CFC Readme Online - en US PDF
CFC Readme Online - en US PDF
CFC Readme Online - en US PDF
Overview 2
Notes on Installation 3
Notes on usage 4
Process Control System PCS 7
CFC Readme V9.0 (online)
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in
this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
1 Security information......................................................................................................................................5
2 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................7
3 Notes on Installation.....................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Scope of Delivery.....................................................................................................................9
3.2 Hardware Requirements........................................................................................................10
3.3 Software Requirements..........................................................................................................10
3.4 Installation and removal.........................................................................................................10
4 Notes on usage..........................................................................................................................................13
4.1 New features and changes as compared to previous versions..............................................13
4.2 Information on Configuration and Operation .........................................................................14
4.2.1 Migrating to Other CFC Versions...........................................................................................14
4.2.2 General Information on CFC..................................................................................................15
4.2.3 CFC for S7.............................................................................................................................17
4.2.4 SFC instances in the CFC......................................................................................................18
4.2.5 Use of the "Selective Download" function after migration......................................................18
4.3 Notes on the Documentation..................................................................................................18
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends to apply product updates as soon as available and to always
use the latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and
failure to apply latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under
Runtime environment
CFC is a 32-bit application that requires one of the operating systems listed above.
CFC is add-on software. In order to operate CFC, you also need the following software on your
programming device or PC:
● Basic software STEP 7 V5.6 or higher
The SCL Compiler product is no longer needed as of CFC V6.1 including SP1.
The setup for CFC installs the required SCL Compiler functionality in the appropriate version
(no SCL license key is required for this).
If a version of SCL Compiler earlier than V5.3 including SP1 was installed on the PC and SCL
has been removed, CFC must be reinstalled. Otherwise, you cannot compile in CFC, because
the SCL function cannot be found.
If you have installed an SCL Compiler with version V5.1.x on the PC, you must install the SCL
Compiler again after removing CFC, because otherwise the SCL sources will no longer be
displayed in the SIMATIC Manager.
To read the provided PDF files, you need a PDF reader that is compatible with PDF 1.x.
Memory requirements
CFC requires approximately 90 MB of space on your hard disk.
Installation of CFC
You can install CFC V9.0 over an existing installation of CFC.
CFC can only be installed after complete installation of STEP 7. The setup program
automatically installs CFC on the drive containing the STEP 7 software.
Insert the TIA Engineering Toolset CD into the drive. CFC is installed with a user-guided setup
that you launch with the MS Windows Explorer by double-clicking on the SETUP program on
the CD.
Uninstalling CFC
You have to remove software products in accordance with the MS Windows guidelines.
To do this, uninstall your software package in the Windows Control Panel. For example, in
Windows 7, open Programs > Programs and Features in the Control Panel and select your
software package to be uninstalled. This is the only way to uninstall the software under MS
Dynamically created files could remain when you uninstall CFC. This is detected by the
Uninstall tool, and shown with the message "Some elements could not be removed. You should
manually remove items related to the application.. You can, but do not have to, delete these
dynamically created files.
V8.2 SP1
Compared with the previous version V8.2, version V8.2 SP1 includes the following
enhancements or changes:
● New attributes
– For the "Message" object of control modules, the attributes "Single acknowledgment",
"With acknowledgment", "Trigger action", "OS area" and "Batch ID" have been added.
– The attribute "Version" has been added for control modules and equipment modules.
The new attributes participate in the data exchange between PCS 7 and COMOS.
● Delay time in the signal processing of an interconnection
A delay time in the signal processing of an interconnection is detected and displayed at the
interconnection in the CFC. A warning is output in the log during compiling.
● Data exchange with COMOS via XML format
On export to an XML file, selected technological objects can now be exported using the
new menu command "Export selected objects to XML".
You can find additional information on these enhancements or changes in the "CFC for
SIMATIC S7" manual or online help in the following sections:
● "Attributes and attribute values of a control module"
● "Display of an interconnection"
● "Data exchange with COMOS via XML format"
Compared with the previous version V8.1.1, version V8.2 includes the following enhancements
or changes:
● Chart-based runtime group management for blocks of CFCs
With a CFC that is integrated in chart-based runtime group management is integrated, the
blocks are automatically managed in separate runtime groups based on the chart, i.e. the
blocks of the CFC are organized in runtime units that are permanently assigned to this CFC.
When F-blocks are also used in this CFC, not only is a runtime group for blocks
automatically created in the "standard program", but a runtime group for the included F-
blocks as well.
● "Type update in RUN" for default value changes in the interface of blocks/block types
In the case of default value changes at the interface of a block/block type, this block can
be downloaded with the type update in RUN. It is no longer necessary to put the CPU in
STOP mode for this.
Type update for control module types (CMT) with F components, i.e. programs with safety-
related blocks from the F library, is supported.
You can find additional information on these enhancements or changes in the "CFC for
SIMATIC S7" manual or online help in the following sections:
● "Chart-based runtime group management for blocks of CFCs"
● "Type update of a CPU 410-5H PA"
"Key already exists" message during conversion of older projects to CFC as of version V8.1.
If this message appears, your project contains block types with names that differ only in their
case. You must correct this in the previous version. You can perform the conversion only after
you have done this.
Blocks, interconnections and messages can be added or removed from existing and already
instantiated control modules. These changes can be passed on to the existing, corresponding
instances of the control modules by executing a synchronization.
The behavior during synchronization depends on:
● The type of change (parameter value, interconnection)
● The location of the change (type or instance)
● The attributes of the modified parameters
You can find detailed information on system behavior during synchronization between type
and instance of control modules at under the entry ID
The manuals are available as electronic documents which you can read and print with Acrobat
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