Settlement of Dispute: Table 17

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Table 17

Settlement of dispute

No mechanism 20% Statement:

Table#17 shows that majority of respondent has
Police station 3.3% 33.3% settlement of dispute through market union. Some
of the respondent 20% has no mechanism for settlement
Market 33.3% of dispute. Few of the respondent 14.3% solve their
union settlement of dispute through no response. Few of the
Informally 12% respondent 12% solve informally very few of the
respondent 3.3% solve through police station.

No response 14.3%

Table 18

Visits of government officer

Yes 33.3% Statement:

Table#18 shows that majority of respondent 63.3% say
that government officer not visited. Some of the
No 63.3% respondent 33.3% say yes and few of the respondent say
occasionally visit.

Occasionally 3.3%
Table 19

Facilitation from government

Yes 8.6% Statement:

Table#19 shows that majority of the respondent 61.6%
No 61.6% says no facilitation from government. Some of the
respondent 20% give no response. Few of the respondent
Occasionally Yes 5% 8.6% says yes and very few says that occasionally.
No Response 20%

Table 20
Facilitation for business

Export overseas 1.6% Table#20 shows that majority of the respondent 88.3% give no
response. Some of the respondent 3.3% says facilitation for
Tender taking 1.6% business are arranging material goods and increase our
business. Few respondent 1.6% says that export overseas, tender
Arranging taking and infrastructure.
materials goods
Increase our

No response 88.3%

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