the danger of overloading the political
system with demands which extend its function and undermine its author-
ity still remains. Less marginality on the part of some groups thus needs to
be replaced by more self-restraint on the part of all groups.65
Although subjectivity can be and all too often is brutally repressed, the
operations of power which promote subjectivity are neither benign nor neu-
tral. Critically examining the will to empower requires recognizing that
despite the good, even radical, intentions of those who seek to empower
others, relations of empowerment are in fact relations of power in and of
themselves. The ordinary use of "empowerment" is illustrated in the fol-
lowing passage from Ann Bookman and Sandra Morgen in a book called
Women and the Politics of Empowerment-.
The city is the people. New jobs can be provided but some people are un-
willing or afraid to apply for them. New housing projects can be built but
some tenants will turn them into slums. New community centers can be
opened but only a few people may choose to use them. Exciting educational
programmes can be conceived but the people can let them die for lack of
participation. Therefore, attention must be paid to the underlying motiva-
tions, attitudes, and values of the people of the city.12
In CAPs, the balance between "helping" the poor and the poor "helping
themselves" was a delicate one and the subject of much criticism and de-
bate.15 The participation of the poor was a key planning problem. Attempts
were made to "solicit" and to "motivate." Special committees were sug-
gested "to focus attention on problems and methods of involving the hard-
to-reach poor and to evaluate the effectiveness of the approaches adopted." 16
Peter Marris and Martin Rein, whose Dilemmas of Social Reform stands
as one of the best accounts of the War on Poverty, quote the following from
a juvenile delinquency program guideline: "When specific goals are prede-
termined, the project must face that actual danger or the charge of manip-
ulation of people. When goals are not predetermined, the project must face
the problem of lack of control and unanticipated directions, with which the
project may have difficulty living." 17 To balance the subjectivity of citizens
with their subjection required an innovation in political rationality. Only
certain innovations in democratic reform make it possible to overcome the
obstacles that nonparticipation places in the path of governmentalization.
During the War on Poverty at least three innovations surfaced. First,
"the poor" were isolated as a target of government intervention and their
capacities calculated and inscribed into a policy for their "empowerment."
Second, CAP set out to create a "community" for action by legislating the
decentralization of power relationships and the multiplication of power re-
lations between constituencies — the poor and juvenile delinquents, social
scientists, social service vendors, the executive branch of government —
which otherwise could not exercise power on one another. (Note that this
is much the same as the goal set by recent efforts to reform the police in
How did "the poor" become a group with a shared set of problems and
interests? How did "the poor" become an object of governmental policy?
Why were people willing to define themselves and organize around being
"poor" rather than or in addition to race and class?21 To motivate "the poor"
to help themselves, they had to be known; however, the truth of the poor
could not be told before the poor were isolated as a group.22 Part of telling
the truth of the poor (especially the part that the poor were to tell about
themselves) was precisely to constitute the poor as a group by defining their
characteristics, capacities, and desires. During the War on Poverty the dis-
parate and diverse peoples that came to occupy the category of "the poor"
were transformed into a calculable, knowable grouping and made available
for government by forming a category that, as Nikolas Rose puts it, "could
be used in political arguments and administrative decisions."23
There is probably no turning back, even though there may not be any con-
tinuing mandate or sanction from OEO for the participation of the poor.
The idea is now abroad and has become linked with the growing demands
for Black Power or "Brown Power." . . . there is now an informed constitu-
ency of former nonprofessionals and participants, supportive caretakers,
and ethnic minority leaders who can be expected to invoke precedent and
exert pressure to sustain planning with and not for the poor.36
The precedent was set for the poor themselves to influence planning and
programs and to participate in decision-making. A link was established
between effective government and the self-government of the poor as a
means of overcoming the limits of democratic reform.
Operationalizing Power
The plan to have the function of the organizer taken over by the poor
was made a part of CAP legislation, which explicitly restricted the politi-
cal participation of those program directors and organizers who were on
the federal payroll. Professional organizers, strictly excluded from political
life, were left with the need to constitute others as the constituency for
their programs. Empowerment was planned to become, effortlessly, "self-
empowerment." Expert reformers, private foundations, voluntary associa-
tions were and continue to be nongovernmental means of government.
Liberation Therapy
Revolutions Within 89
and scholarly articles, by the California Task Force and in Steinem's book;
compiling research is tantamount to delivering therapy.
One of the goals of the self-esteem movement is to elicit the participa-
tion of as many people as possible, and that means hearing their stories of
struggle with their lack of self-esteem. Former California legislator John
Vasconcellos claims that his efforts to establish the California Task Force
to Promote Self-Esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility grew out
of his own "personal struggle despite repeated successes and achievements
in my life — to develop my own self-esteem," and that his commitment
to building self-esteem came from his experience with the state's budget
that spent "too little, too late [on] efforts to confine and/or repair our fel-
low Californians, whose lives are in distress and disrepair." 10 Similarly,
Steinern ascribes her own lack of self-esteem to her role in the feminist
movement and links her commitment to self-esteem to the limitations of
political action.
Self-esteem program goals include getting clients to write and tell their
personal narratives with an eye to the social good. Narratives bring people
to see that the details of their private lives and their chances for improving
their lives are inextricably linked to what is good for all of society. Steinern
suggests that enlisting teenage girls, for example, to write down their per-
sonal narratives and their feelings about teenage pregnancy can result in
the prevention of teenage pregnancy.11 In the process of writing their per-
sonal narratives, the girls construct a self to act upon and to govern.
Working toward self-esteem is a way to subject citizens in the sense of
making them "prone to" or "subject to" taking up the goals of self-esteem
for themselves and their vision of the good society. We make our selves
governable by taking up the social goal of self-esteem — just one minor
example of what Foucault called "technologies of the self." As he described
it, "through some political technology of individuals, we have been led to
recognize ourselves as a society, as a part of a social entity, as part of a na-
tion or of a state." 12 Transparency is established between the individual's
goal of achieving self-esteem and the social goal of eliminating child abuse,
crime, and welfare dependence. Those who undergo "revolution from
within" are citizens doing the right thing; they join programs, they volun-
teer, but most important, they work on and improve their self-image. At all
times, self-esteem calls upon individuals to act, to participate. "The con-
tinuation and future success of our democratic system of government and
society are dependent upon the exercise of responsible citizenship by each
and every Californian." 13
Revolutions Within 91
erate a politically able self depends upon technologies of subjectivity and
citizenship which link personal goals and desires to social order and stabil-
ity, linking power to subjectivity.17 The line between subjectivity and sub-
jection is crossed when I subject my self, when I align my personal goals
with those set out by reformers — both expert and activist — according to
some notion of the social good. The norm of self-esteem links subjectivity
to power; in the words of Nikolas Rose, it "binds subjects to a subjection
that is the more profound because it appears to emanate from our au-
tonomous quest for ourselves, it appears as a matter of our freedom." 18
The call for self-government and democracy is extended beyond politi-
cal institutions and economic relations by the self-esteem movement; the
political goals of participation, empowerment, and collective action are
extended to the terrain of the self. Steinern inverts the feminist slogan, "the
personal is political" by claiming that "the political is personal." Nikolas
Rose has shown how contemporary political technologies (such as efforts
to achieve self-esteem) promise a certain kind of freedom, not offering
"liberation from social constraints but rendering psychological constraints
on autonomy conscious, and hence amenable to rational transformation.
Achieving freedom becomes a matter not of slogans nor of political revo-
lution, but of slow, painstaking, and detailed work on our own subjective
and personal realities, guided by an expert knowledge of the psyche." 19
The liberation promised by self-esteem originates within the relation of
self-to-self but is not limited to the self. Indeed, self-esteem is advocated as
a basis for the democratic development of the individual and society; it out-
lines a whole new set of social relationships and strategies for their devel-
opment under the expert tutelage of "liberation therapists."
Revolutions Within 93
ment" and "self-esteem" are almost mandatory in mission statements and
grant applications for nonprofit agencies. But self-esteem advocates are not
merely the poverty pimps of the 1990s (although there is certainly plenty
of evidence for that characterization).25 It is a mistake to focus solely on the
immediate economic and professional interests of service providers. Pro-
gram directors and researchers may profit from the advances of the self-
esteem movement, but that does not fully explain why or how people come
to understand themselves as lacking self-esteem. It is equally partial to
characterize self-esteem programs as obscuring or neglecting the "real"
underlying causes (e.g., poverty, sexism, racism) of the lack of self-esteem.
The self-esteem movement is not conceived on the level of ideology. It is
not a ruse, a panacea, a cynical plot; it is a form of governance.
Despite the failure of social scientists to discern any causal relationship
between violence and self-esteem, a correlative relationship has worked its
way into law. I quote from Assembly Bill No. 3659, which established the
California Task Forcer "The findings of the Commission on Crime Con-
trol and Violence Prevention included scientific evidence of the correla-
tion between violent antisocial behavior and a lack of self-esteem, to wit: A
lack of self-esteem, negative or criminal self-image and feelings of distrust
and personal powerlessness are prevalent among violent offenders and
highly recidivistic criminals.'" 26 The Task Force adapted the model of the
Commission on Crime Control for its own "citizens' effort" to secure fund-
ing for further research and took from the field of criminology its methods
of applying and organizing knowledge.
It is significant, of course, that the new technology of self-esteem is pro-
duced in part out of methods devised for the prevention of crime and the
supervision of prisoners. From analyzing among the causes of the bloody
Attica prison riot a decline in the self-esteem of guards who were not con-
sulted before their powers were reduced, reviewers leap immediately to the
policy implications of that analysis for relationships between clients and
staff, doctors and patients, teachers and students, parents and children.27
The whole of society and all its designated "social problems" become the
location for the deployment of this new technology of subjectivity. A whole
society of esteemed, estimated, quantified, and measured individuals can re-
place a citizenry defined by their lack of self-esteem. It is also important to
remember that the language of empowerment and self-esteem emerged out
of social movements. Liberation is clearly tied to discipline in the discourses
of self-esteem in more ways than I can chronicle here. I mention just two.
Revolutions Within 95
A New Science of Politics
Revolutions Within 97
to act: first, they must know how to get together, to amass themselves to
act in concert; second, they must desire to do so. The former could be ac-
complished through the science of association; the latter was a matter of
what Tocqueville called "enlightened self-interest, or "interest rightly un-
derstood: "When no firm and lasting ties any longer unite men, it is im-
possible to obtain the cooperation of any great number of them unless you
can persuade every man whose help is required that he serves his private
interests by voluntarily uniting his efforts to those of all the others." 37 Per-
suading citizens to tie their self-interest and their fate voluntarily to soci-
ety was the key to stability without the use of force.
The republican preoccupation with civic virtue — overcoming one's
self-interest to take up the common interest—was replaced, according to
Tocqueville, by the discipline that led to actions incited by "enlightened
self-interest." Democratic political action was further distinguished by a
"general rule" that links citizens to society: "The doctrine of self-interest
properly understood does not inspire great sacrifices, but every day it
prompts some small ones; by itself it cannot make a man virtuous, but its
discipline shapes a lot of orderly, temperate, moderate, careful, and self-
controlled citizens. If it does not lead the will directly to virtue, it estab-
lishes habits which unconsciously turn it that way." 38
Tocqueville learned about discipline and enlightened self-interest from
his study of prisons. As others have pointed out, he learned that prison dis-
cipline could "make up" good citizens even if it could not produce virtuous
men.39 One must not make too much of the prison as a model for demo-
cratic government, however.40 The prison may serve as a perfect model for
despotism but not for democracy. The task Tocqueville set himself was to
discover those aspects of democracy that could be mobilized against despo-
tism, despite the similarities he saw between the two forms of governance.
If the condition of equality generalized the techniques of the prison to vol-
untary relations, the problem was to turn voluntary power relationships
against despotism.
Tocqueville claimed that neither despotism nor democracy had been
given shape by institutions and laws. Democracy was a certain kind of so-
ciety. The tendency toward despotism lay less in the governing institutions
of democracy than in the techniques by which democracy was governed.
The condition of democratic equality and individual isolation led to the
contradictory propensity of democratic citizens, on the one hand, to be-
come ungovernable in their independence and, on the other hand, to sub-
mit in powerlessness to any authority powerful enough to command them.
Revolutions Within 99
lated citizenry; hence, the whole of society had to be governmentalized and
venues constructed for citizens to take care of organizing and governing
Voluntary associations, while avoiding the politically disabling expan-
sion of government into the activities of citizens, extended the reach of
power by getting people to act for themselves. Tocqueville asked, "What
political power could ever carry on the vast multitude of lesser undertak-
ings which associations daily enable American citizens to control?"43 As-
sociations artificially extended the reach of government into ungoverned
Still, what was it that distinguished democracy from despotism? The
answer lay not in politics or institutions but in the relationship of the indi-
vidual to society. Again, Tocqueville was struck by the absence of visible
official governmental powers and actions in America.44 Moreover, he was
dumbstruck and terrified by the invisible governance to which citizens
were subject: "Thus I think that the type of oppression which threatens
democracy is different from anything there has ever been in the world be-
fore. . . . I have myself vainly searched for a word which will exactly express
the whole of the conception I have formed." 45 What Tocqueville called
"despotism," for lack of a better expression, he described as a condition of
holding society — its interests, privileges, wisdom, and power — above the
individual. Despotism was the threat not of too much government but of
not enough. "The idea of intermediary powers is obscured and obliterated.
The idea of rights inherent in certain individuals is rapidly disappearing
from mens' minds; the idea of the omnipotence and the sole authority of
society at large is coming to fill its place."46 Powers of government, then,
were transferred from the government and from the individual onto soci-
ety at large; society was granted "its duty, as well as its right to take each
citizen by the hand and guide him." 47
We have traditionally understood Tocqueville to be holding out the
tyranny of the majority or society writ large as a threat to the subjectivity,
actions, and independence of individuals. For him, however, democratic
government did not pit the individual citizen against collective society, for
unlike the state, society had no agency or power of its own to wield. The
dangerous tendency in a democracy was not toward tyranny, domination,
or forced conformity but toward an invisible and gentle subjection. The
tutelary power of associations, which could lead citizens to exercise their
subjectivity and to act upon their enlightened self-interest, could also lead
them into complete subjection. "Each individual lets them put the collar
Welfare Queens
sovereignty, her accountability, that was the condition of her appearance. It
is the fact that she was represented and constituted as a quantifiable and
calculable citizen-subject that accounts for her. I argue that the welfare
queen's condition of appearance was established long before Reagan made
her guilty for the overgrown welfare state. It was the Carter administra-
tion's new auditing techniques and case evaluation standards that became
the condition for the appearance of the welfare queen.
In other words, my explanation reverses the ones given by Piven,
Cloward, and White: excessive, punitive, and productive welfare practices
constitute the myth of the stereotypical welfare queen. The stereotype
does not justify or legitimate welfare practices; rather, those practices jus-
tify stereotypes.
The reason for my reversal is strategic. I indirectly confirm Nietzsche's
claim not for philosophical reasons but for political ones. The welfare
rights movement and its strategists have historically sought to combat the
racist and ideological representation of the welfare queen by calling upon
her to represent herself, to act in her own interests with others of her kind.4
In other words, critics seek to mobilize the very myth of the welfare queen
they seek to debunk. To start from the fact of political exclusion and then
argue for the inclusion of poor women's voices in debates over welfare re-
form, to argue for their self-representation, is already to take the welfare
queen for granted, to take her for "real." Indeed, any causal explanation,
however critical, that can be drawn between the mythical figure of the
black welfare queen and the welfare system mistakenly takes her for "real."
So, by staging a reversal of causal terms, I risk also taking a fiction for a fact.
That risk is worth taking — again, for strategic reasons. Another welfare
rights strategy is to "speak truth to power," to educate the public on the
facts in order to depose the myth of the welfare queen. Later on, I explain
further why that strategy is doomed to failure. No matter how many times
the facts are marshaled against the myths of welfare, the facts of the mat-
ter do not provide a leghold in the politics of representation. To argue that
not all welfare recipients are guilty of fraud fails on two fronts. First,
A F D C grants were so low in the 1980s that only those with public housing
in some states could get by on a welfare budget; therefore, the guilt of any
welfare recipient who lived relatively well was presumed by welfare fraud
investigators. (This was established for the first time, however, only in
1997.) 5 Second, to defend the innocence of the welfare queen is to under-
mine the conditions of her appearance. This is a somewhat different but
closely related trap to the one I laid out in the introduction to this book.
Welfare Queens
Policing Democracy
Welfare Queens
Mythical Queens
Welfare Queens
small. But compared to the tax bill of the average American, those losses
are huge — and demoralizing."19 Thus, Carter transformed the political
"crisis of democracy" into a crisis of numbers: the numbers of tax dollars
lost to waste, fraud, abuse, and error; the rising numbers of A F D C recipi-
ents; and the rising number of taxpayers in revolt. To govern a democracy
meant to discipline systems rather than people, to govern at a distance pro-
vided by certain auditing techniques.
Carter appointees devised a strategy not to punish the welfare cheat but
to dispel the myth of rampant cheating which, Carter felt, threatened the
"integrity of the program." In fact, under the direction of Joseph Califano,
administrative reforms were intended to document the fact that very few
recipients were committing welfare fraud, that there was no real crisis.
Califano opened a national conference on "fraud, abuse, and error" with
these remarks: "We cannot let a relatively few cheats and chiselers rob the
truly needy of the help they need. So we intend to discipline these and
other programs—while we fight those who would dismantle them." 20 In
order to prove the integrity of welfare administration, Califano introduced
even more ways to make welfare recipients calculable.
At the end of a ten-year period of QC innovations, new verification re-
quirements for A F D C eligibility could include photo identification, some-
times fingerprints, two proofs of residency, verification of social security
numbers for every family member (even infants), birth certificates, proof of
school attendance, and so forth. Lipsky sums up the net effect of Q C mea-
sures as "bureaucratic disentitlement."21
Indeed, these strategies of welfare-fraud prevention — strategies that
changed the terms of welfare — made Reagan's attack possible, made the
welfare cheat "real." The new terms of welfare included random QC checks,
pre-eligibility screening for fraud and errors, and a shift in emphasis from
criminal to administrative prosecutions for welfare fraud. Rather than
undergoing jury trials and jail time for fraud, recipients were more likely
required to pay back any "overpayments" they had received from welfare
agencies, perhaps with fines attached —without any proof whatsoever that
they had intended to commit fraud.22 In other words, recipients often paid
the price for agency errors much as if they were guilty öf fraud.23
By transforming the political crisis into a crisis of numbers and trans-
ferring it from the political to the administrative realm, Brodkin argues,
welfare officials succeeded in "depoliticizing" the crisis by steering a ques-
tion of policy out of Congress and into the hands of accountants and man-
agers.24 A concentration on numbers rather than on votes, however, does
Welfare Queens
would ask if the applicant understood these terms and, if so, the welfare
worker signed the form as evidence that the applicant has read and under-
stood them. At this time recipients were reminded of the penalties for wel-
fare fraud.27
The terms laid out a series of double-binds to which the recipient "con-
sented." They were listed in three parts: rights, responsibilities, and ap-
peals. Rights included, for example, the right to apply for public assistance,
the right to privacy, the right to have the application explained to you, and
so on.
Responsibilities included informing the case worker of any changes in
the data provided on the form: "If you give facts that are not true, or do not
report a change, you may be charged with fraud. Any facts that you give
may be checked by the county office. Facts that deal with your case can be
gotten from other sources only if you agree in writing. However, if you do
not give your written consent for us to check with other sources or provide
us with other proof of your facts, your application may be denied or your
grant stopped."28 In short, if you chose to exercise your right to privacy,
you forfeited your right to assistance.
The agencies that exchanged information included the United States
Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Department of
Jobs and Training, Child Support Enforcement, unemployment agencies,
AFDC, Medical Assistance, Department of Agriculture, mental health
centers, state hospitals and nursing homes, insurance companies, the De-
partment of Public Safety, collection agencies, anyone under contract to
the state's Department of Human Services, and social service agencies.29
Reasons given for obtaining information included the need to decide "if
you or your family needs protective services." In other words, for instance,
the information could be used against you in a juvenile court if a case was
initiated by child-protection services. Information was gathered to be used
in a punitive system of "protection."
After this double-bind came a more serious one which claimed that
Quality Control might choose a case randomly to verify a recipient's facts
against those obtained from third parties. "Even if you do not want the
contact made, and you do not give your written consent, the reviewer may
still make the contact after telling you." Cooperation was thus compulsory.
This section did several things. First, it clarified that even a county offi-
cial was not the final arbiter of one's eligibility. Final determination of eli-
gibility was always deferred, never settled, and usually discretionary. No
one was in charge here; there was no ultimate authority in rules or in the
Welfare Queens
not spatially defined but marked by a variable set of strategies; it is estab-
lished not only by eligibility requirements but also by various disciplinary
measures: quality control procedures, computer data cross-matching, ac-
counting practices, and a model of operation whose consequences are not
covered by the law.
Welfare-fraud administration was a method for "acting at a distance"
upon welfare recipients.32 Welfare eligibility rules marked off a strategic
field in which setting the goal to clean up data sets, for example, or to catch
welfare cheats, utilized strategies that were based on numbers. It was es-
tablished to discipline not people, per se, but the system of welfare. Never-
theless, numbers were methods of inscribing the lives of welfare recipients
and rendering them actionable, as well as fictional. No "real" woman but
only an abstract woman, a "case," can be constituted by numbers. The
quantification of the lives of certain citizens does not necessarily determine
or control their behavior, but it does determine that what is counted will
add up to something actionable.
Rather than "depoliticizing" the exercise of power, the strategic field of
welfare-fraud accounting gave scope to the productivity of power and
linked it to expertise, rules, and criteria for evaluation. I do not want to sug-
gest that the terms of welfare were uttered in a unified or centralized voice.
Rather, the fields for running numbers overlapped and intersected with
other strategic fields, as when a probation officer, doctor, landlord, or drug
counselor shared information with a fraud investigator.
The tactics of one Canadian anti-fraud campaign documented by Jim
Torczyner are identical to those common in the United States: "There were
no public hearings before the campaign was launched because the investi-
gations were introduced as administrative changes that required no change
in law or regulation. Consequently, the parliamentary process was by-
passed. Although investigators had no legal authority, they had sweeping
discretionary power." 33 The strategic field of power gives broad scope for
tracking and accounting for numbers.
As a result, poor women's citizenship in the welfare state was deter-
mined not by the law applied to a particular territory but by the terms of
welfare or the relations of rule that made up a strategic field. Within the
strategic field of welfare fraud the option for recipients to resist were never
fully foreclosed, but the relations of rule that constituted the strategic field
were multiple, shifting, and often contradictory and insidious. The worst
double-bind followed from the fact that A F D C grants were made at levels
well below the established poverty line. Everyone knew that welfare grants
Welfare Queens
sistance in the strategic field in which it operates, I argue, critical and
democratic theorists too often overlook important possibilities for demo-
cratic action and resistance.
Nancy Fraser, whose work exemplifies politically engaged and critical
theory of the welfare state, lists four kinds of "client resistance."35 The first
is individual resistance aimed, for example, at extending the administrative
jurisdiction of an agency to include the needs of the client; the second, the
establishment of informal organizations such as domestic kin networks
(documented by Carol Stack)36 and "survival networks"; and the third, the
insistence of clients on the primacy of their own subjective narratives over
the therapeutic narratives asserted by the experts. None of these forms
of resistance is considered to be "political," however; Fraser reserves the
designation "political" for a very specific fourth form of resistance, that of
organizing as welfare recipients:
Fraser fixes "political" resistance at the level of identity, a level that then
aims resistance at the state.38 In her account, it is only when we embody the
terms of welfare that we are acting "politically." Her account rules out much
of what I take to be crucial and possible forms of resistance in the welfare
rights movement.
Actions and debates that attempt to resist the fixing of a woman's iden-
tity "as a recipient" are not, in Fraser's formulation, explicitly political.
This excludes what in my own experience is the most common political
practice in welfare rights organizations: debating who counts as a "reci-
pient." In Women, Work and Welfare, a membership organization in Min-
neapolis, some of the most reliable contests and controversial debates in-
volved setting out terms of resistance. Arguments constantly erupted over
who, exactly, should be resisting welfare. Who was and was not a legitimate
spokeswoman for recipients? For example, are they/we clients, recipients,
participants, welfare moms, queens, single moms, poor moms, members of
a gender, a class, a race? How should someone be categorized who is not a
recipient but participates in welfare rights struggles? How long should a
Welfare Queens
courses.40 In order to become "political," then, needs must be brought out
of the "enclaves" and "go public." But where, exactly, is "the public?"
Although Fraser brilliantly articulates the creation of new publics and
new institutions by feminist activists — exemplified by the movement to
assist battered women, she presents the process of politicization as result-
ing in either the political (politicized) or the administrative (depoliticized)
satisfaction of needs. For Fraser, these are not merely multiple sites of
power but sites shaped by the primacy and unity of political power in the
realm of the state and in the terms of discourse. In my account, however,
these borders are not traversed by "runaway needs" and needs discourses so
much as they are traversed and linked by strategies and relations of rule.
Thus, welfare-fraud investigations link the caseworker, the IRS, child pro-
tection, the landlord, the hospital, the family, the social worker, and so on.
Traversing this map in the process of "politicizing" needs does not require
one to break out of the family, the social, the market, the agency, or the
accounting firm but demands that one recognize and resist the political
strategies that run across those spheres. Whereas Fraser separates subjec-
tivity from subjection in order to imagine political resistance, I have argued
that feminist and democratic critiques of welfare should call into question
any form of resistance or critique that separates those terms. Practices of
governing and ruling are not restricted to "the political" or to one sphere,
and so we must focus on how we are governed and by what practices, rather
than by which people in which sphere.
What we take for "real" political issues has bound us to forms of resis-
tance that are not effective. For example, Piven and Cloward insist that
there are "real" political issues, and then there are those that serve the ide-
ological function of making those "real" issues disappear.
There are, in other words, problems in the welfare programs. But no seri-
ous investigation of "fraud and abuse" would begin with unemployment,
food, and welfare programs. It might begin with defense contracts or the tax
system, where fraud and profiteering are normal rather than merely ram-
pant, and where the gains made are huge. And one might go to the private
vendors associated with the Medicare, Medicaid, and housing programs.
For the Reagan administration, however, fraud and abuse are not the real is-
sues, and the budget cuts are not directed against these problems. They are
directed against the recipients of welfare state benefits.41
Welfare Queens
This book asks the reader to consider the political effects of the will to
empower. Those effects are twofold. First, citizen-subjects are socially con-
stituted, and that means that citizens embody power relations; power is a
property of the citizen, and so citizens are always subject in some sense, even
if it is to their own self-government. Political power is exercised both upon
and through the citizen-subject at the level of small things, in the material,
learned, and habitual ways we embody citizenship. At every turn, I find
that power in technologies of citizenship and the liberal arts of govern-
ment. That means that not all powers can be held accountable because they
cannot be confronted face to face. We need a different criterion by which
to measure democracy, one different from the accountability of power.
That power has no face does not mean that it is monstrous, only that it
could be.
The second political effect of the will to empower is on the ways that the
political is constituted. I have argued that democratic politics is not out
there, in the public sphere or in a realm, but in here, at the very soul of sub-
jectivity. Politics is also down there, in the strategic field of small things.
For democratic theory to insist upon the autonomy of the political or civil
society is, once again, to be blinded by what is not there.
So many of the words I have written here are critical of democratic the-
ory and democratic modes of government that I fear this book will be read
as antidemocratic. It is not my intention to deliver a polemic against de-
mocracy or against efforts to think it otherwise. What I value most about
democracy is that its effects are contingent rather than permanent; it is a
strategic field that is never closed to new interventions. The interventions
of this book are not intended to vanquish democracy, only to carve out a
place in that strategic field for the insights of poststructuralism.
I am not alone in taking a kind of radical democratic solace in the works
of Michel Foucault, despite the fact that his work is often taken to betray
the promise of democracy. It is widely suspected that Foucault's theory and
its application provide us with neither a mode of acting politically within
modernity nor a model of the agent who can reconstitute power in a more
just and equitable manner. But poststructuralist analyses of power and sub-
jectivity do not merely tear at the foundations of modern democratic the-
ory and citizenship. As I have argued throughout this book, in order to un-
derstand how it might be possible to produce citizens otherwise or more
democratically, it is necessary to inquire into the constitution of the citizen
capable of fashioning a self that is governable.
More implicitly, my argument is pointed to those who will to empower:
activists, organizers, educators, social service professionals, and social sci-
entists. That is to say that the argument here is one which, over the years,
I have had with myself. This book holds the will to empower to the fire
not to destroy it or discount it but to bring both its promise and its dangers
to light.
1. Arguments to revive civil society as the space of autonomy are proliferating at the
moment. For critical summaries, see Michael J . Shapiro, "Bowling Blind: Post Liberal
Civil Society and the Worlds of Neo-Tocquevillian Social Theory," Theory and Event 1,
no.1 (1995) (http://i28.220.50.88/ journals/theory_&_event/voo 1 /i. 1 shapiro.html);
Nikolas Rose, "Between Authority and Liberty: Governing Virtue in a Free Society,"
forthcoming in Janus: The Journal of the Finnish Society for Social Policy (1998); Michael
Hardt, "The Withering of Civil Society," Social Text 1 4 (Winter 1995): 27-44. Also, for
a defense of civil society, see Michael Walzer, "The Idea of Civil Society: A Path to
Social Reconstruction," Dissent, Spring 1 9 9 1 , 293-304.
2. Adam Ferguson, An Essay on the History of Civil Society (1767; Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1995). Ferguson is noted as one of the first to use the term
"civilization." He is also sometimes held to be, along with other figures of the Scottish
Enlightenment, one of the first sociologists. M y reading of Ferguson draws upon Colin
Gordon, "Governmental Rationality: An Introduction," and Graham Burchell, "Pecu-
liar Interests: Civil Society and Governing the 'System of Natural Liberty,'" both in
The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, ed. Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and
Peter Miller (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991).
3. See Gordon, "Governmental Rationality."
4. Adam Ferguson quoted in Fania Oz-Salzberger's introduction to Ferguson, Essay
on the History of Civil Society, xxiii.
1. Where "the poor" appears in quotation marks, I mean to highlight the fact that
the category was an administrative invention of the antipoverty programs. Where the
term does not appear in quotation marks, I mean to indicate that the coherence of the
group was accepted as a fact.
2. Peter L . Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, To Empower People: The Role of Medi-
ating Structures in Public Policy (Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for
Public Policy Research, 1977), 3. On Kemp and Darman, see Daniel Wattenberg,
" 'Power to the People' Becomes a Young Republican War Cry," Insight on the News,
vol. 6, no.52 (Dec. 24, 1990), 18.
3. Cf., e.g., Lawrence Mead, Beyond Entitlement: The Social Obligations of Citizenship
(New York: Free Press, 1986), and Theresa Funiciello, The Tyranny of Kindness: Disman-
tling the Welfare System to End Poverty in America (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press,
C H A P T E R 4. R E V O L U T I O N S W I T H I N
1. Nikolas Rose, "Between Authority and Liberty: Governing Virtue in a Free So-
ciety," Janus: The Journal of the Finnish Society for Social Policy (forthcoming). See the
essays by Michael Shapiro and Nikolas Rose cited earlier.
2. Robert D. Putnam, "Tuning In, Tuning Out: T h e Strange Disappearance of
Social Capital in America," PS: Political Science & Politics, December 1995, 664-65.
3. Samuel Delaney, "The Rhetoric of Sex and the Discourse of Desire," in Hetero-
topia: Postmodern Utopia and the Body Politic, ed. Tobin Siebers (Ann Arbor: Michigan
University Press, 1994), 2 2 9 - 7 2 .
148 Index
Riley, Denise, 59, 1 3 5 - 1 3 6 social services,
Rose, Nikolas, 127, 1 3 2 - 1 3 4 , 1 3 9 - 1 4 1 , class interests of, 3 4 - 4 2
144-146 "society as a whole," 6 - 8
social science, 76, n o , 1 1 3 Stack, Carol B., 139, 145
Steinern, Gloria, 87-103, 1 4 0 - 1 4 2
Scott, Joan, 127, 130, 136 ^ subjects, 1 9 - 4 2 , 85-86
Second Harvest, 128
Sedgewick, Eve, 23, 142 technologies of citizenship, 1 - 9
self-esteem, 6, 87-103 empowerment, 67-86
self-help, 48-54, 73-86 See also self-help
Shapiro, Michael, 133, 146 Tocqueville,
Alexis de, 1, 19-24, 57, 87,
Smelser, Neil, 92-93
Smiles, Samuel, 134 science of association, 96-103
social Trilateral Commission, 62-66
"housekeeping," 58-62
invention of, 43-66 Up & Out of Poverty Now, 13
social capital, 1 2 2 - 1 2 3 Urla, Jacqueline, 145
social conduct, 7 - 9
social control, 30-44, 54-58 Vasconcellos, John, 90, 141
and administrative reform, 1 1 0 - 1 2 1
and Community Action Programs, 76, Walkowitz, Judith, 61, 1 3 5 - 1 3 6
80-86 Waring, George Edwin, 8 - 1 0 , 25, 50, 122,
and theories of power, 3 0 - 4 2 127
social movements, new, 62-66 War on Poverty. See social reform
and disciplinary power, 87-103 movements, Great Society
See also social reform movements Wattenberg, Daniel, 137
social reform movements, 6, 48-54 Webb, Beatrice, 58-60, 135
Charity Organization Society, 48-54, welfare
66, 107 feminist theories of, 5 8 - 6 1
Community Action Programs, 67-86 fraud, 1 0 4 - 1 2 1
empowerment zones, 68 quality control, 1 1 1 - 1 1 5
Female Bible Mission, 49-50 and social control, 3 1 - 4 2
Great Society, 34-36, 67-86 White, Lucie, 105-108, 1 4 3 - 1 4 4
Mobilization for Youth, 7 3 - 7 4 Wiley, George, 61, 1 2 1
sanitation reform, 8 - 1 8 , 58-59 Wolin, Sheldon, 1 3 0 - 1 3 1 , 135, 144
self-esteem, 87-103 citizenship, 2 4 - 3 4
Social Purity, 61 depoliticization, 26-28, 64
Tennessee Valley Authority, 84 welfare, 1 1 3
welfare rights, 1 1 5 - 1 2 1 , 143 Women, Work, and Welfare, 1 1 8
social science,
constitutive role of, 76-84, 89-95 Young, Iris Marion, 1 3 0 - 1 3 3
Index 149