Kara Vasilis 2011
Kara Vasilis 2011
Kara Vasilis 2011
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper highlights the role of advanced structural analysis tools on the conception of high-perfor-
Available online 28 September 2010 mance earthquake-resistant structural systems. A new steel frame equipped with self-centering devices
and viscoelastic dampers is described. A prototype building using this frame is designed and a detailed
Keywords: nonlinear analytical model for seismic analysis is developed. Seismic analyses results show the effective-
Self-centering ness of the proposed frame to enhance structural and non-structural performance by significantly reduc-
Viscoelastic dampers ing residual drifts and inelastic deformations, and by reducing drifts, total floor accelerations and total
Steel MRF
floor velocities. These results are the basis for further studies aiming to develop design methods and cri-
Seismic design
teria for the proposed high-performance frame.
Damage-free Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0045-7949/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.L. Karavasilis et al. / Computers and Structures 89 (2011) 1232–1240 1233
Hysteretic Fig. 3a shows the plan view of the 5-story, 3-bay by 3-bay pro-
damping totype office building used for the study. The building has two 3-
bay identical perimeter steel MRFs (one at each side) to resist lat-
eral forces in the N–S direction. The design study focuses on one
perimeter MRF. This MRF is designed either as a conventional
MRF or as MRF with SCVDs in order to compare their seismic re-
Fig. 1. (a) Mechanical analog of the proposed SCVD and (b) SCVD hysteresis under sponse. The SCVDs are supported by braces and connected to the
earthquake loading. bottom flange of the beam of the steel MRF as shown in Fig. 3b.
1234 T.L. Karavasilis et al. / Computers and Structures 89 (2011) 1232–1240
a Viscoelastic material
Steel plate Bolts
equal to 6.5 to enable a direct comparison with the conventional ered in the design process (Section 3.3). Table 2 provides the prop-
steel MRF and defines the force level at which separation in the erties of the SCVD designs at each story. The storage shear modulus
SC initiates. The design is performed iteratively by selecting values G0 (x1 = 4.16 rad/s, temp = 24 °C) of the VE material is equal to
of kd at each story so that they produce a uniform distribution of 1086 kPa [25]. Table 2 shows that both components (VE material
drift demands based on modal response spectrum analysis. Braces and tendons) of the SCVDs can be designed to have practical sizes.
are sized to be stiff enough so that the story drift produces SCVD Fig. 4 compares the base shear coefficient (V/W)–roof drift (hr)
deformation rather than brace deformation. For all stories, a ratio curves of the two frames obtained from nonlinear cyclic static
of total brace horizontal stiffness per story to damper stiffness analysis using analytical models described in the next section. V
equal to 10 is adopted. Beams and columns are designed according is the base shear force and W is the seismic weight. The analysis
to capacity design rules so that they do not yield under the DBE. was performed at two cycles with roof drift amplitudes equal to
They also satisfy the strong column-weak beam capacity design 1.5% and 2.5% of the total building height. Fig. 4 shows that the
rule of EC8 [3]. Beam-to-column connections are designed to be MRF with SCVDs has less strength, smaller yield displacement
fully rigid and panel zones are strengthened with doubler plates and less energy dissipation capacity than the conventional MRF.
[3]. The strength-based design of the MRF with SCVDs under the For the MRF with SCVDs, softening begins at hr equal to 0.5% due
DBE was found to satisfy the serviceability limit on hmax under to separations in the SC. Beams and columns remain elastic for hr
the FOE. lower or equal to 1.5%; indicating that the MRF with SCVDs sus-
The VE damper area, Ad, at each story is determined by tains no damage and exhibit full re-centering capability (minimal
Ad = (kd td)/G0 (x1, temp), where td is the thickness of the VE dam- residual drifts) under the DBE (see hmax estimates in Table 1). For
per, G0 (x1, temp) is the storage shear modulus of the VE material, hr higher than 1.5%, the MRF with SCVDs sustains inelastic defor-
x1 is the first-mode cyclic frequency of the MRF with SCVDs and mations and possible residual drifts which are though significantly
temp is the design ambient temperature (considered equal to smaller than those sustained by the MRF.
24 °C). The VE material used in this study is the ISD-110 material
studied by Fan [25].
The SCVD device is designed with the configuration shown in
Fig. 2a. The activation force in the SC device at each story (i.e., Table 2
Ft + FED) is designed equal to the force in the spring of the Properties of SCVDs.
SAP2000 model. FED is designed equal to Ft. The tendons are cables Story kd (kN/m) td (m) Ad (m2) Pt + PED (kN) At (m2) kt (kN/m)
made of composite polymers tested by Christopoulos et al. [17] and 1 29,691 0.04 1.09 371 2.08e4 3870
have cyclic modulus Et equal to 93 GPa and elongation capacity 2 34,015 0.04 1.25 350 1.51e4 2810
close to 2.5%. With the Ft known, the area of the tendons At at each 3 30,437 0.04 1.12 313 1.35e4 2510
story is determined by At = Ft/ro, where ro is the initial pretension 4 22,449 0.04 0.83 231 9.96e5 1850
5 17,103 0.04 0.63 176 7.59e5 1410
stress in the tendon material. The stiffness kt of the tendon is deter-
mined by (At Et)/Lt. The length of the device is designed equal to
5 m by considering the tendon elongation capacity and the ex-
pected drifts under the maximum considered earthquake (MCE).
The MCE has return period equal to 2500 years and intensity equal
to 150% of the intensity of the DBE. 0.2 MRF with SCVDs
Conventional MRF
3.4. Design details
Table 1 compares properties of the conventional MRF and the
MRF with SCVDs. The table lists the column cross-sections, beam -0.1
cross-sections, steel weight, fundamental period of vibration (T1),
and equal-displacement rule estimates of hmax under the FOE and -0.2
the DBE. Table 1 shows that significant reductions in steel weight -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
and higher performance in terms of hmax can be achieved by using
SCVDs. It is emphasized that hmax for the MRF with SCVDs are
expected to be lower than those listed in Table 1 due to the Fig. 4. Comparison of the base shear coefficient–roof drift responses from nonlinear
supplemental damping of the VE material which was not consid- cyclic static analysis.
Table 1
Properties of conventional MRF and MRF with SCVDs.
Frame Columns Beams Braces Steel weight (kN) T1 (s) hmax (%)
Story Section Story Section Story Ab (m2) FOE DBE
Conventional MRF 1 HEB400 1 IPE450 – – 180 1.70 0.72 1.75
2 HEB400 2 IPE450
3 HEB400 3 IPE400
4 HEB360 4 IPE400
5 HEB360 5 IPE360
MRF with SCVDs 1 HEB280 1 IPE270 1 8.28e4 124 1.51 0.60 1.50
2 HEB280 2 IPE270 2 6.54e4
3 HEB280 3 IPE270 3 6.54e4
4 HEB240 4 IPE240 4 3.90e4
5 HEB240 5 IPE240 5 3.02e4
1236 T.L. Karavasilis et al. / Computers and Structures 89 (2011) 1232–1240
G (MPa)
2D nonlinear analytical models of the conventional MRF and the
MRF with SCVDs were developed for nonlinear dynamic analysis
using OpenSEES [26]. A distributed plasticity force-based beam Experimental
column was used to model beams and columns. An elastic beam Analytical
column element was used to model the lean-on column that ac-
counts for the P–D effects of the vertical loads on the interior grav- 0
ity columns of the prototype building. An elastic truss element was 0 5 10 15 20
used to model the braces. The panel zones of the beam-column (rad/s.)
joints were modelled as proposed by Herrera et al. [27]. The SC de-
vices were modelled using a zero-length element exhibiting flag-
shaped hysteresis. This zero-length element has a high initial stiff-
b 1.5
ness representing the rigidity of the SC device before activation of
the ED. This element is suitable for the SC device shown in Fig. 2a. 1
However, a different self-centering flag-shaped model is needed
for the SMA wires of the SC device shown in Fig. 2b [19]. Experimental
The shear stress (s)–shear strain (c) behavior of the VE material 0.5 Analytical
was modelled using the GM model shown in Fig. 5. Under har-
monic loading of cyclic frequency x, the GM model provides stor-
age shear modulus equal to 0
0 5 10 15 20
ðxbm Þ2 (rad/sec)
G ðxÞ ¼ G0 þ Gm ð2Þ
m¼1 1 þ ðxbm Þ2
Fig. 6. Comparison of experimental and analytical values of the mechanical
and loss factor equal to properties of the VE material at 24 °C (a) G0 and (b) g.
P ðxbm Þ
ðxb0 ÞG0 þ nm¼1 1þð xbm Þ2
gðxÞ ¼ Pn ðxbm Þ2
ð3Þ used to model inherent 2% critical damping at the first two modes
G0 þ m¼1 1þðxb Þ2 Gm of vibration. A diaphragm constraint was imposed on the nodes of
each floor level. A nonlinear load control static analysis under the
These equations can be used to calibrate the GM model against gravity loads was first performed and then, the nonlinear dynamic
experimentally obtained values of G0 and g for different cyclic fre- earthquake analysis was executed. Each dynamic analysis was ex-
quencies. Fan [25] calibrated the GM model of Fig. 5 with m = 4 tended beyond the actual earthquake time to allow for damped free
for the ISD-110 VE material and the resulting values of the param- vibration decay and correct residual drift calculation.
eters are given in Table 3. Fig. 6 compares the experimentally ob-
tained values of G0 and g at 24 °C [24] with those obtained by
using the parameters of Table 3 in Eqs. (2) and (3). Acceptable 4.2. Earthquake ground motions
agreement is observed. The GM model was represented in Open-
SEES as a combination of linear springs and dashpots. The stiffness An ensemble of 20 earthquake ground motions recorded on
of the springs of the GM model was determined by multiplying G0 ground type B were used in 2D nonlinear dynamic analyses to eval-
and Gm with the ratio Ad/td of each story to transform s–c behavior uate the performance of the conventional MRF and the perfor-
to force (F = s Fd) deformation (d = c td) behavior.The Newmark mance of the MRF with SCVDs. None of the ground motions
method with constant acceleration was used to integrate the equa- exhibit near-fault forward-directivity effects. The ground motions
tions of motion. The Newton method with tangent stiffness was were scaled to the DBE level using the scaling procedure of Somer-
used for the solution algorithm. A Rayleigh damping matrix was ville [28]. Table 4 provides the scale factors and information on the
20 ground motions. Fig. 7 compares the DBE elastic response spec-
trum of EC8 with the mean (l) and mean plus/minus one standard
deviation (l + r) spectra of the DBE ground motions. The ampli-
Go tudes of the DBE ground motions were further scaled by 0.4 and
Go G1 G2 Gm
1.5 to represent FOE and MCE ground motions, respectively.
1G1 2G2 mG
Table 4
Properties of the ground motions used for nonlinear dynamic analyses.
2 5
EC8 DBE (a)
1.5 4
Conventional MRF ( )
Sa (g)
1 3 Conventional MRF ( )
2 MRF with SCVDs ( )
0.5 MRF with SCVDs ( )
0 1 2 3 4 FOE
Period (s.) 0
Fig. 7. Comparison of the DBE EC8 spectrum with the spectra of the DBE ground (b)
motions used for nonlinear dynamic analyses. 4
2 2
MRF with SCVDs
Conventional MRF 1
-2 3
0 20 40 60
Time (s.) 2
Fig. 8. Comparison of the roof drift time histories from nonlinear dynamic analysis
under the HSP ground motion scaled to the DBE. MCE
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
(l) and 0.42% (l + r) under the FOE, 1.35% (l) and 1.80% (l + r) 5
under the DBE, and 2.30% (l) and 2.90% (l + r) under the MCE. (a)
The corresponding median values are 0.31%, 1.30% and 2.30%. 4 Conventinal MRF ( )
The above mean (l) and median values of hmax indicate perfor-
mance levels of immediate occupancy (IO), close to IO and life
3 Conventional MRF ( )
safety (LS) under the FOE, DBE and MCE, respectively [30].
Fig. 10 shows l and l + r values of hrmax. Under the FOE, both MRF with SCVDs ( )
frames experience anticipated zero residual drifts; indicating IO
MRF with SCVDs ( )
[30]. Under the DBE and MCE, the MRF with SCVDs shows a signif-
icantly higher performance than the conventional steel MRF. The 1
associated decreases in hrmax are approximately 80% and 70%. FOE
For the MRF with SCVDs, hrmax is 0.05% (l) and 0.15% (l + r) un- 0
der the DBE, and 0.2% (l) and 0.36% (l + r) under the MCE. The
corresponding median values are 0.02% and 0.19%. The above mean (b)
(l) and median values of hrmax indicate performance levels of IO
under the FOE and close to IO under the DBE and MCE [30].
Fig. 11 shows l and l + r values of amax. The MRF with SCVDs
shows significantly higher, higher and slightly higher performance
than the conventional MRF under the FOE, DBE and MCE, respec-
tively. The associated decreases in amax are approximately 49%, 2
21% and 9%; indicating less damage in rigidly attached non-struc-
tural components. For the MRF with SCVDs, amax is 1.93 (l) and 1
2.76 (l + r) m/s2 under the FOE, 5.29 (l) and 7.29 (l + r) m/s2 un- DBE
der the DBE, and 7.7 (l) and 10.37 (l + r) m/s2 under the MCE. The 0
corresponding median values are 1.63, 4.82 and 7.28 m/s2.
(a) 3
4 Conventional MRF ( ) 2
3 Conventional MRF ( )
performance under the DBE and MCE than the conventional MRF.
The associated decreases in vmax are approximately 53%, 29% and
2 22%; indicating less damage in non-rigidly attached block-type ob-
jects. For the MRF with SCVDs, vmax is 0.26 (l) and 0.34 (l + r) m/s
1 under the FOE, 0.71 (l) and 0.92 (l + r) m/s under the DBE, and 1.0
DBE (l) and 1.35 (l + r) m/s under the MCE. The corresponding median
0 values are 0.24, 0.65 and 0.97 m/s.
5 The response of the MRF with SCVDs depends on the value of
(c) q which defines the force level at which SCVDs are transformed
4 from VE dampers to SC devices. A decrease in q increases the
force at which activation in the SC device initiates, and therefore,
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