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The document provides an overview and guidance for the video game Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods, discussing bugs, gameplay elements, cities and quests, and console commands.

The document discusses skills like available skill types, trainer locations and teaching subjects.

The document describes the cities of Sildern, Geldern and Trelis as well as paths between locations.

Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods

Memo (patch v.1.0.89)

Table of content
1. Disclaimers....................................................................................................................................................................2
2. Hints and advices ..........................................................................................................................................................2
1. Bugs ..............................................................................................................................................................................3
2.1. Blocking bugs .............................................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Major bugs..................................................................................................................................................................3
2.3. Minor bugs..................................................................................................................................................................3
3. About the game .............................................................................................................................................................3
3.1. General ......................................................................................................................................................................3
3.2. Statistics .....................................................................................................................................................................3
3.3. Skills...........................................................................................................................................................................4
3.3.1. Available skills........................................................................................................................................................5
3.3.2. Trainers location and teaching subjects ...................................................................................................................6
3.4. Spells .........................................................................................................................................................................8
3.5. Herbs and alchemy .....................................................................................................................................................9
3.6. Fun.............................................................................................................................................................................9
3.7. Irrelevant ....................................................................................................................................................................9
4. Description of cities, paths and initial quests............................................................................................................. 10

4.1. Sildern ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

4.1.1. Village.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
4.1.3. Road Sildern - Geldern ......................................................................................................................................... 14

4.2. Geldern .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

4.2.1. Town .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.3. Road Geldern - Trelis............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.2.4. Road Sildern - Trelis ............................................................................................................................................. 18

4.3. Trelis .............................................................................................................................................................. 19

4.3.1. Town .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
4.3.3. Road Trelis - Montera ........................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3.4. Side road between Trelis and Montera .................................................................................................................. 22

4.4. Montera ......................................................................................................................................................... 23

4.4.1. City ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.4.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
4.4.3. Road Montera - Gotha .......................................................................................................................................... 24

4.5. Gotha ............................................................................................................................................................. 25

4.5.1. City ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.5.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.5.3. Road Gotha - Faring............................................................................................................................................. 26

4.6. Faring ............................................................................................................................................................ 27

4.6.1. City ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27

4.7. Cape Dun ....................................................................................................................................................... 28

4.7.1. Montera - Cape Dun road ..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.7.2. City ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.7.3. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 30
4.7.4. Cape Dun - Ardea - Cape Dun road ...................................................................................................................... 30

4.8. Ardea ............................................................................................................................................................. 32

4.8.1. Village.................................................................................................................................................................. 32
4.8.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 33

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4.9. Vengard ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
4.9.1. Cape Dun - Vengard road ..................................................................................................................................... 33
4.9.2. Some golems and demons around Vengard .......................................................................................................... 33
4.9.3. City (excluding inner castle) .................................................................................................................................. 34
4.9.4. Ardea - Vengard road ........................................................................................................................................... 35

4.9.5. Reddock cave ........................................................................................................................................... 36

4.9.6. Ardea - Vengard side road (along the ocean)........................................................................................................ 36
4.9.7. Vengard - Faring road........................................................................................................................................... 37

4.10. Okara ....................................................................................................................................................... 37

4.10.1. Road Sildern - Okara............................................................................................................................................ 37
4.10.2. Okara cave .......................................................................................................................................................... 37

4.11. Nemora ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

4.11.1. Nemora area ........................................................................................................................................................ 38
4.11.2. Nemora cave........................................................................................................................................................ 38
5. Speaking to Gorn - several story lines........................................................................................................................ 38
5.1. Human path (without Osch's letter) ............................................................................................................................ 38
5.2. Human path (with Osch's letter)................................................................................................................................. 38
5.3. Orc path (accept buying freedom pass)...................................................................................................................... 39
5.4. Orc path (refuse buying freedom pass) ...................................................................................................................... 40
5.5. Back to common path................................................................................................................................................ 41
5.6. Vengard revisited - inner castle.................................................................................................................................. 41
5.6.1. Inner castle .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
5.6.2. Quests ................................................................................................................................................................. 41
5.7. End of the game ....................................................................................................................................................... 43
6. Armours, amulets, weapons, ...................................................................................................................................... 44
7. Console........................................................................................................................................................................ 45
8. Sources........................................................................................................................................................................ 46
9. Versioning.................................................................................................................................................................... 46

1. Disclaimers
My native language is French and I played a version of the game with voices in English and text in French. Add to that the
many bugs in dialogues and sub-titles and you will understand that my wording is sometimes approximate.

Moreover, I was more concentrated in playing and literature is not my strong point. So forgive the style.

Also most of the notes were taken during my first play that I did using very little learning points (< 100) until before the last fight.
So you may find that some fights are much easier than described.

2. Hints and advices

Some advices

§ !!! save frequently and as a new file each time

§ !!! do not refuse any quest; just ignore them when you think they are unethical. Otherwise you can break the story line
and in the worst cases not be able to finish the game.
§ get close to NPC when starting a dialog because the NPC voice can be muttered when the hero is too far from him.

Some tips

§ some merchants have a nice particularity: when you have plenty of expensive stuffs, you can keep on selling them
because each time you close the trading window, additional money magically arrives in their purse.
§ merchant have partly random stock. Among this, there is a stone providing AK +5 that might appear - very rare
through. So keep an eye on their stock.
§ if a bookstand is occupied by an NPC, either come back later or summon a creature. The NPC will fight the creature
and you can read the book. But careful as the creature could kill NPC !
§ in combats, friendly NPCs can sometimes hit a companion by mistake. They then start to fight each other. To stop it,
save and reload the game: peace is back and NPCs are healed.
§ for the fun: there are hidden NPCs. You do not see them but if you have a summoned a creature, this one will fight
them (and you receive the EXP points).

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Some handy shortcuts

§ to kill an opponent when he is knocked out: click and maintain the right mouse button (RMB) and make a long click on
the left mouse button (LMB). For some quests, you are obliged to kill the opponent. Defeating with weapons an
opponent whose name appears in white or orange is only a knock out. If the name is red, it is a kill.
§ to cancel an action, click on the left mouse button. Useful if the hero is blocked while trying to open a chest, lying in a
bed for sleeping, ...
§ to take all the content of non locked chest, click on the left mouse button. Chests and baskets with their name in red
means they are locked, in oranges means unlocked and in white means unlocked but empty.
§ to avoid waddles from the hero picking up items, enter sneak mode (CTRL) and pick up the items. Save time when
there are many items to pick up at the same place. However NPC do not like sneakers.

1. Bugs

The game is really buggy even if the situation is a little bit better in 1.0.89.

2.1. Blocking bugs

§ Lee disappears at times (seems fixed in v1.0.89)

§ other main characters might also disappear (seems less frequent and anyhow fixed in v1.0.89): Raik, Hanz, ...
§ some items mandatory for the main story line are "deleted" in the "prisoner's chest" (e.g. Garik's bow)
§ several users also reported technical problems in various forums

We mention these bugs in the walkthrough and indicate their respective work-around (usually cheating with the console).

2.2. Major bugs

§ a computer meeting the minimal requirements is not sufficient. If your computer meets the minimum requirements, set
the video resolution on low. But it is not yet sufficient and it is likely your game often "freezes", especially in places with
many "mods" such in Trelis
§ several possible bugs in the Mystic Wanderer's quest

2.3. Minor bugs

§ sub-titles in wrong language (seems fixed in v1.0.89) or blank line

§ voices mixed up
§ combat in arenas: sometimes an adversary runs out the arena and nevertheless you loose the fight
§ combat in arenas: a previous opponent might remain in the arena and everybody attack you if you hit him by mistake
§ difficult to sleep in dark mage bed (cave)
§ from time to time non blocking graphic problems

3. About the game

3.1. General

content of chests is random, except for special items

inventory of traders is also partly random
good shields are found in metal chests; their appearance is random

for list of weapon see section xxx at the end of memo

3.2. Statistics
Statistics are:
§ Level - Learning points (LP)
§ Experience (EXP)
§ Strength (STR)
§ Hunting skill (HUNT)
§ Ancient Knowledge (AK)
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§ Smithing (SMITH)
§ Thieving (THIEF)
§ Alchemy (ALC)
§ Life (LIFE)
§ Endurance
§ Mana (MANA)

Protection is also provided by armour and magical items:

§ Blade protection
§ Impact protection
§ Missile protection
§ Fire protection
§ Ice protection
§ Energy protection

Statistics can be improved as follow

§ LP: hero receives 10 LP for each level; LP are used against learning new skill or improve stat from trainers
§ EXP: killing enemies provides (little) experience; completing quests provides (big) experience rewards
§ STR:
quests provide many STR bonus;
fighting trainers can also improve the stat (LP -1 / STR +1)
strength permanent potions provide STR +2
dragon root provide STR +1
some magical items provide STR bonus
hunting trainers can improve the stat (LP -1 / HUNT +1)
strength permanent potions provide HUNT +2
goblin berries provide HUNT +2 ([1.0.89] HUNT +1 in version < 1.0.89)
some magical items provide HUNT bonus
§ AK:
magic trainers can improve the stat (LP -1 / AK +1)
reading AK stones provide AK bonus (usually AK +5)
reading AK bookstands provides AK +5
if you have luck, you might encounter a merchant selling an AK stone (AK +5)
smith trainers can improve the stat (LP -1 / SMITH +1)
there is one (and only one) SMITH bookstand providing SMITH +5
thief trainers can improve the stat (LP -1 / THIEF +1)
alchemy trainers can improve the stat (LP -1 / ALC +1)
reading ALC bookstands provide ALC +5
N.B. there are enough bookstands as not having to spend any LP
shrine (LP -1 / LIFE +4)
life permanent potions provide LIFE +2
Egidius' reward for his quest is 3 potions of LIFE +20
reign weeds provide LIFE +2
some magical items provide LIFE bonus
§ Endurance
shrine (LP -1 / Endurance +4)
endurance permanent potions provide endurance +4
armour weeds provide endurance +2
some magical items provide endurance bonus
§ Mana
shrine (LP -1 / MANA +4)
mana permanent potions provide MANA +4
flame berries provide MANA +2
some magical items provide MANA bonus

3.3. Skills

When he starts, the hero has the following skills:

§ sword I, II, III
§ shield I, II
§ bow I
§ staff I
§ smith
§ pick lock I
§ make healing potions

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Some items have special bonus in the sense that they activate a specific skill even if you do not have acquired it (e.g. barbarian
battleaxe activates "orc slayer" warrior skill).

The other skills have to be learned from the trainers.

3.3.1.Available skills
Magic skills (compétences magie)
§ Staff (bâton) I, Magic staff (bâton magique), (AK 50), II (AK 50), III (AK 100)
§ Robes x2 (aubes x2) (AK 100)
§ Learn faster (apprentissage accéléré) (AK 100)
§ Druid (druide) (AK 100)
§ Fire mage (mage du feu) (AK 200)
§ Water mage (mage des eaux) (AK 200)
§ Dark mage (mage noir) (AK 200)
§ Mana regeneration (régénération des manas) (AK 250)

Get "learn faster" at the lowest possible level. It costs LP -5 but yields LP +1 for each subsequent level increase.
All other skills are relevant if you want to be a mage.
However "water mage" seems not available prior v1.0.89 and "druid" no more available since v1.0.89.

Fighting skills (compétences combat)

§ Sword (bretteur) I (STR 100), II (STR 150), III (STR 200)
§ Large weapons (armes lourdes) I (STR 150), II (STR 200), III (STR 250)
§ Crossbow (arbalète) I (STR 100), II (STR 150), III (STR 200)
§ Fight with 2 blades (combat avec 2 armes) I (HUNT 150, STR 150), II (HUNT 200, STR 200)
§ Orc slayer (tueur d'orques) (STR 150)
§ Shield (bouclier) I (HUNT 100, STR 125), II (HUNT 125, STR 150)
§ Paladin (STR 150, AK 50)
§ Life regeneration (régénération des points de vie) (STR 300)
§ ? : mysterious skill. New in version [1.0.89] and I do not know how to activate it (linked to Rollan's quest ?).

Sword and shield skills are already granted to the hero at the beginning of the game (not available in v1.0.7).
No need to learn the "paladin" skill: it is automatically granted when using the "Wrath of Innos" sword.
Fighting with 2 blades can be very clumsy (forget it if you computer is not super-powerful)
Other skills are relevant according to the type of fighter you would like to be. However some basic skill can only be acquired
late in the game (e.g. "large weapons" I) and some advanced skills can only be acquired if choosing a specific path of the story
line (e.g. "crossbow III").

Thief skills (compétences du voleur)

§ Lock picking (crochetage de serrures) I, II (THIEF 30), III (THIEF 60)
§ Pick-pocket I, II (THIEF 40), III (THIEF 80)
§ Master thief (maître voleur) (THIEF 100)
§ Bargain (marchandage) (THIEF 70)
§ Make excuses (s'excuser) (THIEF 30)
§ Knock-out (THIEF 50)
§ Murder (assassiner) (THIEF 90)

When the game starts, the hero already has "lock picking I"
Try to acquire "lock picking II" as soon as possible because it allows to open nearly all the chests. And there are plenty, plenty
of chests to loot in the game. For the chests you still cannot open, use the lock picking scrolls you will find easily. So no need
to learn "lock picking III".
Pick-pocketing is a waste as the rewards are very small and you will find much better stuffs in the chests. It does not seems
that there is any quest involving pick-pocketing either.
I didn't try the other skills because they look pretty useless (same reasons as pick-pocketing).
Moreover, I didn't find how "master thief" and "knock out" can be acquired.

Alchemy skills (compétences d'alchimie)

§ Brew healing potions (concocter potions de soin)
§ Brew mana potions (concocter potions de mana) (ALC 20)
§ Brew permanent potions (concocter des potions permanentes) (ALC 40)
§ Brew poisons (concocter des poisons) (ALC 20)
§ Brew transformation potions (concocter des potions de transformation) (ALC 60)
§ Poision blade (lames empoisonnées) (ALC 40)
§ Make fire arrows (faire des flèches de feu) (ALC 20)
§ Make poison arrows (faire des flèches empoisonnées) (ALC 40)
§ Make exploding arrows (faire des flèches explosives) (ALC 60 + fire arrows)

The hero has "brew healing potions" since the start.

With "brewing permanent potions", you can make potions providing additional bonus as compared to simply eating the
corresponding plants. However you need to acquire the recipes (easy) and to combine the relevant plant with a king sorrel for
each potion. Because the scarcity of king sorrels, you will have to chose which plants to eat and which plant to use for potions.

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However you easily break-even: the skill costs LP -5 and you can expect to save up to LP +20 (there are about 20 king sorrels
in the game, leading to about 20 permanent potions with extra bonus worth up to LP +20 - for hunt and strength potions).

The other brewing potions are worthless because there are plenty of these potions in the chests.
The alchemy weapons skills are also worthless for the same reason. Moreover, it requires ingredients and recipes that are
difficult (e.g. only 1-2 random poison flasks) or impossible (recipe explosive arrows ?) to find !

Smithing skills (compétences de forge)

§ Smith (forge), ore weapons (minerai) (SMITH 25), pure ore weapons (minerai pur) (SMITH 50)
§ Prospector (extraction mine)
§ Hone blades (aiguiser les lames)
§ Improve armour (amélioration des armures) (SMITH 50)

I did not find where to learn "improve armour".

With "hone blades", you can improve the impact stat of your blades by +10.
The other skills are worthless: no need to forge weapons because they can be easily found and no need to improve the
extraction yield of raw material ("prospector") for the same reason.

Hunting skills (compétences de chasse)

§ Bow (arc) I (HUNT 100), II (HUNT 150), III (HUNT 200)
§ Hunter (chasseur) I, II (HUNT 150), Beliar (HUNT 200)
§ Silence approach to wild animals (approche silencieuse des bêtes sauvages) (HUNT 150)
§ Get animal skin (fourrures) (HUNT 120), get reptile skin (peaux) (HUNT 130), get teeth / claws / horns (dents / griffes /
cornes) (HUNT 110)

Except for the bow skill, I did not experimented the other ones because the fights are anyway easy.
Since [1.0.89], Boris does not teach anymore bow skill and I didn't find anybody who does it.

Other skills (autres compétences)

§ Acrobatics
§ Endurance of the wolf
§ Resistance cold, fire, weakness, poison: "cold" is granted as bonus of some armour

The hero starts the game with the "acrobatics" and "endurance" skills granted in 1.0.6 but no more in 1.0.89.
I didn't find how to learn these two skills.
The "cold resistance" skill is granted when wearing some specific armours.

3.3.2.Trainers location and teaching subjects

X: teaching available in all versions

[1.0.89] : teaching removed since v1.0.89
[1.0.89] : teaching available since v1.0.89

Magic skills from start druid Ogit °° Rollan °° Ulva °° Tavin Immanuel Water
[Geldern] [Montera] [near [Gotha] [Gotha] [Vengard] mage °°
[1.0.89] Gotha] [Okara]
staff I [1.0.89] [1.0.89]
magic staff X X
staff II [1.0.89] [1.0.89] X
staff III [1.0.89] X
robes X
learn faster [1.0.89] [1.0.89] X
druid [1.0.89] [1.0.89]
fire mage [1.0.89] X
water mage [1.0.89] [1.0.89]
dark mage [1.0.89] X
mana regeneration X [1.0.89] X X
° since [1.0.89], Immanuel is only present toward the end of the game
°° after you have done their quest

Fighting skills from start Anog ° Raik°, °° Kazus Olis °, °°°

[Silden] [human camp [Faring] [near Ardea]
before Gotha]
sword I X
sword II X
sword III X
large weapon I X X
large weapon II X X X
large weapon III X X
crossbow I X X
Gothic 3 - Forsaken Gods 6/46
Fighting skills from start Anog ° Raik°, °° Kazus Olis °, °°°
[Silden] [human camp [Faring] [near Ardea]
before Gotha]
crossbow II X X
crossbow III X
fight with 2 blades I X X
fight with 2 blades II X X
orc slayer X
shield parry I X
shield parry II X
paladin °°°°
life regeneration X
° after you have done their quest(s)
°° Raik will offer you his quests only if you take the "buy freedom pass" path
°°° Olis will train you until orcs become all hostile
°°°° Paladin skill is granted when using the "Wrath of Innos" sword.

Thief skills from start Meryl ° Lewis°°

[Silden] [Trelis]
lock pick I X
lock pick II X
lock pick III X
pick pocket I X
pick pocket II X
pick pocket III X
master thief
bargain X X
make excuses X X
knock out
murder dead blow
° after you have done his quest
°° after you have defeated him

Alchemy skills from start Cornelius ° crazy alchemist° Egidius °

[Silden] [near Montera] [Vengard]
healing potions X
mana potions X X
permanent potions X X
poisons X X X
transformation X X
poison blade X X
fire arrow X
poison arrow X X
exploding arrow X X
° after you have done their quest

Smithing skills from start blacksmith Soma ° Kendl blacksmith

[Silden] [Kap Dunn] [Faring] [Vengard]
smith X
ore weapon [1.0.89] X
pure ore weapon X X
prospector X [1.0.89] X
hone blade X [1.0.89] X
improve armour
° after you have done his quest

Hunting skills from start Boris ° Martel °

[Geldern] [Kap Dunn road]
bow I X
bow II [1.0.89]
bow III [1.0.89]
hunter I [1.0.89]
hunter II X
beliar X
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Hunting skills from start Boris ° Martel °
[Geldern] [Kap Dunn road]
silent approach [1.0.89] X
get animal skin [1.0.89] X
get reptile skin X
get teeth / claws / horns X
° after you have done their quest

3.4. Spells

The following spells are available:

§ Dominance magic (Magie de maîtrise) (AK/MANA)

Light (5/10) [I]
Strengthen (10/20) - [I] regenerate endurance and cure weakness
Cure poison (15/50) [I]
Healing (30/60) [I]
Healing others (40/60) [I] (= Cura Altra in English version)
Flaming sword (45/60) [I]
Fire ball (50/15-30) (hero already has it)
Flame waves (95/75) [I]
Banish devil (110/50-100) [I]
Fire rain (200/90) [I]
Bless weapon (230/100)
Meteor (240/90) - kill enemy
Word of dominance (250/100) - dominate human

§ Transformation magic (magie de transformation) (AK/MANA)

Summon animals (15/50)
Telekinesis (25/50)
Tame (35/40) - control of animal
Summon Goblin (45/40)
Ice spear (60/15-30)
Beast strength (75/60) - hero transformed in targeted animal
Sleep (100/30)
Frost wave (120/90)
Ice explosion (130/120)
Summon Golem (205/90)
Open locks (230/20)
Time bubble (240/100)
Hail storm (pluie de grêle) (250/90)

§ Summoning magic (magie d'invocation) (AK/MANA)

Weaken (20/40) [B] (= Indebolisci in English version)
Poison (25/25) [B]
Lighting bolt (30/15-30) [B]
Fog (50/60) [B] - hero is hidden from enemies (= Nebbia in English version)
Terror (60/60) [B]
Blood lust (70/50) [B] - target attacks friends and foes
Amnesia (80/30) [B] (--- BUGGED in version < 1.0.89---)
Summon skeleton (105/60) [B]
Night in Day (175/40) - day arrives immediately and hero is as if had slept
Summon demon (210/90) [B]
Summon lighting (230/80) - kill enemies
Soul travel (240/70) [B] - hero soul can walk, invisible to enemies
Army of darkness (250/100)

BUG ?: I noticed that sometimes the "poison" and/or "terror" spells disappear from the list in the spell book.

[B]: can be learned at any Beliar shrine (available in Sildern, Trelis, Montera, Cape Dunn, Stone Circle with gargoyles)
[I]: can be learned at any Innos shrine (available on Trelis - Montera road, Ardea, Vangard, Okara)

BUG: learning "amnesia" at a shrine is bugged in version prior [1.0.89]. Money is spent but no LP and the spell is not acquired.

The other spells are casted via the scrolls found in the chests.
Tip: keep the "ice spear" scrolls to fight the fire golems.

N.B. shrines also offer to raise life force, mana and endurance.

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3.5. Herbs and alchemy

Gothic world is full of varied herbs. When eaten, they can restore you health, mana, endurance, cure poison, cure weakness, ...

Some of these herbs are very valuable because they provide permanent bonus when eaten.
They can also be combined with a king sorrel to brew potions granting more important permanent bonus when drunk.

To brew a potion, you need to acquire the skill from a trainer (e.g. "brew potions with permanent effects"), the recipe from a
merchant (e.g. "potion of strength"), and the correct items (e.g. a king sorrel, a dragon root and a vial). Potions can be brew at
any alchemy table.

There are also two quests involving undigested fire nettles. These nettles cannot be used to brew potions but they provide
HUNT +1 when eaten and you have some left over after the quest is completed. So eat all the left over (but careful not eating
all of them before finishing the quest).

Here are the herbs providing permanent bonus. The values between brackets "[]" are these prior to version 1.0.89.
The column "LP gain" indicates how much of a learning point the additional bonus provided by the potion is worth.
Tip: brew in priority potions from dragon roots and goblin berries because they provide higher gains..

Herb value eating bonus potion bonus LP gain

king sorrel 150 - -
goblin berry 165 HUNT +2 HUNT +3 1 LP
[120] [+1] [+2]
dragon root 120 STR +1 STR +2 1 LP
undigested fire nettle ~90 HUNT +1 n.a.
flame berry 60 MANA +2 MANA +5 0.75 LP
armour weed 60 endurance +2 endurance +4 0.5 LP
reign weed 60 LIFE +2 LIFE +3 0.25 LP

3.6. Fun

There are a several activities the hero can practise. They offer no or little reward but they are anyway fun. Among them:
§ simple cooking: you can roast the raw meat and cook the scavenger eggs at any fire camp
§ more cooking: can be done at any cooking pot provided you have a recipe and the correct ingredients. In this way
you can produce meat bug ragout, stew and booze. However they have little value and you can steal them from many
§ sawing wood: no reward
§ forging weapons: can be done at any anvil provided you have the skill, the recipe and the correct items. It would be a
real insensitive if forged weapons were better than the ones you can find everywhere. But it is not the case.
§ mining: you can exploit the veins of minerals even without the "prospector" skill - only yield is lower. All you need is a

3.7. Irrelevant

Some notions are irrelevant in the game, mainly because of left over from Gothic 3 original game:

§ books and letters: there is no book nor letter to collect. Prior version 1.0.89 you could collect the "Ahton gold list" but
it could not be used for anything.
§ city reputation: despite some positive reputation is acquired for Sildern and Geldern, it is pretty useless. In the
original Gothic 3, you needed a certain reputation to speak to the leaders of the cities.
§ faction reputation: you can acquire positive reputation for the rebel faction. Also useless except to acquire the
"lieutenant" armour at the beginning of the game. This armour is new in version 1.0.89 and requires 25 rebel

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4. Description of cities, paths and initial quests

Source: mistress_larisa (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

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4.1. Sildern


Goodies: +5 AK, +5 ALC, permanent strength potions, potion recipes, teleportation stone, 3+ flame berries, 1+ reign weed,
1+ dragon root.
Trainers: Anog (combat), blacksmith (smith), Meryl (thief), Cornelius (alchemy)

Source: Tim der Götterdämmerung-Helfer (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

vollgefressene Scavangers = scavengers fully fed

Kühe = cows;
Verrückter Vogelmann = crazy bird man (on the right after the bridge)

Hero wakes up in a room. ANOG is besides him. Anog is the ruler of the village. He gives an overview of situation and assigns
the first quest: « obtain 5 letters of recommendation » from villagers and go back to see Anog. Then Anog quits the room.
Take advantage of being alone to pick up all you can in the room (well, actually you will soon discover that nearly all stuffs can
be stolen without upsetting any NPC). Pick-lock the 3 chests, grab the sword on the bed, grab the packs of weapons. Equip the
hero with the sword and rings you found in the chests. Also drink the three potions of permanent strength (3 x +2 STR).

Go outside. Close to where you slept, there is a Beliar shrine (will be useful to increase life, mana, endurance and learn new
spells against learning points). Villagers are not much speaking to you. Speak to the BLACKSMITH to get more information on
the situation. He can train you (including to sword sharpening). You can loot his house.

In front of the smith is Anog's house. Read the book and the stand inside for ANCESTOR KNOWLEDGE +5 AK. You can loot
the house, including the two chests.

Passing through the inner compound gate, go inside the house with two wheels above its main entrance: inside you can find

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some food and a chest. Leave the house. You see KUNZ sawing wood. Besides selling hunting goods (including bows and
[1.0.89] in v1.0.89 a plated leather helmet - may be random), he is looking for « the » inn. Within the house facing him, there is
a stand book providing a ALCHIMY+5 ALC bonus. There is also a chest.

Within the house behind Kunz, you find NISIN. He explains that is moral was very low but he is feeling good again since last
night. We shall understand later that both Kunz and Nisin are probably referring to Isabelle, the innkeeper's wife. Nisin is
selling potions. He is also selling potion recipes for permanent effect on endurance, hunting, mana, strength. Do not forget to
buy some of them when you will be richer. He has many other potion recipes but uninteresting because we shall never lack
these potions in the game.

Going further down, you enter a third inner compound that is larger than the two first ones. CORNELIUS is sitting in front of the
fire. He is a fool who believe to be an alchemist – well actually he is ! He has a quest.

Not far from Cornelius, TAHBERT is guarding the cows but he refuses to speak for now.
In front of another camp fire is BARNABAS but he refuses to speak for now.

In front of the inn is a SELLER with magical items. I bought him some lock picks.
Within the inn the bartender is selling goods. You can loot the chest and steal the weapons but NOT what is on the table !
At the first floor of the inn (separate entrance), there is some food on the table + 2 scavenger eggs.

Going further down, there is a storehouse.

Outside the storehouse, there are two hunters who refuse to speak for now.
There is also a SELLER with various goods.

Back to the Kunz inner compound and entering fourth inner compound that we have not yet visited.

The fight pit is a good place to acquire strength - see quest. OBERT organises fights against GRISWALD, RITT, and NGAIO.

MERYL, the thief near the fight pit, has a quest.

In or near a fisher hut, OELK needs your help. There is a chest to loot.
From Oelk shack, facing the water, go left until the next fisher hut. Go until the end of the peer. Look 45° left and you see two
rocks. Go in that direction and you will find a small treasure in the field. The content is random.
From the same peer, go straight right in the same direction of the peer and you find another small treasure with some
scavengers around.
Still from the same peer, go 45° right for a third small treasure. Continue along the water until a broken barrack. On the top of
the small hill facing that barrack, there is another small treasure. Use a scroll to open the metal chest. From the broken
barrack, continue along the water and you will find a metal chest on your left side. I didn't continue further and went back to the

ISABELLE refuses to speak for now.

JURGEN, the shepherd ask you a "service". Within the house close to Jurgen, there is a trader selling cooking recipes. Do not
loot the chest.

Within the inn, ANTON needs your help. Do not steal (for now).

Taking the exit N-E of Sildern, there is a flame berry at the left after the bridge. Taking right after the bridge, following the water,
you encounter 3 skeletons, a Beliar shrine, 2 normal chests and a metal chest. Back to the bridge and going straight right, you
arrive to a fire camp with two chests. Around, there is a flame berry on the camp west side. Going further down in direction of
the river and the rocky hill near the waterfall, there are two skeletons with their weapons and a metal chest.

Taking exit N-W of the village (the one where there are two Tahbert's cows) at the right, there is a stone circle where you find a
stone to teleport to Sidern village.

Once solving Sildern quests, you might wish to explore a little bit more.

So back to the path and following it, you will find 2 chests and a reign weed on the right and further parallel to the road a flame
berry and a dragon root. Next left, you will find a wooden barrack with a well in front. There is a chest within the house plus
another one outside.

From the barrack entrance, look the big rock facing the house. On its right, there is a smaller rock and two chests. Back along
the road, you arrive to a fork. On the left, there is a wolf herd behind the big rock and two chests near the river.

Take the right path of the fork. There is a barrack on your left side with some foresters in front and a metal chest and a druid
inside. Behind, there are some wolfs and a treasure.

A little bit further, still on the left side of the road, there is a broken stone house. There is a treasure. Behind the house, there is
a cave with a small treasure. In the second room there is a metal chest.

Following the road, nearly at its end, there is a barrack with a well in front and two chests to loot inside. Behind the house, near
a chariot on the top of a grass rock, there is a metal cheat. Going at the bottom of that rock, there are two additional chests
close to the river with two skeletons in between. Following the river, you find other skeletons before the waterfall and two
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Back to the fork, take the branch not yet explored. At its extremity, there is a stone circle with two chests. Take opportunity to
enjoy the waterfall scenery. Before the slope leading to the stone circle, on the left there is an armour weed hidden by a tree.
On the other side, there is a cave with some ripper beasts (200 EXP), a normal chest and a metal one. Continuing further up
after the cave, you arrive to a lake with a river fall. Turning counter-clockwise around the lake, you arrive to a sort of canyon
with a treasure at its extremity.

Goodies: undigested fire nettles, 1+ flame berry, 1+ reign weeds, 1+ dragon roots, 1+ armour weed.

The 5 recommendation letters for Anog

I solved the following quests providing the 6 recommendation letters out of 7 possible: Cornelius, Meryl & Dylan, Oelk, Anton,
Boris (in Geldern). Report to Anog for 5 500 EXP and 300 GP. Anog can also train you to improve your combat skills.

Cornelius wants 5 fire nettles (1 recommendation letter)

For his potion, he needs 5 fire nettles taken out the belly of scavengers. As he promises to write a recommendation letter, you
agree. There are scavengers outside the village behind the place of Tahbert's cows. Kill them for meat, eggs and 18
undigested fire nettles. On the spot, there is a flame berry to pick up. Bring the nettles to Cornelius. You receive 2 000 EXP,
500 GP, STR +2, and a letter of recommendation. Moreover Cornelius now agree to teach you alchemy (including making
permanent potions). N.B. eating surplus of 22 ([1.0.89] 13 before v1.0.89 - may be random) undigested fire nettles provides
HUNT +1 each.

Meryl wants an amulet (2 recommendation letters)

Meryl, the thief, was requested by Anog to beat some orcs. But orcs are getting stronger lately and he needs an amulet to
defeat them. He ask you to steal the amulet from DYLAN, a seller in Geldern. In return, you will receive a recommendation
letter + some stealing tricks.
At Geldern, when you will speak to a frightened Dylan, he will ask you to stop Meryl sending thieves against him. In exchange,
he will give you the amulet and a letter of recommendation. Accept the deal. Speak to Meryl and he will agree if you can
provide him the amulet. Speak again to Dylan for 5 000 EXP, the recommendation letter and the amulet. As you cannot wear
that protective amulet, give it to Meryl who is dying for it: 4 000 EXP, 300 GP and a recommendation letter.
Now Meryl can teach you some thief skills. Tip: as soon as possible, spend 20 + 5 LP to raise your thief competency and learn
"pick difficult locks". This allows you to open nearly all chests. For the very small remaining number, you can use the spell
scrolls that you will collect by looting. I found other thief skills pretty useless.

Help Oelk to stop the seagull noise (1 recommendation letter)

In a fisher hut, Oelk is mad because someone put overnight bread crumbs on his roof. The consequences is that seagull come
to eat them and make an awful noise. Agree to help Oelk to solve the problem against a letter of recommendation. Follow the
breads, exiting the village and you will arrive to a crazy BIRD-MAN. Provide him 500 GP to stop his game. You can loot his 5
chests and kill some chicken (25 EXP) without any retaliation. On the way, I killed some scavengers and pick-up herbs,
including a reign weed and a dragon root. Going behind Oelk's place, there are three wolfs (50 EXP), 1 normal chest and one
metal one, a armour weed. Continuing, you will spot a place protected with small wooden walls. There are 3 chests and a
mine entrance. In the mine, there is a metal chest, an amulet and some gold veins from which you can extract gold nuggets
with a pickaxe lying on the ground.
Report to Oelk for 700 GP, +2 STR, +10 reputation, 4 000 EXP and a recommendation letter.

Eliminate Tahbert's cows (1 recommendation letter)

Jurgen, the shepherd, is worry because Tahbert is taking his profit away. He suspect Tahbert of using magic to give good
appearance to bad meat. He asks you to kill Tahbert's cows. I didn't refuse: what wouldn't you do for a recommendation
letter ? But as I could not get any confirmation, killing the cows makes me uncomfortable and I never completed the quest.
Who knows whether reality is not the opposite of Jurgen's words. If you wish to kill the cows, be careful however. You need to
hide you in a remote place and fire an arrow on the cows. If you are lucky, they will panic and escape outside the village where
you can kill them without Tahbert and the villagers attacking you [source:]. You also receive STR +4, 2 000 EXP, and
200 GP.

Barbabas has not paid Anton (1 recommendation letter)

Within the inn, the inn keeper Anton complains that Barnabas has not paid his room + he had good time with his wife. If you can
get back the money for him, Anton will provide you a recommendation letter. If moreover you beat Barnabas, Anton will provide
some gold.
However, you are better off accepting Barnabas' counter-proposal: pay Anton on Barnabas behalf and cast of “forget” spell on
Anton that will make him forget the story about his wife.
Pay 500 GP to Anton and you get 4 000 Exp, 2 STR bonus, 300 GP and Anton's recommendation letter. Before casting the
“forget” spell, take the opportunity to rob everything on Anton's house, knock down Anton (50 EXP), rob him and rob his chest.
Then cast the spell and Anton forget everything. Report it to Barnabas and he will give you a letter of recommendation.
Unfortunately, if you check your inventory, you see it is a fake ... If you ask for your gold, it will degenerate in a fight for
100 EXP, a sword + a shield and some gold on Barbaras' body.

Go to fetch Inog in Geldern

After giving him the 5 recommendation letters, you receive a new quest from Anog: he wants you to fetch his brother Inog from
Geldern in order to discuss the three of you on the next step to take. As nothing is so simple, Inog request you to fulfill 4 tasks
he has promised his brother to do: collect tax, destroy an orc camp, protect a caravan, and discover what arrived to a spy. See
Geldern section for these quests.

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Fighting in the pit
Immediately at the right is NGAIO, the fighter champion. You can ask OBERT to organize a fighting contest.
In the pits, there a two cavities where a metal chest, food and weapons can be found.
The first fight is against GRISWALD for STR +2 and EXP. The second is against RITT for STR+3 and 2 000+ EXP. Sometime
the opponent escape before the end of the fight. But if it is not the case, do not forget to take their weapon and loot their body.
The third and last fight is against Ngaio for 5 500 EXP and STR +5 and a better shield. Go again to Obert to receive 4 healing

Bring Anton's wife to Anog

Actually since a long time, I had the option to talk to Anog about orc spies in Anton inn. As I through it was another translation
bug, I didn't select the option before. It was not a bug. Just confusing because the text of the option is pronounced by Anog not
by the hero as normally. Anyway, you have to talk to Isabelle, Anton's wife, and bring her to Anog for inquiry and get 500 GP,
2 000 EXP and rebel and Sildern reputation +5. Anog goes to check by himself. When he is back, he confirms the suspicion
and you are required to kill the poor old Anton. This rewards you STR +3, 4 000 EXP and rebel and Sildern reputation +5.
Additionally you can report to Anog who ask you to escort back Isabelle to Anton's house. She followed me to the house that
was ... 5 meters from there. When exiting the house, I received 2000 EXP and reputation Sildern +5. Not bad for 5 meters.
N.B.: do not kill Anton before you received from him the recommendation letter and the 300 GP taxes for a quest given in
Geldern by Inog.

4.1.3.Road Sildern - Geldern

Goodies: +10 AK, one piece of the mystic wanderer armour, 4+ reign weeds, 1+ king sorrel, 1+ goblin berry.

Starting the road to Geldern, taking right after the village peer and nearly going until the end, there is a reign weed. Back to the
Geldern road, you encounter scavengers and wolfs (50 EXP each). After the turn, there are bisons. In the other side of the
road, you can spot a cave entrance. Take advantage of the high position to get the bisons (200 EXP each + meat). They will
charge you but can only attack one by one on the slope leading to the cave.
At the cross-road, turn right. You have to fight two naughty blood-flies (50 EXP each). Do not forget to equip the hero with anti-
poison potions.
Just after, on the right there is a cave. Inside there are plenty of awaken zombies. But if you don't go too far, you can grab a
piece of the mystic wanderer armour (looks like a golden bowl). [1.0.89] In v1.0.89, there is a nice "dream catcher" shield
(may be random). If you are bold enough you can fight the two first zombies (200 EXP each) but careful as there is a group of 5
zombies a little bit further. Get them one by one. In the main room there is a weathered stone tablet providing ANCESTOR
KNOWLEDGE +10 AK when used and in the first room there is some gold to extract. Tip: if too weak, just run and grab the
stone (mummies are slow) or attack in group while doing the "protect the caravan" quest in Geldern.
Just after the cave, turning around 180° on the right there are several plants including 2 reign weed. Continue and you will
arrive to a fire camp. Down the slope on the other side of the camp, there are four blood flies. Kill them and turn right. You will
find a king sorrel. If you continue further, you still find another chest and you will arrive in the area explored jointly with Oelk's
Back to the Geldern road. We are now in front of Geldern gates. I didn't entered the city immediately. I rather followed the
walls, picking up plants. I found a fire camp in front of a cave. All around there are sulphur blocks. Within the cave there is a
weak shadow beast (50 EXP) - well, the second time I played, there were three *strong* ones (300 EXP).
In the way back to Geldern gates, I picked up plants, including a reign weed and a goblin berry.

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4.2. Geldern


Goodies: +10 AK, +25 ALC, teleportation stone.

Trainers: druid (magic) ([1.0.89] no more in v1.0.89)

Source: Nneka (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Mystischer Wanderer = Mystic Wanderer (first encounter when taking Inog to Anog)
Hamlar und seine Karawane = Hamlar and his caravan
Orcpatrouille = Orc troop (follow the path)
Vater = father
Anführer des Minerarbeiter = chief of the miners

You are entering Geldern from the N-E gate.

At the left of the gate (facing the inside city), is a smith house with a chest inside. The SMITH refuses to speak for now.

Next left is Inog's palace. In Inog's room there are book stands. Read them (2 x +5 AK). Loot 5 normal chests and a metal
one. Inog refuses to speak before you have fulfilled the Anog's recommendation letter quest. The DRUID in the room can teach
you the ancestor knowledge (in order to make the fire ball spell more effective, increase AK > 50 asap). Well, at least he could
before v1.0.89. [1.0.89] Since v1.0.89, he became a mere trader.
In the room adjacent to Inog´'s corridor, read the book stand (2 x +5 ALC). Also grab the mage staff and loot the 3 chests
(careful the guards! - just kidding).

Continuing clock-wise is an empty barrack.

And next there is a house with a nice fire place. When I entered it, nobody was inside. Loot the chest. The above floor (access
via outside stair) is a sleeping room where you can loot 4 chests.

At the back of this house is another barrack without anything of interest.

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Follow around the fight pit. Until a smith house. Speak to the FATHER smith for a quest. Down the path is the leader of the

Further in direction of the mine is a store barrack with nothing important in it.

Then it is the gold mine with a chief of the mine in front. Deep in the mine, at the end of a dim passage, you will find two
skeletons and a nice treasure, especially the Adanos' crown providing a nice protection ([1.0.89] no more there since v1.0.89 -
but the other protections we can find before and in Geldern are better than < v1.0.89) and the dark mage staff.

Out of the mine, continuing our tour, in front of the fight pit is a small house with a chest to loot in it.

DEREX is in charge of the fight pit and YOHANN, BRENNUS and CORT are the fighters.

Then there is another smith house with nothing interesting in it. And after that a small house with an animal head skull above
the door. Inside there are two chests to loot.

The next point of interest is the S-W gate.

On the left of the S-W entrance (facing Inog's house), is HAMLAR's house. Helmar refuses to speak by now. There are 5
traders selling various stuffs including anti-poison potions and [1.0.89] in v1.0.89 a nice "lieutenant" armour 30/60/60 & ice +45
(may be random). You need however to have at least 25% reputation with rebels before he agrees to sell it to you. So do some
quests before and be careful because he might disappear after the "protect the caravan" quest. They also sell seemly worthless
paladin armours (cannot be worn). You can loot the chests as nobody seems to care. Read the book stands (2 x +5 ALC -
[1.0.89] in v1.0.89 the second one had no label and I could not read it) – for one, I could only read it after quest of caravan done
because before that a rebel was always using it. Hamlar's house has a cellar (access from outside) with 3 chests and

The next room continuing clock-wise is the house of a trader. Read the stand book for ALCHEMY +5 ALC.

The next room continuing clock-wise is a inn with some chests to loot. At the above floor (access from stair outside the house),
there are other traders and you can loot the chests.

In front of that house is DYLAN, the guy to whom you need to rob an amulet.

Next is the smith house. The SMITH refuses to speak for now but you can loot everything.

Next is an uninteresting room and then a guarded warehouse. You can open the door with a scroll and loot the 4 chests inside.

Next you are back to the N-E gate.

In front of Inog's palace entrance is a high house. At the ground floor, there are 2 chests to loot. Go up the outside stair until the
top floor. There is a chest to loot and a merchant with three wonderful (and very expensive) armours ([1.0.89] no more in
v1.0.89). I couldn't stand it and I have beaten him up for stealing them (I still had a “forget” spell). Shame on me ! But the
morality is safe: the goods found on the seller's body are not the ones he is selling and have very minor interest. Conclusion:
sellers' stock cannot be stolen.
Some merchants also have a nice particularity: when you have plenty of expensive stuffs, you can keep on selling them
because each time you close the trading window, additional money magically arrives in their purse.

In front of the high house is a seller's house with red carpet on the ground. There is one chest to loot.

In front of the N-E gate, there is a barrack with one chest to loot.

Going on the guard path above the N-E city walls, you have access to the above floor of the guarded warehouse. It is a
dormitory for the soldiers and there are 3 chests to loot.

From the guard path above the S-W city walls, you have access to a reception hall above Hamlar's room. There is plenty to
loot: money, weapons, shield, .... In one of the four chests you will find a teleportation stone to Geldern.


Boris and the crazy bison herd (1 recommendation letter) - Geldern - Trelis road
Just after the gate, on the road to Trelis, there is a fire camp with BORIS and three fellow hunters around it. He asks you to hunt
enraged bisons for him, south of the city (alternatively you can replace him to guard the place while he does the job himself –
then orcs attack you but Boris' buddies provide an helpful hand). Following the road to Telvis, after the bridge, on the left side,
you can see the enraged bisons. Kill them for 6 x 200 EXP and a bonus reward of STR +5 and EXP +5 000. Report it to Boris
for 1 000 EXP and a recommendation letter. On the way back, roast the bison meat at the orc camp. After the quest, Boris can
teach you hunting skills ([1.0.89] no more in v1.0.89), including bow II and III.

Beat the miners

The father smith wants you to stop the miner fights in the pit in front of his house against a gold purse In front of the house just

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down the slope the miner leader sits on a bank. Fight him and his men to solve the quest for 4 000 EXP and STR +2. You need
to beat up ALL of them even if some try to escape. Otherwise, the father still keep on asking to solve his problem. And do not
hit anybody else by mistake or you might end up with everybody fighting against you. Report to the father for 500 GP.

Fights in the pit

In front of father smith's hut is the pit. Ask Derex for fighting. The first opponent is Yohann, for 2 000 EXP and STR+2. The
second one is Brennus for 2 500 EXP and STR+3. The third and last one is Cort for 4 000 EXP and STR+5. Also speak a last
time to Derex for 4 healing potions.

First quest for Inog: collect tax

You are in charge to collect 1 000 GP: from Anton (300 GP), Barnabas (300 GP – after a fight), Boris (300 GP - he is outside
Geldern, on the road to Trelis), Cornelius (300 GP), Dylan (300 GP) and Meryl (300 GP). Report to Anog (not Inog) for REP+5
with Geldern and rebels, 6 000 EXP, 300 GP. Then report to Inog for another 1 000 GP and 5 000 EXP.

Second quest for Inog: destroy the orc camp

Inog mentions that there is an orc camp near Geldern. Despite Inog opinion, you insist that the camp must be destroy. The orc
camp is on the road to Trelis. Go and kill (see the road to Trelis section): beat them + kill them for REP+5 with Geldern and
rebels, experience and STR+5. Report to Inog for 1 000 GP and 5 000 EXP.

Third quest for Inog: what happened to Clovis, the spy ?

Clovis, an experienced spy, has disappeared while in mission in Trelis. Inog suspects that Thorus has put him in the jail near his
castle and arena. Once you have spotted the jail house (see Trelis section), just bribe the guards for 500 GP and come back
with Clovis. Report to Inog for REP+5 with Geldern and rebels, 4 000 EXP and 500 GP.
Talk to Clovis and he will tell you that he discovered that the black mage has allied himself with Thorus. The mage is seeking to
acquire a rare artefact, the claw of the undead dragon. He also mentions that GARAN, an orc guard, might help you and that
Rudolph, Sylvester and Nicholas might have useful information.

Four quest for Inog: protect the caravan

Escort and protect Hamlar's caravan to Sildern. Go to see Hamlar and start you trip to Sildern. On the way, you have to fight
orcs. It should not be too difficult to defeat them (actually, on my second play, they were even not there). Arriving at Sildern,
Hamlar gives you REP+5 with Geldern and rebels, STR +5, 10 000 EXP, 1 000 GP. Report as well to Inog for REP+5 with
Geldern and rebels, experience, 1 000 GP. Also go to Hamlar's house that is now empty to finish to loot it and more important to
read the second book stand (ALC +5).
Remember: [1.0.89] buy the lieutenant armour before the merchants vanish at the end of the quest.
Tip: on the Sildern - Geldern road, you can take advantage to be in a group to fight the mommies in the cave if not yet done. Do
not worry about the merchants as only Hamlar must make his way to Sildern (merchants usually vanish once the quest is
finished). If you lose Hamlar, you should find him further on the road (I found him back near where were the bisons, i.e. he
managed to pass the orcs unnoticed).
Strange (? - only happen when I played for the first time): when in the group, I had a bug with at least one of the merchants. If
selling him something, in the trade window I could click several times on the "balance in gold" button without the button
becoming grey. If for example I clicked 20 times while selling an object of 200 GP, I was receiving 4 000 GP for the transaction.
So I could become easily rich. OK, it only for the fun because money is not an issue in this game (there are so many chests
with profusion of nice loots).

Further quest for Inog

Even you have accomplished the four quests, Inog refuses to speak to you. Actually, you still have to make the black mage
quest (see Trelis). It is only then that Inog will agree to go to his brother in Seldern.

4.2.3.Road Geldern - Trelis

Goodies: teleportation stone, 3+ goblin berries, 1+ reign weeds, 1+ king sorrel, 1+ armour weed
Trainers: Boris (hunting) ([1.0.89] no more in v1.0.89)

Just after the gate, there is a fire camp with BORIS and three fellow hunters around it. There is a chest to loot too and just
beside on a rock, a second teleportation stone to Geldern. Although warned against him in Sidern, I spoke to him. Actually
despite verbose, he is not a bad guy. After completing the quest he has for you, he can train you on hunting competencies
([1.0.89] no more in v1.0.89).

From Boris camp going on the right up the hill, after fighting two wolfs and three ogres (500 EXP + a chest - lure them one by
one to Boris' guys), you arrive to another camp in front of a mine entrance. There is a chest to loot and a king sorrel and an
reign weed. In the mine, there are chests, an amulet and gold and sulphur veins. Near the cave, along the cliff, there is a hoöe
with a blood fly and a chest.

Back to the road, going down, there is the advanced orc camp with four of them. They are not hostile but you have to do the
dirty job.

On the other side of the road, there are some scavengers and just before the bridge some snappers (150 EXP each).

Behind the orc camp, in front of some bisons, there is a goblin berry. Also before the bridge, two trees on the left there is
another one. Going to the right before the bridge, you will find near some other snappers a goblin berry and an armour

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After the bridge, on the left side, you can see the enraged bison herd of Boris' quest.

After the bison herd, on the right, there are scavengers and two goblins (50 EXP each).

Alternatively, do not cross the bridge but take a path parallel to it on its left. You will encounter your first lurkers (100 EXP each).
You can cross the river by feet. On the other bank there is an old tower and another orc camp.

Continue the road and you are arrived to N-W gate of Trelis.

4.2.4.Road Sildern - Trelis

Goodies: 1+ goblin berry, 1+ dragon root

There is also a road from Sidern to Trelis. The beginning is common with the road to Geldern. At the crossroad after the bison
place, rather than turning right, continue straight right as indicated by the panel. About 3-4 trees before to arrive to the burned
house, there is a goblin berry on the left side of the road.

Around the burned house, there are two wolfs and two chests to loot.

On the other side of the road there are some scavengers. Near the scavengers, further right, there is a cave with a wolf and
meat bugs inside as well as three chests to loot.

Further there is an upward slope with a chest to loot on the right side of the road and one after the slope on the left and again
two other ones just after on the right side of the road and again three ones still further on the left and 2 further and 3 further on
the right.
After the last 3 chests, climb the slope on the right: there is a dragon root.

Continue and there is on the right a cave with bandits and a chest to loot inside. As bandits were not aggressive, I didn't fight
them, just looting their chest.

Above the hill of the cave, there is a house with father GEOF and EVERT in front and HUNFRID and the MOTHER inside. They
explain they are poor. The mother mentions I might get information from officer Osch in Trelis. Father Geof is even ready to sell
one of his son to you.

Quest - Employ one of Georg's sons

Geoff offers you to employ one of his son for 200 GP.
§ if you chose the elder, Evert, he will lead you to the bandits in order to rob you. The number of persons you have to
fight depends. I had to fight a bandit (100 EXP) and Evert. Actually while I was fighting the bandit, Evert escaped. I
retrieved him beside his father. He was no more hostile. Funny: reporting to the father, the hero says that he has killed
Evert (so seems to be the normal outcome of the quest) and the father does not care.
§ if you chose the younger, Hunfrid, he leads you to chests (that we have already looted on our way) with non-hostile
orcs beside.

On the other side of the farm hill, there is a second entrance to the upper level of the cave with a chest to loot. There is a nice
overview on the 5 thieves would you like to attack them (50 EXP).

Go back to the road and you are soon then arrived to Trelis.

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4.3. Trelis


Goodies: +5 AK, +5 ALC, teleportation stone, 1+ king sorrel.

Trainers: Lewis (thief)

Source: Tim der Götterdämmerung-Helfer (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Let have a walk within Trelis, from the N-W gate, turning clock-wise.

First there is the barrack of a mercenary. No interest.

Then there is the castle south gate. Enter into the its inner plaza that we shall visit clock-wise. In the small room under the stair
leading to the castle walls, there is a chest to loot. Next is THORUS's house. Thorus tells you that he is the ruler of that city as
well as Montera and Cape Dun. There is a chest to loot. The next house is RUDOLPH's one with a chest to loot. He informs
you that strange man-orc creatures have been seen in the region recently. In the same room, OGIT and ERHAG are arguing.
Erhag inform you that there is a plan to attack Gotha and you understand that Geldern would be next on the list. In that room
basement (access from outside) is the town treasury. Next is another small room under the city walls with weapons you can
steal inside. In front sits OSCH who refuses to speak for now. Next is the castle S-E gate. The next house belongs to the
DARK MAGE with whom you have a long chat (unless you already got the quest to deal with him - in this case he attacks you).
A bug shows the persons vividly speaking but without sound and without under-title !!! Read the stand books (+5 AK, +5 ALC).
Notice that GARAN is guarding the house. On the walls above the south gate, on the right there are URBANUS and
SILVESTER and a dining room. On the left there is another dining-room and NICHOLAS. Further left there is a bigger 2-storey

Out of the castle from the south gate, we continue our visit. There is a sleeping barrack and after a bridge in direction of
Montera. Next is the hut of an orc delto, then a two story wooden house mainly used as a warehouse and further the town

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south gate. But nothing interesting.

In front of the two story wooden house, there is another one without more interest. Next is a smith house. Better decorated but
still nothing worth.

Then there is the temple with two Beliar shrines. In front of one of its three entrances, there is an oman but you cannot speak
to him because prevented by a guard. So take another entry. Within the temple, there is a down stair behind the sword statue.
At the foot of that stair, there is a king sorrel. It leads to caves but you are preventing from exploring by two guards. From far
you can see there are beds and stand books. So leave the temple for now but before grasp the teleportation stone to Trelis. It
is hidden behind a column at your right when facing the guards of the lower level.

Then there is another barrack and we are back to the entrance gate coming from Geldern.

Going back to the “Montena” bridge and crossing it, there is on the right a stone house and the right a wooden house. No

But behind the stone house is the arena and another stone house. CLOVIS, the spy we need to free is inside the house.

STEINER is in charge of the fights in the arena. Fighters are HARMAN, LEWIS, and DRUD. After his fight, Lewis can train you
on thief skills.

Continuing on the path from the bridge, you arrive to a crossroad with at the right the town exit in direction of Montera and to the
left the road goes toward the S-E gate of the castle.

Taking the left branch, there is a smith house on the right (one chest to loot).
On the left side of the path, there is a nice wooden house within I found UNKNOWN (he refuses to speak and a bug prevent his
name to appear above his head as for normal NPC).


Goodies: +5 AK, +10 ALC, SMITH +5, Austin's sword, 1+ armour weed, 1+ reign weed.

Fights in the arena

Ask STEINER to organize the fights. The first one is against HARMAN, for STR +2 and 2 500 EXP, then LEWIS for STR+3 and
3 250 EXP and the third one is DRUD for STR +5 and 4 000 EXP. Go to Steiner for 4 healing potions.

Obtain information about the dark mage

Once you have freed Clovis the spy, he indicates that you can get information from Silvester, Nicholas and Rudolph (you might
have to initiate the dialog several times). Despite what they say is of no help, you MUST speak to the three to be able to finish
the quest (otherwise, symptom = Inog and Clovis keep on asking to work on the quest). He also mentioned to contact Garan
who happily has more useful information: the black mage spends all nights outside of the city, probably with his lover (what a
gossip). So rest until midnight and then follow the mage to see where he is going. Funny enough, he met wolfs that I hadn't
killed in previous explorations and it took him ages to kill them all. At the end he was bugged in a corner and couldn't kill the
wolf. I had to help him. After all he is not so powerful ... Anyway, he took back his walk and entered a cave. Read the book
stands (2 x ALCHEMY +5 ALC; ANCESTOR KNOWLEDGE +5 AK; SMITH +5). There is a book named "Chronicles of
dominance" that I was not able to read (even when playing for the second time and AK to 260). Looking behind the alchemy
desk, you will find a ring and the very nice Austin's sword. Report to Inog about your findings for a reward: 4 500 EXP,
500 GP, reputation rebel +5 and Geldern +5.

A BUG has been reported by some players: they cannot find the black mage. In fact, he is in an inaccessible part of the map.
In this case, the only work-around is to cheat (use the console command "goto Blackmage" and teleport you back to Geldern

Eliminate the black mage

As requested by the quest, go in the cave during the night and kill the black mage (150 EXP). He is not good fighter and it
should be easy. On him I found a poison potion (but it is random). The reward is 8 000 EXP, STR+5 and rebel and Geldern
reputation +5. Also report to Inog for 500 GP and 2 500 EXP. By the way, there is an armour weed and a reign weed in front
of the cave.

Bring Inog to Anog

At last, after fulfilling the four Inog quests and killing the dark mage, Inog agrees to go with you the Sildern. On the road to
Sildern, you will be attacked by wolfs. When reporting to Anog (otherwise he does not notice his brother despite at 2 meter from
him), you receive STR +2, EXP 6 000 and rebel and Geldern reputation +5.

Fragments of the mystic ranger armour - part 1

Quitting Geldern with Inog, the MYSTIC WANDERER will speak to you and give you the quest "fragment of armor". I had
already found two out the three fragments of the armour we need to find (see Seldern - Geldern and Trelis - Monterea road
sections). Unfortunately, it seems that we are supposed to find the fragments later and/or in a different order. Otherwise the
mystic wanderer is no more speaking until we have the three fragments (strangely they are looking like bowls). Going back to
the mystic wanderer at that time triggered the quest resolution for 10 000 EXP and the "end of game" armour as reward.
UPDATE: in addition of above, playing the game for the second time, I noticed that some pieces had mysteriously disappeared

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from my inventory and I could not solve the quest anymore. Eddra gives us the explanation: "However, a BUG in the
“prisoner's chest” which deletes the wanderer pieces (and other items such as the Shaman's Amulet if you have it) means you
may still have to insert it / them to complete the quest: “give/spawn Mystic_Wanderer_piece_02” [1, 2 and 3 are all required].".
We shall remind you in due time about this.

You have two options now: Ask Gorn to send help to Geldern or Ask Thorus to stop raids on Geldern.

Do NOT speak to Gorn at this point

At this point, you could speak to Gorn in Gotha (giving 50 000 GP to Errol). BUT doing this makes all the orcs hostile until you
kill Kan. This is illogical and I believe it is a BUG. Despite you can still finish the game, you miss many quests (and their
rewards), some quests cannot be completed, and it messes up the whole game.

Asking Thorus to stop orc attacks

Give priority to diplomacy, go to see Thorus for peace rather than Gorn for war. This gives 4 000 EXP and reputations Sildern
+5. Before considering my request, Thorus wants that 1) I help Osch and 2) I escort one regiment to Montera. Once more a
bug prevented me to understand what is going on: there is a discussion between Thorus and the hero but without voice nor
subtitles (except now and then some words in a Latin language ... which anyway are obviously unrelated to the plot. Grrrr ).

Quests for Osch

Talking to Osch gives you 4 000 EXP

First quest: bring potions and weapons to Kosar

Actually, around the city walls of Montera, you will meet VIET who will ask you to bring that to Thorus. As it is Thorus asking you
to help Osch, why not to do so ? This will provide you 6 500 EXP and 300 GP. Thorus confirms that you should bring the
package to Kosar so do it for extra 4 000. Report to Osch for EXP 500 GP and 2 500 EXP.

Second quest: find the Cor Kalom cup

The cup is in the cave near the mystic ranger (see Trelis - Montera section). Once you have it, report to Osch for STR+10,
17 500 EXP, and 1 000 GP and then to Thorus for 1 250 EXP.

Escort a regiment to Kan

Escort Ogit, Erhang (from Rudolph's house in the castle) and Urbanus (on castle walls) to Kan in Montera. This brings you
STR+7 and 8 000 EXP. The quest continues in Montera and Cape Dunn (see these sections). At the end, you come back to
Thorus with some weapons and armours.

Do NOT answer Osch question at this point

At this point, you have done Montera, Gotha, and Cape Dunn quests, including the two Osch quests and bringing weapons and
armours to Thorus. This is the moment Osch asks you THE question that will decide on the story line: "Do you trust humans or
orcs ?". However, do not answer now: continue first to explore the other parts of the map.

4.3.3.Road Trelis - Montera

Goodies: 5+ armour weeds, 3+ goblin berries, 2+ king sorrels, 2+ flame berries, 1+ dragon root, piece of wanderer armour, Cor
Kalom, Derec's chest, Orontius' chest
Trainers: Alchemist (alchemy)

In the field right quitting Trelis, there are several enemies to fight: gobelin, wolf, swamp lurker (poisonous), snapper,
rhinoceros, ... There is too a goblin berry and an armour weed.

From the exit gate, you see a hill right in front of Trelis. Go on the top: there is a huge temple within the rock. On the front there
is a fire camp with two chests to loot and a goblin berry to pick up at the feet of the downward slope. However, two guards
refuse you access to the camp.

Turning clockwise around the rock of the temple, you will see at the same spot two destroyed houses, three chests to loot, a
cave entrance, a fire camp in front of which sits the MYSTIC RANGER (refuses to speak for now).

Inside the mine there are 3 mine crawlers (300 EXP each). Let them run after you until the cave entrance. The ranger will fight
them. He cannot kill them but they cannot kill him either. So take advantage they fight and are out of breath to kill the crawlers
without being injured. Once you have gotten rid of these pests, run into the cave to loot the normal and the metal chests. On
the table, there is the Cor Kalom amulet (mentioned as requested by Osch) and a fragment of the wanderer armour
(mentioned as a piece of what needs the mystic ranger to make a powerful armour).

Continuing to turn around the temple rock clockwise, there is a second cave in front of which there is a chest (behind a stele).
Within the cave there is a metal chest and a normal chest.

OK, back to the Montera road, i.e. just in front of Trelis gate. On the right, there is a flame berry. Following the path you will
arrive to four mummies (again bug and no name above their head). Each is worth 300 EXP. However, they do something that
make your sick and have impact on your endurance (should decrease at a higher rate). But bug: I was still able to fight at full
speed despite normally out of breath. So for the time being, I didn't try to cure from this strange disease. Effect of the bug
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stopped after restarted saved game (I think).

After that fight, at the left of the path, there is a chest.

You will see to a couple of wooden houses. Before arriving to there, there is an armour weed to pick up. These houses are
defended by some goblins. Once you have get rid of them, look behind the Innos shrine: there is Derec's chest that you can
loot (are Derec and Derex - managing the Geldern's Arena - the same person ? Anyway the chest can be open without any
quest for Derex). Near there, there is a flame berry.

Back on the road, you have soon a metal chest on your left. The road is going up. Arrived at the "Trelis" panel, look the other
side of the path for an armour weed.

Arrived further up to the "Montera" panel, a little bit after I quitted the road to the right. There is a rocky passage with a king
sorrel on the hillside of the broken wooden barrack. There is also a goblin berry hidden by the herbs at the exit of the
passage, direction Montera. You will See two broken barracks and a wooden watch tower. There is a dragon root between the
barracks and a chest in front of the watch tower. Going further in direction of the mountain, there is a cave with a black troll (500
EXP) in it and the chest of the Orontius' quest.

From the watch tower you can see a broken castle (which actually brings you back close to Montera road). There is an armour
weed at the foot of one of its towers.

Continuing up, you can take left at the crossroad to directly arrive to Montera or take twice right for a longer path to another gate
of the city. At that crossroad, there is a big rock with a camp fire in front and a Beliar shrine in the back.

Sell a demoniac potion

If you take the direct way, just before entering the city, you can see a three house farm on the left. In the third house there is an
ALCHEMIST (a little bit crazy). He ask you to sell a demoniac potion to either Gorn or Thorus. I sold it to Thorus for 4 000 EXP.
Thorus is upset about the alchemist activities and decides to eliminate him. Surprise: you are not requested to do it. Thorus will
send his orcs. However the day after the alchemist is still alive and can teach you about his science.

On the left side of the road before arriving the house farm, there is a king sorrel.
On the right neighbourhood of gate you will find an armour weed.

4.3.4.Side road between Trelis and Montera

Goodies: 4+ reign weeds, 2+ king sorrels, 1+ goblin berry, 1+ armour weed, 1+ dragon root, 1+ flame berry

On the road Trelis - Montera, at the point you arrive up the slope, to a crossroad with the panel "Montera", take on the right, i.e.
the "non-Montera" road.

After the fire camp on the left, look on the right for a flame berry + an armour weed and a little bit further a reign weed.

Later on the right there is a broken wooden house (with a king sorrel) and a cave beside with rangers all around. One of the
guards is ARAKOS but does not speak. Inside the cave, there is PORGAN who does not speak either. On the back of the
cave, there is a dragon root.

In front of the house, the other side of the road, there is a chest with a reign weed and a king sorrel nearby and going back a
little bit on that side of the road, a goblin berry.

Back to the road, further on the left, there are two other broken houses with near the stone one a reign weed and near the
wooden one a chest. There are also two caves containing a chest each. A little bit upper, there is another small cave with a
reign weed in front and a metal chest inside. On the other side of the road, there is one more cave with a chest in it.

At the top of the hill, the road turns left following a river. If you continue further, you arrive to a crossroad of the Montera - Ardea
road. There is a wooden house with a murdered orc in it.

If however, you decide at the top of the hill to turn right to follow the river, walking about 10 m from the water, you can find a
chest near a skeleton.

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4.4. Montera


Goodies: Theo's chest

Trainers: Ogit (magic)

N.B. no teleportation stone for Montera

Source: Zetsu (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Urbanus (...) = Urbanus (after you have escorted him from Trelis to Montera)
In diesem Bereich ... = Ogit and the other Schamane are in this area

Let start the visit, as usual turning clockwise in the city inner walls.

The first house with three skulls above and around the door has a chest you can loot.
The second house also have a chest to loot.
Then is UDOLF the smith who sells a bastard sword and some weapon plans ([1.0.89] no more in v1.0.89). Within his house
there are three chests to loot.
Next is a high stone house. In the ground floor there is a chest to loot. In the above floor (access by outside), there are two
baskets and one chest to loot. Admire the arabesque decoration.
The next wooden house has no interest and the next one only offer one chest in the above floor (access from outside).
Then is the fighting arena. GILBERT, the only named NPC, does not speak for now.
Going back and checking the other side, there is the castle that we shall visit later. Then there is a wooden house with a chest
to loot.
Then is a temple in construction. You can steal tools, including pickaxes necessary to extract gold and sulphur from mines.
After the temple, step down the stairs.
There is a first barrack with plenty of tools in it. Behind it is the second Montera gate. The next house there is a chest to loot.
The last house to finish our tour is a hunting merchant house with a chest (despite there is no seller).
What we miss is the inn, straight in front the gate when you entered the city (one chest to loot at each floor).
There is nothing worth on the city walls.

Let us now examine the castle.

In the castle plaza, you can speak with ORONTIUS (he might also be in Kan's house). He is a prisoner (even if doesn't look
like) who provides information on Gorn and Thorus respective situation. OMERT does not speak for now.
Turning clockwise, there is first a room under the castle walls where many furs can be found.
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Then is KAN's house. It contains Ahton's chest (with the Ahton gold list - seems useless [1.0.89] which might explain that it has
been removed in v1.0.89), a metal chest, and a normal chest. In its basement (access from outside), there are two chests and a
Then there is another room under the castle walls and the house of a weapon merchant.
From the city walls, you have access to the two high tower. From the top of the one in front of the temple, you have a good
overview of the work progress. There are also three chests in it. In the other one, which is even taller, have four chests to loot +
the Theo's chest (key will be given in Theo's quest but can be opened with simple lock pick). Theo's chest contains a "power of
ancestors heavy III sword and nice other weapons).


Escort prisoner to Gabriel and support his family

Kan asks you to escort Orontius, one of his prisoners, to Gabriel as a peace tribute. Gabriel is near Gotha city (see Montera -
Gotha road section).
However, Orontius asks to be brought to see his family in Gotha first (at least I guessed because again a bug with non sense
Italian words). His wife is in the first wooden barrack left when arriving in Gotha. You get 6 000 EXP.
Orontius also asks you to find food for his family. Bring to his wife the wheat bags you found at the watch tower just before the
city entrance (see Gotha's description) for 6 000 EXP. Then speak to Orontius that in gratitude (and in exchange of 1 000 GP
you gives to his wife for 6 000 EXP) tells you about a very special sword hidden in a cave.
Then bring the prisoner to Gabriel for 6 000 EXP and 2 000 GP. However Gabriel rejects the truce offer. Report to Kan for
4 000 EXP. He says he refuses the 2 000 GP ... but it is anyway taken out your inventory.

To find Orontius' cave, going from Montera to Trelis, at the second fork you must turn right (i.e. leave the road) and look for a
rocky face mountain. Actually this is the cave mentioned in the Trelis - Montera road section. Inside you have to defeat a black
troll (500 EXP). You can kill it at distance with fire ball and he will even not attack you. Among other nice items, the chest
contains a two hand sword (smashing skull - requires heavy weapon II skill).

Fetch armours for Kan

Gabriel having rejected Kan's offer for a truce, Kan needs to prepare for the battle. He wants you to fetch armours and swords
from Suma who is living in Cape Dune (see Cape Dun section). Once done, report to Kan. Kan ask you to bring the weapons
to Thorus and BTW tell Thorus about Gabriel stance. Do it for 11 000 EXP and 1 000 GP.

Ogit needs an artefact

After escorting Ogit to Kan, Kan tells you that Ogit needs an artefact. Talking to Ogit brings you 4 000 EXP. Urbanus knows
about it. Actually the artefact has been stolen by brigands who are now near Cape Dun. You need to ask authorization to Kan
for Urbanus leaving his post. Kan put as condition that Urbanus is replaced. Only problem: I am hinted to speak to Arthur but I
cannot find him in Montera. When exploring Cape Dun, we will find him sleeping in the warehouse. Speak to him for STR +4
and 8 000 EXP.
N.B. once in Montera, Ogit and Erhag are close to the first city gate, on its left side when entering the city. Urbanus is on the
gate right side, on the city walls.

4.4.3.Road Montera - Gotha

Goodies: Garik's arc, teleportation stone, 2+ armour weeds, 1+ goblin berry, 1+ king sorrel, 1+ dragon root
Trainers: Raik (fight - but only later and according to story path chosen), Rollan (magic)

Leaving Montera and turning right, walking around the walls of the city you will meet VIET. A little bit down slope of Viet, there is
a king sorrel and a goblin berry. A little bit further is KOSAR camp. On the left part of the camp, there are two armour
weeds. Then there is a windmill with many freshly dead bodies around and even more when you continue to the rebel camp

Before entering the rebel camp, turn left and follow the cliff. On a small hill on the left there are two chests. Continue and you
arrive to a cave with ROLLAN in front and a metal chest. Entering the cave, you find a metal chest (no wonder in it) and a
dragon root. I did not explored the cave further at that time because still too weak. We shall come back later.

Rollan ask you to kill the beasts

Continue along the cliff and you will meat beasts (150 EXP) and snipers (150 EXP). N.B. going further along the cliff, there is a
narrow path leading to Okara. Kill them (5 000 EXP) and report to Rollan for the key of a chest. He mentions that the chest,
located near Faring, contains access to a new skill and needs three keys to be open. Talvin in Gotha can give you the second
one. In version v 1.06, there is a bug: Morgan, the character with the third key is not in Faring as mentioned by Rollan ... and is
actually not in the game ! However the chest can be open with two keys or a simple lock spell - see Faring section - and there
is no new skill inside :-( After the quest, Rollan teaches you magic.

In the rebel camp, just after the entrance, you can speak IAN and LAZARUS ([1.0.89] he is not yet present in v1.0.89) for
information about the situation. The motivation is high and they are all behind Thorus even if they do not know his plans. This
confirmed by LINHART who is just behind them and by LENNARD and RAIK ([1.0.89] he is not yet present in v1.0.89) who are
on the other side of the road. Beside them, BRIAN repeats more of less the same stories while GERO and GOTHARD do not
speak for now.
You also learned from Raik that Thorus has an adviser he listen very much. Bran mentioned that rebels are waiting news from
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spies before any real attack and that Gotha citizen do not support that war.

Continuing, at the level of the watch tower but on the other side of the road, you can find GABRIEL (avoid him if Orontius is in
your group otherwise you will shorten the quest and get less EXP). Near the fire camp where he stands, there is Garik's Arc
chest that contains ... Garik's bow. I advice however not to pick the bow now because it might be lost before getting Garik's
quest to retrieve his bow (BUG !).

In front of the watch tower, there are many wheat bags. In the ground floor of the watch tower, there is a chest with a stone to
teleport to Gotha.

4.5. Gotha


Goodies: ALC +5, AK +5, Nordmar armour, teleportation stones (Gotha and Vengard), Prisoner' chest
Trainers: Talvin (magic), Ulva (magic)

Source: Zetsu (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Garik und seine Rekruren = Garik and his recruits

Orontius (...) und Orontius' Frau = Orontius (after you have escorted him from Kan to Gabriel) and Orontius' wife
NPC ... = NPC in the soldier barrack: Raik, Gothard, Bran, Lazarus, Linhart, Lennard, and Ian

In the first wooden barrack on the left leaves ONTARIUS' WIFE. There is a chest too. Turning clockwise, there is a two story
wooden house. In the ground floor, there are three chests. At the above floor, there is a chest and the WARRIOR'S WIFE.
Ignoring the stairs leading to the castle, continue to a small barrack that is a weapon storehouse and has a metal chest.

Just next is the fighting arena with one chest. ULVA is there (see quest below). In the back of the pit, you have access to caves
via two entrances. In the first one, there is a teleportation stone to Vengard. In the second one, there is the "Prisoners"
chest (lock picking it is a good idea in case you answer "Humans are to blame" to Osch) and a jail with orc dead bodies.

Near the arena entrance, there is VAINGARD who has a quest.

Next is a wooden barrack with food in it and another wooden house in front with a chest.

We finish this part of the tour with the smith house inside which there is on the table a teleportation rune to Gotha and two

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chests to loot.

Let's now enter the castle outer ring.

Warning: careful with Errol

In the castle outer ring, you will encounter Errol. If you have not yet received Osch's letter, Errol will propose you to pay
50 000 GP to meet Gorn. Do not accept as it makes all the orcs hostile (I think it is a bug) and you would miss many quests and
their rewards. Though I didn't turn him down either: I just ended the dialog without answering his proposal.

Turning clockwise, from the entrance gate, there is first a room under the castle walls. In front there is a stone storehouse.
Nearby, there is a merchant and IGNATIUS. Then there is a stone house with a chest. Arriving at the gate of the inner ring, the
guard ERROL might asks for 50 000 GP to let you in (see above warning). Do not enter now and continue along the walls.
There is a chest before arriving to the smith house with two other chests. Next is a stone house with one basket before arriving
to a second smith house who is selling shrink heads (but he has no more in stock and it takes 30 days to make). In his house
there is a chest. Next is a taller house with a chest in the cosy ground floor. In front of the house TAVIN can teach you many
ancient magic skills. From the castle walls, you have access to the main tower that offers a nice view of the surroundings.
There is a chest.

Even if you have not yet received permission from Errol, you can already visit the castle inner ring. On the left of the gate, there
is a chest. There is nothing in the room under the castle walls. In front there is a house with a book stand (+5 ALC) and two
chests. Then is GORN's house ([1.0.89] who is not yet present in v1.0.89) with a book stand (+5 AK), two chests (in one there
is a " Nordmar" armour - my first one in v1.0.6 :-). Gorn is not speaking for the time being because you do not have Errol's
"permission". Above the castle walls, there is a room with 2 chests in it.


Speak to Gorn
We postpone the discussion with Gorn until we have visited all cities and experimented the different story lines.

Find the treasure chest of Ulva's husband

Near the fighting arena, you find ULVA who is in sorrow because her husband, a spy, has been discovered and killed by the
orcs. Ulva charges you to find the treasure of her husband. She indicates that Raik, Gothard and Lennard might provide you
some hints. Lennard informs you that the chest is near a bridge in Faring (see Gotha - Faring road section). Once you have
found the treasure (or if you have already in your inventory the items she wants), talk to Ulva for 500 EXP. In return she will
teach you magic skills.

Eliminate opponents
Vaingard asks you to eliminate citizens who resist to Gorn's policy. As I didn't find it fair, I didn't pick up the quest before having
finished he game(but do not turn it down either to avoid any bug). Actually, he asks you to kill the Ugly Men in the troglodyte
farm in the cave down Cape Dun. When speaking to the Ugly Men leader, he makes you a counter-proposal: kill Vaingard
instead and he promises giving you more GP than Vaingard. If you kill Vaingard and report to the leader, you receive
10 000 GP. The leader had also ask you to find them a job but it seems that actually the only way to finish the "Vaingard's"
quest is to rather kill them. Not for me.

4.5.3.Road Gotha - Faring

Goodies: Rollan's chest, Ulva's chest, Khaif's key, 1+ reign weed

Exit Gotha and going down the slope until the crossroad with the Montena panel. Turn left, i.e. in direction of Faring. In the field
to the left side of the road, going until the mountain, you can find GARIK who greats you. He has a group of apprentices with
him. In the field the other side of the road, there is a chest. A little bit further down the road, there are some goblins near mana
plants on the left and near healing plants on the right. There is a reign weed too. Further down, there are boards near Ulva's
chest (quest given in Gotha). The chest contains the Asam's bowl - I didn't find any use for this bowl [1.0.89] which can explain
that the item is no more present in v1.0.89. There is another chest on the other side of the road.

Give information to the thief

Just before to arrive to a bridge, there is a thief who has a proposition for you: let him know when you spot a wealthy merchant
against gold. Do not refuse the quest but you are not obliged to carry it on (I didn't). If you do it, you receive money each time
you give him relevant merchant name(s).

Then turn left and cross the bridge. After the bridge, on the left side there are rhinoceros near the river. This place, you can find
Rollan's chest containing a very strong heavy sword named "Power of Ancestors". But there is no path to a new skill as
announced by Rollan :-(. Going on the other side of the bridge, there is a wooden barrack with a weak mine crawlers and a
chest inside. Continuing further there is a wooden watch tower and then some stone ruins. Within these ruins, there are
mummies. Once you have get rid of them, you can pick up a some nice weapons on the ground.

Back to the road to Faring, the road is turning left. But if you follow the mountain on the right side, you will have to fight three
trolls. Happily it seems that are fighting themselves so you have only to fight them one by one for 500 EXP each. If you
manage to keep close to their body it seems they cannot hit you a lot because of their long and thick arms (otherwise, do not
take any risk and use fire balls). One of them has the Khaif's key on his body ([1.0.89] that troll now only appears at the
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moment of the "Khaif's key" quest).

4.6. Faring


Goodies: AK +5, ALC +10, teleportation stone, Hashishin's chest, 5 dragon bones, Garik's bow, Garik's chest, Ali's chest, 2
Kazus' keys, Khalif's key, Khadim's key
Trainers: Kazus (fight), Kendl (smith)

Source: Zetsu (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Wachen = guards

We are now in Faring. There is a double branch cave on your right. In the right branch, there are four snappers. In that branch,
you can find a small pirate treasure, a teleportation stone to Faring and the Hashishin's chest (contains bones of Khalif (2),
Khadim, Kazus and Khalil dragons). The left branch has also four snappers but only a small chest.

Back at the entrance of the cave, you can find on the left side of the road Garik's shield and chest (both necessary for Garik's
armour quest). The chest cannot be open even with a scroll.

Continuing up, there are three wooden houses. On the left, in front of the first one, there is Kazus's chest (containing Kazus'
key ... not to open the chest itself but necessary for the quest of the dragon bones). Inside the house, there is a merchant and a
chest. The second house is a weapon merchant. Inside, there is KHALIF, a chest and many good weapons to steal for
immediately resealing to Khalif. Behind Khalif's house is a garden with Khalif's key on a cart. Further down is a pound with
crocodiles (200 EXP), wolfs and lurkers. Back to the street. On the right, the first house is an inn. Inside there is KAHLIL and
two other merchants. In front of the house sits TILA who is upset by her husband and wants the hero to kill him (always accept
the quests in order to avoid bugs, you are not obliged to accomplish them). At the above floor, there are JENELL, CLORIS and
BETSY ([1.0.89] not yet present in v1.0.89), four normal chest and Ali's chest.

Continuing up, you arrive to a cross road with 4 path.

If you take the one to the left, you arrive to a small field with a kind of fighting pit. Going in the top right corner, climbing the
mountain, you will have to find a troll (500 EXP and the Khaif's key) - [1.0.89] no more present in v1.0.89.
If you take straight forward you arrive to a tower dominating the valley (BUG: with a cave entrance in an inaccessible part of the
map) and a bridge after which there are three gargoyles (200 EXP each).
The right path leads you to Faring castle

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In the castle outer ring, clockwise, we have a tower with 4 chests in it, a KHADIM`s house, smith KENDL's house (teaches
forging), stairs to the castle inner ring, alchemist KHAIF's house with one chest. In front of that house sits KAZUS (teaches fight
with 2 weapons). Then there is a second small smith house in which there is a chest and Kazus' key. Next there is the second
tower (one chest) and we are back to the gate.
In order to enter/exit Khadim's house and avoid the guards, you need to transform into an animal or use a spell and exit via the
window. Otherwise, you could defeat the guards when they attack but refrain doing so because you would miss a quest later
on. Then speak to Khadim who, afraid, will give you the Khadim's key supposed to open the Hashishin's chest - what we have
already done with a scroll. There is also a chest.
Oh yes, there is also GERREL and his FRIEND on the plaza. He is Tila's husband and he offers you more money than Tila if
you kill Tila and her lover rather than him (accept and do not accomplish the quest if you do not like it). On the castle walls,
there are only two chests and some weapons.

In the inner castle, clockwise, there is room under the castle walls, a temple in construction, a house with 3 chests, a smith
house (one chest), a second house (one chest and one book stand - AK +5), the first house of the game with a door (three
chests and a treasure), 2 girls (FLOY and her friend), another house (two chests, book stands - 2 x ALC +5) that has a
basement (nothing worth in it). The castle walls give you access to two large rooms (4 + 3 chests and weapons).

4.7. Cape Dun

4.7.1.Montera - Cape Dun road

Goodies: Shaman's artefact, Ogit's amulet, Theo's key, 3+ armour weeds, 3+ flame berries, 2+ dragon roots, 2+ goblin berries,
1+ king sorrel, 1+ reign weed
Trainers: Martel (hunt)

Take the road from Montera to Trelis but at the first crossroad, turn left in direction of Ardea. At the second crossroad, continue
straight right in direction of Ardea (the other branch leads to the second gate of Montera). Just after, there is a cave on your
right with two normal chests and a metal one and a reign weed in front.

The road is turning right (some blood flies) and going upward. There is an orc observation camp with 4 chests and an armour
weed at the back of the rear wooden walls near the second watch tower. There is also a cave with two shadow beasts, a varan,
a normal chest and a metal one.

Mobbed orcs
One of the orc shaman in the observation camp ask you to beat up the Shaman in Montera because he is mobbing them.
Accept and go to see the Shaman near the gate of Montera. He is frightened and ask you to take back the orcs from the
observation camp. Do it and you receive the "Artefact from the Shaman" offering protection against fire, magic and ice.
N.B. the quest "beat the orc shaman" will remain open but beating the orc shaman is less rewarding.

Back to the observation camp. The road is going downward until the next crossroad. Before to arrive there, on the left, there is
a bison and near a chest. At the crossroad, turn left on cross the bridge. The right branch is described in the Trelis - Montera
side road section (actually the end point of that section).

After the bridge, there are bisons and on the left three bandits attacking you (100 EXP each - one having the magical amulet of
Ogit providing +20 protection against ice, magic and fire - but cannot worn !). [1.0.89] In v1.0.89, bandits only appear later.

The road is turning around a large rock at 180°. The other side there are some scavengers and a dragon root at the foot of
one of the trees on the right.

Then you arrive to a fire camp on the right side of the road with two chests and a cave with three shadow beasts (300 EXP
each), many bug meats, 4 normal chests, a metal one and many treasure stuffs.

Continuing the road, there are scavengers near a chest and further wolfs near another one.

At the level of the panel to Ardea but the other side of the road, there are two goblin berries.
Further up the slope there is a chest on the right and a flame berry and another one on the left of the road, near some

Help hunters against orc attacks

Soon you arrive to a hunter camp with two chests. One of the hunters, named MARTEL, asks you to protect them against the
orc attacks. Accept and you have to kill 3 orcs. In return, Martel gives you a hunter bow and becomes a trainer for hunting

The other side of the road, there is a cave. In the first room, there are three blood flies and 3 chests. Then taking the right
branch there are two metal chests and a warrior. The left branch leads to 3 chests and a couple of warriors.

Back on the road, at the level of blood flies, behind a rock, there is an armour weed. At the next crossroad, continue straight
right in direction of Cape Dun. The other branch goes to Vengard. There is another crossroad very close. Once more continue

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straight right in direction of Cape Dun. The other branch goes to Ardea.

There is a down slope with a flame berry and further a chariot on the right at the bottom. Quit the road to the left and walk at
the feet of a rocky cliff until a cave. Before the cave, you will find a king sorrel. At the cave entrance, there are two metal
chests. Within the cave, leaves the hostile grand priest of undead (actually I shall later realize that it is an exit of Reddock). At
little bit further along the rocky cliff there are two other chests.

Further on the road to Cape Dun, you will encounter THEO who has a phobia of weapons. He wants to escape conscription
and asks you to lead him to a barrack on the beach near Cape Dun.

Soon on the left, you will see a house with a chest in it and a dragon root in its neighbourhood.

Further on the road, on the right just before Cape Dun, there is a warrior camp with a flame berry aside.

Save the orc commander

The barrack Theo wants to go is on the beach. When you face the road in direction of Cape Dun, the beach is perpendicular to
the left. On the way, you will have to kill boards, (black) goblins, one ogre (500 EXP and an armour weed nearby), some
lurkers - you might prefer to clear the area before taking Theo with you. Arriving on the beach, turn right and follow the beach
until a multi-racial camp with a barrack (we shall come back to that camp when visiting Cape Dun). Talk to Theo and will give
you the key of a chest located in the Montera tower. But we already have open it for long with a open lock spell !


Goodies: AK +5, ALC +5, teleportation stone, 1+ dragon root, 1+ armour weed, 1+ reign weed

Source: Tim der Götterdämmerung-Helfer (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Before entering Cape Dun, there is a Beliar shrine outside of the town, on the right of the entrance.

Inside, I skip the four first houses, left and right at the entrance, have nothing interesting. Then turning clockwise, there is a path
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going down to the beach (we skip it for now). The first house has a chest and next there is a tent with another chest. Following,
there is a house with a warrior confirming that Arthur is in the town, a book stand (AK +5), two chests in the ground floor and
five chests at the above floor. Further up the road there is smith SOMA's house with two chests in it. You can speak to him
about the armor quest provided by Kan in order to have the sub-quest to find magical ore. He also provide you some
information on Gorn request for armors with magical powder. Then there is a upward path to the village upper level that we
ignore for the time being. Then there is a small field where you can find magic ore and a small barrack with two chests. Then
there is a storehouse with a high cellar and some magical ore on the ground. ARTHUR is sleeping in one bed. On the shelves
beside Arthur's bed, there is the teleportation stone to Cape Dun. The next house, with a skull above the entrance door, has
two chests. Then it is the inn with two chests at the ground floor and a book stand (ALC +5) and five chests at the above floor.
In the last house there is a chest.

At the village upper level, there is a fighting arena and a house. The guards only allowed me to enter the house after winning
the arena fights and the day after again prevented me to enter. So go inside the house right after winning the fights. There are
two chests. On the top of the house, there is a tower with two other chests.

Near the fight pit, there is MORG, the orc to replace Urbanus, and the arena fighters. There is also at the reverse side of the
house a weak troll (50 EXP) - [1.0.89] no more there in v1.0.89 - and a cave but without interest.

Back to the path going to the beach, it will lead you to the beach and a multi racial camp. On the path to the beach, there is a
cave at your right. Inside there is a swamp crawler (200 EXP) that you can lure to the multi-racial camp to take it with help of
soldiers (nearly always ending with a fight among the soldiers). In the cave, there are also 1-2 trolls (400 EXP), 5 normal chests
and 2 metal ones. You can see that the cave is much larger and deeper that what you can reach for the time being. Actually to
access the lower level, you need to continue after the multi-racial camp along the beach and there is a second entrance at your
right. It leads to many fights. You find 3 lurkers at the entrance. Inside there is 1 goblin before 2 chests. Turn right to pick up
an armour weed and fight three though ogres in the following room (500 EXP each - one normal and one metal chest). In front
of the ogre cave, but separated by a semi-wall, there is a dark room with mine crawlers (200 EXP each). BUG: when killing the
first mine crawler, I got the message "Ask the price of your liberty to Ignatus - quest accomplished". What is that quest that I
never started ? Mystery. (Eddra's explains: this is a bug: when you kill your Nth crawler, the quest is completed even if you
never got it). In that dark room, there is a metal chest. Back to main track take the wooden ramp downward, on which there is a
dragon root, and you arrive to a kind of troglodyte farm with 5 chests and a reign weed near the pig area.


Goodies: Ogit's amulet

Fights in the pit

Ask TABOR for fighting. The first opponent is GUS, for STR+2 and 2 500 EXP. The second one is GAREY for STR+3 and 3
250 EXP. The third and last one is BENAT for STR+5 and 4 000 EXP. Also speak a last time to TABOR for 4 healing potions.

Morg is the replacement for Urbanus

Arthur informs you that Morg is the replacement for Urbanus. Go to speak to Morg near the arena and he will follow you to
Urbanus in Montera, still guarding the city walls. On the way, some mummies usually attack you. You receive 16 000 EXP.
Urbanus is going with you to the bandit camp, on the Montera - Cape Dun road, just after the wooden bridge. There are three
bandits on the left attacking you (100 EXP each - one having the magical amulet of Ogit providing +20 protection against ice,
magic and fire - but cannot be worn !). [1.0.89] In v1.0.89, bandits only appear at this point of time.
Then Urbanus walks back to his post. Talk to him and this time it is him following you. Bring him to Ogit for solving the Ogit
artifact quest and STR+7 and 18 000 EXP. Ogit can now teach you magic. He asks you to report to Kan. Kan takes the amulet
but there is no reward except for a "thank you".

Magical ore for SOMA

Soma asks you for magical ore in order to finish the armours for Kan. The ore can be found in the small field upward. Give it to
him for 4 000 EXP and the three armours + swords.
Moreover, Soma can now teach you smith skills.
Bring back the three armours and swords to Kan for STR +4 and EXP 8 000.

Bring artefact, armour and Gabriel message to Thorus

After Soma's quest, Kan asks you to bring these to Thorus.

Do NOT answer Osch question at this point

At this point, you have done Montera, Gotha, and Cape Dunn quests, including the two Osch quests and bringing weapons and
armours to Thorus. This is the moment Osch asks you THE question that will decide on the story line: "Do you trust humans or
orcs ?". However, do not answer now: continue first to explore the other parts of the map.

4.7.4.Cape Dun - Ardea - Cape Dun road

Goodies: +5 king sorrels, 1+ dragon root, 3+ goblin berries, 3+ armour weeds, 3+ flame berries, 2+ reign weeds
Trainers: Olis (fight)

Quit Cape Dun and follow the road until the first cross-road and take the direction Ardea on the right. When the road turn left
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close to a crossroad, there is a king sorrel and a flame berry the other side of the road, behind a big rock.

At the crossroad, turn right. The left is going to Vengard. On the right there is king sorrel. Just after on the left there is a burn
barrack with two chests around. Further these is a down slope with a flame berry on the right.

Nearly arrived to Ardea, there is another crossroad. Notice that the other branch is also going to Cape Dun. Let us take it.

At the level of the lying trunk, there is a reign weed, a king sorrel, a goblin berry and an armour weed in the left field and a
king sorrel and an armour weed in the right field.

Protect the orc troop

Then you will arrive to a small orc troop. Their leader, OLIS, wants peace and asks you to protect them from the paladins. If
you accept the quest, you have to fight the paladins that immediately appear and even if you only beat up them, orc are killing
them. Despite reluctant to fight paladins (my faction in Gothic II), I took the quest. You have to fight 4 waves of 4 paladins (each
150 EXP). Report to Olis after each wave (waves 1-3: 200 GP + 2 potions; wave 4: 1 000 GP). After the quest, Olis can teach
you fight competencies (heavy weapons I, II and health regeneration).

These orcs are in front of two barracks with a chest in each one. Behind the barracks, there is a chest and a king sorrel, a
flame berry, a reign weed, an armour weed, a goblin berry and a dragon root.

Continuing the road, there are stone stairs leading to the beach. There you have to fight plenty of lurkers.

Taking left and following the beach, there are more lurkers to fight and at the end of the beach a chest.

Head back to the stone stairs and follow the beach in the other direction. On that part of the beach, there is chest and then
another one a little bit further. When the beach stops, you have to climb to the upper field.

There is a fire camp and near an ogre to fight.

Alternatively, rather than going down to the beach by the store stairs, you can go via the upper side of the cliff. In that field,
there are plenty of lurkers as well as a goblin berry. At the end you will arrive to the fire camp and the ogre.

The end of the path is the same as the one followed when escorting Theo to the beach barrack.

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4.8. Ardea

Goodies: AK +5, ALC +5, teleportation stone, 2+ king sorrels, 1+ dragon root, 3+ goblin berries, 3+ reign weeds, 1+ flame berry

Source: Tim der Götterdämmerung-Helfer (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Mädchen = young ladies

Before entering the village, go left to speak to SEVERIN near the tree. Longing the outside wooden barricade, there is a reign
weed and a goblin berry on the down slope where are the wolfs and before arriving to the tower, there is a king sorrel. You
can see a chariot on the left side: there is chest there and behind the rock a goblin berry. Continuing to walk along the wooden
barricade, you will see CORRADO and two young girls. There is a goblin berry behind the rock (? no more sure) and another
reign weed in direction of the ocean.

Visiting Ardea clockwise, the first house is merchant CONZ one. He has many potion recipes (including for permanent
endurance, strength, life, mana, and hunt skills) in stock. There is a chest and on the table a teleportation stone to Ardea.

Behind that house, there is a house with ASDIS around. Inside there is one chest. ROSSWALD is walking around.

Next is a house with a tower above. In the ground floor, there are three chests and one on the top of the tower.

Next is MARC's house who tells you he has nothing to sell today. There is a book stand to (ALC +5).

Then is the east gate and next is SEGFRIED's house (two chests). Then there the inn and besides an Innos shrine with a
chest in the bush near.

Then is a tall house with two chests at the ground floor and a stand book above (AK +5). Besides is HILDUR smith's house with
three chests inside. Hildur is working at an artefact.
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We are back to the entrance gate.

But there are still some houses in the middle. Facing the entrance there is a two-story house with two red banners and a guard.
Nothing in it. Besides is SINDRI's house (one chest) and behind an inn (one chest).

Exiting the village by the east gate, at the level of Corrado, there is a dragon root on the right and a king sorrel on the left. On
the right, there are some rocks with a reign weed behind the last one. Quitting the road perpendicular to the left and walking
along the cliff, you will see EKHARD and three bandits. Take the content of the metal chest. Ekhard does not speak by now.
Going back to the road, there is a flame berry. At the end of the path is a watch tower. There are three chests at the ground
floor. Beside the guard, there is SOLVIQ (she appears only after you have made Gustav's quest). At the top is GUSTAV.


Goodies: Eberhard's artefact

Let Corrado to beat you

If you let Corrado beat you for impressing the two young girls, he says he will give you a nice sword. Actually once you are
defeated, he will also take a hefty amount of GP from your pockets and you only receive a simple sword. I put my money in a
chest but then he killed me. So I just gave up: I didn't take the quest.

Help Gustav to get rid of the thieves

If you help Gustav to get rid of the thieves stealing his bread while he is on duty, he will give you a spell of veracity. The target
will tell the truth. However the side effect is that after that he will attack foes and friends. Go to speak to Ekhard. He is the thief
and he will attack you. After defeating him, report to Gustav for the spell.

Find the truth about Solviq's husband

Solviq suspects that her husband has an affair. She wants you to investigate. OK. Use the spell provided by Gustav on
Rosswald, the husband. He will confess an affair with Isabelle, Anton's wife in Sildern. Solviq asked you not to hurt him. So do
not otherwise you would fail the quest. Report to Solviq for the Eberhard artefact (+20 protection for fire, ice, magic). Solviq
tells then that her husband has disappeared and asks you to find a new one. However it does not trigger a new quest and
Rosswald is still there (and attacking each time he sees you - so you might prefer to postpone this quest until the end of the

4.9. Vengard

4.9.1.Cape Dun - Vengard road

Goodies: 1+ dragon root, 1+ goblin berry, 1+ armour weed

Starting from Cape Dun, go until the second crossroad and turn right in direction of Vengard.

After fighting three wolfs, you will arrive at a direction panel with a chest beside and a cave a little bit further the other side of the
road with goblins outside and a metal chest, skeletons and a mummy inside.

At the next Ardea direction panel, the path turns right. In that downward slope, at the level of the Vengard direction panel, there
is a dragon root on the right. There is also a metal chest at the level of the next Ardea direction panel.

At the middle of the steep slope, you arrive in a field where there are 3 ogres. Eliminate them and explore the field for a normal
chest, a metal chest, an armour weed and a goblin berry.

As there is no more path in the field, exit by the left when facing Vengard city that you can already see at the horizon. You
should find a slope downward with another ogre.

A little bit further down, behind some trees on the right, there are two other ogres, one being called UGLUZ BIG BELLY
(500 EXP) and having the morgenstern weapon on him. But it does not seem being part of any quest.

You will arrive to a river and a wooden bridge.

Just after the bridge over the river, there is a peer on the left with a chest at its feet. Continue and arrived to Vengard gate, there
is a chest beside the guard.

4.9.2.Some golems and demons around Vengard

Before entering the city, take the wooden ramp upward just after the bridge. You will find chest. On the cliff behind that chest,
there is a stone circle with 2 ice golem (400 EXP). They are easy to defeat with fire balls. There is a chest and a metal chest.
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Continue on the field down and you will arrive over an area with leaves on the ground where you can find a metal chest and
then a normal chest and then another metal chest with two ogres around. Continue on the same direction and you will
encounter an army of baby demons (50 EXP). Around there is a normal chest and a metal chest.

When on the area with the leaves on the ground, you may be noticed a stone monument on the top left with three fire golems
(400 EXP). Defeat them with ice attacks. At that place, there is only a metal chest.

4.9.3.City (excluding inner castle)

Goodies: ALC +5
Trainers: Immanuel (magic), blacksmith (smith)

Source: Tim der Götterdämmerung-Helfer (size and quality image downgraded to fit into the memo - original map available in WoG forum)

Frau = wife

--- part I --- temple ---

Vengard is the largest city of the Myrtana. Let us explore it clockwise. First there is a wooden barrack. The barrack itself is
uninteresting but there is in front a merchant selling nice armours and a nice crossbow (115 damage).

Next are two soldiers. You can ask them to be your companion (only one at a time) and they will follow you.

Then there is HANZ near a fire camp ([1.0.89] he is not yet present in v1.0.89) and under the city walls a weapon storeroom. A
little bit further is a smith house with a chest outside and a metal one inside.

Next is another smith house (access via a few wooden stairs). There are only a few wheat bags on the back of the house and
the fire mage around.

At the back of the smith, in front of a closure with some cows, there is a two-story house with a merchant outside. Inside the
house, there are two chest at the ground floor and two at the above floor.

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The next barrack has metal chest on its external side. The BLACKSMITH in the next smith house can teach you smith skills.

Then is the temple with an Innos shrine. The left annex has only a chest. The corridor has a chest and the shrine room has
two chests (one behind the shrine).

Taking the path down and continuing clockwise, there is a wooden barrack with a metal chest behind. The merchant in front is
selling armours. He has a nice paladin one but he refuses to sell it to me ("prove you are worthy").

Next is an alchemist two story house. The alchemist sells recipes. Read the book stand (ALC +5) and open the two chests. In
the above floor, there is a normal and a metal chest.

Then is a bridge that we ignore for the time being. It is leading to the bank of the city. Just before the bridge, there is a wooden
ramp leading to the river. Take it and pick up the chest on the right.

Next there is a stone two-story house with a chest on its external side as well as some wheat bag near the external stairs. On
the ground floor, there is a chest and at the above floor a chest with the Errol key (description says "this key will allow you to
recuperate your belongings after your arrest").

Then there is an interesting barrack and we are back to the entrance gate. In the middle, we have not yet visited a two wooden
story-house in front of the two-story stone house. That house has in the ground floor chest containing the "hand of Kazus
dragon" (we already have the other hand in our bag pack). Then there are two weapon racks. At the back, there is a two-story
inn with served dishes on the tables but nothing else.

There is nothing worth on the city walls.

--- part II --- sawmill ---

Let us now take the bridge that we skipped earlier.

Starting from the left side of the bridge and clockwise, there is a two-story wooden sawmill with a metal chest at the above floor.
Then there is a wooden barrack with a chest. Then is the access bridge to the castle that we skip for now. There is a chest

Then is the bridge leading to part III of the city and another smith house without interest.

--- part III --- Immanuel ---

Let us take the bridge to the part III of the city. Immediately after, there is a chest at the right.

Turning clockwise, there is a two-story stone house, the bridge to part IV, a room under the city walls and an alchemy house
where there is a normal and a metal chest, a metal chest.

Near the fire camp, IMMANUEL can teach you ancient magic.

At the feet of the stairs leading to the city walls, there is a chest. On the city walls, there are two chests and a room with two
other chests.

--- part IV ---

There is a wooden two-story house with a chest at the ground floor and two at the above floor, a room with a chest under the
city walls.

In the tower of the city walls, there is a normal chest and two metal chests on its top.

--- outer castle ---

There are only two barrack. One has a chest. There are two chests on the plaza as well.

--- inner castle ---

THEODOR, the guard, will only let you pass after you have received the "Lee" quest. So we shall come back on due time to
speak to him. In the meantime, we continue exploring the map.

4.9.4.Ardea - Vengard road

Goodies: undigested fire nettles, 1+ goblin berry, 2+ armour weeds, 1+ reign weed

At the first crossroad, take the direction Cape Dun/Montera. In the field in front of the crossroad there is an armour weed.

There is an Ardea direction panel and just after a burned barrack with two chests around.

At the crossroad, you will turn right. The left branch goes to Cape Dun. But before turning right, explore the field in front of you
there is a chest and further another one. Walk along the cliff and you arrive to a cave. Inside there are shadow beasts, zombies
and a grand priest (400 EXP) of undead. In the first corridor, there is a chest. In the first big room, there is another one. In the
smaller left room, there are two chests. In the grand priest room, there are four metal chests and a normal one.

Further along the cliff, there is a reign weed.

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Back at the Ardea/Vengard/Cape Dun crossroad, let us explore the Cape Dun branch. Immediately qui the road and go
perpendicularly on the right. You find a fire camp with an armour weed.

4.9.5.Reddock cave

Goodies: ALC +5, teleportation stone, Ulrich's artefact, undigested fire nettles, 1+ dragon root, 1+ flame berry
Trainers: Kazus (fight), Kendl (smith)

Just near that fire camp, you find a carry with two barracks, some wolfs and three troglodytes inside (Reddock point on the
map). Jump on the roof of a barrack and defeat them with fire balls. BUG: troglodytes do not have name above their head but
they have an inventory containing undigested fire nettles that you need to pick for a future quest (so do NOT eat them).

N.B. sometimes the troglodytes are not there. I tried to come at different time of the day and after/before I received the Egidius'
quest but didn't find what triggers their presence or absence. Anyway, do not worry as there is another cave with troglodytes.

From the stairs, walking as if you exit the cave in direction of the cliff, there is a flame berry, at the level of the house you can
see at the feet of the cliff. Nearby there is a dragon root too.

Inside the carry, there are two chests and a cave. Defeat the wolfs at the cave entrance and go further inside. There is an
helicoidally path that we follow. On the left, there are some rooms. The first one has a chest and a book stand (ALC +5) and
the second and third one a chest. We are now arrived down the cave. Defeat the snappers. On the table near the forge, there
is the Ulrich's artifact. There are two rooms, one with weapons and the other with a chest. The cave continue via a large
tunnel leading to golems. There is a fire golem and an ice golem (400 EXP each). In the golem room, there are two chests
(contain teleportation stone to Reddock). The third room contains a skeleton army and a dragon (500 EXP) as well as a
basket and a metal chest. The next room is defended by an undead priest (400 EXP) and a chest. The next corridor leads to
an exit of Reddock near the Cape Dun - Ardea road.

Back on the Ardea road, a little bit further on the left, there is a goblin berry on the left.

There is a stone circle on your left with a chest containing a nice elite spy armour as well as a Asam bowl (we already have
one and they seem to have no usage) and Myrtana crown ([1.0.89] I think no more there in version 1.0.89). There are also
wheat bags and the other side of the road, in a hole, an ogre (400 EXP + "ogre morning star" weapon) and a chest.

Arrived at a crossroad, take left. For the right branch, see the "Ardea - Vengard side road" section below. There are a couple of
chests: two on the right, two on the left.

After the crossroad, there is another direction panel. At its left, there is a chest and further left another one and further left a
third one.

You are arrived near a cliff with a cave guarded by a troglodyte (300 EXP). Inside the cave there are lurkers and other
troglodytes, a chest and a metal chest. Same BUG as above: troglodytes do not have name above their head but they have an
inventory containing undigested fire nettles that you need to pick for a future quest (so do NOT eat them).

Going along the cliff, there is a chest near a well and a little bit downward, another metal chest (contains grand inquisitor heavy
III sword) guarded by (black) goblins. Again further, there is another chest.

Back where you left the road, you will see a stone pile with behind a metal chest and further down another chest with a nice fire
mage dress.

Further down you will meet UBEL. He claim to be Rhobart II 's son and order you to kill Lee. There is a basket near him. You
can see a entrance gate to the city on your right.

Kill Ubel
When Ubel orders you to kill Lee, you receive the quest to kill Ubel. I just beat him up and took his weapons. Why to kill a
mentally disable ?

4.9.6.Ardea - Vengard side road (along the ocean)

Goodies: 2+ king sorrels, 3+ dragon roots

There are 3 ogres. On the left and right of the road, there is a dragon root and a king sorrel.
Arriving to the burned stone house, near the wood stock there is a dragon root and a chest. There are two other chests around
the house. Near the stone pile at the back of the house, there is another dragon root. Then in the turn there is a collapse
house with a king sorrel in the ground hole.

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4.9.7.Vengard - Faring road

Exit Vengard from the gate if front of the wooden bridge and cross it. Follow the upward slope.

At the top of the slope, the road turns right. A little bit further, on the right of the road, there is a metal chest behind a couple of

Then we arrive at the stone bridge that we need to cross. The end of the trip is the same as in the Gotha - Faring road section

4.10. Okara

4.10.1. Road Sildern - Okara

Goodies: 3+ king sorrels, 1+ dragon root, 1+ goblin berry, 2+ flame berries, 2+ armour weeds, 1+ reign weed
Trainer: water mage (magic)

N.B. if you have paid 50 000 GP to Errol, all orcs turn to be hostile when you speak to Gorn. The only way to stop it is to kill Kan
in Okara.

If you look the map, you see that Okara can be reached from Sildern but there is no road. So I went to the last fisher hut in
Sildern, faced direction of Okara and decided to take the road passing right of the mountain you can see from there. Taking a
high hill that is longing the mountain, you will arrive to a fire camp in front of a mine. There are a metal chest and a normal

Continuing along the mountain, you will see on the right a passage between the mountain and big rocks. Before entering the
passage, open the 2 chests on the right. Walking a little bit, you will find 2 king sorrels, a flame berry, a dragon root and two
chests. Continuing the passage, the slope become very stead but keep on. You will arrive to a wooden ramp.

If you are not in an exploring mood, directly skip to ••, otherwise, take the wooden ramp and follow in that direction. You will
find a chest and a little bit further a ruin with a metal chest. On the right of the ruin, there is an armour weed.

Looking at the map, we see that we are no more on track. OK, head back to the wooden ramp. But on the way, climb up the
slope on the left. Above there are scavengers, a king sorrel, a reign weed, and further up an armour weed. Continuing, there
is a cave (with nothing worth inside) and a burned house defended by skeletons (with a normal and a metal chest and 2 king's
thistle - I didn't discover any usage for these plants). In the nearby there are snappers and two trolls near a cave. In the cave,
there is a shadow beast. In the neighbourhoods, there is a herd of ripper beasts, near a fire camp. The other side of the camp,
there are wolfs and 2 chests.
Back to the burned house, going along the mountain, you will find a wolf herd. In front of them, there is a goblin berry and a
flame berry (?). The wolfs are around a fire and a metal chest. Continuing the same direction around the mountain, you would
arrive to the place Rollan stands.

•• OK we have not explored all the area (e.g. there is an abandoned village turning left after the ruin - with some worthy
herbs), but this time we really go back to the wooden ramp. There is a path at the foot of the ramp (to your right when heading
back). Take it and you will arrive to a cave entrance leading to Okara. Actually, the place is within the mountain which explains
we could not spot it earlier.

4.10.2. Okara cave

Goodies: AK +10, ALC +25, fragment wanderer's armour

Trainers: water mage (magic)

In the first space, there are three goblins, two barracks, three chests and an Innos shrine.

Continue further into the mountain via the tunnel behind the second barrack. The tunnel has an upward left branch leading to a
water mage. In his room, read the stand books (4 x ALC +5), the stones (2 x AK +5) and grab the last fragment of the mystic
wanderer's armour.

The other branch of the tunnel leads to some rooms where there are some goblins to fight, 5 chests to loot and a stand book to
read (ALC +5).

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4.11. Nemora

Despite not necessary for any quest, I also paid a visit to Nemora area.

4.11.1. Nemora area

Exiting from Trelis by its south gate, follow the path. There is a broken wooden hit on the right with 2 chests. At the cross road,
turn left. There is a burned house full of snakes with 2 chests and 2 shadow beasts. The other side of the road, there are 2
rhinoceros. The road leads back to Trelis. A little bit before arriving, there is a burned hut on the right with a chest.

Back to the cross-road and taking right, there are 3 ripper beasts and a chest. Then there is a snapper herd and further up a
canyon with nothing interesting inside. When exiting the canyon, notice above on the right: there is a cave with three crawlers
and a chest. There is a second exit leading to ruins but nothing worth.

N.B. near the end of the game, I was wandering close to the end of the path leading to the canyon when I met Thorus who was
supposed to have escaped. He attacked me. I killed him with great difficulty for a disappointing 150 EXP and no interesting
stuff - I expected much better.

As there is no road to Nemora, check the map and go across all. On the way, you might find some chests. I personally met 3
snorting monsters (500 EXP) near a dinosaur skeleton as landscape. a normal and a metal chest, and 2 herbaceous lobelia (I
didn't discover any usage for these plants). I also saw an herd of running rhinoceros lead by a "woollen" (?) rhinoceros but they
were running too fast and I could only hunt the last rhinoceros.

4.11.2. Nemora cave

Goodies: ALC +5, teleportation stone

At Montera, entering by the lower level tunnel (there is a chest before the entrance), there is a first room with a book stand
(ALC +5) and a metal chest before a second room with two chests.
Back outside, at the second level arcane, enter the first room. There is a chest. Take the exit leading you to the third level
On your right, there is a teleportation stone to Nemora. In front, there is a room with a chest inside and beside the second
Nemora access point with a chest.
Back at the second arcane level, the second room contains a metal chest and the third room a chest.

5. Speaking to Gorn - several story lines

BIG SAVE I - write down date/time: ___ / ___ / _____ ___ : ___
Now that we have explored the whole map, we can deal with the quest "speak to Gorn". There are different alternatives to
speak to him but according to the one you chose, the story line is different (quests, rewards, ...). So make the BIG SAVE I now
in case you would like to replay other story lines later.

N.B. at a certain point, all the story lines merge together and the end of the game is common, whatever path you have chosen.

5.1. Human path (without Osch's letter)

Total rewards: none

This is the direct way: go to Gotha, pay Errol 50 000 GP and speak to Gorn. However doing so you miss many quests (and
rewards) and all orcs become hostile until you kill Kan, missing up the game.

If you want to take this way, pay Errol and skip to the "Back to the common path" section 5.5.

5.2. Human path (with Osch's letter)

Total rewards: 9 000 EXP

If you have played the story line 5.1 and now would like to play this story line, restore "BIG SAVE I".

BIG SAVE II - write down date/time: ___ / ___ / _____ ___ : ___
As this story line will again divide into two paths, in case you wish to play both alternatives, make the BIG SAVE II.

Go to Trelis and answer to Osch: "Orc are to blame". He asks you to give a message with orc plans to Gorn.
Speak to Errol, the guard at the gate of Gorn's castle for 6 000 EXP (in the process the two guards behind Errol could attack you
if you do not approach Errol from the right angle - 100 EXP).

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Obtain information about Jorg
Errol ask you to get information on Jorg, an orc he seems not to appreciate. Arthur in Cape Dune tells you that Jorg had
problems with Kan and he either joined the humans or was killed by Kan in a cave. Report to Errol.

Provide 10 rhobars and 5 bottles of Nordmar alcohol

Errol now asks for 10 rhobars and 5 bottles of Nordmar alcohol. This can be found with merchants in Faring. I already had
rhobars in my inventory BUT this one won't be accepted by Errol. The "correct" rhobar and the alcohol can be found in the first
inn to the right in Faring street (in front of inn keeper and among wine and normal alcohol tables). Give all to Errol for
3 000 EXP.

Collect taxes for Errol

This time he asks you to collect the tax to Garik (field on the left when exiting Gotha), Raik (in the rebel camp outside Gotha)
and Ignatius (on the castle square). Give the 1 500 GP collected to Errol. You can now speak with Gorn (before you could go
and see him but he won't speak to you): you are back to the common path (continue walkthrough from section 5.5).

5.3. Orc path (accept buying freedom pass)

Total rewards: 118 000 EXP and STR +10

If you have played the story line 5.2 and now would rather like to play this story line, restore "BIG SAVE II".

Go to Trelis and answer to Osch: "Human are to blame". He asks you to bring a peace letter to Gorn.

Accept buying a freedom pass

Speak to Errol, the guard at the gate of Gorn's castle (6 000 EXP). He will bring the letter to Gorn and than put you in jail (you
have to follow him until the prison).
BIG SAVE III - write down date/time: ___ / ___ / _____ ___ : ___
Make the BIG SAVE III before arriving to the jail because this path of the game still divides into two branches.

Errol offers you a freedom pass (well, not really offering - 5 000 GP). If you accept, you take the sub-path described in the
present section; if you refuse you take the path described in the next section (5.4).

Speak to Raik
Errol provide you a one-day freedom pass and advice you to see Raik for help. Do it for 10 000 EXP. Raik will ask you for
some little services. BUG Some gamers reported that Raik disappears in a hidden section and you need to cheat the game,
via the console mode, to continue: "goto Gunther" ([1.0.89] seems solved in version 1.0.89).

Inform captains to make troops ready

Raik want you to inform his five captains that they will attack the orcs and to make their troops ready for the battle. They are all
in the camp: Bran, Ian, Lazarus, Linhart and Lennard. You receive 1 250 EXP for each captain that you inform and again
15 000 EXP and 500 GP when you report to Raik.

Kill the spy

Actually Raik used the hero for spreading the rumour about the attack because he knows there is a spy and he wanted to
discover him. It is Lazarus. He asks you to follow him and kill him after he has met the orcs. You could wait until midnight and
follow Lazarus but I was lazy and I just spoke to him and killed him (50 EXP) for 10 000 EXP and STR +5. Report to Raik for
500 GP.

Find the dragon bones

Since the hero killed some dragons in previous episodes of the serial, there is a commerce of their bones. Raik knows that
Thorus and his mages want to acquire some bones from Faring Hashishin's merchants. He charges you to bring him the bones
before Thorus can get them. He mentions Kendl, the smith, as contact person.
OK, we have already the dragon bones and most of the keys from previous explorations but let us do as if it were not the case
and let us continue the quest. So let's go to speak to Kendl in Faring.

Find five keys

The dragon bones are all in a chest with a lock that can only be open with a special key. Actually, you need to collect 5 keys
that Kendl must forge together in order to recreate the original key opening the chest. Each key is the property of an Hashishin
§ Khalil's key: speak to Jenell who is in the above floor of the inn below in Faring. She will give you the key against
some food.
§ Khalif key (we already have it): it is just on a cart behind the shop where Khalif is.
§ Khaif key (we already have it): there are two keys (you only need to find one). Each is on a troll that you need to kill.
The first one is one of the tree trolls fighting on the right after crossing the Faring bridge (Eddra tells us that in v 1.07
there is only one troll left and that he has no key). The second troll is in the small field below in Faring where there is a
kind of fight pit. If you try to go in the top right corner, climbing the mountain, you will find the troll.
§ Kazus's key (we already have it): there are two keys (you only need one). They can be found in the smith's house, on
the table or below in Faring, along the road, in the Kazus' chest. Kendl indicates you have to meet his lover in another
city (Isabelle in Sildern) but it seems it is not necessary. Happily because I didn't find her in Sildern (Eddra tells us it is
a bug).
§ Khadim's key (we already have it): there are two keys (you only need one). One is on Gerell. No need to kill him, just
take his wife's quest and beat him up to the ground (if you wish to finish the wife's quest, you have to kill him however).
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Khadim has another key on himself but he is in his house and there are two guards preventing people to enter.
Speaking to them, you realised that they would quit their duty if you bring some girls. The girls are two women are on
the square of the upper castle. But be aware that it is a little bit tricky a) to reach them because a guard on the upper
square, b) to bring them at the correct spot because Khadim's guard, c) to lure both guards away (usually one go away
with both girls and the other one remains). However it brings 6 000 EXP and if a guard attack you, just lure him on a
quiet place and beat him. Despite what Kendl said, it seems that you can beat them without upsetting the town.
Alternatively, use a spell to enter Khadim's house without being noticed by the guards. Whatever the way you used,
once in the house, Khadim is so frightened that he gives you the key. Leave by the window if there is still guards in
front of the door.

Give the keys to Kendl

Each time you have one of the five keys, you can give it to Kendl for 8 000 EXP. Once he has the five keys, he forges the Dirk's
key and asks you to fetch the dragon bones on his behalf. The chest is in the cave, at the right of the path, opposite to the place
where are Garik's weapons, when entering Faring. We have already explored it since a long time and open the Hashishin's
chest containing the dragon bones. Kendl wanted the bones to make money but realising who you are he is frightened and let
you keep the bones.

Bring back the dragon bones to Raik

Your reward for giving the bones to Raik is 25 000 EXP and STR +5. Go back to speak to Errol and then enter Gorn's estate
who now accepts to speak to us. You are back to the common path: continue walkthrough from section 5.5.

5.4. Orc path (refuse buying freedom pass)

Total rewards: 126 650 EXP and STR +15

If you have played the story line 5.3 and now would rather like to play this story line, restore "BIG SAVE III".

Refuse buying a freedom pass

When you have spoken to Errol (6 000 EXP), he took you in jail and offered you a 1-day freedom pass. This time, refuse it.

Recover your belongings

Keep on speaking to Errol (if he goes away, just wait: he will come back). He will tell you to quit the donjon ... to become
Ignatus' slave. Tip: before quitting the donjon, open the 'Prisoner's chest' that we have previously lock picked: (nearly) all your
belongings are in.
BUG: if you already had pieces of the armour of the Mystic Wanderer (we had all of them), they have vanished in the operation
and you need to use the console to retrieve them: “give Mystic_Wanderer_piece_0i" (where i = 1, 2, or 3).
BUG: if you had Garik's bow (we had it), it has also disappeared. The console command to retrieve it is “give It_Garik_Bow".
Other objects have also vanished such as letters, special amulets, ... but they are not mandatory. As a matter of fact, it seems
to be the same behaviour with all the chests as I tried to put my possessions in another chest before going to jail and lost 21

Ignatius' slave
Go to see Ignatius (10 000 EXP). This sadist asks you to go without arm nor protection to collect 12 healing plants for him (he is
also blind: he does not see we have recover all our stuffs). As you have recover your belongings, I believe you have that on
your inventory. Give them to Ignatius for 10 000 EXP and 3 healing potions. No he asks 12 mana plants. Give it to him (10 000
EXP and some mana potions). And now ... nothing ! Actually, with the prisoners' chest we have somehow bypassed the script
imagined by the game writers. So let us pick up some plants in the field in front of the windmill where we found the wheat. You
will meet Garik who proposes to buy you back from Ignatius if you agree to join his troop. Speak to Ignatius and then to Garik (8
000 EXP). It turns out that Garik misses 1 GP to buy you back. You have to beg for it. Actually we do have the money but
nevertheless ask e.g. to Gero who is near Raik in the human camp for 6 000 EXP and 1 GP. Bring the money to Ignatius for 2
500 EXP and freedom.

Garik's amulet
Garik asks you to bring an amulet to Gothard (in the rebel camp the other side of the road). Do it and report to Garik for 6 000
EXP and 500 GP.

Garik's weapons
Then he gives you a key and asks you to fetch his weapons in Faring. After Faring bridge, in front of the cave with the
snappers, there is Garik's chest with his sword in it. His shield is just beside. Take both back to him for 9 000 EXP and 500 GP.
Now he asks for his bow. We have found it in the chest near Gabriel. If the bow was lost when your belonging were put in the
Prisoner's chest, use the console ("give It_Garik_Bow"). Giving it back to Gerik rewards you 10 250 EXP and 500 GP.

Garik's warriors
The next task is to fight the five Garik's recruits, one by one, and each time report to Garik. Garik gives you a sword (another
one who cannot see that we have recover all our belongings). If the hero is not a fighter, it might not be a piece of cake
because recruits' swords are poisonous (only a stab forward will poison you though) and because some recruits of previous
fights might remain in the fight area (and if you hit them by mistake you have lost). Each combat rewards +3 STR, 500 GP and
9 150 to 9 230 EXP !

Herbs for Errol

Finally, Garik ask you to inform Gorn that he has accomplished all his tasks. He provides you some swamp herbs to get rid of
Errol ... as well as Errol's key (the one to open the Prisoners' chest, would you not have lock picked it). Once you have spoken
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to Gorn (see section below), report to Garik for 6 000 EXP.

Errol accepts the swamp herbs and let you enter Gorn's estate. This we could already do before, but now Gorn accepts to
speak to us. You are back to the common path: continue walkthrough from section 5.5.

5.5. Back to common path

Notwithstanding the path you chose (humans or orcs) at the end you will be on a "human" path, i.e. that you will be on Gorn's
side against Thorus and the orcs.

Speaking to Gorn
(= point where the different paths of the story converge in a single one until the end of the game)
Actually, Gorn is very happy to meet us. He explains why he is attacking Thorus' orcs. He asks you to meet the water mage in
Okara who can confirm his saying.

Find the water mage

As you challenge Gorn on the veracity of the information provided by the spies, he asks you to check it. You need to find the
water mage in Okara. See the Sildren - Okara road and Okara sections to see how to find the mage. You arrive that the mage
is fighting with three orcs: Kan, Varok and Agosh. Kill them (500 + 100 + 100 EXP) for completing the quest and STR +10 and
20 000 EXP. Kan still has Ogit amulet on him ... which still cannot be worn.
Then talk to the mage. He explains that orcs wanted to force him to join Thorus. Report to Gorn. He now asks you to contact
Lee in order to send him reinforcement troops.

5.6. Vengard revisited - inner castle

Once we have received the "Lee" quest, Theodor, won't attack us anymore if we enter the inner castle. So we can explore it.

5.6.1.Inner castle

Goodies: AK +5, ALC +10, teleportation stone

Trainers: Edigius (alchemy)

On the plaza, there are 3 chests and an Innos shrine. There are also two rooms under the castle walls with one with one
chest. There are also JACOBS, a merchant, and HUBERTUS and his wife, another merchant.

On each side of the principal building, there is an annex. In the left one, there is EGIDIUS, another crazy alchemist. In the right
one there is a chest.

The main building has a principal room with a chest each side of the throne. The one on the left contains a paladin armour !
There are also two metal chests.

From the principal room, take the left door (facing the throne). There is a chest. Take the wooden stairs upward and turn left,
entering the tower. On the top, there is chest with a teleportation stone to Geldern (we already have it) and another one with
an armour of Rhobar (but paladin is better though).

Exiting the tower and going straight right to the facing upward wooden stairs, you arrive to a building with a cupola on the top.
Before entering, go to the extremity of the wooden platform for a chest. Inside the building, taking the stone stairs upward, there
are one chest and a book stand (ALC +5).

Exit the cupola building and go back down. Take the wooden stairs until the stone platform for two more chests.

On the castle walls, starting from the high tower we just visited. There is a chest. Then there is a dormitory with a chest
containing very nice shields. Continuing on the walls, there is a chest containing the Krash Morra crossbow (200 damage).
Above the main gate, there is another chest. At the end of the path there is again a chest and a room with a metal chest and
book stands (AK +5 and ALC +5).


Goodies: permanent life potions

Bring alcohol to Jacob

Jacob asks you to bring for his business alcohol from Faring. Actually you only need to have 5 alcohol bottles in stock and give
him for 1 000 EXP.

Bring Cornelius' recipe to Egidius

Egidius, another crazy alchemist, wants to know what is the new potion Cornelius has discovered. He ask you to fetch the
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recipe for him. OK. Go to Sidern and speak to Cornelius. Then report to Egidius who asks you to find the necessary
ingredients for him. "Oh by the way, scavenger fire nettles are not necessary but rather troglodyte fire nettles". We need to find
five of them (we already have them in stock). Give them to Egidius for 3 strong potions LIFE +20 !!! ([1.0.89] in version 1.0.89,
only LIFE +6) Eat all the left over (HUNT +1 each)

Bring Hubertus' wife to Faring

Hubertus must to stay in Vengard and asks you to take his wife to Faring to make shopping. OK bring her to Faring, in the
castle, for 2 500 EXP and 500 GP (I had difficulty to find the place that triggers the end of this part of the task. It is at the left
side of the castle entrance gate). She asks you to buy alcohol for her. When you have 10 bottles in stock, she takes them for
500 GP. Then she wants to buy a "Norden" armor. When you have it (I luckily already had one in stock) she takes it for 2 500
EXP and 500 GP. Then she asks to go back to Vengard. Take her back but do not expect any reward.

Find information about the illness striking the city

Before you can see Lee, you need to make several quests for Theodor.
Theodor informs you that a illness is striking the city. He asks you to find warrior Marc who might have information about the
illness. Go to see Marc who is in Ardea. However, he only speaks about an artefact he wants back. Return to see Theodor for
10 500 EXP and 1 000 GP. Seems that Marc is sick himself and that the root of the illness might be a rogue artefact.

Gather all artefacts of the region

In order to check whether the illness could be caused by an artefact, Theodor asks you to gather all the artefacts of the region
between Ardea and Vengard. I have been seeking a long time for cave or special places were we could find artefact before to
realize that we have to speak to people in Ardea.

1) When talking to Conz, he asks you to kill Asdis who is attacking everybody in the village. Beat Asdis and report to Conz for
STR+5 and 7 000 exp. Conz also gives you a ring.

2) Speak to Marc as well (do not pronounce the work "artefact"). He asks you to bring Severin to him. Do it for STR +3 and 7
000 EXP. Severin has an artifact that you can keep. At that time, I noticed that I already have a Severin ring in my inventory but
do not remember from where I got it. Anyway, better 2 than none.

3) Sindri sells you another artefact - Werner's collar - against 1 000 GP. You also receive 6 000 EXP. I also noticed I had
Segfried collar. I do not remember from where I got it.

4) Hildur wants you to find back an artefact from a cave where it is guarded by strong beasts. He suggests you find someone to
help you. Actually we already got the amulet in the Reddock cave. Give it for STR+15 and 15 000 EXP. Hildur tell it is
scratched and you can keep it.

Report to Theodor for 20 000 EXP and 1 000 GP. He takes four amulets (not the Segfried collar and a Severin ring).

Missing scout squad

Now Theodor asks you to confirm information on a missing scout squad. He asks you to find Ebolt, an orc who have seen
between Ardea and Cape Dun with prisoners. He ask you not to fight. There is an orc camp on the right of the road just before
to arrive at Cape Dun. This is where you can find EBOLT (did I miss him or did he appear only now ?). Speak to him and report
to Theodor for 8 500 EXP and 500 GP. Theodor asks you to peacefully bring back the scouts. Go back to speak to Ebolt. He
agrees you take the prisoners. The three are around the fire camp, labelled as warriors. One of them accept to speak to you
and they follow you to Theodor for 8 000 EXP. Talk to Theodor for 500 GP and 2 500 EXP.

Vengard city needs food

The next task assigned by Theodor is to provide 15 pieces of raw meat. You should have plenty in stock (otherwise go to the 2-
story inn with served dishes - see Vangard description - temple section). Give them for 8 500 EXP and 500 GP. Then he asks
20 wheat bags. We also have in stock (otherwise see Vengard description - temple section - for some places you can find
some). Give them for another 8 500 EXP and 500 GP. BUG If you already collected all the wheat bags before going in jail,
they were "deleted" in the Prisoner's chest. So you have to cheat with the console: "give It_WheatSack".

Find Lee - BIG BUG !!!!

This is not a quest. Actually after providing the food for the city, you ask Theodor if you can see Lee and only receive "Wouf !"
(sic) as answer. After HOURS of seeking him everywhere, I checked JoWood forums to discover that there is a BUG ([1.0.89]
unfortunately NOT yet solved with patch 1.07 but seems to be with patch 1.0.89). Basically, Lee is in a hidden section and you
need to cheat the game, via the console mode, to continue: "goto Lee". In subsequent play, I was sometimes able to avoid the
bug by immediately ending the dialogue with Theodor after the "wouf !" and running toward Lee who at that time is in his throne
room. If you manage to speak to him before he leaves, then he *might* stay there (it already happened that I managed to speak
to him on the throne room entrance but that he nevertheless walks until the hidden area). Otherwise, use the console.

Ask Lee to send soldiers to Gotha

After Theodor's quests, speak to Lee for 10 000 EXP. He tells you that you need first to convince Hanz, his general who is
located near the city gate.
Speak to Hanz (BUG a less frequent bug is that Hanz is also in the hidden section. Usually just wait and he is coming back.
Otherwise use the console: "goto Vangard_Paladin_General_01" - [1.0.89] it seems to be solved in v1.0.89). He agrees to
support you but you need first to rescue three of his paladins at Cape Dun. The paladins are in the jail near the fight arena.
Guards do not let you in and you have to beat them first. Alternatively, you can avoid the fights by transforming the hero into a
blood fly to enter the jail. Then ask to the right paladin "follow me" for the three paladins to join the group (and if necessary
transform again into a blood fly to exit the jail - paladins are following the blood fly). Bring them back near Hanz in Vengard for
STR +10 and 10 000 EXP and speak to Hanz and then to Lee (via "goto Lee" if necessary) and again to Hanz for preparing the
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Fetch Immanuel
Speak again to Lee (via console if necessary). He asks you to fetch Immanuel for joining the troops while he is already heading
to Gotha. Immanuel refuses to take part to the conflict ([1.0.89] in version 1.0.89 Immanuel only appears at this moment of the
game - I found him in Vangard part II - sawmill). Immanuel can teach you magic, including fire mage and dark mage.

5.7. End of the game

Take Lee and the paladins to Gotha

As you asked him to go ahead to Gothat, he is waiting with several paladins in Garik's field. Go talking to him and bring the
troop to Gorn in Gotha. Errol welcomes you with 10 000 EXP.

Bring back Osch to Gotha

Speaking to Gorn, he asks you to fetch Osch, his spy, from Trelis. On the way, it happens that orcs of the big camp near
Montera attack me but not the orcs inside Montera. And not in all the games I played. Why ? May be because in the first game
I attacked the guards in front of the Cape Dune jail while in the second game I transformed in blood fly instead ? Anyway, I
ignore them and rush to Trelis. Only problem Osch was no more in Trelis. Rudolph let you know that he hasn't seen him either
and fears to know what happened to him. Looking everywhere in Trelis, I came across the temple basement with the guards
preventing us to enter. Based on what we had to do in Cape Dun to free the paladins, I fought the guards (or just transform into
a blood fly). In the place, a stand book (ALC +5) and 2 chests but no trace of Osch ... There is another bookstand with the
"Chronicles of Dominances" but as in the dark mage cave, I cannot read it. Following the same idea, I went to the stone temple
at the exit of Trelis on the direction of Montera, near where was the mystic wanderer. I transformed into a blood fly and passed
the first two guards at the entrance. Inside there are two other guards. Bingo: Osch is in a jail underground. On the way, there
are three normal chests and a metal one.

Deliver Milten
Osch asks you to fetch the fire mage MILTEN (an old friend of the hero) made prisoner by the orcs. Milten is in Thorus' jail, i.e.
the basement of the temple we looked for Osch at first. Speak to him. After explaining that Thorus has stolen the Eye of Innos,
he will follow you. BUG AGAIN. When exiting the temple, Milten disappeared. Actually, using the console, I realized he was
"lost" in the nowhere between the basement and the ground floor. To recover him in a playable area, just save and reload the
game. Bring him to the temple where you have found Osch for STR +5 and 10 000 EXP.

Back to Gorn
You can now bring back Osch and Milten to Gorn in Gotha for STR +10 and 10 000 EXP.
But before, I explored with the group the area near the stone temple outside of Trelis, walking aside the water. There are three
trolls (500 EXP + a metal chest), then three monsters (500 EXP) and then five gargoyles (200 EXP) near a stone circle where
there are two (!) goblin berries, three (!) dragons root, a flame berry, a Beliar shrine and a chest.

Kill the Summoner

Gorn ask you to get news from Milten. Milten explains that Thorus and six mage will try to invoke from the Eye of Innos the
most powerful beast. The only way to kill such a beast will be by the Eye itself and the Eye needs to be destroyed just after.
Nobody can predict where the beast will appear. At most can the mages have an idea of the places the beast has the highest
probability to appear. Gorn, Milten, Osch and some paladins follow you. You mission is to find the Summoner.

Where is the Summoner ? He is in the cave we have not explored on the road Montera - Gotha, the one Rollan is in front (see
that section). Milten is leading you to the spot. If you lose him from sight, continue in direction of the cave and you should
retrieve him on the way.

The mystic wanderer might also be in front of the cave. If you have them, he takes the armour pieces and you receive the "End
Game" armour and 10 000 EXP. However, the paladin armour is better.
BUG: if your belongings went in the Prisoner's chest and you had the armour pieces, they are lost. You have to cheat with the
console: "give Mystic_Wanderer_piece_0i" with i = 1, 2, 3. Moreover, you might have sometime to re-spawn the pieces twice
before receiving the armour.
Place: the mystic wanderer moves and rather than being in front of Rollan's cave, he might be in front of the cave near the old
Trelis temple, or walking on his way.

Enter and defeat the Summoner warriors a little bit further. Tip: after the fight, save and reload the game in order to heal your
troop and stop possible internal fights among your companions.

You arrive in a big room. In the first hole in the right, there are mages (400 EXP) and warriors (200 EXP) as well as the
summoner (400 EXP). At the entrance of that branch, there is too a chest. Kill them for STR +10 and 20 000 EXP. The
Summoner has the "Eyes of Innos" amulet, a map of possible place for the beast to come and a the black summoner dress.
A mage might ahve a poison flask (random item - necessary ingredient for making poisonous weapons). Beside, there is a
normal chest, a metal chest and the Summoner's chest (a two-hand sword, Rhobar's armour and Asam's bowl- all we already

Back in the principal room, in the centre there are four mine crawlers. Going further in a second big room, there is a gargoyle
(200 EXP) and a flame berry near two chests.

From that second room, you can see a upward path leading to a third big room where there are other mine crawlers and
gargoyles. There is an armour weed beside the two baskets. The three rooms are making a round so that continuing further,
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we are back to the first big room.

Talking to Milten, he indicates that we now have to kill the beast. Milten proposes that the whole troop hunts for the beast but
the hero refuses (obviously he and myself do not share the same point of view).

N.B. from now on, all orcs are hostile !

Kill the beast

After talking to Milten, he gives you the quest to kill the beast. The possible places the beast is are indicated on the map found
on the summoner's body.

The fight, which looks like the ending one, will for sure be very hard. Let us beef up our hero a little bit. Usually these dragon,
beasts, ... are very well immune to magic. Therefore I shall concentrate on strength, life endurance and hunting.

I drank all the permanent potions I could make. I also used the 310 learning points I had in reserve to boost the stats to:
STR 410, HUNT 202, LIFE 444, endurance 388, MANA 382. I was level 53.

Seeking whether the "Innos" necklace could be worn, I also tried to read the "Chronicles of dominance" in the dark mage cave.

On the four places the beast could be, I used first the ones I had a teleportation stone: Reddock and Nemora. The beast ("The
Boss" !) is in Reddock, in the first big room. It might be that you encounter 3-4 troglodytes at the entrance if not yet met earlier.

OK, let us go for the BIG fight. Well, three fire balls and that's it with the beast (500 EXP). It closes the quest "kill the beast" for
STR+15 and EXP 25 000.

Game (nearly) over

Is it really finish ? Cannot be so easy ! Actually, it is. Speak to Milten, Gorn and Lee in Vengard palace to finish the quest
"reunite Myrtana" and launch the final movie.

Final bug: it seems that the presence of Thorus in the Nemora area was a bug. Despite we killed him there, Milten, Gorn and
Lee all mention that he has escaped (probably a hint of whom will be the bad guy in Gothic 4).

After the final movie and credentials, you are back to the game and can finish up quests or exploration if you wish.

6. Armours, amulets, weapons, ...

As you can steal and loot nearly all rooms and chests, this is not a big issue in the game. So we just provide a *non* exhaustive
list that give you an overview of what you can expect.

Despite some chests do always contain specific items, their content is usually random. This is especially true for the shields.
You will find the first one after opening N chests and its type is random.

Armours and robes missile impact blades comments - bonus

Paladin 100 100 100
End game 60 90 90
Rhobar 40 80 80
Ceremonial 40 80 80
Dark Summoner robe 40 80 80
Elite spy 40 80 80
Praetor 40 80 80 available since [1.0.89]
Normandian 30 60 60 ice protection +45
resistance to cold
Lieutenant 30 60 60 available since [1.0.89]
ice protection +45
resistance to cold
Fire robe 20 45 45 fire protection +15
resistance to cold

Shields missile impact blades comments - bonus

Royal 40 40 40
Rune 40 35 35 fire protection +10
Dreamcatcher 35 30 30 available since [1.0.89]
Gnowstopper 35 30 30 available since [1.0.89]
Orkish tower 35 30 30 available since [1.0.89]
Praetor plate 35 30 30 available since [1.0.89]
Paladin 35 30 30
Knight 35 25 25
Skull 25 20 20
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Shields missile impact blades comments - bonus
Round 20 15 15
Leather 10 5 5
Garik 8 5 5
Wood 8 5 5

Crown & helmets missile impact blades comments - bonus

Adanos crown 40 40 40 [1.0.89]
Myrtana crown 10 [1.0.89]
seem cannot be worn
Helmets 14 [1.0.89]
(there are many different types
of helmets but they all offer the
same protection)

value Large weapons STR required skill damage comments - bonus

22.500 Wrath of Innos 300 III 145 blessed
"paladin" skill
19.500 Berseker's wrath 290 III 140
18.000 Power of ancestors 300 III 115 protection 8/8/8
16.500 Berseker's axe 270 III 135
15.000 Demon sword 666 III 135 protection 8/8/8
13.500 no name 250 master 2-blades 290 [1.0.89]
9.000 Barbarian battleaxe 275 II 110 orc slayer
9.000 Headsman's sword 220 II 90 [1.0.89]
6.600 Diminisher 200 III 160
6.600 Double decker 200 III 160 [1.0.89]
6.600 Halderan 200 III 160 [1.0.89]
6.600 Havoc 200 III 160 [1.0.89]
6.300 Battleaxe 200 II 100 large weapon III
6.000 Bearded axe 170 III 150
6.000 Orc 2-handler 210 II 95 [1.0.89]
3.480 Skullfed 240 III + 125 < [1.0.89]: STR 250, skill II, damage 280
master 2-blades
< 5.000 ...
I mentioned the value. Usually it is a good indicator of what is the best item. However in the present case, it seems to be
somehow illogical - unless there are hidden advantages. E.g. the "bearded" axe seems much better than the "battle" axe. Also
may be that when introducing new weapons in [1.0.89], the developers messed up a little bit the ratio price/performances.

value Swords STR damage comments/bonus

22.500 King's sword 250 160 blessed
12.000 Heart of cold 200 210 blessed
12.000 Straight scimitar 200 210
10.500 Austin's sword 240 130
9.000 Rider's blade 150 160
9.000 Great sword 220 110
9.000 Master sword 210 100 master 2-blades
8.250 El bastardo 180 90 master sword man
8.250 Inquisitor 190 85
< 5.000 ...
Again: highest price doesn't mean best performances.

... to be completed with amulets, staffs, bows and crossbows ...

7. Console

To activate the cheat mode and use the console:

1) save & exit game

2) edit file "c:\Program Files\JoWood\Gothic III - Forsaken Gods\Ini\ge3.ini" (take backup first)
3) in section "[Game]" modify "TestMode=false" into "TestMode=true" (true must be lowercase)
4) save ini file
5) restart game
6) toggle on a console by typing the key "~"
!!! for non US-type keyboard, try the upper left key that is above the TAB key - good luck ...
7) e.g. type "goto Lee" (L in uppercase) => you should be teleported beside Lee
8) toggle off the console with the "~" key

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Some console commands (! case sensitive !)

These commands are necessary as work-around of certain bugs:

goto Lee .............................................teleport the hero beside Lee

goto Gunther.......................................teleport the hero beside Raik
goto Vangard_Paladin_General_01 .....teleport the hero beside Hanz
goto Milten..........................................teleport the hero beside Milten
give It_Garik_Bow...............................add Garik's bow to the inventory
give It_WheatSack ..............................add one wheat bag to the inventory
give Mystic_Wanderer_piece_0i ..........add to the inventory he fragment i of the wanderer armour (where i = 1, 2, or 3)

8. Sources
Besides personal notes, information came from following sources:

§ : French forums on Gothic series.

Thanks to members and especially to kastalli, danthered, Julien666, golwin, Thyrion, Anton, ...

§ : forum section of JoWood site (German and English).

Thanks to members and especially to MuBu and King Robar (story paths !), Eddra (GIII FG Notes), Tim - aka der
Götterdämmerung-Helfer, Mister42, Goticar, ...

§ : forum section of World of Gothic (WoG) (German and English). The site is a must with
all the resources you can dream and beyond, not mentioning the very helpful members. Thank you to mistress larisa,
Tim (again), Lobedan, WernerTWC, Zetsu, Nneka, ...

§ : Czech site dedicated to Gothic series and providing quest by quest description

9. Versioning

Version Date Changes

0.00 17.02.2009 initial version by André Feroi
0.01 03.03.2009 updated to reflect changes of patch 1.0.89
0.02 05.03.2009 added maps (source: mistress_larisa, Tim, Zetsu, Nneka)

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