SSS 2016 PDF
SSS 2016 PDF
SSS 2016 PDF
AHTO-14 4
Martin Conway ALBERT NILE-1 8
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Publisher: EMBLA 22
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RED JET 6 54
© 2017. The Royal Institution of Naval Architects
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ISBN: 978-1-909024-62-5
T. SERVIS 1 66
small vessel and boat designs in the 5-100m loa class. As with 2015, we have
Similarly, 2016 saw the production of Red Jet 6, the UK’s first
domestically built fast ferry in more than 15 years (pages 54/55). As
well as being of historical relevance, this particular contract has also
assembled a variety of ship and boat types, from RIBs to offshore support reaped benefits for builder Wight Shipyard Co (formerly Shemara Refit
vessels, reflecting a high degree of design innovation across the marine sector. LLP), which concluded last year with orders for two further ferries for
One ongoing area of growth has been the development of green MBNA Thames Clippers, both due to enter service in summer 2017.
craft solutions, particularly the adoption of hybrid diesel-electric Heesen Yachts also produced its largest yacht so far, in the form of the
solutions. This is reflected by entries 70m loa superyacht Galactica Super
such as the buoy/beacon maintenance Nova (pages 30/31), a vessel whose hull
and oil spill recovery vessel Bøkfjord
“One ongoing area form boasts an interesting back story and
(pages 14/16), the naval tug Noordzee of growth has been set of unique features.
(pages 40/41), the EDDY Tug model the development Another notable trend has been for tug
Telstar (pages 68/69) and the Norwegian
of green craft and workboat developers to make their
tour boat Vision of the Fjords (pages products as versatile and multi-purpose as
72/73), which, in addition to producing
solutions, particularly possible. Perhaps wary of the fate of
a means of curtailing emissions in the adoption of many laid-up offshore support vessels
Norway’s ecologically sensitive hybrid diesel-electric over the past few years, designers and
Nærøyfjord, also features some classy
solutions” builders seem keener than ever to ensure
external design, offering passengers that their craft can fully occupy
maximum visibility whilst in this themselves with work. A number of
Scandinavian beauty spot. vessels in this edition have been described
Last year saw the completion and delivery of a number of ‘firsts’. as ‘Swiss army knives’, reflecting their ability to fulfil a wide range of
In the US, for instance, Atlantic Wind Transfers took delivery of the tasks in port and at sea.
country’s first domestically built offshore wind farm support vessel, We would like to thank all of the yards, designers and equipment
in the form of the 21.4m Atlantic Pioneer (pages 12/13) – a taster of suppliers who contributed technical information, pictures and general
what is surely to come, Stateside, as the country’s offshore arrangements, and who worked with us on the collation of this year’s
renewable energy development drive commences in earnest, and a publication. We also look forward to receiving entries for Significant
good example of the benefits of UK-US cooperation. The vessel is Small Ships of 2017 – as ever, we would be delighted to receive info
also notable for meeting US Coast Guard regulations that permit her concerning any first-in-class and unique vessel deliveries this year.
to switch between offshore wind park support work and more Martin Conway
conventional, passenger craft-style sightseeing journeys. Editor
M easuring 44m x 11.4m, and designed in running at optimal load, whilst simultaneously Output of each................... 400kW@1,200rpm
close cooperation between Kystverket, charging batteries. In harbour in general, Deck machinery
Hvide Sande Shipyard, Steel & Service and Jorgen operation is conducted on batteries to eliminate 1 x Palfinger PK150002M deck crane,
Petersen Ltd (now part of OSK-ShipTech), the noise pollution.” 30tonnes SWL
multi-purpose vessel Bøkfjord has been described 2 x Palfinger PK15500M deck cranes,
as constituting “two vessels in one hull”. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 6.2tonnes SWL
On one hand, the vessel functions as a Length, oa.................................................... 44m 1 x SCAN chain winch, 8tonnes pull force
maintenance ship for buoys and beacons; on the Length, bp.................................................... 40m 2 x SCAN anchor winches (fwd), 5tonnes
pull force
other, Bøkfjord has been developed to act as a Breadth, moulded...................................... 11.4m
1 x SCAN anchor winch (aft), 5tonnes
fast-response oil recovery vessel, having been Depth, moulded........................................... 4.5m
pull force
equipped with surface oil skimmers and Gross tonnage.................................... 935tonnes 1 x Mampaey towing hook,
dedicated holding tanks for recovered oil, in Displacement.................................. 1,009tonnes 45tonnes SWL
addition to the offshore working cranes that one Design, draught......................................... 3.03m Lamor skimmer equipment
might expect from a more typical maintenance Design, deadweight........................... 230tonnes Onboard capacities
vessel. Not only that, but Bøkfjord has also been Lightweight......................................... 780tonnes Fuel oil.........................................180,000litres
developed with environmental compliance in Deck capacity................................... 3tonnes/m² Fresh water...................................66,000litres
mind, featuring an advanced diesel-electric Service speed......................................12.5knots Sullage..........................................16,000litres
hybrid propulsion system. Max speed............................................13.5knots Ballast water................................156,000litres
The vessel’s accommodation has been designed Classification society.............................. DNV GL Recovered oil..............................178,000litres
with exterior cleaning facilities and dedicated Notations.............................. 1A1 BWM(E(d, s,f)) Complement
secondary access in oil recovery operation mode. Clean COMF (C-3, V-3) DK Crew............................................................ 11
On top, the navigation bridge is integrated with (X) DYNPOS(AUT) E0 Ice Passengers................................................... 5
operation control facilities for full 360degs (1C) OILREC R0 Number of cabins....................................... 16
visibility. The operation facilities area functions Bollard pull........................................... 45tonnes Other special or significant items of equipment
on a daily basis as the planning centre for the Main engine(s) Vehicle ramp with working platform for
maintenance of buoys and beacons. When tasked Make...............................................Caterpillar operation in DP mode, when maintaining
with oil recovery operations, however, this Model........................................................C32 buoys and beacons
volution, which was designed and built for lookout station. Inside the upper deck cabin there Make........................................................... ZF
Down Under Cruise & Dive of Cairns, is booth seating for 46 passengers, as well as a VIP Model...................................................... 3050
Australia, and delivered in February 2016, is room designed to accommodate 10 persons. Number......................................................... 2
intended to represent a cross between a motor Forward of the wheelhouse are sun lounges and a
yacht – specifically in terms of style and comfort stairway to the foredeck.
– and a more rugged, utilitarian aluminium The roof deck features forward-facing seats and Number......................................................... 2
commercial vessel, in order to provide a workable, lounges to the aft. This deck, which is covered by Fixed/controllable pitch.......................... Fixed
yet attractive, means of escorting passengers to a solid roof, can accommodate 70 passengers. Alternator(s)
and from the Great Barrier Reef. Evolution has been designed to operate at a Make ..........................Cummins 6BT5.9-D(M)
As a result, the vessel features large and cruising speed of 25knots at 90% MCR, courtesy Number......................................................... 2
well-glazed interior spaces, while outdoor of two MAN D2862 LE463 engines, rated Output of each set..................................50Hz
spaces are equipped with comfortable lounges 1,029kW apiece. Onboard capacities
and protection from the sun. Passengers are Fuel oil.............................................8,000litres
able to board the vessel via gates situated aft TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Fresh water.....................................6,000litres
and amidships on the main deck, as well as Length, oa............................................... 33.65m Sullage............................................4,000litres
through an additional set of gates located on Length, bp................................................. 30.1m Complement
the upper deck. Breadth, moulded........................................... 9m Crew............................................................ 20
The vessel also incorporates three platforms, for Depth, moulded........................................... 3.2m Passengers............................................... 200
use when the vessel is at rest at the Reef. These Gross tonnage.................................... 297tonnes Number of cabins......................................... 0
F osna Triton made an immediate impression she can also be utilised for fish delousing Number......................................................... 1
in 2016 as the first tailor-made ocean operations. The vessel’s deck is fitted with a single Deck machinery
farming vessel to be delivered by Norway’s Palfinger PC2700N crane, featuring a safe Crane(s).............1 x Palfinger PC2700N, SWL
Maritime Partner. working load (SWL) of 2.7tonnes, and a sole stern 2.7tonnes
Developed jointly by Maritime Partner and winch manufactured by MB Hydraulikk AS. Winch(es)............ 1 x MB Hydraulikk AS stern
ocean farming service supplier Abyss Group, the A pair of Scania DI13 engines, rated 522kW . winch Bridge electronics
latter of which oversees ocean farming vessel apiece and driving twin Hamilton HJ364 Radar(s).............................. Furuno Time Zero
waterjets, enable a cruising speed of 30knots, GMDSS.......................... Jotron TR20 GMDSS
operator Abyss Aqua, the vessel was built to the
Other communications systems.... Sailor 6215
specs of the Alusafe 1500 Light Diving Vessel increasing to 35knots max. VHF DSC
(LDV) class, featuring an overall length of 15.8m GPS...........................................Furuno GP-32
and a moulded beam of 4.6m. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Chart plotter........................ Furuno Time Zero
Despite her small size, though, Fosna Triton Length, oa................................................. 15.8m Onboard capacities
has been specifically developed to handle Length, bp................................................. 14.5m Fuel oil.............................................2,000litres
rough seas, harsh conditions and abundant Breadth, moulded........................................ 4.6m Fresh water........................................200litres
work lo ads. The Nor weg i an Mar it ime Depth, moulded........................................... 0.9m Sullage...............................................200litres
Directorate has subsequently classified the Gross tonnage................................... 18.7tonnes Complement
craft as suitable for deployment in coastal Lightweight........................................ 15.9tonnes Crew.............................................................. 4
operations, thereby enabling Fosna Triton to Service speed.........................................30knots Passengers................................................... 2
perform operations in open waters and all Max speed...............................................35knots Number of cabins......................................... 1
along the Norwegian coastline. Classification society..................................... N/A Other significant or special items of equipment
The contract was also hailed as an example of Main engine(s) Rescue raft (supplied by Survitec Norway)
“combined competence” within the Norwegian Make.................................................... Scania Rescue equipment (c/o Hansen Protection)
marine cluster, at a time when the ocean farming Model.......................................................DI13 Recaro Northsea crew seats
sector (and, in particular, the deep-sea ocean Number......................................................... 2 CCTV system
farming segment) is looking to incorporate Output of each engine......................... 522kW Seascape diving pack / Pommec diving pack
superyacht Galactica Super Nova is reported attempts to increase speed are significantly Model.........20V 4000 M93L / 16V 4000 M93L
to be one of the top 200 largest yachts in the restricted by the amounts of wave resistance Number.................................................... 2 / 1
world – and certainly the largest yacht to have generated by bilge displacement hulls. Output of each engine ..........4,300kW (20V) /
emerged from the group’s yard. Switching to a hard chine hull, meanwhile, 3,440kW (16V)
Built for an anonymous owner, the would have enabled higher speeds, but would Gearbox(es)
aluminium, motor-powered vessel boasts a have also resulted in increased draught and Make........................................................... ZF
number of high-end features to please even drag when travelling at low speed. Model...................................................... 9050
the most demanding of guests, including: As a result, van Oossanen opted for a Number......................................................... 3
357m² of deck space and the ability to deploy bulbous bow design, combined with a slender Onboard capacities
the foredeck as a helipad; an outdoor cinema fore body and a shallow transom area, the Fuel oil...........................................89,000litres
area; and an informal dining space-cum- latter only minimally submerged. A vertical Fresh water...................................25,000litres
sunbathing plot. metal plate, or ‘interceptor’, was added to the Complement
Additional luxuries include a 6m swim-jet transom below the waterline, to ‘intercept’ Crew............................................................ 16
infinity pool (complete with waterfall, glass- water flowing under the hull to provide Guests......................................................... 12
panelled bottom and spa jets), a 146m² ‘beach significant lift at the back of the boat, Number of cabins.................... 1 x full-beam
club’ area and a shaded sundeck. improving its overall horizontal trim. This lift, master suite 1 x VIP cabin
The upper deck has also been designed to in combination with the shallow transom area, 4 x double cabins
combine with the sky lounge, creating a also enables the installation of larger Other significant or special items of equipment
sizeable indoor/outdoor entertainment area propellers – a scenario from which Galactica Sperry Marine steering system
covering 92m². Naval architect Espen Øino Super Nova has benefited. In sea trials, the Quantum fin stabilisers
1 x Mampaey towing hook, aft,
100tonnes SWL
1 x towing winch, aft (hydraulically
of 2016, just five months after owner/operator fore ship and a raised forecastle deck help to keep driven, single drum winch with
Fratelli Neri signed the contract for her the working deck dry. spooling device and warping head,
construction. Having been built for stock pull 30tonnes up to 40m/min
simplified this process, freeing up Damen TECHNICAL PARTICULARS and 200tonnes brake)
Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam to concentrate Length, oa................................................. 32.7m Bridge electronics
on the final outfitting works. The Port of Breadth, oa.............................................. 12.82m Radar(s).............................. Furuno FSR 2117
Livorno is acknowledged as being a challenging Depth ........................................ 5.35m (at sides) Other communications systems........... 2 x Sailor
harbour in which to operate, due to a series of Gross tonnage.................................... 453tonnes 6222 VHF and 2 x hand-held
tight turns that require optimal vessel Displacement..................................... 815tonnes . 2 x Furuno Felcom 18 (Inmarsat)
manouevrabilty to negotiate. Design, draught......................................... 5.51m Autopilot...............................Robertson AP-70
One of Luisa Neri’s key significant features is a Max speed............................................14.3knots GPS ..................................... Furuno GP-150D
render-recovery towing winch, also designed by Classification society...................................RINA Gyro compass............. Anschütz Compact 22
Damen, which is intended to lead to improved Notations............................... C X HULL MACHn AIS............................................Furuno FA-150
safety and flexibility when the vessel is partaking in Escort Tug Unrestricted Navigation AUT UMS Echo sounder...........................Furuno FE-800
towing and escorting operations – and which INWATERSURVEY Fire Fighting Ship 1 Water EPIRB..................................... Jotron Tron-40S
enables the tug’s operators to work in a variety of spray Oil Recovery Ship, Second Line, Supply SART................................... Jotron TronSart20
tough offshore environments. vessel, Oil product (flame point>60°C) Onboard capacities
The render-recovery winch works by preventing Bollard pull...........................80.8tonnes (ahead) Fuel oil.........................................141,800litres
the high peak loads that can occur in the towing . 74.9tonnes (astern) Fresh water...................................15,200litres
wire in rough conditions, Damen explains. This is Main engine(s) Sewage...........................................5,100litres
accomplished by rendering speeds of up to 100m/ Make...............................................Caterpillar Lube oil...........................................8,100litres
min with a line force of 100tonnes and recovery Model.................................. 3516C HD+ TA/D Bilge water......................................6,800litres
speeds up to 50m/min with a line force of 60tonnes. Number......................................................... 2 Foam.............................................12,600litres
According to Erik van Schaik, Damen senior Output of each engine.......5,050bkW@1,800rpm Dispersant.......................................5,400litres
design and proposal engineer: “The render-recovery Propeller(s) Oil recovery...................................42,600litres
winch gives tug captains an outstanding degree of Material................................................. NiAlBr Complement
flexibility; they can work with various operating Manufacturer................................ Rolls-Royce Crew............................................................ 10
modes depending on the weather, the sea conditions Model.........................US 255 P30 CP Special Passengers................................................... 0
and the work needed to be done. These modes are Number......................................................... 2 Number of cabins......................................... 6
Designer...........................Macduff Ship Design marine crane, rated 0.7tonnes at 6.85m and Service speed.........................................14knots
Vessel’s name.................................... T. Servis 1 positioned aft. Max speed...............................................16knots
Owner/operator................................... Unknown In terms of capacity, T. Servis 1 and her sister can Classification society.........................TÜrk Lloydu
Country.................................................... Turkey each carry up to 2,270litres of fuel oil, 500litres of Notations.................... X1A5XM, AUT-N Harbour
Flag.......................................................... Turkey fresh water and 330litres of black water. Service Boat
Total number of sister ships The vessel is powered by twin Volvo Penta D16- Main engine(s)
already completed.......................................... 1 750 main engines, rated 552kW at 1,900rpm apiece, Make............................................ Volvo Penta
Total number of sister ships driving propellers through Twin Disc MG 5145 Model........................................................D16
still on order..................................................... 0 gearboxes. For enhanced speed and seakeeping, T. Number......................................................... 2
Contract date.................................Not specified Servis 1 has also incorporated Humphree active Output of each engine......................... 552kW
Delivery date...............................February 2016 interceptors into her arrangement. Gearbox(es)
At the time of delivery, Ian Ellis, managing Make................................................ Twin Disc
S lightly more compact than her predecessor costs. When more power is required in e-mode 30tonnes pull on first layer@15m/min
Eddy 1 (see Significant Small Ships of 2014, (for push-pull and active assist operations, for 1 x MKB Machinefabriek angled towing pin
pages 26 and 27), the compact, 25m Telstar, which example) the operator can add the power of the system, 75tonnes SWL
was delivered in October 2016, is a further refined diesel-direct input for extra kick. 2 x Holland Shipyards towing bits,
version of the hybrid-driven ‘Efficient, Dynamic, 75tonnes SWL
Double-Ended’ tug (EDDY Tug) concept, which TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 1 x capstan, 50kN with speed approx.
aligns azimuthing thrusters, one under the prow Length, oa............................................... 25.45m
Bridge electronics
and one under the stern, to realise a vessel capable Length, bp............................................... 23.57m
Radar(s)............................... Furuno FAR2117
of high-precision manoeuvring and the ability to Breadth, moulded...................................... 11.4m Autopilot..........................................Pilotstar D
exert full thrust in any direction. Depth, moulded......................................... 7.01m GMDSS.......................VHF – 1 / 2 Sailor-6222
As with Eddy 1, Telstar was built at Holland Gross tonnage.................................... 303tonnes AIS............................................Furuno FA-150
Shipyards to the specs of the EDDY 24-75 design. Displacement..................................... 529tonnes GPS......................................... Furuno GP-170
The vessel was delivered to Iskes Towage & Salvage Design, draught......................................... 5.65m Magnetic compass..............Cassens & Plath,
in the Port of IJmuiden – an ideal location to test Design, deadweight............................. 91tonnes Reflecta 1 Fiberline
the tug’s manoeuvrability. The design also allows Lightweight......................................... 438tonnes GPs compass............................ Furuno SC-50
for towing pins to be fitted on the aft bulwark, to Service speed..................... 8.2knots (on 640kW Chart plotter...... Transas, Tsunamis Navigator
assist with control when encountering narrow lock electric motor) Onboard capacities
and bridge passages. Stability is an important Max speed............................................13.5knots Fuel oil...........................................80,000litres
consideration given that lock transits are a key part Range (nautical miles)................................ 4,700 Fresh water...................................16,000litres
of the Iskes harbour towage business. Classification society.................... Bureau Veritas Sullage..........................................11,000litres
Telstar is powered by two Mitsubishi main Notations.........I TUG, _HULL. MACH, AUT-UMS Bilge water......................................3,500litres
engines and two permanent magnet electric Bollard pull........................................ 76.4tonnes Sludge.............................................4,000litres
motors. The vessel also features the Veth Hybrid Main engine(s) Dirty oil............................................4,000litres
Drive (VHD) system manufactured by Veth Make............................................... Mitsubishi Complement
Propulsion, which supplied the vessel’s Z-drive Model ...................................................S16R2 Crew.............................................................. 5
VZ1800 VHD thrusters, Scania Dl16 gensets and a Number......................................................... 2 Passengers................................................... 0
Sisu harbour set. Output of each engine.... 1,450kW@1,350rpm Number of cabins......................................... 4
The Editor invites shipbuilders, designers and owners to submit details of vessels
for possible inclusion in Significant Small Ships of 2017. Presentation will follow on
the established two-page format, with a colour photograph, descriptive text and
tabular details (including major equipment suppliers) on the first page, followed by
a full page of technical general arrangement plans. Initial potential entries should
comprise a short technical description (500 words) of the proposed vessel highlighting
the special features and the delivery date.