Leviticus 4:16 17: As Our Sacrifice, Jesus Brings Us A Completely Transformed Life With All Sins Forgiven
Leviticus 4:16 17: As Our Sacrifice, Jesus Brings Us A Completely Transformed Life With All Sins Forgiven
Leviticus 4:16 17: As Our Sacrifice, Jesus Brings Us A Completely Transformed Life With All Sins Forgiven
Answer: When a sacrifice was offered for the sins of the entire congregation, the blood was
taken by the priest, who represented Jesus (Hebrews 3:1), into the sanctuary and sprinkled before
the veil that separated the two rooms. The presence of God dwelt on the other side of the veil.
Thus, the sins of the people were removed and symbolically transferred to the sanctuary. This
ministry of the blood by the priest foreshadowed Jesus’ present ministry for us in heaven. After
Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin, He arose and went to heaven as our priest to
minister His blood in the heavenly sanctuary (Hebrews 9:11, 12). The blood ministered by the
earthly priest represents Jesus applying His blood to our record of sins in the sanctuary above,
showing that they are forgiven when we confess them in His name (1 John 1:9).
As our Sacrifice, Jesus brings us a completely transformed life with all sins forgiven.
As our High Priest, Jesus gives us the power to live right in the present and in the future.
Answer: Jesus serves as the Sacrifice for our sins and as our heavenly High Priest. Jesus’ death
as our sacrificial Lamb and Substitute, and His continual powerful ministry as our heavenly
Priest, accomplish two incredible miracles for us:
A. A complete life change called the new birth, with all the sins of the past forgiven (John 3:3–6;
Romans 3:25).
B. Power to live right in the present and future (Titus 2:14; Philippians 2:13).
These two miracles make a person righteous—which means a right relationship exists between
the person and God. There is no possible way for a person to become righteous by works (his
own efforts) because righteousness requires miracles that only Jesus can accomplish (Acts 4:12).
A person becomes righteous by trusting the Savior to do for him what he cannot do for himself.
This is what is meant by the biblical term "righteousness by faith." We ask Jesus to become the
ruler of our lives and trust Him to work the needed miracles as we cooperate fully with Him.
This righteousness, which is miraculously accomplished for us and in us by Christ, is the only
true righteousness that exists. Every other kind is a counterfeit.
12. What six promises does the Bible give about the
righteousness offered to us through Jesus?
Answer: A. He will cover our past sins and count us as guiltless (Isaiah 44:22; 1 John 1:9).
B. We were created in God’s image in the beginning (Genesis 1:26, 27). Jesus promises to
restore us to God’s image (Romans 8:29).
C. Jesus gives us the desire to live righteously and then grants us His power to actually
accomplish it (Philippians 2:13).
D. Jesus, by His miracle power, will cause us to happily do only the things that please God
(Hebrews 13:20, 21; John 15:11).
E. He removes the death sentence from us by crediting us with His sinless life and atoning death
(2 Corinthians 5:21).
F. Jesus assumes responsibility for keeping us faithful until He returns to take us to heaven
(Philippians 1:6; Jude 1:24).
Jesus is ready to fulfill all these glorious promises in your life! Are you ready?
Answer: A. Once each year, on the day of atonement, a solemn day of judgment took place in
Israel (Leviticus 23:27). All were to confess every sin. Those who refused were that very day cut
off forever from the camp of Israel (Leviticus 23:29).
B. Two goats were selected: One, the Lord's goat the other, the scapegoat, representing Satan
(Leviticus 16:8). The Lord's goat was slain and offered for the sins of the people (Leviticus
16:9). But on this day the blood was taken into the most holy place and sprinkled upon and
before the mercy seat (Leviticus 16:14). Only on this special judgment day did the high priest
enter the most holy place to meet God at the mercy seat.
The sprinkled blood (representing Jesus' sacrifice) was accepted by God, and the confessed sins
of the people were transferred from the sanctuary to the high priest. He then transferred these
confessed sins to the scapegoat, which was led into the wilderness (Leviticus 16:16, 20-22). In
this manner, the sanctuary was cleansed of the sins of the people, which had been transferred
there by the blood sprinkled before the veil and had been accumulating for a year.
Answer: Yes. That day’s services pointed to the blotting out of sin by the real High Priest in
the heavenly sanctuary. Through His shed blood applied to those written in the book of life,
Christ would confirm the decisions of His people to serve Him eternally. This special judgment
day, like that of Israel’s Yom Kippur, foreshadowed the final atonement to be made for planet
Earth. From the yearly symbol of the ancient Day of Atonement, all of humanity is assured that
our faithful High Priest, Jesus, still mediates in heaven for His people and stands ready to blot
out the sins of all who exercise faith in His shed blood. The final atonement leads to the final
judgment, which settles the sin question in the life of every individual, resulting in either life or
Momentous Events
You will discover in the next two Study Guides that the symbolism of the earthly sanctuary and
especially the Day of Atonement foreshadowed momentous events of the end time, which God
will bring to pass from the heavenly sanctuary.
16. Are you willing to accept truth that might be new to you,
as God reveals it?
Quiz Questions
_____ Noah.
_____ An angel.
_____ Aaron.
_____ God.
6. The Ten Commandments were inside the ark of the covenant. (1)
_____ Yes.
_____ No.
8. Based on the sanctuary, in what two capacities does Jesus serve us? (2)
_____ King.
_____ Sacrifice.
_____ High Priest.
_____ Ruler of the universe.
_____ Yes.
_____ No.
12. Who killed the sacrificial animal that a sinner brought? (1)
_____ God.
_____ The priest.
_____ The sinner.
13. Which statements are true about the righteousness Jesus offers? (3)
14. Which of the following are true regarding the day of atonement? (4)
_____ Yes.
_____ No.
16. Slaying an animal helped the people realize that sin brought the death penalty upon all
people. (1)
_____ Yes.
_____ No.
17. Are you willing to accept Christ’s righteousness, which includes forgiveness, cleansing
from sin, and the power to live right in the present and future?
_____ Yes.