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AHTO-14 4
Martin Conway ALBERT NILE-1 8
Design/Production Manager:
Sandy Defraine ATLANTIC PIONEER 12
Advertising Manager: BØKFJORD 14
Aftab Perwaiz
Advertisement Production Manager: CRC GALAXY 18
Stephen Bell
Subscriptions & Publications Manager: ELECTRA 20
Jim-Ray Semanhyia
Publisher: EMBLA 22
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MTV 55 38
PETRA-1 46
QE IV 50
RED JET 6 54
© 2017. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention. All SEA POWER 56
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ISBN: 978-1-909024-62-5
T. SERVIS 1 66

Significant Small Ships of 2016 1

SSS 17 - p1 GM.indd 1 21/03/2017 11:19:48

W elcome to Significant Small Ships of 2016, the Royal Institution of

Naval Architect’s annual round-up of first-in-class and/or unique

small vessel and boat designs in the 5-100m loa class. As with 2015, we have
Similarly, 2016 saw the production of Red Jet 6, the UK’s first
domestically built fast ferry in more than 15 years (pages 54/55). As
well as being of historical relevance, this particular contract has also
assembled a variety of ship and boat types, from RIBs to offshore support reaped benefits for builder Wight Shipyard Co (formerly Shemara Refit
vessels, reflecting a high degree of design innovation across the marine sector. LLP), which concluded last year with orders for two further ferries for
One ongoing area of growth has been the development of green MBNA Thames Clippers, both due to enter service in summer 2017.
craft solutions, particularly the adoption of hybrid diesel-electric Heesen Yachts also produced its largest yacht so far, in the form of the
solutions. This is reflected by entries 70m loa superyacht Galactica Super
such as the buoy/beacon maintenance Nova (pages 30/31), a vessel whose hull
and oil spill recovery vessel Bøkfjord
“One ongoing area form boasts an interesting back story and
(pages 14/16), the naval tug Noordzee of growth has been set of unique features.
(pages 40/41), the EDDY Tug model the development Another notable trend has been for tug
Telstar (pages 68/69) and the Norwegian
of green craft and workboat developers to make their
tour boat Vision of the Fjords (pages products as versatile and multi-purpose as
72/73), which, in addition to producing
solutions, particularly possible. Perhaps wary of the fate of
a means of curtailing emissions in the adoption of many laid-up offshore support vessels
Norway’s ecologically sensitive hybrid diesel-electric over the past few years, designers and
Nærøyfjord, also features some classy
solutions” builders seem keener than ever to ensure
external design, offering passengers that their craft can fully occupy
maximum visibility whilst in this themselves with work. A number of
Scandinavian beauty spot. vessels in this edition have been described
Last year saw the completion and delivery of a number of ‘firsts’. as ‘Swiss army knives’, reflecting their ability to fulfil a wide range of
In the US, for instance, Atlantic Wind Transfers took delivery of the tasks in port and at sea.
country’s first domestically built offshore wind farm support vessel, We would like to thank all of the yards, designers and equipment
in the form of the 21.4m Atlantic Pioneer (pages 12/13) – a taster of suppliers who contributed technical information, pictures and general
what is surely to come, Stateside, as the country’s offshore arrangements, and who worked with us on the collation of this year’s
renewable energy development drive commences in earnest, and a publication. We also look forward to receiving entries for Significant
good example of the benefits of UK-US cooperation. The vessel is Small Ships of 2017 – as ever, we would be delighted to receive info
also notable for meeting US Coast Guard regulations that permit her concerning any first-in-class and unique vessel deliveries this year.
to switch between offshore wind park support work and more Martin Conway
conventional, passenger craft-style sightseeing journeys. Editor

2 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p2.indd 2 23/01/2017 15:48:31

AHTO-14: Smooth and stable wave-piercing
pilot boat
Builder....................................Baltic Workboats noise levels have been kept to a minimum, with Baltic Gearbox(es)
Designer.................................Baltic Workboats Workboats managing to limit noise recorded in the Make........................................................... ZF
Vessel’s name.......................................AHTO-14 wheelhouse to the 65dB mark at full speed. Model..................................................... 325-1
Owner/operator..........................Eesti Loots AS As another concession to crew/pilot comfort, the Number......................................................... 2
(Estonian Pilot Ltd) vessel’s wave-piercing hull design enables softer, Output speed......................................885rpm
Country................................................... Estonia smoother rides at higher sea states, thereby eliminating Propeller(s)
Flag......................................................... Estonia the need to spend money on an extra pilot boat designed Material.......................................... NiBrAl Cu³
Total number of sister ships specifically for operations in foul weather. The double Manufacturer............................................ CJR
already completed.......................................... 0 chine is also effective in minimising the amount of green
Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships water and water spray that ends up on deck.
still on order..................................................... 0 Twin Volvo Penta D13MH marine diesel engines Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
Contract date..................................August 2014 provide the vessel’s power, with ZF 325-1 marine Diameter.............................................. 812mm
Delivery date.............................December 2015 transmissions propelling her to a maximum speed of Bow thruster(s)
27knots, via a pair of fixed-pitch propellers. Make.............................................Side-Power

D elivered in late 2015, thus narrowly missing the

deadline for last year’s Significant Small Ships
collection, the 14.95m aluminium wave-piercing vessel
Length, oa............................................... 14.95m
Number................................................ SH240
Deck machinery
Aft lifesaving platform
AHTO-14 represented the debut model in Baltic Breadth, moulded........................................ 4.5m Bridge electronics
Workboats’ Pilot 1500 WP class – a design that Baltic Depth, moulded........................................... 2.2m Radar(s)..........................JRC JMA-5208 HSC
Workboats has developed to offer users “top-of-the- Gross tonnage...................................... 32tonnes Autopilot..................................... Simrad AP70
segment seakeeping capability”. Displacement.................................... 21.4tonnes GMDSS.................... Cobham 6222 VHF/DSC
At the request of the owner (Estonian Pilot Ltd), Design, draught....................................... 0.817m GPS....................Simrad HS80 GPS Compass
AHTO-14 was designed with additional rescue Service speed......................25knots@80% MCR Chart plotter.............. Transas MFD 4000 ECS
capability, in the form of a hydraulic rescue platform Max speed...............................................27knots Engine monitoring system............ Volvo Penta
situated in the vessel’s aft. To get the most out of this Fire detection system.............................. BWB
feature, the designer/builder focused on making the Range (nautical miles)....................285@25knots
Fuel consumption............... 115litres/hr@21knots Onboard capacities
craft’s draught as shallow as possible, and succeeded in
restricting this element to below 0.85m. 168litres/hr@27knots Fuel oil.............................................1,600litres
In terms of safety, Baltic Workboats also paid special Classification society..................Lloyd’s Register Fresh water........................................150litres
attention to AHTO-14's wheelhouse windshield, which Main engine(s) Sullage...............................................150litres
was designed specifically for maximum crew visibility, Make.......................................................Volvo Complement
with the aim of avoiding collisions and related accidents. Model........................................................D13 Crew.............................................................. 2
AHTO-14 accommodates a two-man crew and Number......................................................... 2 Passengers................................................... 6
provides room for six pilots to sit in comfort. The vessel’s Output of each engine......................... 368kW Number of cabins......................................... 0

4 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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Significant Small Ships of 2016 5

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AL MUBSHIR: Compact, lightweight and cost-
efficient naval logistics and support vessel
Builder:.....................................Austal Australia much more quickly to remote locations, with no or Number......................................................... 4
Designer:..................................Austal Australia little port infrastructure required.” As such, the Generator(s)
Vessel’s name:...................................Al Mubshir builder and designer envisages this type of vessel as Make......................................... Caterpillar C9
Owner/operator:............... Royal Navy of Oman potentially providing a less expensive alternative to Number......................................................... 4
Country:..................................................... Oman the use of traditional military transporter aircraft, Output of each set............................... 200kW
Flag:........................................................... Oman such as the C130 Hercules. Waterjet(s)
Total number of sister ships Alternatively, Austal suggests, the HSSV platform Make...................................Rolls-Royce 80S3
already completed:......................................... 1 could be further modified, to create, for instance, a Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships still on order:......... 0 high-speed hospital ship; one could adapt the Deck machinery
Contract date:...................................March 2014 vessel’s space to accommodate operating theatres, 2 x telescopic gantry cranes, 8.5tonnes each
Delivery date:...................................... May 2016 medical rooms and rehab facilities. Overall, Al . 1 x knuckle crane, 2tonnes
Mubshir reflects the growing tendency for naval . 4 x mooring capstans
A s the first of two sister vessels designed and
built for the Royal Navy of Oman (RNO),
Austal’s 72.5m loa high-speed support vessel
forces to seek out alternatives to slower and heavier
logistics and support vessels – and points towards a
future of more compact, cost-effective and flexible
Bridge electronics
2 x Hypac anchoring windlass

Radar....................... Furuno X-Band / S-Band

(HSSV) Al Mubshir could be described as a more fleet solutions. Autopilot...............................Navitron NT888G
compact and lightweight take on an established
GMDSS.................................Furuno NX-700A
warship design. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS GPS.........................................Furuno GP-150
The vessel was developed specifically for the RNO Length, oa................................................. 72.5m Gyro.................................................Alphatron
based on the 103m expeditionary fast transport Length, bp................................................. 64.3m Chart plotter........ECDIS Furuno FEA-2107BB
(EPF) platform that Austal developed for the US Breadth, oa.............................................. 18.66m Engine monitoring system...Austal MarineLink
Navy in 2008. The all-aluminium Al Mubshir, which Depth, moulded........................................... 6.2m Onboard capacities
was handed over to the RNO from Austal’s Gross tonnage................................. 3,475tonnes Fuel oil.........................................160,000litres
Henderson yard in Australia in May 2016 (her sister Displacement.................................. 1,020tonnes
Fresh water...................................26,000litres
vessel, Al Naasir, followed in September), can Design, draught......................................... 2.68m
accommodate up to 260 troops and offers medium Design, deadweight........................... 332tonnes
lift aviation support, courtesy of a helicopter deck. Deck space (total)............. 900m² (vehicle deck) Crew ........................................................... 56
Intended for a whole host of military, search and Service speed.........................................35knots Passengers............................................... 260
rescue and relief mission tasks in both open-sea and Max speed...............................................40knots Number of cabins......................................... 0
littoral environments, Al Mubshir can achieve a top Range (nautical miles)..............2,[email protected] Vehicles
speed of 40knots and a range of up to 2,740nm at Fuel consumption............ 530litres/[email protected] Number of vehicle decks.............................. 1
12.5knots, and features a shallow draught of less than Classification society.............................. DNV GL Total lane length..................................... 158m
3m, maximising the craft’s options when it comes to Notations......... X100 N5 RSA (200) HSDE Troop Number of vehicles............ 54m light vehicles
accessing coastal and shallow-water areas. Carrier FO (HEL1L) XMC 104m heavy vehicles
The design includes a 900m² vehicle deck, a Main engine(s) Other significant or special items of equipment
pivoting roll-on/roll-off stern ramp and cranes, to Make........................................................MTU . 1 x 20mm naval gun
facilitate quick and efficient payload transfers in any Model............................................... 20V 4000 4 x 12.7mm GPMG
port, Austal says. The vessel also carries a pair of 7.3m Number......................................................... 4 . 1 x 36tonne SWL bi-folding/
RIBs, which can be deployed in specific missions. Output of each engine...................... 4,300kW slewing stern ramp
Austal comments: “Unlike traditional, steel Gearbox(es) . Helideck with capability for
monohull naval vessels, the HSSV can transport Make.................................................. Reintjes Agusta Westland Super Lynx 300
more troops, vehicles and equipment more easily and Model................................................ VLJ2230 or NHI Industries NH-90

6 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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Significant Small Ships of 2016 7

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ALBERT NILE-1: Modular ferry for Ugandan waters
Builder..................................................... Damen Following construction, Albert Nile-1 was Gearbox(es)
Designer.................................................. Damen disassembled and transported to Uganda via 22 Make......................................PRM Marine Ltd
Vessel’s name................................. Albert Nile-1 trucks, and assembled on site at Lake Albert. The Model............................................ PRM750D1
Owner/operator........... Uganda National Roads vessel incorporates four Perkins engines, delivering Number......................................................... 4
Authority (UNRA) a combined output of 447.4kW, driving four Propeller(s)
Country................................................... Uganda propellers through PRM Marine gearboxes. The Material............................ Manganese-bronze
Flag................................................................ N/A vessel has been developed with seating for 200 Manufacturer..............................Sykes Marine
Total number of sister ships passengers, though Damen confirms that Number......................................................... 4
already completed.......................................... 0 provisions were made to accommodate 300 Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 persons in total. Diameter.............................................. 900mm
Contract date.............................November 2014 Open or nozzled.................................... Open
Delivery date....................................... May 2016 TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Deck machinery
Length, oa................................................. 42.4m 2 x Van Wijk winches, 10tonnes
N otably, the Damen-designed, 42.4m ferry Albert
Nile-1 has been entirely configured from
container-sized floating units.
Breadth, moulded...................................... 12.2m
Depth, moulded........................................... 1.8m
17kVA generator set, 230/400V
Bridge electronics
Gross tonnage.................................... 149tonnes Radar(s)..... 2 x Furuno Navnet 3D MFD12 (w/
These units, which are referred to as Damen Displacement....245tonnes (no pax/no vehicles) radar sensor)
Modular Barges, can be likened to ‘building blocks’ Design, draught........................................... 0.9m Other communications systems...... VHF radio
and used to construct vessels and/or pontoons. They Design, deadweight........................... 215tonnes GPS..................................... 1 x Furuno GP-32
are transportable to remote areas, inland waterways Lightweight......................................... 217tonnes Onboard capacities
and coastal spots, and represent a potential solution for Deck space.....................................250m² (total) Fuel oil...........................................20,800litres
parties requiring vessels at land-locked water areas, for Deck capacity................................ 6.8tonnes/m²
example, permitting assembly to be conducted on site. Fresh water.....................................3,500litres
Max speed..............................................8.9knots Sullage..........................................10,000litres
Each Damen Modular Barge consists of a 20’ (6.1m) or
Range (nautical miles)................................ 1,788 Complement
40’ (12.2m) container-sized module.
Options for these blocks range from wheelhouses Fuel consumption......................... 0.7tonnes/day Crew.............................................................. 4
and accommodation units to moon pools, bulwarks Classification society..................................... N/A Passengers..........................200 (seated)-300
and bollards. “Machinery, superstructure and deck Notations....................................................... N/A Number of cabins......................................... 0
equipment are mounted to modular units to the hull Main engine(s) Vehicles
construction,” Damen says. Make................................................... Perkins Number of vehicle decks.............................. 1
The Damen Modular Barges can be coupled together Model..............................................1006-6TW Total lane length....................................... 80m
in the water with a specially designed coupling system, Number......................................................... 4 Number of cars........................................... 18
monikered the Damen Link. Output of each engine.................... 111.85kW Number of trucks/trailers..................... 4 (max)

8 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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10 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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ATLANTIC PIONEER: First offshore wind farm
support vessel to be built in the US
Builder....................................Blount Boats, Inc turbine technicians – as well as three members of Deck space.......................................30m² (bow)
Designer................................. South Boats IOW crew and 12tonnes of equipment and parts. 29m² (stern)
Vessel’s name...........................Atlantic Pioneer Additionally, Atlantic Pioneer is the first Deck capacity................................ 1.2tonnes/m²
Owner/operator........... Atlantic Wind Transfers US-built aluminium craft to comply with the Service speed.................. 24knots (@70% MCR)
Country........................................................... US USCG’s Subchapter L requirements (for offshore Max speed...............................................30knots
Flag................................................................. US vessels). The craft has also been developed to Range (nautical miles)................................... 350
Total number of sister ships comply with the USCG’s Subchapter T Classification society and notations.............. N/A
already completed.......................................... 0 requirements for small passenger vessels under Other important international
Total number of sister ships 30.5m in length. In this way, when the vessel is regulations complied with......USCG Subchapter L
still on order..................................................... 0 not being utilised for offshore wind farm support . USCG Subchapter T
Contract date....................................March 2015 activities, it can be hired out as a sightseeing Main engine(s)
Delivery date...................................... April 2016 vessel and undertake cruises for guests. Make....................................................... MAN
The transfer vessel is powered by two MAN V12 Model......................................... D2862LE466

T he first US-built and -flagged offshore wind

farm support vessel officially left the blocks in
April, in the form of the 21.4m Atlantic Pioneer.
engines, rated 1,044kW apiece, feeding Hamilton
Jet HM571 waterjets through ZF Marine 3050
gears. This set-up enables the vessel to operate at
Number......................................................... 2
Output of each engine...................... 1,044kW
Built to the tune of more than US$4 million by a cruising speed of 26knots, or at more than Make........................................................... ZF
Rhode Island’s Blount Boats, the vessel has been 30knots in sprint mode. In terms of range, Model...................................................... 3050
delivered to operator Atlantic Wind Transfers, a Atlantic Pioneer can reportedly operate “for Number......................................................... 2
subsidiary of Rhode Island Fast Ferry which was several days at a time between refuelling”, owner Waterjet(s)
specifically set up in 2015 to provide offshore wind and operator Atlantic Wind Transfers says, Make............................................ HamiltonJet
farm services. Atlantic Pioneer has subsequently courtesy of an onboard fuel capacity of Model...................................................HM571
been tasked with servicing the 30MW Block Island approximately 7,950litres. Number......................................................... 2
turbine farm, a development located some 4.8km Personnel transit from the vessel to the turbine Deck machinery
offshore the north-east US state. via a boarding platform situated on Atlantic 1 x Palfinger knuckle boom crane,
As the US marine sector is subject to the terms Pioneer’s bow, which is fitted with a special [email protected]
of the protectionist Jones Act, any vessel operating fendering system that connects to the turbine Onboard capacities
in North American waters must have been base and enables safe transfers in significant wave Fuel oil.............................................7,950litres
constructed in the US. As Blount Boats’ first heights of 1.5m. Fresh water........................................492litres
attempt to construct a vessel of this type, input Sullage...............................................265litres
from the UK proved invaluable to Atlantic TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Complement
Pioneer's development. The vessel’s design was Length, oa................................................. 21.4m Crew........................................................... 2-3
provided by South Boats Isle of Wight (IOW), Breadth, moulded........................................... 7m Passengers........ 16 (offshore technicians), or
which has provided the plans for more than 80 Depth, moulded........................................... 2.3m . 49 (passengers)
existing and operational wind farm support Gross tonnage...................................... 80tonnes Number of cabins......................................... 0
vessels in the UK and Europe. Atlantic Pioneer Displacement....................................... 76tonnes Other significant or special items of equipment
has been built to South Boats IOW’s DNV Design, draught........................................... 1.2m 1 x salt water pressure washer
GL-certified 21m aluminium catamaran design, Design, deadweight.......................... 29.4tonnes 1 x fuel transfer system
and can carry up to 49 passengers – or up to 16 Lightweight........................................ 45.7tonnes 1 x Cummins Onan generator (17kw)

12 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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Significant Small Ships of 2016 13

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BØKFJORD: Green craft with a double remit of
buoy/beacon maintenance and oil spill recovery
Builder.....Hvide Sande Shipyard, Steel & Service onboard area functions as a base for the oil Number......................................................... 3
Designer........................ HVSA / OSK-ShipTech response team. Output of each engine....................... 945kWe
Vessel’s name....................................... Bøkfjord The vessel is equipped with a complex ramp Propeller(s)
Owner/operator.................................Kystverket system, allowing the vessel to approach and call Manufacturer................... Rolls-Royce US 205
Country................................................... Norway at smaller islands. The ramps can also be used P20/3135 FP
Flag......................................................... Norway for dynamic positioning (DP) purposes – for Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships instance, when the vessel is undergoing repairs Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
already completed............................................ 0 at sea. Diameter........................................... 2,200mm
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 The activation of DP during repairs was a major Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled
Contract date....................................... July 2014 reason for the selection of a hybrid propulsion Bow thruster(s)
Delivery date..................................August 2016 system, OSK-ShipTech explains. The group Make................. Rolls-Royce TT1300 DPN CP
comments: “In DP mode, only one generator is Number......................................................... 2

M easuring 44m x 11.4m, and designed in running at optimal load, whilst simultaneously Output of each................... 400kW@1,200rpm
close cooperation between Kystverket, charging batteries. In harbour in general, Deck machinery
Hvide Sande Shipyard, Steel & Service and Jorgen operation is conducted on batteries to eliminate 1 x Palfinger PK150002M deck crane,
Petersen Ltd (now part of OSK-ShipTech), the noise pollution.” 30tonnes SWL
multi-purpose vessel Bøkfjord has been described 2 x Palfinger PK15500M deck cranes,
as constituting “two vessels in one hull”. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 6.2tonnes SWL
On one hand, the vessel functions as a Length, oa.................................................... 44m 1 x SCAN chain winch, 8tonnes pull force
maintenance ship for buoys and beacons; on the Length, bp.................................................... 40m 2 x SCAN anchor winches (fwd), 5tonnes
pull force
other, Bøkfjord has been developed to act as a Breadth, moulded...................................... 11.4m
1 x SCAN anchor winch (aft), 5tonnes
fast-response oil recovery vessel, having been Depth, moulded........................................... 4.5m
pull force
equipped with surface oil skimmers and Gross tonnage.................................... 935tonnes 1 x Mampaey towing hook,
dedicated holding tanks for recovered oil, in Displacement.................................. 1,009tonnes 45tonnes SWL
addition to the offshore working cranes that one Design, draught......................................... 3.03m Lamor skimmer equipment
might expect from a more typical maintenance Design, deadweight........................... 230tonnes Onboard capacities
vessel. Not only that, but Bøkfjord has also been Lightweight......................................... 780tonnes Fuel oil.........................................180,000litres
developed with environmental compliance in Deck capacity................................... 3tonnes/m² Fresh water...................................66,000litres
mind, featuring an advanced diesel-electric Service speed......................................12.5knots Sullage..........................................16,000litres
hybrid propulsion system. Max speed............................................13.5knots Ballast water................................156,000litres
The vessel’s accommodation has been designed Classification society.............................. DNV GL Recovered oil..............................178,000litres
with exterior cleaning facilities and dedicated Notations.............................. 1A1 BWM(E(d, s,f)) Complement
secondary access in oil recovery operation mode. Clean COMF (C-3, V-3) DK Crew............................................................ 11
On top, the navigation bridge is integrated with (X) DYNPOS(AUT) E0 Ice Passengers................................................... 5
operation control facilities for full 360degs (1C) OILREC R0 Number of cabins....................................... 16
visibility. The operation facilities area functions Bollard pull........................................... 45tonnes Other special or significant items of equipment
on a daily basis as the planning centre for the Main engine(s) Vehicle ramp with working platform for
maintenance of buoys and beacons. When tasked Make...............................................Caterpillar operation in DP mode, when maintaining
with oil recovery operations, however, this Model........................................................C32 buoys and beacons

14 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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16 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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CRC GALAXY: Multi-role, shallow-draught RIB,
enabling crew transfer, dive support and survey work
Builder................... Ribcraft /Goodchild Marine instrumentation, in order to conduct survey work. Fuel consumption................. 0.25tonnes per day
Designer..........................Bruce Sexton-Barrow The cabin can also be modified to accommodate Notations............. MCA Category 1, Part 1 Ships
Vessel’s name..................................CRC Galaxy additional bunks, if so required, and features a Registered, Load Line exemption,
Owner/operator.......... Commercial Rib Charter galley and shower facilities. IMCA-CMID registered
Country........................................................... UK Two Volvo Penta engines drive a pair of Main engine(s)
Flag................................................................. UK HamiltonJet HJ322 waterjets. The latter are fitted Make............................................ Volvo Penta
Total number of sister ships with HamiltonJet’s blueARROW control system, Model...................................................D6 435
already completed.......................................... 0 for optimal manoeuvrability at low speeds, and, Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships alongside her 0.8m draught, these enable the RIB Output of each engine......................... 320kW
still on order..................................................... 0 to access waters which may be typically inaccessible Gearbox(es)
Contract date.................................Not specified by traditional CTVs. As such, CRC has welcomed Make................................................ Twin Disc
Delivery date......................................June 2016 the vessel’s ability to guarantee “transfers to inshore Model..............................................MG505SC
assets at almost all states of tide.” Personnel Number......................................................... 2

B illed as being the largest RIB to enter its fleet to

date, Commercial Rib Charter’s (CRC’s) 15m
cabin craft CRC Galaxy has been developed to
transfers are conducted over the RIB’s bow,
courtesy of a bow snubber.
Compared to standard industry CTVs, RIBS also
Make......................................Hamilton HJ322
Number......................................................... 2
fulfil a wide range of marine missions, including offer a rather lucrative advantage in terms of cost Deck machinery.............1 x Goodchild manually
crew transfer – particularly involving offshore savings. Speaking earlier in 2016, following CRC operated MOB recovery davit, 150kg SWL
wind turbine farms – and survey/dive work. Galaxy’s launch, CRC director Stuart Hedges Bridge electronics
As a result of CRC Galaxy’s MCA Category 1 commented: “RIBs attract much lower running Radar......................................... Garmin 7412
coding and the fact that she has been fitted with costs, burning 120litres of fuel an hour compared Autopilot.............................................. Garmin
lifting hooks, supplied by Norwegian manufacturer to bigger boats using four times as much.” Other communications systems.......Garmin 300i
Henriksen Hooks, the vessel can also be utilised as And, although CRC Galaxy remains a sole vessel VHF / ICOM M802 SSB
a daughter craft aboard a larger vessel, thus for now, CRC has hinted that a second 15m cabin GPS............................................ Garmin 7412
widening her window of launch and mission RIB – or an even longer version – could well be on Chart plotter............................... Garmin 7412
opportunities. The coding also enables the RIB to the cards; given the versatility offered by this Engine monitoring /
operate independently at distances of up to 150nm delivery, it’s not difficult to see why. fire detection system............................ Stat-x
from the nearest safe haven when carrying six Onboard capacities
people, and up to 60nm when carrying a full TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Fuel oil.............................................1,800litres
complement of three crew members and 12 Length, oa.................................................... 15m Fresh water........................................185litres
passengers (such as technicians, divers or Length, bp................................................. 14.5m Sullage...............................................185litres
scientists). Breadth, moulded........................................ 3.6m Complement
A total of 14 air suspension seats, manufactured Depth, moulded........................................... 1.3m Crew.............................................................. 2
by Grammer, provide protection against slamming Gross tonnage...................................... 12tonnes Passengers................................................. 12
and the risk of whole body vibration. These seats, Displacement .....................15.5tonnes (loaded) Number of cabins......................................... 0
however, are removable, enabling CRC (and its Design, draught...........................0.85m (loaded) Other significant or special items of equipment
clients) to rearrange the craft’s layout as required; Service speed.........................................27knots . Henriksen Hook recovery system
for instance, swapping some (or all) of the seats to Max speed...............................................35knots . 14 x Grammer air suspension seats
accommodate work stations, work benches and Range (nautical miles)................................... 400 . HamiltonJet blueARROW system

18 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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ELECTRA: Scientific research vessel with an
emphasis on stability and seakeeping
Builder....................................Baltic Workboats participants can probe up to 50m within the Notations..... X100A1 SSC Workboat, Mono, G3,
Designer.................................Baltic Workboats seabed’s sediment layers. A KVM system enables Ice class 1 C FS MCH UMS
Vessel’s name............................ Electra af Askö all data gathered by these sensors to be displayed Other important international regulations
Owner/operator...............Stockholm University on up to 17 onboard monitors. complied with...................... Finnish-Swedish ice
Country...................................................Sweden To facilitate sampling, Electra is equipped with class 1C rules
Flag.........................................................Sweden four dedicated research winches, including a 12m Main engine(s)
Total number of sister ships pistol corer for the collection of bottom sediment Make............................................ Volvo Penta
already completed.......................................... 1 samples. This arrangement is supported by three Model................................................. D16 MH
Total number of sister ships cranes and an A-frame. Number......................................................... 2
still on order..................................................... 0 A customised electrical winch, rated Output of each engine....... 368kW@1,800rpm
Contract date....................................... July 2014 approximately 7.5kW, is situated in the vessel’s Gearbox(es)
Delivery date.......................................June 2016 wet lab area. This winch has been integrated with Make............................................ Rolls-Royce
a Kongsberg motion reference unit (MRU), so as Model.............................................. US 105FP

L ast year, Stockholm University, Sweden

enhanced its offerings to students and guest
scientists by taking delivery of a new scientific
to compensate winch wire length depending on
vessel movement.
Crew are housed in four below-deck cabins – two
Manufacturer................................ Rolls-Royce
Number......................................................... 2
research vessel, Electra. Assembled by Estonian double, two single – and, with their comfort in mind, Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
builder Baltic Workboats, Electra has been Baltic Workboats says that it has created an insulated Bow thruster(s)
developed to carry up to 35 passengers, in environment in which volume levels have been Make.................................................. Sleipner
addition to crew, and her main tasks are to reduced to 55dBA max, both in this accommodation Deck machinery
undertake research work on the Baltic Sea and to area and within the vessel’s work zones. 1 x Fassi F165 crane
ferry students between the mainland campus and Similarly, stability was an important 1 x Fassi M25 crane
the university’s research lab on Askö Island, consideration in this vessel’s development. To this 1 x Fassi M20 crane
situated in the Trosa archipelago, approximately end, Baltic Workboats has fitted the boat with two 1 x hydraulic winch, 3tonnes
80km south of Stockholm. This latter hub, Seakeeper 35HD gyrostabilisers, to provide a 1 x electric motion-compensated winch,
surrounded by hundreds of islands, serves as a steady platform for scientists working inside the 400kg
valuable maritime research centre for students onboard lab space. Also, to curtail vessel A-frame, 5tonnes
and visiting scientists alike. movement due to wind and/or current, Electra Custom-built piston corer
Featuring a steel hull, Electra measures 24.3m x has been fitted with a DP system, supplied by Full-size moon pool
7.2m, has been designed to draw 2.1m, and Navis Engineering. Bridge electronics
features a combined 42m² of laboratory and work Radar(s)......................................... 2 x Furuno
space. The craft is kitted out with a wide array of TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Autopilot.....................................Simrad/Navis
research equipment, including: Kongsberg’s Length, oa................................................. 24.3m Gyro...............................2 x Seakeeper 35HD
Topas PS40 parametric sub-bottom profiler, and Length, bp................................................. 20.1m Chart plotter........................................Maxsea
sensors; Simrad’s EK80 echo sounder and Breadth, moulded........................................ 7.2m Fire detection system........................... Firepro
EM2040 multibeam echo sounder; Valeport’s Depth, moulded........................................... 3.5m Onboard capacities
Mini SVS sound velocity sensor and Mini SVP Gross tonnage.................................... 182tonnes Fuel oil.............................................4,500litres
sound velocity profiler; and acoustic Doppler Displacement..................................... 172tonnes Fresh water.....................................2,500litres
current profiler (ADCP) sensors. These are all Design, draught........................................... 2.1m Sullage............................................1,300litres
connected by a K-sync system. Service speed.........................................10knots Complement
The vessel’s complement is thus effectively able Max speed...............................................12knots Crew.............................................................. 3
to monitor and collate information related to the Range (nautical miles)................................... 300 Passengers................................................. 35
seabed and surrounding waters. Using this set-up, Classification society..................Lloyd’s Register Number of cabins......................................... 4

20 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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EMBLA: Tough ‘workhorse’ RIB based on
innovative ÖK Hull formula
Builder......................................................Rafnar Hull concept enables the vessel to power forward Lloyd’s Register SSC (hull and structure)
Designer..... Össur Kristinsson/Páll Einarsson without creating a displaced-water ‘bow-wave’, Icelandic Transport Authorities
Vessel’s name........................................... Embla and simultaneously avoiding the formation of a (electrical/bilge systems)
Owner/operator........................................Rafnar ‘hole’ in the transom area behind the boat. Bollard pull........................................ 4.95tonnes
Country....................................................Iceland Therefore, when powering forward at speed, or Main engine(s)
Flag..........................................................Iceland decreasing speed rapidly, the boat constantly Make................................................. Evinrude
Total number of sister ships retains an ‘even-keel’ aspect, not fighting to Model.............................................. E-TEC G2
already completed.......................................... 3 overcome the water ahead and attempting to Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 4 ‘climb over the hump’, and likewise not falling Output of each engine......................... 184kW
Contract date...................................... Classified back into the ‘hole’ when decelerating suddenly. Gearbox(es)
Delivery date...................................... Classified Although Embla is fitted with 184kW Evinrude Make................................................. Evinrude
outboards, developments have seen Rafnar Output ............................................. 0.54 ratio

E mbla represents the debutante in Icelandic

boatyard Rafnar’s Leiftur 1100 Cabin Explorer
RIB class, developed to achieve and maintain
approach Lloyd’s Register for build certification
for motors such as Mercury’s 298kW Verado
range, which could take the RIB type’s speed up to
Material.................................... Stainless steel
Manufacturer..................................... Evinrude
high operational speeds in the roughest of more than 50knots. The vessel can be picked up Number......................................................... 2
environments. Indeed, the 11.1m RIB’s 1,307nm and stowed aboard any mothership with room for Fixed/controllable pitch..................Fixed (20”)
maiden voyage from Iceland to Gothenburg, a RIB of between 4-6tonnes, and, aside from her Diameter.............................................. 380mm
Sweden, which took place in May 2016, saw her obvious advantages as a military/SAR craft, the Open or nozzled.................................... Open
take all the North Atlantic had to throw at her in boat could equally be used as an effective, safe Alternator(s)
terms of wind, rain and even an outboard- and stable tender for superyacht and megayacht Make................................................. Evinrude
wrecking log. However, a minor repair aside, guests; if her cross-North Atlantic escapades Number......................................................... 2
Embla and her six-man complement made it to couldn’t daunt her, recreational life in the Output of each set...............................50A for
Sweden unscathed, justifying the Leiftur 1100 Mediterranean certainly won’t. battery charging
Cabin Explorer RIB’s reputation as the Bridge electronics
‘workhorse’ of the Rafnar range. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Radar(s).................................... Garmin HD18
Embla’s backbone is the ÖK Hull, which was Length, oa................................................. 11.1m Autopilot................................ Garmin GHC 20
designed and perfected in-house by Rafnar and Length, bp................................................. 9.95m GMDSS......................................... Sailor 6215
debuted in 2015. Compared to similarly sized Breadth, moulded........................................ 2.6m Other communications systems
planing or semi-planing hulls, the ÖK Hull has Depth, moulded........................................... 0.8m Handheld VHF
been developed to provide unusually high levels of Gross tonnage................................. 11.02tonnes Iridium satellite mobile telephone
stability and comfort at high speeds (especially Displacement...................................... 4.3tonnes GPS............................................ Garmin 7212
when travelling at 40knots or more) – Design, draught......................................... 0.55m Chart plotter............................... Garmin 7212
considerations that are becoming increasingly Design, deadweight............................ 2.5tonnes Onboard capacities
scrutinised as naval, police and military customers Lightweight.......................................... 3.8tonnes Fuel oil................................................600litres
look to combat fatigue and the likelihood of whole Deck space.......................................22m² (total) Complement
body vibration-related injuries. Max speed...............................................42knots Crew.............................................................. 2
Also, while being displacement-type hulls and Range (nautical miles)................................... 230 Passengers................................................... 4
remaining, for the most part, in the water, the ÖK International regulations complied with Number of cabins......................................... 0

22 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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EVOLUTION: Dive support vessel combining
rugged workboat and classy yacht features
Builder.......... Marine Engineering Consultants include a lifting stern platform, and two aft fold- Displacement..................................... 145tonnes
Designer..................................... Incat Crowther down platforms, located port and starboard. Design, draught........................................... 1.3m
Vessel’s name......................................Evolution When positioned, these three platforms encircle Design, deadweight........................ 43.91tonnes
Owner/operator.. Down Under Cruise and Dive the aft end of the vessel, thereby granting her Lightweight...................................... 87.99tonnes
Country.................................................Australia diver complement comfortable and safe access to Service speed.................. 25knots (@90% MCR)
Flag.......................................................Australia the water. Range (nautical miles)................................... 400
Total number of sister ships The main cabin has seats for 151 persons, and Classification society and notations..... NSCV 1C
already completed.......................................... 0 also contains a bar and a kiosk. Aft of this are Main engine(s)
Total number of sister ships toilets and access to the aft deck, which also Make....................................................... MAN
still on order..................................................... 0 features storage spaces for wetsuits, snorkels and Model........................................ D2862 LE463
Contract date.................................Not specified dive tanks. Number......................................................... 2
Delivery date...............................February 2016 A set of stairs on the aft main deck leads to the Output of each engine.... 1,029kW@2,100rpm
upper deck, with outdoor seating and a lifeguard

volution, which was designed and built for lookout station. Inside the upper deck cabin there Make........................................................... ZF
Down Under Cruise & Dive of Cairns, is booth seating for 46 passengers, as well as a VIP Model...................................................... 3050
Australia, and delivered in February 2016, is room designed to accommodate 10 persons. Number......................................................... 2
intended to represent a cross between a motor Forward of the wheelhouse are sun lounges and a
yacht – specifically in terms of style and comfort stairway to the foredeck.
– and a more rugged, utilitarian aluminium The roof deck features forward-facing seats and Number......................................................... 2
commercial vessel, in order to provide a workable, lounges to the aft. This deck, which is covered by Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
yet attractive, means of escorting passengers to a solid roof, can accommodate 70 passengers. Alternator(s)
and from the Great Barrier Reef. Evolution has been designed to operate at a Make ..........................Cummins 6BT5.9-D(M)
As a result, the vessel features large and cruising speed of 25knots at 90% MCR, courtesy Number......................................................... 2
well-glazed interior spaces, while outdoor of two MAN D2862 LE463 engines, rated Output of each set..................................50Hz
spaces are equipped with comfortable lounges 1,029kW apiece. Onboard capacities
and protection from the sun. Passengers are Fuel oil.............................................8,000litres
able to board the vessel via gates situated aft TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Fresh water.....................................6,000litres
and amidships on the main deck, as well as Length, oa............................................... 33.65m Sullage............................................4,000litres
through an additional set of gates located on Length, bp................................................. 30.1m Complement
the upper deck. Breadth, moulded........................................... 9m Crew............................................................ 20
The vessel also incorporates three platforms, for Depth, moulded........................................... 3.2m Passengers............................................... 200
use when the vessel is at rest at the Reef. These Gross tonnage.................................... 297tonnes Number of cabins......................................... 0

24 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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FOSNA TRITON: Customised ocean farming boat
Builder.....................................Maritime Partner technologies and practices developed for Gearbox(es)
Designer..................................Maritime Partner offshore interests. Speaking at the time of Fosna Make........................................................... ZF
Vessel’s name.................................Fosna Triton Triton’s delivery, Olav Otterlei, technical Model................................................... ZF 325
Owner/operator.............................. Abyss Aqua manager at Abyss Group, commented: “We can Number......................................................... 1
Country................................................... Norway clearly see that there are great benefits to relying Alternator(s)
Flag......................................................... Norway on each other’s mutual experiences from the Make...................................... Stamford P0/P1
Total number of sister ships combined industries of offshore…and ocean Number......................................................... 1
already completed.......................................... 0 farming, both with regards to competence, Waterjet(s)
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 equipment and vessels.” Make......................................Hamilton HJ364
Contract date....................................... July 2015 The vessel will primarily be used to enable dive Number......................................................... 2
Delivery date....................................... May 2016 inspections of both “hulls and the nets of future Bow thruster(s)
ocean farms,” Abyss Aqua has stated, although Make........................................Sleipnir SH160

F osna Triton made an immediate impression she can also be utilised for fish delousing Number......................................................... 1
in 2016 as the first tailor-made ocean operations. The vessel’s deck is fitted with a single Deck machinery
farming vessel to be delivered by Norway’s Palfinger PC2700N crane, featuring a safe Crane(s).............1 x Palfinger PC2700N, SWL
Maritime Partner. working load (SWL) of 2.7tonnes, and a sole stern 2.7tonnes
Developed jointly by Maritime Partner and winch manufactured by MB Hydraulikk AS. Winch(es)............ 1 x MB Hydraulikk AS stern
ocean farming service supplier Abyss Group, the A pair of Scania DI13 engines, rated 522kW . winch Bridge electronics
latter of which oversees ocean farming vessel apiece and driving twin Hamilton HJ364 Radar(s).............................. Furuno Time Zero
waterjets, enable a cruising speed of 30knots, GMDSS.......................... Jotron TR20 GMDSS
operator Abyss Aqua, the vessel was built to the
Other communications systems.... Sailor 6215
specs of the Alusafe 1500 Light Diving Vessel increasing to 35knots max. VHF DSC
(LDV) class, featuring an overall length of 15.8m GPS...........................................Furuno GP-32
and a moulded beam of 4.6m. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Chart plotter........................ Furuno Time Zero
Despite her small size, though, Fosna Triton Length, oa................................................. 15.8m Onboard capacities
has been specifically developed to handle Length, bp................................................. 14.5m Fuel oil.............................................2,000litres
rough seas, harsh conditions and abundant Breadth, moulded........................................ 4.6m Fresh water........................................200litres
work lo ads. The Nor weg i an Mar it ime Depth, moulded........................................... 0.9m Sullage...............................................200litres
Directorate has subsequently classified the Gross tonnage................................... 18.7tonnes Complement
craft as suitable for deployment in coastal Lightweight........................................ 15.9tonnes Crew.............................................................. 4
operations, thereby enabling Fosna Triton to Service speed.........................................30knots Passengers................................................... 2
perform operations in open waters and all Max speed...............................................35knots Number of cabins......................................... 1
along the Norwegian coastline. Classification society..................................... N/A Other significant or special items of equipment
The contract was also hailed as an example of Main engine(s) Rescue raft (supplied by Survitec Norway)
“combined competence” within the Norwegian Make.................................................... Scania Rescue equipment (c/o Hansen Protection)
marine cluster, at a time when the ocean farming Model.......................................................DI13 Recaro Northsea crew seats
sector (and, in particular, the deep-sea ocean Number......................................................... 2 CCTV system
farming segment) is looking to incorporate Output of each engine......................... 522kW Seascape diving pack / Pommec diving pack

26 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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efficiency in fast displacement hull form superyacht
Builder........................................Heesen Yachts designed Galactica Super Nova’s exterior lines, FDHF concept has been proven to reduce
Designer.. Heesen Yachts / Espen Øino / Sinot while Sinot Exclusive Yacht Design was wave resistance by 20%.
Exclusive Yacht Design / responsible for her interiors.
Oossanen Naval Architects Just as important as her onboard opulence, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Vessel’s name................. Galactica Super Nova however, is the vessel’s FDHF technology, Length, oa............................................... 70.07m
Owner/operator.............................Not specified which was developed by van Oossanen Naval Breadth, oa................................................ 11.9m
Country........................................................... US Architects, also of the Netherlands. Gross tonnage................................. 1,200tonnes
Flag...........................................Cayman Islands The FDHF concept dates back to 1992, when Design, draught......................................... 3.25m
Total number of sister ships (current) managing director Perr y van Displacement..... 645tonnes approx. @50% load
already completed.......................................... 0 Oossanen tasked himself with developing a Max speed............................30knots @50% load
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 new hull design capable of boosting efficiency Range(nautical miles)..................4,000@12knots
Contract date.................................Not specified and reducing hydrodynamic resistance across Class society................................................ ABS
Delivery date............................................... 2016 a wider speed spectrum. This move was partly Notations............... XA1 Yachting Service XAMS
b or n out of diss at isfac t ion wit h t he Other regulations complied with....... MCA Large

H ailed as comprising Dutch builder Heesen

Yachts’ largest delivery to date, the 70m
loa fast displacement hull form (FDHF)
performance of round bilge displacement
hulls. Such hull forms are efficient when the
owner is travelling at low speeds; however,
Main engine(s)
Commercial Yacht Code LY3

superyacht Galactica Super Nova is reported attempts to increase speed are significantly Model.........20V 4000 M93L / 16V 4000 M93L
to be one of the top 200 largest yachts in the restricted by the amounts of wave resistance Number.................................................... 2 / 1
world – and certainly the largest yacht to have generated by bilge displacement hulls. Output of each engine ..........4,300kW (20V) /
emerged from the group’s yard. Switching to a hard chine hull, meanwhile, 3,440kW (16V)
Built for an anonymous owner, the would have enabled higher speeds, but would Gearbox(es)
aluminium, motor-powered vessel boasts a have also resulted in increased draught and Make........................................................... ZF
number of high-end features to please even drag when travelling at low speed. Model...................................................... 9050
the most demanding of guests, including: As a result, van Oossanen opted for a Number......................................................... 3
357m² of deck space and the ability to deploy bulbous bow design, combined with a slender Onboard capacities
the foredeck as a helipad; an outdoor cinema fore body and a shallow transom area, the Fuel oil...........................................89,000litres
area; and an informal dining space-cum- latter only minimally submerged. A vertical Fresh water...................................25,000litres
sunbathing plot. metal plate, or ‘interceptor’, was added to the Complement
Additional luxuries include a 6m swim-jet transom below the waterline, to ‘intercept’ Crew............................................................ 16
infinity pool (complete with waterfall, glass- water flowing under the hull to provide Guests......................................................... 12
panelled bottom and spa jets), a 146m² ‘beach significant lift at the back of the boat, Number of cabins.................... 1 x full-beam
club’ area and a shaded sundeck. improving its overall horizontal trim. This lift, master suite 1 x VIP cabin
The upper deck has also been designed to in combination with the shallow transom area, 4 x double cabins
combine with the sky lounge, creating a also enables the installation of larger Other significant or special items of equipment
sizeable indoor/outdoor entertainment area propellers – a scenario from which Galactica Sperry Marine steering system
covering 92m². Naval architect Espen Øino Super Nova has benefited. In sea trials, the Quantum fin stabilisers

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HARVEY STONE: Multi-purpose/multi-mode
offshore support vessel
Builder..................Eastern Shipbuilding Group • Firefighting Number......................................................... 2
Designer.................................. Robert Allan Ltd One main engine powering one propeller, both Fixed/controllable pitch................ Controllable
Vessel’s name .............................. Harvey Stone shaft lines online, fire pumps clutched in Diameter........................................... 3,400mm
Owner/operator............................... Harvey Gulf Constant speed operation with CP propellers Input speed......................................1,000rpm
Marine International Shaft alternator on-line, or SSG Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled
Country........................................................... US providing electrical power Shaft motor/generators
Flag ................................................................ US Make.Marelli 1,000kw shaft motor/generators
Total number of sister ships TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Number......................................................... 2
already completed.......................................... 0 Length, oa................................................. 64.8m Output of each set...........................1,800rpm
Total number of sister ships Breadth, moulded......................................... 18m Generator(s)
still on order..................................................... 0 Depth, moulded........................................... 7.8m Make...................................Cummins QSK 19
Contract date......................................June 2014 Gross tonnage................................. 2,315tonnes Number......................................................... 2
Delivery date..................................August 2016 Displacement.................................. 3,750tonnes Output..................................... 350kWe@60Hz
Design, draught...................... 5.5m (to baseline) Bow thruster(s)

H arvey Stone is a multi-purpose field support

vessel (MPFSV), serving as a field support vessel
for the Shell Stones FPSO offshore terminal. Key
Design, deadweight........................ 1,585tonnes
Lightweight...................................... 2,163tonnes
Deck space............................................... 255m²
Make........................................ Schottel STT 2
Number......................................................... 2
Output of each..................................... 610kW
duties include assisting the berthing, loading and Deck capacity................................... 5tonnes/m² Emergency generator
unberthing of offtake tankers of up to 46,287dwt and Service (hybrid propulsion) speed............9knots Make......................................Cummins QSB7
escorting the above FPSO in the event of Max speed...............................................14knots Number......................................................... 1
disconnection from the submerged buoy mooring Range (nautical miles)...............13,800@10knots Output of each........................ 120kWe@60Hz
for hurricane avoidance purposes, and the vessel is Fuel consumption....................... 11.8tonnes/day Deck machinery
equipped to tow the FPSO in case of mechanical Classification society....................... ABS / USCG 1 x MacGregor MC-HMC1610 LK100-10,
breakdown. Other tasks include transportation of Notations........................................ABS, Oceans 10tonnes SWL
stores and cargo to the FPSO. A hybrid propulsion Service, XA1, XACCU, UWILD, XDPS-2, 1 x MacGregor MG-AHTW-1530U15076h
system allows for economic propulsion (eco-transit FFV-2, X(E), OFFSHORE SUPPORT anchor handling/towing winch, 300tonnes
of 8–9 knots) and station-keeping on one engine, VESSEL, DSV CAPABLE, ROV CAPABLE, 1 x MacGregor MG-HAT/GDG-38U3
driving mechanically/electrically to propulsion units TOW, SUPPLY, HABX(WB), ENVIRO, GP 1610U03076h ship assist winch/
and or bow thrusters. The hybrid system has a dual Other important international windlass, 100tonnes
output (PTO/PTI)/single input gearbox driving the regulations complied with 1 x MacGregor MG-HUW-1040UL tugger
propulsion shaft line on one side and the motor/ EPA Tier 4 Emission Certification winch, 10tonnes
generator on the other. Bollard pull............................106tonnes (ahead) 1 x MacGregor MG-HVC-0540-1 vertical
The ship is set up to run in the following modes: Main engine(s) capstan, 5tonnes
• Conventional/Transit Make.......................................................... GE 1 x Triplex shark jaw, 200tonnes
Two main engines powering two propellers Model..........................................12V250MDC 1 x MacGregor MG-STR200-4525 stern roller,
One shaft alternator or SSG providing Number......................................................... 2 200tonnes
electrical power Output of each engine.... 3,495kW@1,000rpm Triplex V-200 guide pins, 200tonnes
• DP2 Gearbox(es) Onboard capacities
One main engine powering one propeller, Make.................................................. Reintjes Fuel oil.........................................874,000litres
both shaft lines online Model...............................................LAF 3414 Fresh water.................................192,000litres
Shaft alternator providing power to bow thruster Number......................................................... 2 Foam.............................................94,000litres
Split bus operation Output..................................1,000 / 1,800rpm Ballast water.............................1,496,000litres
• Hybrid (transit and station-keeping) Type........... Hybrid – single input, dual output Complement
One main engine driving two propellers (one with PTO/PTI Crew....................................................... 15-24
mechanically, one electrically) via PTI and Azimuth thruster(s) Passengers................................................... 0
shaft M/G off gearbox Manufacturer...................................... Schottel Number of cabins............................6 x single
Electrical power from SSG Make..........................................SRP 3030 CP 9 x double

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HOLMØY: Advanced stern trawler, optimised
for both trawling and transit modes
Builder.. Construcciones Navales Paulino Freire Other equipment supplied by Rolls-Royce includes Model..................................B5J560L PTI/PTO
Designer.............................Rolls-Royce Marine eight sweepline winches, each rated 20tonnes; eight Number......................................................... 1
Vessel’s name......................................... Holmøy auxiliary winches; and a net drum with a capacity of 20m. Output of each set.......... 2,200kW@1,200rpm
Owner/operator.................. Prestfjord Havfiske Aux. Group 1
Country................................................... Norway TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make...................... Marelli MJMB 500 LA 4
Flag......................................................... Norway Length, oa................................................. 69.7m Number..................................................... 1
Total number of sister ships Length, bp................................................. 62.2m Output..........................................1,800rpm
already completed.......................................... 0 Breadth, moulded......................................... 16m Aux. Group 2
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 Depth, moulded................. 6.15m (to main deck) Make.................... Marello MJMB 350 MB 4
Contract date....................................March 2014 9.25m (to trawl deck) Number .................................................... 1
Delivery date....................................March 2016 Gross tonnage................................. 3,317tonnes Output..........................................1,800rpm
Displacement.................................. 4,322tonnes Bow thruster(s)
D esigned to the specs of Rolls-Royce’s NV 370 class,
the development of the stern trawler Holmøy was
strongly influenced by the results of sea trials
Design, draught........................................... 6.5m
Design, deadweight........................ 1,630tonnes
Lightweight...................................... 2,692tonnes
Make ................ Rolls-Royce TT 1300AUX CP
Number......................................................... 1
Output of each..................................... 590kW
conducted aboard Prestfjord Havfiske’s 2010-built Service speed.........................................16knots Deck machinery
fishing vessel Prestfjord (also a Rolls-Royce design). Max speed............................................17.8knots 4 x Triplex cranes
Using sensors to capture data from approximately Range (nautical miles).............................. 11,290
11 x Rolls-Royce winches
30,000 hours of operation aboard Prestfjord, Rolls- Fuel consumption....................... 0.96tonnes/day
1 x Rolls-Royce anchor windlass
Royce analysed this cache of info in order to optimise Classification society.............................. DNV GL
Bridge electronics
Holmøy’s hull, equipment and propulsion Notations....................................... X1A1, ICE 1B
arrangements, in both transit and trawling modes. (HULL: ICE 1A), STERN TRAWLER, EO Radar(s)......... Furuno FAR-2117 / FAR-2137S
On its March 2016 launch, Holmøy also represented Main engine(s) Autopilot..................................... Simrad AP70
the first commercial order of the designer’s new Make................................................... Bergen GMDSS............................... Furuno FS-2575C
medium-speed Bergen B33:45 engine. The B33:45 Model.............................................B33/45L9P Other communications systems.....Furuno AIS
engine reportedly offers a 20% increase in power for Number......................................................... 1 FA150 / SAILOR 6215VHF
each cylinder compared to other Bergen models. Output of each engine...................... 5,400kW GPS.......................................... Furuno GP150
Rolls-Royce adds: “The engines are economical with Gearbox(es) Gyro................. Furuno SC-50 / Simrad GC80
a specific fuel consumption of 177g/kWh at full load Make............................................ Rolls-Royce Engine monitoring system...Rolls-Royce Acon
and comply with IMO Tier II and Tier III rules.” The Model...........................RRM 850 GHC-SC600 Fire detection system.........Wilhelmsen T2000
engine is also designed to run for 25,000 hours Number ........................................................ 1 Onboard capacities
between major maintenance periods, and provides all Output..........................................750/155rpm Fuel oil.........................................790,000litres
of the power required for the vessel’s trawling and fish Propeller(s) Fresh water.................................125,000litres
freezing activities, as well as the vessel’s overall Material................................................. NiAlBr Sullage..........................................13,000litres
hotel load. Manufacturer................................ Rolls-Royce Ballast water................ 225,000litres (approx.)
Holmøy has also been equipped with the first Number......................................................... 1 Freezing cargo hold........... 1,470m³ (approx.)
commercial trawl winches to be powered by Fixed/controllable pitch................ Controllable Packing room.......................... 75m³ (approx.)
permanent magnet (PM) motors. Developed, again, by Diameter........................................... 3,900mm Complement
Rolls-Royce, the PM-powered winches result in far less Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled Crew............................................................ 29
noise and vibration, while enabling sensitive control Alternator(s) Passengers................................................... 0
and rapid changes in pull and speed. Make.....................................................Marelli Number of cabins....................................... 23

34 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p34+35.indd 34 23/01/2017 15:53:32


Significant Small Ships of 2016 35

SSS 17 - p34+35.indd 35 23/01/2017 15:53:33

LUISA NERI: Advanced tug with special winch
for improved safety and flexibility
Builder....................... Damen Shipyards Group used to control either the distance or the forces Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
Designer.................... Damen Shipyards Group acting between tug and the vessel it is assisting.” Diameter........................................... 2,800mm
Vessel’s name.....................................Luisa Neri The aft towing winch, meanwhile, is a single Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled
Owner/operator....... Fratelli Neri S.p.A Livorno drum towing winch, with 750m of steel towing Thuster(s)
Country......................................................... Italy wire on the drum. Because the winches are not Make..... Rolls-Royce US 255 P30 CP Special
Flag............................................................... Italy provided with gearboxes, the design has been kept Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships relatively compact and maintenance-friendly. Deck machinery...... 1 x Heila HLM 20-3S crane,
already completed.......................................... 0 Other features include a high degree of dynamic [email protected] SWL
Total number of sister ships stability, conferred by Luisa Neri’s deep skeg, bilge 2 x Damen Marine Components winches,
still on order..................................................... 0 keels and relatively low wheelhouse, which ensure hauling speed anchor part
Contract date............................................... 2015 low accelerations for increased comfort, safety and minimal 10m/min
Delivery date................................ January 2016 seakeeping performance. The vessel is also . 1 x render/recovery towing winch
equipped with a fendering system with a large . 1 x capstan, 5tonnes@15m/min

A s the first Damen-designed and built ASD

Tug 3212, Luisa Neri arrived at her home
port of Livorno (Leghorn), Italy at the beginning
contact area, for low static contact pressure, while
a combination of a large freeboard, more
pronounced V-shaped frames in the lines of the

1 x Mampaey towing hook, aft,
100tonnes SWL
1 x towing winch, aft (hydraulically
of 2016, just five months after owner/operator fore ship and a raised forecastle deck help to keep driven, single drum winch with
Fratelli Neri signed the contract for her the working deck dry. spooling device and warping head,
construction. Having been built for stock pull 30tonnes up to 40m/min
simplified this process, freeing up Damen TECHNICAL PARTICULARS and 200tonnes brake)
Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam to concentrate Length, oa................................................. 32.7m Bridge electronics
on the final outfitting works. The Port of Breadth, oa.............................................. 12.82m Radar(s).............................. Furuno FSR 2117
Livorno is acknowledged as being a challenging Depth ........................................ 5.35m (at sides) Other communications systems........... 2 x Sailor
harbour in which to operate, due to a series of Gross tonnage.................................... 453tonnes 6222 VHF and 2 x hand-held
tight turns that require optimal vessel Displacement..................................... 815tonnes . 2 x Furuno Felcom 18 (Inmarsat)
manouevrabilty to negotiate. Design, draught......................................... 5.51m Autopilot...............................Robertson AP-70
One of Luisa Neri’s key significant features is a Max speed............................................14.3knots GPS ..................................... Furuno GP-150D
render-recovery towing winch, also designed by Classification society...................................RINA Gyro compass............. Anschütz Compact 22
Damen, which is intended to lead to improved Notations............................... C X HULL MACHn AIS............................................Furuno FA-150
safety and flexibility when the vessel is partaking in Escort Tug Unrestricted Navigation AUT UMS Echo sounder...........................Furuno FE-800
towing and escorting operations – and which INWATERSURVEY Fire Fighting Ship 1 Water EPIRB..................................... Jotron Tron-40S
enables the tug’s operators to work in a variety of spray Oil Recovery Ship, Second Line, Supply SART................................... Jotron TronSart20
tough offshore environments. vessel, Oil product (flame point>60°C) Onboard capacities
The render-recovery winch works by preventing Bollard pull...........................80.8tonnes (ahead) Fuel oil.........................................141,800litres
the high peak loads that can occur in the towing . 74.9tonnes (astern) Fresh water...................................15,200litres
wire in rough conditions, Damen explains. This is Main engine(s) Sewage...........................................5,100litres
accomplished by rendering speeds of up to 100m/ Make...............................................Caterpillar Lube oil...........................................8,100litres
min with a line force of 100tonnes and recovery Model.................................. 3516C HD+ TA/D Bilge water......................................6,800litres
speeds up to 50m/min with a line force of 60tonnes. Number......................................................... 2 Foam.............................................12,600litres
According to Erik van Schaik, Damen senior Output of each engine.......5,050bkW@1,800rpm Dispersant.......................................5,400litres
design and proposal engineer: “The render-recovery Propeller(s) Oil recovery...................................42,600litres
winch gives tug captains an outstanding degree of Material................................................. NiAlBr Complement
flexibility; they can work with various operating Manufacturer................................ Rolls-Royce Crew............................................................ 10
modes depending on the weather, the sea conditions Model.........................US 255 P30 CP Special Passengers................................................... 0
and the work needed to be done. These modes are Number......................................................... 2 Number of cabins......................................... 6

36 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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Significant Small Ships of 2016 37

SSS 17 - p36+37.indd 37 23/01/2017 15:54:47

MTV 55: Composite catamaran with aeroplane-
influenced passenger saloon
Builder..............................Bakri Cono Shipyard saloon, port side. The aft section is an open deck, Design, draught.............................................. 1m
Designer.................... Albatross Marine Design which passengers can use to board via the side Design, deadweight............................ 7.2tonnes
Vessel’s name....................Multi Transportation doors, and the side windows can be opened to Lightweight...................................... 11.05tonnes
Vessel (MTV) 55 (aka ASV1500W design) increase airflow. The front windows, meanwhile, Service speed.........................................22knots
Owner/operator............Royal Sands Koh Rong feature an angular, weatherproof door, to enable Max speed........25-30knots (dependent on engine)
Country............................. Thailand / Cambodia the crew to access the vessel via the bow, and Range (nautical miles)....................320@22knots
Flag.....................................................Cambodia which can also be used for forward boarding Classification society..................................... N/A
Total number of sister ships through the bow cockpit. The MTV 55’s bow is Notations....................................................... N/A
already completed.......................................... 0 fitted with a folding bow ramp for beach loading. Other important international regulations
Total number of sister ships AMD explains: “Once lifted, the ramp becomes complied with......................Structure designed
still on order..................................................... 2 an integral part of the bridge deck.” to Germanischer Lloyd (GL)HSC 2012
Contract date.................................Not specified The vessel’s hulls are described as being fairly in advanced composites
Delivery date................................ October 2016 typical for planing catamarans, and of the . Stability intact and damaged
symmetrical type. Vertical accelerations are in compliance with HSC Code
A s the debutante in architect Albatross Marine
Design’s (AMD’s) ASV1500W catamaran
class, the Multipurpose Transport Vessel (MTV)
reduced, approximately by 30-50%, compared
to similar monohull vessels, thus enabling the
cat to perform a wider range of tasks and to
Main engine(s)
Make....................................................... Steyr
55, which Thailand’s Bakri Cono Shipyard maintain higher speeds at given sea states. The Number......................................................... 2
delivered in October 2016, represents an attempt MTV 55’s hull structure is fashioned from Output of each engine......................... 205kW
to balance small craft functionality, safety and composites, using vacuum infusion, with Gearbox(es)
utilitarian ‘water bus’-style design with luxury sandwich panels covering the vessel’s bottom,
Make........................................................... ZF
interiors and high-speed performance. sides, deck, wet deck and superstructure.
AMD’s design for this craft is compliant with Model....................................................ZF63A
The MTV55’s arrangement is fairly simple,
incorporating an air-con-enhanced passenger Germanischer Lloyd’s (GL’s) 2012 rules for Number......................................................... 2
saloon area with forward-looking seats. These high-speed craft. The bow section below Propeller(s)
seats can accommodate between 40 and 54 waterline is bolstered by a foam-packed Number......................................................... 2
passengers, and are positioned either side of a ‘collision block’, to provide an added layer of Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
central passageway. AMD reveals that design protection in the event of an accident. As an Diameter.................................................. 0.6m
inspiration was gleaned from the “ergonomics additional safety-related measure, the craft has Special adaptations.........................Tunnelled
and dimensioning of business and economy class been divided into compartments by watertight Deck machinery
aircraft sections”, albeit with a greater degree of bulkheads, to ensure that, should one 1 x Maxwell winch
space between the seat rows. In comparison to compartment become damaged, the vessel will Bridge electronics
monohull craft, the designer says: “For craft with remain afloat – buying both crew and Radar(s)...............................................Simrad
the same passenger capacity, catamarans offer passengers valuable time to evacuate. Onboard capacities
about 40% more saloon area per passenger, which Fuel oil.............................................1,800litres
results in more comfortable accommodation.” TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Fresh water........................................300litres
The steering station is located starboard, at the Length, oa............................................... 15.95m Sullage...............................................300litres
front part of the saloon, and features a console Length, bp............................................... 14.24m Complement
and seats for two crew members. The starboard Breadth, moulded...................................... 4.55m Crew.............................................................. 2
area also houses a service room with pantry, Depth, moulded......................................... 2.05m Passengers............................................ 40-54
while the toilet is located at the stern part of the Displacement.................................. 18.25tonnes Number of cabins......................................... 0

38 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p38+39.indd 38 01/02/2017 14:50:46

MTV 55

Significant Small Ships of 2016 39

SSS 17 - p38+39.indd 39 23/01/2017 15:55:52

NOORDZEE: Hybrid tug for the Royal
Netherlands Navy
Builder....................... Damen Shipyards Group electrical energy that is not immediately being Output of engines...............460bkW@900rpm
Designer.................... Damen Shipyards Group used in its battery pack. As such, this energy can (free sailing)
Vessel’s name......................................Noordzee be used for onboard hotel applications / operating 100bkW@500rpm (standby)
Owner/operator.......... Royal Netherlands Navy systems, or saved for use when the tug switches to Propeller(s)
Country........................................... Netherlands electric sailing mode. Material................................................. NiAlBr
Flag................................................. Netherlands Post-delivery, Damen Shipyards is also Manufacturer................................ Rolls-Royce
Total number of sister ships responsible for the maintenance of these three Number......................................................... 2
already completed.......................................... 2 vessels – a task that has previously been handled Diameter........................................... 2,400mm
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 by the RNLN in-house – thus reflecting growing Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled
Contract date............................................... 2014 expectations for after-sales customer support as a Deck machinery
Delivery date...............................February 2016 key part of the overall newbuild contract. 1 x Heila HLM 10-2S crane and winch,
[email protected]

U pon delivery to the Royal Netherlands Navy

(RNLN) last year, Noordzee represented the
first in a series of three of Damen’s ASD Tug 2810
Length, oa............................................... 28.67m
Breadth, oa.............................................. 10.43m
1 x capstan, 5tonnes@15m/min
1 x towing hook aft, 650kN/65tonnes SWL
Bridge electronics
Hybrid models, selected for performance as well Depth........................................................... 4.6m Radar(s).............................. Furuno FAR-2117
as environmental sustainability. The two follow- Gross tonnage.................................. <300tonnes Autopilot.................................... Simrad AP-70
up sister vessels – namely Waddenzee and Displacement..................................... 590tonnes ECDIS......................2 x Furuno FMD 3200 BB
Zuiderzee – were delivered in Q1 and Q2 2016 Draught...............................................5.05m (aft) DGPS.................................. Furuno GP-170-D
respectively. Max speed...................13.2knots (main engines) Gyro.............Anschütz Standard 22 Compact
The RNLN was reportedly looking for a 8.7knots (generator) Compass................................Magnetic Kotter
standard tug that was very environmentally 4.8knots (batteries – 1hr max) Other communications systems........2 x Sailor
friendly, albeit also being powerful enough to Classification society..................Lloyd’s Register 6222 VHF radio telephones
undertake heavy operations. The ASD Tug 2810 Notations........X100A1 Tug [X] LMC UMS ECO IWS 2 x Jotron TRON TR-20 VHF handheld
Hybrid utilises two rudder propeller units for Bollard pull..............................61tonnes (ahead) 4 x Motorola DP-4401 ATEX handheld
optimum manoeuvrability and is able to sail on 56.5tonnes (astern) AIS...................................... Saab R5 Supreme
full electric power, via a set of batteries, or in Main engine(s) (DIESEL) Onboard capacities
diesel mode, care of her two MTU main engines. Make........................................................MTU Fuel oil...........................................72,300litres
When full pull is required, both MTU engines Model.......................................16V4000M63R Fresh water...................................16,500litres
are deployed, granting the tug a top bollard pull Number......................................................... 2 Foam...............................................8,100litres
(bp) of 60tonnes – a considerable increase on the Output of each engine.........3,680bkW@1,600rpm Lube oil...........................................6,800litres
22tonnes bp-rated, Linge-class RNLN tugs which Main engine(s) (ELECTRIC) Sewage...........................................8,800litres
this trio has replaced. When sailing under diesel Make........................................................ ABB Ballast water....................................5,600litres
power, meanwhile, the vessels within the Damen Model............................................... M3LP450 Complement
ASD Tug 2810 Hybrid class are able to store any Number......................................................... 2 Accommodation for 5+1 persons

40 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p40+41.indd 40 23/01/2017 16:00:20


Significant Small Ships of 2016 41

SSS 17 - p40+41.indd 41 23/01/2017 16:00:21

PACIFIC TITAN: Plough-equipped tug,
designed to undertake dredging support
Builder............Hung Seng Shipbuilding (under main’ for the deck machinery. An emergency electric- Propeller(s)
supervision of East hydraulic power unit is available as an back-up for the Manufacturer.......................................... Veem
Coast Maritime Pty Ltd) deck machinery. Pacific Titan also employs a system Number......................................................... 2
Designer.................Sea Transport / East Coast of Weka Box Coolers to cool all five engines. Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
Maritime Pty Ltd Ploughing equipment consists of twin plough arms Diameter........................................... 1,880mm
Vessel’s name................................. Pacific Titan with a working load limit (WLL) of 15tonnes each. Special adaptations.........................Skewplan
Owner/operator....East Coast Maritime Pty Ltd Each plough arm is fitted with a Dinamic Oil winch. Open or nozzled............... Rice Thrust Nozzle
Country.................................................Australia The plough is held in position laterally using twin side Alternator(s)
Flag.......................................................Australia stays, which are adjusted using the custom quad-gypsy Make................................................... Yanmar
Total number of sister ships anchor windlass designed and fabricated by HES Number......................................................... 2
already completed.......................................... 0 Winches Australia. Output of each set................................ 60kVA
Total number of sister ships Accommodation is Maritime Labour Convention- Bow thruster(s)
still on order..................................................... 0 compliant. The fit-out of the wheelhouse was Make............................................. Nakashima
Contract date...............................February 2015 completed using lightweight Ayres aluminium Number......................................................... 1
Delivery date................................ January 2017 honeycomb panels, Dampa ceiling panels and Output of each...................... 132kW@634rpm
adhesive glass from Sealed Marine Windows. The Deck machinery
P acific Titan comprises a shallow-draught utility
tug, designed in tandem by owner East Coast
Maritime and architect Sea Transport, and built at
forward and aft helm stations feature custom cockpit-
style dash panels and Norsap helm chairs. Heating and
cooling is supplied by twin Daikin air-con units. The
1 x Heila telescopic knuckle boom,
[email protected] / 8tonnes@14m
1 x HES Australia double drum reverse
Malaysia’s Hung Seng Shipbuilding. The vessel was wheelhouse has individual temperature controls, as waterfall winch
purpose-built to support operations such as dredging, does each crew cabin. 1 x HSS roller, 65tonnes
marine construction, barge-handling / anchor- WLL plough arms, 15tonnes
handling and towage. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
Dinamic Oil plough winches, 10tonnes
Her hull is a double-chine, high-displacement, low- Length, oa................................................. 25.8m
Dinamic Oil tugger winch, 8tonnes
dead rise and shallow-draught design, which Breadth, moulded........................................ 9.1m
Depth, moulded........................................... 3.6m HES Australia quad-gypsy anchor windlass
incorporates propulsion tunnels. The bow features a
Gross tonnage.................................... 212tonnes Mampaey tow hook, 30tonnes
straight stem and a balanced entry for stability and
Displacement..................................... 365tonnes WK-Hydraulics 3-In-A-Row towing pins,
ocean-going voyages. For optimal strength and
reduced vibrations, the hull has been encircled by a Design, draught......................................... 2.65m 35tonnes
central longitudinal double ring from stern to stern, Design, deadweight.......................... 93.4tonnes Bridge electronics
and features a dense grid of longitudinal and transverse Lightweight...................................... 271.6tonnes Radar(s)................................ Furuno DRS25A
frames throughout the engine room. Deck capacity................................. 10tonnes/m² Autopilot..........................Furuno NavPilot 700
The vessel is a conventional twin-screw design, Service speed.........................................11knots GMDSS.......Furuno RC1800T w/2x Felcom18
powered by two Yanmar 6EY17W engines. Max speed............................................12.7knots GPS........................................... Furuno SC-30
Gearboxes are island-mounted Yanmar YXH500L Range (nautical miles)................................ 5,650 Chart plotter........................................Maxsea
models with an output ratio of 4.96:1. The vessel’s Fuel consumption......................... 4.3tonnes/day Fire detection system........................... Firepro
main engine shafts, rudder stocks and stern roller shaft Classification society..................Lloyd’s Register Onboard capacities
have been fabricated from 2205 stainless steel. Notations......... X100A1 Tug [X] LMC UMS *IWS Fuel oil.........................................107,000litres
Nickel-aluminium-bronze propellers were supplied Bollard pull........................................ 31.6tonnes Fresh water...................................25,000litres
by Veem Australia and are a 4-blade skewed Kaplan Main engine(s) Sullage............................................7,500litres
design, housed in 1,880mm Rice Thrust Nozzles. The Make................................................... Yanmar Ballast water....................................3,000litres
vessel is equipped with a hydraulically driven Model.................................................6EY17W Complement
Nakashima TFN-100S bow thruster, supplying Number......................................................... 2 Crew.............................................................. 5
2tonnes of thrust. Output of each engine....... 837kW@1,450rpm Passengers................................................... 7
The hydraulic system was designed and supplied by Gearbox(es) Number of cabins............................ 5 (single)
HES Winches Australia. Hydraulic power is supplied Make................................................... Yanmar Other significant or special items of equipment
by a 257kW Yanmar 6HA2M-WHT. The diesel Model................................................YXL500L Yanmar 257kW hydraulic power unit
hydraulic power unit is fitted with two pumps: one Number......................................................... 2 550x550mm moon pool
running the bow thruster, the other running a ‘ring- Output................................................... 4.96:1 High-lift fishtail rudders

42 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p42+44.indd 42 23/01/2017 10:16:42


44 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p42+44.indd 44 23/01/2017 10:16:43

PETRA-1: Crew boat with enhanced roll
angle tolerance
Builder...................................Triangle Shipyard configurations with more conventional side support vessel, Crew boat,
Designer.................................... Camarc Design decks are available as an option should that be Unrestricted navigation, SDS
Vessel’s name.......................................PETRA-1 a particular operator’s preference.” Main engine(s)
Owner/operator............. Marine Core & Charter PETRA-1 has been built to full Bureau Veritas Make.........................................................CAT
Country...................................................... Dubai class with an unrestricted navigation notation. Model........................................................C32
Flag........................................................ Panama Redundancy has been fully factored into the Number......................................................... 3
Total number of sister ships design: the vessel features twin bow thrusters, Output of each engine...................... 1,081kW
already completed.......................................... 1 twin anchors, triple generators and independent Gearbox(es)
Total number of sister ships steering. The vessel has also been fitted with an Make........................................................... ZF
still on order..................................................... 1 integrated navigation system (INS), complete Model...................................................... 3050
Contract date.................................Not specified with large displays for improved control and Number......................................................... 3
Delivery date...............................February 2016 monitoring from the bridge and enabling Propeller(s)
internal communications between stations. The Material................................................. NiBrAl

B uilt by Dubai-based Triangle Shipyard, the

all-aluminium PETRA-1 represents the first
in an all-new class of 45m-long fast offshore
systems fitted are fully compliant with sea area
A3 GMDSS requirements.
PETRA-1 has the capacity to accommodate up
Manufacturer............................................ CJR
Number......................................................... 3
Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
support vessels (FOSVs). Delivered to operator to 100 offshore workers/passengers, with room Open or nozzled.................................... Open
Marine Core & Charter in February 2016, the for an additional 12 VIPs. Overall, her Bow thruster(s)
vessel type was developed, in designer Camarc’s deadweight capacity is rated 160tonnes. The Make................................ Global Engineering
words, to “provide a step change in the crew boat deck area is sized 140m², strengthened to Number......................................................... 2
market, in terms of speed, fuel efficiency, crew 2tonnes per m², enabling a maximum cargo load Output of each....................................... 50kW
comfort and payload”. of 85tonnes. The FOSV has the capacity to store Deck machinery
The FOSV45 features a specifically developed up to 100,000litres of fuel and 24,000litres of . 1 x Heila crane, SWL 1tonne@13m
hull design, evolved from Camarc’s double chine water. Meanwhile, Heila supplied PETRA-1’s . 2 x Counterfire monitors, 600m³/hr
hull concept, for enhanced efficiency and crane; an HLM 170-4S unit, capable of lifting Bridge electronics
comfort relative to more conventional crew boat 6tonnes at an outreach of 2.5m and 1tonne at Radar(s).................. Sperry Marine VMFT 250
designs. Tank testing in the UK has led to this 12m. The crane is centred on the deck, enabling + GEM 1024
hull form displaying a refined shape forward, crew to move deck cargo around as required. Autopilot................................ Navitron NT 888
resulting in improvements in efficiencies and GMDSS......................................Area 3, Sailor
vertical accelerations – and, subsequently, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS GPS.......................................................Koden
improved fuel economy and onboard comfort. Length, oa.................................................... 45m Gyro.............Sperry / Autonautic Instrumental
The vertical bow shape forward is above water Length, bp................................................. 44.3m Chart plotter............................................ GEM
only: in this way, waterline length can be Breadth, moulded........................................... 8m Onboard capacities
maximised while maintaining the crew boat’s Depth, moulded......................................... 3.65m Fuel oil.........................................100,000litres
all-round seakeeping ability. Gross tonnage.................................... 304tonnes Fresh water...................................24,000litres
As another concession to crew and passenger Displacement..................................... 290tonnes Complement
comfort, Camarc and Triangle have managed Design, draught......................................... 1.85m Crew............................................................ 10
to restrict PETRA-1’s onboard noise levels Design, deadweight........................... 160tonnes Passengers............................... 100 (+12 VIP)
below the 65dBA mark. The superstructure Lightweight......................................... 130tonnes Number of cabins...................... 5 (1 x 4-man,
was designed to provide superior roll angle Deck space (total)..................................... 140m² 2 x 2-man, 2 x 1-man)
tolerance – for instance, specific fendering Deck capacity................................... 2tonnes/m² Other significant or special items of equipment
and recessed windows were incorporated into Service speed...................28.5knots@85% MCR Rescue boat and davit
the craft’s design, for added protection when Max speed............................................ 30+knots 6 x liferafts
she is alongside. However, the FOSV45 Classification society.................... Bureau Veritas 3 x CAT C4.4 generators, 86kW each
concept remains a flexible one, in terms of Notations......................XHULL XMACH, Special Fresh water maker, 5tonnes/day
d e s i g n . C a m a r c a d d s : “A l t e r n a t i v e service – Fast offshore Tecnicomar sewage treatment plant

46 Significant Small Ships of 2016

SSS 17 - p46+47.indd 46 23/01/2017 10:17:24


Significant Small Ships of 2016 47

PETRA 1 GM.indd 47 21/03/2017 11:42:56

PROTECTOR: Fireboat optimised for minimal
wake and good seakeeping capabilities
Builder.........................................Foss Shipyard more than 136,380litres of water shore-side via 4 inch bottom plate
Designer.................................. Robert Allan Ltd hoses, to support land-based firefighting operations. Gensets
Vessel’s name...................................... Protector Make...................................... Caterpillar C7.2
Owner/operator.......Port of Long Beach / Long TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Number......................................................... 2
Beach Fire Department Length, oa................................................. 32.9m Output of each set........... 150kWe@1,800rpm
Country........................................................... US Length, bp................................................. 30.7m Deck machinery
Flag................................................................. US Breadth, moulded...................................... 10.7m 1 x Rapp Hydra-Pro HP50-15T2 rescue
Total number of sister ships Depth, moulded........................................... 4.4m crane/ladder, 1,360kg@15m
already completed.......................................... 0 Gross tonnage.................................... 454tonnes Bridge electronics
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 1 Displacement......................... 587 metric tonnes Radar(s)................ Furuno NavNet 3D system
Contract date.............................December 2012 Design, draught........................................... 4.6m Autopilot............................................... Furuno
Delivery date...............................February 2016 Design, deadweight................. 77 metric tonnes Other communications systems.......Motorola /
Lightweight............................. 500 metric tonnes Standard Horizon radios

P rotector, the first in Robert Allan Limited’s

(RAL’s) RAnger V-3300 class, could serve as a
good demonstrator of the shift in expectations
Deck space (total)....................................... 53m²
Service speed.........................................10knots
Max speed...............................................13knots
GPS................................... Furuno NavNet 3D
Chart plotter...................... Furuno NavNet 3D
Engine monitoring /
placed upon modern fireboats. Such vessels are Range (nautical miles)................................ 1,170 fire detection system.............. Eltech Electric
increasingly being relied upon to serve as incident Fuel consumption.......................... 14tonnes/day Onboard capacities
command centres, capable of responding to local Class society and notations.......................... N/A Fuel oil...........................................60,000litres
emergencies, instead of being viewed as mere fire Other important international regulations Fresh water.....................................2,800litres
pump-equipped workboats. complied with...................USCG Subchapter C Sullage............................................3,750litres
The 32.9m loa Protector and its forthcoming RAnger . NFPA Standard on Marine Ballast water..................................93,000litres
V-3300 sisters (the second-in-class Vigilance is Firefighting Vessels (Standard 25) Complement
expected in mid-2017) feature Voith cycloidal drives in Main engine(s) Crew........................................................... 4-6
a tractor configuration, which, RAL claims, grants this Make...............................................Caterpillar Passengers................................................... 8
class a high degree of manoeuvrability and the ability Model....................................................3512C Number of cabins......................................... 1
to tackle fires in a number of environmental conditions. Number......................................................... 2 Other significant or special items of equipment
Given this remit, high speed was put on the back Output of each engine...................... 1,500kW FiFi system
burner; instead, RAL used its in-house CFD Gearbox(es) • Dedicated pump engines – 2 x CAT
capabilities to optimise the hull form to result in Make.................................................. Reintjes 3512C, 1 x CAT C12
minimal wake when travelling ahead and astern at Model.................................................AF 743P • Fire Fighting Systems (FFS)-supplied
8knots, as well as to provide good seakeeping ability in Number......................................................... 2 system with :
foul weather. Output .............................................1,600rpm Seven fire pumps, serving 10 water
These new fireboats are also equipped with Propeller(s) cannons with aggregate capacity of
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear Material.................................... Stainless steel 186,390litres per minute;
(CBRN) defence capabilities, including a citadel Manufacturer................................. Voith Turbo Largest single monitor is rated 54,553litres
enclosure with specialised HVAC filters, a Number......................................................... 2 per minute at range of 183m;
decontamination shower and chemical detectors. Fixed/controllable pitch..... Cycloidal propeller Two other monitors deliver 27,276litres at
Aboard, one finds a ‘Command Information Center’, (controllable) 152.4m range;
which enables crew to perform on-scene command Diameter........................................... 2,600mm Two underwharf monitors for fighting pier fires;
duties and to communicate with other agencies and Blade length..................................... 1,660mm Manifolds capable of providing shore-side
emergency responders. Speed.....................................1,200-1,800rpm supply of 100,014litres per minute for
In terms of firefighting capacity, each RAnger Special adaptations.........................Voith fluid land-based firefighting
V-3300 craft features an aggregate pumping capacity of coupling VTC 866 DTL 1 x fast rescue boat (Lee Shore Boats,
186,390litres per minute. The vessels can also provide Open or nozzled...............Thrust-augmenting 4.9m Silverheels)

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QE IV: Carbon fibre-built passenger tandem cat
to handle a treacherous deep ocean route
Builder:......................... Gold Coast Yachts, Inc – for instance, by grouping four hulls closely Number........................................................................... 2
Designer..................... Gold Coast Yachts, Inc / together, one encounters additional complexity in Output of each....................................................... 279kW
Warren Mosler hull-wave interactions and cross structuring – but Gearbox(es)
Vessel’s name.............................................QE IV CFD and small-scale modelling lend credence to the Make............................................................................. ZF
Owner/operator.......................... Warren Mosler concept overall. Model....................................................................... 280-1
Country........................................................... US To further reduce weight, QE IV’s components
Number........................................................................... 2
Flag................................................................. US were fashioned from carbon fibre – resulting in an
approximate vessel weight of just 14tonnes. “FEA Output.......................................................................... 1:1
Total number of sister ships was used to analyse the loading in the monococque Propeller(s)
already completed.......................................... 0 structure, which was then calibrated with Material...................................................... Stainless steel
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 1 measurements from strain gauges during sea trials,” Manufacturer..........................................................Konrad
Contract date..................................August 2015 Gold Coast Yachts explains. Number........................................................................... 4
Delivery date..................................August 2016 For optimal passenger comfort, QE IV features Fixed/controllable pitch.............................................Fixed
round windows, two aft heads and six 4.4kW air-
T asked with making daily trips across the 38nm of Special adaptations....................... Twin prop stern drives
con units. The helm has been positioned forward for
deep ocean that separate the Caribbean islands of St Open or nozzled...................................................... Open
enhanced visibility in the wheelhouse, and to grant
Croix and St Thomas in the US Virgin Islands, the the captain “maximum experience of ship motion Alternators
passenger ferry QE IV is described by builder Gold and accelerations”, so that the passengers are not Make................................... Cummins Onan 11.5MDKBM
Coast Yachts as having succeeded “where all predecessors adversely affected by sudden adjustments in vessel Number........................................................................... 2
had failed”. course and/or speed. Output of each set................................................... 95.8A
Although a seemingly undaunting distance, the route
Deck machinery..........6 x Dometic DuraSea 4.4kW AC units
between the islands is subject to extremely volatile sea
conditions. Coupled with strong passenger demand, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Bridge electronics
this has proven a challenge too much for the large Length, oa.................................................................. 31.45m Radar(s)........................................ Simrad Broadband 4G
conventional ferries, hydrofoils, sea planes and Length, bp.................................................................. 29.98m Autopilot....................................................... Simrad AC70
catamarans that have attempted to provide this service Breadth, moulded......................................................... 5.33m VHF/GMDSS................................... 2 x Simrad RS12 DCS
in the past. As Gold Coast Yachts puts it: “The Depth, moulded............................................................ 2.11m Displays................. 2 x Simrad NSS12 evo2 Multifunction
prevailing wind and wave direction on the route places Displacement........................................................22.8tonnes AIS..........................................................Simrad NAIS-400
the vessel in a beam-on wave orientation for the majority Design, draught............................................................ 0.85m Gyro.......................... 4” Danforth Constellation Compass
of days in operation”. Design, deadweight..............................................8.88tonnes
QE IV was subsequently influenced by multihull Chart plotter...............................Standard Horizon CP590
vessel design, adapted to introduce a tandem- Engine monitoring system.........................SmartCraft VV7
Deck space (total)........................................................ 120m²
catamaran hull form so as to optimise fuel Service speed............................................................18knots
Fire detection system.................................... Fireboy MA2
consumption whilst improving sea motion. Four Onboard capacities
Max speed..................................................................22knots
hulls have been placed in a ‘2+2’ arrangement, with Fuel oil............................................................... 1,900litres
Range (nautical miles)...................................................... 300
a large span between the forward and aft pairs, at Fresh water.......................................................... 208litres
the behest of owner Warren Mosler. Gold Coast Fuel consumption.........................................0.83tonnes / day
Classification society........................................................ N/A Waste water......................................................... 208litres
Yachts adds: “By removing displacement from the
Notations.......................................................................... N/A Complement
centre, both transversely and longitudinally, the
vessel has a reduced tendency to react to head and Main engine(s) Crew................................................................................ 3
beam seas, as well as reducing wetted surface and Make.................................................................. Cummins Passengers................................................................... 70
hull weight.” This is not without its own challenges Model.................................................................... QSB6.7 Number of cabins........................................................... 1

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ARCARACHWARATORN: Arresting patrol boat
duo for the Royal Thai Police
Builder.................................... Sea Crest Marine to port. Forward of the hull access, one finds an Depth, moulded........................................... 3.4m
Designer..................................... Incat Crowther eight-man dormitory and a large mess and Displacement....................................... 85tonnes
Vessel’s name...................Ratayapibanbancha / dining area. Design, draught......................................... 1.15m
Arcarachwaratorn Two large cabins, dedicated to the senior Design, deadweight............................. 15tonnes
Owner/operator......................Royal Thai Police offices, are located upstairs, next to a private Lightweight...................................... 60.47tonnes
Country................................................. Thailand living area, while below decks reveals another Service speed.........................................32knots
Flag....................................................... Thailand two cabins for crew members, in addition to Max speed...............................................34knots
Total number of sister ships pump rooms and equipment/storage space. Classification society.................... Bureau Veritas
already completed.......................................... 0 Meanwhile, visibility is optimised inside the Main engine(s)
Total number of sister ships wheelhouse care of forward-raked windows. Make....................................................... MAN
still on order..................................................... 0 Personnel comfort was another important Model................................. 12V D2562 LE453
Contract date.................................Not specified consideration. Incat Crowther states: “The Number......................................................... 2
Delivery date....................................... July 2016 application of underwater main engine exhaust Output of each engine......... 1,213kW@2,300rpm
outlets ensures very low ambient noise levels
elivered in July 2016, the 26.2m x 8.5m, throughout the vessels and surrounding
Make........................................................... ZF
aluminium patrol boat sisters environment.”
Ratayapibanbancha and Arcarachwaratorn were Each vessel is equipped with twin MAN 12V Model...................................................... 3000
constructed by Bangkok-based builder Seacrest D2862 main engines, rated 1,213kW apiece, Number......................................................... 2
Marine to a design based on Incat Crowther’s which additionally come with Humphree Propeller(s)
24m ‘Reef Ranger’ catamaran. This previous interceptors, for reduced roll in volatile Number ........................................................ 2
aluminium vessel originally entered service in sea conditions. Alternators
2014, providing protection to Australia’s famous Before the vessels were handed over, sea trials Make.............................Deutz BF4M 1013MC
and environmentally sensitive Great Barrier proved particularly illuminating; when put Number......................................................... 2
Reef. However, the Thai duo will instead focus through their paces, both newbuilds managed to Onboard capacities
on border protection and long-range and coastal attain a loaded speed of 32knots and a cruise Fuel oil...........................................15,000litres
patrol duties, as well as transporting dignitaries speed range of 1,000 miles. Fresh water.....................................2,500litres
in a safe manner. Ballast water....................................2,500litres
Each boat features a large aft working deck, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Complement
which houses a 4.5m fast rescue craft. Forward Length, oa................................................. 26.2m Crew.............................................................. 2
of this is the main deck cabin, which includes a Length, bp............................................... 23.89m Passengers/personnel................................ 12
fully featured galley to starboard and a wet room Breadth, moulded........................................ 8.5m Number of cabins......................................... 5

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RED JET 6: First UK-built fast ferry in more
than 15 years
Builder................................. Shemara Refit LLP built in 2003 by Australia-based North West Bay Design, deadweight............................. 31tonnes
(now Wight Shipyard Co.) Ships. For instance, Red Jet 6 incorporates four Lightship........................................ 100.87tonnes
Designer............... One2three Naval Architects MTU engines instead of Red Jet 4’s twin-engine Service speed......................38knots@85% MCR
Vessel’s name...................................... Red Jet 6 arrangement, in order to achieve greater Classification society..................Lloyd’s Register
Operator...........................................Red Funnel efficiency and redundancy, for minimal potential Notations..................Special Service Craft 2014,
Country........................................................... UK disruption to sailing schedules. As Peter Morton, Passenger HSC 2008 MCA
Flag................................................................. UK Shemara Refit chief executive, put it when Red Jet Other important international regulations
Total number of sister ships 6 was delivered: “If the need arises, the engines complied with.........................MSN-1823 Safety
already completed.......................................... 0 can be shut down individually and the ferry can Code for Passenger Ships Operating Solely in
Total number of sisters ships still on order........ 0 maintain the service running on three engines UK Categorised Waters – Category D
Contract date...................................... April 2015 with only minor reduction in speed.” Main engine(s)
Delivery date....................................... July 2016 Propulsive power is also marginally stronger Make........................................................MTU
than that of Red Jet 4, clocking in at 3,600kW Model....................................... 10V 2000 M72

P roving that the British still have the knack for

innovative fast ferry construction, the
delivery of Red Jet 6 has been hailed as a
compared to 3,500kW. This arrangement grants
Red Jet 6 the ability to complete a typical
S outhampton-to-C owes crossing in
Number......................................................... 4
Output of each engine....... 900kW@2,250rpm
significant milestone for the UK boatbuilding approximately 23 minutes. Make........................................................... ZF
industry, representing the first high-speed Red Funnel Ferries also estimates that Red Jet 6’s Model....................................................3030D
passenger ferry to have been constructed levels of fuel consumption should prove to be 11% Generators
domestically in just over 15 years. less compared to those of her predecessor. This has Make......................................... Perkins Sabre
The US$8.5 million, all-aluminium catamaran, been achieved partly by the engines and waterjets Number......................................................... 2
which was formally delivered in July 2016, was combination, and partly by the application of Teflon Output of each set.... 63kW 415v phase 50Hz
built on the Isle of Wight by Shemara Refit (now coatings to her hull, to minimise drag. Also, a special Waterjet(s)
Wight Shipyard Co.), working from leased facilities vinyl wrap has been used for the ferry’s superstructure, Make.........................................MJP 500 DRB
at Venture Quays in East Cowes. Although which, the operator states, should prove effective in Number......................................................... 4
previously specialising in vessel repairs and refits, reducing weight and overall maintenance costs when Bridge electronics
WSC has now announced its intention, following compared to conventional paints. Radar(s)..........................2 x Furuno FAR2817
the completion of Red Jet 6, to bring ferry The passenger lounge has been insulated from the 12kW X-Band
construction back to the UK – reviving a tradition twin hulls via the incorporation of resilient GPS................2 x Furuno GP170 w’ OP-20-23
that seemed to have become obsolete in late 2000, mountings, to curb noise and vibration levels. DGPS beacon set
following the closure of the then active FBM The engines and the associated gearboxes have Gyro...........................................Simrad GC85
Marine yard in Cowes, a celebrated factory for been laid out in pairs between the ferry’s twin hulls, Chart plotter....... 2 x Furuno FMD3200 ECDIS
numerous vessels delivered to Greece, Portugal, with the machinery in each hull being of a staggered Onboard capacities
Hong Kong and Asia throughout the 1990s. configuration, with long and shorter shaft lines Fuel oil.............................................5,000litres
Red Jet 6 was based on a design supplied by connecting to each pair of waterjets. Fresh water.....................................1,000litres
Australia’s One2three Naval Architects. Red Jet 6 Complement
has since entered service under the management TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Crew.............................................................. 4
of operator Red Funnel Ferries, ploughing a route Length, oa................................................. 40.7m Passengers............ 279 (incl 2 x wheelchairs)
between Southampton, on the UK mainland, and Length, bp............................................... 39.23m Number of cabins......................................... 0
Cowes, on the Isle of Wight. The company’s Red Breadth, moulded.................................... 10.87m Other significant or special
Jet service carries more than 1.1 million Depth......................................................... 3.05m items of equipment.......3 x liferafts, 151-person
passengers each year. Gross tonnage.................................... 363tonnes capacity each
There are a number of ways in which Red Jet 6 Displacement................................ 132.25tonnes . Humphree interceptors
builds on her predecessor, Red Jet 4, which was Design, draught........................................... 1.3m for low wash characteristics

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SEA POWER: Environmentally friendly and low-
noise/low-vibration ATB unit
Builder................... BAE Systems Jacksonville connector system (engaged force generated Max speed...............................................15knots
Designer.......... Guido Perla & Associates, Inc. 136tonnes) and Van Der Velden Barke High-Lift Main engine(s)
Vessel’s name.................................... Sea Power rudders for superior manoeuvrability and Make.................................................. Wärtsilä
Owner/operator....................................SEACOR course-keeping. Model................................................... W8L32
Country........................................................... US Sea Power’s internal electrical power comes Number......................................................... 2
Flag................................................................. US from two 250kW Marathon 433PSL6216 main Output of each engine....... 4,640kW@750rpm
Total number of sister ships already completed..... 1 generator sets and a third auxiliary 250kW Gearbox(es)
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 Marathon 433PSL6216 generator set. Make.................................................. Wärtsilä
Contract date....................................March 2014 Along with her ergonomic design, spacious Model................................................... SCV95
Delivery date..................................August 2016 crew quarters and berths, GPA performed Number......................................................... 2
extensive noise and vibration analysis to ensure Output...................................... 600-24,000kW
D elivered in August 2016, articulated tug
barge (ATB) unit Sea Power was designed
by Guido Perla & Associates, Incorporated
a smooth and quiet vessel for crew comfort.
Ecologically, Sea Power is also equipped with
an internal recirculating liquid ballast system.
Material ............................................... Bronze
Manufacturer...................................... Wärtsilä
(GPA) and customised for the shipowner’s This assists the vessel in minimising her impact Number......................................................... 2
specific operational requirements. on underwater noise pollution – thereby Fixed/controllable pitch................ Controllable
Constructed at BAE Systems, Sea Power is the reducing the frequency and likelihood of ill Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled
first ATB tug designed and built for SEACOR. effects on sea life in waterways – and is able to
She has subsequently been ‘married’ to the barge minimise pumping overboard, lowering the risk
of ecological contamination. Make..............SSDG John Deere 6090SFM85
Sea Chem-I, a 176.78m x 23.77m, 180,000bbl
barge that was constructed at DonJon Marine’s GPA adds: “Sea Power also utilises Wärtsilä’s Number......................................................... 3
Erie Shipbuilding, in Erie, Pennsylvania. Sternguard system for her propulsion shafts. Output of each set............................... 250kW
Sea Power herself has an overall length of Sternguard is a contained system which seals in Deck machinery
42.98m, a draught of 6.75 m and a breadth of and purifies the unique biodegradable 2 x Rapp Hydra-Pro cranes, 0.99tonnes SWL
14m, with accommodation for 12 crew members. lubrication oil.” Bridge electronics
According to GPA, what distinguishes Sea Power Autopilot..........Sperry Marine / Navipilot 4000
from other ATB tugs is her power, TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Onboard capacities
manoeuvrability, high levels of crew comfort Length, oa.................................................... 43m Fuel oil.........................................577,700litres
and environmental compatibility. Not only does Length, bp.................................................... 43m Fresh water...................................77,000litres
she perform in the top tier as a pusher, but she Breadth, moulded......................................... 14m Sullage..........................................19,000litres
also does so while minimising ecological impact. Depth, moulded.............................................. 8m Ballast water................................514,600litres
With twin 8-cylinder, Wärtsilä W8L32 diesel Gross tonnage................................. 1,301tonnes Complement
engines, Wärtsilä SCV95 reduction gears and Displacement.................................. 2,244tonnes Crew............................................................ 12
twin propellers, she is rated 8,948kW and Design, draught......................................... 6.75m Passengers................................................... 0
features a top solo speed of 15knots and a service Design, deadweight...................... 976.58tonnes Number of cabins....................................... 12
speed of 12knots. To carry her payload, she has Lightweight................................. 1,284.45tonnes Other significant or special items of equipment
also been designed with an INTERCON 50 PIN Service speed.........................................12knots PIN connecting system: INTERCON 50

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SELKIE: Compact dredger, customised to
access narrow harbours in North-East Scotland
Builder...........................Macduff Shipyards Ltd Selkie is also fitted with a pair of spud legs, Model.............................................. C18 Acert
Designer.................... Macduff Ship Design Ltd enabling her to position herself as a stable Number......................................................... 2
Vessel’s name............................................Selkie platform when in harbour. The legs are Output of each engine....... 357kW@1,800rpm
Owner/operator......... Moray Council, Scotland controlled by two spud leg winches, each rated Gearbox(es)
Country........................................................... UK 10tonnes, which can be controlled both locally Make................................................ Twin Disc
Flag ................................................................ UK and from the wheelhouse. Other deck equipment Model............................................ MGX – 516
Total number of sister ships includes two capstans and an anchor windlass. Number......................................................... 2
already completed......................................... 0 The vessel has been classed by the UK Propeller(s)
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) to Material................................................ Bronze
Contract date....................................March 2015 accommodate a three-man crew, with a galley Manufacturer.............................................Kort
Delivery date....................................... May 2016 and messing facilities, three single cabins, WC Number......................................................... 2
facilities and a laundry area. Macduff Ship Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
V alued at US$3.5 million, the 25.7m dredger
Selkie emerged from Macduff Shipyards’
Buckie facilities in North-East Scotland in May
Design notes: “The hopper itself can hold up to
147m³ of dredge spoil at a maximum specific
gravity of 1.80.”
Diameter........................................... 1,500mm
Open or nozzled.................................... Open
2016, whereupon she was handed over to Moray Propulsion-wise, the vessel benefits from a Make/type........................................ CAT C4.4
Council. Macduff Ship Design secured the set-up of two CAT C18 Acert engines, coupled Number......................................................... 2
competitive tender to design the vessel in 2015, via to a pair of Twin Disc MGX -516 gearboxes Output of each set................................. 51kW
the European Union (EU) tender process, and the and two auxiliar y C4.4 engines. Selkie’s Bow thruster(s)
completed dredger replaces the 1968-built propulsion systems were supplied by Kort Make............................................ Kort KT 150
Shearwater, taking over her role of servicing Propulsion, with 1,500mm propellers and a
Number......................................................... 1
harbours administered by Moray Council – KT 150 bow thruster, while her steering gear
was supplied by Wills Ridley. Deck machinery
including Buckie, Burghead, Hopeman, Findochty,
Portknockie and Cullen – as well as offering her . 1 x Liebherr 926 excavator crane
services to other harbours located in the north and TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 2 x Macduff Shipyards winches, 10tonnes
east of Scotland. Length, oa................................................. 25.7m each
Selkie was specifically designed to cope with the Length, bp................................................. 24.2m Bridge electronics................ Echomaster Marine
small harbours that are encountered on the Moray Breadth, moulded........................................ 8.2m Onboard capacities
coast, most of which feature narrow entrances. As Depth, moulded........................................... 3.4m Fuel oil...........................................32,893litres
such, Macduff designed the vessel with a relatively Gross tonnage.................................... 212tonnes Fresh water.....................................4,317litres
narrow beam of 8.2m and a moulded depth of 3.4m. Displacement..... 507tonnes (max summer load) Sullage............................................1,955litres
The vessel has been fitted with an excavator unit, Design, draught.......................3.028m (summer) Ballast water....................................7,372litres
supplied by Liebherr, which has been built to a Lightweight.................................... 218.95tonnes Complement
marine specification and is mounted on the deck. Classification society............................. UK MCA Crew.............................................................. 3
This excavator has the capability to dredge at depths Main engine(s) Passengers................................................... 0
down to 8m below waterline. Make...............................................Caterpillar Number of cabins......................................... 3

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SHI ZI YANG 7: High-speed Hong Kong ferry
keeps it simple
Builder....................... Wang Tak Engineering & Shi Zi Yang 7’s main boarding zones have been Number......................................................... 2
Shipbuilding Co, Ltd situated port and starboard aft. Utilising these, Output of each engine...................... 1,080kW
Designer...................... Wang Tak / Guangdong passengers enter the main cabin via an area that Gearbox(es)
Hongshen Shipbuilding & houses the 10-man crew’s mess, bathrooms, luggage Make........................................................... ZF
Engineering / Incat Crowther racks and a small kiosk. Further forward, one enters Model...................................................... 3055
Vessel’s name................................Shi Zi Yang 7 the main cabin, which has been designed for optimal Number......................................................... 2
Owner/operator..... Dongguan Humen Longwei light, and which features 139 passenger seats. A pair Waterjet
Passenger Ferry Co. of VIP cabins are located at the aft outboard sides of Make........................................................ MJP
Country................................ China / Hong Kong this cabin, each seating four persons.
Passengers can ascend by stair to the upper deck, Model................................................... 650DD
Flag............................................................ China
Total number of sister ships which houses the business class cabin, complete with Number......................................................... 1
already completed.......................................... 0 52 seats. Forward of this, one encounters the Generator(s)
Total number of sister ships wheelhouse, which has been designed with external Make............................... Dongfeng Cummins
still on order.................................Not specified bridge wing stations for enhanced visibility and Model.......................................... CCFJ-80JYA
Contract date.................................Not specified manoeuvrability. Shi Zi Yang 7 has also been equipped Number......................................................... 2
Delivery date................................ January 2017 with six life rafts: two featuring the capacity for 65 Output of each ...................................... 80kW
persons each, and four designed for 25 persons Deck machinery

H itting the waves just on the other side of New

Year, the 2017-launched Shi Zi Yang 7 was built
by Wang Tak, with design assistance sourced from
apiece. Searchlights, floodlights, navigation lights and
lighting fixtures have been installed for both internal
and external vessel usage, as has a CCTV system.
1 x Hypac HEAW15-16 windlass
Bridge electronics
Radar(s)......Furuno FR2127, Furuno FR-8065
Guangdong Hongshen Shipbuilding & Engineering GPS.........................................Furuno GP-170
and Incat Crowther. The 199-passenger ferry has TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Other communications systems........... Furuno
been designed to compete in the cut-throat Chinese Length, oa................................................. 41.9m FM-8900
ferry market, and to satisfy this market’s requirements Length, wl..................................................... 40m Depth sounder.........................Furuno FE-800
for high speed and high levels of passenger comfort. Beam........................................................... 9.5m
Engine monitoring/fire detection system
The vessel has been tasked with operations in the Depth........................................................... 3.2m
Pearl River Delta, between Hong Kong and Macau. Gross tonnage.................................... 387tonnes W/H & E/R’s alarm and monitoring
Despite her colourful and eye-catching livery, the Design, draught.............................1.1m (approx) systems for propulsion engines,
vessel’s core selling point is her efficient hull form. Service speed......................30.5knots (full load) fire detection and alarm system
Incat Crowther states: “An effectively laid-out deck Max speed..............................32knots (lightship) Onboard capacities
plan keeps superstructure to a minimum, with hull Classification society............China Classification Fuel oil.............................................7,100litres
cross structure eliminated where not required.” This Society Fresh water.....................................1,080litres
is coupled with a semi-SWATH hull form. Both hull Main engine(s) Complement
and superstructure have been fashioned from Make........................................................MTU Crew............................................................ 10
lightweight alluminium alloy. Model........................................ 12V 2000M72 Passengers............................................... 199

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SKANSEN: Bigger and better multi-purpose
workboat to replace 1975 Norwegian stalwart
Builder.....................................Maritime Partner On the foredeck, the vessel is equipped with a Breadth, moulded........................................ 4.9m
Designer..................................Maritime Partner 3tonne-capacity capstan winch and a crane with a Depth, moulded........................................... 0.9m
Vessel’s name....................................... Skansen lifting capacity of 4.5tonnes. The reinforced deck Gross tonnage................................... 18.7tonnes
Owner/operator...................... Ålesund Harbour can withstand concentrated loads, and is Lightweight........................................ 15.9tonnes
Country................................................... Norway approved for carrying cargo up to a weight of Service speed.........................................25knots
Flag......................................................... Norway 5tonnes, enabling the crew to load heavy Max speed...............................................30knots
Total number of sister ships equipment needed for various operations and to Main engine(s)
already completed.......................................... 0 collect heavy objects floating in the water. Make............................................ Volvo Penta
Total number of sister ships This large load capacity, in addition to a Model..........................................................D9
still on order..................................................... 1 hydraulically operated bow ramp, means the Number......................................................... 2
Contract date.................................Not specified vessel can operate as a transportation platform Output of each engine......................... 317kW
Delivery date...................................... April 2016 for heavy machinery – such as all-terrain Gearbox(es)
vehicles, fire engines or police patrol cars – to Make........................................................... ZF
D escribed by its designer and builder as a
‘Swiss army knife’, the multi-purpose
monohull/single-chine Alusafe 1500 MPV
otherwise inaccessible areas. The bow ramp,
which can be remotely operated from the
helmsman’s position at the bridge, enables the
Model........................................................ 286
Number......................................................... 2

Skansen was developed to fulfil a wide range of crew to deploy oil booms from the deck. The aft Waterjet(s)
assignments – from towing and oil spill response deck is fitted with one additional capstan winch, Make......................................MJP Hybrid 300
to firefighting operations – along the coast, as with 1tonne pulling capacity, and a remote- Number......................................................... 2
well as in the harbour and along the the quay released towing hook, operated from the
Bow thruster(s)
fronts of the Ålesund/Sunnmøre region of helmsman’s position at the bridge.
Make.................................................. Sleipner
Norway. The vessel has received approval The Alusafe 1500 MPV is constructed from
Number............................................... SH 240
according to the new regulations for coastal aluminum and features a fiberglass sandwich
vessels and for oil spill response duties, and is superstructure, mounted on dampeners to reduce Deck machinery..........1 x Fassi F50 AFM crane,
also fully equipped to assist the fire department noise and vibrations from the engine room to the 4.5tonnes/m
in firefighting and rescue-diving operations. wheelhouse. The wheelhouse is arranged with a Bridge electronics
This new workboat has been given the same small pantry, and a seating area with room for six Radar(s)..................................Furuno DRS 4F
name as the previous, outgoing Port Authority people, thus seating eight people in the Autopilot..................................... Simrad AP70
workboat, Skansen, which had been operating in wheelhouse in total. A locker room with sinks GMDSS......................................... Sailor 6222
the Ålesund region since 1975. According to and toilet facilities is located below deck. GPS...................................Furuno GPS SC-30
Anders Bjørdal, port captain of the Port Authority Maritime Partner has claimed that the Chart plotter........................... Furuno MaxSea
of Ålesund: “Improved stability and high towing multipurpose nature of this vessel type means Onboard capacities
capacity makes Skansen an important part of our that it could also be deployed as a support vessel Fuel oil................................................800litres
emergency preparedness, especially with regards for fish farms and diving operations, for example. Fresh water........................................200litres
to acute pollution situations.” Sullage.................................................50litres
Skansen is certified for oil pollution response Complement
operations, and is equipped with high towing TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Crew.............................................................. 2
capacity for towing oil booms. It is also fitted Length, oa............................................... 14.99m Passengers................................................... 6
with a water cannon for firefighting operations. Length, bp................................................. 14.5m Number of cabins......................................... 1

62 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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ST FRANCIS: A firefighting platform and a
mobile pumping station in one craft
Builder............................Vigor Fabrication LLC Power is transmitted to the pumps via three Logan Number......................................................... 2
Designer............ Jensen Maritime Consultants LC318 SAE #0 air actuated clutches and Elbe Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
Vessel’s name.....................................St Francis cardan shafts with a Centa Centaflex-R flywheel Diameter................................................ 1.57m
Owner/operator................... San Francisco Fire -mounted torsional coupling. Open or nozzled.................................... Open
Department In a bid to significantly reduce noise and Generator(s)
Country........................................................... US vibrations, the designer also mounted St Francis’ Make........................Northern Lights M99C13
Flag................................................................. US three engines on Christie & Grey TSC T-10 Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships vibration isolators. Output of each set............... 99kW@1,800rpm
already completed.......................................... 0 Bow thruster(s)
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Make .................................. Wesmar V2-20NS
Contract date.................................Not specified Length, oa................................................. 26.8m Number......................................................... 1
Delivery date....................................... July 2016 Length,bp.................................................. 23.9m Output of each....................................... 93kW
Breadth, moulded...................................... 7.62m Deck machinery

A s San Francisco’s first new fireboat in 61 years,

St Francis (formerly Fireboat 3) has been hailed
as both a high-end firefighting solution and a
Depth, moulded......................................... 4.37m
Gross tonnage.................................... 207tonnes
Displacement..................................... 260tonnes
1 x MPH1.25-20K crane, 1,130kg@3m /
[email protected]
1 x Pullmaster PL2 boat handling winch,
mobile pumping station “powerhouse”. Designed by Design, draught......................................... 2.74m 1tonne capacity
Jensen and built by Vigor, the 26.8m loa vessel is Design, deadweight............................. 46tonnes Other deck equipment
capable of pumping millions of gallons of water Lightweight......................................... 214tonnes Rescue boat
directly from San Francisco Bay into the city’s Deck space .............................................. 148m² Bridge electronics
auxiliary water system – an act to ensure that, Deck capacity................................... 1,270kg/m² Radar(s)........Furuno FAR 2117 X-Band radar
should an earthquake cause damage to San Service speed......................12knots@80% MCR DRS6A UHD digital radar
Francisco’s water mains, onshore firefighters will be Max speed...............................................12knots Autopilot...............................................Simrad
able to rely on the vessel for a steady flow of water. Range (nautical miles).................2,000@12knots GMDSS................................................ Furuno
This consideration reflects one of the most serious .4,000@10knots GPS.........................Furuno GP33 WAAS GPS
infrastructural challenges affecting earthquake- Fuel consumption........... 4.8tonnesday@12knots Gyro.....................................................Simrad
prone zones, and serves as a reminder of the 2tonnes/day@10knots Chart plotter......................................... Furuno
October 1989 Loma Prieta quake, which burst San Classification society ................................... ABS Onboard capacities
Francisco’s subterranean domestic water lines. Other important regulations Fuel oil...........................................44,665litres
Speaking at the time of her delivery, Keith complied with.........NFPA 1925 Type II Fireboat Fresh water.....................................1,020litres
Whittemore, Vigor’s executive vice president for Main engine(s) Sullage...............................................375litres
business development, commented: “St Francis is a Make................................................ Cummins Foam (firefighting)...........................4,060litres
complex vessel with multiple modes of operation Model..................................................QSK 19 Complement
and different systems that need to communicate Number......................................................... 3 Crew.............................................................. 3
with each other seamlessly to give the City’s Output of each engine......................... 559kW Passengers................................. 4 firefighters
firefighters the best possible tool for the future.” Gearbox(es) Number of cabins......................................... 0
Cummins was largely responsible for the Make.................................................. Reintjes Other significant or special items of equipment
fireboat’s critical pumping and propulsion power. Model.................................................WAF364 1 x Cummins QSK 19-M dedicated
A trio of QSK19-M US EPA Tier 3 engines provide Number......................................................... 2 fire pump engine
559kW@1,800rpm and feed Counterfire ESF 300- Propeller(s) 3 x Counterfire fire pumps
550 fire pumps with a capacity for 27,276litres per Material........ Austenitic stainless steel (ASTM 6 x fire monitors, 2 x 680m³/hr
minute each – or a total of 81,830litres per minute Grade CF-3) 4 x 340m³/hr (2 of which are
of flow with all three engines in pumping mode. Manufacturer..........................Sound Propeller under wharf monitors)

64 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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T. SERVIS 1: Speed, space and push in one
compact tug
Builder............................... RMK Marine – Tuzla assistance, courtesy of a small, Toimil-supplied Deck capacity................................... 5tonnes/m

Designer...........................Macduff Ship Design marine crane, rated 0.7tonnes at 6.85m and Service speed.........................................14knots
Vessel’s name.................................... T. Servis 1 positioned aft. Max speed...............................................16knots
Owner/operator................................... Unknown In terms of capacity, T. Servis 1 and her sister can Classification society.........................TÜrk Lloydu
Country.................................................... Turkey each carry up to 2,270litres of fuel oil, 500litres of Notations.................... X1A5XM, AUT-N Harbour
Flag.......................................................... Turkey fresh water and 330litres of black water. Service Boat
Total number of sister ships The vessel is powered by twin Volvo Penta D16- Main engine(s)
already completed.......................................... 1 750 main engines, rated 552kW at 1,900rpm apiece, Make............................................ Volvo Penta
Total number of sister ships driving propellers through Twin Disc MG 5145 Model........................................................D16
still on order..................................................... 0 gearboxes. For enhanced speed and seakeeping, T. Number......................................................... 2
Contract date.................................Not specified Servis 1 has also incorporated Humphree active Output of each engine......................... 552kW
Delivery date...............................February 2016 interceptors into her arrangement. Gearbox(es)
At the time of delivery, Ian Ellis, managing Make................................................ Twin Disc

A s the first of two 14.9m service vessels

constructed by Turkish boatbuilder RMK
Marine to a design provided by Scotland’s Macduff
director of Macduff, commented: “[Our] biggest
design challenge was the required 16knot service
speed, in light of the vessel’s relatively low power
Model............................................... MG 5145
Number......................................................... 2
Ship Design, the 39gt T. Servis 1 was delivered to and the ability to carry 10 crew and personnel, have Manufacturer................................ Teignbridge
her local, Turkish owner (whose identity has a pushing capability and accommodate space for the Number......................................................... 2
remained confidential) in February 2016 – shortly cargo and crane.” Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
followed by sister vessel, T. Servis 2. This duo was Diameter........................................... 1,900mm
part of a wider order coordinated between Macduff TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Open or nozzled.................................... Open
and the Tuzla-based yard for a selection of Length, oa................................................. 14.9m Deck machinery
newbuilds for the same owner, including five 10.1m Length, bp............................................... 14.22m 1 x Toimil T-055M/2 crane, [email protected] SWL
mooring tugs and two 19m shallow-draught ASD Breadth, moulded........................................ 4.8m Onboard capacities
tugs. Gross tonnage...................................... 39tonnes Fuel oil.............................................2,270litres
T. Servis 1’s prime remit is to serve as a multi-role Displacement....................................... 51tonnes Fresh water........................................500litres
harbour service boat, able to carry a maximum Design, draught......................................... 1.83m Sullage...............................................330litres
complement of 10 persons as well as 5tonnes of Design, deadweight............................. 11tonnes Complement
cargo on the aft deck. Cargo is transported onboard Lightweight........................................... 40tonnes Crew.............................................................. 2
independently, without the need for external Deck space......................................... 4m (total) Passengers................................................... 8

66 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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TELSTAR: EDDY Tug concept vessel matches
clean electric power with high manoeuvrability
Builder..................................Holland Shipyards The tug’s hybrid arrangement incorporates Propeller(s)
Designer..............................................Eddy Tug diesel-direct and diesel-electric inputs to the Manufacturer.......................... Veth Propulsion
Vessel’s name.......................................... Telstar thrusters. The electric motors, rated 600kW Type...........................................Veth VZ-1800
Owner/operator......Iskes Towage and Salvage each, are powered by the two 640kW Scania Number......................................................... 2
Country........................................... Netherlands gensets. A transit speed of 8knots can be attained Diameter........................................... 2,600mm
Flag................................................. Netherlands using one generator, and 10knots on two. The Speed........................ 1,540rpm (input speed)
Total number of sister ships bollard pull of 75tonnes in diesel-direct mode is Special adaptations.......... Diesel and e-motor
already completed.......................................... 0 measured at 30tonnes in ‘e-mode’. Operating in in-line
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 ‘e-mode’ could help to slash fuel costs and Open or nozzled................................ Nozzled
Contract date.............................November 2015 emissions by 50%, depending on the port of Deck machinery
Delivery date................................ October 2016 operations, whilst also reducing main diesel 1 x Ridderinkhof double drum, rope diameter
engine running hours, lowering maintenance 88mm, rope storage 2 x 170m, 149kW,

S lightly more compact than her predecessor costs. When more power is required in e-mode 30tonnes pull on first layer@15m/min
Eddy 1 (see Significant Small Ships of 2014, (for push-pull and active assist operations, for 1 x MKB Machinefabriek angled towing pin
pages 26 and 27), the compact, 25m Telstar, which example) the operator can add the power of the system, 75tonnes SWL
was delivered in October 2016, is a further refined diesel-direct input for extra kick. 2 x Holland Shipyards towing bits,
version of the hybrid-driven ‘Efficient, Dynamic, 75tonnes SWL
Double-Ended’ tug (EDDY Tug) concept, which TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 1 x capstan, 50kN with speed approx.
aligns azimuthing thrusters, one under the prow Length, oa............................................... 25.45m
Bridge electronics
and one under the stern, to realise a vessel capable Length, bp............................................... 23.57m
Radar(s)............................... Furuno FAR2117
of high-precision manoeuvring and the ability to Breadth, moulded...................................... 11.4m Autopilot..........................................Pilotstar D
exert full thrust in any direction. Depth, moulded......................................... 7.01m GMDSS.......................VHF – 1 / 2 Sailor-6222
As with Eddy 1, Telstar was built at Holland Gross tonnage.................................... 303tonnes AIS............................................Furuno FA-150
Shipyards to the specs of the EDDY 24-75 design. Displacement..................................... 529tonnes GPS......................................... Furuno GP-170
The vessel was delivered to Iskes Towage & Salvage Design, draught......................................... 5.65m Magnetic compass..............Cassens & Plath,
in the Port of IJmuiden – an ideal location to test Design, deadweight............................. 91tonnes Reflecta 1 Fiberline
the tug’s manoeuvrability. The design also allows Lightweight......................................... 438tonnes GPs compass............................ Furuno SC-50
for towing pins to be fitted on the aft bulwark, to Service speed..................... 8.2knots (on 640kW Chart plotter...... Transas, Tsunamis Navigator
assist with control when encountering narrow lock electric motor) Onboard capacities
and bridge passages. Stability is an important Max speed............................................13.5knots Fuel oil...........................................80,000litres
consideration given that lock transits are a key part Range (nautical miles)................................ 4,700 Fresh water...................................16,000litres
of the Iskes harbour towage business. Classification society.................... Bureau Veritas Sullage..........................................11,000litres
Telstar is powered by two Mitsubishi main Notations.........I TUG, _HULL. MACH, AUT-UMS Bilge water......................................3,500litres
engines and two permanent magnet electric Bollard pull........................................ 76.4tonnes Sludge.............................................4,000litres
motors. The vessel also features the Veth Hybrid Main engine(s) Dirty oil............................................4,000litres
Drive (VHD) system manufactured by Veth Make............................................... Mitsubishi Complement
Propulsion, which supplied the vessel’s Z-drive Model ...................................................S16R2 Crew.............................................................. 5
VZ1800 VHD thrusters, Scania Dl16 gensets and a Number......................................................... 2 Passengers................................................... 0
Sisu harbour set. Output of each engine.... 1,450kW@1,350rpm Number of cabins......................................... 4

68 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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TEMPEST: Semi-displacement catamaran CTV,
designed to balance seakeeping and transit speed
Builder.................................. Aluminium Marine BlueVision propulsion monitoring system. Rob Other important international regulations
Consultants Ltd (AMC) Stewart, commercial director at AMC, adds that complied with
Designer...................................................... AMC the bridge has been fitted with state-of-the-art MCA dangerous goods and
Vessel’s name ...................................... Tempest navigation and communication solutions, fuel transfer compliant
Owner/operator........................................CWind incorporating “some unique features at the Main engine(s)
Country........................................................... UK request of the client”. Make........................................................MTU
Flag................................................................. UK A set of Cummins Onan MDKBV units were Model....................................... 10V 2000 M72
Total number of sister ships chosen to provide onboard power, mainly due to Number......................................................... 2
already completed.......................................... 3 their reported low sound and vibration profile, Output of each engine......................... 900kW
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0 AMC says. The vessel superstructure has been Gearbox(es)
Contract date................................ January 2015 resiliently mounted, granting Tempest’s Make........................................................... ZF
Delivery date................................ January 2016 technician complement a relatively smooth and Model................................................. ZF 3000
quiet transit, with KPM shock-mitigating seats Number......................................................... 2

O ffshore wind farm support vessels face

working environments within deeper waters,
and in more far-flung locations, than has been
playing their part in boosting passenger comfort.
Although Tempest’s second and third ‘sister’ vessels
are some 2m smaller in length than the debutant, all
Make...................................................... Onan
Number......................................................... 2
the case to date, and, as such, vessel seakeeping four vessels in this series have been simultaneously in Output of each set................................. 19kW
ability has become as important as, if not more build with staggered delivery dates. AMC says: “The Waterjet(s)
important than, speed. installations are almost identical, allowing a Make...................Rolls-Royce Kamewa 50 A3
As the first of a series of four crew transfer completely interchangeable crewing which is Number......................................................... 2
vessels (CTVs) built to yield maximum days at providing a huge benefit to the client.” Deck machinery
sea, Tempest’s focus is not solely on transit speed Winch(es).................................... 1 x Hercules
– although the 22.5m loa boat is capable of TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Bridge electronics
achieving a top speed of 28knots – but on its Length, oa................................................. 22.5m Radar................................................... Furuno
ability to stand firm against rough weather and Breadth, moulded........................................ 7.7m Autopilot.....................................Simrad AC80
waves. The craft’s 1.4m draught, combined with a Depth, moulded...................... 2.8m (@midships) GMDSS......................................... Sailor 6222
high waterline, provides ample room for the Gross tonnage................................... 51.7tonnes GPS............................................ Furuno GP33
waves to pass between her hulls, thus preventing Displacement`................................... 72.5tonnes Chart plotter......................Furuno Navnet T2T
slamming and increasing the vessel’s personnel Design, draught....................................... 1.343m Engine monitoring/
transfer capability. Design, deadweight........................ 20.32tonnes fire detection system...........Energy Solutions
Waterjets were selected for enhanced Deck space ................................... 40m² forward Consulting
manoeuvrability and thrust. The Rolls-Royce 25m² aft Onboard capacities
Kamewa models chosen come with compact Deck capacity...............................7.5tonnes fwd Fuel oil.............................................7,000litres
reversing buckets which can deliver up to 70% of 7.5tonnes aft Fresh water.....................................1,000litres
the normal forward thrust, resulting in enhanced Service speed.........................................22knots Sullage............................................1,000litres
transit efficiency and the ability to keep the CTV Max speed...............................................28knots Complement
pushed onto the tower in high sea states. Bollard pull........................................... 10tonnes Crew.............................................................. 2
To reduce the likelihood of unplanned Classification society................................... MCA Passengers................................................. 12
downtime, Tempest has adopted MTU’s Notations........................................... Category 2 Number of cabins......................................... 2

70 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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VISION OF THE FJORDS: Hybrid tour boat
keeping Norwegian fjord pristine
Builder............................................Brødrene Aa managing the energy flow between the diesel the most picturesque sections of the fjord, or for trips
Designer.........................................Brødrene Aa machinery, propellers and battery charging station. in harbour, Vision of the Fjords is driven solely by
Vessel’s name.....................Vision of the Fjords The ferry’s exterior lines were designed to resemble battery-fed electric motor propulsion, with an
Owner/operator.................................The Fjords a twisting mountain path, granting passengers full endurance of up to three hours in this mode.
Country................................................... Norway freedom of movement up and around the entire Vision of the Fjords is undertaking a year-round
Flag......................................................... Norway vessel. The catamaran is certified for 400 passengers, schedule and is expected to make about 700 journeys
Total number of sister ships accommodated across two decks, and her twin hulls per annum.
already completed.......................................... 0 were designed with a very high prismatic coefficient,
Total number of sister ships so as to minimise wake and lessen wave-induced TECHNICAL PARTICULARS
still on order...................................Not specified erosion on the fjords’ narrow shores. Length, oa............................................... 42.04m
Contract date.................................Not specified Vision of the Fjords’ parallel hybrid propulsion Length, bp............................................... 40.85m
Delivery date....................................... July 2016 system was engineered by Mancraft of Bergen, Breadth...................................................... 15.2m
Germany. This system incorporates two drivelines, Depth........................................................... 3.5m
C ompleted just a year after contract signing, the
futuristic sightseeing catamaran Vision of the
Fjords has commenced services on Norway’s
each consisting of a diesel engine, coupling/clutch
combination, electric motor and generator
combination with flexible connectors on each side,
Gross tonnage.................................... 753tonnes
Design, draught........................................... 1.5m
Design, deadweight............................. 47tonnes
UNESCO World Heritage-listed Nærøyfjord. The and advanced torque measuring equipment and Service speed........................... 8knots (approx.)
40m, carbon-fibre ferry was developed with the monitoring for the respective operating modes. Max speed...............................................18knots
intent of causing minimal impact on her ecologically A pair of 12-cylinder MAN D2862 LE422 engines, Classification society.............................. DNV GL
sensitive surroundings whilst providing a first rate each producing 749kW at 2,100rpm, provides diesel Main engine(s) (DIESEL)
tourist experience. Designed and built in western power. In each case, power is transmitted via a Make....................................................... MAN
Norway by Brødrene Aa, Vision of the Fjords is Centa electro-magnetic clutch through a Centalink Model........................................ D2862 LE422
unique as a hybrid diesel/battery electric-powered, drive shaft to an Oswald permanent-magnet electric Number......................................................... 2
twin-hull vessel, and is described as a ‘parallel motor. The diesel and electric engines can power the Output of each engine....... 749kW@2,100rpm
hybrid’ due to the fact that her electric and diesel propellers together, or independently; in diesel Main engines (ELECTRIC)
engines can be run independently of each other, or mode, full engine power can be directed through Make................ Oswald permanent-magnetic
can power the propellers together, with seamless the Oswald electric motor to the ZF gearbox and electric engines
transition between modes. West Mekan controllable-pitch propeller. The Number......................................................... 2
The vessel is operated by Norwegian tourist boat Oswald synchronous machines can also function as Output of each engine...... 150kW (as engine)
operator The Fjords, between Flam and Gudvangen, alternators, at a 200kW rating, to charge the . 200kW (as alternator)
with a top speed of 18knots. However, when reaching batteries, drawing on excess power available from Battery power......................................... 576kWh
the sensitive Nærøyfjord waters, she switches to pure the diesels. Propeller
battery power at a speed of approximately 8knots, The battery packs are installed in the twin hulls. Manufacturer ...............................West Mekan
engaging in emissions-free, silent running. The The 576kWh energy storage system uses lithium-ion Number......................................................... 1
battery pack is charged by the engines or from a nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) cells and modules Fixed/controllable pitch................ Controllable
shoreside supply, and a compact version of ABB’s from LG Chem, adapted for maritime use by Hovik- Complement
Onboard DC Grid system is responsible for based system contractor ZEM. During sightseeing in Passengers............................................... 400

72 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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Significant Small Ships of 2016 73

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ZEELEEUW: Multi-function patrol boat matches
low fuel burn with low noise
Builder....................................Baltic Workboats Zeeleeuw has also managed to avoid earning a Gearbox(es)
Designer.................................Baltic Workboats reputation as a gas guzzler; instead, the vessel Make........................................................... ZF
Vessel’s name...................................... Zeeleeuw consumes fuel at a rate of approximately 133litres Model...................................................... 665V
Owner/operator............. Agentschap Maritieme per hour when travelling at 20knots. The craft’s Number......................................................... 2
Dienstverlening en Kust / Dab Vloot powertrain comprises two Volvo Penta D16 MH Output................................................. 2,517:1
Country.................................................. Belgium engines driving five-bladed, fixed-pitch Propeller(s)
Flag........................................................ Belgium propellers through ZF marine gearboxes. Manufacturer............................................ CJR
Total number of sister ships The vessel has been equipped with two radars: a Material.......................................... NiBrAl Cu³
already completed.......................................... 0 Simrad Argus model, to be utilised at sea, and a
Furuno radar, for deployment in riverine Number......................................................... 2
Total number of sister ships still on order.......... 0
Contract date....................................... July 2015 conditions. Both interface with twin 24” Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
Delivery date................................ October 2016 widescreen displays which can also be used for Diameter.............................................. 925mm
ECDIS, Baltic Workboats confirms. Speed..................................................715rpm

D esigned to perform as a multi-function

patrol boat for Belgium Customs, Zeeleeuw
(or ‘sea lion’) is the first vessel to incorporate
Length, oa.................................................... 22m
Bow thruster(s)
Make.................................................. Sleipner
Number......................................................... 1
Estonia-based Baltic Workboats’ new advanced Length, bp............................................... 20.87m Output of each thruster....................... 23.3kW
wave-piercing design, which has been Breadth, moulded...................................... 5.56m Bridge electronics
developed to enable high-speed travel across a Gross tonnage...................................... 64tonnes Radar(s).................................... Simrad Argus
range of sea and weather conditions. This Displacement.................................... 40.7tonnes Autopilot.................................... Simrad AP-80
design has been named the Patrol 2200 WP and Design, draught.............................................. 1m Gyro......................................... Simrad GC-80
Baltic Workboats intends to use it as the Design, deadweight............................ 5.6tonnes Chart plotter.................... Simrad ECDIS 5000
building block for a number of scalable / Lightweight........................................ 34.9tonnes Engine monitoring /
customisable future patrol boats. Service speed.........................................16knots fire detection system.............. Volvo/Deckma
Speed and stability aside, Zeeleeuw’s more Max speed...............................................23knots
/Baltic Workboats
notable features include extreme attention to Range (nautical miles)................................... 250
noise reduction; the designer and builder was Onboard capacities
Fuel consumption.................. 1,100litres per day
able to limit wheelhouse noise levels to 62dBA Classification society..................................... N/A Fuel oil.............................................3,000litres
when the craft is travelling at her maximum Notations....................................................... N/A Fresh water........................................300litres
speed of 23knots, or between 60-61dBA when the Main engine(s) Sullage...............................................300litres
boat is in the 19-21knots bracket. The wheelhouse Make............................................ Volvo Penta Complement
has been positioned centrally; this permits Model................................................. D16 MH Crew.............................................................. 2
Zeeleeuw’s crew to safely launch a 5m RIB from Number......................................................... 2 Passengers................................................... 7
the aft ramp at speeds of up to 8knots. Output of each engine....... 405kW@1,800rpm Number of cabins......................................... 0

74 Significant Small Ships of 2016

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Significant Small Ships of 2016 75

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The twentieth edition of our annual Significant Small Ships series, Significant Small
Ships of 2017, will be published in February 2018. As in previous editions we shall
be including up to 30 of the most innovative and interesting commercial ship designs
(up to 100m length) which will be delivered during the forthcoming year.

The Editor invites shipbuilders, designers and owners to submit details of vessels
for possible inclusion in Significant Small Ships of 2017. Presentation will follow on
the established two-page format, with a colour photograph, descriptive text and
tabular details (including major equipment suppliers) on the first page, followed by
a full page of technical general arrangement plans. Initial potential entries should
comprise a short technical description (500 words) of the proposed vessel highlighting
the special features and the delivery date.

All entries should be addressed to:

Martin Conway, Editor, Significant Small Ships of 2017,
8-9 Northumberland Street, London WC2N 5DA, UK.
e-mail: [email protected]

SSS 17 - p76.indd 1 01/02/2017 14:26:56

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