Perbandingan Silabus Univ Sweden
Perbandingan Silabus Univ Sweden
Perbandingan Silabus Univ Sweden
First Semester Academic year 1, autumn semester Academic year 1, autumn semester 1. Introduction Course 7.5
Global Public Health (15 credits) Global public health, 10 credits Global public health, 10 credits 1. Health Economics – Financing Health and
(MPHP11) Biostatistics, 5 credits Biostatistics, 5 credits Medical Care 10
Epidemiology and Public Health Epidemiology, 10 credits Epidemiology, 10 credits 1. Health Systems and Policy 10
Methodology (15 credits) (MPHP12) Qualitative methodology in public Qualitative methodology in public health, 5 credits 1. Planning for Health 2.5
health, 5 credits 2. Basic Epidemiology and Statistics 1 5
Second Semester Academic year 1, spring semester 2. Health Outcomes Measurement 7.5
Health Policy (7.5 credits) (MPHP13) Academic year 1, spring semester Health systems: Organisation and financing, 5 2. Economic Evaluation of Health Care
Health Economics and Health Health systems: Organisation and credits Programmes 7.5
Systems (12,5 credits ) (MPHP14) financing, 5 credits Health economic evaluation methods, 5 credits 2. Health and Medical Care Management 10
Planning and Leadership in Public Health economic evaluation methods, 5 Social pathways in global health and health 3. Statistics 2 5
Health (10 credits) (MPHP15) credits promotion, 5 credits 3. Advanced Course in Health Economics 5
Social pathways in global health and Master thesis, first year, 15 credits 3. Advanced Course in Health Systems and
health promotion, 5 credits Policy 5
Third Semester
Elective course or internship (7.5 Master thesis, first year, 15 credits Academic year 2, autumn semester 3. Advanced Course in Health and Medical
Methods and tools for economists (elective), 7.5 Care Management 5
Academic year 2, autumn semester credits or 3. Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics
Health Promotion (10 credits)
Evidence based public health, 4 credits Evidence based public health (elective), 4 credits 10
Equity and health, 3.5 credits and 4. Degree Project in Medical Management 30
Applied Public Health Research
Methods (12,5 credits) (MPHP19) Qualitative data analysis, 7.5 credits Equity and health (elective), 3.5 credits
Advanced biostatistics and Health economic theory (core), 7.5 credits
epidemiology, 7.5 credits Social and environmental entrepreneurship
Fourth Semester Advanced topics in health economic (elective), 7.5 credits or
Master thesis (30 credits) (MPHN40) evaluation methods (elective), 7.5 Project management (elective), 7.5 credits or
credits or Environment and natural resource economics
Social epidemiology - theory and (elective), 7.5 credits or
methods (elective), 7.5 credits Advanced biostatistics and epidemiology
(elective), 7.5 credits
Advanced topics in health economic evaluation
Academic year 2, spring semester methods (core), 7.5 credits
Health, environment and sustainability Academic year 2, spring semester
(elective), 7.5 credits or Health, environment and sustainability (elective),
Planning and management in health care 7.5 credits or
(elective), 7.5 credits Planning and management in health care (elective),
Evaluation in public health, 7.5 credits 7.5 credits
Master thesis, second year, 15 credits Evaluation in public health (core), 7.5 credits
Master thesis, second year (core), 15 credits