Syllabus of Computer Science and Engineering of Islamic University (CSEIU)
Syllabus of Computer Science and Engineering of Islamic University (CSEIU)
Syllabus of Computer Science and Engineering of Islamic University (CSEIU)
(Honours) Courses
Session: 2008 – 2009, Final Examination: 2012
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Applied Science & Technology
Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh
The integrated B.Sc. (Honours) courses in Computer Science and Engineering shall be offered over the period of four
academic years. The year-final examinations will be held at the end of each academic year. The integrated courses
shall consist of 46 (forty-six) courses of which 34 shall be Theoretical and 12 shall be Practical courses. Students shall
take 1 (one) university (non-credit) course carrying 100 marks. There shall be 200 Marks Viva-Voce on the
departmental courses distributed over the four academic years. Thus the B.Sc. (Honours) degree program shall be an
integrated one consisting of major and related courses carrying a total of 4800 marks distributed year wise as
No. of Courses Marks
Year Theoretical Practical/Project Theoretical Practical/Project Viva- Total
courses courses Voce Marks
Noncredit Courses:
There shall be one noncredit course namely Islamic Studies/Bangladesh Studies carrying 100 marks to be
completed within the first two academic years. Students coming from Madrasha stream and the Non-Muslim
students shall take the course on Bangladesh Studies and those coming from college stream shall take the course
on Islamic Studies. A student shall not be promoted to Third year class unless he / she clear up this course.
The year-wise distribution of courses along with titles and the marks will be as follows:
CSE 305: Computer Networks 100
CSE 306: Data and Telecommunication 100
CSE 307: Computer Graphics and Animation 100
CSE 308: Visual Languages and Multimedia 100
CSE 309: Hardware Lab. 100
CSE 310: Software Lab. 100
CSE 311: Communication Lab-I 100
CSE 312: Communication Lab-II 100
CSE 313: Viva-Voce 50
Total: 1250
Theoretical courses : 3.5×8 = 28.0
Practical courses : 3.0×4 = 12.0
Viva-voce : 1.0×1 = 1.0
Total: 41.0
Fourth Academic Year: 2011-2012
Integrated Courses:
CSE 401: Compiler Design 100
CSE 402: Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems 100
CSE 403: System Simulation and Modeling 100
CSE 404: Pattern Recognition & Neural Computing 100
CSE 405: Digital Signal and Image Processing 100
CSE 406: Advanced Programming 100
CSE 407: System Analysis and Design 100
CSE 408: Software Engineering 100
CSE 409: Formal Languages & Automata Theory 100
CSE 410: Software Lab.-I 100
CSE 411: Software Lab.-II 100
CSE 412: Software Lab.-III 100
CSE 413: Project 100
CSE 414: Viva-Voce 50
Total: 1350
Theoretical courses : 3.5×9 = 31.5
Practical courses : 3.0×3 = 9.0
Project : 4.0×1 = 4.0
Viva-voce : 1.0×1 = 1.0
Total: 45.5
Detailed Syllabus
First Academic Year: 2008-2009
CSE 101: Computer Fundamentals
Computer Generations and Classification: Definition, functions and characteristics of computers, Block
diagram, Computer Generations, Moore’s Law, Classification of Computers, Hardware, Software and Firmware,
Computers’ impact on society.
Data representation: The decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems, Binary arithmetic in computers,
Conversion Algorithms. Binary Codes, Weighted binary codes, Non-weighted binary code, Error detecting and
correcting codes, Representation of characters, integers, and fractions in computers; Alphanumeric codes.
Hardware Components: Input/output units, Memory units, CPU, Logic Circuits; Machine architecture; Distributed
Computer system, Parallel Computer System,
Software Components: Programming languages and their classifications, Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter,
Structured and blocked structured languages, procedural and non-procedural programming, Types of software:
Systems software, Application packages.
Operating Systems: Need for an Operating System (OS), Types of OS, Example of Operating Systems: DOS,
Windows and Linux.
Computers and Communications: Types of Communications with and among computers; Need for Computer
Communication Networks; Internet and the World Wide Web; Introduction to HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
and Web page.
Application Software: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access etc.
Books Recommended
1. P. K. Sinha Fundamentals of Computer
2. V. Rajaraman Fundamentals of Computers
3. Jain, Satish Introduction to Computer Science Vol. I & II
4. Balasubramanian Elements of Computer Science Vol. I
Books Recommended
1. Balagurusamy E Programming in ANSI C
2. H Schildt Turbo C/C++: The Complete Reference
3. Cochan S G Programming in C
4. Gottfried Programming with C
Books Recommended
1. Theraza, B L Electrical Technology
2. Hallidy and Resnic Physics Part-II
3. Ryder, J.D. Networks, Lines, and Fields.
4. Corson and Lorrain Introduction to Electromagnetic Field and Waves
5. Roddy and Coolen Electronic Communication
CSE 104: Basic Electronics
Energy Bands in Solids: The nature of the Atom, Atomic energy levels, Valence and conduction bands,
Conductors, Semiconductors and Insulators.
Semiconductor Diode and Rectifiers: Semiconductors’ characteristics and their types, P-N Junction Diodes and
their V-I Characteristics; Zener Diode, Ideal Rectifier Concept, P-N Junction Diode as a Rectifier; Half-wave and Full-
wave Rectifiers; Rectifier Filters and Ripple Factor, Voltage Regulator Using Zener Diode, Clipper, Clamper.
Transistor: PNP and NPN Junction Transistors; CB, CE and CC Configurations and their Vc-Ic Characteristics;
Transistor Action; Different Types and Biasing; Bias Stabilisation; Operating Point; DC and AC Load Lines; Dynamic
Transfer Curve, Current, Voltage and Power Gains. Transistor as a Circuit Element, Transistor Hybrid Parameters.
Transistor Amplifiers: Transistor DC Amplifiers; CE, CB and CC Amplifiers , their Equivalent Circuits and
Computation of Current, Voltage and Power Gains; Class A, Class B and Class C Amplifiers, class AB pushpull
Feedback Amplifiers: Feedback Principles and Characteristics; Current and Voltage Feedback Amplifiers; Positive
and negative feedback.
Oscillators: Oscillators and Conditions for Sustained Oscillations; RC Phase Shift, Collpit and Crystal Oscillators.
MOS devices: Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, PMOS, NMOS & CMOS: biasing & application in switching
Optoelectronic devices: PN & PIN photodiode, phototransistor; photoconductive cell; solar cell, LED, LCD &
alphanumeric display.
Books Recommended:
1. Theraja, B L Basic Electronics
2. Boylestad and Nashelsky Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
3. Gupta and Kumar Hand Book of Electronics
4. Millman and Helkias Electronic Devices and Circuits
Books Recommended
1. Shahidullah and Bhattacharjee Higher Algebra and Trigonometry
2. Bernard and Child Higher Algebra
3. Hall and Knight Higher Trigonometry
4. Das and Mukherjee Higher Trigonometry
Explicit Solution of Higher-Order Linear Differential Equations: Basic Theory, Homogeneous Linear
Equation with Constant Coefficients, Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Variation of Parameters, Cauchy-
Euler Equation.
Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations: Power Series Solutions about an Ordinary Point,
Solutions about Singular Points; The Method of Frobenius.
Books Recommended
1. Differential Calculus Das and Mukherjee
2. Integral Calculus Das and Mukherjee
3. Calculus Ayres, F
4. Differential Calculus Edwards
5. Differential Equations Sapely L Ross
Books Recommended
1. Electrical Technology Theraza, B L
2. Electrical Technology E. Hugus
3. Alternating Current Circuits Cochran
regression, Standard error of estimate, Correlation of ranks, Correlation ratio, Bivariate normal distribution, Properties
of Normal Correlation Distribution, Intra-class correlation coefficient.
Discrete-Parameter Markov Chains: Introduction, Probability vectors, Stochastic processes, Stochastic matrices,
Definition of Markov chain, Computation of n-step transition probabilities, State classification and limiting
distributions, Distribution of times between state changes, Absorbing states, Finite Markov chain with absorbing
Statistical Software: Introduction to SPSS.
Books Recommended
1. Kapur, J. N. and Saxena, H. C. Mathematical Statistics
2. Weatherburn, C. E. A First Course in Mathematical Statistics
3. Marek Fisz. Probability and Mathematical Statistics
4. Gupta, S. C. and Kapoor V. K. Fundamentals of mathematical Statistics
5. Manindra Kumar Roy Fundamentals of Probability & Probability Distributions
Books Recommended
1. Lipschutz Data Structures, Schaum’s Outline
2. Reingold and Hansen Data Structure
3. Taunenbaum, Langsam Data Structure Using C
4. Robert L. Kruse Data Structure and Program Design
CSE 202: Algorithms
Algorithm Analysis: Techniques for analysis of algorithms, Methods for the design of efficient algorithm: divide and
conquer, greedy method, dynamic programming, back tracking, branch and bound, Basic search and traversal
techniques, graph algorithms, Algebraic simplification and transformation, lower bound theory, NP-hard and NP-
complete problems.
Books Recommended
1. Horowitz and Shahny Analysis of Algorithms
Books Recommended
1. Rosen, K. H. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
2. Koleman & Busby Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science
Books Recommended
1. Sastry, S. S. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis
2. Sastry, S. S. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis
3. Rajaraman, V. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods
Books recommended
1. Balagurusamy, E Object Oriented Programming with C++
2. Schildt, H Turbo C/C++: The Complete Reference
3. D Ravichandran Programming with C++
CSE 206: Switching Devices and Pulse Techniques
Negative-resistance switching circuits: General characteristics of negative resistance devices, types of negative-
resistance devices, Tunnel diode, SCR, UJT, DIAC, TRIAC: construction, operation and characteristics, a tunnel diode
multivibrators, UJT oscillator and SCR power control.
Multivibrators: Astable, Monostable and Bistable multivibrators, circuit, operation, characteristics and
application, The 555 Timer: Multivibrators using Timer and operational amplifier, Schmitt trigger.
Operational amplifiers: Ideal operational amplifier, Uses as an inverter, scale changer, Phase shifter, Integrator,
Differentiator, Adder, Subtractor, Analog Computation and other circuit opearation, Impulse response, Active Filters.
Study of logic families: DL, DTL, DCTL, ETL, TTL, ECTL, IIL, and MOS logic families.
Circuits for generating linear voltage slopes: Simple RC integrator, linear sweep generators using current source, the
miller integrator, the bootstrap sweep generator, practical bootstrap circuit, pulse transformer, monostable and astable-
blocking oscillator, uses of blocking oscillator.
Books Recommended
1. Taub and Schelling Switching Devices and Circuits
2. Gupta and Kumar Hand Book of Electronics
3. B L Theraja Basic Electronics
4. Millman and Halkias Electronic Devices and Circuits
Books Recommended
1. Hayes, J P Computer Architecture and Organization
2. Mano, M Computer System Architecture
3. Stone Introduction to computer Architecture
4. Sloan, M E Computer Hardware and Organization
Counters and Registers: Asynchronous and Synchronous counter, n-mod counters, propagation delay, Parallel up,
down and up/down counters, presettable counters, cascading counters, Shift-register counters, Frequency counters,
Digital clock.
D/A and A/D conversion: D/A-converter circuitry, DAC specification, and DAC applications. Analog-to-Digital
conversion: Digital-ramp, Successive approximation, Flash and tristate ADCs. Digital Voltmeter.
Semiconductor terminology: Semiconductor memory terminology; Read-Only Memories, ROM architecture, ROM
timing, types of ROMs, Flash Memory, ROM applications, Programmable Logic Devices. RAM architecture, Static
RAM and Dynamic RAM, Dynamic RAM structure and operation, DRAM read/write cycles, DRAM refreshing,
DRAM technology, Expanding word size and capacity, Magnetic bubble and CCD memory.
Books Recommended
1. Tocci, R.J. Digital systems
2. Mano, M Computer System Architecture
3. Malvino & Leach Digital principles and Applications
4. Jain R. P. Modern Digital Electronics
Books recommended
1. Rahman & Bhattacharjee A Text Book of Co-ordinate Geometry & Vector Analysis
2. Askwith E H Analytical Geometry of Conic Sections
3. Spiegel M R Vector Analysis & Tensor Calculus
Overview of Other Processors: Intel 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486 & Pentium microprocessors and other advance
processors; Motorola 68000.
Assembly Language Programming: Machine & Assembly instruction types & their formats; Character
representation instructions; Instruction execution; Control structures, Subroutines, Interrupt, Macros & files; I/O
programming; Assembler, Cross-Assemblers.
Books recommended
1. M. Rafiquzzaman Microprocessor and Microprocessor based system
2. D. V. Hall Microprocessors and Interfacing
3. Malvino, A P Digital Computer Electronics
4. Liu and Gibson Microprocessor Systems: The 8086/8088 Family
Introduction: Evolution, Goals and Components of OS, Types of OS. Operating System Services
Process management: Process states and state transition, Process Control Blocks, Job and Process scheduling,
Process Communication, Threads
CPU Scheduling: Scheduling levels, Objectives and criteria, CPU scheduling algorithms, Algorithm Evaluation
Process Synchronization: Process co-ordination, Critical section problems, Semaphores, Monitors, Classical
problems of process synchronization.
Deadlock: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock prevention,
avoidance, and detection, Recovery form deadlock, Deadlock handling.
Memory management: Logical and Physical Address Space, Swapping, Memory allocation schemes, Paging and
Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging
Virtual memory: Demand paging, Performance of Demand Paging, Page replacement algorithms, Allocation of
frames, Demand Segmentation
Secondary storage management: Disk structure; Disk scheduling, Disk management, Swap-space management, Disk
reliability, Stable storage implementation
File-System: File and Directory concept, File system structure, Allocation method, Free space Management, Directory
Protection and Security: Goals of protection, principle of protection, Access matrix, Access Control, Security
problems and Threats, Computer Security, Implements Security Defenses,
Unix O/S: Overview, system structure, user perspective, O/S services, Introduction to the kernel and buffer
cache, internal representation of files, Compiler, Loader, Linker, System call, Remote procedure call, Unix socket,
Books Recommended
1. Silberschatz and Galvin Operating System Concepts
2. Stalling, William Introduction to Operating System
3. Milenkoviæ, Milan Operating Systems: Concepts and Design
4. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Modern Operating Systems
5. Terrence Unix System Programming in C++
Books recommended
1. Korth and Silverchatz Database System Concepts
2. O. William Principle of Database Systems
3. Jeffrey Ullman Relational Database Management System
Books Recommended
1. Rafiquzzaman Microprocessor and Microcomputer based system design
2. Artwick Microcomputer Interfacing
3. Ramesh Goanker Microcomputer Interfacing
Books Recommended
1. Stallings W Data Communications and Computer Networks
2. Tanenbaum Computer Networks
3. William A Shay Understanding Data Communication & Networks
ISDN: Motivation and protocol for ISDN, ISDN standard, Expert system in ISDN. ISDN channel and broadband
ISDN. Transmission channel, Signaling, Numbering and addressing of ISDN.
Antenna: Radiation from a current element, Antenna equivalent circuit, Dipole antenna.
Books Recommended
1. Stallings W Data Communications and Computer Networks
2. William A Shay Understanding Data Communication & Networks
3. S. E. Matter & A. G Chynoweth Optical fibre telecommunication
4. M. S. Roden Analog and Digital communication Systems
5. Roddy and Coolen Electronic Communications
Books recommended
1. Donald Hearn and Paullin Baker Computer Graphics
2. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Hughes Computer Graphics, Principle and Practice
3. Vera B Anand Computer Graphics & Geometric Modeling for Engineers
Books Recommended
5. John villamil-Casanova, Louis Molina Multimedia, An Introduction
6. John villamil-Casanova, Leony Fernandez-Elia Multimedia Graphics
Books recommended
1. Hopcroft and Ullman Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation
2. Adamek Automata and Algebra
3. Aho and Ullman Principles of Compiler Design
4. Lewis and Stern Compiler Design Theory
CSE 402: Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems
Introduction: Introduction to AI and intelligent agents, General Concept of Knowledge.
Symbolic Knowledge and Reasoning: Building a Knowledge Base Agent, Propositional logic, First order logic,
Inference in First order Logic,
Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: Inconsistencies and uncertainties, probabilistic reasoning, Structured
knowledge, Fuzzy Logic.
Knowledge Organization and manipulation: Search strategies, Game planning, Knowledge Organization and
Knowledge acquisition: Introduction, Types of learning, general model, Learning automata, Genetic algorithm,
Learning by Induction,
Introduction to Natural Language Processing: Overview of Linguistics, Grammars and Languages, Basic Parsing
Techniques, Semantic Analysis & Structures, Natural Language generation and Systems.
Expert System: Expert consultation, Development of Expert Systems, Computer vision, Robotics.
Logic programming: Background, Representation and reasoning, Logic programs and programming styles,
Programming in PROLOG. List processing, arithmetic, I/O and memory operations and databases in PROLOG. User
interface and interface engine of AI.
Books recommended
1. Dan w. Patterson Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System
2. Stuart Russell and Peter Norving Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
3. E. Rich and K. Knight Artificial Intelligence
Book Recommended
1. R. S. Lehman Computer Simulation and Modeling.
2. G. Cordon System Simulation.
3. D.S. Hira System Simulation
4. J. A. Spriet Computer Aided Modeling & Simulation.
Learning algorithms; Syntactic approach; Introduction to Pattern Grammar and Languages; Parsing Techniques;
Pattern Recognition in CAD; Recent Trends.
Introduction to Neural Networks: The Basic Neuron, The Multi-layer Perception, Applications of Neural Network,
Kohonen Self-Organizing Networks, Hopfield Networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory, Associative Memory. Pattern
Recognition by Neural Network theory
Books Recommended
1. Beale R and Jackson Neural Computing: An Introduction
2. Igor Aleksander and Helen Morton An Introduction to Neural Computing
Pprogramming with JAVA: Data Types; Variables, and Arrays; Operators; Control Statements; Classes and
Methods; Inheritance; Packages and Interfaces; Exception handling; Multithreaded programming. Input/Output;
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and Swing; Java Applet.
Client Side Scripting: VB script, Java script, PHP.
Serve Side Scripting: ASP, JSP, PHP, Servlet, C#,
Designing Techniques of Web Pages: DHTML, XML, Forms, CGI scripts and clickable maps, Perl.
Emerging trends: Internet telephony, Intranet and extranet, firewall design issues. Web server, web dB.
System design: The process and stages of systems design, input/output and forms design, organization and data base
System implementation: System testing and quality assurance, implementation and software maintenance,
hardware/software selection and the computer contract, project scheduling and software security, disaster recovery and
ethics in system development.
Case studies: Various information systems such as: Library management system, inventory system, voter identity
management system, payroll system etc.
Books recommended
1. Systems Analysis and Design E. M. Awad
2. System Analysis & Design P. Edwards
3. Principles of Management Information System G. Scott
Books recommended
1. Sommerville, Ian Software Engineering
2. Pressman, Roger S. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach
3. Mathew, Sajan Software Engineering
The Central Concepts: Introduction to Finite State Machines and Finite State Automata; Alphabets, Strings and
Finite Automata: Deterministic Finite Automata, Non-deterministic Finite Automata, and their applications; Finite
Automata with Epsilon-Transitions.
Regular Expressions and Languages: Regular Expressions, Finite Automata and Regular Expressions, Applications
of Regular Expressions, and Algebraic Laws for Regular Expressions.
Properties of Regular Languages: The Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages and its applications; Closure
Properties and Decision Properties of Regular Languages; Equivalence and Minimization of Automata.
Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Context-Free Grammars; Parse Trees; Applications of Context-Free
Grammars; Ambiguity in Grammars and Languages.
Pushdown Automata: Definition and the languages of a PDA; Equivalence of PDA’s and CFG’s; Deterministic
Pushdown Automata.
Properties of Context-Free Languages: Chomsky and Greibach Normal forms for CFG’s; The Pumping Lemma for
CFL’s; Closure and Decision properties of CFL’s.
Introduction to Turing Machines: The Turing Machine, Programming Techniques for Turing Machines, Extensions
to the Basic Turing Machine, Restricted Turing Machines, Turing Machines and Computers.
Books Recommended
1 Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages & Computation Hopcropt, J.E. & Ullman , J.D.
2. Elements of the Theory of Computation Lewis Papadimitriou
3. Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation John C Martin
Panel of Paper setter’s, Examiners, and Tabulators
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Islamic University,
Kushtia, Bangladesh.