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Final - Healthcare Analytics MDP

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School of Management Studies

University of Hyderabad


Healthcare Analyticsfor Decision Making

12-13 April, 2019

(Friday and Saturday)

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 040-66795010

As the healthcare industry moves towards a more patient-centric system, organizations are committed
to updating their methods and providing the highest quality of services. In order to achieve this goal,
enterprises are seeking insights on patient health and using data-driven resources to help make more
informed decisions. The breadth of digital data available through point-of-care encounters, medical
claims, pharmacy claims, lab values, genetic markers, and biometrics has resulted in an increase in the
capabilities of traditional analytical tools. This data is combined with medical guidelines and patient
profiles to reveal contraindicated care, gaps in care, and opportunities for cost savings. John-David
Lovelock, Research VP at Gartner, called health care analytics 'the first step in improving the overall
efficiency of hospitals. Health care analytics is the key for health issue measurements.

Healthcare narrative (such as clinical notes, discharge letters, nurse handover notes, imaging reports,
patients posts on social media or feedback comments, etc.) has been used as a key communication
stream that contains the majority of actionable and contextualized data, but which – despite being
increasingly available in a digital form – is not routinely analyzed, and is rarely integrated with other
healthcare data on a large-scale.

Health care analytics is a term used to describe the healthcare analysis activities that can be undertaken
as a result of data collected from four areas within healthcare; claims and cost data, pharmaceutical
and research and development (R&D) data, clinical data (collected from electronic medical records
(EHRs)), and patient behavior and sentiment data (patient behaviors and preferences, retail purchases
e.g. data captured in running stores). Global healthcare analytics market is expected to reach USD 33.8
billion by 2023 from USD 10.8 billion in 2018, at a CAGR of 25.5% during the forecast period (2018-

Health analytics, also known as big data analytics, is the process of deriving insights from patterns and
correlations found in healthcare big data and used to make better healthcare decisions. Health analytics
extends beyond data management to finding meaning in real-time or historical data, and making
predictions about the future to improve the probability of success.

Healthcare Analytics empowers forward-thinking professionals, researchers, data scientists, and

engineers to discuss their latest findings and opportunities to bring these opportunities to life. It
provides the participants with the opportunity to learn how advances in Big data, Machine Learning and
AI, Data Visualization increase efficiency and better understand the patients and outcomes and enable
transformation of data into actionable information. Healthcare analytics helps organizations and
institutions improve performance and reach higher health standards and quality of care.

This process of gathering information from data and recognizing patterns in order to improve and
innovate the healthcare system provides insights on the health of individual patients, patient and
physician engagement, revenue, and risk. Integrating data management, real-time data, and historical
data to make informed predictions, healthcare analytics helps providers reach success in patient care.

This MDP aims to bring together healthcare industry professionals, academic scientists and
researchers to exchange and share their experiences on all important aspects of Healthcare

This programme would assist participants

 To understand the importance of healthcare analytics in Organizational decision making

 To understand the tools that facilitate data transformation into healthcare metrics for
enhanced performance.

 To get an insight into the practice of analytics using industry case studies related to various
application areas in healthcare


 Healthcare Analytics and types

 Statistical tools for analytics

 Analytics using IOT

 EMR and Artificial Intelligence

 Big data Analytics and Machine learning

 Data Visualization

 Business Intelligence

 R statistical software: examples from healthcare data


The methodology would include an appropriate mix of lectures, discussions, case studies, and exercises.

Who should attend the MDP?

This programme is intended for healthcare industry professionals(right from medical professionals,
medical entrepreneursinterested in health analytics to those working in HR, Marketing, Finance,
Operations, Quality, Information Technology, pharma etc., Faculty members and Research Scholars
interested in healthcare analytics are also welcome.

Prerequisites to attend the Program

There are no specific prerequisites to attend this program, as the program starts right from the basics
of analytics and the dwells into various aspects of health analytics. An aptitude for analytics in general,
and specifically in the area of healthcare analytics is sufficient to attend the program.

Resource Persons:

Core faculty from academics and practicing professionals in analytics from Healthcare Industry will
facilitate discussions, exercises and share their experience.

Indicative List of Resource Persons:

Prof. B. Raja Shekhar (Operations and Quantitative Methods), School of Management Studies,
University of Hyderabad

Prof.C.RaghavendraRao (Simulations &Modelling), School of Computer Science, University of


Dr. D. V. Srinivas Kumar (Marketing and Business Analytics), School of Management Studies, University
of Hyderabad

Dr.Kamaksaiah, Business Analytics, GITAM School of International Business

Mr. David Manne, EHR & Optimization Services & Products l Director, ATOS.

Mr.Avinash Pandey, Chief Technology officer, Abraaj Growth Markets Health Fund

Mr.Chandrahas K, Chief Technology Officcer, Healthcare Analytics, Medblaze

Mr.Kishore Josyula, Vice President, Adroit InfoTech Pvt. Ltd.

Registration Details:

The registration fee for attending the MDP is Rs.5000/-(Rupees five thousand only) per participant. The
fee includes provision of MDP kit, Lunch, Tea and snacks on both the days of the program. A
certificate of participation will be awarded to the participants by the School of Management Studies,
University of Hyderabad.

The registration fees can be paid (only after confirmation of participation)through cash or online
payment for which the link would be provided at a later date.

Limited accommodations at the University Guest House, with a separate payment, may be arranged on
receiving requests from non-local participants only. The accommodation charge has to be paid at the
Guest house while checking out and is not included in the programme fees. Such cases have to be
reported well in advance from the date of commencement of the MDP.
Important Dates

Participants can register using the following link on or before the dates cited below:
Last date of registration : 20th March, 2019

Last date for making the payment : 05th April, 2019

About the University

The University of Hyderabad (UoH), one of the
major institutions of higher education in India is
largely devoted to postgraduate studies and is
widely known for its excellence in research and
for its distinguished faculty. The University has
built up a reputation for providing high quality
academic training, and has been recognized
through a number of awards: PURSE, given by
the Prime Minister of India, a grading of A,
which is the highest, by the National
Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
International measures of research excellence
also show the pre-eminence of UoH - the
University is counted among the top 100 in Asia About the School
in many of its academic areas of study. As per The School of Management Studies (SMS),
the recent QS World University Rankings – sanctioned by the UGC, commenced
2019, the University features at “591-600” functioning from May, 1999. It offers three full-
category globally and ranks 7th overall (all time residential MBA Programmes (i.e., MBA,
institutions and universities) in India. While the
MBA (HC&HM) and MBA (Business Analytics))
University has received the Graded Autonomy
and a Ph.D. Programme in Management
Category-I status from the UGC, it is further
Studies. It promotes faculty and doctoral
aiming at Institute of Eminence (IoE) status
research, consultancy, training and outreach
from the Govt. of India.
activities in various manufacturing, corporate,
infrastructural, services and developmental

School Of Management Studies (UoH)

MDP Committee
Prof. P. Jyothi (Dean) Prof. Vijaya B. Marisetty Dr. Punam Singh
Prof. V. Venkata Ramana Dr. Chetan Srivastava Dr. Pramod K. Mishra
Prof. V. Sita Dr. Sapna Singh Dr. P. Murugan
Prof. B. Raja Shekhar Dr. Irala Lokanandha Reddy Dr. Varsha M
Prof. Mary Jessica Dr. D.V. Srinivasa Kumar Dr. Ranjit K. Dehury
Prof. G.V.R.K. Acharyulu Dr. K. Ramulu

MDP Coordinators:
Prof.G.V.R.K.Acharyulu( Moble: 9849471988)
Dr.Srinivas Kumar(Mobile:9848072958)
School of Management Studies
University of Hyderabad
Central University P.O.
Hyderabad - 500 046
Email: acharyuluscm@gmailcom

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