Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan: Step 1: Curriculum Connections
Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Comparing and Adding Fractions with unlike denominators Grade: 6/7
Date: Monday November 26th
Subject/Strand: Mathematics/ Number Sense and Numeration Location: Classroom Times: 8:45-10:25
Lesson Plan Description (What are you teaching? How does it fit into the context of the unit? What are the big ideas/essential/enduring understandings?)
Students will be working in pairs to solve a fraction word problem. First students will do a counting circle using the fraction 1/3. Then
students will create a human number line where they will all have the same numerator. This will then lead into a math picture number
talk where students will share what kind of math they see in the picture. As the main activity, students will be given a fraction word
problem where they need to solve and demonstrate their thinking skills. Students will be given an opportunity to share their answers.
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
Grade 6: Grade 7:
read, represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 1 demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction
000 000, decimal numbers to thousandths, proper and of fractions and integers, and apply a variety of
improper fractions, and mixed numbers; computational strategies to solve problems involving
whole numbers and decimal numbers;
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations and Achievement Chart Categories
(Numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, (refined when necessary): realistic number of expectations (1 or 2), connect to
assessment. Indicate category in brackets beside specific expectation :Knowledge and Understanding( K ) Thinking (T); Communication (C); Application(A)
Grade 6: Grade 7:
represent, compare, and order fractional amounts with – add and subtract fractions with simple like and unlike
unlike denominators, including proper and improper denominators, using a variety of tools and algorithms;
fractions and mixed numbers, using a variety of
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (Clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language that
students can readily understand.)
Today I will learn… Today I will learn…
We are learning to represent, compare and order Adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike
fractions with unlike denominators. denominators.
Purpose of the lesson (indicate purpose for this lesson/assessment) [ ] FOR [ X] AS [ ] OF
Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (Clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning: evidence of
learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand). Indicate the Achievement Chart
I can… I can…
Compare unlike fractions to find equivalent fractions Add fractions with unlike denominators using the
Explain my thinking and process using math butterfly method
manipulatives Explain my thinking and process using math manipulatives
Assessment Mode- Written, Oral, Assessment Strategy and Task for Students- Assessment Tool - Instrument used to
Performance (Write, Say, Do) What are the students doing to show their learning? assess; Record Keeping format
Do/ Say Students will be solving a fractions word Anecdotal notes with will be used to note
problem and then use a math manipulative to down what students share during
explain their thinking. consolidation.
Students will be graded on their math
Prior to this lesson….
Students have been taught how to compare and add fractions using visible numbers.
I.E.P. program implications: Accommodations, Modifications
Destiney has accommodations in place for Math
Hunter has accommodations in place for math
Daniel has accommodations in place for math
Process: Students will be put into pairs where they will choose one question to work on.
Product: Students can use different math manipulatives to assist with their explanations.
Content: Grade 6’s will choose the comparing fractions questions and the grade 7’s will choose the adding factions questions.
Learning Skills/Work Habits: [ ] responsibility, [ ] organization, [ ] independent work, [ ] collaboration, [ ] initiative, [ ] self-regulation
Responsibility: The student fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment.
Organization: The student devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks.
Collaboration: The student shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make
Vocabulary: (for word wall addition or reference and/or to develop schema for this lesson. To be addressed in lesson)
Equivalent Fraction: making equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number
Like Denominators/ Numerators: When the name is the same number
Unlike Denominators/ Numerators: when two fractions have a different number for the numerator and denominator
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration: List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student worksheets used
and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan where appropriate.
Three Part Lesson Identify what the students are expected to think about or do.
What Teachers Do: Write the lesson description with enough What Students do: Identify what the students are expected to
detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a think about or do (in terms of learning processes).
personal discussion. Prompts and guiding questions are
required in each section.
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /Introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson.
Time: 25 minutes
Students will engage in a counting circle and count up from 1/3
Students will start off the lesson with a counting circle. until we reach 5.
Students will then be asked to write down on a piece of paper. Students will be asked to think of a fraction with the same
Students will be asked to write down the same numerator but numerator but they can create a different denominator.
they can create a different denominator.
Students will then move into a human number line where they will
Once students have gotten in correct order, ask them “How can order themselves on the number line.
we compare to the other human number line when we did the
same activity where you had the same denominator?” Students may respond:
- as the denominator gets bigger, the pieces of the whole get
Have students sit back at their desk. divided into smaller pieces
-the numerator makes it a similar fraction
Have a math number talk image on the smartboard.
Students will then move back to their desk.
Ask students, what do you see?
Students will be shown a fraction number talk.
Allow students to share what kinds of math they see. Prompt
students to focus on fractions. Students will be asked what they see in the picture.
Remind students that they need to not only solve the problem Students will be asked to show their thinking using math
but explain their thinking as well. manipulatives.
Remind students that they can use the fraction tiles to explain Students can use the fraction strips and different pictures to show
their thinking. their thinking.
Students need to show clear communication and thinking skills When working in the four squares, students need to explain their
as well as demonstrate their answer using the fraction tiles. thinking.
Once finished, students can play fraction wars using a deck of Once students have finished solving their word problem, they can
cards where they need to determine if it is an equivalent play fraction wars using a deck of cards to either compare fractions
fraction and then solve the addition problem. or add fractions.
Students be given an opportunity to share what question they Students will be asked if anyone wants to share how they solved
worked on as well as how they solved it and what method they the math problem.
used to the solve the word problem.
Students can show their thinking on the document camera using
the fraction strips.
Students can use the document camera to show how they
solved the problem using fraction strips. As a final consolidation, students will be asked which way they
prefer to solve the word problem.
As a final consolidation, ask students which way they prefer to
solve the word problem.
Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)
This lesson will lead into students to continue to learn how to add fractions.
Personal Reflection - Choose at least one question from each area that best allows you reflect on this lesson. Questions should
vary over the week and specific plans.
Learner Empowerment
1. How did students show understanding of
2. How did my lesson transform students from
“passive listeners” to “active participants”?
3. Was my behavior management technique
effective? Why?
4. Were students able to transition to the next
activity successfully?
5. How does the lesson provide a meta-
cognitive opportunity for students to address
their own learning?
Instructional Strategy
1. Was my motivational technique (hook)
effective? Why?
2. What will I do to improve questions? Was a
balance between teacher and student talk
3. How did the task provide a Rich Performance
opportunity or other way of actively
demonstrating knowledge?
4. How did I provide modeling, guided &/or
independent practice?
5. Was my behavior management technique
effective? Why?
6. Were students able to transition to the next
activity successfully?
Professional Educator
1. What factors may have influenced the success of
this lesson? Did I note and respond to these elements
2 How might I improve the effectiveness of my
teaching for my next lesson?
3 What additional proactive management step(s)
should be considered for subsequent lessons? Why?
4 What did I learn from this lesson about my own
effectiveness as a teacher (strengths and areas for
future improvement of communication, planning,
differentiation, implementation and classroom
organization, management, assessment)?
5 How is my growth as a professional being