(Table) Property Relations
(Table) Property Relations
(Table) Property Relations
Conjugal Partnership of
Absolute Community Property During the Marriage Regime of Separation of Capacitated to Marry Not capacitated to
(not a property regime) Property marry
Application 1. Default for Family Code 1. Default for Civil Code [Art. 134] 1. Marriage [Art. 147] [Art. 148]
Marriages Marriages 1. Marriage settlement 1. Capacity to 1. Not falling under
2. Marriage settlements 2. Marriage settlement settlement 2. Revival of marry Art. 147
3. Revival of Regime (Art. 3. Revival of Regime 2. Judicial order Regime (Art. 67), 2. Live exclusively
67), if ACP is former (Art. 67), if CPG is if CSP is former as Husband and Ex. bigamous marriages
former 3. Termination of Wife under Art. 35 but not
Marriage due to 3. No benefit of falling under Art. 41
death without marriage or
liquidation of under a void
ACP/CPG marriage
properties (Art.
103 and Art.
Rules Rules on Co-ownership Rules on Contract of Dissolution and
Applicable Partnership Liquidation of the ACP
or CPG
Properties [Art. 91] [Art. 116] [Art. 144] Partial Sep.
Included Community Property Conjugal Partnership Prop. Absolute Community
(Joint) All properties owned at the time All properties acquired during Properties agreed upon
of marriage or acquired after the marriage are presumed as separate in marriage
unless otherwise provided conjugal settlement
Properties [Art. 92] [Art. 109] [Art. 144]
Excluded 1. Acquired during marriage 1. Brought to the All present or future
(Separate) by gratuitous title marriage as own properties if Total
(including fruits and 2. Acquired by Separation of Property
income) unless otherwise gratuitous title
provided 3. Acquired by right of
2. Personal and Exclusive redemption, barter,
use except jewelry or exchange with
3. Acquired before marriage property belonging
by either spouse who has only to one spouse
legitimate descendants 4. Purchased with
by former marriage exclusive money
including fruits and
Separation of Property Unions without Marriage
Conjugal Partnership of
Absolute Community Property During the Marriage Regime of Separation of Capacitated to Marry Not capacitated to
(not a property regime) Property marry
Fruits and Generally included except in All are placed in a common To each his or her own. Wages and Salaries
Income cases provided by law (ex. fund (50/50 unless otherwise Walang hassle. Equal Shares
gratuitous title under A. 92) provided in marriage