Tesi TF 21122016 PDF
Tesi TF 21122016 PDF
Tesi TF 21122016 PDF
I School of Engineering
Prof. Ing. Pier Giorgio MALERBA
Ing. Elisa CONTI
Politecnico di Milano
Department of Civil and Environmental
Graduation session: 21 December 2016
My special thank and acknowledgement go to Ing. Nicolas Metge, who gave me the
opportunity to intern at the Company ISC. This experience was extremely dense
and rich, as I was confronted to many different projects and types of infrastructure.
I could also work at a great variety of levels: public tenders, technical expertises,
execution studies. This stage answered my personal desires of understanding and
entering deeply into subjects. He did not hesitate to give me autonomy and respon-
sibility, and I really appreciated being challenged as I was at ISC. My appreciation
also goes to the entire ISC team, always available for explanations, prompt to share
their knowledge and willing to learn more.
Special mentions go to Ing. Patrick Barbier and Ing. Riyadh Benosman, who
particularly supported me during these six months and communicated their passion,
enthusiasm and know-how.
I would like to express sincere gratitude to Prof. Ing. Pier Giorgio Malerba for
the time and attention he dedicated to my thesis project. He was sufficiently patient
and open-minded to examine the work I suggested. I thank him for sharing his large
know-how and experience in civil works and especially his expertise in bridges.
Finally, a large thank you goes to Ing. Elisa Conti for her help preparing and
setting this work. Its advice has showed very precious for me to understand and
answer the expectations of a thesis work in Italia. Her availability and enthusiasm
was a constant support during the last months.
Thomas Fourdinier
The present thesis work takes advantage of the opportunity of a stage, at ISC, a
French engineering firm. This company, whose field includes Africa, develops new
structural design processes, to adapt to the local context. Hence, the present work
aims at developing such a process for a footbridge. Starting from a blank page,
requirements include durability of the material, low environmental and economic
impact of the structure, simplicity of the process. To fulfil them, the structure shall
be light, requiring manhandling elements and no lifting machine. These specifica-
tions open two main inter-dependant fields of prospects: the static scheme and the
The thesis follows the path opened by a first design attempt made by ISC: a
reinforced concrete bridge, cast in PVC tubes. Taking account achievements and
limitations of the experience, this thesis develops and expands this intuition, enlarg-
ing the use of PVC. First, a different static scheme, that fits better the particularities
of PVC, is chosen. The nature of a piping system offers its modularity and container
ability, whose interest is weighted in the project framework.
Then, despite the proven interest of PVC for piping systems, the main obstacle to
use it in civil engineering is the lack of knowledge the sector has about the mechanical
abilities of PVC. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate its types, its modes of
production, its characteristics, its reference codes and its structural behaviour of
this plastic. Its principal semi-finished derivatives, tubes and fittings, are analysed
in terms of geometry and possible implementation.
Once the useful equipment has been presented, several attempts are made before
designing the footbridge. Among them, a scale model is realized, to experience and
improve the static scheme. Loading test is led and analysed. It helps assessing the
structural abilities of PVC piping systems.
To find a correct shape, the study has reaped huge benefits from the use of a
parametric algorithm, Grasshopper, combined to a 3D software, Rhinoceros. After
parameters are determined, a complete algorithm has been written to model the
geometry of the footbridge, and convert it into finite elements thanks to the use of
Once the model validated, the works are sequenced. An integral PVC skeleton,
Il presente lavoro di tesi si avvale della possibilità di uno stage, svoltosi presso lo
studio di ingegneria francese ISC. La società, inserita nel contesto di sviluppo dei
paesi del continente africano, rivolge la sua attenzione a progetti nuove strutture che
si adattino al contesto locale di riferimento. Il presente lavoro, inserendosi in tale
contesto, si propone dunque di studiare una passerella pedonale.
Una prima fase è rivolta allo studio dei requisiti quali la durabilità del materiale,
il basso impatto ambientale ed economico della struttura, la semplicità del processo
di costruzione. Al fine di soddisfare questi criteri, la struttura scelta dovrà essere
leggera e composta da soli elementi sufficientemente leggeri per essere trasportati
a mano, in modo tale da non richiedere opportune macchine di sollevamento. Tali
specifiche aprono lo studio a due principali campi interconnessi tra loro: lo schema
statico e il materiale.
La Tesi prende spunto inizialmente da un tentativo di nuovo design progettato
da ISC: un ponte in cemento armato, gettato mediante tubi in PVC. Considerando
in conto i risultati e le limitazioni di questa nuova idea, il lavoro si sviluppa e
espande, ampliando l’utilizzo del PVC come materiale strutturale. In primo luogo
viene scelto uno schema statico differente, che si adatti meglio alle peculiarità del
PVC. In particolare, la natura del sistema di tubazioni manifesta ottime capacità in
termini sia di modularità e sia di involucro, il cui relativo interesse è messo in luce
nel contesto del progetto.
Nonostante l’interesse del PVC per i sistemi di tubazioni, la principale difficoltà
che si manifesta nel campo dell’ingegneria civile riguarda la mancanza di conoscenza
che il settore ha nei confronti delle sue capacità meccaniche. Pertanto, è stato neces-
sario analizzare le diverse tipologie di PVC attualmente in uso, i modi di produzione,
le caratteristiche fisiche e meccaniche, così come le normative di riferimento e il suo
comportamento strutturale. I principali semilavorati di derivazione, come tubi e
raccordi, vengono analizzati dal punto di vista della geometria e della possibilità di
Presentato il materiale e i suoi prodotti a disposizione, diversi tentativi relativi
allo schema statico sono fatti prima di progettare la passerella. Tra questi occorre
citare il modello in scala realizzato ad hoc per sperimentare e migliorare lo schema
statico. Eseguendo una prova di carico è stato inoltre possibile valutare le capacità
strutturali dei sistemi di tubazioni in PVC.
Per definire una forma geometrica appropriata, in questo lavoro si è ricorso
all’utilizzo di un software Grasshopper basato su un algoritmo parametrico. Una
volta determinati i parametri, all’interno del software utilizzato è stato possibile
scrivere un algoritmo per modellare la geometria della passerella e successivamente
convertirlo in elementi finiti. Infine l’analisi strutturale è stata eseguita mediante
l’utilizzo del programma Karamba.
Dopo la validazione del modello, si sono studiate e verificate le diverse fasi del
progetto della passerella. Si definisce uno scheletro integrale in PVC, sostenuto da un
cavo metallico. Prima del getto viene disposto il rinforzo e riempito con calcestruzzo.
Il modello viene analizzato sotto diverse condizioni di carico. Vengono infine definiti
i dettagli costruttivi e vengono eseguite le verifiche in accordo agli standard europei.
L’originalità del lavoro risiede nel ruolo strutturale dato a tubi in PVC durante
la fase di getto e nella definizione di u progetto di una passerella finalizzata alla sua
reale applicazione in paesi in via di sviluppo.
Preface iii
Abstract v
Index xiii
List of Tabels xx
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Limitations and assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Used Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Thesis framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.5.3 Peculiarities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5.4 Geometrical Chracteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.5 Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.6 Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5.7 Results of the analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5.8 Analysis of the costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5.9 Disadvantages and Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.6 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.3.1 Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3.2 Tube ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.3 Solvent cementing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.4 Flanging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.5 Threading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.3.6 Possible association with other materials . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.5 Categories of uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.6 Geometrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.6.1 Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.6.2 Available lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.6.3 Type of pipe wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.6.4 Classes of rigidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.7 Situation of the market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.8 Other tools and material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.8.1 Clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.8.2 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.8.3 Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.8.4 Other accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.9 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Conclusions 147
References 149
List of Figures
5.1 Main characteristics of PP for design with respect to PVC and steel. 77
5.2 Dimentions of mf-fitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.3 Dimentions of ff-fitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.4 Values for the resistance of cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
7.1 Coefficients applied to the loads according to the nature of the limit
state and the type of loading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.2 Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated
along the deck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.3 Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated
along the inferior crosspieces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.4 Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated
along the superior crosspieces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
The thesis work intent is introduced and put into context. The assumptions
behind the project developed and the analysis methods for the study of a bridge
made of a combination between plastic tubes and concrete are briefly recalled.
1.1 Background
The present work is born from an opportunity that has been given to me: a French
engineering consulting company of the VINCI group, ISC offered me a stage to de-
velop and expand an ambitious attempt. Working since a few years in African
context (for example Oyala, tribune présidentielle, pont au Cameroun, Burkina),
the firm has been confronted the difficulties that such a context raises:
(a) Materials are far less supplied than in Europe, which makes onerous import
often necessary, striving up the costs and the delays;
(b) Road network is not decent, making large zones inaccessible to trucks and
(c) Most of the workers have no qualification: technological tools and materials
shall be avoided.
1.2 Aim
The first objective of the work was to find the best static scheme to realize a PVC
bridge, using the parametric algorithm Grasshopper in the Rhino environment, and
2 Introduction
then to design such a bridge. After analyzing pros and cons of the main different
static systems, the footbridge has to answer to a specification note:
- Use of light materials, if possible man-handling, to avoid cranes and lifting
- Span from 15m to 25m, to beat the competition of wooden and aluminium
footbridges, for spans up to 10m-12m;
It quickly resulted that the intuition ISC had a year ago was right: I was put in
charge of studying the material PVC and enlarging its structural role.
1.3 Approach
The project will be done by support of structural engineers at ISC and in collab-
oration with the department of architecture who has already tested a method for
structurally optimized generative geometry. I have written this thesis parallel with
the aim of exploring a structurally informed design process.
The main parametric tool to be used in the project is Grasshopper which is a vi-
sual programming editor. As a plug-in for Rhino3D, Grasshopper is integrated with
the modelling environment used in e.g. architecture and engineering. Grasshopper
offers the opportunity to define precise parametric control over models, the capabil-
ity to explore generative design work flows and a platform to develop higher-level
programming logic by using an intuitive, graphical interface.
For structural evaluation of structures modelled within the parametric design tools
Karamba will be used. Karamba is a plug-in for Grasshopper that makes it easy to
combine geometric models, finite element calculations and optimization algorithms
like Galapagos.
For evaluation of the structural outputs given from Karamba, the limits in terms
of internal action and displacements are checked with reference to the Codes (in
particular Eurocodes)
Furthermore, the models will focus on the structural and architectural concepts,
which are tightly connected. This is likely where the focus on the transdisciplinary
collaboration between architecture and engineering will take place.
- Only thin plate theory or Kirchhoff theory, i.e. a line that is straight and
normal to the mid-surface before loading remains straight and normal to the
deformed midsurface. Furthermore, this prohibits transverse shear deforma-
tions. (Cook et al., 2002).
- The structures or parts of structures that are analyzed have the same cross-
sectional thickness everywhere, i.e. non varying cross-section.
- The core plug-ins but not every used plug-ins will be described in detail. This
due to that a lot of plug-ins have been used and some of them to a small
extent, i.e. small influence on the overall project.
- The most important components in different plug-ins but not all components
will be described in detail. For further information about all components for
every plug-in the reader is referred to the manual of the program.
- Chapter 2 presents basic concepts that are keystones for the new type of struc-
- Chapter 3 is a state of the art for PVC: reminding the common properties
and interests of plastics in general, it shows why PVC is the most pertinent
plastic to be used for our scope. Its production processes and classifications are
described. Specific mentions of PVC in Codes are referenced. Its mechanical
and physical properties as well as its structural behavior are detailed. Project
parameters such as its market and main applications are not forgotten.
- Chapter 6 details materials, loads and supports for the realization of a realistic
full-scale PVC concrete composite footbridge.
- The two Attachments deal with the used software and the drawings of the
realized footbridge.
Chapter 2
In the first part of the work is presented an example of structure that illustrates
a new way to realize structures. This structure has a PVC skeleton. That mate-
rial is well-known and often used for piping systems. It offers the possibility to
combine its classical abilities to contain and transport fluids and its mechanical
properties, to think out structures differently. Moreover, the building sector is
nowadays more and more concerned by social issues, such as green materials,
low emissions, durability, recycling, modularity. A promising conception should
inspire from these inspiring concepts.
has critical prerequisites. Despite its advantages, it is often worth realize the work
on site for reasons of implementation rather than prefabricate or provide tailor-
made components. As stated above, this concept is at stake for all the different
phases of the life of a civil structure: assembly, arrangement, use, reparation, and
eventually recycling and deconstruction. Modular construction invokes building a
structure with a large quantity of elements but with only a few number of different
component. Diversity lies in the use rather than in the nature of the component.
Prefabrication and Modularity are already widely spread in architecture and
housing construction. Entire houses are indeed nowadays built in factories and ei-
ther assembled on site or transported as a whole. One of the pioneers of such global
prefabrication systems was Raymond Camus (1) and its famous so called procédé
Camus Delemontey (2007). (2) It largely helped to reconstruct the destroyed french
cities after the Liberation. When it began to be used in the 1950s, it was very
innovating with respect to other processes that were employed: Camus unified and
standardized the prefabrication processes for all the components of the building,
whereas before, each was realized according to a specific process. Moreover, he inte-
grated all the secondary functions (f.e. pipe networks) to the civil works (concrete
slabs). Obviously, it has been largely criticized ever since because of the aesthetic
poorness of constructions. Today, this revolutionary system is mainly associated to
some sad and gloomy building blocks of the french suburbs.
Prefabrication is of course also used in public works, for example to realize con-
crete pre-stressed beams. However, for what concerns small pedestrian bridges, as it
is the focus of the present work, entire prefabrication processes exist and many com-
panies are able to deliver ready-to-use pedestrian bridges (i.e. Marcanterra, Maadi
and Rocla companies).
A. Marcanterra Company
This company produces ready-to-use prefabricated bridges for pedestrian bridges:
mixed steel-wood bridges or wooden bridges. They are dimensioned taking into
account an 450kg/m2 admissible load and a L/400 maximal deflection. In particular:
- wooden bridges are laminated timbers whose spans reach 6-8m for simply sup-
ported bridges (depending on the type of bridge) and 30m for arch bridges.
B. Maadi Company
This delivers in every part of the world poney truss aluminium bridges designed to
the finite elements according to American and Canadian standards, up to 40m-spans.
2.1 Modularity concept 7
(a) Prefabricated bridges by Marcanterra.
(b) Prefabricated bridges by Maadi.
Figure 2.2: Paper Bridge structure.
The students only used the following components, delivered on site and assemble
with simple tooling:
Steel plates are used to provide rigidity to paper tubes and to ease their connections
(Fig. 2.3). They have a double function: one is to allow the paper beams to be
pre-stressed, and the second is to connect them. In such way they are similar to
equivalent tools for steel frames. Two screws connect them to the support, to restrain
their hinge behaviour.
2.2 Examples of modular structures 9
A threaded steel rod is tightened between two plates at each end of the tube so as
to provide pre-stressing (Fig. 2.4a) and avoid any boning of the system. Erection is
made by a crane thanks to provisional shoring (Fig. 2.4b).
Figure 2.3: Paper Bridge. Details of the connections.
Tubes of internal and external diameters 25cm x 28cm of the same type as those
employed by Shigeru Ban have been tested by Terrell (Terrell, 2014) so as to de-
termine the gross mechanical properties of the paper material (values of the Young
modulus and of compressive and flexural resisting strengths).
The following orders of magnitude are deduced:
(a) Prestressing. (b) Provisional shoring.
Closing remarks. Theses values place the type of paper that Shigeru Ban
employed in the category of the poor construction materials. Nevertheless, they
allow it to be used for structural applications. The use of paper raise obvious
durability questions, despite applied costly and time-spending protective treatments:
10 A Different Way to Realize Structures
(a) Façade.
(b) Polli-brick elements.
For what concerns the Pollibrick panels (Fig. 2.6), the main details are summarized
2.2 Examples of modular structures 11
in the following:
- Resistance: Wind pressures of 3.3 kP a and loads q of 345 kg/m2 , which rep-
resents a q/g ratio major than 15.
Figure 2.6: Detail of a Polli-Brick panel.
Modular structures can as a matter of fact achieve great results in terms of resistance.
The ratio between the admissible load and the weight by unit area is really high. It
demonstrates the mechanical properties of widespread and common plastics if they
are wisely used.
From left to right, the façade is constituted of :
1. A solar PV module;
5. Fastening joints;
6. A structural sub-framing.
Closing remarks. Such pollibrick plastics offer moreover the great advantage
to be recyclable. At the same time Modularity is thus a hefty argument, as it offers
12 A Different Way to Realize Structures
facility and rapidity of supply and erection. For the façade of the EcoArk, facility,
simplicity, rapidity and economy requirements are satisfied in the execution. But
its components are quite sophisticated.
- Admissible variable load: for golf car is 240 kg/m2 or 480 kg/m2 ;
The ratio q/g varies between 3 and 11: modularity has been demonstrated again a
mean to design light structures and to increase significantly the part of self-weight
in the total loads to bear.
Figure 2.7: Components of a Make-A-Bridge kit.
The commercial documentation on Fig. 2.8 presents the limits of use for the Make-
A-Bridge system depending on their width, span, expected loading (on the left:
bicycles, pedestrian and lightweight vehicles; on the right: pedestrian and lightweight
vehicles (4) ).
In addition, for these types of bridges a fatigue tests have been performed. A 0.61 m
width and 6.1 m length Make-A-Bridge model (the corresponding area is 3.72 m2 )
is loaded in 3 points, according to Fig 2.9. As an order of magnitude, the uniform
The expression Lightweight vehicles is meant for example for small golf cars
2.2 Examples of modular structures 13
Figure 2.8: Domains of utilization for Make-A-Bridge solution.
The model bends of 6.1 mm under a total load of 14 t (elastic limit), which is 8
times the uniform maximal admissible load. Ultimate force is 18.3 t, which is about
100 times the weight of the structure.
In the end, Maadi is a skilled company in the use of aluminium for structural appli-
cation. So, it is useful to recall the role of aluminium as a construction material. In
14 A Different Way to Realize Structures
fact, Aluminium would be a very serious contender of steel for what regards struc-
tural applications if its price was not so high: indeed it is often twice as expensive
as steel. Here is presented a short comparison of steel and aluminium about some
important design values: respective resisting - tensile - strength, Young modulus and
specific weight and gross price for civil works supply. As both steel and aluminium
for construction are alloys, the table only contains ranges and orders of magnitude.
As shown in Tab. 2.1, even if the mechanical properties of steel are better for struc-
tural applications (between 1.5 and 3 times higher than for aluminium), it is 3 times
as heavy as aluminium. That’s why aluminium is more and more used in appli-
cations for which lightness is crucial. Speaking of bridges, this fact is significant
as self-weight is often the main load to carry. Therefore, a reduction of self-weight
could potentially be accompanied by the use of a weaker material.
Closing remarks. As matter of fact, the Make-A-Bridge system constitutes
a robust footbridge. It is besides an efficient solution, as it is very simple, light,
easy to deliver and to set up, in a word accessible. Thus it became a competitive
footbridge for small ranges (lesser than 20 m). Its components are basic, even if
they are custom-made for this application. It demonstrates the feasibility, interest
and competitiveness than modularity can find for bridge applications.
used to contain concrete during its placing and hardening. Whereas for a famous
American dictionary (Morris et al., 1969), a formwork is not necessarily a wooden
structure. It simply is the structure of boards that make up a form for pouring
concrete in construction. A crucial element dealing with formworks, which appears
transparently from the word itself, is the word form: a formwork makes up a form for
concrete, it acts as a mold, a cast. Not only a formwork shapes the final structure.
It is concrete container; it prevents it from pouring away. The use of formwork is
inseparable from the use of concrete.
That being said, the most used and widespread formworks are currently made of
wooden plates, bolt and supported to resist the thrust of liquid concrete, as shown
on Fig. 2.10.
For every concrete elements, casting is the critical step for many reasons:
Many different types of formworks exist. For our scope, the review will focus on the
modular and the tubular ones.
Some types of formworks with their properties are now presented and taken into
cosideration, in order to underline which kind of elements cover a structural role
during the casting of concrete.
Geotube are principle of re-usable plastic panels to cast rectangular or square re-
inforced concrete columns or beams (Fig. 2.11a). They are made of nylon, treated
against UV radii. The two complementary part fit together to create a waterproof
mold. They are obviously modular, as the system is based on assembling as many
elementary parts as needed. Different dimensions are available to adapt different
columns. As a matter of fact, the design dimensions have to fit which available
width, so as not to overbuild the structure. Moreover, they are more than 100
times re-usable, easy to use thanks to the presence of handles, and allow for rapidity
and precision in their setting up. However, it demonstrates a drawback of modular
systems: they only adapt to a discrete range of situations, which correspond the
available dimensions.
Available diameters vary by 50 mm from 150 mm to 600 mm. Obviously, the cylin-
ders are impermeable, and demoulding is possible thanks to an helical metallic wire.
These formworks also exist for rectangular and less conventional sections of columns.
Figure 2.12: Unconventional forms of KAP formworks
Figure 2.13: Spacing tubes with corresponding nozzles.
Closing remarks. Plastics are more and more used to cast concrete as they
allow waterproofing, flexibility and modularity on site. Among them, plastic tubes
are about the major part. Modular formworks have already permitted to facilitate
concrete casting and reduce its cost. Tubular formworks are very handy. They
indeed join together both:
Acronym for Kraft, Aluminium, Paper
18 A Different Way to Realize Structures
- the ability to resist well internal pressure, especially concrete pressure for ver-
tical members.
A great domain of prospective would ally the concepts of tubularity, formwork and
modularity to quickly create and set up a formwork network in which concrete would
flow to fill at once the entire structure.
2.5.2 Requirements
The company ISC gave itself a specification notes for the project. The main require-
ments for this challenge in the design are:
- Durability;
- Simple set up: composed of light materials, to ease its implementation and
shall not need any lifting machine;
- Low cost: materials will be cheap and sufficiently available to limit transporta-
tion and costs;
2.5.3 Peculiarities
This paragraph details particular design features of the project and practical deci-
sions that were made necessary, even against the original spirit:
(a) The only shaping elements are plastic tubes and connections (Fig. 2.15);
(b) Reinforcing bars are placed in the PVC tubes (Fig. 2.16);
(c) Self-compacting concrete has been used to make it flow more easily in the
congested formwork (Fig. 2.17). In particular, concrete is poured thanks to
plastic awnings into 6 holes, distributed at the top of the truss, so as it flows
directly in the diagonals. Concreting is helped by the presence of shoring
facilities. PVC tubes have been broken at some points to check the aspect
of the concrete. It resulted to have hardened well, despite the unavoidable
presence of small air bubbles trapped between the tube and the concrete;
20 A Different Way to Realize Structures
Figure 2.15: Model of plastic connections and plastic skeleton.
Figure 2.16: Disposition of the reinforcing bars in the plastic sections.
(d) Tightening of half-shells to ensure sealing (Fig. 2.18a). In fact PVC connections
had to be sliced into two half-shells so as to let reinforcing bars overlap and to
allow their fastening. Metallic hose clamps are used to tighten the half-shells
and avoid any concrete leak during pouring;
(e) Setting up on supports necessitated a mobile crane and a strap system (Fig. 2.18b).
2.5.5 Loads
Pre-Designing was done taking into account the following loads:
2.5 Case Study. An existing particular pedestrian bridge 21
(a) Concreting step.
(c) Satisfying aspect of concrete once
hardened and deshuttered.
- Pedestrian uniform load (as variable load): q = 500 kg/m2 (according to (Eu-
rocode, 1991)).
As a tube has an interior diameter Di such as:
Di = De − 2 · e (2.1)
where e is the tube thickness (4.9 mm) and De is the exterior diameter (200 mm).
Assuming for the reinforced concrete a specific weight ρ = 2.5 t/m3 and computing
the internal concrete area Ai , the permanent load is given by:
Ai = Di2
4 (2.2)
g = ρAi
22 A Different Way to Realize Structures
(a) Tightening hose clamps. (b) Setting up of the pedestrian bridge on supports.
W idth w 1.00 m
Height H 1.20 m
Span l 11.00 m
Overall length L 12.00 m
2.5.6 Calculation
So as to resolve quickly the truss, calculation was done by ISC team with the finite
element software Graitec Advance Design (6) , performing a linear elastic analysis.
Supports are placed at 50 cm of each end of the bridge, so as to get a 11 m span
out of the 12 m length bridge.
Axial Forces. As expected because of the horizontal shape of the truss, highest
normal stresses are around midspan, where bending moments are maxima. As it
can be seen in Fig. 2.19a, the maximum axial force Fmax is:
Graitec Advance Design is a software for structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete,
Steel and Timber structures according to the latest versions of Eurocodes (EC0, EC1, EC2, EC3,
EC5 and EC8), North American (ACI-AISC) codes and Canadian codes(A23.3, S16). http://
2.5 Case Study. An existing particular pedestrian bridge 23
N Fmax
σmax =
A (2.3)
σmax = 4.4 M P a
They are located, as a logical expectation, at the level of the nodes. Subsequent
bending stress is computed as:
W = (2.4)
σmax =± (2.5)
Therefore, neglecting the shear contribution to stress, bending contribution to stress
writes as:
σmax = ±21.2 MPa
1300 500
24 A Different Way to Realize Structures
(c) Displacements. (d) Repartition of costs.
- Formwork: it regroups the gross material (plastic tubes and connections), its
sealing (with a specific plastic seal) and tightening.
- Manpower: the cost of manpower for every task is included in this task.
- Concreting: includes the concrete material, its delivery on site and diverse
small equipment.
- Completions: contains the price of the crane to install the footbridge from the
shoring to the definitive supports.
- Wooden planking.
2.5 Case Study. An existing particular pedestrian bridge 25
Total costs equal 14500e. Taking into account that the bridge is 1 m wide and 12
m long, the price by unit of area is 1208e/m2 . This is a quite elevated ratio, as
prefabricated pre-stressed concrete bridge are available for 800e/m2 . However, this
number deserves a discussion.
As it has been said before, this work is a prototype: as such, it required certain
unavoidable part of testing and thinking on site. Moreover, several solutions to
resolve sealing and reinforcement problems have been tested, and discarded. As a
consequence, the indicated total costs are obviously over-estimated with respect to a
well designed process. Formwork stands for a important part of the total cost (29%)
especially because of PVC connections (21%). As it will be explained in the next
chapter, their price is exponential of the nominal diameter. Then, 8% (1160e) of the
total price has been spent to recreate a sealing (plastic seal and tightening metallic
hose clamps), because the arrangement of the reinforcing bars make it necessary to
cut the connections.
It is worth notice that PVC materials costs more than concrete and steel structural
components together (21% vs 14% & 5% respectively).
The final displacement of the structure after concreting and hardening costed up to
7% of total cost (∼ 1000e).
A great amount of manpower has been needed because of what was said previously:
it is difficult though to evaluate the part that one could save. Though, avoiding the
cut of the connections and realize a cast-on-site operation would save more than 20%
of the total cost, because manpower would also be reduced. As a matter of fact, it
would induce a reduction of price by unit of area ratio to around 960e/m2 , which is
sufficiently low to be taken into account, given the advantages such a process offers
Figure 2.20: The structure is moved to its definitive support once concrete has hardened.
Figure 2.21: Density of reinforcement.
As explained in the next chapter, PVC connections are only available for a few
numbers of angles (67◦ 30, 87◦ 30, 45◦ ) which links the height and the length of the
footbridge to the number of horizontal subdivisions.
Figure 2.22: Liquid seal to avoid concrete leaks.
2.6 Concluding Remarks 27
Advantages Drawbacks
Simplicity Aesthetics
Facility Importance of the choice
Diversity of the material
Adaptability of design Adaptability on site
Rapidity Appropriate/Custom-made
Economy components
Not Custom-made structures
One could have thought that using PVC tubes and their appropriate connections
would have led to a more efficient design. But, problems occur with reinforcement.
As it is means to deal with tensile concrete, another solution is to avoid concrete
to be under tension. Therefore a further improvement could lie in a pre-stressing
phenomenon in concrete members.
Geometrical compatibility problems of the piping system have raised from this
project. Again, this demonstrates the drawbacks of modular systems when it comes
to refinement: a wide range of solutions exist, but this range is discrete.
However, that being said, the casting of the reinforced concrete footbridge demon-
strates the possibility to use plastic tubes to cast concrete. A certain number of
problems has to be solved at this point so as this solution to become really interest-
ing from a practical point of view.
A further improvement would be to make this modular tubular formwork able to
carry to the concrete weight, until it has hardened so as to install it very quickly on
site on its supports and then pour concrete into it. It would not need any lifting
equipment and would limit the provided that the previous remarks are taken into
28 A Different Way to Realize Structures
account. Determine whether this is possible is the task of the present work. This
amounts to giving a structural role to the formwork in question.
As a consequence, the problematic is about the possibility to build efficiently a
safe and robust concrete structure with a formwork having the following character-
- structural role;
- modular conception.
Chapter 3
they are polymers (1) . Again, the use of a dictionary enlightens the meaning of this
word: any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular
weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light
and simple molecule.
This reminds the definition of the word modular. Polymers are very long chains
of molecules linked between them. These molecules are called monomers. The
characteristics of the polymers will result from their atomic structure and chain
composition, that can include cross-linked chains (reticulation) and other types of
monomers (co-polymerization).
They have a synthetic origin, which means that they result of an artificial process
invented by humans, in contrast to natural polymers such as proteins. Then, all
plastics come from organic materials, among which first and foremost: oil. From
this ensues a full range of common properties.
Finally, and most important for our scope here, they can be moulded when soft and
then set. This is what often confuses because it is the definition of "‘having plastic
properties"’, as dealing with art or mechanics(2) (ductility of a material). Plastic
have a common feature with concrete: the first part of their life is carried out in a
soft form, and the second in a solid and tight form.
The next part develops the common factors affecting the behaviour of plastics.
- an easy shaping;
- notch sensitivity;
- a visco-elastic behaviour.
In general, provided data sheets show short-term properties. They do not take into
account temperature, stress, time and environment effects. Yet, engineering design
can not ignore these factors. This is all the difficulty of converting theoretical prop-
erties into design data: such a challenge will be faced in section 3.5 and followings.
As an example, limit strain y from regular tests and data sheets is often greater
than 20% or even 50%, which means a 1m-long plastic profile sample could support
stretching up to 20 cm or 50 cm. Chris O’Connor, from the consultancy company
Smithers Rapra, which has developed an expertise in plastics (Booth and Robb,
1968), prescribes not to overpass severe limits for engineering purposes: its rec-
ommendations are shown in Tab. 3.2. As a reference, for concrete, strain limits at
Ultimate Limit State (ULS) cu are around 0.25% - 0.35%(3) . For steel, uk rise up
to 2.5% or 7.5%(3) .(4) Consequently, plastic have similar strain limit to concrete
(Tab. 3.2).
In addtion, the family of plastics presents a very wide range of mechanical properties:
tensile strength is comprised between 20 MPa and 800 MPa and Young modulus
between 1 GPa and 100 GPa. Indeed, the elastic limit of a polymer depends on:
Depending on the type of concrete/steel, and on the type of model for the stress-strain rela-
32 PVC: a material for civil engineering
Figure 3.1: Variation of Young modulus according to a specific weight-and price growing
1. the nature of the polymeric chains (type and chemical functions of the molec-
ular monomers), their length, their entanglement, interactions, etc;
2. the degree of crystallinity Young modulus and elastic limit are growing functions
of it;
Interesting information can be recalled from Fig. 3.1: it shows a Young modulus to
price-by-specific weight diagram in which are displayed the main families of plastics.
Both are indicators to help choosing the right plastic for a particular application:
Ideal plastics for structural applications are on the left superior corner of Fig. 3.1,
where at first both price and specific weight are low, so as to get the most light
and economical structure, and secondly mechanical properties are high, so as to
get the most efficient structure. Obviously, no material answers perfectly to these
requirements. Two categories of plastics, which will be distinguished in 3.3, can be
observed: the classical and most produced plastics, in blue, and the most resistant,
3.3 Classification of Plastics 33
technological and expensive composites, in red, emphasized by two red arrows (glass
or carbon fiber reinforced composites - FRP).
For our scope, particular interest will be held on mechanical and physical properties
of plastics, in particular their elastic behaviour, which is determined by two principal
quantities: the Young Modulus (E), the elastic limit strength (fy ,).
1. Thermoplastics;
2. Thermoset plastics;
3. Elastomers.
Figure 3.2: European total demand for plastics in 2012.
are widely used for their good strength to weight ratio, durability and corrosion
resistance (do not rot, rust, need re-painting) and subsequent cost effectiveness,
low maintenance, and great versatility. They are also easily formable, easily trans-
portable and movable on site (Booth and Robb, 1968).
Nowadays, piping and conduit represents 35% of the plastic production for con-
struction. Plastics are also used for cladding, skirting and thermal insulation. They
constitutes profiles for windows and doors. They even furnish roofs. In this field,
it is worth citing the Spanish initiative in Corbrera d’Erbre (Tarragona): Archi-
tect Ferran Vizoso has designed a PVC transparent light roof of 1050 m2 area to
rehabilitate the roof of an old church (Fig. 3.4).
Figure 3.3: Flachdach Technologie, by the German company FDT.
These plastics are generally recyclable; in practice only a small part is recycled
though. Another great field of innovation for plastics stands in its alloy with
concrete, to optimize its qualities and decrease its environmental impact: super-
plasticizers to get ultra-high performances concrete, polyacrylates or polycarbon-
ates to increase its mechanical strength reducing its weight or thermoplastic resins
to make it 90% translucent.
their fossil origin, plastics are in pole position to tackle such challenges as they
are highly recyclable and efficient. Moreover, their nature makes them able to be
designed to a very wide range of uses.
The most produced plastics are Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE) and
Polychlorure Vinyl (PVC). Looking back to Tab. 3.1, PVC appears to be one of the
most interesting plastics for our scope because it has among the highest mechanical
properties of classical plastics and is though one of the most light and cheap of them.
This provide it henceforth a worldwide use and supply. In particular, it is slightly
better than PP and PE. Furthermore, a famous field of predilection of PVC concerns
pipes and tubes. These advantages made the choice of PVC quite obvious for the
sake of this study. More detail will now be given on its characteristics.
Figure 3.4: Roof of the church of Corbrera d’Erbre (Spain).
Figure 3.5: European plastic demand by segment and polymer in 2014 ((PlasticsEurope,
Plastics Europe: http://www.plasticseurope.org/
38 PVC: a material for civil engineering
A polymeric chain contains 750 to 1500 Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM), whose
formula is:
CH2 = CH − Cl (3.1)
Chloride/ Blending
Salt and oil extraction will not be detailed. Ethylene and chloride production
are quickly covered in 3.6. VCMs are formed by basic direct chlorination or oxy-
chlorination reactions. These monomers are gaseous under normal conditions, and
therefore stored under pressure in order to keep them liquid. Further details will
concentrate on elaboration of polymers and PVC materials. In the following parts,
some conventions are set for the different forms that PVC takes throughout the
- Raw PVC or PVC resin is the PVC polymer formed after polymerization,
whose elements (cf. PPFA) are chemically bonded and cannot be disconnected
by any exterior forces;
3.7.1 Polymerization
Here are presented the 3 different processes of manufacture of raw PVC. Raw ma-
terial for all kinds of polymerization is constituted by VCM.
Suspension polymerisation. Suspension PVC is also known as S-PVC. PVC
made from suspension is by far the most common.
1. During the first step of suspension polymerization, VCM is fed into the poly-
merisation reactor alongside water and suspending agents. The mixture en-
dures high-speed agitation. Small VCM droplets are formed.
3. At the final stage of the S-PVC process, un-reacted VCM is separated from
the suspension to be recycled and re-used. Water is removed, usually by
centrifugation. The solid is dried to become a PVC non-toxic,odourless and
inert white powder.
- Pigments: allow to give to PVC almost all possible colours. They are some-
times toxic;
- Loads: are used to reinforce fire resistance and modify some physical or elec-
trical properties;
- Fire delaying: are added to counteract the addition of plasticizers, that are
often inflammable (Ch. 3.13).
- "hard " or "rigid " PVC, called unplasticized PVC, or PVC-U. The PVC-U
are used for any applications requiring a minimum rigidity, such as pipes: they
indeed represents 40% of total PVC consumption (Augier, 2007). Generally,
it is the most furnished type of PVC for industrial uses.
PVC-P (1.1-1.35 g/cm3 ) is slightly lighter than PVC-U (1.3-1.45 g/cm3 ), but it only
has one third of the limit strength of plasticized PVC and far weaker elastic and
isolating properties.
PVC-U can be itself declined in more specific versions such as:
(a) PVC-NI (Normal Impact): it is the most common PVC-U declination, it pro-
vides a normal resistance to impacts (< 5k J/m2 );
3.9 Reference Codes 41
(b) PVC-RI, PVC-HI (Raised Impact, Hight Impact): are different types of PVC
with enhanced resistance to impacts (between 5 kJ/m2 and 20 kJ/m2 for PVC-
RI), even at low temperatures (PVC-HI);
(c) PVC-T & PVC-TF: it is a special denomination for PVC used for doors;
Many other denominations of PVC for pipes differ by their moulding and formatting,
not by their chemical composition: f.e: PVC-O.
For simplicity, in the following, PVC-NI will be referred as PVC-U, to contrast the
other denominations.
Cell Limits
N◦ Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 [−] PVC-U PVC-C VC
2 [J/m] < 34.7 34.7 80.1 266.9 533.8 800.7 5
3 MP a < 34.5 34.5 41.4 48.3 55.2
4 MP a < 1930 1930 2206 2482 2758 3034
5 C < 55.0 55 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Vinyl Copolymer.
Most frequently used PVC for pipes is PVC 12454. Therefore, for PVC-U, the
corresponding properties will be used in the following.
- Minimal temperature of use Tmin . Below this limit the material is fragile;
- Maximal temperature of use Tmax . Beyond this limit there are non-negligible
resistance and rigidity losses;
3.10 Properties of PVC material 43
- Oxygen index. It is the minimal oxygen content that allows the material to
burn. As a reference, oxygen content of air is 20%;
In the end, PVC is indeed among the lightest construction materials as discussed in
section 3.2. Its main drawback is the sensitivity to temperature variations: its range
of use is quite restricted by the fact that beyond 60◦ C, its use shall be avoided for
smoothing. Even if the temperature does not overpass this limit, a reducing factor
shall be applied on mechanical abilities. Morevoer, PVC-U is the most-dilating
construction material.
However, the range [-15◦ C-60◦ C] covers all possible uses of PVC as a beam for usual
applications in European countries.
- Tensile stress at yield σy . It is the stress at elastic limit under axial tensile
force [MPa] (ISO 527);
In reality, thermal dilatation coefficient depend on temperature, so that data is given for 20◦ C
as an order of magnitude.
It is determined by the rate of heat flow normally through an area in the substance divided by
the area and by minus the component of the temperature gradient in the direction of flow ((Parker,
44 PVC: a material for civil engineering
- Strain level at yield y . It is the strain at elastic limit under axial tensile force
[MPa] (ISO 527);
PVC is indeed one of the most elastic and deformable materials because of its low
Young modulus. However, it makes its sensitivity to temperature easy to handle: a
restraint would generate less efforts in PVC than in steel. For example, if σpvc and
σsteel are the stress induced by such a restraint under an increase of temperature
∆T :
σpvc Epvc αT,pvc 2 80
= · ≈ · ≈ 4%
σsteel Esteel αT,steel 200 20
Tensile and compressive strengths reach 50 MPa, which is decent and even more
than wood. Note that PVC can handle both compressive and tensile stresses.
In accordance to ASTM classification for PVC 12454, the following properties on
Tab. 3.6 are considered as common minimum properties for a classical structural
From now on, this document will exclusively deal with unplasticized PVC (PVC-U)
and its derivatives, because it is the type of PVC that is used for tubes and piping
3.11 Structural Behaviour 45
• v (t) is the - time dependent - viscous strain: v is the object of present section.
According to the project situations, three different design checks have to be done.
Usually and as stated in Unibell’s(16) PVC Main Force Design guide, each SDR
is associated to different admissible internal pressures, depending on the type of
solicitation: pressure Ratio (PR) is associated to long-term situations and Short-
Term Ratio (STR) is linked to short-term designs.
Young modulus is also affected by visco-elasticity: they have different values, ac-
cording to long-term or short-term design. As for concrete, short-term moduli EST
are often three times as high as long-term moduli ELT :
Orders of magnitude are given in Tab. 3.7 for PVC and other materials.
These long-term and short-term values will be alternatively used in design for long-
term or short-term situations.
Procedures and values for hydraulic pipes such as found in (ASTM, 2004), (Spangler
and Shafer, 1938) and (ASTM, 2009) are the only example of structural design of
PVC. It takes into account visco-elasticity and allows to use equations of elasticity
as for concrete.
Table 3.7: Long-term and Short-term design value for PVC and other materials.
- Linear shrinkage: it associates the effects of the flow to the effects of the con-
traction. Molecules are mostly oriented in the direction of the flow, therefore
longitudinal shrinkage is always higher than transversal shrinkage.
Figure 3.7: Two parts of the mould and cavity (at the top) and finite contracted product
(at the bottom).
• L and V stands for the dimensions or volume of the moulded product at room
temperature (usually 20◦ C).
The shrinkage of a moulded part can be affected by many factors. Here are described
the main ones and their effects on shrinkage: ’+’ (resp. ’–’) means an increase of
the factor is favourable: it decreases shrinkage (resp. unfavourable):
– wall thickness;
– temperature;
+ cooling duration;
– rate of crystallinity.
If shrinkage ratio is sufficiently well-known, the molded item can be given the in-
tented dimensions by enlarging its dimensions V by the amount of shrinkage sh to
get the volume of the mould V0 :
V0 = ' V (1 + sh ) sh 1 (3.6)
1 − sh
3.11 Structural Behaviour 49
An order of magnitude of shrinkage is given in Tab. 3.8 (17) . PVC-U is anyway one
of least shrinking plastics.
Material Shrinkage[%]
PVC-U 0.2 - 0.4
PP 0.2 - 0.8
ABS 0.4 - 0.7
PVC-sm∗ 0.5 - 2.5
PVC-P 1 - 3
PE 1.5 - 3.5
PVC semi-rigid.
Contrarily to concrete shrinkage, shrinkage of plastics does not affect the long-term
statics: it is due to its transformation and can be ignore if the PVC products do not
have visible defaults. The pipes that will be considered in section 4.1 are without
default, as they come from retails. Therefore, shrinkage is not taken into account in
further conduct of this work.
4. No sensitive wear;
8. Weather resistant: this ability comes from both its waterproofing and its chem-
ical resistance;
9. Rust-proof: PVC does not rust and therefore it does not require any cover
(like painting for steel);
10. Ductility: does not crack, even under shock and frost. Brittleness only appears
for temperatures below the minimal temperature for use (cf. 3.10).
As its use is quite recent, real time-lasting will only be known in decades. PVC used
for building applications (f.e windows) are replaced and recycled in most cases after
the renovation of the building, and not for wear or malfunction reasons.
The phenomenon of fatigue, very important for what concerns durability, will be
detailed in the following. It is important to notice that fatigue sensitivity can vary
for the same plastic depending on molecular structure, formulation and fabrication
For all those reasons, PVC is often the preferred choice for many different long-life
and outdoor applications. In fact, medium and long-term applications account for
some 85% of PVC production in the building and construction sector(18) . For exam-
ple, it is estimated that more than 75 % of PVC pipes will have a lifetime in excess
of 40 years with potential in-service lives of up to 100 years. In other applications
such as window profiles and cable insulation, studies indicate that over 60% of them
will also have working lives of over 40 years.
As such, durability is one the hugest advantages of PVC as material for civil en-
gineering because whatever project lifetime, it does not not need any particular
conditions. Adding lubricant to PVC compound (Ch. 3.7) smooths PVC, but its
effect on compatibility can not be evaluated.
- Poly [vinyl chloride], in primary forms, not mixed with other substances: it
relates to raw PVC, as defined in section 3.7 (ID: 39401000).
- Poly [vinyl chloride] in primary forms, plasticized, mixed with other substances
(PVC-P) (ID: 39402200);
- Poly [vinyl chloride] in primary forms, non-plasticized, mixed with other sub-
stances (PVC-U) (ID: 39402100).
52 PVC: a material for civil engineering
(a) CIF values: imports are recorded on the basis of invoices CIF (Cost, Insurance,
Freight). It includes the price of the product itself, transportation costs and
insurance required for its routing on the territory.
(b) FOB values: exports are identified on the basis of invoices FAB (Free On
Board): including the cost of transport to customs clearance, excluding of
those incurred outside the territory to bring the goods to the consignee.
Both numbers do not show only the real value of the good, as both include additional
costs. As a matter of fact, Tab. 3.9 sums up the average FOB & CIF values ofraw
PVC, PVC-U and PVC-P in 2015 from France to the rest of the world.
(a) As roof for a tollgate (www.pvcdesign. (b) As printing support for advertise-
org). ment.
In public works, PVC is mainly used for various piping systems (Ch. 4.1) because
of its lightweight and resisting strength. Especially, for rainwater, soil and waste
systems because of its inertia, chemical resistance and waterproofing, as well as for
roofing membranes (Fig. 3.8a) because of its versatility. The latter is nowadays at
stake because of the recent developments in matter of complex shapes, funicular
structures and suspended membranes. As an example, the 50,000m2 of the roof of
the Stade de France stadium, a 80,000-seat stadium built to welcome footbal World
Cup in 1998.
Other applications. Thanks to PVC’s excellent flame retardant and electrical
insulation properties, other uses of PVC include above all wiring and cable ducting
for power, data and Telecom networks and advertising supports (Fig. 3.8b).
It is also used in cars, since in Western Europe, cars currently produced contain
from 10kg to 16kg of PVC.
54 PVC: a material for civil engineering
Semi finished products are the resultant of the last production process of PVC:
transformation (as it can be said in the previous Chapter). It allows to shape
in particular form of pipes or fittings to PVC compound: engineering structural
design will be introduced considering a pipe as a particular type of beam.
- calendering;
56 Products made by PVC
- extrusion;
- blow-moulding;
- injection moulding;
- expansion;
- thermoforming;
- coating;
- rotational moulding.
They will be shortly described, particular mention will be made of the most useful
techniques to shape pipes and fittings. For any transformation, the moulding process
can induce a significant level of residual stress, as mentioned with shrinkage in section
Calendering. This technique is derived from the rubber and paper industry pro-
duction techniques. Calendering was the first processing procedure for plastics. It
has become widely used especially for PVC processing into films and sheets of vary-
ing width and thickness, with wide range of surface finishes.
The main applications are:
- rigid plastic sheets for the papermaking or printing industry (f.e credit cards);
Figure 4.2: Extrusion process: PVC compound passes from the hopper to the die.
process). The only difference stands in the type of material introduced in the mold:
in the first process, they are already extruded sections which are cut the correct
dimension, whereas in the second process, hot plastic compound is directly injected.
Then, for both processes, air is blown so as to inflate and make plastic perfectly
adherent to the walls of the mold itself. The mold actually constitutes the negative
impression of the object. After a short cooling, the mold is opened, the artifact is
extracted and the cycle begins again (Fig. 4.3).
Expansion. The term expansion refers to a machining technique in which the spe-
cific weight of the starting polymer can be adapted to obtain lighter materials with
a cellular structure. Those plastics are used in thermal and acoustic insulation ap-
plications, in imitation leathers or in lightened structures such as tubes and profiles.
PVC foams can be rigid, semi rigid, flexible, depending on the formulation and the
degree of expansion used. The cell structure can be obtained by various processes,
all including gas.
The combination of extrusion and expansion techniques allows the production of
PVC-O, also known as Bi-Oriented PVC. The process, developed in the early 1970s,
lies on the polymeric properties of PVC and on their three-dimensional molecular
orientation. As said in section 3.6, every plastic is constituted of long disorganized
molecular chains. Indeed, PVC stands among the amorphous polymers. A wise
design would take advantage of the preferential dimension to make it carry the load:
doing so, stress is supported by covalent molecular bonds (in the direction of the
chains) which are strong interactions, instead of indifferently by covalent bonds and
reticulation bonds and other weak interactions between chains.
4.2 PVC Transformation techniques 59
This principle is similarly used when dealing with composites materials and es-
pecially Fibre Reinforced Material (FRP), for which fibres with very high tensile
strength are woven in one or two preferential direction(s) and set in a matrix or a
resin. Whereas after extrusion, classical PVC-U is mono-axially oriented, for PVC-
BO, molecular orientation is achieved in two successive phases:
1. PVC pipe is extruded at about half the diameter and twice the thickness of
the finished PVC-O pipe. This unexpanded pipe, called starting stock, is
longitudinally stretched;
2. Then, the starting stock pipe is expansed, being pulled over a mandrel: the
diameter of the pipe is doubled. This stretches the pipe in the radial direction,
reorienting the molecules to become biaxially oriented, as shown on Fig. 4.4.
This new material (2) has twice the tensile strength and three times the impact re-
sistance of classical PVC-U (AUTHORITY, 2013)-(Association, 2002) and keeps its
corrosion and chemical resisting qualities. As a matter of fact, for the same appli-
cations, equivalent PVC-O pipes are thinner(3) and lighter. They also have larger
internal diameters (this finds a huge interest when dealing with project parameters
as it allows to lower flow velocities and reduce pumping costs). Finally, this gives
PVC-O pipes more flexibility and thus provide about three times the resistance of
PVC-U pipe to cyclic fatigue.
- Coating by covering.
Immersion is mainly used to coat metal objects. A plastic material powder is sus-
pended in a flow of hot air in a closed environment. The object to be coated is
pre-heated so as the powder to adhere to its surface, forming a layer of the desired
thickness. It is finally placed in a baking oven where the heat melt the powder and
turns the coating into a continuous layer.
PVC-O is not chemically speaking a "new material" because its chemical composition remains
unchanged. Although, its physical microstructure has been modified: in this sense we deal with a
new material.
According to www.thinkpipesthinkpvc.com.au, the reduction of wall thickness would reach
between 40% and 60% compared to other materials.
4.3 Connections 61
4.3 Connections
The objective of this part is not to make a comprehensive presentation of the cat-
alogue of PVC tools. It will confine to explain the functioning of a PVC piping
system and to detail the main useful connections. Plastic pipes association is very
handy because it is based on an interlocking male-female system made of tubes and
connections (as presented in the following). Fittings – such as joints, elbows or
T-pieces – are usually produced by injection-moulding.
4.3.1 Fittings
PVC connections for pipes are meant to realize the most branching operations as
possible. Thus, there is a very impressive variety of forms and nature, from the
most produced and commonly used to the most particular ones. Some project even
require tailor made fittings. Different figures illustrate this diversity.
First, fittings differ by the number of ends they have: the simplest only have 2
ends, whereas some branching configuration require 3 (T-pieces), 4 or even 5 pipes
to connect at the same point. Next, spatial configurations differ by the planes
containing the pipes: some are coplanar, and other are orthogonal: the last allow
62 Products made by PVC
pipes coming from three spatial directions to connect. Then, a lot of different
nominal angles are doable: the angle are available in a discrete range, from 0◦ (a
straight socket connection) to 90◦ (right-angled elbows): nominal angles are 15◦ ,
22◦ 30, 30◦ , 45◦ , 67◦ 30, 80◦ , 87◦ 30, 90◦ .
They also differ by the nature of the ends and of the joints (as shown in Fig. 4.8):
• Bell-end or socketed-end: we can also speak of female end. They connect with
Plain-ends either with a simple push fit dilatation joints with rubber seals or
with a particular sealing: it can be a welding (even though it is more used
for PP pipes), but in general it will be a solvent cementing; further detail on
solvent cementing is given below (Ch. 4.3.3).
• Flange-end: this method, originally used for metallic tubes, can be adapted
to PVC pipes (Ch. 4.3.4).
• Threaded-end: these are used when a great flexibility is required because they
mainly allow very easy disassembling. However, the PPFA states they should
not be used for critical applications. Further detail is given in paragraph 4.3.5.
Fittings can also be constituted by several elements: assembled fittings are formed
from several injection-moulded parts assembled by clipsing or screwing, whereas
shaped fittings are produced by thermoforming (Ch. 4.2), welding or solvent cement-
ing from injection-moulded fittings or tubes. Finally, despite standards and regula-
tions, irrevocable differences come from the different moulds used by each manufac-
turer, which result in small design details and dimensional variations. Other variants
include the radius of gyration of the elbow, or the presence of a reduction: reduction
allows to connect pipes of different diameters. One should never forget that these
pipes are destined to fluid transportation, therefore many parameters such as 87◦ 30
4.3 Connections 63
angles derive therefrom: in particular, they result from the orientation of the flow
and from the minimization of online losses.
For fittings, some manufacturers recommend up to a 40% discount of the maximum
design pressure with respect to the associated pipe.
To sum up the features described above, diverse types of fittings are shown on
Fig. 4.11.
4.3.4 Flanging
On the one side, flanging allows different piping material to be joined. It is used
because of its ease to disassemble for inspection or maintenance and to repair any
possible leak. Moreover the system can immediately be tested. On the other side,
it is quite expensive and cumbersome. Furthermore, the working pressure is limited
to 10 bars, which is a substantial limitation.
Figure 4.9: Different pattern exist for flanging, according to the project specification and
diameters (Antaki, 2003).
64 Products made by PVC
4.3.5 Threading
Last noticeable manner to connect PVC pipes is threading: among advantages
should be exposed the ease it provides to test the system, disassemble it and fix
leaks. Though, main concerns regard their sophistication. They can only apply to
sufficiently thick pipes. Once operating, threads constitute the weakest part of the
piping system and reduce working pressures by 50%.
Figure 4.10: Transition joints (on the right) and threaded adapters (on the left) allow to
associate PVC pipes with other materials (Antaki, 2003).
- Industrial pipes: pipes need to resist aggressive fluids. According to the typol-
ogy, PVC-U, PVC-C or PVC-HI are used.
PVC can also be found as a protective sleeve for telecommunication lines (Ch. 3.15),
but in general PVC-P is used. All these applications regard aboveground and un-
derground (According to the PPFA, more than 3/4 of PVC pipes are used for under-
ground application) implementation of PVC pipes: this will be taken into account
in the design of the piping system in conformity to the project data. These classes
are the most relevant to be used as normative prescriptions impose common precise
specifications to manufacturers. Therefore, despite the observed thousands of differ-
ent denominations, all the different type of PVC destined to one of those will have
sufficiently close properties to deal directly with those categories.
- the diameter;
4.6.1 Diameters
When dealing with diameters, main variables are:
4.6 Geometrical characteristics 67
Di = DN − 2 eN (4.1)
Dm = DN − e N = Di + e N (4.2)
These numbers and the associated tolerances are not given in this study because
they highly depend on the domain of application. One will only find typical values
of nominal diameters are shown in Tab. 4.1 and Tab. 4.2.
DN [mm] 160 180 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000
Note Civil Works Civil Works
Available in technical retail Rare
1. Solid walls or compact walls are tubes or fittings whose internal and external
surfaces are smooth and which have same composition along the thickness
of the wall(5) . It means that the pipe is simply extruded from amorphous
PVC, as explained in section 4.2. Bi-axially oriented PVC (PVC-O) enter
this category.
2. Corrugated walls are solid wall whose shape provide more flexural flexibility,
as the ripples are along the hoop direction.
4. Barrier type wall or Multilayer. Several cylindrical layers compose the pipe. In
the case of the barrier type wall, a flexible metallic layer(6) is inserted between
two external and internal solid layers so as to provide additional protection for
the fluids passing through the pipe (generally drinking water). Production is
made by extrusion.
see definition in NF EN 1401-1
Typically in aluminium.
4.6 Geometrical characteristics 69
(b) Bottom.
• Sch = schedule
In the US, schedule where originally applied to Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel
Pipes (7) (from Sch/10 to Sch/160) and Stainless Steel Pipes (8) (Sch/5S, Sch/10S,
Sch/40S and Sch/80S).
SDR. The designation SDR is internationally used: it is the ratio between outside
diameter DN and wall thickness eN . Literature also mention SIDR, which considers
internal diameter:
Di (4.4)
SDR = SIDR + 2
It is worth note that the function SDR(D, e) lies theoretically in the interval [2 ; +∞[
because the thickness e, whose exterior limit is D, can not exceed the radius r =
D/2. For example, the Belgian regulation BENOR states the following equivalences
for underground PVC pipes:
For small diameters, thickness of a SDR range are not defined anymore by Eq. 4.4
because it would lead to number minor to 1 mm. However, data is exhaustively
reported in the corresponding European norms. For all ring stiffness numbers, the
higher the value, the stiffer the pipe.
In conclusion, this paragraph has established the main parameters of PVC pipes. In
the following, only compact-wall pipe will be used as they are the best compromise
between low price and resistance to flexure. Pipe will be referred to by their nominal
external diameter and standard dimensional ratio.
a piping network, considering specific limits and needs of each type of piping system.
The reasoning is based on an equivalence of performances: diameters, schedules and
fittings are adapted from a system to another if needed.
Figure 4.14: Labor and discounted cost for Drainage, Waste, Vent piping installation.
Figure 4.15: Labor and discounted cost for Water piping installation.
For the Drainage, Waste and Vent (DWV) network are considered PVC, ABS and
cast-iron pipes, whereas for the Water network are compared PVC-C, copper and
galvanized steel pipes.
Using PVC pipes instead of metallic pipes (copper or galvanized steel tube) would
spare 75% of the cost of the installation and almost 40% of the labour time. There-
fore, PVC is much more competitive than steel tubes for residential piping networks.
Therefore, PVC has shown itself economical and time-saving when used as pipes.
In addition, the price of PVC piping systems is exponential of the diameter, as shown
in Fig. 4.17. After DN = 200 mm, prices explode as production volumes decrease.
Therefore, this diameter is a delimiter below which a designer should remain so as
to maintain relatively low costs. Prices also increase with SDR, as shrinkage is less
favourable and input quantity of material is greater.
72 Products made by PVC
Figure 4.16: Comparison of labour and discounted cost for plastic and metallic piping
700 €
100 €
Figure 4.17: Variation of the price of PVC piping systems according to increasing diam-
- Screw leg metal clamps for larger diameters, to create a fixed point;
- lyre clamps, clipped for small diameters: they maintain the tube loosely. Can
be in plastic (PVC) or in metal.
Figure 4.18: Screw leg metal clamps (left and center) for large diameters and lyre clamps
(right) for smaller pipes.
4.8 Other tools and material 73
Other types of clamps are not used for pipes because they do not provide sufficient
rigidity (cf. fig 4.19.
Figure 4.19: Screw leg metal clamps (left and center) for large diameters and lyre clamps
(right) for smaller pipes.
4.8.2 Valves
Pipes need to be regularly inspected. Flow inside is regulated by the degree of
aperture of the valves. Of course, for pipes they have a crucial importance. Like
fittings, they are injection-moulded. Many types exist:
- butterfly valves;
- diaphragm valves;
- globe valves;
Figure 4.20: Examples of valves: ball valve, diaphragm valve and knife gate valve.
4.8.3 Supports
Fig. 4.21 show such systems used to fix, clamp or simply support pipes, for example
on a façade or under a roof.
74 Products made by PVC
The material PVC and its products have been properly defined in the previous
chapters. This chapter states the different conception that have been thought
to implement PVC. When the principles of conception have been fixed, scale
models have been realized to understand better the effective behaviour of the
structure. A calculation with a full size model has been realized, giving to PVC
tubes a full structural role, removing intermediary supports.
5.2.1 Components
It is meant to be approximately a 1:4 - 1:5 scale model. It has the following dimen-
- Length L = 5 m;
- Width w = 0.5 m;
Table 5.1: Main characteristics of PP for design with respect to PVC and steel.
5.2.2 Construction
First, tubes are cut at the right length, taking into account that the deck elements
and superior crosspieces have uniform lengths whether columns and inferior cross-
pieces have variable lengths. The non-zero length of fittings is subtracted from the
length of the different tube elements.
Then, it is necessary to drill holes in the fittings to make the cables pass. Their
position on the elbows is coherent with the sketch of the cable passing through each
of the fittings so as not to generate flexure. The cables are not fixed to the fittings
in this model as it would be too complicated.
The footbridge is built with the deck leaning on the ground. Fittings are not sealed
between then(1) . Crosspieces are alternated with columns along the deck because
available fittings don not allow more than 3 tubes to connect at a same node. Cables
are threaded into the fittings in the apposite holes and fixed at the supports. The
No glue is used to ensure continuity between the fittings.
78 Attempts to create a PVC bearing structure
model is then turned and set on its supports. Its very low weight (10-11 kg) makes
it mobile even by a single man.
Finally, bearing cables are tensioned to get a zero deflection at midspan. Bracing is
set up as in Fig. 5.4. The fittings have 87◦ 30 angles so that they have to be disposed
in a symmetrical manner with respect to the longitudinal axis of the footbridge to
avoid torsion of the bridge.
5.2 Scale model 79
5.2.3 Hypothesis
The behaviour of the bridge is very hypothetical. Its constitutive materials (PP,
PVC) are poorly known and in particular the mechanical abilities of their fittings
(stiffness, flexibility, plastic hinge) and their mechanical limits and modes of failure
(in tension, in compression, under bending, at rupture). Therefore, 3 situations are
considered, alongside with 3 levels of hypothesis:
- S1 - Perfect clamping. The first reasonable assumption is to consider a
perfect clamping for all fittings, which means no differential rotation would
be allowed between connected tubes. Though, this hypothesis seems very
optimistic. On the one hand because it is observed that the columns (it is
important underlined that the columns are the longest elements) are rather
mobile to some extent. On the other hand, because it is conceivable that,
under a heavy load, a perfect clamping would generate localized moments,
potentially sufficient to break them (or have them plasticized).
5.2.4 Loading
A step-by-step loading test of the footbridge is realized to identify the correct prop-
erties with respect to the previous hypothesis. The midspan deflection is measured
and confronted to the increase of the loading. Loads are paper blocks, whose weight
is well known. With available A3 and A4 formats, blocks respectively weight 2.5 kg
and 5 kg. The amount of the load increase is 2.5 kg, that makes necessary a sub-
stitution of 2 A4 by 1 A3. This action will generate a small increase of deflection(2)
due to plasticity because they actually consist of local unloading-reloading cycles.
As can be seen on Fig. 5.8
80 Attempts to create a PVC bearing structure
Figure 5.5: Different levels of articulation of the fittings: S1, S2, S3.
5.2.5 Results
The results of the loading test are presented in Fig. 5.8 for loading and unloading
phases. Max deflection vmax reached 24 cm, at midspan (see Eq. 5.1).
vmax ≈ (5.1)
Residual deflection vres after unloading is 13 cm, which is 50% of max deflection:
vres ≈ (5.2)
The total load on the deck at the maximum loading point was:
Qtot ≈ 10G
Loading is not linear because of the large displacements. A first stage can be noted,
for which deflection increases with a gradually decreasing slope. The cable deforms
to adopt a form closer to the funicular shape. The design shape is the funicular of
an uniform load, that is of a load distributed uniformly on all the columns. Loading
is then globally linear, exception made of local increases mentioned in section 5.2.4:
the new funicular shape is then loaded classically.
In parallel, the model by conform implementation of the load has been step-by-step
computed on the finite elements software Karamba: a 3D geometry of the model is
built, and converted into a computational model of beams. By increments of 1 kg
by plate, load has been increased to the maximum of 25 kg resulted from the test.
For S2 and S3 situations, different flexural rigidities have been implemented for the
articulated fittings, from 0 kg.m/◦ to infinite rigidity(3) . Computed deflections for
situations S2 and S3 described in section 5.2.3 are shown on Fig. 5.9 and Fig. 5.10.
In particular:
Infinite rigidity is equivalent to a perfect clamping of the fittings.
82 Attempts to create a PVC bearing structure
- For articulated columns, the deflection is clearly linear of the load, whatever
the rigidity be. Measured deflection is close of calculated deflection for zero
rotational stiffness.
- For the situation No.3, the initial non-linearity decreases with the rotational
rigidity. A second phase is linear and almost independent of the stiffness. De-
flection from the test hhas a loading path comprised between those of stiffness
0.01 and 0.1 kg.m/◦ .
For each of the following curves, the maximum deflection is stored and plot on
logarithmic graph of figure 5.11 according to the situation (S2 or S3) and the rigidity
(from 0 kg.m/◦ for a fully articulated behaviour to 106 kg.m/◦ , considered clamped
behaviour) to draw the variation of the maximum deflection according to the rigidity
of the articulations. For elevated values of stiffness, results may be influenced by
ill-conditioning of stiffness matrix. This figure clearly confirms that range of the
hypothetical rotational stiffness of the fittings. I other words, assuming that a
rigidity can be defined for such fittings, the procedure and subsequent logarithmic
graph allow to determine it quite precisely by intersection. Assessment on several
scale model would be necessary to state this.
From the previous graphs, it can be deduced that the actual behaviour of the fittings
is closer to situation S3 than to situations S1 and S2. As a consequence, for the
5.2 Scale model 83
structural analysis of this statical scheme, one shall take into account for the deck
articulations in correspondence of the columns.
Figure 5.12: Sewing of the bracing rope along the longitudinal axis.
Moreover, the tension of the ropes was meant to provide a friction resistance against
any longitudinal displacement along the cable: in particular, it would have restrained
rotations of the columns, whose rotational rigidity is low. Therefore, the base of the
columns slightly moves along the cable. The rotations of the assemblies and the
horizontal translations of the columns along the cable are not completely prevented
by the present practical arrangements.
Friction at the level of the structure creates plastic effects: the deflection becomes
non-linear of the load, and is non-zero after unloading.
Maximum admissible loading was about 100 kg. Given its width (0.5 m) and its
length (5 m), this load represents an equivalent surface load of 40 kg/m2 , which is
very far from the 500 kg/m2 objectives that a 1:1 scale model should able to support
according to Eurocode. Several factors are responsible for this deformability:
1. Since the fittings do not seem to be stiff enough to consider them as clamped,
the presence of 19 potential hinge along the deck(4) considerably reduces the
stiffness of the deck. It can be shown on Fig. 5.19: even without loading, the
scale model can be waved. Therefore, to a solicitation does not correspond a
single configuration because of plastic effects.
4. The scale model had severe stability default. Among them, it is worth note
the alignment problems at the supports (as shown on Fig. 5.13). The cable is
There are 10 crosspieces and 9 columns along the deck.
86 Attempts to create a PVC bearing structure
diverted by the feet of the seat used as a support. Then, even if it would have
made construction quite less rapid, simple and economical, pipes and fittings
need to be fixed rigidly between them to avoid recurring uncoupling. Plastic
seal or metal screws are considered.
Connections are made by assembling a FF tee between the deck and the column,
and a MF tee between the column and the crosspiece. Angles are 87◦ 30 because
they are the most suppliable in retail.
The respective dimentions are listed in Tab. 5.2 and Tab. 5.3 (from Nicoll brochure).
Bending tests of the fittings were carried out on diameters 100 mm, 160 mm and
200 mm. The conclusions of the report of these tests have shown the increase of
flexural stiffness with the diameter. For the diameters considered, a stiffness of 1
kg.m/◦ was a realistic order of magnitude for flexion out the plane of the fitting(6) .
It can reasonably be assumed that the stiffness would be lower if the flexion was
exerted in the plane of the tee. Therefore, conservatively, a value of 1 kg.m/◦ is taken
for tubes with a diameter of 250 mm.
Conventions are fixed on figure 5.16
88 Attempts to create a PVC bearing structure
Cables. Fig. 5.17 show the section of the cables used as bearing cables and bracing
- Bearing cables are φ30 mm, typically used for lifting systems: 6x36 with textile
Fitting D/d h z2 z3 L1 L2
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
BD18 (mf) 250 191 143 143 61 61
Fitting D/d z1 z2 z3 L1 L2
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
BD188 (ff) 250 130 143 143 61 61
3. Variable loads: once concrete has hardened, it bears the additional load. Brac-
ing cables are tightened. Therefore, geometry corresponds to internal section
of the tube, material becomes a C25/30 concrete. A uniform pedestrian load
of 500 kg/m2 is applied, in accordance with requisitions of Eurocode 2. Hy-
pothetical planking leans on crosspieces, therefore the load is transmitted to
them, and then directly to the columns.
Actions are taken at SLS (Serviceability Limit State), that is with all coefficients
equal to 1.
at the same time, for the Elements is nesessary to perform analyses for:
90 Attempts to create a PVC bearing structure
- Cables. Efforts shall remain positive (tensile) and minor than admissible
loads Ns defined in table 5.4 whatever the phase.
- Tubes. Verifications of the section of the tubes will concern the utilization of
the material with respect to buckling limits and limit strengths, for all phases
and with appropriate material properties:
Moreover, one shall ensure that all tubes are compressed (N < 0), in order to
avoid disassembling (for phases 1 and 2) and tension in concrete (for phase 3).
5.3.4 Results
Results are shown on Fig. 5.18. Convention is:
- Green boxes stand for verified criteria;
- Orange boxes mean the criteria could not be verified because doubts exist on
the resistance: it only applies to the flexural and compressive resistance of
fittings in phase 2, when the PVC skeleton is structurally resistant.
5.3 Structure at realistic scale 91
As a matter of fact, the procedure shall add intermediary support between the
columns so as to prevent the PVC structure from bending.
Design has should that bottom crosspieces and some columns are in traction during
phase 3(7) . Furthermore, definitive design footbridge shall allow to bear a vehicle
along it deck. This means supporting important movable point loads along the deck
and bending moments in concrete.
Reinforcement should be added in the concrete structure.
These structural modifications have to be implemented, especially since:
- ULS (Ultimate Limit State) coefficients shall be applied to design the structure
properly. They will raise the solicitation and decrease the resisting actions;
- No load has been considered for planking: an additional uniform load will have
to be imposed to the structure in phases 2 and 3 to take it into account.
Phase 3 regards variable loads applied to the concrete structure.
Chapter 6
After two attempts, a realistic model of a full scale footbridge can now be de-
signed. Materials used and loads considered for its calculation are precisely
referenced in this chapter. Then, the definitive phases of construction are de-
scribed, taking into account the observations that concluded the previous chap-
ter, so as to complete data about the footbridge.
6.1 Materials
The material propertie for each component of the footbridge is here realled.
- Supplier: Nicoll(1)
Different types have been used: elbows FF and MF 87◦ 30, tees MF and FF 87◦ 30.
Such angles have been used because they correspond to the most affordable and
supplied fittings. Details and dimensions are shown on Fig. 6.1.
It is important to mention the supplier as each has different mould and therefore distributed
tees with varying dimensions.
94 Presentation of the footbridge
6.1.2 Concrete
Concrete for pouring is a C25/30. Main properties are (UNI, 1992):
6.1.3 Cables
Cable models are taken into the Teci brochure. Bracing are not installed on the
definitive model because in the attempts, they were set to limit deflection of the
PVC structure. Definitive structure is now regularly supported.
Classical properties for high-strength steel for pre-stressing are (UNI, 1992):
As concerns to the pre-dimensioning phase, the cables are full-locked coils, avail-
able at the Teci company. Section and perspective are shown on Fig. 6.3. Pre-
dimensioning of the cable computes predictable max effort Nmax in the cable, taking
into account the normal effort Ncable is equal to 161 kN calculated in section 5.3.3
for equivalent loads at SLS. It is multiplied by the partial safety factors γ equal to
1.5 for variable actions at ULS:
Figure 6.4: A 6 m x 2.4 m panel of welded wire, with respective spacing 0.3 m x 0.1 m.
Calendering typically result from processing the mesh between three cylinders, whose
diameter is slightly smaller than nominal diameter of the tubes (250 mm). Panels
have dimensions 6.00 m x 2.40 m and weight 58 kg, resulting in 4 kg/m2 of mesh.
Minimum "recouvrement" of l0 = 250 mm is required by Eurocode 2 (UNI, 1992).
The interior diameter of a tube is Di = 237.6 mm, giving for perimeter Pi = Π Di
= 746 mm. Total length lpanel is therefore:
lpanel = l0 + Pi ≈ 1m (6.3)
98 Presentation of the footbridge
Figure 6.5: Sectional view of a reinforced concrete beam: PVC tubes are in green, rein-
forcing mesh is in rose, the void is filled by concrete. Overlapping exceeds 250
1. bw = 0.35 m at both sides of the deck, to support the traffic load trans-
mitted by the wheels;
2. bw = 0.18 m in the central part of the deck,
(d) Weight of a plank: g = 44 kg for the widest planks, g = 22.6 kg else: they are
manual handling.
At both edges of the deck, the 35 cm wide planks are associated together by mortise
and tenon at midspan, to limit deflection. Technical details are given on Fig. 6.6,
Fig. 6.7 and Fig. 6.8.
Figure 6.6: Wooden planking: the largest planks are on each sides, joined at their midspan
by mortise and tenon.
6.2 Loads
The designed bridge is pedestrian. Therefore, traffic loads from EC2 for classical
road bridges are too requiring. The normative framework is section 5 of Eurocode
1, 1991-1-2: pedestrian bridges (Eurocode, 1991). An additional exceptional traffic
load is taken in account, and the most unfavourable of the two loads has to be
These loads are directly calculated by the FE software called Karamba (see the next
Chapter), on the basis of their dimensions and specific weights, as defined in section
6.2 Loads 101
Figure 6.8: Details of assembling on the crosspieces: screws are used to provide vertical
loading is:
qfcpk = qf k = 937.5 kg/ml (6.10)
- Van Nissan.
They are shown on Fig. 6.9 and Fig. 6.10. The associated technical documentation
gives detail on weights and dimensions of these vehicles. They are summed up in
Tab. 6.1.
(a) Wheelbase is the distance between front axle and rear axle: the most un-
favourable case corresponds to the smallest wheelbase;
(b) Front/rear track is the distance between the two wheels of an axle;
(c) Overall width is the total maximal width of the vehicle, with or without mir-
(d) Authorized loaded weight (PTAC) is the maximal allowed weight of the vehicle,
including self-weight and additional service loads.
Hence, a 2.2 m-wide bridge prevents vehicles with excessive width (and weight) to
access the bridge: it allows 4 x 4 and vans, typically used on building sites.
6.2 Loads 103
Table 6.1: Main characteristics of weight and dimensions of the vehicles considered.
Most unfavourable loading resultant from Tab. 6.1 is constituted by a 5 t van with
3.15 m wheelbase. Critical moment is given by Asimont’s theorem: for a couple of
force 2Q, whose spacing is r (the rear), maximum moment along a supporting beam
of width w [m] is in the central section, if and only if:
w 3
< r
2 4 (6.11)
r> w
In the present case Asimont’s problem has no solution. Worst case scenario is then
the following symmetrical loading, as on Fig. 6.12.
104 Presentation of the footbridge
Q (w + r)(w − r) Q (w − r)2
MAmax = − M0max =
4w 4w
1.5 (2.22 − 1.552 ) 1.5 (2.2 − 1.55)2
MAmax =− = −415 kg.m M0max = = 72 kg.m
4 · 2.2 4 · 2.2
Q (w − r)2
M0max =
4w (6.13)
1.5 (2.2 − 1.55)2
M0max = = 72 kg.m
4 · 2.2
As a consequence, input efforts for Karamba to model the traffic loads are the end
moments MA and vertical reactions Q.
It is a conservative value for the load by wheel, given that it takes the fourth of the PTAC and
it raises it by 20% to take into account asymmetrical effects.
6.3 Supports 105
6.3 Supports
Specific supports are designed for the project. Indeed, designer is confronted to two
incompatible problems:
- on the one hand, the statical scheme leans on the hypothesis that the bridge
is simply supported: no clamping must be provided at the supports and lon-
gitudinal translation should be released at one end;
- one the other hand, PVC fittings can absolutely not resist the massive normal
force acting in the cable at the end of Phase 3, when concrete has not dried
yet (see section 6.4).
Figure 6.13: Section view of the concrete supports: from behind at the left, from the deck
at the right.
6.4 Phases
This part will detail for each phases the associated loads, resisting materials, hy-
pothesis, construction actions and necessary verifications.
106 Presentation of the footbridge
Figure 6.14: Top (on the right) and bottom (on the left) views of the supports.
The length of the mesh exceeds the length of the tube by l+ at each end to pro-
vide overlapping in the fittings and ensure clamping of the joints. For the overlap-
ping lengths, circumferential steel rings are removed to make interlacing with other
meshes and with bearing cable possible. Given the geometry of the elbows, a good
value for l+ is:
- ≈ 20-25 cm for the lower end of columns, for and for both ends of crosspieces;
Fig. reffig:reinf shows typical disposition of reinforcing cylinders the plastic tubes.
Circumferential bars are removed near both ends to help the bars writh near the
6.4 Phases 107
Figure 6.15: Lateral view of the supports: the footbridge lies on special hooped bearings,
entirely coated with elastomer.
Then intermediary supports are installed. Their position coincides with midspan of
each deck element. End supports are realized, in accordance with section 6.3.
Finally, circular holes are made in fittings, so as to let the cable pass through. Holes
will have a diameter dhole slightly greater than the diameter of the cable φcable :
- PVC elbows in which passes the cable are threaded along the cable;
- Cables are installed at the end supports: they are threaded into cylindrical
metallic tubes and temporarily blocked at proper length.
1. inferior crosspieces and columns are assembled to the elbows that are
threaded along the cable. Cable provides resistance;
2. superior crosspieces are connected to tees and to columns;
3. deck elements are assembled horizontal tee and connected to the transver-
sal structures.
Transversal framework are built starting from midspan and then symmetri-
The length of the cable is adapted to compensate for the shape of the footbridge.
The loads acting in this Phase are self-weight of PVC, cable and reinforcement nets.
- SLU: stability of the structure (resp. members) against global (resp. local)
buckling ;
- SLE: deflection of the structure under imposed loads and deflection of mem-
Figure 6.16: Dimensions of reinforcing cylinders and tubes for some elements: end cross-
pieces, deck, and inferior crosspieces (CPI) of section 1-1.
Chapter 7
Structural Analysis
This chapter presents the principle of the finite elements (FEM) modeling of
the footbridge. It describes the structural verifications made of the different
elements at the different steps of the construction.
7.1.1 Rhino3D
Rhinoceros or Rhino3D is hence used in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) or CAM
(Computer-Aided Manufacturing) processes:
- rapid prototyping;
- 3D printing;
- architecture;
- industrial design;
7.1.2 Grasshopper
Grasshopper is a visual programming language that runs within Rhino3D. It is
primarily used to build generative algorithms. Many of its components create 3D
114 Structural Analysis
geometry directly printed in Rhino space. Programs also include numeric, textual
or audio-visual applications.
The main interface for algorithm design in Grasshopper is the node-based editor.
As shown on Fig. 7.1, programs are created by dragging components onto a canvas.
Information is passed from component to component via connecting wires which
always connect an output grip with an input grip. Data can either be defined
locally as a constant, or it can be imported from the Rhino document or a file on
the computer. It is always stored in parameters, which can either be free-floating
or attached to a component as input and outputs objects. Grasshopper structures
information in trees, to deal efficiently with potentially high numbers of parameters.
Its principle makes it a very intuitive way to explore designs. A simple change
of parameter automatically modifies the impacted data. Combined to the FEM
software Karamba, it allows for direct FE computation and printing of the results –
efforts, stresses, displacements – in the Rhino screen. Therefore, in the scope of this
work, its use was extremely handy to help determine:
1. the appropriate shape of the footbridge;
7.1.3 Karamba
Karamba3D is an interactive and parametric FE program. It provides accurate
analysis of 3-D beam, truss or shell structures under arbitrary loads.
It is fully embedded in the parametric environment of Grasshopper. This makes it
easy to combine parametrized geometric models, finite element calculations and op-
timization algorithms. It is mostly used for optimization and conception, as it allows
to directly observe the result of parameter variations on the structural behaviour of
the structure.
Examples of combined usage of Karamba, Grasshopper and Rhino are showed in
section 7.3. A logical flow charts in section 7.1.4 details the articulation and inter-
operation of Rhino3D, Grasshopper and Karamba3D.
7.1.4 Flowchart
Logical process for parametric design follows the steps described in Fig. 7.8. Any
modification of a parameter causes an automatic update of the depending compo-
nents: as the elements are defined with respect to each other, the modification of a
parameter reverberate on the entire chain.
7.2 Combinations
In the following, G, Q, q, and P S respectively represents the permanent – structural
and non-structural – loads, the traffic actions, pedestrian load, and intensity of
Tab. 7.1 shows the different combinations that have been computed to check
limit states: ULS & SLS (Ultimate Limit State and Serviceability Limit State re-
Table 7.1: Coefficients applied to the loads according to the nature of the limit state and
the type of loading.
Figu. 7.3 shows the way a traffic load is implemented in Rhino. Torsional actions
creates flexural moments in the crosspieces and in the columns, similarly to the
pedestrian load on Fig. 7.2. Flexion in the inferior crosspieces is very limited.
7.3 Computation on Karamba 117
Generalized actions and sectional stresses are detailed in Tab. 7.2 and in Tab. 7.5:
N , M , V , σmin , σmax , computed for every section by Karamba as:
σmin = −
A I 2 (7.1)
σmax = +
A I 2
N is the tensile or compressive normal force on a section, M and V are the total
moment and shear forces acting on a section, summed up for all normal directions
(including My and Mz , Vy and Vz ).
118 Structural Analysis
Figure 7.3: Model of a car load: 4 vertical forces localized at the deck, and 4 torsional
moments to account for the eccentricities of the wheels with respect to the
edges of the deck.
Table 7.2: Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated along the
Table 7.3: Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated along the
inferior crosspieces.
Reminding that a C25/30 has a design compression value of fcd equal to 14.16 MPa
and a tensile capacity of fctm equal to 2.1 MPa, actions and stresses in the sections are
presented in the Tab. 7.2, Tab. 7.3, Tab. 7.4 and Tab. 7.5, for the different elements
under their most critical load cases:
7.3 Computation on Karamba 119
Table 7.4: Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated along the
superior crosspieces.
Table 7.5: Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated along the
Table 7.6: Maximum actions in sections and extremal linear stresses, calculated along the
120 Structural Analysis
fbuck = 7.2
- the two bearing cables are too thin, or one should add a third cable, at midspan
of each crosspiece, because deflection is controlled by the cable, not by the
rigidity of the concrete structure;
- resistance of the section: it regards both axial resistance of the tubes to normal
forces before hardening of concrete (worst case occur in the deck) and bending
resistance of superior crosspieces;
7.5.1 Deflection
Worst case deflection is the bending of crosspieces, which are conservatively consid-
ered as simply supported (bending resistance of the fittings is neglected). Because
traffic loads Q are applied near the supports, maximal deflection (at midspan) is
computed as:
q lcp
vL/2,q = (7.2)
384 EI
π(D2 − (D − 2e)2
- A= = 4.75 x10−3 m2 ;
- N = -19kN is the maximum normal action computed at t = t0 by the FE
One can obtain:
σax = = 4 M P a < 22M P a (7.8)
The critical Euler buckling action of a deck element is Ncr :
π 2 EI
Ncr =
l2 (7.9)
π · 2.9 · 35
Ncr = = 285 kN
The ratio results:
= 15 (7.10)
Safety against buckling is ensured by a factor 15.
- lcp = 2.2 m.
One can obtain:
M = 1.47 kN.m
σb = 5.25 M P a < 22 M P a
The PVC tubes can resist the self-weight of concrete during concreting.
- Resistance, at SLU.
7.6 Wooden Planking 123
7.6.1 Deflection
General formulas for the midspan deflection vL/2 [m] of a simply supported beam
5 q L4
vL/2,q =
384 EI (7.13)
Q L3
vL/2,Q =
48 EI
- I [m4 ] is the moment of inertia is the section, function of the thickness of the
planking hw and of the width of a plank bw expressed as:
bw h3w
Most critical loading is traffic loading, since it would make the load of a wheel lean
on a single plank. In the design situation, at service limit state, reminding that bw
< 2.2 m:
vL/2,q qL 500 bw L 5 bw
= = = <1 (7.14)
vL/2,Q 8Q 8 · 1500 64
In case of 35 cm wide planks under traffic load, at SLS, deflection states:
w=Q (7.15)
4 E0,mean bw h3w
With :
Q L3
winst = ·
2 4 E0,mean bw h3w
0.0075M N · (1.875m)3 (7.17)
4 · 10000M P a · 0.35m · (0.1m)3
= 3.5mm < = 6.25mm
Q L3
wcreep = kdef · φ2 · ·
2 4E0,mean bw h3w
2 · 0.8 · 0.0075M N · (1.875m)3 (7.18)
4 · 10000M P a · 0.35m · (0.1m)3
= 5.66mm
Summing up the two terms, it has:
winst + wcreep = 9.2mm < = 9.37mm (7.19)
For 18 cm wide planks under pedestrian load, at SLS, deflection states:
5 L4
w = q· · (7.20)
32 E0,mean h3w
With :
- q = 500 kg/m2 kdef φ2 for the computation of delayed deflection wcreep , with:
φ2 = 0.8 for worst case
kdef = 2 for outdoor application and massive wood;
winst + wcreep = 2.5mm < = 9.37mm (7.24)
Hence, verification is made only for 35 cm wide planks. At ULS, verification states:
≤1 (7.27)
kcrit · fm,d
σm,d =
bw h2w
(1.5 · 1.5t) · 1.875m
= 4
0.35m · 0.1m2
= 9.04M P a
fm,d = fm,k · ksys · kh ·
150 0.2
= 35 · 1.1 · min 1.3; ·
0.5 (7.29)
100 1.3
= 16.05M P a
kef is equal to 0.8 in the case of a single load on a simply supported beam.
126 Structural Analysis
Therefore, s
λrel,m =
= 0.07 < 0.75
kcrit = 1 (7.32)
Criteria is verified:
σm,d 9.04
= = 0.56 < 1 (7.33)
kcrit · fm,d 1 · 16.05
According to the prospect 8.4, for 6 ≤ φ ≤ 8.5, overlapping must exceed 250 mm.
In the principal direction, overlapping is l0 , as stated in equation 8.10 of EC2, section
l0 = α1 α2 α3 α5 α6 lb,rqd ≥ L0,min (7.39)
- α2 ≤ 1 (conservative value);
- α3 ≤ 1 (conservative value);
- α5 ≤ 1 (conservative value);
Minimal reinforcement.
According to EC2 section 9.2.1, the area of longitudinal reinforcement has to be
greater than the minimal reinforcement As,min , whose value is given by Eq. 7.40:
As,min = 0.26 bt d ≤ 0.0013 bt d (7.40)
- fy = 450 MPa;
This requirement will be verified for each element at ULS Bending (section 7.7.3).
Sectional quantities.
Let define the following numbers:
- x the neutral axis of the section defined with respect to its center of gravity.
add drawing of the section;
- Nb = = 7.5 the number of longitudinal reinforcing bars;
- αb = = 48◦ the angle between two consecutive bars;
- di = cos(αi ) Ri −1.5φ
Ri the distances of the center of gravity of the bars with
respect to central axis;
As shown on Fig. 7.7, a point of the circular section can be defined by its coordinates
cos(αi ) = cos(i αb ) (7.41)
Curvature is:
(1/r)s = (7.43)
(1/r)c = (7.44)
In particular, for the steel bars, stresses and strains come as:
Areas of concrete.
130 Structural Analysis
7.7.3 Bending
To assess a section at bending ULS, the (NEd ,MEd ) state of the section has to stand
within the diagram (NRd ,MRd ): the following equation is a sufficient condition to
ensure safety:
MRd ≥ MEd with NRd = NEd (7.50)
Horizontal equilibrium.
Xi −1
X i −1
Tab. 7.8 shows for each ULS load case and elements the maximal resisting moment,
for NRd = NEd :
Therefore all sections are checked at ULS of bending. Any rotation of the section
described previously would raise the resisting moment as it would bring more rein-
forcing bars in the tensile part of the section. This means the section can be set in
an indifferent configuration.
132 Structural Analysis
Table 7.8: Bending resistance MRd of the elements (Deck, CrossPiece Inf. or Sup,
7.7.4 Shear
According to EC2 section 6.2, if
- ρl = = 0.78 %
bw d
- σcp = < 0.2 fcd is the compressive stress due to axial compression, based
on the area Ac of a beam;
- k1 = 0.15;
7.7 Reinforced concrete elements 133
Tab. 7.9 presents computed values of VRd,c for each element and load case, calculated
from efforts N and V of Tab. 7.2 and Tab. 7.5. It can be deduced that every element
is verified at ULS for shear and that no special shear reinforcement is needed, as
Eq. 7.53 is checked.
Table 7.9: Shear resistance VRd,c of the elements (Deck, CrossPiece Inf. or Sup, Columns),
without special shear reinforcement.
7.7.5 Instability
Instability is mostly critical for deck elements, as they are the most compressed.
They can be considered clamped, because of the presence of reinforcing bars. Critical
effort is then approximately for an homogeneous section:
4Π2 E I
Ncr = (7.54)
Considering a length of 1.875 m, long-term Young modulus E = 10 GPa and modulus
Π Di4
of inertia I = = 1.56 x10−4 m4 , it comes:
4 · Π2 · 10, 000 · 1.56 10−4
Ncr = = 17, 500 kN (7.55)
Most important compressive force is minor than 200 kN, as shown in Tab. 7.2, hence
safety is largely ensured.
The admissible stresses are:
- for concrete:
σc,min = 0.45 fck = 11.25M P a
It will therefore be verified that, at SLS, the normal effort in the cable does
not exceed:
0.75 = 185.25kN
As shown in tab. 7.2 and Tab. 7.5, compressive linear stress (taking into account a
linear stress is conservative as it leads to consider the section as homogeneous and
to neglect the contribution of steel) in concrete does not exceed 11 MPa. Tab. 7.6
shows that requisitions are also verified for the cable.
Finally, maximal efforts in the reinforcing bars can approximately and conservatively
be calculated as:
σmax,s = σmax,c (7.56)
Taking Es = 200 GPa and Ec = 31 GPa, maximal stress in reinforcing steel computed
this way is 103.5 MPa, for LC1 on the columns.
Limit state of limitation of stress is verified.
- φ = 7 mm;
Taking into account that PVC tubes ensure sealing against exterior environment
and that it provides a good cover to concrete, SLS of cracking is verified.
7.8 Cable 135
For the traffic load, deflection is created by an axle 2Q, each Q acting at 1/4th of
the crosspiece, at each side. It is equivalent to the deflection created by a single
central Q. Admissible criteria is L/300 = 7.3 mm. Considering an homogeneous
elastic concrete section, deflections at the center write at long-term (E = Elt =
10000 MPa):
Q L3
vL/2,2Q =
192 Elt I
q L4
vL/2,q =
384 Elt I
By substituting
15000 · 2.23
vL/2,Q = = 0.53 mm
192 · 10000 · 0.15636 (7.60)
11810 · 2.24
vL/2,q = = 0.46 mm
384 · 10000 · 0.15636
Therefore SLS of Limitation of deflection is checked for the concrete elements.
7.8 Cable
The resistance of the cable is verified at ULS under LC1 and LC2. Maximal com-
puted normal effort in the cable is NEd = kN. According to section 6.1.3, maximum
admissible effort is NRd = 257 kN. Therefore, safety is ensured:
The cable is even over-dimensioned. However, a smaller cable would induce larger
global deflections.
136 Structural Analysis
In this attachment, the details concerning the software mentioned in the Thesis
are discussed.
A.1 Rhinoceros
The Rhinoceros or Rhino3D, is a computer-aided design (CAD) and a 3-D modeler
application software developed by Robert McNeel and Associates (McNeel et al.,
2015). The first version, Rhino 1.0, was released in October 1998. The geometry
is based on NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) which focuses on producing
3-D free-form surfaces or solid and mathematically precise representation of curves.
NURBS has a good flexibility and accuracy and can therefore be used in any process
from illustration and animations to manufacturing. The geometry is an industry
standard for designers who work in 3-D where both form and function is important.
The models can be rendered at any resolution and a mesh can be crated from the
model at any resolution.
Rhinoceros is primarily a free form surface modeller that utilizes the NURBS math-
ematical model. Its architecture makes it modular and enables the user to customize
the interface and create custom commands and menus. There are dozens of plug-ins
available, which complement and expand Rhinoceros’ capabilities in specific fields
like rendering and animation, architecture, marine, jewellery, engineering, prototyp-
ing, and others.
Rhino3D supports two scripting languages: Rhinoscript (based on VBScript) and
Python. It also has a parametric modelling tool add-on: Grasshopper.
A.2 Grasshopper
The precursor to Grasshopper was born in 2008 and was then titled Explicit History.
Later the same year it was re-branded to Grasshopper. It is developed by David
Rutten at Robert McNeel and Associates (McNeel et al., 2010). It uses a visual
programming language (VPL) which, by manipulating logic elements graphically
140 Description of used software
rather than by specifying them textually, lets users create programs. Grasshopper
enables for designers to explore new shapes using generative algorithms, which is a
combination of programming algorithms and geometry. The program is a graphical
CHAPTEReditor tightly integrated
3. DESCRIPTION OF USED with Rhino’s 3-D modelling tools as a plug-in
and offers the opportunity to define precise parametric control over models.
Grasshopper isis is
aa platform
platformfor for development
fordevelopment higher-level
ofhigher-level programming
programming logiclogic
logic by by
using an intuitive,
an intuitive,
using an intuitive, graphical
graphical interface
graphicalinterface and
interfaceand the
andthe capability
the capability to
capability to explore
toexplore generative
work work flows.
flows. The logic 2016-02-08)
(ModeLab, 2016-02-08)
elements is functional blocks, so called components, that
The logic toelements
logic aelements
canvas. The components
is isfunctional
functional blocks,soare
blocks, connected
called by "wires"
components, thatiswhere
that isadded
added the
canvas. The
required components
is that the are
The components are connected
inputs by
of the by
connected "wires"
"wires" where
where the
the only
thedata syntax
onlyofsyntax required
the appropriate
is that
type.is that
One thetheinputs
can inputs of of
either thethe blocks
design a receive
blocks receivethe
geometry data
in data ofofthe
Rhino3D theappropriate
add ittype.
and type.
to theOne
One can
components ei-
design a geometry
a geometry inin
Rhino3D andandadd
addit ittotothe
components ininGrasshopper,
Grasshopper, oror
in Grasshopper, or one can define the geometry in Grasshopper which in turn is
oneonecan candefine
define thethegeometry
geometry ininGrasshopper
Grasshopperwhich whichininturn
shownand andupdated
Rhino3D’sand updated inwile
Rhino3D’s viewport wile changing parameters/components in
Rhino3D’s viewport wile changing parameters/components in Grasshopper.(Mod-
viewport changing parameters/components in Grasshopper. (Mod-
eLab, 2016-02-08)For example, in Fig. A.1 one can see a code for a dome in Grasshopper
(a) that automatically updates in Rhino3D (b) wile changing parameters.
In In
figure 3.13.1
one one cancanseeseea acodecodeforfora adome
Grasshopper(a) (a)that
updates in Rhino3D (b) wile changing
updates in Rhino3D (b) wile changing parameters. parameters.
(a)(a) Interface
Interface of of Grasshopper.
(a) Grasshopper.
(b) InterfaceofofRhino3D.
(b) Rhino3D.
Figure 3.1:Grasshopper
Figure Grasshopper
A.1: and
Software Rhino3D.
TheThe algorithms
algorithms areare stepbybystep
step stepprocedures
The when
when using
algorithms Grasshopper
are step the
using Grasshopper the user
by step designs these
user designs algorithms
algorithms that
tothat then
perform automate tasks
an operation
then automate tasksand
in in Rhino3D.
Rhino3D. (ModeLab,
(ModeLab, 2016-02-08)
when using Grasshopper the user designs these algorithms that then automate tasks
in Rhino3D.
A.3 Karamba 141
A.3 Karamba
Karamba is a Finite Element program which predicts how structures behave when
subjected to external loads. It is fully embedded in the Grasshopper environment
which makes it easy to combine geometric models, finite element calculations and
optimization algorithms. Karamba takes full advantage of Grasshoppers visual com-
puting environment and enables an instant update of the structural response when
certain parameters are altered. The ability to get instant feedback on the struc-
tural performance, without additional software, gives a faster understanding of the
structural mechanisms and reduces time in the design phase (Preisinger, 2010).
One reason for the speed of Karambas calculations are the deliberate limitations
of the software e.g. instead of isoparametric finite beam elements Karamba uses
hermitian elements which are confined to linear elastic calculations of elements with
straight axes. The calculation of the element stiffness matrix can be done without
the need for numeric integration which greatly reduces computation time. The
advantage of the Hermitian element is that creating the element stiffness matrix
(and element load vector) can be done in one analytical integration step. The global
stiffness matrix is not inverted. Instead the global system is solved by triangular
decomposition and backward and forward insertion. To be structurally useful the
geometric entities needs to be converted to into structural elements.
Fig. A.2 shows the main parts of a model definition with Karamba where the ge-
ometry, a line between two points, is converted to a beam with a cross section,
gravitational load, supports and material properties. The given conditions are then
analyzed and the results can be viewed directly in the Rhino viewport with options
common to standard FE programs (Preisinger and Heimrath, 2014).
Karamba offers several different ways of evaluating a structural model. The numeri-
cal evaluation options consists of second order theory, large deflections, eigenmodes,
natural vibration modes, evolutionary structural optimization, cross section opti-
mization and iterative elimination of tension or compression elements. For each
calculation option there is a component which takes a model as input, calculates it
and adds the results to the model data (Preisinger, 2010).
Karamba provides truss, beam and shell elements. The shell element formulation
used in Karamba is based on the TRIC element with six DOFs per node, constant
strain state assumed for each layer, no in-plane rotational stiffness added but con-
trary to the TRIC element it is based on Kirchhoff theory. The Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) is performed with the assumption that deflections are small as com-
pared to the size of the structure. There is however a component that enables
calculations with large deflections which increases the load in several steps and up-
dates the deformed geometry but this approach leads to a solution which drifts away
from the exact solution.
Another assumption is linear elastic behaviour of the materials which suits the pur-
pose of an initial design.
It is possible to do analysis with both first and second order theory in Karamba.
CHAPTER 3. DESCRIPTION OF USED SOFTWARE Description of used software
The offers several
big difference between different
the twoways of evaluating
is that a structural
the latter count for the model.
influenceThe nu-
of axial
merical evaluation options consists of second order theory, large deflections, eigen-
forces in beams and in-plane forces in shells. These two influence the structures
modes, natural vibration modes, evolutionary structural optimization, cross section
stiffness. Also,and
optimization compared
higher order of theory,
tension the first do not count
or compression for geometric
elements. For each
non-linearity. Second
calculation option order
there is atheory is considered
component withathe
which takes use as
model of input,
the "AnalyzeThII"
calculates it
and adds the It results
to for
the axial
data via the element’s
(Preisinger, 2015).geometric stiffness matrix
and is based on small displacements.
Karamba provides truss-, beam- and shell-elements (Preisinger, 2015). The shell
Utilization of a analyzed
element formulation used structure
in Karamba or part in Karamba
is based on the TRIC is calculated
element withas Von Mises
six DOFs
stress divided by the yield strength of the material. The results are
per node, constant strain state assumed for each layer, no in-plane rotational stiffness possible for
added beams and shells
but contrary to given
the TRICas contour
elementplotsit is where
based ontheKirchhoff
utilization is calculated
theory (Clemens, in
every element.
Accessed: Karamba only has components giving the maximum displacement of
the analyzed structure which means that one has to define a Grasshopper/Karamba
The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is performed with the assumption that deflec-
tions are ifsmall
one wants to find to
as compared thethe
size of the in specific nodes.
structure. There is however a com-
ponent that enables calculations with large deflections which increases the load in
Creating a statical
several steps model in
and updates theKaramba
deformedconsists of six
geometry butbasic steps (Fig.
this approach A.3):
leads to a solu-
tion which drifts away from the exact solution. Another assumption is linear elastic
- Create
behaviour wire-frame,
of the materialspoint
suits the or meshesof for
purpose an the structural
initial model with
design. (Preisinger,
Rhino or Grasshoper;
It is possible towire-frame
- Convert do analysis
or with
pointboth first and
geometry second order
to Karamba theory
beams, in Karamba.
meshes to shells;
Karamba is being used in different types of research and projects, of which a lot
are listed on the website (1) . An example is the temporary and wooden pavilion,
!"# #$%&'()'#$%& &*+,%-.*% /0# -%1"#%- 02- 3+*4.50$%- () 6.#$"2 7"5%#
designed and constructed by Manuel Fabian Hartmann and his team at the university
of Innsbruck in 2013. The structural behavior of the physical model was investigated
and optimized iteratively with Karamba. Another building project, by Falkeis Senn
Architects, employs hybrid prefabricated column systems for dwellings which are
designed and optimized with the!use of Karamba. Karamba is also implemented
for the parametric modelling and multi-objective shape optimization of a deployable
origami-inspired shelter (Quaglia et al., 2014).
Appendix B
B.1 Drawings
The drawings of the footbridge are attached in the end of the document.
Because of the depth of the initial objective, this work has discussed many aspects
of the design of a footbridge. Among them, it has shown that the modular nature
of a piping system is well suited to adapt several different static schemes. Piping
system can be used to divide the design is structural phases, with PVC skeleton
resisting permanent loads and concrete resisting to variable loads. Therefore, the
intuition of using PVC concrete composite structures, which underlays this thesis, is
applicable to many different types of structures. Two limits though shall be stated:
they do not allow casting in place complex forms; crucial bearing elements in the
present work are the steel cables.
Moreover, the realization of a scale model has made it possible to highlight di-
mensional compatibility problems of piping system. It also emphasized the poor
mechanical properties of the fittings.
The execution studies assess the footbridge designed on strong basis; it helps
learning about the implementation of PVC in civil engineering design process. They
also underpin the advantages a parametric algorithm such as Karamba provides,
and hopefully contributes to make it known from the engineering world, possibly
striving synergies between architects and engineers in the design phase.
Even if the objectives of a 100% PVC structure have shown unrealistic, improve-
ments with respect to the first attempt of 2015 have been made: PVC has been
given a structural role, as it bears both wooden planking and concrete in concreting
phase. No lifting machine has been used and all the elements are manhandling.
Concreting is still made in a single phase, without construction joints in concrete.
148 Conclusions
Finally, a satisfying answer shall not avoid the question of the intermediary
supports. Improvements can be brought to provide a way to concrete the PVC
skeleton without setting supports, to be able to cover more geographic situations.
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