Desalination: Marius Sebastian Secula, Igor Cre Ţescu, Stelian Petrescu
Desalination: Marius Sebastian Secula, Igor Cre Ţescu, Stelian Petrescu
Desalination: Marius Sebastian Secula, Igor Cre Ţescu, Stelian Petrescu
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / d e s a l
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents an experimental study on the removal of Indigo Carmine dye from aqueous solutions
Received 24 December 2010 using a batch stirred electrocoagulation reactor. The experimental tests were carried out in a discontinuous
Received in revised form 9 April 2011 system provided with steel electrodes. The main purpose was to investigate the effects of the operating
Accepted 12 April 2011
parameters, such as pH, initial concentration, electrolysis duration, current density, and electrolyte support
Available online 8 May 2011
concentration, on the treatment of a synthetic wastewater containing indigo carmine dye in the batch
electrocoagulation process.
Electrocoagulation The batch electrocoagulation reactor was operated at various current densities ranging from 5.46 to
Decolorization 54.57 A⋅m− 2. Initial concentration of the dye was ranged between 25 and 100 mg⋅L−1. The initial value of pH
Indigo carmine was varied from 5 to 9, while the concentration of the electrolyte support ranged from 0.2 to 4.5 g⋅L−1.
Iron electrode It was shown that pH control during electrocoagulation process is not beneficial in case of Indigo Carmine
Energy consumption removal.
The values of the rate constant were determined according to the pseudo first-order kinetic model that fits the
experimental data. The highest rate constants were achieved for a current density of 54.57 A⋅m− 2, an initial
dye concentration of 25 mg⋅L− 1, an initial pH of 8, and a background electrolyte concentration of 77 mM.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0011-9164/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
228 M.S. Secula et al. / Desalination 277 (2011) 227–235
2. Experimental part
2.1. Materials
Indigo Carmine (Fig. 1), which is also commonly known as Acid Fig. 2. Experimental set-up.
Fig. 1. Structural chemical formula of Indigo Carmine dye. Fig. 3. UV–VIS spectra of Indigo Carmine dye.
M.S. Secula et al. / Desalination 277 (2011) 227–235 229
Energy consumption can be calculated as follows: In Fig. 4 is shown the evolution of decolorization rate and color of
samples at the electrocoagulation of 50 mg/L IC for 3 h under the
E¼U×I×t ð2Þ mentioned conditions. Fig. 5 outlines the main stages of the
electrocoagulation process.
At the beginning of the electrocoagulation process, the
where U is the voltage, V, I – current intensity, A, and t – time, h.
electrochemical dosing of iron into solution result in a relatively
The specific energy consumption can be determined by dividing
limited effect on the decolorization rate. The generation of mostly
the energy consumption at the quantity of separated dye.
Fe(OH)2(s) (green flocs) into solution changes the color of the
model wastewater from dark blue (Fig. 5a), to dark green (not
2.5. Determination of rate constant
shown here). After 20 min, the pH value already changed from 7.1
to 8.2. At this moment (Fig. 5b) the concentration of Fe(OH)3
In the investigated electrocoagulation processes, the rate of Indigo
increased so that the color of dye solution passes relatively fast
Carmine removal is proportional to the dye concentration and the
from dark green into yellow brown. This phenomenon has been
amount of ferric hydroxide formed [17]:
explained by Ghernaout and colab. [18] through the formation of
flocs due to the spontaneous discharge of ferric ions that lead to
dC ferric hydroxide (brown flocs) in the presence of hydroxyl ions.
¼ k × C × CFeðOHÞ3 ð3Þ
dt Most probably due to the absorption on the generated flocs of the
blue IC dye, the solution color turns to green after 40 min of
where CFe(OH)3refers to the concentration of adsorbent present in the electrocoagulation. Also, the slope of the decolorization rate
system. Since the generation of ferric hydroxide can be assumed becomes steeper and remains so for until 80 min of electrocoagu-
constant for a given current density, Eq. (3) can be reduced to pseudo lation time, when a decolorization rate of 80% is achieved. At the
first order kinetics: end of the electrocoagulation process, the stirring was turned off
and the flocs separated by both sedimentation and flotation as
dC shown in Fig. 5d. After 3 h of electrocoagulation a 96% decolor-
¼ k1 × C ð4Þ
dt ization rate was achieved.
The integration of Eq. (4) results in: 3.2. Effect of current density
Fig. 5. Evolution of electrocoagulation process: (a) initial state; (b) 20 min, pH = 8.2; (c) 40 min, pH = 9; (d) 180 min of electrocoagulation and 5 min after stirring was turned off
(C0 = 50 mg/L, CNaCl = 0.2 g/L, pHi = 7.1, j = 10.91 A⋅m− 2, κi = 1.1 mS⋅cm− 1).
important energy losses. For instance, at a current density value of 3.3. Effect of initial dye concentration
54.57 A⋅m− 2, after 15 min of electrocoagulation, a removal rate of
90.64% is achieved with a specific energy consumption of In Fig. 8 is shown the influence of the initial dye concentration over
0.018 kWh⋅g− 1. After 20, 30 and 40 min of electrocoagulation, the the decolorization rate, specific consumption, energy consumption
specific energy consumptions increase with 28, 86 and 143% and pH values. As can be seen, at initial dye concentrations higher
respectively, while the removal rates increase to 94.67, 96.75 and than 75 mg/L, the specific energy consumptions present no significant
97.57%, respectively. improvements.
Based on the experimental data achieved it can be noticed that At the lowest value of the initial dye concentration the evolution of
removal efficiencies of about 99% require 0.017 kWh⋅g− 1 for a current specific energy consumption resembles that of the process taking
density of 10.91 A⋅m− 2, 0.021 kWh⋅g for 16.37 A⋅m− 2, 0.043 kWh⋅g place at high values of current density. This is characterized by a
for 27.38 A⋅m− 2 and 0.056 kWh⋅g− 1 for 54.57 A⋅m− 2. Therefore it strong increase in energy consumption, then a drop followed by a
can be stated that in order to achieve certain removal efficiencies, the region of relatively constant specific energy consumption. After
specific energy consumption increases with current density. 120 min of electrocoagulation the efficiency of the process decreases.
It was found that the electrocoagulation process of Indigo Carmine However, Fig. 8b pinpoints that the most important reduction in
obeys a pseudo-first order kinetic model. Fig. 7 emphasizes the specific energy consumption is reached for Indigo Carmine solutions
influence of the applied current density on the rate constant. of at least 75 mg⋅L− 1.
It can be noticed that the rate constant increases with the increase Fig. 9 shows the influence of initial dye concentration on the rate
in the applied current density. A second order polynomial model fits constant determined according to the pseudo-first order kinetic
well the rate constant dependence on the current density. model.
M.S. Secula et al. / Desalination 277 (2011) 227–235 231
Fig. 7. Variation of pseudo first order rate constant with applied current density
(C0 = 40 mg/L IC, CNaCl = 1.5 g/L, pHi = 7, κi = 6.6 mS⋅cm− 1).
Fig. 6. Decolorization rate (a) and specific energy consumption (b) evolution at several
values of current density. Insert graphs: pseudo first order kinetics plots (a) and
evolution of electrical energy consumed (b). (C0 = 40 mg/L IC, CNaCl = 1.5 g/L, pHi = 7,
κi = 6.6 mS⋅cm− 1).
Table 1
Values of pseudo first order constants at different concentrations and support
mainly on the pollutant nature [25,26]. Thus, in this study it was found
that the addition of acid solution, in order to control the pH value of
the treated solution, in fact limits the development of the flocs
generated. This is supported by the fact that for the controlled-pH
tests it is obtained a plateau of the decolorization rate as a function of
the initial pH values of the treated solution. The lower the initial pH
value of the treated solution, the lower the value of the decolorization
rate plateau. This is also stressed in Fig. 11 where the influence of
solution pH over the rate constant is shown.
Fig. 10b outlines the influence of the addition of acid solution onto
the voltage. This decreases due to the increase of the solution
conductivity based on the addition of sulfate ions.
According to literature [27], influencing the stability of the
generate hydroxide species, the initial pH of wastewater can either
have a positive or negative influence on the treatment rate. Fig. 12
shows the influence of the initial pH (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) of Indigo
Carmine dye wastewater over the decolorization rate and specific
energy consumption in case of non-controlled pH. For all the initial pH
values, the final values increased and stabilized around pH 11. The
Fig. 9. Variation of pseudo first order rate constant with initial dye concentration
(j = 10.91 A⋅m− 2, CNaCl = 1.5 g/L, pHi = 7).
increase of solution pH during electrocoagulation is mainly attributed
to the increase of hydroxide ions (HO−) concentration that is
generated from water reduction at the cathode [28]:
solution having the initial pH value of 5 over the decolorization rate,
specific energy consumption and voltage of the current applied. −
There are papers reported in literature claiming that pH control- 2H2 OðlÞ + 2e−⇔H2 ðg Þ + 2OH ð2Þ ð6Þ
ling in case of iron-based electrocoagulation processes leads to higher
efficiencies. However, the mechanism of electrocoagulation depends
In spite of a relatively faster separation of Indigo Carmine dye from
solution at the beginning of electrocoagulation processes at lower
initial pH values, the decolorization rate after 3 h is approximately
similar at all values of initial pH investigated. The same fact is also
valid for the specific energy consumption as shown in Fig. 12b. Mollah
and colab. stressed that the maximum removal efficiency of dye-
containing wastewaters occurs at the pH of 6.9 and consequently they
concluded this is the optimal pH value where the most of iron
complexes are formed [29]. This might explain the more enhanced
removal of dye when the initial pH value is lower. However, as can be
seen in the insert plot in Fig. 12a, the pH increases quite fast until a
value of 8 is reached. Hence, the system is operated most of the time
outside the optimal range of pH.
Based on the values of rate constant shown in Fig. 11, the most
favorable initial pH value for the electrocoagulation process taking
place without pH control is 8, while the most unfavorable is 6.
Fig. 10. Specific energy consumption (a) and voltage (b) evolution at different pH
regimes. Insert graphs: (a) Evolution of decolorization rate and (b) pH during Fig. 11. Variation of pseudo first order rate constant with initial pH (C0 = 50 mg/L IC,
electrocoagulation (C0 = 50 mg/L IC, j = 10.91 A⋅m− 2, CNaCl = 1.5 g/L, pHi = 5). j = 10.91 A⋅m− 2, CNaCl = 1.5 g/L, pHi = 5).
M.S. Secula et al. / Desalination 277 (2011) 227–235 233
Fig. 12. Variation of decolorization rate (a) and specific energy consumption (b) as a
function of the initial pH. Insert graph (a): evolution of pH (C0 = 50 mg/L IC,
j = 10.91 A⋅m− 2, CNaCl = 1.5 g/L).
solution. However, according to the specific energy consumption it electrode, either by the incorporation of Cl− to the oxide film or by the
can be noticed that increasing three folds the amount of background participation of Cl− in the metal dissolution reaction [31].
electrolyte, from 25.67 mM NaCl to 77.00 mM NaCL, the diminution of Therefore, the addition of NaCl to the wastewater is a better choice
this parameter becomes marginal. This is supported by examining the for increasing the performance of the electrocoagulation process.
evolution of energy consumption during the electrocoagulation However, as discussed the decolorization rate decreases when more
process. NaCl was added. Hence, the excessive amount of chloride ions in
The pH value of treated solution increases with the addition of solution is unfavorable to the coagulation of the dye. Wang and colab.
NaCl, which is due to the increase of the solution conductivity and explained this phenomenon by assuming the chloride ions form
thus to the increase of hydroxide ions concentration. In addition, transitory compounds with the metal hydroxides generated into
Chen and colab. [30] reported that Cl− or SO2− 4 can exchange partly solution. Moreover, chloride ions might be discharged at the anode
with HO− in metal hydroxides to free hydroxyl ions, which also and generate Cl2 that is dissolved into solution and chemically
causes a pH increase. converted to ClO- which can further oxidize the pollutants [32].
In Table 1 are listed the values of rate constant corresponding to
the processes taking place with different concentration of background 4. Conclusions
In Fig. 15a is shown the influence of adding Na2SO4 onto the The effects of the main operating parameters, such as pH, initial
decolorization rate and specific energy consumption, while in Fig. 15b concentration, operating time, current density, and electrolyte
are presented the effects over pH value of the treated solution and support concentration on the treatment of a synthetic wastewater
electric energy consumption. containing indigo carmine dye in the batch electrocoagulation process
Though the addition of Na2SO4 concentration has a positive effect were investigated.
on the decolorization rate of Indigo Carmine dye solution, decreasing The treatment of Indigo Carmine dye in a batch electrocoagulation
also the specific energy consumption, Table 1 pinpoints values much reactor can lead to almost complete decolorization when the
lower of the rate constant in comparison with NaCl. experimental set-up is operated at optimal values of parameters.
Lee and colab. reported that the addition of Cl− ions into solutions Electrocoagulation process of Indigo Carmine obeys the pseudo-
lead to an increase of the anodic dissolution rate of the sacrificial first order kinetic model. The values of the rate constant were
The optimal ranges of the investigated parameters of electro-
coagulation process were determined. A minimum of 10.91 A⋅m− 2 of
current density should be applied, while an increase of this parameter
leads to higher and faster obtained removal rates. However, in order
to achieve certain removal efficiencies, the specific energy consump-
tion increases with current density. Having in view the minimization
of the energy consumption, in order to achieve a dye removal
efficiency of 99% from aqueous solution containing 40 mg⋅L− 1 of
Indigo Carmine, a current density of 10.91 A⋅m− 2 and a residence
time of 180 min were found to be the optimal parameters.
Initial dye concentrations higher than 75 mg⋅L− 1 ensure good
efficiencies for the electrocoagulation process. It was determined that
support electrolyte concentrations higher than 1.5 g⋅L− 1 of NaCl do
not lead to significant increase of the specific energetic consumption.
It was found that the highest efficiencies are achieved with non-
adjusted pH. However, the initial value of pH seems to present very
weak influence on the removal rate.
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