CLIL Methodology II - Unit 3 & Unit 4 - Practice Task
CLIL Methodology II - Unit 3 & Unit 4 - Practice Task
CLIL Methodology II - Unit 3 & Unit 4 - Practice Task
Practice Task
One of the basic CLIL principles is the 4Cs, as you know well by now. According to
Professor Do Coyle (2000, 2002) the relationship between content objectives and
language objectives have a conceptual representation, the language Triptych, which
makes these connections clear. It takes into account the need to integrate
cognitively demanding content with language learning and using. The Triptych
supports learners in using language through analysis of the CLIL vehicular language
from three interrelated perspectives: the three As. It analyses the language of
learning, adds the language for learning and applies the language through
In addition to the three As tool, Professor Do Coyle provides us, as you have already
seen, with another very powerful framework for this same purpose. It integrates
four contextualised building blocks, the well-known 4Cs.
As a summary of what you have already read in Module I, Do Coyle’s 4 Cs stand for:
Cognition which refers to the thinking skills (LOTS and HOTS – Bloom's
Taxonomy) or the kinds of activities students should be able to do.
Since 2005, when Professor Do Coyle designed these tools, many more Cs need to
be taken into account, specially the C for Competence since at present many
curricula are competence oriented.
And, of course, at least 3 more Cs should be taken into account when preparing
CLIL lessons:
Let´s see an example of these three types of language: the Language OF, the
Language FOR and the Language THROUGH, applied to an activity related to the
Water Cycle:
to heat, to evaporate, to rain, to condense,
to store, to heat, etc.
Air currents......
a. Think of a curricular activity related to the topic you have chosen in Task
1 that you will develop in your Didactic Sequence (Final Task of this
One of the activities would be to see a video and, afterwards, answer some
b. Analyse the kind of language your students require to do the activity: the
language OF, the language FOR and the language THROUGH.
c. Fill in the grid below with what you will ask them to do in the activity. If you
ask them to do a hypothesis, you will have to provide them with the language
to express a hypothesis, to refute it and so on. If you want them to explain, to
report, to summarise, to compare, etc., you will need to give them the
language and structure of an explanation, of a report, of a summary, of a
comparison, etc.
Note: You do not have to write the whole explanation of what you ask your students
to do in your activity, just some guide of how you would scaffold the language, as in
the example given
Apply, Change, Consist, Consume,
Express, Happen, Induce, Lose, Obtain, Produce,
Reduce, Repeat, Represent, Use,
Allow, circulate, decrease, depend, direct, flow,
increase, interrupt, maintain, oppose, pass, protect,
Language OF: provide, simplify, transform
Present Simple, Future Simple
I guess that . . .
Language THROUGH:
What do you think about ...?
Do you agree?
Is it clear/ok/right?
Below you can see an example of the 5 Cs of a CLIL Didactic Sequence organized in
a MindMap, corresponding to one of the three units of a 15 hour Didactic material of
Social Science called Roman Civilization by Joan Andreu Martí of the IES Bisbe
Analyse this MindMap carefully paying special attention to how the 5 Cs are organised:
- Your Mind Map doesn’t need to be as extensive as the given model but it should include the 5 Cs: Content, Cognition,
Communication, Culture and Competence.
- You can include the activity you have developed in exercise one as part of the communication aspect.
Although in the example above the Language Through has not been included, you can add it if you feel it is necessary to
understand better your sequence.
- You can find the curricular competences that correspond to your subject in the curriculum of your autonomous community.
- To do your MindMap you can use a free MindMap generator such as the ones given below or any other that you know of: