Chapter II
Chapter II
Chapter II
The majority of students in our school are not able to make connections between
what they are learning and how that knowledge should be used. This is because
the way they process information and their motivation for learning are influenced
helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations; and motivates
lives as family memberss, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that
thier own frames of reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and
response). This approach to learning and teaching assumes that the mind naturally
seeks meaning in context by searching for relationships that make sense and
This idea is supported by previous study done by Flora (2003) that relating subject
content to real world situation is extremely needed during the teaching learning
processs so that the students know the benefits of learning in the classroom. John
Dewey (1916) in Laily (2006) further states that Contextual Teaching Learning is
help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by
connecting academic subjects with the context of their daily lives, that is, with
relate the materials being taught to the students real world and encouraging the
students relate their knowledge in their daily lives by implementing all seven main
elements in the teaching learning process (Diknas; 2002). The seven elements are
1. Constructivism
Knowledge is found and built by oneself or by the students themselves not just
point claims that knowledge is not a set of facts or concepts of rules that come
becomes deeper and stronger if one test is againts new encounters. It means
that in this stage students are actively involved in learning process based on
the previous knowledge (entry behaviour). They will achieve goal based on
their prior knowledge and use their own styles to achieve the goal.
2. Inquiry
other words, it can be said that the students find out something by themselves.
In this process the students have chance to observe the phenomenon. They try
to explain and decribe the phenomenon being observed. Then, based on their
observation, they try to test what they have observed and finally make
3. Questioning
teacher’s activity to motivate, provide, and asses thinking ability. The teacher
should provide or create situation that makes the students to have curiosity.
students are supposed to ask question either to their teacher or friends. The
4. Learning Community
The principle of learning community is that learning ingroup will give better
result than learning alone since students will share their knowledge to help
(2006) that group should be of mixed abilities, so that beginning students can
learn from more advanced ones. By sharing knowledge, the student who
knows will tell the others who do not know and the students who do not will
ask the students who knows. In line with this, Freeman (1986) states that in
group, students can learn from each other as well as the teacher. Coorporation
is encouraged.
5. Modelling
teaching learning process. Modelling can be in the form of something that can
be imitated by the students (Diknas, 2002), for example do the task by what
the teacher already give the example for them. Contextual teaching and
learning requires either the teacher or the students themselves to be the models
at the classroom activities. It means that the teacher is not the only person who
6. Reflection
teacher review and respond the events, activities, and experiences. They also
record what they have learnts, felt and appeared new ideas. This element
usually occurs in post activities. Self assessment (to borrow Underhill’s term
7. Authentic Assessment
is not only done at the period, but it also integrated together with teaching and
learning activities. There are many ways how to do authentic assessment. For
From the seventh elements of CTL described above, the teacher was only focused
the research by emphasizing two of them, they were learning together and inquiry.
It was done since the researcher wanted to focus the research into more specific
area. It does not mean that other elements were not used in this research, but the
Erickson:2001). Over the years, five teaching approaches have emerged that
learning process. These approaches are not discrete. They can be used individually
literature, the following definitions are intended to capture the essence of the
solving investigations that integrate skills and concepts from many content
workplace-like, activities are integrated with classroom content for the benefit
In this research, the researcher chose Cooperative learning as the approach for
learning strategy. The strategy of cooperative learning that was chosen is Learning
Together (LT). Then the researcher picked one or more competence that could be
appropiate with the elements of CTL that were chosen by the teacher, they were
Speaking is a productive skill in which the speaker produces and uses the
language by expressing a sequence of ideas and at the time she/he tries to get
ideas or the message across. In this case, there is a process of giving message,
which is called as the encoding process. At the same time, there is a process of
two (or more) people, in which the participants are both hearers and speakers
having to react to what they hear and make the contributions at high speed. In
other words, each participant must have an intention or set of intentions he wants
said to him, and reply with the language he has which reflects his own intention.
communication (Tarigan, 1987:5). From this definition, it is clear that the students
We try to communicate with each other and use our language to make other
two-way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and
other and use our language to send our message to others (listener). Webber
requires somewhat more complex abilities. He adds that oral language of speaking
in life situation, or the ability to report acts or situations in precise words, or the
This idea means that, speaking emphasizes more to the ability of an individual to
convey something whether it is in the form of exspression, report, etc with the
language he has.
From the definition above, it can be said that speaking is two-way process
between speaker and listener and it involves both encoding and decoding process.
The former leads to the process of giving idea or making the listener understand,
while the latter leads to the process of getting idea of the speaker. Through these
1. Fluency
Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Signs
numbers of pauses. Fluency refers to the ease and speed of the flow of the
sounds, syllables, words and phrases are joined to other when speaking. It
means that when a person makes a dialogue with another person, the other
2. Grammar
sentence in conversation.
3. Vocabulary
4. Pronounciation
5. Comprehension
meaning (Heaton, 1991:35). This idea means that if person can answer or
communicative needs, interact to other person in any situation, and influence the
others. For this resaon, in teaching speaking skill it is necessary to have clear
Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for
transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other people. The goal of teaching
themselves understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should
vocabulary and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each
Moreover, Japerson in Marians (1978) says thay the essence of human language is
human activity on the part of the individual to make him understand by another
and activity on the part of understands what was on the first. Then, he adds that
the language as an activity that permits people to communicate with each other.
So it is clear that language is very important. We cannot only teach what will be
spoken but also the situation what we deal with. The teacher teaches speaking by
carrying out the students in certain situation when the topic is being talked about.
The topic must be familiar with the students so what the ideas have an oral
skill, etc. While speaking means to make use of words in an ordinary voice. So,
child life, which is preceded by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is
learned. It means that speaking is the basic language. The process of speaking
skill has happened or preceded by listening skill. Increasing listening skill is very
the fullest.
sense to them in their own frames of reference (their own inner worlds of
assumes that the mind naturally seeks meaning in context-that is, in relation to the
From the statements above, it can be concluded that teaching speaking through
CTL is the way the teacher teaches the students how to communicate by relating
the material given to the students’ inner world of memory, experience, and
response. Teaching speaking by using CTL means the way the teacher instruct the
students’ mind through the elements of CTL itself. When teaching the students,
the teacher connects the material given with the students daily live by dealing the
students with it trough constructivism, and then the teacher let the students to do
the learning community in order to make them easy in mastering material. Here,
the students also give model to the students. But the model, is not only coming
from the teacher, the students is also can give a model about the material. In
inquiry, the students have chance to find out something related to the material by
seen as teacher’s activity to motivate, provide and assess thinking ability. Then
the teacher and the students can reflect what they have learnt in reflection. This
activity usually occurs in post activity. The last the teacher can describe the real
Authentic assessment is not only done at the end of period but also integrated
There are several procedures that should be done to implement CTL in teaching
speaking. Each step contains some elements, which is relating each other. The
Activities :
Pre activities :
Teacher asks the students some questions about the topic being learnt at that
While activity
Teachers asks students to write down their own information based on the
Teacher gives a sheet of dialogue and reads the dialogue to the students.
Teacher asks students to read the dialogue with their friends. (Modeling)
Teacher asks the students to do the tasks by what the teacher already give the
Teacher asks the students to practice the tasks given with their friends.
(Learning Community)
Teacher asks the students to tell their own information and their friend’s
Teacher asks the students to make their own dialogue with their friend.
Post Activity
learning process.
Teacher asks students’ to analyze whether the sentence are correct or not.
(Self Reflection)
As stated before, Contextual Teaching Learning helps the teacher to relate the
material to the students’ inner worlds or contextual situation. However, it also has
A. The students find the benefit of learning in the classroom because they
can relate the subject to the real situation where they can make
connections between what they are learning and how that knowledge will
be used.
the teaching process since the students are actively involved in learning
materials since they are provided many practices. This may result that the
students are actively engaged and encouraged to speak up since they are
D. The students can share with their friends about the topic during the
group will give better results than learning alone, the students can help
finally make the conclusion of what they have observes that result in
F. The teacher can find the students’ abilities, problems in acquiring the
knowledge during the teaching learning process so that the teacher can
A. Self-discovery will not occur if the whole students in one group consits
of weak students.
Finally, the teacher will find it relatively effective to teach a language as means of
Based on the frame theory above, the writer assumes that Contextual Teaching
Contextual Teaching Learning, students will get more exposure to the language
beacuse the students become more actively involved during the teaching and
learning by being provided by many speaking models, so that they could interact
communicatively according to the provided models. In CTL, the students are the
center of learning process. CTL requires the students to be more actively involved
in teaching learning process. It will enable the students to comprehend the subject
matter better. In CTL, the students are asked to construct their own sense of
learning from new experience based on prior knowledge and motivates the
students to make connection between knowledge that they get in the class and its
will share their knowledge with others. The students will help each other in
comprehending the subject matter. Therefore, the writer assumes that after doing,
a deep process on the subject matter containts in the text and all seven
components of CTL have been applied in teaching learning process, the students
will get better in speaking mastery and the teaching learning process in the class