Geothermal Energy and Its Application: By-Aman Jain Priyanka Mittal

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Energy and Its

Aman Jain
Priyanka Mittal
What is Geo Thermal Energy?
 Geothermal energy is defined as heat from
the Earth.
 The difference in temperature between the
core of the planet and its surface, drives a
continuous conduction of thermal energy in
the form of heat from the core to the surface.
 Renewable Energy.
How does a conventional
Geothermal reservoir work ?
 The heat from the Earth's core continuously flows
 Sometimes the heat reaches the surface as lava, but
it usually remains below the Earth's crust, heating
nearby rock
 When water is heated by the earth’s heat, hot water
or steam can be trapped in permeable and porous
rocks under a layer of impermeable rock and a
geothermal reservoir can form. This hot geothermal
water can manifest itself on the surface as hot springs
or geysers, but most of it stays deep underground,
trapped in cracks and porous rock. This natural
collection of hot water is called a geothermal
Geothermal Energy Uses
 Electricity
 Heating Purpose
 Home Heating and cooling using
geothermal heat pumps
Geothermal Power Plant
Four Types-
• Flash power plants
• Dry steam power plants
• Binary power plants,
• Flash/binary combined power plants.
Flash power plants
 Geothermally heated water under
pressure is separated in a surface vessel
into steam and hot water The steam is
delivered to the turbine, and the turbine
powers a generator. The liquid is injected
back into the reservoir.
Dry steam power plant
 DrySteam Power Plant: Steam is
produced directly from the geothermal
reservoir to run the turbines that power
the generator, and no separation is
necessary because wells only produce
Binary power plant
 Binary plants typically use an Organic Rankine
Cycle system.
 The geothermal water heats another liquid,
such as isobutane or other organic fluids such
as pentafluoropropane, which boils at a lower
temperature than water.
 The two liquids are kept completely separate
through the use of a heat exchanger, which
transfers the heat energy from the
geothermal water to the working fluid.
 The secondary fluid expands into gaseous
vapor. The force of the expanding vapor, like
steam, turns the turbines that power the
Flash/binary combined power
 This type of plant, which uses a
combination of flash and binary
technology, has been used effectively to
take advantage of the benefits of both
technologies. In this type of plant, the
portion of the geothermal water which
“flashes” to steam under reduced
pressure is first converted to electricity
with a backpressure steam turbine and
the low-pressure steam exiting the
backpressure turbine is condensed in a
binary system.


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