Data Governance Driving Value in Health

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Data governance:
Driving value in

KPMG International


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© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving valueShort
in healthcare
headline | 1



Table of contents

The first step in the healthcare analytics journey 3

What is data governance in healthcare? 4

Key client challenges 5

Competencies and capabilities 6

Maturity model 7

Other considerations 9

Case studies 11-12

Summing up and how KPMG can help 13



© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 2



The first step in the healthcare

analytics journey
Health care systems and providers Tactical impacts and the experience of KPMG’s leading
have become increasingly focused strategic value global D&A professionals and
on the need to use evidence to interviewed healthcare CEOs and
inform clinical and operational When healthcare organizations CIOs to better understand their
decisions. This has led to them implement new technologies to concerns and ambitions. Our
assembling and critically support business and clinical framework for designing and
evaluating ever larger data sets transformation, they typically focus implementing data governance
around care delivery, performance, on two levels of impact: the aims to demystify the topic and
and cost. As health systems immediate tactical benefit of the helps to overcome common
continue to adopt technologies to technology on workflow and challenges and pitfalls, by outlining
enable new or improved related key performance metrics; practical steps to effectively
approaches to diagnosis and and the strategic benefit from manage enterprise data assets.
treatment, the size of our data taking newly available data and
integrating it with and enriching First, we define data governance
sets will continue to grow.
existing data sets to create new and its key elements. Appreciating
The vast amount of data generated value. Most tend to focus on the the importance of data
and collected by a multitude of first set of benefits and neglect stewardship, ownership, policies,
stakeholders in healthcare comes the substantial opportunities and standards lays the groundwork
in so many different forms — presented by the latter. for sustainable governance. We
insurance claims, physician notes, highlight some of the typical data
medical records, medical images, For healthcare organizations to governance ‘traps’ that healthcare
pharmaceutical R&D, truly realize the potential of data’s organizations fall into when
conversations about health in analytical power, they have to shift beginning their D&A journey.
social media, and information from their approach to address both
these levels of change. This Next, we outline KPMG’s
wearables and other monitoring
document focuses almost approach to structuring and
devices. Data is growing faster
exclusively on a frequently missed implementing data governance,
than ever before and by the year
strategic opportunity that holds the including roles and responsibilities,
2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new
greatest promise for transforming key data management capabilities,
information will be created every
integrated care networks/systems: and critical success factors.
second for every human being on
data governance. Woven throughout, we provide
the planet (Forbes, 2015).
case studies from our healthcare
It is the scale of this data that sits The foundation of your clients across the globe, sharing
at the very heart of the fourth strategy vital lessons learned.
industrial revolution and the impact
Data governance defines how an Finally, we explore other important
it will ultimately have on the way
organization manages its data considerations, such as protecting
we care for patients and
assets, and, in a digital world, how information privacy (in the
communities in the future.
improved decision--making should regulatory context), data sharing
As healthcare environments be operationalized. This calls for an (both internally and externally), and
become increasingly dependent on appropriate authority model to enabling technologies for data
digital technologies to support care manage data functions. Many management.
delivery (at a user, organizational healthcare leaders understand the
and healthcare system level), their importance of data governance, The first step in your data
ability to use and exchange data but struggle to: and analytics journey
becomes a critical enabler of In KPMG’s 2017 publication A
— Understand where their data
transformation. In healthcare blueprint for success in healthcare
lives and how to access it
systems around the world, data data and analytics, we urged
and analytics (D&A) is re-shaping
- — Put in place effective organizations and systems leaders
the way leaders make evidence- processes to protect data from to establish a D&A strategy.
based decisions to improve patient threats of inappropriate Harnessing the power of D&A in
outcomes and operational release and access; and healthcare is a journey, and data
performance. However, despite governance is the first,
— Acquire and develop the right
the proliferation of data, most critical step.
resources and skillsets to
organizations find it hard to
manage healthcare data.
optimize data assets to deliver
sophisticated and practical To access the very latest thinking


insights. on the subject, we have gathered


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 3



What is data governance in

Data is now one of the most valuable assets in any organization, especially as healthcare transitions into a more
digitally-driven industry. Demystifying data governance, and articulating its importance in realizing value for patients
and carers, is a key pillar of any D&A strategy. But where to start? KPMG has developed a practical approach based on
four main components.
Data governance has four components supported by enabling data management services and data quality tools.

1 Data Stewardship is the accountability for the management of data assets.

Data Stewards do not own the data, but instead are the caretakers of the
enterprise data assets, ensuring the quality, accuracy and security of the data.

2 Data ownership is the responsibility for the creation of the data and the
enforcement of enterprise business rules. It constrains or defines data use in
the organization. KPMG
components of
data governance

3 Data policies are the rules that an enterprise utilizes to manage its data
assets, including enforcing authentication and access rights to data and
compliance with laws and regulations.

4 Data standards are the precise criteria, specifications and rules for the
definition, creation, storage and usage of data within an organization.

The term ‘data governance’ emerged to describe how organizations manage and influence the collection and utilization
of data. It specifies decision rights and accountability, and encourages desirable behaviors towards how data is valued,
created, stored, used, archived and deleted. But how does this definition fit, when so many healthcare systems are
now integrating care? New care models aim to not only improve individual organizations’ operations and performance,
but to also enhance system-wide sustainability and improve patient outcomes. While the concept may sound complex
and opaque, healthcare leaders and executives need to appreciate the value of a robust data governance strategy for
organizations and wider health systems.

Strong data governance ensures that the right information, of the right quality,
is available to the right person, for the right purpose, at the right time.
Evan Rawstron, KPMG Global Healthcare D&A Lead

How data governance can help healthcare organizations and systems:

Define, approve and communicate data strategies, Provide a single system of record for data that
policies, standards, architecture, procedures, and needs to be consistent across multiple platforms
metrics – this is vital in new emerging models of (e.g., customer, product, location) – supports
care where ‘trust’ is a key element of working standardization in reporting and data protection
collaboratively measures

Enable conformance to data policies, standards, Create accountability and connectivity of roles,
architecture and procedures – have a shared vertically and horizontally – enhancing
taxonomy and ensure compliance organizational/system decision-making

Use a consistent framework to help organizations Promote understanding of the value of data assets
sponsor, track and oversee the delivery of data – maintain momentum in a data-driven digital
management projects and services in an economy
increasingly complex environment
Facilitate increasingly important digital
Manage and resolve data related issues – assure conversations between patients and health
users that the data they use is accurate professionals about care in the face of new



© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 4



Key client challenges

We asked clients from New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, United States and Canada to reflect on their data
governance journey. We heard many common themes, and learned that leaders still worry about what data to share,
and when and how to govern the sharing process. Let’s look at the short-, medium- and long-term challenges
facing executives:

1 Short term: Getting started

1. Awareness from the start
— Before starting, recognize that data governance will mean different things to different
Don’t come at it as “they shall
individuals. People in the organization may not understand the term ‘data governance’ or
do it”. Be very specific on
may see it merely as a control mechanism – when in fact it is for their benefit. Understand
identifying the value, and
the underlying culture and focus on bringing people along this journey through active
understand the culture and
attention to messaging
environment. Focus on things
— Business priorities should drive data governance. Though a data governance journey that you can fix
might initially be motivated by IT initiatives such as enterprise data warehouses, enhancing Kash Patel, Vice President,
analytics capabilities, or merging data source systems, it should ultimately be driven by Population Health &
business priorities Analytics, Mt. Sinai Health
— Start your journey with the areas of greatest need. Identify key organizational drivers and System (US)
start with areas of greatest need, remembering that ‘perfection’ is difficult to achieve.
Consider how to get results from data processes without overthinking the journey ahead

The reality is we don’t have the

2 2. Tactical
resources or time to wait for a big
— Identify quick wins and create a manageable data governance council. Show progress
bang approach. Part of our role is to
early and often, as interest rises when people feel their data issues can be fixed. Show
prove that we can collaborate around
senior leaders their data risks through use cases, and let them talk to each other by
data in incremental but meaningful
establishing a data governance council. Ensure that the highest levels of the organization are
ways using ‘quick wins’ or ‘use cases'’
represented and take ownership.
to prove to the system data
collaboration can work and establish — Find the ‘sweet spot’. Be at the appropriate level. Figure out the value data brings to the
momentum to stand up a data sharing organization, and do what is needed to realize that value. The cost of getting to the most
programme. advanced level of data governance may not make financial sense for every organization.
Neil Crump, CDO of Worcestershire
Office of Data (UK)

3. Focused
— Be mindful of legislative requirements and enhanced
data processes and reporting needs. In many countries,
governments require standardized data reporting or data
protection measures, and/or offer incentive--based funding
opportunities. Take advantage of data assets, and be on
the right side of data protection and data legislation.

Medium term: Changing the culture

4. Strategic We see now that managers are managing data on a
— Align IT governance and data governance. This can daily basis instead of making decisions based on
speed up deployment of an electronic health record. gut reactions
Embedding data governance considerations during the Lynsey Milner McNeal, Director, Data
system design stages can reduce risks at later stages of Governance, Saint Luke’s Health System (US)
the data governance journey.

Long term: Viewing data as an asset

5. Pervasive
— Shifting the culture towards data governance takes time. We are at the foothills of a massive cultural shift. If we rush
Help senior leaders to talk about data as an asset and it we miss the opportunity to learn as an organization and 5
encourage a culture of change. The hardest part can be pacing properly position data as an enterprise asset
the learning and not rushing the discovery phase. Executives Michael Caesar, Executive Director, Data &
Implementation Science, University Health Network


should recognize the importance of data governance to maintain

momentum towards a data--driven digital economy. (Canada)

5 | Data governance: Driving value in healthcare

© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.



Competencies and capabilities

Healthcare executives should be aware that technology alone will not create an effective data governance function. To
truly enable, embed and continuously improve on the key components of data governance, organizations should adopt
a capability framework that incorporates people, processes and technology.
The following framework identifies the essential data governance capabilities in these three areas, to achieve a holistic
data governance function.

People Processes Technology

1. Organization 4. Data asset 7. Data quality

Information management
and governance strategy

Structure management management

policies and tools

Data governance
2. Roles and 8. Metrics and
5. Enabling processes
responsibilities monitoring

Defines Outputs

3. Culture and 6. Definitions and 9. Tools and

communication standards technology

Data governance capability areas

Definitions of data governance capability areas

Organization: Establish a data governance team structure, which includes C-level presence and support, assuring its mandate to
create, manage and publish data governance processes, including development and oversight of policies, standards, taxonomies
and data sources

Roles and responsibilities: Identify subject matter experts to support enterprise and operational initiatives, by outlining clear
responsibilities for data stewards, data owners and data consumers, including clarity on decision rights, approval processes and
ownership of quality improvement programs

Culture and communication: Establish transparent governance processes that provide structure for data stewards and other
03 personnel to create organizational norms, through a functional community of practice, easily accessible documentation, and robust
internal customer service function

Data asset management: Prepare a data asset maintenance plan to articulate how to manage exponential growth in data volumes

04 and complexity, including developing a data asset catalog, which explains data quality expectations, metadata definitions, source
system environments, and dataset archives

Enabling processes: Embed data governance processes into project pipelines, resource allocation, and budget management
05 within the organization to clarify how new data assets, multi-level access to management, and response times for data requests
will be managed and maintained

Definition and standards: Establish collaborative processes to support the ongoing management and oversight of data
06 dictionaries, taxonomies and business rules, as well as appropriate usage guidelines for data sources – using industry standards
where possible

Data quality management: Ensure adequate data governance representation on Change Advisory Boards, to inform changes in
source systems that may result in corrupt or inconsistent data. Use documentation to inform others, including measuring data
quality and executing corrective actions

Metrics and monitoring: Automate data quality monitoring and detection capabilities, by aligning with statistically-driven detection

methods and implementing standardized reporting and real-time dashboards, which help measure data quality and improve real-
time clinical decision support systems

Tools and technology: Develop robust data governance policies, to help develop data architecture and cloud-based technologies,
and to enable accessible feedback systems to record breaches and improvement opportunities.


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 6



Maturity model

Organizations should understand the current state of their data governance functions before they can envision their
future shape. Building on data governance capabilities, the following maturity model is a useful tool for achieving this
goal and can be applied at both organizational and business area level.
Using this model makes it easier for leadership teams to plan the roadmap to across nine key capability areas:
— Defining the ‘current state’ can uncover critical success factors and gather lessons learnt
— Once this is complete, leaders can identify the work required for each capability area, clarify priorities and
responsibilities, and develop a program of work to develop a ‘target state’
— The maturity model can also be used for monitoring, by periodically assessing progress and realized benefits.

Aware Tactical
DG vision, investment, and Some siloed DG initiatives;
Capability areas commitment yet to be no true sponsor

Level1 Level 2

Organization structure Informal Awareness of the purpose and Limited to separate, internal
importance of data governance business units

DG resources not clearly

Roles and responsibilities Uncoordinated/independent defined at the organizational Siloes of data governance
level responsibilities

Individual responsibility to
Culture & communication Closed/opaque maintain commitment to DG Disconnected communities of
vision practice across business units

Individual businesses maintain

Data asset management Uncatalogued/disorganized Poor understanding of data disjointed catalogs of their own
assets and their ownership data assets

External integrity/ Unclear/poorly-managed Defined response times to data

Enabling processes
non-standardized informal processes requests

Definitions & standards Variable/poorly-understood Inconsistent adherence to Incentivized adoption of industry

industry standards standards where possible

No rigorous or reliable Business units assume

Data quality management Unreliable/imprecise processes in place for individual responsibility for data
maintaining data quality quality

Inconsistent identification of
Metrics & Impromptu/ quality metrics within or across Monitoring of key metrics at the
monitoring as-needed business units business unit level

Disparate tools used across Individual units assess new

Tools & Siloed/ units, with no consideration for toolsets in context of benefit to
technology disparate tools DG implications DG improvement


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
7 | Data governance: Driving value in healthcare affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.



Focused Strategic Pervasive

Stronger focus and Clearly defined DG strategy Pervasive DG and data Capability
commitment to DG, driving with executive sponsorship oriented culture levels
specific initiatives

Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Formalized data governance Chief Data Officer function or Formalized and integrated
team structure and model C-level presence and support equivalent

Pool of subject matter experts Accountability and connectivity

supports organizational initiatives Defined data stewards, data of roles, vertically and Formalized enterprise-level
and needs owners, and data consumers horizontally accountability

Open, accessible, and Cultural shift towards continuous

Established internal customer transparent processes, improvement of data Open/transparent
service function stewards, and resources governance

Standardized management of Maintenance plan in place that

data assets across business Standardized management of can handle growth in volume Enterprise--wide cataloguing
units enterprise-level data catalog and complexity of data

Pathways for new data assets, Enable multi-level access

with clear processes and definition to data under Data Governance ‘as-a-Service’ External & internal
approvals management model within the organization integrity/standardized

Appropriate usage guidelines for Openly accessible metadata Collaborative process in place to
data sources aligned to resources, data standards, and manage data assets and Well-defined/accessible
standards policies common taxonomies

Ability to affect changes in DG representation in

Documented measures of data source system to maintain data organization’s Change Advisory Reliable/trustworthy
quality and scope of application quality Boards

Support growth of real-time Standard reporting and real-time Automated data quality
systems, especially clinical dashboard of data quality monitoring and detection Planned/disciplined
decision support measures capability

Solution architecture Easily-accessible system to Framework and policies address

incorporates data quality and record breaches and cloud-based or managed Integrated solution
access controls suggestions for improvements services


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 8



Other considerations

A data governance strategy should reflect an organization’s

strategic goals, risk appetite, culture, and economic and
regulatory environment. Data and analytics (D&A) is a dynamic
area and healthcare organizations and systems need to be
agile to respond to constant change. Here are some of the
factors to consider in order to get the most out of data:

Main considerations for:

Legislation and risk
— Existing and emerging regulation and policies are likely to have a huge
impact on data governance, affecting patients’ data privacy rights,
professionals delivering care and healthcare organizations.
— Safeguarding and protection: everyone has the right to protection of
personal data, and processing of such data must be ‘fair’ – only carried
out for specified purposes and with the consent of the person
concerned. People should also have the right to access personal data and
have incorrect information rectified.

Data sharing, security and cybersecurity

— Focus on tactical and strategic data sharing, and demonstrate the
benefits. Quick wins can enable larger strategic investments to harness
the power of your data.
— ‘Stitch’ data together: ensure someone has responsibility to join up the
systems data
86 92 64
— Be collectively clear on the desired benefits of sharing data and ensure
controls are in place to share only relevant data.
— Healthcare experiences twice the number of Cyber Attacks as other
Industries. Cyber Security assessments provide an in-depth review of an
organization’s ability to protect its information assets and its
preparedness against cyber attack.

— Any move to the cloud should not negate or weaken existing data
governance principles that protect patient and staff privacy, information
security and data integrity.
— Not all cloud providers are the same, and not all offerings have the same
service level agreements. When moving to a cloud based provider,
organizations should assess the provider’s maturity, capability, and
existing accreditation in the local market.
— Cloud based clinical software offers multiple accessibility options. To
make the most of this exciting technology, re-assess existing use cases
and future scenarios to ensure controls are in place and auditability is
— Ensure an open channel of communication with providers. Ensure
there’s visibility over any future activities that may result in the flow of
data offshore.


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
9 | Data governance: Driving value in healthcare affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.



The voice of the patient

or resident is becoming
increasingly important
in the data governance
agenda. As digital
grows and regulation
attempts to keep pace,
appropriate use of
consent creates both
challenges and
opportunities for Health
Key things to think about … Systems.
— What legal issues should you consider?
Stephen Dobson, CDO
— What are the rights of the individual?
of Greater Manchester
— What will the future look like?
Health and Social Care
— What opportunities do they offer to engage patients in new Partnership
— What are the rights of the individual? How will the
sometimes conflicting rights to privacy and health be

— Does your program have senior-level support, budget, and

resources to drive change?
— How will you determine and measure the outcomes and
benefits from improved data governance?
— Have you outlined the information sharing path? Have you
jointly worked to understand regulation, to generate trust?
— How do you develop right balance of information protection
and accessibility
— Who in your organisation is responsible for ensuring data
— Does your D&A strategy include protocol in the event of a
cyber attack?

— Are you concerned about moving clinical applications into the

cloud? How can you gain greater clarity on how to achieve
such a shift?
— Have you ever stress tested your existing controls by
simulating data breach scenarios? Does your Cloud provider
have processes in place to mitigate such events?
— What are your obligations if data is held offshore?


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 10

Case studies

Alberta Health and Alberta secondary use of data. This committee,
Health Services, Canada: Data along with its sub-committees, provides
the forum for data stewards and owners
governance for health systems to set information policies and standards
management for the Alberta health system; address
risks and opportunities around the
Alberta Health (a Department of the
exchange of health data in the provision
Government of Alberta) and Alberta
of care; and guides the use of health
Health Services (Alberta’s single
data for health system management,
regional health authority) have evolved a
quality improvement, evaluation, and
joint information and data governance
structure to better enable health
systems management in the province. The Data Governance Committee
interfaces with the joint Provincial
— Alberta Health (AH) is accountable
Health Information Executive
for setting the policy and direction
Committee (HIEC) where AH and AHS
to lead, achieve and sustain a
work collaboratively with
responsive, integrated and
representatives from professional
accountable health system.
colleges and associations and the
— Alberta Health Services (AHS) is the public, to oversee the development and
largest provincial, fully-integrated implementation of information
health system in Canada, management and technology strategies
responsible for delivering health and initiatives. Joint initiatives have
services across multiple domains to included the creation of secure technical
over 4.3 million people. capabilities to share data sets (reducing
Their shared vision is to ensure duplication and increasing quality), and
Albertans receive the right health the implementation of data de­
services, in the right place, at the right identification technology to anonymize
time, by the right health providers and and pseudonymize data sets for
teams, with the right health information. secondary use. Building on the existing
Both organizations produce valuable joint governance structure, AH and AHS
data that, collectively, provide insight are creating a number of new ‘pillars’ to
into the health status of Alberta’s drive data governance and improve
population; the efficacy of health analytics, including ‘Consumer’ and
promotion and illness prevention ‘Provider’ pillars. The former will be
strategies; the effectiveness of practice focused on engaging Albertans in their
guidelines and clinical pathways; own health care through generation and
optimized models of team-based care; use of their own health data; while the
and the cost of the system in relation to latter will focus on driving appropriate
health outcomes. Integrated data and information sharing and advanced
information management is a core analytics across multi-disciplinary
capability for both entities, enabling the provider teams. The ultimate goal is to
development of sophisticated business create a set of effective, balanced rules
intelligence and analytics programs. that enables ‘analysts’ from front-line
AH and AHS are represented on the professionals to health system
Provincial Health Information and Data administrators to generate actionable
Governance Committee which provides insights, and create a continuous
advice on health information policy evidence-base for improved patient care
requirements for the primary and and health systems management.

11 | Data governance: Driving © 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.
value in healthcare


2 3 4
Greater Manchester Large eastern US University Large state agency for
Combined Authority Medical System: Health Care Finance and
(GMCA), UK: enabling data standardization & data Administration; data
sharing partnerships governance validation governance assessment, US
As health systems embrace As this large academic medical center This client manages multiple system
integrated care and new care models was about to embark on the with large amounts of sensitive data
involving numerous stakeholders, replacement of its EMR system with (including HIPAA protected PHI/PII
data sharing is set to rise significantly. EPIC, it realized that transformational and IRS Safeguard data). From
Facing a £7 billion (US$10 billion) improvement in healthcare could not eligibility to claims system, their data
funding gap, Greater Manchester happen with a software is subject to many requirements and
Combined Authority (GMCA) – which implementation alone. What changes standards from federal and state
covers five percent of the UK’s EPIC might bring would not be agencies (e.g. CMS, IRS, etc.) which,
population – received the country’s sustainable without data governance. if violated could result in lawsuits and
first city-level devolution of powers They sought to understand where the penalties which could severely
and funding from central government. opportunities were within the hamper the ability for it to operate. It
GMCA quickly identified the need for enterprise to standardize and apply recognized the need to establish a
change, both in the way information is data governance principles. centralized structure with supporting
shared and how it is used to facilitate KPMG conducted an assessment of processes to govern, protect, and
service integration. the medical center’s Care Delivery maintain its data assets. They sought
A major part of the program involved Process and compared it to leading a real-world experience in data
designing a new whole system practices to validate and show governance assessment, design, and
information and data governance impacts of standardization and data implementation to assist in
model, to increase collaboration, governance on their clinical and developing an actionable and practical
problem-solving, and pace for business processes. Opportunities by data governance roadmap. They
proportional information sharing process were identified and a future selected KPMG.
across 37 major health and social care state framework and timeline was KPMG identified what components of
partners. delivered. This included a high level data governance were in place, the
KPMG’s team designed a data conceptual data governance model current gaps from leading practices,
governance strategy, to give GMCA that describes organization and and opportunities in the near term and
leadership a better understanding of process recommendations within a long term to bridge the gaps
its maturity level and capabilities. We timeline that blended with their identified. Several key initiatives were
also helped the client manage the upcoming EPIC rollout. KPMG tools described in detail providing overview
technical and cultural challenges of were available to help accelerate the and value to the client; from a
setting up what was the first sharing design of a governance framework. governance council and defining the
body of its kind in the UK. Our core The tools enabled more effective role of a CDO, to development of a
principle was that data should be decision making, early identification of master data strategy, metadata
shared unless there is a legal, program risks, and a streamlined, strategy, and critical data element
statutory or privacy policy reason not standardized program for identification. A roadmap with three
to do so, whilst allowing residents the implementation that provides clear levels of intensity over a three year
right to opt out. And, to help the accountability. period was provided for the client to
various partners gain greater insight choose from as their way forward.
and value from their data, we also
developed a new, balanced, end-to­
end operating model.


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Data governance: Driving value in healthcare | 12



Summing up

What does data governance mean to healthcare organizations and systems? And why is it so crucial to master data
governance to help improve performance? As a key pillar of D&A strategy, data governance defines how an
organization manages its data assets – yet many leaders still don’t fully appreciate its value and are unclear where they
should be investing. To summarize, this document discusses three key themes:

Data governance is a foundational element of digital transformation, in that it defines how an

organization manages its data assets. Without a rigorous, sustainable data governance
1 program, healthcare organizations and systems will struggle to advance their analytics
capabilities into key areas such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, personalized
healthcare and population health management.

In this document, we have discussed the core data governance capabilities required, and

2 outlined a data governance maturity model. Together, these provide the frameworks and
initial key steps that can enable healthcare organizations and systems to begin building
capacity, as a foundation for advanced analytics.

There are many strategic considerations that will shape healthcare organizations’ approach to
data governance. National or jurisdctional privacy legislation, data sharing practices and certain
3 technologies can enable and challenge healthcare leaders charged with managing data assets.
Moreover, these issues are evolving rapidly and are likely to test the limits of analytics
leader’s ability to adapt.

How can KPMG help?

KPMG’s data and analytics and healthcare professionals understand the complexities of implementing and
sustaining effective data governance, as part of a strong, advanced D&A program. We have helped clients
around the globe, at all stages of data governance maturity. If you require expertise on your
transformational journey, please contact us.

In our work with healthcare providers, payors, and The purpose of this paper has been to help demystify
regulators in 45 countries around the world, we the role of data governance in helping healthcare
regularly hear from leaders that while they recognise organisations and systems use data to achieve its full
the latent power of data, they are struggling to unlock potential. It is an essential tool for any organisation
its full potential. As leaders work to use information to seeking to make better use of its data assets today and
develop and execute upon strategy, they increasingly will be a critical enabler of those organizations that have
report that often examination of their growing and an aspiration to remain or become a leading healthcare
increasingly complex data sets generates greater provider tomorrow.


© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
13 | Data governance: Driving value in healthcare affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.




© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Datta gover
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To discuss this piece in more detail, feel free to contact the authors.

Lydia Lee Eric Applewhite

Partner, MC - IT Advisory KPMG in Canada Director, Risk Consulting
T: +1 416 777 8874 KPMG UK
E: [email protected] T: +44 (0)7796 937808
E: [email protected]

Evan Rawstron Karina Guy

Global Healthcare D&A Lead KPMG Australia Partner, MC - IT Advisory KPMG in Canada
T: +61 0 409 554 989 T: +1 587 990 3636
E: [email protected]
E: [email protected]

Paul Henderson
Healthcare D&A Lead KPMG in the UK
T: +44 (0)7900 053439
E: [email protected]

Jeff Bailey
Director, Healthcare Data & Analytics, PMP
T: +1 (615) 248-5697
E: [email protected]

Christopher Foster-McBride
Global Executive for Healthcare D&A
T: +44 (0) 7552260911
E: [email protected]

This proposal is made by KPMG LLP, a UK Limited Liability Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. The proposals set out in this document do not
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© 2018 KPMG LLP, a UK limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with
KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.


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