SAT Chinmaya Vocab Test 1

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1/26/2019 Test: 192 SAT Words | Quizlet


100 Matching questions

A. blunt in manner or speech, often to the point of being rude

1. convivial

B. to relieve, to lessen
2. decry

C. lacking self-confidence
3. exasperated

D. very compassionate; very sympathetic

4. impulsive; impetuous; precipitous

E. very perceptive; astute; penetrating

5. swindler

F. excessively vivid in color

6. connoisseur

G. an ardent follower, supporter, or enthusiast

7. sophomoric; callow

H. great fear
8. incoherent
I. vile; very contemptible
9. ambiguous
J. very secretive; very stealthy
10. anarchist
K. to put down by condemning or criticizing
11. sycophant
L. a person who is known for his/her wisdom; a wise person
12. irate; livid
M. unclear; not certain

13. iconoclast
N. all mean feeling very down and discouraged

14. incorrigible
O. very distressed; very worried

15. denounce
P. to criticize; denounce; condemn

16. skeptic
Q. lacking in energy, vitality, and vigor

17. ostentatious
R. a puzzle; a riddle

18. alleviate; mitigate; mollify; assuage

S. very optimistic; hopeful

19. enlighten T. brave and therefore lacking fear

20. automaton U. very generous

21. destitute V. an authority who expresses his or her opinions on topics

22. innuendo W. very large; vast; huge

23. disdain X. a loyal follower or adherent

24. empathetic Y. a person who has doubts

25. deleterious Z. without previous example

26. reprimand; castigate AA. to free from blame; to declare innocent

AB. a person who elicits trust and then betrays that trust; a con man or con woman; someone
27. neophyte; novice; greenhorn
who defrauds

28. fabricate
AC. showing little or no feeling or emotion; spiritless; lacking emotion

29. munificent
AD. making a show of being devout and thus giving a sense of false piousness

30. prodigious
AE. a veiled hint or insinuation, especially a negative reflection on a person's character or
31. lucrative

AF. to scold sharply

32. despondent; dejected; depressed… 1/3
1/26/2019 Test: 192 SAT Words | Quizlet
AG. to make someone feel really little; to put someone down; to disparage
33. virtuoso

AH. very irritated; very annoyed

34. vigilant

AI. excessive and therefore lacking restraint

35. sanguine

AJ. a fake; fraud; cheat

36. trite; cliché

AK. a person or event that is chronologically in the wrong time

37. devotee

AL. person who wanders

38. disinterested

AM. very watchful

39. assiduous
AN. very cautious; very careful; prudent
40. laud; extol; acclaim
AO. lack of respect; contempt
41. capitulate
AP. to surrender; to give up
42. scrutinize
AQ. to lie in the sense of contradicting
43. unctuous
AR. a person who is devoid of feeling or acts in a mechanical way
44. caustic; vitriolic
AS. lacking conviction (strong belief) because of mixed feelings

45. charlatan
AT. a person who leads a secluded or solitary life; a hermit

46. ambivalent
AU. things are going down in the sense of being harmful, hurtful, and detrimental

47. precarious
AV. a beginner

48. ecstatic; exuberant; elated; euphoric

AW. acting in a rash, hasty manner without fully considering the consequences

49. insightful; discerning; perspicacious

AX. a seemingly contradictory statement that nontheless expresses a truth

50. furtive; clandestine

AY. a person who is rude and insensitive

51. defamation AZ. feeling great happiness

52. trepidation BA. a miscarriage of justice; a distortion of proper procedure

53. recluse BB. lacking organization

54. merciless; ruthless BC. lacking stability

55. superficial BD. too smooth; too suave and thus giving a false sense of earnestness

56. exculpate; exonerate BE. a person who is practical and thus not given to flights of fancy

57. prodigy BF. to praise

58. parsimonious BG. commonplace; ordinary and therefore lacking originality; humdrum

BH. incapable of being reformed

59. travesty

BI. literally someone who smashes icons or established images

60. intrepid; dauntless

BJ. choosing from a variety of sources

61. paltry

BK. a person with great talent; a young genius

62. eclectic

BL. friendly
63. repudiate

BM. not open to question; indisputable

64. apathetic

BN. a person with great artistic talent

65. callous
BO. believable; credible
66. incontrovertible
BP. to make up or invent a story
67. sanctimonious… 2/3
1/26/2019 Test: 192 SAT Words | Quizlet
BQ. cruel and therefore lacking in compassion
68. adept

BR. to go down in value

69. contemplative

BS. very profitable

70. pragmatist

BT. to reject; disavow

71. depreciate

BU. appealing to the sense of beauty

72. arduous

BV. very poor; indigent

73. mentor

BW. a person who tries to win favor by flattery

74. paradox
BX. very thoughtful; meditative; pensive
75. plausible
BY. very difficult to accomplish
76. enigma
BZ. immature and therefore lacking maturity or sophistication
77. anachronism
CA. fond of social interaction
78. extravagant
CB. an advisor; teacher; guide
79. itinerant; vagabond
CC. very skillful; adroit

80. unprecedented
CD. of no importance; irrelevant and therefore lacking significance

81. sage
CE. shallow and therefore lacking in depth

82. pundit
CF. to very closely or very carefully examine a person or thing

83. accord
CG. an expert; authority

84. belie
CH. a person who opposes laws and government

85. anomalous
CI. showing great anger and rage

86. circumspect CJ. lacking sensitivity, concern, and solicitude

87. brusque; curt CK. neutral and thus lacking a bias

88. lethargic; anemic; languid; slothful CL. to inform; instruct; illuminate and thus remove ignorance

89. affable CM. very diligent; very persistent

90. despicable CN. an abusive attack on a person's reputation

91. tirade; diatribe CO. lacking consistency

92. stalwart CP. very stingy; miserly

93. aesthetic CQ. deviating from a general rule; out of place; incongruous

CR. fond of conspicuous display; pompous; pretentious

94. belittle

CS. biting; stinging; cutting; scathing

95. erratic

CT. an agreement
96. diffident

CU. sharp criticism; bitter speech

97. boor

CV. of little value; trifling; and therefore lacking significance

98. immaterial

99. garish

100. distraught; inconsolable… 3/3

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