SAT Chinmaya Vocab Test 1
SAT Chinmaya Vocab Test 1
SAT Chinmaya Vocab Test 1
B. to relieve, to lessen
2. decry
C. lacking self-confidence
3. exasperated
H. great fear
8. incoherent
I. vile; very contemptible
9. ambiguous
J. very secretive; very stealthy
10. anarchist
K. to put down by condemning or criticizing
11. sycophant
L. a person who is known for his/her wisdom; a wise person
12. irate; livid
M. unclear; not certain
13. iconoclast
N. all mean feeling very down and discouraged
14. incorrigible
O. very distressed; very worried
15. denounce
P. to criticize; denounce; condemn
16. skeptic
Q. lacking in energy, vitality, and vigor
17. ostentatious
R. a puzzle; a riddle
AB. a person who elicits trust and then betrays that trust; a con man or con woman; someone
27. neophyte; novice; greenhorn
who defrauds
28. fabricate
AC. showing little or no feeling or emotion; spiritless; lacking emotion
29. munificent
AD. making a show of being devout and thus giving a sense of false piousness
30. prodigious
AE. a veiled hint or insinuation, especially a negative reflection on a person's character or
31. lucrative… 1/3
1/26/2019 Test: 192 SAT Words | Quizlet
AG. to make someone feel really little; to put someone down; to disparage
33. virtuoso
45. charlatan
AT. a person who leads a secluded or solitary life; a hermit
46. ambivalent
AU. things are going down in the sense of being harmful, hurtful, and detrimental
47. precarious
AV. a beginner
55. superficial BD. too smooth; too suave and thus giving a false sense of earnestness
56. exculpate; exonerate BE. a person who is practical and thus not given to flights of fancy
58. parsimonious BG. commonplace; ordinary and therefore lacking originality; humdrum
BL. friendly
63. repudiate… 2/3
1/26/2019 Test: 192 SAT Words | Quizlet
BQ. cruel and therefore lacking in compassion
68. adept
80. unprecedented
CD. of no importance; irrelevant and therefore lacking significance
81. sage
CE. shallow and therefore lacking in depth
82. pundit
CF. to very closely or very carefully examine a person or thing
83. accord
CG. an expert; authority
84. belie
CH. a person who opposes laws and government
85. anomalous
CI. showing great anger and rage
88. lethargic; anemic; languid; slothful CL. to inform; instruct; illuminate and thus remove ignorance
93. aesthetic CQ. deviating from a general rule; out of place; incongruous
CT. an agreement
96. diffident
99. garish… 3/3