Nord Pool Spot. The Nordic Blueprint. Annual Report 2011. 2011
Nord Pool Spot. The Nordic Blueprint. Annual Report 2011. 2011
Nord Pool Spot. The Nordic Blueprint. Annual Report 2011. 2011
45.6 TWh
26.0 growth from 2010
the nordic
annual report 2011
Nord Pool Spot operates the leading power
markets in Europe and offers both day-
ahead and intraday markets to its members.
316 000GWh
350 companies
from 20 countries
trade on Nord Pool
Spot’s markets. In
2011 Nord Pool Spot
had a total turnover
of 316 terrawatt
hours (TWh) of
13 management team and transparent energy trading markets in ‘blueprint’ to the Baltic states and to the United
Kingdom and are determined to play our part in
14 N2EX: Powering the UK market the nordic countries and beyond. realising unified energy trading across Europe.
18 A blueprint for Europe
22 How does the day-ahead auction work?
24 A day at the trading desk
30 Directors report
35 Financial report
Key facts and figures
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
elspot turnover per country in tWh System price average price in eur/MWh
■ Estonia The hourly system 60
■ Germany price is determined
250 at the point where all 50
■ Denmark
■ Finland supply and demand
■ Sweden tWh for the entire Nordic 40
0 0
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
elbas turnover per country in tWh elbas volume 2011 N2eX share of turnover N2eX turnover 2011 in tWh N2eX volume 2011 5
2.7 45.6
■ Estonia ■ Prompt and 50
■ Norway spot volume
2.5 2011: 26.9 TWh 40
■ Germany
■ Denmark ■ Day-ahead
■ Finland tWh auction volume
30 tWh
1.5 ■ Sweden 2.2 TWh in 2010 2011: 18.7 TWh 20 19.6 TWh in 2010
1.0 10
0.5 0
2010 2011
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
operations by location
Highlights 2011 January
highlights 2011
The NorNed interconnector
■ Nordic and Baltic market: day-ahead and intraday
between Norway and The Neth-
■ UK market N2EX: day-ahead and intraday
erlands is included in market
■ System provider for day-ahead and/or intraday
coupling between the Central West-
■ German market: intraday
ern Europe area and the Nordic
oslo Norway
Finland Helsinki
tallin Estonia 14 February 17 February 5 May
stockholm Sweden Nord Pool Spot introduces negative The three power exchanges Nord Launch of a new corporate website
prices on Elbas and reduces gate Pool Spot, APX-ENDEX and providing a more user-friendly pres-
closure on Elbas in Germany. Belpex announce the launch of a entation of data and information.
cross-border intraday market for
Copenhagen Denmark trading across the Dutch-Belgian
its power markets. 1996: Rebranded to Nord Pool and intraday power trading 1 12 1
when the Swedish market joins, cre-
2008: The financial market part The Euro becomes the official trad- SSE announces it intends to trade Sweden is divided into four bidding
the energy act of ating the world’s first international
of Nord Pool is sold to NASDAQ ing currency for the Nordic day- 100% of its generation and supply areas, a decision made by Svenska
1990 formed the power market
OMX Commodities ahead market Elspot. volume through the N2EX day- Kraftnät (SvK) after legally bind-
ahead auction by the end of March
basis for deregulation 1998: Finland’s market joins Nord
2010: N2EX launched by Nord Pool
2012. Effective immediately the
ing commitments from SvK to the
Pool European Commission.
in the other nordic Spot and NASDAQ OMX Com-
company will start to ramp up its
1999: Elbas becomes the first inter- modities to offer a UK energy mar-
countries. national intraday energy market ket. Nord Pool Spot opens bidding
area in Estonia
2000: The Nordic market becomes
“Today we look across
Europe to see the Nordic
market ‘blueprint’ at work.“
Mikael lundin Ceo
Clearly these projects are being implemented in very continuing to develop and improve our services in a
diverse markets. But we find that the Nordic market well-functioning market. Today we look across Europe
model – what we refer to as the ‘blueprint’ – can often and see the Nordic blueprint at work.
be successfully applied, while managing to accom-
modate different national market characteristics and Including the Baltics
regardless of previous historical developments. One of the key areas in which we made major strides
Nordic markets, no liquid power market developed. We remain confident that the Nordic blueprint is the stina Johansen Hans randen Camilla Berg
Day-ahead trading has largely been bilateral in nature right one to successfully move forward European energy HEAD OF cOmmUNIcATIONS DIrEcTOr EUrOPEAN INTEGrATION GENErAl cOUNSEl AND HEAD OF mArKET
Stina Johansen leads the department respon- Hans randen leads the department responsi- SUrVEIllANcE
with brokers acting as middlemen backed by organisa- market integration by 2014. In the meantime we have
sible for corporate communications, including ble for expansion into new markets and new camilla Berg is responsible for all legal mat-
tions with substantial resources. This has created high to continue to build understanding and support for the strategic communication, media and stake- business affairs. Hans worked for Nord Pool ters, regulatory compliance and oversees the
barriers to entry for small traders and also resulted in an day-ahead auction. holder relations, web communication and ASA from 1993 before joining Nord Pool Spot market Surveillance department. She has
absence of credible power index prices. In September 2011 we signed a Letter of Intent with branding. Stina has broad experience within in 2009, with trading as his main focus area. He many years of experience from the law firm
corporate communication from several com- holds a master of Science degree in Electrical Selmer DA, as well as holding the position of
The N2EX energy market in the UK was launched Epex Spot, the operator of the day-ahead markets for
panies. She joined Nord Pool Spot in 2010. Engineering and has been Nord Pool Spot’s general counsel in Think Global AS. camilla is
in 2010 as a joint offer from Nord Pool Spot and France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, in order Director European Integration since 2010. cand.jur. from the University of Oslo and has
NASDAQ OMX Commodities. The UK energy sector to create a joint venture to build and operate a joint been our General counsel and Head of market
authorities have been pushing for the establishment of system platform. We approached this as a strategic alli- Surveillance since 2009.
a liquid market, and we aim to show that our Nordic ance to establish common systems and operations for
blueprint model is more efficient than the bilateral trad- the energy markets in Europe. To us this project is an Mikael lundin Marianne W. Jenssen Ulf Kurtén
ing which currently dominates. important step, with
mikael lundin has extensive and long stand- marianne Wergeland Jenssen heads up our Ulf Kurtén is head of the IT department and
However, this involves making changes to an entire substantial resources “We remain confident that the ing international experience from the energy department market operations, customer responsible for all IT services and develop-
N2EX ended 2010 having achieved two extremely posi- the market would have to establish the day-ahead index
tive landmarks in its first year of operation. The fledg- price as a robust figure, meaning it would have to focus
ling UK power market had brought a very creditable trading on the auction.
23 members on board and traded 21 TWh, well above These changes in the way the UK market trades
expectations. electricity are essential if the United Kingdom is to
*The European Union’s Third Energy Package is a legislative package for an internal gas and electricity market in the European
Union. Its purpose is to further open up the gas and electricity markets in the European Union. The package was proposed by the
European commission in September 2007, and adopted by the European Parliament and the European council in July 2009. It
entered into force on 3 September 2009
powering the uK MarKet
ship to the intraday market, volumes continued to grow. In June, N2EX
recorded its first week where trading topped a TWh.
In September we discussed with our members the potential of offering a
Gross Bidding-type product in the market.
Gross Bidding was a concept introduced in the Nordic markets around
2005. It was designed to encourage vertically integrated utilities (those
■ Intraday market ■ Prompt market ■ Day-ahead market
that both produce and consume power) to put 100% of their buy and sell
8 000 volume into the market. The result was increased trading activity in the
market, with the attraction of new members as companies became more
6 000
confident that electricity was being bought and sold at the market price.
The introduction of Gross Bidding saw volumes on Nord Pool Spot increase
from 150 TWh in 2006 to 250 TWh in 2007 reaching our highest annual
4 000
volume to date in 2010 of 307 TWh.
Under the N2EX proposal these utilities would commit to putting a cer-
2 000 tain amount of volume (both buy and sell) into the market. The purpose
here being to give greater depth in the market to the bid/offer stacks, thereby
bringing confidence to the many smaller participants operating in N2EX,
as well as demonstrate to the government and regulator that a robust UK
market is evolving.
With another successful year behind it, N2EX closed 2011 having traded 45.6 TWh, 18.7 Ground breaking move gives volume boost
TWh on the day-ahead auction and 26.9 TWh on the prompt, with a total of 33 partici- In October we were delighted to welcome a ground breaking move from
pants trading on the market daily.
N2EX member SSE, which entered into this arrangement voluntarily,
before Gross Bidding had been formally introduced. This development
made national newspaper headlines in the UK.
“Attracting key
There are around 350 buyers and sellers (called ‘members’) on Elspot. Most
trade power every day, placing a total of around 2,000 orders for power
contracts. In the mature Nordic power market, there is a great deal of pub-
lic interest in wholesale power prices, but few appreciate the complexity of Frequent orders
the process behind the formation of tomorrow’s electricity price.
Daily trading is driven by market members’ planning. A buyer, typically are coming in to
a utility, must assess how much energy it will need to meet demand the the trading desk.
following day, and how much it is willing to pay for this volume, hour by
hour. A seller, for example the owner of a hydroelectric power plant, needs
to decide how much he can deliver and at what price, hour by hour. These
needs are reflected through orders entered by buyers and sellers into the Els-
pot trading system. Prices are calculated at noon every day based on supply, Senior Trading Advisor Øystein Os.
demand and transmission capacity (how much power can be moved from
Trading Advisor Ellen charlotte
08:00-12:00 Controlling transmission capacities and orders
At 10:00 two Trading Advisors are controlling the power transmission
capacities given by the system operators to each bidding area in the market.
These capacities are then communicated to the wider market. Until noon Deadline for
frequent orders are coming in to the trading desk. All orders are handled
electronically, but our Trading Advisors are constantly on the phone,
submitting orders.
answering different inquiries.
“In the early days of Elspot we were on call all night,” comments Øystein
Os, Senior Trading Advisor. “Sometimes the phone would ring when I was
fast asleep. I’m glad to say that with greater technical sophistication and
automation that way of doing business is now history!”
order book
“We check hundreds of orders every day. The computer system also warns is sent to
us if the discrepancy in volumes/prices in an order exceeds a certain percent- european
age from one day to another, this is to make sure all orders are correct,” Trad-
ing Advisor Ellen Charlotte Stavseth says. All companies entering orders in Market
the trading system are responsible for the information in their bids being cor- coupling
rect. Mistakes can happen when members are entering orders. “An important
part of our role is to call and check if something looks wrong,” Ellen adds. company.
a day at the desK
12:00 the day-ahead auction closes
Noon is the deadline for submitting orders for power which will be deliv-
ered the following day. A file with all orders is sent to the European Market
Coupling Company. This is because the Nordic market is connected to
Europe and the power flow between these markets has to be decided.
It takes up to 20 minutes to complete wholesale power price calculations.
All orders and capacities are fed into a specialised computer system which
calculates the price, based on an advanced algorithm. Put simply, the whole- all prices for the next
sale market price is set where sell and buy price meet.
day are communicated
13:00 prices are announced to the market to the market
Before 1pm all prices for the next day are communicated to the market. “We
publish one price for each hour in the following day,” Ellen explains. “There
is one price for each bidding area. All prices are published on our website where everyone can track Nordic power prices.”
“After the price is published we spend the next hour supporting what-
ever requests customers have,” adds Øystein. This may involve answering
detailed questions about prices and flows, re-sending results and publishing
the system price bidding curves.
directors’ report
directors report 2011
Bente Hagem
chairman of the Board
Juha Kekkonen
Executive Vice President commer- Board member
cial Division, Statnett SF
Bente Hagem was elected substi- Executive Vice President, Fingrid Oyj
tute to the board in 2002 and mem- Juha Kekkonen has been a member of
ber of the board in 2007. the Nord Pool Spot board since 2002.
day-ahead and intraday markets to its members in all nordic countries, Senior Executive Vice President and
cAO, Svenska Kraftnät
Vice President Electricity market,
estonia and in the uK. the intraday market also includes Germany. Bo Krantz was elected member of the
Nord pool Spot board in 2002.
Søren Dupont Kristensen was elected
member of the board in 2011.
The Nord Pool Spot Group comprises Nord Pool Spot it went from a rather strained situation on the supply March to 2% above the median value in early June. In • Total inflow to Nordic reservoirs was as much as 242
AS, the 100% owned subsidiaries Nord Pool Spot AB side during the first quarter, to a significantly wet sum- addition a milder autumn resulted in lower consump- TWh in 2011 while in 2010 it was 175 TWh.
and Nord Pool Finland Oy, as well as Nord Pool Gas mer and autumn with surplus in the hydropower reser- tion throughout the whole of the Nordic area, leaving • By the end of the year the filling level in the hydro
A/S, which is owned jointly 50/50 with voirs, and lower power prices. Nord Pool Spot holds a reservoir levels exceeding the previous maximum curve reservoirs was 78.6% compared to 45.0% in 2010.
Since early 2010 Nord Pool Spot has, together with strong position in the Nordic market with a total turno- from the period 1990-2006. The median level is 70.1 %.
its partner Nasdaq OMX Commodities, operated the ver in Elspot and Elbas of 297.1TWh, including the
• The Nordic region had a net import in 2011 of 5.3
on the natural environment. No part of its business is pean Commission competition authorities concerning 11 870 10 568 Depreciation 8,9 14 250 12 590
regulated by environmental permits or enforcement suspicion of market segregation in Europe. The com- 42 630 36 320 Payroll expenses 5,17 57 464 50 522
notices. pany is cooperating fully with the competition authori- 68 985 60 419 Other operating expenses 5,6 57 758 47 073
ties in its investigations. The timing of the results from 123 902 108 069 TOTAl OPErATING EXPENSES 129 889 110 947
Market surveillance the inspection is not yet known to Nord Pool Spot.
The Nord Pool Spot Market Surveillance plays an 14 795 11 122 OPErATING PrOFIT 14 126 12 736
important role in establishing and maintaining market In the UK, Nord Pool Spot will continue the expan-
confidence and integrity by having a strong and visible sion, which will include further development of the 16 929 8 654 NET FINANcIAl ITEmS 7 9 399 7 849
presence in the market. The Market Surveillance contin- market model that we believe is a major prerequisite
uously monitors trading activities and price formation for the UK’s wish to develop a liquid and transparent 31 724 19 776 PrOFIT BEFOrE TAXES 23 525 20 585
Allocation of profit The profit for 2012 is expected to give a reasonable 24 840 14 185 NET INcOmE 16 430 14 340
The Board is proposing a dividend of NOK 50.0 million return on invested capital.
to be paid out for the 2011 accounting year for Nord
Pool Spot AS, out of which NOK 24.8 million comes
Gardermoen, 21 march 2012 50 000 8 000 Dividend
from the net profit of the year and NOK 25.2 million
-25 160 6 185 Disposal to/from other equity
will be transferred from the equity capital.
Nord Pool SPoT aS Nord Pool SPoT GrouP Nord Pool SPoT aS Nord Pool SPoT GrouP
31.12.11 31.12.10 Amounts in NOK 1000 NOTE 31.12.11 31.12.10 31.12.11 31.12.10 Amounts in NOK 1000 NOTE 31.12.11 31.12.10
CurreNT aSSeTS
Current liabilities
0 28 Derivatives 13 0 28
259 723 649 138 Accounts receivables 12,13 260 485 656 469
523 989 2 295 058 Accounts payable 13,18 524 634 2 310 818
23 343 6 649 Other receivables 25 876 21 492
7 462 5 982 Tax payable 19 7 602 6 546
309 0 Group receivalbles 0 0
2 655 123 697 Fees to authorities 3 558 124 361
283 375 655 787 Total receivables 286 361 677 961
50 000 8 000 Dividend 16 50 000 8 000
12 408 12 548 Other current liabilities 17 481 25 953
413 098 1 903 581 Bank deposits 14 423 189 1 925 164
596 514 2 445 313 TOTAl cUrrENT lIABIlITIES 603 275 2 475 706
696 473 2 559 368 TOTAl cUrrENT ASSETS 709 550 2 603 125
612 826 2 459 632 TOTAl lIABIlITIES 619 587 2 490 025
754 033 2 625 998 TOTAl ASSETS 745 585 2 649 233
754 033 2 625 998 TOTAl EqUITy AND lIABIlITIES 745 585 2 649 233
Accounting principles
All transactions with Nord Pool Spot AS owners are conducted at market value.
Amounts in NOK 1000 Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
Geographical distribution - power sales 2011 2010 2011 2010 services and tasks performed by Nord pool spot As for Nord pool Gas A/s
Norway 30 516 763 40 197 039 30 516 763 40 197 039 Administrative services
Sweden 49 146 970 64 772 108 49 146 970 64 772 108 Nord Pool Spot AS provides no administrative services for Nord Pool Gas A/S.
Denmark 14 273 792 14 630 820 14 440 038 14 917 559
Finland 18 441 993 22 804 243 18 441 993 22 804 243
services and tasks performed by Nord pool Finland oy for the Nord pool spot Group
Marketing services
Germany 365 469 224 056 365 469 224 056
Nord Pool Finland Oy supplies marketing and consultancy services to the Nord Pool Spot Group. The total income
Estonia 1 567 043 1 099 559 1 567 043 1 099 559
for 2011 amounts to NOK 14.2 million against NOK 14.3 million in 2010.
TOTAl 114 312 029 143 727 825 114 478 274 144 014 564
services and tasks performed by Nord pool spot AB for Nord pool spot Group
Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
Marketing services
Geographical distribution - power purchases 2011 2010 2011 2010 Nord Pool Spot AB provides marketing, market data- and consultancy services to the Nord Pool Spot Group. The
Norway 30 249 544 37 837 312 30 249 544 37 837 312 total income for 2011 amounts to NOK 9.6 million, against NOK 8.7 million in 2010.
Sweden 50 643 788 63 217 543 50 643 788 63 217 543
Denmark 13 349 163 17 075 339 13 515 409 17 362 077 services and tasks performed by statnett sF for Nord pool spot As
Finland 17 785 389 23 968 792 17 785 389 23 968 792 Pension plan
Germany 284 259 190 956 284 259 190 956
Nord Pool Spot AS is a member of Statnett SF’s pension fund and thus assumes certain pension liabilities. In addi-
Estonia 1 999 886 1 437 883 1 999 886 1 437 884
tion, Statnett SF’s pension fund acts as the depositary of the pension funds. See the section on pension costs and
liabilities under accounting principles.
TOTAl 114 312 029 143 727 825 114 478 274 144 014 564
services and tasks performed by Nord pool Gas A/s for Nord pool spot As
Administrative services
Note 3: oPeraTING reveNueS
During the financial year, Nord Pool Spot AS has had an average of 38 employees (38 man-years) against 34
employees (33.7 man-years) in 2010. The Nord Pool Spot Group had an average of 58 employees (57.8 man-years)
against 47 employees (46.8 man-years) in 2010.
remuneration of excecutives Ceo Board of directors
Salary 1 307 0
Other remuneration 466 0
Accrued pension 0 0
Note 7: NeT FINaNCIal ITeMS
The CEO form 1.12.2009 is covered by the Swedish pension plan.
Amounts in NOK 1000 Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
No loans or collaterals have been granted to the CEO, the Chairman of the Board of Directors or other related par-
ties. No individual loan or collateral exceeding 5 per cent of the equity of the Group companies has been granted. Financial income 2011 2010 2011 2010
revenues related companies 0 0 310 0
Directors’ fees are only paid to external board members. Board members who are employed by the owners of Nord Dividend subsidiary 7 774 0 0 0
Pool Spot or in the Nord Pool Spot Group do not receive any remuneration. Interest revenue 10 600 10 641 10 699 10 852
Other financial revenues (agio) 47 0 47 0
TOTAl FINANcIAl rEVENUES 18 421 10 641 11 056 10 852
Nord Pool Spot AS has a bonus scheme for the employees with bonuses being paid on the basis of different param-
eters such as profits. The maximum bonus per year corresponds to 15 per cent of the annual pay. The average bonus
Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
obtained for 2011 amounted to 11.25 per cent.
Financial expenses 2011 2010 2011 2010
Auditors Expenses related companies 0 0 0 751
Compulsory auditing for the parent company amounts to NOK 200,000, other certification services NOK 2,550, Interest expenses 1 492 1 699 1 657 1 965
tax and VAT consultancy NOK 49,168 and other services NOK 49,155. Compulsory auditing for the Group Other financial expenses (disagio) 0 287 0 287
amounts to NOK 262,021, other certification services NOK 2,550, tax and VAT consultancy NOK 85,538 and TOTAl FINANcIAl EXPENSES 1 492 1 986 1 657 3 003
other services NOK 54,583. The amounts are exclusive of VAT.
NET FINANcIAl ITEmS 16 929 8 654 9 399 7 849
Both the parent company and the group make use of straight-line depreciation for all intangible assets. The useful
lives of the intangible fixed assets are estimated as follows:
• Computer software: 5 years
Note 9: TaNGIBle FIXed aSSeTS
european Market Coupling
Nord Pool Spot Group Company GmbH
Amounts in NOK 1000
Investments valued in accordance with the equity method
Nord Pool Spot aS vehicles edP and office equipment Total Amounts in NOK 1000
Aquisition cost as of 01.01.2011 416 5 346 5 762 calculated share of net profit
Additions 0 3 287 3 287 Share of net profit 310
Acquisition cost as of 31.12.2011 416 7 846 8 262 SHArE OF NET PrOFIT 310
Accumulated depreciation as of 31.12.2011 -229 -4 441 -4 670
BOOK VAlUE AS OF 31.12.2011 187 3 405 3 592 Book value at 31 dec 2011 is calculated as follows:
Opening balance of 1 Jan 11 -107
This year’s depreciation 83 1 091 1 174 capital contribution 0
reclassified from 1 Jan 11 0
Nord Pool Spot Group vehicles edP and office equipment Total This years part of profit 310
Acquisition cost as of 01.01.2011 416 9 758 10 173 clOSING BAlANcE OF 31 DEc 11 203
Translation differences 0 23 23
Additions 0 3 489 3 489 The following amounts are included in the Groups profit and loss account and balance sheet from joint ventures
Acquisition cost as of 31.12.2011 416 12 403 12 818 who are incorporated with pro rata consolidation:
Accumulated depreciation as of 31.12.2011 -229 -8 509 -8 738
BOOK VAlUE AS OF 31.12.11 187 3 894 4 081 Nord Pool Spot Group Nord Pool Gas a/S
2011 2010
This year’s depreciation 83 1 461 1 544 Operating income 1 898 1 781
Operating expenses -2 933 -2 617
The useful life of tangible fixed assets is estimated as follows: Operating profit -1 035 -836
• EDP and office equipment: 2-10 years PrOFIT BEFOrE TAXES -1 140 -906
The long-term receivables refers to a loan to European Market Coupling Company GmbH on EUR 250 000.
Investments valued in accordance with the cost method The conditions for this loan are an annual rate of interest on 8% of the loan amount outstanding at any time.
Total share Shares Total par acquisition
Company capital owned value cost Book value
The loan amount is due and payable without any requirement for the lender to give notice on March 31, 2011, in
Nord Pool Finland Oy 01.07.02 4 978 40 000 4 978 000 17 742 240 17 742 240
an amount of 20 % of the retained profit of the Borrower for the financial year 2010, in any, and on March 31,
Nord Pool Spot AB 18.12.07 85 100 000 SEK 100.000 84 670 84 670
2012, in an amount of 20 per cent of the retained profit of the Borrower for the financial year 2011, if any. The
remaining loan amount is payable sixty days after the lenders written request, but not before the 2nd of January
Joint venture 2013.
Nord Pool Gas A/S 01.12.07 DKK 10.000 10 000 2 000 5 386 500 5 386 500
The borrower is entitled to repay the loan amount at any time in whole or in part without premium or penalty by
associated companies giving five days notice.
European market coupling company Gmbh 28.01.09 € 1 600 000 € 1 600 000 2 824 760 2 824 760
In addition, it provided a loan to Nord Pool Gas A/S for a total of NOK 8,000,000. It was first granted a loan of The credit facility is based on the requirements of the licensing conditions set by NVE regarding regulatory capital
NOK 2,600,000 16 April 2010 to 3.48% interest rate that is 27 September was increased by NOK 5.4 million to related to the licensed business.
3.9% interest rate. The loan was repaid by Nord Pool Gas A/S on 14 January 2011.
Regulatory capital is estimated at NOK 14 million and according to the licensing conditions to an amount equiva-
lent to at least half of the subordinated capital consist of deposits or unconditional drawing rights in a credit
Note 12: aCCouNTS reCeIvaBle
Amounts in NOK 1000 Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
Note 15: SHare CaPITal aNd SHareHolder INForMaTIoN
2011 2010 2011 2010
Power sales 255 413 644 947 255 413 651 982
Amounts in NOK 1000
Other accounts receivable 4 311 4 191 5 072 4 487
Nord Pool Spot aS
BOOK VAlUE 259 723 649 138 260 485 656 469
The share capital comprises Number of shares Par value Book value
Accounts receivable have been recorded at face value as of 31.12.2011. A-shares 14 400 3 500 50 400 000
TOTAl 14 400 50 400 000
Note 13: ForeIGN CurreNCY
Foreign curency risks Shareholders overview as of 31.12.2011 Number of shares held ownership Shares of voting rights
The development in currency rates imposes both a direct and an indirect financial risk for the Nord Pool Spot Statnett SF 4 320 30,0 % 30,0 %
Group. Hedging of currency income and assets denominated in foreign currency is done using hedging instru- Svenska kraftnät 4 320 30,0 % 30,0 %
ments, such as foreign exchange forward contracts. Fingrid Oyj 2 880 20,0 % 20,0 % 2 880 20,0 % 20,0 %
Nord Pool Spot AS maintains spot market accounts receivable and accounts payable in SEK, DKK, EUR and TOTAl NUmBEr OF SHArES 14 400 100,0 % 100,0 %
Forward exchange contracts are used solely to hedge currency exposures incurred in connection with the settle-
Note 16: eQuITY
ment of physical trading. The table set out below shows the currency exposures and the market value of the forward
positions. Amounts in NOK 1000
Share premium
off-balance Net foreign Market value Nord Pool Spot aS Share capital reserve other equity Total equity
amounts in NoK 1000 Balance sheet exposure sheet exposure exchange position derivatives in NoK
Equity as of 01.01.2011 50 400 10 681 105 286 166 367
Net income 24 840 24 840
DKK -12 984 14 491 1 507 2 Dividend -50 000 -50 000
SEK -24 119 28 435 4 316 -1 EqUITy AS OF 31.12 2011 50 400 10 681 80 126 141 207
EUr 363 -105 258 -1
SUm 0 Share premium
Nord Pool Spot Group Share capital reserve other equity Total equity
Equity as of 01.01 2011 50 400 10 681 98 127 159 208
Translation differences 360 360
Note 14: BaNK dePoSITS Net income 16 430 16 430
Dividend -50 000 -50 000
Amounts in NOK 1000 Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
EqUITy AS OF 31.12 2011 50 400 10 681 64 917 125 998
restricted funds for tax withholdings 2 915 2 915
Nord Pool Spot as a bank guarantee have above “DNB Næringseiendom” on NOK 1.5 million with expiration date
September 30, 2019.
Nord Pool Spot has a credit facility of NOK 7 million in Nordea. The credit facility is not utilized as of December
31, 2011.
Note 17: PeNSIoNS
Nord Pool Spot Group Nord Pool Spot Group
The company has pension plans covering a total of 29 persons. The plans entitle the beneficiaries to defined future 2011 2010
benefits. On the whole, benefits depend on the length of employment, salary level at achieved pension age, and pen- current value of this year's pension earnings 4 960 3 844
sion paid by the National Insurance Fund. The pension plans are statutory. The plans comply with the provisions of Interest cost for pension liabilities 1 417 1 510
the law. yield on pension funds -979 -768
changes on estimates and deviations recorded in the profit and loss account -98 2 488
The former CEO’s of Nord Pool Spot is entitled to a supplementary pension scheme. The pensionable age of the sup-
Shortening 0 -2 929
plementary scheme is 62 years. From the age of 62 up to and including 74 years the CEO is entitled to a supplemen-
tary yearly payment equivalent to NOK 400,000 (2008 value) in addition to the general scheme. The supplementary
scheme is indexed to the average increase in the wages of the company both during the period of employment as well
as after the pensionable age has been attained. The rest of the executive management is covered by Nord Pool Spot’s 2011 2011 2010 2010
group pension plan, and have no rights beyond those associated with that plan. Nord Pool Spot aS Insured unsecured Insured unsecured
Estimated pension liabilities as of 31.12. 44 626 4 770 29 336 4 927
Allocations for pension liabilities are based on estimated pension liabilities as of 31 December 2011.
Estimated pension funds as of 31.12. -18 370 0 -16 900 0
Effect of changes in estimates and deviations not recorded in the
The actuarial assumptions are based on common actuarial principles and demographic factors. profit and loss account -18 457 -632 -4 884 -608
Social security contribution 3 702 673 1 753 695
The company is taking part in an early retirement pension agreement through Spekter. This agreement implies that NET PENSION lIABIlITIES 11 502 4 810 9 305 5 014
all employees have the possibility to choose an early retirement pension from the age of 62. The early retirement
pension agreement through Spekter was decided to be phased out based on a new pension reform from the Nor-
2011 2011 2010 2010
wegian authority from 1 January 2011. It was only possible to retire according to this early retirement agreement
Nord Pool Spot Group Insured unsecured Insured unsecured
until 31 December 2010. The gain on the termination of the arrangement is recognized in 2010, and presented as
Estimated pension liabilities as of 31.12. 44 626 4 770 29 336 4 927
a reduction in labor costs. There is a remaining appropriation of company’s liabilities as per 31st of December 2010
Estimated pension funds as of 31.12. -18 370 0 -16 900 0
which regards persons already engaged in the old early retirement pension plan.
Effect of changes in estimates and deviations not recorded in the
profit and loss account -18 457 -632 -4 884 -608
Employees in Denmark have a contribution based pension plan. This pension plan comprises three employees and
Financial assumptions 2011 2010
pension costs for the year equal 12.5 % of gross salaries per employee.
Discount rate 2,60 % 4,00 %
Expected growth in salaries 3,50 % 4,00 %
Employees in Finland have a contribution based pension plan. This pension plan comprises eight employees and
Expected growth of social security base amount 3,25 % 3,75 %
pension costs for the year equal 17.1 % of gross salaries per employee.
Expected growth in pensions 3,25 % 3,75 %
Expected yield on pension funds 4,10 % 5,40 %
Average social security payment 14,10 % 14,10 %
Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot aS
2011 2010 51
current value of this year’s pension earnings 4 960 3 844 Note 18: aCCouNTS PaYaBle
Interest cost for pension liabilities 1 417 1 510
yield on pension funds -979 -768 Amounts in NOK 1000 Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
changes on estimates and deviations recorded in the profit and loss account -98 2 488
2011 2010 2011 2010
Shortening 0 -2 929
Power purchases 512 639 2 293 241 512 639 2 307 963
Other accounts payable 11 350 1 817 11 995 2 855
BOOK VAlUE 523 989 2 295 058 524 634 2 310 818
Note 19: TaXeS
auditor’s report
auditor’s report
Amounts in NOK 1000 Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
Taxes for the year are distributed as follows: 2011 2010 2011 2010
Taxes payable 7 462 5 982 7 674 6 636
change in deferred tax -578 -391 -578 -391
TOTAl TAX EXPENSES 6 884 5 591 7 096 6 245
overview temporary differences: Nord Pool Spot aS Nord Pool Spot Group
Fixed assets -225 -126 -225 -126
Allocations in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles -1 -28 -1 -28
Pensions -16 312 -14 319 -16 312 -14 319
TOTAl -16 538 -14 473 -16 538 -14 473
Nord Pool SPoT'S valueS
We enjoy working together and have a high team spirit that
keeps us energized and motivated to deliver results.
We develop solutions in close cooperation with our customers.
We achieve success together.
With integrity
Our integrity is founded on a sense of high ethical and moral
values which we regard to be the core of our business.
We act with quality, intuition, honesty and truthfulness.
People trust us, because they know we act with integrity.
towards excellence
Excellence is not a state, it is a dynamic goal. We are bold when
faced with challenges and humble when successful.
We aim to have a broad competence level in order to meet the
needs of our customers.
We work together to achieve excellence every day.
Norway sweden Finland denmark Estonia UK
Nord Pool Spot AS Nord Pool Spot AB Nord Pool Finland Oy Nord Pool Spot AS Nord Pool Spot AS Nord Pool Spot AS
P.O. Box 121 Gustavslundsvägen 141 B ruoholahdenkatu 8 Industrivej 9-11 Tornimäe 5 Tel +44 (0) 7825 3000 98
NO - 1325 lysaker SE - 167 51 Bromma FI - 00180 Helsinki DK - 2605 Brøndby Petrasol Business center E-mail: [email protected]
Tel +47 67 10 91 00 Tel: +46 (0)8 555 166 00 Tel: +358 9 6840 480 Tel: +45 29 46 37 78 EE - 10145 Tallinn
Fax +47 67 10 91 01 Fax: +46 (0)8 555 166 02 Fax: +358 9 6840 4860 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +372 50 40 273
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DESIGN AND cONcEPT: rEDINK, PHOTO: Tine Poppe, caroline roka IllUSTrATION : Terje Tønnesen PrINT: rK Grafisk