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Kako Mogu Premostiti Clio MK2 Imobilizator

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How Can I Bypass My Clio Kako mogu zaobići Clio MK2

MK2 Immobilizer? imobilizator?

Angelo Elia Updated July 20, 2017 Angelo Elia Updated July 20, 2017

Distributed in Europe, the Renault Clio is a compact supermini that Renault Clio je kompaktni supermini koji se isporučuje u Evropi, u
comes in three-door and five-door models. The manufacturer makes modelima sa tri i petoro vrata. Uređaj za blokadu paljenja (imobilizator)
the Clio with an immobiliser system that requires a Renault infra-red povezan sa elektroničkim upravljačkim modulom motora (ECU) i
key to start. When there are issues with starting your Clio's antenom, ugrađenom oko kontaktne brave, zahteva da Renault pokrene
immobiliser, and when the immobiliser light on the dashboard infracrveni ključ. Kada se pojave problemi sa paljenjem, a kada svetlo
flashes, it means the Renault infra-red key is damaged. Fortunately, imobilizatora na kontrolnoj tabli treperi, znači da je Renault infra-crveni
you can still start your Clio by performing an immobiliser bypass. To taster oštećen. Srećom, i dalje možete pokrenuti vaš Clio zaobilaženjem
do this on your Clio, you will need a Renault software application and imobilizatora. Da biste to uradili na vašem Clio-u, biće vam potrebna
a specific code you can retrieve by using the steps outlined below. softverska aplikacija kompanije Renault i određeni kod koji možete da
preuzmete koristeći dole navedene korake.
1. Park your Clio on level ground.
1. Parkirajte vaš Clio na ravnom terenu.
2. Using a desktop computer or a laptop, download the
2. Pomoću desktop računara ili laptop računara preuzmite
Windows RenaultImmCode.exe software application and
softversku aplikaciju Vindovs RenaultImmCode.exe i sačuvajte
save it to your computer.
je na računaru.
3. Extract the application and follow the steps from the
3. Pokrenite aplikaciju i pratite korake iz datoteke ReadMe.txt da
ReadMe.txt file to run the Windows RenaultImmCode.exe biste pokrenuli softversku aplikaciju Windows
software application. RenaultImmCode.exe.
4. Open your Clio's passenger door to locate the oval plastic 4. Otvorite vrata za putnike Clio-a da biste pronašli ovalnu plastičnu
sticker with your car type number, found at the passenger nalepnicu sa brojem vašeg automobila, koji se nalazi u srednjem
door's middle pillar. On the Renault Clio MK2, the car type stubu vrata suvozača. Na Renault Clio MK2, tip vozila je u
number is at the bottom right portion of the oval plastic donjem desnom delu ovalne plastične naljepnice.
sticker. 5. Upišite broj vašeg automobila tipa Clio u softversku aplikaciju
5. Type in your Clio's car type number into the Windows Windows RenaultImmCode.exe na vašem desktop računaru ili
RenaultImmCode.exe software application on your desktop laptopu. Ako imate poteškoća sa pronalaženjem broja vašeg
computer or laptop. If you have difficulty locating your Clio's automobila u Clio-u, umesto toga upišite "Clio".
car type number, then simply type in "Clio" instead. 6. Upišite broj vašeg Renault infracrvenog ključa, koji ćete naći
6. Type in your Renault infra-red key number, which you will find unutar ključa, ili upišite broj koji ste pronašli u vašem Renault
inside of the key, or type in the number that you found in your Clio servisnom priručniku.
Renault Clio service manual. 7. Sačekajte da ekran vašeg stonog računara ili laptopa prikaže
Renault Clio četvorocifreni kod za zaobilaženje imobilizatora.
7. Wait for the screen of your desktop computer or laptop to 8. Zapišite kod ili ga zapamtite, jer će vam trebati da zaobiđete
display the Renault Clio four digit immobiliser bypass code. vašu blokadu.
8. Write down the code or keep a memory of it, as you will need 9. Pritisnite taster Enter dvaput na tastaturi da biste zatvorili
it to bypass your Clio's immobiliser. softversku aplikaciju Windows RenaultImmCode.exe.
9. Depress the enter button two times on your keyboard to close 10. Otvorite vrata vozača i uđite u Renault Clio.
the Windows RenaultImmCode.exe software application. 11. Uključite paljenje sa Renault infracrvenim ključem.
10. Open the driver side door and get inside your Renault Clio. 12. Pritisnite centralnu bravu na središnjoj konzoli vašeg Clio-a (ako
11. Switch the ignition on with your Renault infra-red key. postoji). Ako vaš Clio nema dugme za centralno zaključavanje,
12. Depress the central lock button on your Clio's centre console pritisnite papučicu gasa i pritisnite dugme na kraju prekidača
(if applicable). If your Clio does not have a central lock button, brisača vetrobranskog stakla.
depress the accelerator pedal and depress the button at the 13. Sačekajte da lampica imobilizatora na instrument tabli prestane
end of the windscreen wiper switch. da treperi. Tada će početi da treperi sporije nego ranije.
13. Wait for the immobiliser light on the dashboard to stop 14. Brojte koliko puta treperi lampica imobilizatora dok ne dostigne
flashing. It will then begin to flash at a slower pace than potpuno isti broj koji je prikazan na bajpas kodu imobilajzera, a
before. zatim otpustite dugme centralnog zaključavanja. Ako vaš Clio
nema dugme za centralno zaključavanje, pustite papučicu gasa i
14. Count the number of times the immobiliser light flashes until it
pustite dugme na kraju prekidača brisača vetrobranskog stakla.
reaches exactly the same first number shown on the
Ponovite ovaj korak sa drugim, trećim i četvrtim brojem bajpas
immobiliser bypass code, and then let go of the central koda imobilizatora za vaš Clio da biste pokrenuli blokadu vašeg
locking button. If your Clio does not have a central locking Clio-a.
button, let go off the accelerator pedal and let go of the button 15. Posetite Renaultov servis kako biste resetovali Renaultov
at the end of the windscreen wiper switch. Repeat this step infracrveni ključ
with the second, third, and fourth numbers of your Clio's
immobiliser bypass code to start your Clio's immobiliser.
15. Visit a Renault dealership to reset your Renault infra-red key.
Preuzmite softversku aplikaciju Vindovs RenaultImmCode.eke
Tip klikom na sledeći link:

Download the Windows RenaultImmCode.exe software http://renaulthelp.110mb.com/app/RenaultImmCode.zip

application by clicking on the following link:

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