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Kitkat Sample Report

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Title Page.No.

1. Introduction. 2

2. Why are we communicating? 2

3. Who are we talking to? 3

4. What do they know about the brand? 4

5. What are we saying to them? 4

6. How are we saying to them? 5

7. What Proof can we provide 6

8. Executional Guidelines 6

9. Conclusion 6

10. Reference List 7


KITKAT is a confectionary product made by Rowntree’s of New York, England on

29 August 1935; 81 years ago and now it is made by Nestlé and produced in around
120 countries globally. The imperative markets are the Middle East and Europe.
Other than the United Kingdom, the European markets incorporate Holland, Belgium,
Germany and France.

KITKAT basically focuses on targeting the youth of the country as it is mostly

consume by youth of the country. There are mainly three competitors of KITKAT they
are Perk, Ferrero, Mars, and Cadbury. This report consists of market background,
competitive activities of KITKAT. Objectives, target audience and followed by the
new promotional campaign for KITKAT created to make more awareness about

Why are we communicating?

To Analyse consumer preference, perception and its positioning

Market share

KITKAT is the flagship brand of Nestle and the no. 3 chocolate brand. The chocolate
is the perfect combination of creamy chocolate and crispy wafers. KITKAT is
basically shared between friends and family members as the design of bar is made
in that way that it allows the consumer to break the finger at the time of consuming
the product. The product will be for the age group of 15 to 40 years old of all gender.
There are mainly three competitors of KITKAT they are Perk, Ferrero, Mars, and
Cadbury. KITKAT annual revenue is around Rs. 6,500 crore with 14.2% of market
share (in value).


Image of the product

KITKAT image is that it can be consume at any time anywhere, and give support to
consumer to have a break and enjoy it.KITKAT is the creamy chocolate covered with
wafer.The appeal of the product is that it is available everywhere and can be
consumed anytime.The Medias used by KITKAT to advertise its products are TV,
billboards, social media Magazine and newspaper. (NA, ND, online)

Who are we talking to?

Sales promotion objectives

The main objective is to put most extraordinary attempts towards familiarising

customers with the new line and endeavour cover no under 5% of the market
secured by interchange foes and to offer consumer value for their money.

Brand switching is done to increase the sales of the product it includes extrinsic
incentives like sale promotions. The consumer also does it to get intrinsic
motives outcomes such as wish to try a new brand.

Target Audiences

1) Over all ages essentially from 15-45

2) Mainly targeting the college going students


It is the study of overall population in reference to to size, growth, mortality, density

,fertility and age distribution, so overall all ages are targeted essentially from 15-45
and targeting mainly people who loves eating chocolate as it is meant of youth
basically. (Cseh & Terebessy, ND, online)


The sales promotion will be held in India only to promote energy bar Kit Kat with less

What do they know about the brand?

Competitive analysis is done to identity the competitors it’s a very important
requirement for any business to start as it shows the company position in the market
and helps in developing new strategies to become more competitive in the market.

There are many competitors of Kit Kat in the market as confectionary industry is
highly competitive some of the nearest competitors are Mars, Kellogg’s and
Cadbury.Cadbury is one of the biggest competitors as because of its high variety of
product line and presence almost in every country. The market share of Cadbury is
41% in value. (NA, 2016,online)

Kellogg’s: Kellogg’s is competitive because it is mainly producing cereal and

breakfast products and customer is targeted on diversification of sustenance
products. (NA,2012,online)

What are we saying to them?

 Functional orientation (Feature or attribute)


 Symbolic/experiential (emotional) orientation

The promotion campaign would involve the different method for sales of the product
and thus affecting the buying decision of the end users. Our campaign will not only
target the audience but would also add on the loyal customers for the product and
base customers for the Brand.

Sales promotion will be active till for 10 weeks during summers. During the summer
time where people are more concern about their health and body shape as winter
season ends in which India’s usually consume more calories. Brand will run the
campaign “Crave the energy with little sweetness” where health conscious
customers would consume the product with high energy and little sweetness or
calories. As in many chocolates calories level are high which make the consumers to
avoid it especially from their fitness chart. Customers will share their pic of having Kit
Kat during exercise time and will have to upload Pic on pre defined social media
forum. Customer will have to share message as how they feel about the product and

how it help them overcoming craving. This sales campaign is emotional

symbolic orientated (emotional).

How are we saying it?

Sales promotion will work from 1st March 2017 to 15th May 2017. The launch will be
done on Television, Newspaper and Online. Ad will run for 1 minute from 6pm to
12pm on TV channels like news, music, sports and entertainment mainly before the
programme and less in between. Customers will have to click a picture of having the
Kit Kat in their exercising time and upload it on Social media campaign will run on
Instagram,Face book, and Twitter with a message as how they feel about the
product and how it help them overcoming craving.

The first 500 customers will be selected and then company will shortlist the 100
customers who will have a one week fitness and training programme by the well-
known trainers around the world


As economies create and riches expands, chocolate is one of the primary things that
individuals in that developing economy need to have. A large number of the
developing countries, actually, hope to see deals increments of up to 25% happen.
Pretty much everybody adores chocolate. The insights on chocolate utilization
demonstrate it. Women (91%) prefer to eat chocolate more than men (87%). (Gaille,
2015, online) Thus our product targets the age group of 15-45 where people are in
more working state and having energy with sweetness type product is just bliss for
them. Through this buyer would enccuraged to buy and also help in the shifting of
buyers to us from our competitors. After doing the considerable research it will help
our team to analysis who is the main users or consumers of our product. Health is
main concern in today’s world as people consume more and exercise less which
leads to obesity. Thus it will be great platform to attract them towards product and
making them exercise at the same time by offering the tour. This would maintain the
brand image and loyalty among the buyers of this product and also as a brand.
Campaign Strap Line

Slogan for this sales promotion is “Crave the energy with little sweetness” this one
linear say it all about the product and its benefits which buyer is going to have. Thus,
will attract the target audience and fitness buyers to consume and enjoy the product.

What proofs can we provide for any claim?

“Kit Kat has become the first global confectionery brand sourced from 100% certified
sustainable cocoa, supplied through the Nestlé Cocoa Plan that aims to improve
lives in farming communities and the quality of beans.” (NA, 2016, online) Nestle as
a brand always make it sure that it’s important to balance the social as well as
environmental aspects. Nestle products are 100% certify by The Food Safety and
Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). (Majumder, 2015, online)

Executional Guidelines

Executional guidelines includes legal requirement to full fill if any. Company has to
check whether the ad campaign is as per law and not offensive. Content of this
campaign abides by law and guidelines defined by ASCI. This Ad campaign will
target the social market and by that the analysis would be done as who are the
target audience for Kit Kat i.e. age group, gender etc. thus knowing the brand and
product choice.

Conclusion: This campaign which company will execute between 1March and 15
May will reach out to its target audience. Connect with customer will help in Brand’s
positioning strategy between age group of 15-45 years. It will also deliver positive
message and will create awareness for healthy eating habits among target
audience. Campaign will be monitored very closely and feed backs from
stakeholders will be analysed and suggestion will be incorporated to make it more

Reference List

 Gaille, B. (2015) 26 Incredible Chocolate Consumption Statistics, Brandon

[Gaille], available from http://brandongaille.com/26-incredible-chocolate-
consumption-statistics/, accessed on 26 February 2017
 Janvier, (2012) the three main competitors, the confectionery, (N.D) available
from https://laconfiserieskema.wordpress.com/2012/11/01/the-three-main-
competitors/, accessed on 27 February 2017
 Laforet,S. & Hirst, A. (2016) Kit Kat have a break, Zabanga Marketing- sales
promotion, 23 September, available from http://www.zabanga.us/sales-
promotion/kitkat-have-a-break.html, accessed on 26 February 2017
 Majumder, A. (2015) Nestle hits back: FSSAI's 'recognised labs' lack
accreditation, rediff.com, 16 July, available from
lack-accreditation/20150716.htm, accessed on 25 February 2017
 N.A., (2016) Cadbury India Sales, the economic times, 13 December,
available from http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/Cadbury-India-sales,
accessed on 26 February 2017
 N.A., (2016) Kit Kat hits 100% sustainable cocoa goal in world first, Nestle, 8
February, available from http://www.nestle.com/media/news/kitkat-100-
percent-sustainable-cocoa, accessed on 25 February 2017
 N.A., (N.D.) Definition of sales promotion, the economics times, (N.D.)
available from http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/definition/sales-promotion,
accessed on 27 February 2017
 N.A., (N.D.) Kit Kat: Revitalising a Brand leader, Business case studies, (N.D.)
available from http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/nestle/kit-kat-revitalising-a-
brand-leader/why-kit-kat-needed-revitalising.html#ixzz2Fl9L7GE0, accessed
on 26 February 2017

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