GK Today 2016 General Sciences PDF
GK Today 2016 General Sciences PDF
GK Today 2016 General Sciences PDF
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Biochemistry ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Basic Features of Life .................................................................................................................................. 4
Basic Features ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Are Viruses Living Organisms? ................................................................................................................ 4
Carbon Bonds – The Basic Feature of Life on Earth . ........................................................................ 5
Molecules of Life .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Inorganic substances ................................................................................................................................... 5
Organic Molecules ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Importance of Water for Life .................................................................................................................... 6
Mineral Salts and Ions ................................................................................................................................ 8
Carbohydrates ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Lipids ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic molecules .............................................................................................. 11
Saturated and Unsaturated Fats .............................................................................................................. 12
Hydrogenation: Converting Unsaturated Fat to Saturated Fat ........................................................ 12
Trans and Cis Fats ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Cholesterol .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Importance of Cholesterol ....................................................................................................................... 14
Transport of Cholesterol in Lipoproteins ............................................................................................. 14
Proteins ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Functional Versatility of Proteins ............................................................................................................ 15
Formation of Proteins ............................................................................................................................... 15
Essential and Non-essential amino acids ............................................................................................... 17
Examples of Common Proteins .............................................................................................................. 17
Enzymes ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Functions of Enzymes ............................................................................................................................... 18
Naming of Enzymes .................................................................................................................................. 18
Applications of Enzymes .......................................................................................................................... 19
Enzymes and pH ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Enzyme cofactors ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Use of Enzyme Inhibitors in Health Science ........................................................................................ 19
Nucleic Acids ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Different Functions of DNA and RNA ................................................................................................. 22
How DNA and RNA Work? ................................................................................................................... 23
Vitamins and Minerals ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Important Facts on Vitamins .................................................................................................................. 24
Cell Biology ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Largest and smallest cells ........................................................................................................................ 27
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
Basic Features of Life, Living and Nonliving properties of Viruses, Comparison of
Carbon and Silicon in terms of life, Polarity of Water and its implications for life, Role
of Cations and Anions in our body, Hypernatremia, Hyponatremia, Types of
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Unsaturated Fat and Saturated Fat; Trans and Cis Fats; Good
Fats or Bad Fats, Thermal Properties of Fats and Lipids; Cholesterol-Importance,
Sources, Types and control; Proteins-Types and Composition, Amino Acids, Peptide
Bonds, Examples of Common Proteins, Enzyme-Functions and Industrial Uses, DNA &
RNA Differences, Basics on how do they work; Various Vitamins; Deficiency diseases,
Cell-structure and major organelles, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Difference
between Plant cells and Animal cells, Mitosis and Meiosis
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Basic Features of Life
Biology is the science of living things or organisms. Scientific evidence suggests that life began on
Earth approximately 3.5 billion years ago by variously proposed mechanisms.
Basic Features
Life is considered a characteristic of organisms that exhibit all or most of the certain phenomena
such as Homeostasis, organization, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli and reproduction.
Homeostasis is the regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state. For
example: electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.
Organization means that any living organism is made of one or more cells and cells serve as
basic unit of life.
Metabolism refers to life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living
organisms. Metabolic reactions are of two types viz. anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism
refers to transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular
components. Catabolism refers to decomposing organic matter. Living things require energy
to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena
associated with life.
Growth refers to increase in size in all of parts of an organism. To grow, the organisms need
to maintain a higher rate of metabolism than catabolism.
Adaptation is the ability to change over time in response to the environment. This ability is
fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism’s heredity, diet,
and external factors.
Response to stimuli can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to
external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms.
A response is often expressed by motion; for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward
the sun (phototropism), and chemotaxis.
Reproduction is the ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single
parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms.
Are Viruses Living Organisms?
Viruses are most often considered replicators rather than forms of life. They have been described as
“organisms at the edge of life, because
They possess genes
They evolve by natural selection
They replicate by creating multiple copies of themselves through self-assembly.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
However, viruses do not metabolize and they require a host cell to make new products. Virus self-
assembly within host cells has implications for the study of the origin of life, as it may support the
hypothesis that life could have started as self-assembling organic molecules.
Living properties Non-living properties
The presence of DNA or RNA (but never both) The absence of cell.
Geneticity and parasitic properties No any reproduction and growth outside the living cell.
Sensitivity and evolution Stored in the form of crystal outside the living cell.
Capable of spreading the disease The lack of metabolic activities like nutrition, digestion
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
in almost all animals and plants. Mineral salts are simple, inorganic substances made up of metallic
chemical elements, such as iron, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, or of non-metallic
elements, such as chlorine and phosphorus. The mineral salts are found in two forms viz. solubilized
ions (such as sodium and potassium ions in cells) or non-solubilized form such as calcium in our
Organic Molecules
There are many types of organic molecules that are important for living organisms. Out of them,
four molecules viz. nucleic acids (DNA & RNA) , Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids are referred to as bio-
organic molecules because they are essential to living organisms and contain carbon. These perform
the basic functions of life such as structural functions (compose, surround and maintain organs,
membranes, cell organelles, etc.), energy functions (chemical reactions in metabolism), control and
informative functions (genetic code control, inter and intracellular signalling etc.) and enzymatic
functions (facilitation of chemical reactions).
These molecules are much more complex and made of sequences of carbon chains bound to other
elements called polymers or biopolymers or giant polymers. They are also called macromolecules– the
molecules which have molecular weight greater than 1,000 Daltons.
These four kinds of Macromolecules are quite diverse in terms of structure, size, and function. Some
of the common features of all of them are as follows:
All are comprised of single units linked together to create a chain. Similar to a freight train
with many cars. All the monomers or single units contain carbon.
All monomers are linked together through a process known asdehydration synthesis, which
literally means “building by removing water.”
All polymers are broken down by the same method calledhydrolysis. Hydrolysis means
“breaking with water.”
Carbohydrates, lipids, and even proteins can be metabolized for energy. ATP and related compounds
are used as temporary energy storage vehicles. The comparative value of the common energy sources
for cells is given below:
Carbohydrate → 4 kcal/g
Fat → 9 kcal/g
Protein → 4 kcal/g
Importance of Water for Life
Water is the basis of life. There are various properties of water that make it basis of life. These
include its molecular polarity, high specific heat, its boiling and melting points which allow it to
remain liquid in most environments on Earth, its acid-base neutrality, small molecular size and low
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
chemical reactivity.
Water as solvent
It serves as fundamental solvent for the chemical reactions in living organisms and is the main means
of substance transportation between cells and tissues. It is responsible for correct temperature for life
of an organism and is either regent or product of chemical reactions. All important macromolecules
are produced by dehydration synthesis and broken down by hydrolysis.
Polarity of Water
In water, two hydrogen atoms are attached to one central atom of oxygen by covalent bond, making
an angular spatial structure. Since the hydrogen atoms lend electrons to the oxygen;oxygen atom
becomes more negative while the hydrogen atoms become more positive. The spatial geometry of water
makes it thus a polar molecule with negative and positive poles. If a molecule is polar,it will be
attracted to other polar molecules. This can affect a wide range of chemical interactions, including
whether a substance will or will not dissolve in water, the shape of a protein, and the complex helical
structure of DNA.
The implication of water being a polar molecule is that it works as an excellent solvent for polar
substances because the electrical activity (attraction and repulsion) of its poles helps in the separation
and the mixing of these substances, giving them more movement and thus increasing the number of
molecular collisions and the speed of chemical reactions. On the other hand, water is not a good
solvent for non-polar substances.
Water Soluble and Fat Soluble Substances
Water-soluble substances are polar molecules, meaning that they have electrically charged areas. Fat-
soluble substances are non-polar molecules, meaning that they are electrically neutral.
Role of Water for Enzyme Activity
There can be no enzyme activity without water. The enzymes need water and correct pH to do their
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
job. The pH is result of release of hydrogen cations (H ) and hydroxyl anions (OH ) by the acids and
bases in water solutions.
Significance of heat capacity of water
The specific heat of water is 1 cal/gram °C. This implies that there is 1°C per gram change in its
temperature per every addition or subtraction of 1 cal of energy. This is a very high value (compare it
with ethanol that has 0.58 cal/g°C, and mercury that has 0.033 cal/g°C). This feature of water makes
it an excellent thermal protector against temperature variations. Even if there is a sudden external
temperature change, the internal biological conditions are kept stable in organisms containing
enough water.
Mineral Salts and Ions
Inorganic substances made of metallic elements such as iron, sodium, potassium, calcium and
magnesium, or of non-metallic elements, such as chlorine and phosphorus. The mineral salts are
found in two forms viz. solubilized ions (such as sodium and potassium ions in cells) or non-
solubilized form such as calcium in our bones.
Cations and Anions
Ions are atoms or molecules that are electrically charged due to losing or gaining electrons {electrons
are negatively charged as we all know}.
The cations are ions with positive charge. A cation is formed when a neutral atom or
molecule loses electrons (gains positive charge). Important cations in our body are sodium
(Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++), iron (Fe++, Fe+++), magnesium (Mg++), zinc (Zn++) and
manganese (Mn ).
Anions are ions with negative electrical charge. An anion is formed when a neutral atom or
molecule gains electrons (gains negative charge). Important anions in our body are chloride
(Cl–), phosphate (PO₄—), bicarbonate (HCO₃–), nitrate NO₃–) and sulphate (SO₄–).
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Importance of Calcium
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Calcium is present in almost all cells and plays important role in physiology and biochemistry in both
plants and animals. In plants, Calcium and Potassium ions both work in tandem in the opening and
closing of stomata. In some cases, Sodium can work in place of Potassium in case of deficiency of the
later. Without Calcium, the mitotic spindle cannot form during cell division and thus needed for
healthy plant growth. Further, Calcium ion is an essential component of cell walls and cell
membranes. It is needed to stabilize the permeability of cell membranes. This is very important
function in fruits where without Calcium; the cell walls would become weak and will not be able to
hold the fruit content. Calcium is also stored in plants and provides some mechanical strength.
In animals and humans, Calcium plays important role in muscular contraction, blood coagulation,
formation of bone tissue, teeth, motility of the sperm cells and transmission of the nerve impulses.
Bones serve as storage site for Calcium and when needed, Calcium is released from Bones into blood.
It remains in the blood as dissolved ion or bound to serum albumin. This function is controlled by
Parathyroid gland and its parathyroid hormone.
Importance of Iodine
Iodine is needed for proper functioning of the thyroid. Iodine deficiency creates hypothyroidism also
known as goitre.
Importance of Chloride
Like Sodium, chloride also actively participates in the osmotic regulation. Both sodium and chloride
play important role in acid-base balance of an organism.
Carbohydrates are compounds of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen and are known as Hydrates of
Carbon. The common formula of all Carbohydrates is Cm(H2O)n, where m and n may be different
values. However, Deoxyribose Sugar of DNA is an exception and its molecular formula is C5H10O4.
Sugars, starch and cellulose are some of the common examples of Carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are classified in several ways. Monosaccharides (single unit sugars) are grouped by the
number of carbon molecules they contain: For example, triose has three pentose has five and hexose
has six. Carbohydrates are also classified by their overall length (monosaccharide, disaccharide or
polysaccharide) or function.
Monosaccharides are simple carbohydrates molecules that cannot be broken down into smaller
molecules of other carbohydrates. Glucose and fructose are examples of Monosaccharides.
Disaccharides are carbohydrates made up of two monosaccharides and which are missing one
molecule of water (dehydration). The chemical bond between two monosaccharides is known
as a glycosidic bond. Table sugar Sucrose is a disaccharide made of one molecule of glucose and
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
one molecule of fructose. Maltose is also a disaccharide that consists of two glucose molecules.
Lactose or milk sugar is another disaccharide made of one molecule of galactose and one
molecule of glucose.
Oligosaccharides are carbohydrates made of maximum of 10 Monosaccharides.
Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides made of more than 10 units. Common
examples of polysaccharides are cellulose, starch, glycogen, chitin etc. Polysaccharides do
structural and storage functions. Storage polysaccharides (glycogen and starch) store energy
while structural polysaccharides (cellulose and chitin) provide support for organisms without a
bony skeleton
Deoxyribose and Ribose sugars are fundamental components of DNA and RNA respectively. Both of
these are pentose sugars.
Lipids refer to a group of molecules comprising fats, oils, phospholipids, waxes and steroids. All lipids
are hydrophobic and don’t dissolve in water. However, they dissolve in organic solvents. The
backbone of all lipid compounds is Glycerol or Glycerine. Glycerol is a sugar alcohol, made of a linear
chain of three carbon atoms and three hydroxyl groups. It is soluble in water.
Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic molecules
Hydrophobic molecules are molecules which don’t dissolve in water (hydro = water, phobia = fear).
Hydrophilic molecules dissolve in water (philia = friendship). Water is a polar substance. The thumb
rule is that “equal dissolves equal”, so, hydrophobic substances are non-polar molecules whereas
hydrophilic molecules are polar molecules. Fats and oils are hydrophobic molecules, meaning that
they are non-polar and insoluble in water. Lipids in general are molecules with a large non-polar
extension, making them soluble in non-polar solvents, such as benzene, ether and chloroform. There
exist some amphipathic lipids (example Phospholipids) which are soluble in water as well as organic
Fats and Oils
The fats are triglycerides made of three molecules of fatty acids bound to one molecule of glycerol.
Thus, fats are also known as triesters of glycerol. Fats are not soluble in water but soluble in organic
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Phospholipids are molecules made up of one molecule of glycerol bound to two molecules of fatty acids
and also one phosphate group. They are main components of the cell membranes. Phospholipids are
amphipathic molecules, meaning that they have a non-polar portion, due to the long fatty acid chains,
and a polar portion, due to the phosphate group. They dissolve in water as well as organic solvents.
Steroids are another class of lipids, which have a unique chemical structure. They are built from four
carbon-laden fused ring structures. Bile salts, cholesterol, the sexual hormones estrogen,
progesterone and testosterone, corticosteroids and pro-vitamin D are examples of steroids. Their
functions are as follows:
Aldosterone : Maintains water and salt balance by the kidney, controls blood pressure
Bile acids : Produced by the liver, help in the digestion of dietary lipids
Cholesterol : Provides stability and flexibility to cell membranes
Cortisone : Carbohydrate metabolism
HDL (high density lipoproteins) and LDL (low density lipoproteins):Lipid-protein combinations
that transport lipids in the blood
Testosterone, estrogens, progesterone: Maintain sex characteristics. Allow reproduction to occur.
Saturated and Unsaturated Fats
In Saturated fats, the Carbon molecule is bound to as many hydrogen molecules as many it is
possible. Thus, all C-C bonds in saturated fats are single bonds only. There are no double or triple
bonds in saturated fats. Generally, saturated fats are solid at room temperature. Examples of saturated fat
are ghee, cream, cheese, butter etc.
In unsaturated fats, double and triple C-C bonds are found, and thus there is a possibility of adding
few more hydrogen atoms. Generally, unsaturated facts are liquid at room temperature. If there are
more than carbon-carbon double / triple bonds present, such fat is called Poly Unsaturated Fatty
Acid (PUFA). Examples of such PUFA include palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, myristoleic acid, linoleic
acid, and arachidonic acid.
Hydrogenation: Converting Unsaturated Fat to Saturated Fat
The unsaturated fatty acids have double bonds, and therefore have fewer hydrogen atoms than
maximum possible. The process of hydrogenation can convert an unsaturated fat into saturated fat
by adding extra hydrogen atoms to it. Thus, hydrogenation converts liquid vegetable oils into solid or
semi-solid fats. This reaction is the basis of Vegetable Oil industry and is achieved in the presence of some
catalysts such as nickel, palladium or platinum metals. This method has prevented oxidation and thus
rancidity and has allowed for the development of foods with less animal and saturated fats. However,
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
the consumption of hydrogenated fatty acids increases risk of heart disease, because the fats cause a
change in the structure of targeted unsaturated fatty acids. Kindly note that majority but not all double
/ triple bonds broken during hydrogenation of unsaturated fats. Hydrogenation may also result in
creation of unsaturated fats with peculiar hydrogen atoms arrangement called “Trans Fats”.
Trans and Cis Fats
Cis and trans are terms that refer to the arrangement of the two hydrogen atoms bonded to the
carbon atoms involved in a double bond inunsaturated fats. There are no cis or trans types in
saturated fats because they have single bonds only.
In the cis arrangement, the hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the double bond. In the trans
arrangement, the hydrogens are on opposite sides of the double bond.
We note here that most naturally occurring fats are Cis fats. Only a handful of naturally occurring
fats are trans fats such as those found in milk and body fat of ruminants (such as cattle and sheep).
Further, trans fats are generated during hydrogenation processing of polyunsaturated fatty acids in
food production. They are outcome of the Partial Hydrogenation and not the complete
Hydrogenation, because complete Hydrogenation would end the double bonds.
The process of hydrogenation adds hydrogen atoms to unsaturated fats, eliminating double bonds
and making them into partially or completely saturated fats. However, partial hydrogenation, if it is
chemical rather than enzymatic, converts a part of cis-isomers into trans-unsaturated fats instead of
hydrogenating them completely.
Impacts of Trans fats on health
The consumption of trans fats has been shown to slightly increase the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)
in the blood. However, as per recommendations of the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
trans fats are not essential and provide no known benefit to human health”, whether of animal or
plant origin. While both saturated and trans fats increase bad cholesterol; the trans unsaturated fats
also lower levels of good cholesterol. In this way, trans fats increase the risk of heart diseases.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
The R may be a complex chain of carbon atoms, or simply a methyl group or even a hydrogen atom.
R is what distinguishes one amino acid from others. Two amino acids are bound by a peptide bond as
mentioned above. The peptide bond is such that carboxyl group of one amino acid is connected to
the nitrogen atom of the amine group of another amino acid. A molecule of water is released when
such bond is established as shown below:
As shown above, many amino acids can bind through these peptide bonds and create linear chains.
We note here that the same amount of amino acids can create different proteins because the
difference depends on the types of amino acids or on the sequence in which they form the protein.
A chain of more than 50 peptide molecules is called Polypeptide. Proteins have very complex
structural patterns of these polypeptides. They require up to four levels of structure in order to be
functional. The four levels of Protein Structure are as follows:
Primary: Polypeptide chain of up to 500 amino acids covalently bonded. The sequence is
important and unique for each polypeptide.
Secondary: The formation of hydrogen bonds between nearby amino acids causes the
polypeptide chain to twist and/or pleat.
Tertiary: Distant amino acids form bonds and associations in reaction to changes that occur in
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts. They decrease the amount of energy needed
(activation energy) to start a metabolic reaction. Without enzymes, organisms are not being able to
harvest energy and nutrients from food. One common example is theLactose intolerance. Lactose
intolerance is the inability to produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose).
Functions of Enzymes
Enzymatic reactions can build up or break down specific molecules. The specific molecule an enzyme
works on is the substrate. In the function of the Enzyme, Shape is very critical. We note that enzymes
are complex proteins with specific three dimensional spatial shapes. The “active site” of an enzyme is
the area where substrate binds and the reaction takes place. How an enzyme reacts with its substrate
is similar to how a lock and key work. There are minor bonds that form between the enzyme and
substrate until locking and unlocking is done.
Anything affecting the shape of the key would make the key unable to lock and unlock.
Naming of Enzymes
The naming of the enzymes is peculiar. Individual enzymes are named by adding the suffix “ase” to
the name of the substrate with which the enzyme reacts. For example enzyme amylase controls the
breakdown of amylose (starch), hydrolases control hydrolytic reactions; proteinases control protein
breakdown; synthetases control synthesis reactions. However, some enzymes retain their name from
older system when this ‘ase’ nomenclature was not adopted. Examples are trypsin and pepsin, both
digestive enzymes that breakdown protein.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Applications of Enzymes
Enzymes are used in the chemical industry and other industrial applications when extremely specific
catalysts are require. For example:
Amylases from fungi and plants are used in Food Processing Industry. For Instance,
production of sugars from starch, such as in making high-fructose corn syrup.
Proteases are used by the biscuit manufacturers to lower the protein level of flour.
Trypsin enzyme is used in the making of Baby Foods
Several enzymes are used in making wines and whiskeys. Enzymes from barley are released
during the mashing stage of beer production.
Cellulases, pectinases are used in packing juices; they help to clear the cellulose from juice.
Rennin, derived from the stomachs of young ruminant animals (like calves and lambs) are used in the
dairy industry to produce Cheese.
Papain obtained from Papaya is used as a softener in meat cooking.
Amylases, Xylanases, Cellulases and ligninases are used in Paper Industry.
A class of drugs called protease inhibitors are powerful HIV-fighting medications Protease
inhibitors prevent T-cells that have been infected with HIV from making new copies of the
Enzymes and pH
Since changes in temperature and pH can cause the structure of a protein to change, every enzyme
has criteria that must be met in order for it to perform its function. For example, the amylase that is
active in the mouth cannot function in the acidic environment of the stomach; pepsin, which breaks
down proteins in the stomach, cannot function in the mouth.
Spinach TNT and Enzymes
TNT is a dangerous explosive. Spinach contains a powerful enzyme called nitro-reductase that is able
to neutralize TNT by converting it to other compounds that are less dangerous. Through additional
reactions, these less-harmful compounds can be converted to carbon dioxide gas.
Enzyme cofactors
Few enzymes need other associated molecules to do their job properly. These molecules are called
enzyme cofactors. They can be organic ions like mineral salts, or organic molecules, or Vitamins.
Inactive enzymes which are not bound to their cofactors are called apoenzymes. Active enzymes
bound to their cofactors are called holoenzymes.
Use of Enzyme Inhibitors in Health Science
Substances that “simulate” substrates can bind to the activation center of enzymes, thus blocking the
true substrates from binding to these enzymes and paralyzing the enzymatic reaction. These “fake
substrates” are called enzyme inhibitors. Many Pharma drugs such as some antibiotics are enzyme
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
inhibitors that block enzyme activity. We note here that Penicillin {first antibiotic discovered}
inhibits the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of peptidoglycans, a component of the bacterial cell
wall. Using this would block growth of the bacteria and this is what won Nobel Prize for Alexander
Fleming for discovery of penicillin. Similarly, some antiretroviral drugs called “protease inhibitors”
are used against HIV infection. Protease is an enzyme necessary for the construction of the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) after the synthesis of its proteins within the host cell. The protease
inhibitor binds to the activation center of the enzyme blocking the formation of the enzyme-
substrate complex and enzyme activity, thus stopping viral replication.
Nucleic Acids
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are
molecules comprised of monomers known as nucleotides. These molecules may be relatively small (as
in the case of certain kinds of RNA) or quite large (a single DNA strand may have millions of
monomer units) individual nucleotides and their derivatives are important in living organisms. ATP,
the molecule that transfers energy in cells is built from a nucleotide as are a number of other
molecules crucial to metabolism.
DNA and RNA molecules are responsible for hereditary information that controls the protein synthesis in
living organisms. They are called nucleic acids because they were first discovered within the nucleus of
the cell by a Swiss biochemist Friedrich Miescher.
Location of DNA and RNA
In prokaryotic cells, DNA and RNA are found dispersed in the cytosol, the fluid space inside the cell.
In eukaryotic cells, DNA and RNA are found within the cell nucleus and also in mitochondria and
chloroplats. Further, RNA is also the main component of nucleolus and ribosome in eukaryotic cells.
Composition of DNA and RNA
Both DNA and RNA are formed by sequences of nucleotides. A Nucleotide is made of one molecule
of a pentose sugar (Deoxyribose in DNA and Ribose in RNA) bound to one molecule of phosphate
and to one nitrogenous base.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
While remaining things are same, the nitrogenous bases are of five types viz. Adenine (A), Guanine
(G), Cytosine (C), Thymine (T) and Uracil (U).
Out of them, adenine and guanine are called Purines (because they have fused ringed structure),
while cytosine, thymine and uracil are called Pyrimidines (because they have single ring structure).
Further, while both DNA and RNA consist of adenine, guanine and cytosine; thymine is only found in
DNA and uracil in RNA. This is shown in below image:
The nucleotides are joined together supported by the backbone of the sugar and phosphate. These
nucleotide chains are long and may be either single stranded, or single stranded folded onto itself or
double stranded. Whenever the strand folds onto itself or two strands come together for making a
double stranded structure, the nucleotides are joined together with hydrogen bond between
nitrogenous bases. This is called base pairing. The rule of base pairing is such that:
In DNA, Adenine links to thymine (A-T) while cytosine links to guanine (C-G).
In RNA, Adenine links to uracil (A-U) and cytosine links to guanine (C-G).
The RNA is either single stranded or a single strand folded onto itself. Its structure would look
something like this:
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
However, DNA is double helix in its structure. The double helix structure of DNA was discovered by
Watson, Crick and Wilkins.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Dairy products,
bananas, popcorn,
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Water Ariboflavinosis
green beans,
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Meat, broccoli,
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic acid Water Paresthesia
Anaemia peripheral Meat, vegetables,
Vitamin B6 pyridoxamine, Water
neuropathy. tree nuts, bananas
Megaloblast and
Deficiency during Leafy vegetables,
Vitamin B9 Folic acid, folinic acid Water pregnancy is associated pasta, bread, cereal,
with birth defects, such liver
asneural tube defects
Vitamin Meat and other
hydroxycobalamin, Water Megaloblastic anaemia
B12 animal products
Leafy green
phylloquinone, vegetables such as
Vitamin K Fat Bleeding diathesis
menaquinones spinach, egg yolks,
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Vitamin A is also essential for the correct functioning of epithelial cells. In vitamin A deficiency,
mucus-secreting cells are replaced by keratin producing cells, leading to xerosis.
Vitamin B (Thiamine)
Vitamine B (Thiamine) deficiency produces beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and optic
Beriberi is a neurological and cardiovascular disease. The three major forms of the disorder are dry
beriberi, wet beriberi, and infantile beriberi.Dry beriberi is characterized principally by muscular
dysfunctions, while Wet beriberi is associated with mental confusion, muscular atrophy, edema.Infantile
beriberi occurs in infants breast-fed by thiamin-deficient mothers.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Ascorbic acid is found in plants and animals where it is produced from glucose. Humans are unable
to make ascorbic acid. This Vitamin is also an antioxidant and antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid
are only a small part of its effective vitamin activity.
Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Calciferol is not actually an essential dietary vitamin in the strict sense, as it can be synthesized in
adequate amounts by most mammals exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin E is a series of organic compounds consisting of various methylated phenols. Because the
vitamin activity was first identified in 1936 from a dietary fertility factor in rats, it was given the
name “tocopherol” or birth carrying vitamin.
There are eight forms of Vitamin E. In general, food sources with the highest concentrations of
vitamin E are vegetable oils, followed by nuts and seeds including whole grains. The highest sources
of Tocoferol are Wheat germ oil (215.4 mg), Sunflower oil (55.8 mg), Almond oil (39.2 mg),
Sunflower seed (35.17 mg) and Almond (26.2 mg).
Vitamin E deficiency causes neurological problems due to poor nerve conduction. It has been linked
to Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin E is widely used as an
inexpensive antioxidant in cosmetics and foods. Vitamin E containing products are commonly used
in the belief that vitamin E is good for the skin; many cosmetics include it. The function is mainly
associated with Vitamin E being a powerful antioxidant. It also plays important role in skin health.
Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone)
Phylloquinone is an electron acceptor during photosynthesis. Its best-known function in animals is
as a cofactor in the formation of coagulation factors II (prothrombin), VII, IX, and X by the liver. It
found in highest amounts in green leafy vegetables because it is directly involved in photosynthesis.
It may be thought of as the “plant form” of vitamin K.
Vitamin K2 (menaquinone)
It may be thought of as the “animal form” of vitamin K. Bacteria in the colon (large intestine) can also
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Deficiency diseases of five vitamins are called Pandemic deficiency diseases. These
Niacin Deficiency (Pellagra)
Vitamin C Deficiency (Scurvy)
Thiamine Deficiency (Beriberi)
Vitamin D Deficiency (Rickets)
Vitamin A Deficiency (Night Blindness)
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Cell Biology
A cell is a functional basic unit of life discovered by Robert Hooke in Cork cells and is the smallest unit
of life that is classified as a living thing, and is often called the building block of life. In the beginning
of the 18th century, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch tradesman and scientist built a microscope and
drew the protozoa from rainwater and bacteria from his own mouth. He is known as the “Father of
In 1665 Robert Hooke discovered cells in cork, then in living plant tissue using an early microscope.
He was the first person to use the term “cell”.
Largest and smallest cells
The organisms which have a single cell are unicellular and the organisms that have multiple cells are
multicellular. There are 1 trillion cells is a human body. The size of a typical cell is 10 micrometer
and largest cells in human body are nerve cells called neurons. The largest known cells are
unfertilized ostrich egg cells which weigh 3.3 pounds. Pleuropneumonia-Like Organisms (PPLO)
which are now known as Mycoplasma are the smallest cells.
Cell Theory
Cell Theory was proposed by Scheilden and Schwann and this theory stated that:
The body of all organisms is made up of cells
New cells arise from the pre existing cells
Cells are structural units of all organisms
Cells are units of all biological functions.
Before the discovery of the cell, people were unaware that living organisms were made of building
blocks like cells.
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cells are primitive cells in which there is no enclosed nucleus. Eukaryotic cells are those
with a nucleus enclosed by a membrane. Bacteria and blue green algae are examples of prokaryotic
cells. Algae, plants and animal cells are eukaryotic cells.
Cell Components
Cell Membrane / Plasma Membrane
The cell membrane or plasma membrane is the outer membrane of a cell. Cell membrane is found
around all cells and is selectively-permeable. Cell membrane encloses the cell itself, maintaining
specific conditions for cellular function within the cell.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
It controls the movement of substances in and out of cells. Main function of cell membrane is to
protect the intracellular components from the extracellular environment. The cell membrane
facilitates the transport of materials needed for survival. The movement of substances across the
membrane can be active (with use of energy) or passive (diffusion without use of energy). Exocytosis
and endocytosis are the processes by which the materials are taken in or out of a cell. The cell
membrane plays an important role in the respiration and electron transport chains.
Cell wall
Cell walls are found in plants, fungi and prokaryotic cells. They work like a bulwark or a pressure vessel,
preventing over-expansion when water enters the cell. Cell walls are absent in animals and protozoa.
Major components of the cell wall in plants are Cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin. In the
industrial uses, the cellulose is mainly obtained from wood pulp and cotton and used to
produce the textiles and paper.
Cell walls of Fungi are made of Chitin. Chitin is the same substance that makes the
exoskeleton of arthropods (insects etc.)
The cell walls of diatoms are composed of silicic acid.
The Bacterial cell walls are made of peptidoglycan which is also called murein.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Nucleus is the master of a cell. It controls the cell functions such as metabolism, reproduction and
development. It consists of Nuclear membrane, Nucleoplasm, Nucleolus and Chromatin. Kindly note
that Mammalian red blood cells have no nucleus.
Nuclear Membrane
The nuclear membrane is a double membrane and the space between the two membranes is called
pronuclear space. The outer membrane is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum which
indicates its firm position in the cell. During the cell division the membrane disintegrates and
reappears once the division is almost complete.
Nucleoplasm is a transparent and gel like matrix. It contains the nucleolus, chromatin threads and
Nucleolus also disappears in the later phase of cell division and reappears once the process is almost
complete. It is made of RNA and protein and is the site of RNA synthesis.
Chromatin, dispersed in the nucleus, is a set of filamentous DNA molecules attached to nuclear
proteins called histones. Each DNA filament is a double helix of DNA and therefore a chromosome.
The Cytoplasm
Part of a cell that is enclosed within the cell membrane except the nucleus is cytoplasm. Cytoplasm
contains organelles, such as mitochondria, Golgi bodies, Endoplasmic reticulum, Plastids etc.
Cytoplasm is the site where most cellular activities occur, such as metabolism, glycolysis, cell
division, protein synthesis etc. It is divided into two parts, the inner, granular mass is called the
endoplasm and the outer, clear and glassy layer is called the cell cortex or the ectoplasm.The cell
membrane is the outermost layer of the cytoplasm.
Major Cell Organelles
There are two kinds of organelles in the cytoplasm viz. living and non living. The living organelles
include the Plastids, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Bodies, Ribosome, lysosomes,
Micro bodies such as peroxisomes, Microtubules, Centrosomes, Cilia and Flagella. The nonliving
substances, called ergastic substances include the reserve products such as carbohydrates Fats, Oils
and nitrogenous substances, Secretary products such as pigments, enzymes and nectar and execratory
products such as tannins, resins, latex, alkaloids, essential oils, mineral crystals etc.
Plastids are major organelles found in the cells of plants and algae. The term plastid was used by
Schimper for the first time. Major function of the plastids includes photosynthesis, storage of
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Absorption of blue light serves a major purpose and that is they save the chloroplasts from the photo
Most fruits have Carotenoids. The Beta carotene is one example which gets converted into
Vitamin A.
Beta carotene is the precursor of Vitamin A.
Vitamin A occurs in many forms. One form of Vitamin A is retinal, which is vitamin A
aldehyde. The four kinds of Carotenoids viz. beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, gamma-carotene,
and beta-cryptoxanthin can be converted in human beings in retinal.
This retinal form of Vitamin A is a Chromophore and is responsible for its color, it absorbs
certain wavelengths of visible light and transmits or reflects others.
Retinal binds to some proteins called Opsins in the Eye’s retina. ThisVitamin A + Opsins
bond is the chemical basis of vision.
The Carotenoids also get converted to another type of Vitamin A called Retinol.Retinol is fat-
soluble vitamin important in vision and bone growth. All Retinol, retinal (aldehyde form), retinoic
acid (acid form) and retinyl esters (ester forms) are converted from the carotenes and thus important
for Human vision.
Mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) are the power houses of the cells. They were discovered by
Fleming; however the term was used by Benda & Meeves. Another name for mitochondria is
Chondriosomes. They are absent in Prokaryotic cells.
Since they are the “Power houses of the Cells” the number of mitochondria in cells is directly
proportional to the metabolic activity of the cells. This means that the more active a cells is
metabolically, more is the number of mitochondria in that cell.This is the reason that number of
mitochondria is maximum in muscular cells.
The shape of the mitochondria may be spherical, filamentous or even rod shaped. Like the
chloroplasts, they are also bound by double unit membranes. The space between these two
membranes is called perimitochondrial space. The liquid inside these membranes is called matrix.
The matrix contains the enzymes. Apart from the enzymes matrix contains ribosomes, double
stranded DNA and RNA.
Due to presence of double stranded DNA along with the RNA and Ribosome, the mitochondria are
called semiautonomous structures. Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are semiautonomous
Role of Mitochondria in Krebs cycle
Mitochondria are the sites of oxidation of food material. This oxidation is called aerobic respiration.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
It is carried out by Krebs cycle or TCA cycle. The Krebs cycle is also known as Citric Acid Cycle and is
basically a series of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions. The raw material in the Krebs cycle is
carbohydrates, fats and proteins and the final products are Carbon Dioxide and Water and Energy.
The usable energy which is produced by the Krebs cycle is in the form of ATP which is Adenosine
triphosphate. The correct name of ATP is Adenosine-5′-triphosphate.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The interconnected network of tubules, vesicles, and cisternae within cells is called “Endoplasmic
reticulum”. The term was coined by Keith R. Porter in 1945. The tubules are narrow long structures,
vesicles are round structures and cisternae are long, flat unbranched structures which are parallel to
each other. They are of two types, Rough endoplasmic reticulum (appears rough because it has
ribosomes on it) which synthesize proteins and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum which synthesize
lipids and steroids, metabolize carbohydrates and steroids, and regulate calcium concentration, drug
detoxification, and attachment of receptors on cell membrane proteins.
Another function of the endoplasmic reticulum is that it provides the mechanical support to the
cytoplasm and provides larger surface area for exchange of materials and transportation.
During the cell division, the endoplasmic reticulum organizes the nuclear envelope at the telophase
stage of cell division.
Golgi Apparatus
These are named after Camillo Golgi who identified them in 1898. The size of the Golgi body
changes as per the metabolic activity of the cells and they are bigger in young cells and metabolically
active cells. Function of the Golgi apparatus is to process and package proteins, polysaccharides and
lipids. During the cell division they provide a cell plate. At the end of the cell division (telophase) the
Golgi vesicles fuse and make the new plasma membrane. The Lysosomes which digest excess or
worn-out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria etc. are formed by the Golgi
body. Golgi Bodies, unlike the Chloroplasts and Mitochondria are bound by the single membranes.
Lysosomes are very small sacs with irregular shapes. These are bags of Hydrolytic or digestive
enzymes and so also called Suicide Bags. The major function is the autolysis of a cell by release of the
enzymes within the cells. It also helps in the intracellular digestion of dead, injured or defective cells.
Intracellular digestion of the material taken from the endocytosis.
Ribosomes were discovered by Palade in 1955. They are not enclosed by any unit membrane. They
are made up of RNA and proteins.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
These are also sac like structures bound with single membranes. They have enzymes and take part in
the metabolism of fatty acids, respiration and many other metabolic processes.
They are mainly found in plants particularly in plants the fat storage tissues of germinating seeds
such as castor seed. The major function is in the conversion of the fatty acids in Carbohydrates.
Spherosomes are present in the endosperm and cotyledons of seeds. They have the enzymes which
are necessary in synthesis of oils and fats.
Centrioles are present in animal cells mostly and not in higher plants.They organize the spindle
fibers in cell division.
Cilia and Flagella
Both Cilia and Flagella are present in the motile cells. Both help in cell mobility. Both are made up of
fibrils. When they cut in a section, they show 9+2 arrangement which shows that they have 9 pairs
of fibrils on the circumference and 2 pairs of fibrils at the centre.
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
There are two groups of cells. All cells are either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Prokaryotic cells are
primitive and don’t possess a well defined nucleus. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
Difference Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic cells
Sexual Reproduction Absent. Only Genetic recombination is found. Present through meiosis.
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Examples Bacteria and Blue green algae Animal and Plant cells
In prokaryotic cells DNA material remains scattered in the Cytoplasm only. Further, same
compartment is used in the Prokaryotic cells for synthesis of RNA and protein while in the
Eukaryotic cells the RNA is synthesized in the Nucleus while the protein in the cytoplasm. There is
no sexual reproduction in Prokaryotic cells and only genetic recombination is present in the name of
sexual reproduction while in eukaryotic cells, the true sexual reproduction is present.
Difference between Plant cells and Animal cells
The animal cells don’t contain the cell wall and the outer boundary of the animal cells is cell
membrane. In Plant cells the cell wall is present which is made up of mostly cellulose, is located
outside the cell membrane and provides these cells with structural support and protection, and also
acts as a filtering mechanism.
In bacteria the cell wall is made of peptidoglycan. There are no plastids in animal cells. There is no
photosynthesis in animal cells. Cytokinesis which is a process by which cytoplasm of a single
eukaryotic cell is divided to form two daughter cells, is by equatorial furrowing from periphery to the
centre in animal cells and by disk formation in plant cells.
In animal cells the ribosome are of 55S and 80S types while in the plant cells they are of 70s and 80S
Cell Division
The cell division is of two types viz. Mitosis and Meiosis.
In mitosis the mother cell divides into two daughter cells which are genetically identical to each
other and to the parent cell. In mitosis:
The number of the Chromosomes in Parent and daughter cells remains constant
The parent and daughter cells are similar in all respects.
The parent and daughter cells are genetically identical
The purpose of Mitosis is growth by increasing number of cells.
In most plants and animals the regeneration of the lost parts and vegetative propagation in
some plant species takes place by Mitosis.
In Meiosis, the number of chromosomes is divided into half in this process. Meiosis is required to
create the Gametes in animals and Spores in other organisms. Meiosis is a prerequisite for sexual
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
General Science-1-Biochemistry and Cell Biology
cell cannot produce ATP and will die. Very small amounts of cyanide naturally occur in some foods
and plants. For example. cyanide is present in cigarettes and in the smoke produced by burning
How carbon monoxide kills people using heating appliances using fossil Fuels?
Because of its molecular similarity to oxygen, haemoglobin can bind to carbon
monoxide instead of oxygen, and this subsequently disrupts haemoglobin’s efficiency as
an oxygen carrier. Carbon monoxide in fact has a much greater affinity (about 300
times more!) for haemoglobin than oxygen. When carbon monoxide replaces oxygen,
this causes cell respiration to stop, leading to death. The particular danger of carbon
monoxide poisoning lies in the fact that a person exposed to high levels of this toxin
cannot be saved by being transporting to an environment free of the poison and rich
with oxygen. Since the haemoglobin remains blocked, artificial respiration with over
pressurized pure oxygen must first be performed to return the haemoglobin to its
original function and the body to normal cell respiration.
General Knowledge Today
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Biological Classification . .................................................................................................................................... 4
Five Kingdom Classification ...................................................................................................................... 5
Viruses .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Salient Features ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Structure ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Plant Viral Diseases ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Animal and Human Diseases .................................................................................................................... 7
Human Viral Diseases ................................................................................................................................. 7
Flu ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Hepatitis / Jaundice .................................................................................................................................... 8
AIDS ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Smallpox ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Chickenpox ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Poliomyelitis .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Measles .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Rubella or German measles ...................................................................................................................... 9
Dengue .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Chikungunya ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Rabies ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Yellow Fever ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Acute Encephalitis Syndrome ................................................................................................................... 11
Other Notes on Viral Diseases ................................................................................................................. 11
Industrial and Scientific Applications of Viruses . ................................................................................ 11
Virus and Aquatic Ecosystem .................................................................................................................. 12
Bacteria ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
General Information about Bacteria ...................................................................................................... 12
Different shapes of Bacteria ..................................................................................................................... 12
G+ and G- Bacteria ................................................................................................................................... 12
Movement .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Nutrition in Bacteria .................................................................................................................................. 13
Reproduction ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Applications of Bacteria ............................................................................................................................ 13
Pasteurization .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Nitrogen Fixation ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Bacteria in Industry and Everyday Life .................................................................................................. 15
Bacteria in the Bio-Digester Toilet ........................................................................................................ 17
Bacterial Diseases ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Diarrhoea ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Dysentery ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Typhoid ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Whooping Cough ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Tuberculosis ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Leprosy ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Diphtheria .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Cholera ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Kingdom Fungi .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Why Photosynthesis does not take place in Fungi? ........................................................................... 20
Benefits of Fungi ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Nitrogen fixation ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Lichens .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Kingdom Plantae ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Algae ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Types of algae ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Economic Importance of Algae .............................................................................................................. 22
Benefits Nitrogen fixation and Biofertilizers ........................................................................................ 22
Bryophytes .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Pteridophytes .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Gymnosperms ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Notable Points ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Angiosperms .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Main Features of Angiosperms .............................................................................................................. 26
Pollination in Angiosperms ..................................................................................................................... 26
Monocots and Dicots ............................................................................................................................... 27
Roots and root modifications ................................................................................................................. 28
Stem in Angiosperms ............................................................................................................................... 29
Leaf in Angiosperms ................................................................................................................................. 30
Main parts of a Typical Flower ............................................................................................................... 31
Fruit in Angiosperms ................................................................................................................................ 32
Plant Physiology Topics ................................................................................................................................... 34
Plant Tissues ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Meristematic Issue ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Permanent Tissue ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Complex Tissues ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Other Tissues in Plants ............................................................................................................................ 36
Photosynthesis ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Factors influencing photosynthesis ........................................................................................................ 37
Plant Hormones ......................................................................................................................................... 38
Auxins .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Gibberellins ................................................................................................................................................. 38
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Cytokinins ................................................................................................................................................... 39
Ethylene ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Abscisic Acid .............................................................................................................................................. 39
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
Common Plant Viral Diseases, Common Human Viral Diseases, Meaning of H and N in
Influenza Virus, Difference between Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV and AIDS, Difference
between Dengue and Chikungunya, Viral encephalitis and Japanese encephalitis,
Industrial and Scientific Applications of Viruses. Gram Positive and Gram Negative
Bacteria, Pasteurization, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Bacteria in Industry and Everyday
Life, Bacterial Diseases, MDR and XDR TB, Various uses of Fungi; Various uses and
Hazards of Algae, Common Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms,
Angiosperms basic features, Double Fertilization, Types of Pollination, Monocots and
Dicots, Roots and root modifications, Stem and Stem Modifications; Types of Leaves,
Types of Fruits and examples; Dendrochronolgy, Xylem and Phloem-their use in plant
life; Photosynthesis and Plant Hormones
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Biological Classification
When we classify the organisms into hierarchical series of groups on the basis of their evolutionary
relationships, it is called Systematics. Classification is a subtopic of Systematics which deals with
ordering of organisms into groups andtaxonomy is the study of principles and procedures of
classification. Nomenclature is the process of naming an organism so that this particular organism is
known by same name all over the world. Currently, the scientists follow binomial nomenclature in
which any organism is denotes by a name with two components viz. Genus and Species. For
example, Mango is named as Mangifera indica, whereby, Mangifera is its Genus and indica is its
species. While first letter of Genus is always capitalized, first letter of species is always in lower case.
For example:
Tomato → Solanum lycopersicum
Potato → Solanum tuberosum
Brinjal →Solanum melongena
In the above example, Tomato, Potato and Brinjal belong to same genus while they are different
species. We note here that for plants, scientific names are based on agreed principles and criteria,
which are provided in International code for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). Animal taxonomists
have evolved International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN).
Taxonomical Hierarchy
Species is the smallest taxonomical unit and refers to a group of individual organisms which
interbred among themselves and produce fertile offspring when they interbred. The group of related
species is called Genus. Related Genera {General is plural of Genus} are kept in a family, related
families are kept in Order. Related Orders are kept in classes. Classes comprising animals like fishes,
amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals etc. constitute the next higher category called Phylum.
Generally animals are subdivided into phyla, while plants are subdivided into
Divisions. All
animals/plants belonging to various phyla/divisions are assigned to the highest category called
Kingdom. The below graphic shows position of humans in above taxonomic ranks:
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
In the above classification, Viruses have not been included because of their pseudo-living nature.
Virus is a Latin word, literally meaning “poison”. Tobacco Mosaic Virus was the first Virus
discovered by Russian scientist Dimitri lvanovsky in 1892. A Virus is an extreme micro, parasitic non-
cellular nucleoprotein particle which can persist only if it is inside any living organism. This means that
all viruses are parasites.
Salient Features
Viruses are very small acellular and infectious particles which can be seen only by an electron
microscope. They can pass through bacteria-proof filters. They cannot be grown on artificial media
in the laboratory. They are not cells and they behave as living organisms inside the host tissue only
where they can multiply. They lack functional autonomy. They are not affected by antibiotics but can
be made inactive by chemotherapy and thermotherapy. They react to stimuli such as light, radiations,
chemicals, heat etc.
Viruses have been excluded from the biological classification because they are not living things in
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
first instance. However, they do posses some properties of the both living and non-living.
Living properties Non-living properties
The presence of DNA or RNA (but never both) The absence of cell.
Geneticity and parasitic properties No any reproduction and growth outside the living cell.
Sensitivity and evolution Stored in the form of crystal outside the living cell.
Capable of spreading the disease The lack of metabolic activities like nutrition, digestion
There are three types of Viruses viz. Plant Viruses, Animal Viruses and Bacteriophage (viruses that
are parasites on bacteria).
The sizes of viruses normally range from 40 to 350 nm. The smallest virus is of Hepatitis B (42nm),
while largest Virus is Pandoravirus. The shapes of Viruses are also variable ranging from spherical
(polio virus), rod-shape (TMV), tadpole-like (bacteriophages), polyhedral (adenovirus) and of other
A virus is made of three components viz. a protein capsid, nucleic acid and a thick outer layer. Viruses
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
may contain either DNA or RNA but not both together. Generally, plant viruses are RNA viruses while animal
viruses are DNA viruses. Further, Bacteriophage is always a DNA virus. Viruses produce diseases in
plants, animals and human beings.
Plant Viral Diseases
Common plant viral diseases are Tobacco mosaic, Cauliflower Mosaic Sandalwood spike, Sugarcane
mosaic, Bean mosaic, Aster yellow, Bunchy top of Banana, Leaf Curl of Papaya, Potato leaf roll,
Twisted leaf disease of Tomato etc.
Use of TMV in Research
The Tobacco Mosaic Virus has become a popular tool for scientific research. The main reason is that
it is available in large quantities and it does not infect animals. After growing a few infected tobacco
plants in a greenhouse and a few simple laboratory procedures, a scientist can easily produce several
grams of virus. As a result of this, TMV can be treated almost as an organic chemical, rather than an
infective agent. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) are frequently
used in plant molecular biology. Of special interest is the CaMV 35S promoter, which is a very
strong promoter most frequently, used in plant transformations.
Animal and Human Diseases
Common animal viral diseases include African horse sickness, Foot and mouth disease of cattle,
Virus pneumonia of pigs, Rabies etc. Common human viral diseases include Influenza, Measles,
Herpes, Dengue, Smallpox, Mumps, Common cold, Hepatitis, AIDS. The recent viral pandemics /
epidemics include Ebola Virus Disease, Rift Valley fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Crimean
Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, SARS, and MERS etc.
Human Viral Diseases
Common animal viral diseases include African horse sickness, Foot and mouth disease of cattle,
Virus pneumonia of pigs, Rabies etc. Common human viral diseases include Influenza, Measles,
Herpes, Dengue, Smallpox, Mumps, Common cold, Hepatitis, AIDS. The recent viral pandemics /
epidemics include Ebola Virus Disease, Rift Valley fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Crimean
Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, SARS, and MERS etc.
Flu is caused by influenza virus, which is a highly mutant virus. Influenza generally spreads through
air via cough or sneezes. There are three species of Influenza Virus viz. Influenza-A, Influenza-B,
and Influenza-C. Out of them, Influenza A infects birds and mammals. It has very high rate of
mutation, and this is the reason that so many different strains of influenza virus are found. In a first,
they don’t infect humans, but if they do so, they cause devastating pandemics. The common
Influenza outbreaks caused by Influenza-A strains include H1N1 (swine flu) in 2009; and H5N1 (Bird
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Flu) in 2004. H1N1 is the same strain which causes seasonal outbreaks of flu in humans on a regular
basis. Since doctors have found it very hard to predict who will develop complications, it has been
dubbed a “Jekyll and Hyde” virus.
Influenza B and C are less common and are less mutants in comparison to A.
Hepatitis / Jaundice
Hepatitis literally means inflammation of the liver. There are three major types of Hepatitis virus viz.
Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).
A is acute (acute means short term), B is acute as well as chronic (Chronic means long term) while
C is almost chronic.
A spreads easily, B spreads relatively less easily and C spreads rarely.
A spreads via food, water etc. and can infect many people at once. For example, a food
handler in a restaurant can spread Hepatitis A to many people at once; B spreads by blood or
other body floods. C spreads only by blood.
A gets better on its own but can be serious in older people; B is common in India, Asia and
Africa. We note here that Amitabh Bachchan has recently revealed that he has lost 75% of is
liver to Hepatitis B. C is even more dangerous.
A and B can be prevented by vaccination, but not C. However, there are medicines available
to treat C.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) also known as human T-lymphotropic virus-III (HTLV-III),
lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), and AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV) is a retrovirus.
{Retrovirus means it replicates via reverse transcription} in host cell. It transmits via anal, vaginal or
oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby
during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.
Due to weakened immune system the person is attacked by infections caused by bacteria, viruses,
fungi and parasites that are normally controlled by the elements of the immune system that HIV
What is the difference between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS ?
The term AIDS applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infection. The Center for Disease
Control (CDC) definition of AIDS includes all HIV-infected people who have fewer than 200 CD4+
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
T cells per cubic millimetre of blood. (Healthy adults usually haveCD4 + T cell count of 1,000 or
more.) The definition also includes 26 clinical conditions (mostly opportunistic infections) that affect
people with advanced HIV disease.
Opportunistic infections are common in people with AIDS. HIV affects nearly every organ system.
People with AIDS may develop various cancers such as Kaposi’s sarcoma, cervical cancer and cancers
of the immune system known as lymphomas. Besides the people infected with AIDS often have
systemic symptoms of infection like fevers, sweats (particularly at night), swollen glands, chills,
weakness, and weight loss.
Smallpox is one of the three diseases (other two Guinea worm and Polio) that have been eradicated
from India. Smallpox was eradicated globally in 1980s. This Virus has been used in biological warfare
also. British used smallpox as a biological warfare agent during seven years war in 18th century.
Chickenpox or varicella is caused by Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV).
Polio virus is an enterovirus which means that the route of entry of this virus is through the
gastrointestinal system. It’s an RNA virus. Polio is usually spread via the fecal-oral route (i.e., the
virus is transmitted from the stool of an infected person to the mouth of another person from
contaminated hands or such objects as eating utensils). Some cases may be spread directly via an oral
to oral route.
Both measles and German measles (rubella) are caused by viruses; and are rashes on the skins.
German measles is accompanied by a blotchy red rash. The patient sometimes suffers a slight cold
prior to the appearance of the rash. German measles can be dangerous for pregnant women, who
have no immunity for the virus. It is called German measles because it was German physicians who
first described this disease. Mild upper respiratory affect, high temperature that can last for four days
and conjunctivitis are some symptoms of measles.
Rubella or German measles
Rubella (German measles) spreads when infected person coughs or sneezes. It causes a rash, a slight
fever, aching joints, headaches, runny nose and red eyes. The virus spread by sneezes or coughs can
lead to serious birth defects if contracted by pregnant woman. In 2015, the North and South America
region have become the first region of the world to eradicate Rubella. There are no home-grown
cases in five years.
Dengue virus is transmitted by a bite of female mosquito of any of two species of mosquitoes of the
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genus Aedes.
The mosquito, which typically bites humans in the daylight hours, can be easily recognized because
of its peculiar white spotted body and legs.
Outbreak of the disease typically occurs in summer seasonwhen the mosquito population
reaches its peak.
Unlike malaria, which is a major health concern in rural areas, dengue is equally prevalent in the
urban areas too. In fact, it is predominantly reported in urban and semi-urban areas.
A severe form of the infection is known as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). DHF can be fatal.
Because of the severe joint pain, dengue is also known as break-bone fever.
DHF is characterized by a fever that lasts for 2 to 7 days, with general signs and symptoms consistent
with dengue fever. In addition to these symptoms, if a patient suspected with dengue experiences decrease
in platelets or an increase in blood haematocrit, it becomes more certain that the patient is suffering from the
infection. Platelets are cells in blood that help to stop bleeding, while haematocrit indicates thickness of blood.
The smallest blood vessels become excessively permeable allowing fluid component to escape from blood vessels
to organs of the body. This may lead to failure of circulatory system, which might also cause death.
This disease is caused by Chikungunya virus transmitted by both Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.
The mosquitoes usually transmit the disease by biting infected persons and then biting others. The
infected person cannot spread the infection directly to other person.
Symptoms of Chikungunya fever are most often clinically indistinguishable from those observed in
dengue fever. However, unlike dengue, haemorrhagic manifestations are rare and shock is not
observed in Chikungunya virus infection. It is characterized by fever with severe joint pain
(arhralgia) and rash.
Rabies or hydrophobia is found among dogs, cats, bats and other wild mammals. The transmission to
humans occurs through the saliva of contaminated animals, mainly through bites. The rabies virus is
neurotropic and attacks the central nervous system in a fast and lethal fashion. The prevention of the
disease is done through the prophylactic vaccination of animals and humans. The treatment is done
with an anti-rabies serum containing specific antibodies against the virus.
Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is a viral infection that occurs mainly in Central Africa and in the Amazon region of
South America. It is prevented through vaccination and is transmitted by many species of
mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, including Aedes aegypti. The infection causes clinical
manifestations that range from asymptomatic cases to lethal fulminant cases. Generally, the disease
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begins a with fever, chills, discomfort, headache and nausea and evolves to jaundice (increase of
bilirubin in blood, after which the disease is named), mucosal and internal hemorrhages,
hemorrhagic vomiting and kidney failure.
Prevention is done by regular mass vaccination and the vaccination of travelers to endemic areas.
The fight against the vector mosquito is also an important prophylactic measure.
Acute Encephalitis Syndrome
Encephalitis refers to acute Inflammation of the brain. There are two main types of encephalitis viz.
viral encephalitis and Japanese encephalitis. While Viral encephalitis is caused by water-borne
enterovirus; Japanese encephalitis is caused by mosquitoCulex tritaeniorhynchus and Culex vishnui.
Every monsoon sees an outbreak of acute encephalitis syndrome, or AES, diseases. Japanese
encephalitis and viral encephalitis diseases; and both of these make the Acute encephalitis syndrome,
or AES. This disease is called a poor man’s disease and affects largely to paddy farmers.
Other Notes on Viral Diseases
Common Cold is caused by a rhinovirus
Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver, jaundice)
Rabies (transmitted by bites from infected bats, raccoons, dogs)
Polio (may cause paralysis)
Smallpox (eradicated from the world in 1977 through vaccination)
Yellow Fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever transmitted by infected mosquitoes.
Industrial and Scientific Applications of Viruses
Since Viruses contain the characteristics of both living and non-living organisms, they are utilized in
the field of Biotechnology research. Bacteriophage can be used in water preservation as it can destroy
the bacteria and keep water fresh. Here are some other applications of Viruses:
Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Molecular genetics, such as DNA replication,
transcription, RNA processing, translation, protein transport, and immunology.
Virotherapy uses viruses as vectors to treat various diseases, as they can specifically target
cells and DNA. It shows promising use in the treatment of cancer and in gene therapy.
The viruses represent largest reservoirs of unexplored genetic diversity on Earth. They can be
used as alternative to the antibiotics because of the high level of antibiotic resistance now
found in some pathogenic bacteria.
Viruses contain protein and this property can be used in production of various proteins such
as vaccine antigens and antibodies.
In nanotechnology, viruses can be regarded as organic nanoparticles. Because of their size,
shape, and well-defined chemical structures, viruses have been used as templates for
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judged using this method, it would be called Gram variable otherwise Gram indeterminate. can be
classified by using this technique are called Gram variable. What is basically done is to color the cell
walls using a stain called Crystal violet. If a bacteria has lipids and peptidoglycan in its cell wall, it
would appear violet in microscope and will be called gram positive. Otherwise, they would be called
gram negative.
The cell wall of Gram positive bacteria is thicker and more peptidoglycan in comparison to gram
negative bacteria. Further, a chemical called Teichoic acid is present in + and absent in – bacteria.
The tail-like projection that protrudes from the cell body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
is Flagella. It helps in locomotion. If bacteria have no Flagella, then it is called atrichous.
Nutrition in Bacteria
Bacteria are autotrophic, heterotrophic as well as saprophytic. The autotrophic bacteria are either
photo-autotrophic or chemo-autotrophic. Some bacteria grow on the dead and decaying material
and they are called Saprophytes. The bacteria that grow on plants and animals are called parasitic
bacteria. The bacteria which make mutually beneficial association are called symbioants.
Chemotropic bacteria use chemicals to produce energy. For example, Hydrogen bacteria use
Hydrogen and as source of energy. Similarly, Sulphur bacteria are capable of oxidation of the reduced
Sulphur compounds such as Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Inorganic Sulphur etc.
In bacteria reproduction takes place by two methods viz. Asexual and Sexual. Asexual reproduction
happens via binary fission which is similar to mitosis. Sexual reproduction occurs via conjugation,
transduction and transformation.
Applications of Bacteria
Pasteurization is one of the methods of preservation of products such as milk, alcoholic beverages
etc. at higher temperatures. Pasteurization is defined as the process of heating products to a
particular temperature and holding it at that temperature for a particular time till the pathogenic
(disease causing) micro-organisms are destroyed causing minimum change in composition, flavor
and nutritive value of products such as milk.
There are two methods of pasteurization (of milk) in general use. One is low temperature
holding (LTH) method in which milk is heated to 62.8°C (145F) for 30 minutes in
commercial pasteurizers (or) large closed vats which are heated by steam coils, hot water
jackets etc.
The other method (i.e.) high temperature short time (HTST) method in which the milk is
heated to 71.7°C (161F) for 15 seconds.
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The heating is accomplished by electricity (or) hot water and requires a heat exchange system, which
preheats raw, cold milk and cools the hot pasteurized milk. Please note that Pasteurization conditions
are not sufficient to destroy thermo-resistant spores (reproductive part of microorganisms). Thus,
Pasteurization does not sterilize the products but kills only those organisms that grow most readily at
low temperatures. The surviving organisms must be kept from multiplying by constant refrigeration.
Nitrogen Fixation
The Nitrogen Fixation is the procedure by which atmospheric Nitrogen is converted into ammonia.
The Nitrogen fixation is one of the important components of the Nitrogen cycle.
Nitrogen fixation can be biotic or abiotic. The examples of abiotic processes are lightening, Industrial
processes such as Haber-Bosch Process, and combustion. The biotic nitrogen fixation was discovered
by Martinus Beijerinck.
How does it work?
Two molecules of ammonia are produced from one molecule of nitrogen gas, at the expense of 16
units of ATP and a supply of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions):
N2 + 8H+ + 8e- + 16 ATP = 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi
Please note that exclusively the prokaryotes do this reaction. The enzyme used is called nitrogenase. The
nitrogenase enzyme has two kinds of proteins viz. Iron Protein, and Iron-Molybdenum protein. The
N2 is is bound to the nitrogenase enzyme complex. The Fe protein is first reduced by electrons
donated by ferredoxin. Then the reduced Fe protein binds ATP and reduces the molybdenum-iron
protein, which donates electrons to N2, producing HN=NH. There are two more cycles and each
requires electrons donated by ferredoxin) HN=NH is reduced to H2N-NH2, and this in turn is
reduced to 2NH3 .
Thus in summary
16 ATP are used in BNF (Biological Nitrogen Fixation)
Two minerals viz. Iron and Molybdenum play important role in BNF.
End product is ammonia + Hydrogen
Enzyme used is Nitrogenase
Role of Bacteria
Both anaerobic bacteria as well as the aerobic bacteria do biological nitrogen fixation however, the
process occurs in absence of Oxygen and thus is anaerobic process. Further, biological nitrogen fixation is
done by both free living and symbiotic bacteria. The notable examples are given below:
Free living aerobic bacteria: Azotobacter
Free living anaerobic bacteria: Clostridium, purple sulphur bacteria
Symbiotic in legumes and pulses: Rhizobium (found in root nodules)
Symbiotic in sugarcane: Glucoacetobacter diazotrophicus (found in stem knots)
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container and then used to bring these processes e.g., copper extraction, iron extraction; which
involves bacteria called Ferro-oxidans.
Bacteria in soil formation and soil fertility
As soon as a fresh rock is exposed to a biological environment certain organisms, notably the
bacteria take possession of it. There is an instance of increased production of organic matter and it
results in formation of soil contents. There are many bacteria which decompose the rotten
substances like dung, dead residues of animals etc. Some bacteria enhance the fertility of the soil by
means of denitrification especially of plants Rhizobium bacteria are found in the roots of the plants
which nitrified (transformed) atmospheric nitrogen into the nitrates. Such nitrates act like fertilizers
and along with the growth of the plants fertility of the soil is also enhanced.
Other uses
Bacteria work as natural scavengers as they are able to decay huge amount of plant, animal
and human waste.
Using biotechnology techniques, bacteria can also be bioengineered for the production of
therapeutic proteins, such as insulin, growth factors or antibodies.
Some bacteria living in the gut of cattle, horses and other herbivores secrete cellulase, an
enzyme that helps in the digestion of the cellulose contents of plant cell walls. Cellulose is the
major source of energy for these animals. generally plant cells contain cellulose.the bacteria
present in the stomach of cattle will help in the digestion of cellulose.
Escherichia coli that live in the human large intestine synthesize vitamin B and release it for
human use. Similarly, Clostridium butyclicum is used for commercial preparation of
riboflavin, and vitamin B.
Bacillus thuringiensis (also called BT), a Gram-positive, soil dwelling bacterium is used for
Pest Control and producing Bt crops.
Bioremediation techniques such as Oil zapper use bacteria.
Many antibiotics are used from bacteria. Some of them are Bacitracin, Polymyxin B,
Streptomycine, Erythromycine, neomycin-B, Chloramophenicol etc.
Antibiotics (medicines) Bacteria
Chloromycetin S.Venzualae
Teramcyin S.Rimosus
Nystatin S.Noursei
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Erythromycin S.Erythreus
Oil Zapper
‘Oilzapper’ technology was developed by ONGC-Teri Biotech Ltd (OTBL), a joint venture between
ONGC and TERI. This technology was first used by OTBL in Mehsana in Gujarat to eliminate an oil
spill and manage the sludge created from the first oil well in the region. The water became clean and
subsequently a home to a variety of birds.
Bacteria in the Bio-Digester Toilet
Bio-Digester Toilet is a decomposition mechanized toilet system by means of which the
sludge(Human Waste), the fecal matter is decomposed to bits in the digester tank using a specific
high graded bacteria further converting them into methane and water, discharged further to the
desired surface. The Bio-digester toilet is total maintenance-free system & does not require any sewage
system. The specific high graded bacteria involved in these bio-digester toilets carries on to further
auto generation on their own because of their supreme quality. Bio-toilet technology is based on
anaerobic biodegradation of organic waste by unique microbial consortium and works at a wide
temperature range. The bacterial consortium degrades night soil at temp as low as -20 degree C and
produces colourless, odourless and inflammable gas containing 50 – 70% methane.
This bacterial consortium has been made through acclimatization, enrichment and bio-augmentation of cold-
active bacteria collected from Antarctica and the other low temperature areas.
Bacterial Diseases
Common Bacterial diseases include Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Typhoid, Whooping Cough, TB,
Diphtheria, Cholera etc.
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Diarrhea can be caused by all sorts of parasites including viruses, Bacteria and protozoa. Most
common virus causing Diarrhoea in adults is Norovirus. Most common virus causing Diarrhoea in
children below 5 years is rotavirus. A rotavirus vaccine Rotavac has been recently launched in India.
Most common bacteria causing Diarrhoea is campylobacter; others are salmonellae, shigellae and some
strains of Escherichia coli (E.coli).
Dysentery is usually caused by a bacterial or protozoan infection or infestation of parasitic worms,
but can also be caused by a chemical irritant or also viral infection. The most common cause of the
disease in developed countries is infection with a bacillus of theShigella group (causing bacillary
dysentery). Infection with the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica can cause amoebic dysentery
Typhoid is transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the feces of an infected
person, which contain the bacterium Salmonella enterica enterica. The bacteria perforate through the
intestinal wall and are phagocytosed by macrophages. It is a G- short bacillus that is motile due to its
peritrichous flagella.
Whooping Cough
Pertussis or Whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease caused by Bordetella Pertussis.
Tuberculosis is caused by various strains of M
ycobacterium, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It
usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when
people who have active infection cough, sneeze, or spit. In most cases the disease is asymptomatic,
latent infection, and about 10% latent infections eventually progresses to active disease. If untreated,
it killed 50% of its victims.
TB that is resistant at least to isoniazid and rifampicin the two most powerful first-line anti-TB
drugs is called the Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). It develops because the when the
course of antibiotics is interrupted and the levels of drug in the body are insufficient to kill 100% of
bacteria. This means that even if the patient forgets to take medicine, there are chances of developing
MDR-TB. MDR-TB is treated with secondline of antituberculosis drugs such as a combination of
several medicines called SHREZ
(Streptomycin+isonicotinyl Hydrazine+Rifampicin+Ethambutol+pyraZinamide)+MXF+cycloserine.
When the rate of multidrug resistance in a particular area becomes very high, the control of
tuberculosis becomes very difficult. This gives rise to a more serious problem of extensively drug-
resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB). XDR-TB is caused by strains of the disease resistant to both first-
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and second-line antibiotics. This confirms the urgent need to strengthen TB control.
Extent of TB
One third of the world’s population is thought to be infected with M. tuberculosis, and every second
a new infection occurs. About 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries test
positive in tuberculin tests. The highest number of deaths from TB is in Africa Region.
HIV and TB
HIV and TB form a lethal combination, each speeding the other’s progress. TB is a leading cause of
death among people who are HIV-positive. In Africa, HIV is the single most important factor
contributing to the increase in the incidence of TB since 1990. Tuberculosis was declared a global
emergency by the WHO in 1993.
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) was the first vaccine for TB that discovered in 1905 by Albert
Calmette and Camille Guérin. Once WHO declared TB a global emergency, BCG vaccine along with
DOTS was used in more than 192 countries as a preventive therapy. However, there was a
controversial side of BCG vaccination that it showed variable efficacy, that depended on geography.
It was concluded that BCG efficiency goes down as one gets closer to equator. There were several
explanations to this phenomenon. One such theory said that in areas where there are high levels of
background exposure to tuberculosis, every susceptible individualis already exposed to TB prior to
BCG, which is why the natural immunizing effect of background tuberculosis duplicates any benefit
of BCG. This means that BCG is less effective in the area where the Mycobacteria are less prevalent.
Another theory says that Variable efficacy is because of the Genetic variation in BCG strains.
DOTS, is an acronym for Directly Observed Treatment, Short course. The DOTS strategy represents
the most important public health breakthrough of the decade, in terms of lives which will be saved. It
is based largely on research done in India in the field of TB over the past 35 years.
Leprosy or Hansen’s disease is caused by the bacteriaMycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium
lepromatosis. Leprosy has a high degree of stigma attached to it because of the fact that there was no
cure for the disease till the eighties and also due to disfigurement caused by the disease.
Some drugs such as rifampicin, clofazimine, and dapsone are used to treat Leprosy.
Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium. It is an
acute respiratory disease caused by bacteria, which leads to a thick coating in the nose, throat or
airway. Diphtheria takes its name from Greek word ‘dipthera’ referring to the leathery membrane or
coating that grows on the tonsils, throat and in the nose.
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Kingdom Plantae
Algae (seaweeds) are usually aquatic, either marine or fresh water plants. A few algae also occur in
terrestrial habitats such as moist soils, wet rocks, tree trunks, etc. These are unicellular or
multicellular, autotrophic plants which don’t have vascular tissues {tissues that provide mechanical
strengh} and their body are called thallus.
Types of algae
Algae have been divided on the basis of nature of pigments present in them and the mode of storing
food. These pigments give them specific color.
Green Algae or Chlorophyceae
Green algae have chloroplast and chlorophyll in their cells. Examples areChlamydomonas, Volvox,
Spirogyra, Ulothrox, Oedogonium and Chara are some example.
Brown algae or Phaeophyceae
Brown algae store food in the form of laminarin and mannitol. Many of brown algae are called Kelps.
Ectocarpus, Laminaria, Sargassum are common examples of brown algae.
Red Algae or Rhodophyceae
Red algae are red because of a pigment called Phycoerythrin. Most red algae are found in marine
habitats. They store food in Floridean starch. Common examples are Gracilaria, Porphyra etc.
Blue Green Algae or Cyanophyceae
Blue green algae are most primitive algae and are prokaryotic. Modern classification puts them in
Kingdom Monera along with bacteria.
Economic Importance of Algae
Nitrogen fixation and Biofertilizers
There are many species of blue-green algae capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and are
used as biofertilizers. Common examples are Anabaena and Nostic. Anabaena, in association with
water fern Azolla contributes nitrogen and also enriches soils with organic matter.
Other Uses
Many green algae such as Chlorella, Ulva, Caulerpa, Enteromorpha, etc. are used as food.
Chlorella has about 50% protein and 20% of lipid and carbohydrates. Chlorella also yields an
antibiotic chlorellin.
Agar is obtained from the Red algae Gracilaria and Agar is used as a culture medium for
growing of microbes in labs. Agar is also used in Food and Pharmaceuticals.
Carragineen which is used in the Dairy industry is obtained from a red alga calledChondrus
crispus. It is also used in cosmetics and Pharma.
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Alginic acid, which is used as a stabilizer and thickening agent is obtained from Laminaria, the
brown algae.
Dynamite is prepared with the cell walls of Diatoms.
Brown algae Laminaria is a good source of Iodine.
Macrocystis algae are source of Potash. It’s a brown algae (phaeophyceae ) and is largest
algae among all.
Algal Hazards
Algal toxicity
Some algae are extremely poisonous to fishes. The blue-green alga Microcystis secretes
hydroxylamine which kills aquatic life while Lyngbya and Chlorella may cause skin allergies in
human beings.
Algal parasitism
The red alga Cephaleuros virescens causes Red Rust of Tea.
Algal blooms
Algae grow abundantly in water reservoirs where excess of nutrients are available to them. This algal
growth floats on the water surface and look like foam or soap lather. It is called water bloom.
Examples: Microcystis, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, etc.
Color of Red Sea
Red Sea is the part of the Mediterranean sea where a Blue green algae Trichodesmium grows
profusely is called Red Sea. It is due to the presence of red Phycoerythrin in the cells of
The common word for Bryophytes is Moss, which are the first land plants in context with evolution
of plants. The branch of science that deals with Bryophytes is called Bryology. Please note that
Mosses don’t have a vascular tissue such as Xylem and Phloem, which we find in plants of higher
orders. Due to this, they are also known as Atracheates which means no trachea. In India,S R
Kashyap did a commendable job in the studies of Bryphytes and that is why is called Father of Indian
Amphibians of Plant Kingdom
Bryophytes are called the “amphibians” of the plant kingdom. They can live on land but for
reproduction and fertilization, need water essentially.
The Bryophytes were the first plants in which alternation of generation was seen for the first time in
the embryophytes as Gametophyte→Mitosis → gametes →Sporophyte → Spores → Meiosis
Bryophytes: Important Points
One of the famous Bryophyte is Peat Moss. Its botanical name is Sphagnum. It grows in
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swamps and damp areas. This is one of the most economically important Bryophyte. In
World War I, Peat moss was used as “dressing cotton’ for wounded soldiers. Peat is obtained
from Sphagnum.
Physcomitrella patens is increasingly used in biotechnology. Prominent examples are the
identification of moss genes with implications for crop improvement or human health
and the safe production of complex biopharmaceuticals in the moss bioreactor.
Mosses play an important role in controlling soil erosion. They perform this function by
providing ground cover and absorbing water.
Mosses are also indicators of air pollution. Under conditions of poor air quality, few mosses
will exist.
Peat is used as fuel to heat homes and generate electricity.Bryophytes are among the first
organisms to grow up in areas that have been destroyed by a fire or volcanic eruption.
Why Mosses are haploid in most of their lives?
Bryophytes commonly grow close together in clumps or mats in damp or shady locations. They do
not have flowers or seeds, and their simple leaves cover the thin wiry stems. Please note that in
Bryophytes, the dominant phase of life is not the plant itself but one of its phases in reproduction called
gametophytes. The only thing you need to remember is that gametophyte contains a single set of
Chromosome and that is why the “Bryophytes are in Haploid state in most of their lives”.
At certain times, mosses produce spore capsules, which may appear as beak-like capsules borne aloft
on thin stalks. These gametophyte produces male or female or both gametes (term used for sperms or ovum lower
by mitosis. When male and female gametes fuse, they make a diploid zygote, which develops by
repeated mitotic cell divisions into a multicellular Sporophyte. This Sporophyte is diploid because it is a
product of fusion of two haploid gametes. This Sporophyte is NOT independent in Bryophytes and
needs to get nutritional support from the gametophyte.
Now, this diploid phase Sporophyte again produces sex cells via meiosis, which are called spores.
During making of spores, the chromosome pairs are separated once again to form single sets. The
spores are therefore once again haploid and develop into a haploid gametophyte. This is how the
lifecycle of a Bryophyte goes on.
Pteridophytes are commonly known as Ferns. There are around 12,000 species of Ferns, many of
them are generally used a decoration / ornamental plants.
Position of Pteridophytes in Evolution
In the evolutionary stages, Ferns are next advanced level after Bryophytes. Bryophytes don’t have the
vascular tissues, but the Ferns have both xylem and phloem, thus they are the first vascular plants in
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terms of evolution of plant species. They have stems, leaves, and roots like other vascular plants.
Further, in case of the Bryophytes, the dominant phase of life is gametophytes. This reverses from
Pteridophytes ONWARDS. Thus in Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, the dominant
phase of life is Sporophyte. This Sporophyte is NOT only independent but also long lived.
Pteridophytes differ from the advanced plants on the basis of the Reproduction procedures. They
differ from gymnosperms and angiosperms as they do not have neither flowers nor seeds.
Economic Importance
Most of the Pteridophytes have ornamental value; they are grown as ornamental plants in gardens
and homes. Some Pteridophytes such as Marsilea are rich source of starch and used as food material.
Parts of Pteridium aquilinum or Pteridium esculentum, are used as a cooked vegetable in Japan and are
believed to be responsible for the high rate of stomach cancer in Japan. It is also one of the world’s
most important agricultural weeds, especially in the British highlands, and often poisons cattle and
horses. Dryopteris filix-mas is used an anti-helminth means anti worm, used in Pharmacy.
The smallest fern Azolla has the capability of Nitrogen Fixation is used as a biofertilizers, especially in
parts of Southeast Asia. Azolla has been used for thousands of years in China in paddy cultivation.
Azolla is also known as Mosquito fern because of a myth, that when this plant is in bloom, no
mosquito can cross its covering to the water in the water body to lay eggs.
Gymnosperms are called so because they have naked ovules / seeds. In terms of plant evolution, they
are first seed-bearing plants. They are inferior to Angiosperms because in Angiosperms, the ovules are
covered. Common gymnosperms include Conifers, Cycads, Ginkgo, and Gnetales.
Notable Points
Tallest plant of the world “Coast Redwood of California” is a gymnosperm.
Some Gymnosperms are called the “living fossils” because many of them represent the one of
the few, if not the only, surviving members of a taxonomic group, with no close living
relatives. Cycas and Ginkgo Biloba are examples of living fossils.
Canada Balsum, the sticky colourless and odourless liquid used in optical industry is
obtained from a Gymnosperm.
Ephedrine is obtained from Ephedra which is a naturally growing Gymnosperm in Rajasthan.
Sago, which is a staple food in New Guinea and some other countries is obtained from Cycas
revoluta and
Chilgoza is obtained from Pinus gerardiana, known as the Chilgoza Pine. Chilgoza is one of
the most important cash crops of tribal people residing in the Kinnaur district of Himachal
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Pradesh, which seems to be the only place in India where Chilgoza pines are found.
Cedar wood is obtained from many species of the Gymnosperms. SimilarlyChir wood is
obtained from Chir Pine or Pinus longifolia. The Pinus species of Gymnosperms contain the
“winged pollen grains”.
Angiosperms or flowering plants are the most advanced, most diverse and most dominant group of
land plants. They are seed-producing plants and can be distinguished from the gymnosperms by a
series of derived characteristics such as flowers, endosperm within the seeds, and the production of
fruits that contain the seeds. They have developed from Gymnosperms over the period and replaced
them as most dominant group of plants some 100 million years ago.
Main Features of Angiosperms
Benefit of Flowers
Due to Flowers, Angiosperms were able to adapt a wider range of ecological niches, making them
largely dominate terrestrial ecosystems.
Reduced Male and Female Parts
Instead of cones in Gymnosperms, the Angiosperms have stamens, reduced male parts and an
enclosed ovule. The Stamens are much lighter than the corresponding organs of gymnosperms and
have contributed to the diversification of angiosperms through time with adaptations to specialized
pollination methods. In some advanced species, the Stamens were modified to prevent self-
fertilization, enabling further diversification.
Dominant Sporophyte
The main plant of Angiosperms is a Diploid Sporophyte which is divided into roots, stems and
leaves. The male gametophyte in angiosperms is significantly reduced in size compared to those of
gymnosperm seed plants. The smaller pollen decreases the time from pollination — the pollen grain
reaching the female plant — to fertilization of the ovary; in gymnosperms, fertilization can occur up
to a year after pollination, whereas, in angiosperms, the fertilization begins very soon after
pollination. The shorter time leads to angiosperm plants’ setting seeds sooner and faster than
gymnosperms, which is a distinct evolutionary advantage.
Double Fertilization
Double Fertilization is a rule on Angiosperms. This means that the Fertilization in Angiosperms
involves the joining of a female gametophyte (megagametophyte, also called the embryo sac) with
two male gametes (sperm).
Pollination in Angiosperms
In flowering plants, pollination refers to transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower
to the female stigma.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Pollination taking place in a single flower is called self pollination, while pollination taking place
between two flowers is called cross pollination. If the cross pollination is between flowers of a same
plant, it will be called Geitonogamy, while if it takes place between two separate plants, it will be
called as Xenogamy. In some plants, the flowers are bisexual and closed called Cleistogamous. Here
only self pollination takes place.
Insects (Entomophily) can facilitate the pollination, similarly can Wind (anemophily), Water
(Hydrophily), Animals (Zoophily). Further, Hummingbirds, bats, monkeys, marsupials, lemurs,
bears, rabbits, deer, rodents, lizards and other animals are common animals that carry pollens and
help in pollination.
Pollination by Bats
Pollination done by Bats is called chiropterophily. Many fruits are dependent on bats for pollination,
such as mangoes, bananas, and guavas. Bat pollination is an integral process in tropical communities
with 500 tropical plant species completely, or partially, dependent on bats for pollination.
Pollination by Birds
The term ornithophily is used to describe pollination specifically by birds.Hummingbirds, sunbirds,
honeyeaters, flowerpeckers, honeycreepers, and bananaquits are examples. Plants pollinated by birds often
have brightly colored diurnal flowers that are red, yellow, or orange, but no odor because birds have
a poor sense of smell. Other characteristics of these plants are that they have suitable, sturdy places
for perching, abundant nectar that is deeply nested within the flower. Often flowers are elongated or
tube shaped. Also, many plants have anthers placed in the flower so that pollen rubs against the birds
head/back as the bird reaches in for nectar.
Pollination by Lizards
Although lizard pollination has historically been underestimated, recent studies have shown lizard
pollination to be an important part of many plant species’ survival. Not only do lizards show
mutualistic relationships, but these are found to occur most often on islands. The lizard
Hoplodactylus is only attracted by nectar on flowers, not pollen.
Monocots and Dicots
Angiosperms are classified into two categories viz. monocots and dicots. In monocots, seed has only
one cotyledon while in dicots, seed has two cotyledons.
The key comparisons of these two groups are as follows:
The roots of monocots are lesser developed in comparison to dicots.
The petals in flowers of monocots are 3 or multiples of 3. The petals in flowers of dicots are
four or five; it’s their multiples.
No secondary growth is found in monocots because their vascular tissue has no cambium. Secondary
growth is found only in dicot plants.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Examples of monocots include grasses, bamboo, sugarcane, cereals, bananas, palms, lilies,
orchids etc. Examples of Dicots include all the hardwood tree species, pulses and the most
fruits, vegetables, species beverage crops and ornamental flowering plants.
Roots and root modifications
Roots of Angiosperms always move opposite to the sunlight. The soft parts of roots and root hairs
absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. The root transports water and mineral salts to the stem
and ultimately to the leaves. Some roots like of carrot, radish etc. store foods and in contingency
plants use these foods. The roots are of following types:
Tap root: The radical of such root develops itself and forms a main root and such roots exist
in dicotyledonous plants.
Conical shape: This type of root is thickened towards base but thin near the side of the
plant. Example-carrot.
Napiform: This type of root is extremely thickened and becomes inflated spherical at the
base (bottom) but it becomes extremely thin at the top of the plant. Examples-turnip, beet
root etc.
Fusiform : This type of root is inflated in the middle portion, while towards bottom and top
it becomes thinned. Example is Radish.
Pneumatophores : This type of root is found in salty soil of the sea and for the respiratory
activities it undergoes towards negative geotropic. Examples are Rhizophora, etc.
Adventitious Roots
Adventitious roots originate from the stem, branches, leaves, or old woody roots, rather than the
normal root system. For example in Strawberry and Willow. These roots develop to avoid stress or
fight with the problem of nutrition deficiency or to get sufficient oxygen, or avoid too much oxygen.
One more important work of these roots is to help in vegetative propagation in many plants. This
ability of plant stems to form adventitious roots is utilized in commercial propagation by cuttings.
Understanding of the physiological mechanisms behind adventitious rooting has allowed some
progress to be made in improving the rooting of cuttings by the application of synthetic auxins as
rooting powders and by the use of selective basal wounding.
Adventitious roots develop near the existing vascular tissue, so that they can connect to the xylem and
phloem. There are several kinds of modifications such as:
Tuberous roots are without any definite shape; example: Sweet Potato.
Fasciculated root (tuberous root) occur in clusters at the base of the stem; example:
asparagus, dahlia.
Nodulose roots become swollen near the tips; example: turmeric.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Stilt roots arise from the first few nodes of the stem. These penetrate obliquely down in to
the soil and give support to the plant; example: maize, sugarcane.
Prop roots give mechanical support to the aerial branches. The lateral branches grow
vertically downward into the soil and acts as pillars; example: banyan.
Climbing roots these roots arising from nodes attach themselves to some support and climb
over it; example: money plant.
Modifications of adventitious roots
Roots Examples
Stem in Angiosperms
On the basis of the position of the soil, stems are of three types:
Underground stem: The branch or part of the stem which intruses inside the soil is called
underground stem. These stems store the food in the stem, node, internode, bud and scale
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Floral leaves : In this class of modification floral activities like calyx, corolla etc are
performed by the leaves.
Bract : In this class of modification leaves become colored and fascinate the insects towards
Scaly leaves: Sometimes leaves modified themselves to protect buds and other soft organs of
the plant, called scaly leaves. Sometimes scaly leaves also store the food-stuffs. Example-
Garlic, onion, etc.
Leaf root : In this class of modification, leaves transform into roots. Example- Briophylem
Leaf tendril : In this class of modification leaves take the form of tendrils. Example-Pea
Storage leaves : In this class of modification leaves store foodstuffs and become thickened
and tuberous.
Picher : In this class leaves accommodate to trap the insects and modified themselves in the
form of bags. Example-Pitcher plant.
Bladder : In this class of modification, leaves transform themselves in the form of bladder to
trap the aquatic insects like utriculeria etc.
Leaf hooks : In this class of modification leaves turn like nails. Example-bignonia etc.
Phyllode : Australian acacia etc.
Main parts of a Typical Flower
A Flower is a composite system ofmodified leaves and knots, which directly participates in the
reproductive activity and produces fruits and seeds. Usually a flower is composed from four modified
leaves which are attached to the thickened receptacle thalamus. This receptacle thalamus has four
types of cycle- calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
The flower which has all four cycles is called complete flower, while if any cycle be absent then it is
called incomplete flower. The organelles calyx and corolla and called auxiliary organelles, while
androecium and gynoecium and called necessary organelles.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
This is an extremely outer cycle of the flower and it is green coloured cycle of sepals. The main work
of calyx is to protect the soft parts of buds and performs photosynthesis. In some flowers, it becomes
coloured and its main function to attract insects for the pollination.
This is the second cycle of the flower which is confined inside the organelle calyx. Corolla is mainly
composed from 2-6 petals and it is also colored whose main function to fascinate insects for the
This is the third cycle of sepals which is the made from stamens. The stamen is the male sex organ of
the flower. Each and every stamen has its three parts viz. Filament, Anther and Connective. The vital
component of androecium is basically stamen and in which pollen grains are found in pollen sac.
This is the central part (fourth cycle) of the flower and it is the female sex organ of the flower. Each
and every gynoecium is made from one or more carpels and it produces female ovule. The carpel is
made from three components- ovary, style and stigma.
Fruit in Angiosperms
The fruit is usually formed in the ovary of the plant and pericarp is formed from the mature ovary
walls. But in the formation of some fruits like apple, jack fruit etc, calyx, corolla, thalamus etc participate
and such fruits are called false fruits.
Usually pericarp has three layers outermost layer is calledepicarp. Middle Layer is called mesocarp,
while innermost layer is called endocarp. Please note that Coconut coir is Mesocarp.
On the basis of fertilization of the flower there are two types of fruits-
True fruit – The fruit forms in the ovary of the flower by the process of fertilization and
zygote formation is called true fruit.
False fruit : When fruit formation occurs other than ovary and flowers organelles like calyx,
corolla, thalamus etc take place then it is called false fruit. Examples- Apple, jack fruit, pear
But in angiosperms too much diversities are found in their fruits, thus on macro level there are three
classes in them.
Simple fruit – bean, mustard, mango, lemon etc.
Aggregate fruit- strawberry, lotus, raspberry, custard apple etc.
Composite (multiple) fruit- jack fruit, mulberry, banyan, fig etc.
Accessory / False Fruit: Apple
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Here is a list of some common Fruits and their edible parts. This list is important.
Fruits Edible parts
Apple Thalamus
Pear Thalamus
Coconut Endosperm
Guava Pericarp
Grape Pericarp
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
In some plants without fertilization, fruits are produced through ovary and the process of this non-
fertilization is called parthenocarpy and such fruits are seedless. Examples-banana, papaya, orange,
grapes, etc.
Other Important Topics
Stomata in Plants
There exist various tiny openings (called pores) on the surface of the skin of stems and leaves called
stomata which are surrounded by two kidney shaped guard cells. In a leaf the number of stomata vary
from 14 to 1040mm². These stomata exchange the moisture and help in transpiration activities in the
Annual rings in age determination
The branch of botany under which annul a rings of the plant are studied is called dendrochronolgy.
By the elevation of number of annual rings in the plants or trees, the ages of the plants or trees are
estimated exactly. Please note that dendrochronolgy is applicable only to a period of a few thousand
years and only in the few areas where old wood samples have been preserved, radiocarbon dating can
date events up to sixty thousand years old.
How does it work?
Due to the chronological, climatic changes the core activities of the cambium of any plant that of any
place is regularly changed. In spring season this activity is increased, while in the winter season it is
decreased, consequently distinct annual rings form which is the indicative parameter of the year
Plant Physiology Topics
Plant Tissues
In plants, there are two kinds of tissues viz. Meristematic tissues and Permanent Tissues.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Meristematic Issue
The Meristematic tissues are divisible and cells in these tissues retain the power of division, so that
plant keeps growing. These tissues are found in the regions of plant growth such as apical tissues,
buds, nodes, side of branches etc.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Complex Tissues
In plants, the complex tissues are Xylem and Phloem. Xylem (wood) conducts water and minerals
from root to leaves and also provides mechanical strength. It remains at inner side in the root and in
the form of wooden columns in stems as shown below:
Phloem or wood conducts the prepared food material from the leaves to the storage organs and
growing organs. Generally Phloem is found outside the vascular cambium, but in some plants it may
be found inside the pith also in the form of intraxylary phloem.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Plant Hormones
Plant hormones are signal molecules produced within the plant, and occur in extremely low
concentrations. Hormones regulate cellular processes in targeted cells locally and, when moved to
other locations, in other locations of the plant. Hormones also determine theformation of flowers,
stems, leaves, the shedding of leaves, and the development and ripening of fruit. Plants, unlike animals, lack
glands that produce and secrete hormones. Instead, each cell is capable of producing hormones. They
affect which tissues grow upward and which grow downward, leaf formation and stem growth, fruit
development and ripening, plant longevity, and even plant death. Hormones are vital to plant
growth, and, lacking them, plants would be mostly a mass of undifferentiated cells.
There are various types of plant hormones.
Auxin is a group of plant hormones that produce a number of effects, including plant growth,
phototropic response through the stimulation of cell elongation (photopropism), stimulation of
secondary growth, api¬cal dominance, and the development of leaf traces and fruit. An important
plant auxin is indole-3-acetic acid. (IAA and synthetic auxins such as 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T are used as
common weed killers.)
They are basically weak organic acids which actively participate in the cell division and the
cell elongates consequently thus plants growth occurs.
If some auxins hormones be applied on the flower of the plants then without fertilization and
without seeds formation ovary wall becomes tuberous and forms the fruit. This is called the
artificial parthenocarpy
Agent Orange
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-dichlorophenoxyethanoic acid) is a synthetic auxin frequently
used as a weed killer of broad-leaved weeds. When two herbicides 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D and mixed in
equal parts, it is called Agent Orange, which was used by US in Vietnam war.
Gibberellins, or GAs, include a large range of chemicals that are produced naturally within plants and
by fungi. They were first discovered when Japanese researchers, including Eiichi Kurosawa, noticed
a chemical produced by a fungus called Gibberella fujikuroi that produced abnormal growth in rice
Gibberellins are important in seed germination, affecting enzyme production that mobilizes
food production used for growth of new cells. This is done by modulating chromosomal
transcription. In grain (rice, wheat, corn, etc.) seeds, a layer of cells called the aleurone layer
wraps around the endosperm tissue.
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
Absoption of water by the seed causes production of GA. The GA is transported to the
aleurone layer, which responds by producing enzymes that break down stored food reserves
within the endosperm, which are utilized by the growing seedling. GAs produce bolting of
rosette-forming plants, increasing internodal length. They promote flowering, cellular
division, and in seeds growth after germination. Gibberellins also reverse the inhibition of
shoot growth and dormancy induced by ABA.
Cytokinins or CKs are a group of chemicals that influence cell division and shoot formation.
They were called kinins in the past when the first cytokinins were isolated from yeast cells.
They also help delay senescence or the aging of tissues, are responsible for mediating auxin
transport throughout the plant, and affect internodal length and leaf growth.
They have a highly synergistic effect in concert with auxins, and the ratios of these two
groups of plant hormones affect most major growth periods during a plant’s lifetime.
Cytokinins counter the apical dominance induced by auxins; they in conjunction with
ethylene promote abscission of leaves, flower parts, and fruits.
The correlation of auxins and cytokinins in the plants is a constant (A/C = const.).
Ethylene is a gas that forms through the Yang Cycle from the breakdown of methionine, which is in
all cells. Ethylene has very limited solubility in water and does not accumulate within the cell but
diffuses out of the cell and escapes out of the plant.
Its effectiveness as a plant hormone is dependent on its rate of production versus its rate of
escaping into the atmosphere. Ethylene is produced at a faster rate in rapidly growing and
dividing cells, especially in darkness. New growth and newly germinated seedlings produce
more ethylene than can escape the plant, which leads to elevated amounts of ethylene,
inhibiting leaf expansion.
As the new shoot is exposed to light, reactions by phytochrome in the plant’s cells produce a
signal for ethylene production to decrease, allowing leaf expansion. Ethylene affects cell
growth and cell shape; when a growing shoot hits an obstacle while underground, ethylene
production greatly increases, preventing cell elongation and causing the stem to swell. The
resulting thicker stem can exert more pressure against the object impeding its path to the
surface. If the shoot does not reach the surface and the ethylene stimulus becomes prolonged,
it affects the stem’s natural geotropic response, which is to grow upright, allowing it to grow
around an object.
Abscisic Acid
Abscisic acid (ABA) hormone activates the vascular cambium during mitosis cell divison and its
General Science-2: Plant Kingdom
presence slows down the stems growth. This hormone can be used in preventing the sprouting
activities in seeds and buds. In dry stem it provokes the pores to close and consequently a downfall in
the rate of evaporation takes place. The role of Abscisic acid in abscission of leaves is doubtful
and not proved, please note it.
General Knowledge Today
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Animal Kingdom ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Phylum – Porifera ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Phylum Cnidaria ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Phylum – Platyhelminthes .......................................................................................................................... 5
Phylum Nematoda ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Phylum – Annelida ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Phylum – Arthropoda ................................................................................................................................. 5
Phylum – Mollusca ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Salient Notes on Molluscs ......................................................................................................................... 9
Phylum – Echinodermata .......................................................................................................................... 9
Phylum – Chordata ................................................................................................................................... 10
Vertebrates ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Class – Pisces (Fishes) .............................................................................................................................. 12
Class – Amphibia ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Class – Reptilia ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Class – Aves ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Class – Mammalia ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Example Questions on Animal Taxonomy .................................................................................................. 20
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
Basic idea about the animals belonging to various taxonomic groups of animal
Kingdom. Comparison of three classes of Arthropods, Cartilaginous and Bony Fish
examples, Swim Bladder in Fishes, Amphibians – Adaptations to Terrestrial
environments, Bird Adaptations for Flight, Common features of all mammals,
Monotremes / Marsupials / Placentals
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Note: In UPSC or state level examinations, questions are not asked directly regarding classification of
the animals in GS Paper. The questions are generally odd man out type, which are easy and low
hanging fruits if you have basic idea about various taxonomical groups given in this module. Two
Example questions are given here:
Q-1: Consider the following:
1. Sea Cow
2. Sea Horse
3. Sea Anemone
Which of the above is / are mammals?
{In this question Sea Cow (Dugong) is a mammal, while Sea Horse is a Fish. Sea Anemone is a
Cnidarian; so correct answer is Only 1}
Q-2: Among the following organisms, which one does not belong to the class of other three?
1. Crab
2. Mite
3. Scorpion
4. Spider
{The above question is asking you to differentiate between Arachnids and Crustaceans among
Arthropoda. This is discussed in this module}. Some more example Questions have been given in the
end of this module.
Animal Kingdom
The kingdom Animalia is the animal kingdom. The kingdom Animalia is normally subdivided into
{Phyla is plural of Phylum}
invertebrates and vertebrates. There are nine phyla in Kingdom Animalia viz.
Porifera (poriferans), Cnidaria (cnidarians), Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Nematoda (roundworms),
Annelida (annelids), Mollusca (molluscs), Arthropoda (arthropods), Echinodermata (echinoderms)
and Chordata (chordates).
Phylum – Porifera
Sponges are the members of Porifera, called so because they have pores all over their bodies. They
are found in mostly in marine but also in freshwater. They have asymmetrical bodies. Most
physiological activities take place at cellular level in them.
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Phylum Cnidaria
Cnidarians include Hydra, Corals, Sea Anemones, Jelly Fishes, Sea Pens etc. They have tentacles to catch
preys and special cells called Cnidoblasts that secret some poison in their prey.
Corals are Cnidarians that live in colonies in oceans. Individual coral in a colony is called Polyp. Many
of them feed upon the small fish and plankton using the stinging cells in their tentacles. However,
many others get their energy and nutrients come via a symbiotic relation with photosynthetic
dianoflagellates called Symbiodinium. These dianoflagellates live within coral tissues. The symbiotic
corals need sunlight to grow and that is why they best and grow in clear, shallow water.
Sea Anemones
Sea anemones are also predatory animals closely related to corals, jellyfish and Hydra. Some sea
anemones form symbiotic relationships with dinoflagellates. They are sold worldwide as ornamental
things for aquariums.
Phylum – Platyhelminthes
Platyhelminthes is a phylum of theflatworms. Most of these are endo-parasites in animals and
humans. Common examples of Platyhelminthes include Tapeword, Liver fluke etc.
Phylum Nematoda
. They live as freeliving, aquatic,
Phylum Nematoda is a group of Nematodes or Round worms
terrestrial or as parasites in plants and animals. Common examples are Round worm, Filiaria worm,
Hookworm etc.
Phylum – Annelida
Phylum Annelida is of Annelids or Ringed worms. The body is divided into several segments called
metameres. Earthworms and Leeches are common examples of this group.
Phylum – Arthropoda
Arthropoda is the largest phylum of animal kingdom because around 2/3rd of all the named species on
Earth belong to this phylum.
Ants, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, shrimp, crabs, spiders, scorpions etc. are examples of
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Blood and Circulation
All arthropods have a heart. The respiratory system is open (lacunar). Blood, also known as
hemolymph, is pumped by the heart and enters into cavities (lacunas), irrigating and draining tissues.
In place of Haemoglobin, respiratory pigment called Haemocynanin is found in arthropods. We note
here that although the circulatory system of insects works at a sluggish pace, they are ableto perform
extremely fast and exhaustive movements because of separation of circulatory system from respiration.
Gas exchange is carried out with great speed and efficiency by the tracheal system that puts cells in direct
contact with air. Muscles can then work fast and hard.
Embryonic development
In crustaceans, some species undergo direct development whereas others undergo indirect
development. In insects, some species do not have a larval stage, whereas others go through indirect
development beginning with an egg stage followed by a nymph stage. Moreover, other insects go
through indirect development beginning with a larval stage. The transformation of a larva into an
adult insect is called metamorphosis.
Insects have two common types of metamorphosis.
Grasshoppers, crickets, dragonflies, and cockroaches have incomplete metamorphosis. The
young (called a nymph) usually look like small adults but without the wings.
Butterflies, moths, beetles, flies and bees have complete metamorphosis. The young (called a
larva instead of a nymph) is very different from the adults. It also usually eats different types
of food. There are four stages in the metamorphosis of butterflies, moths and housefly viz.
egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
In some insects such as butterflies and silk moth, larva makes a cocoon (chrysalis, pupa) where it
lives until transforming into the adult form. The period during which the larva is within its cocoon
is a time of intense biological activity since the larva is being transformed into an adult insect.
Main Differences between the Classes of Arthropods
Wings are found only in Insects (mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, flies, bees, beetles and
butterflies). There are no wings in Crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, shrimp and barnacles) and
Arachnids (scorpions, spiders and mites).
Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae; insects have one pair; arachnids do not have antennae.
In crustaceans and arachnids, the head is fused with the thorax to form the cephalothorax.
Their body is therefore divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. Insects have a head, thorax
and abdomen.
Most crustaceans have five pairs of limbs. Insects have three pairs and arachnids have four pairs of
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Phylum – Mollusca
Phylum Mollusca is the second largest animal phylum after Arthropoda. They are terrestrial or aquatic
(both marine and freshwater). Members of this phylum include snails, octopuses, squids, oysters etc.
Soft body of Molluscs
The word “mollusc” means “soft thing”. Molluscs have soft bodies and this explains the name of the
phylum. Since their body is soft, they are fragile and find it difficult to support their body in
terrestrial environment. Many molluscs solve these problems by secreting a calcareous shell, which
functions as exoskeleton and prevents dehydration.
Major classes
There are five main classes of Phylum Mollusca includes Bivalves, Gastropods, Cephalopods,
scaphopods (tooth shells) and Polyplacophora (Chitons). Bivalves, Gastropods and Cephalopods are
commonly known mollusc animals.
This group includes molluscs which have a calcium carbonate shell made of two, usually similar parts
called valves. These two valves are joined together with the help of a ligament at a point called hinge.
Members of this class include clams, oysters, cockles, mussels, scallops etc.
All kinds of snails and slugs, big or small, marine or freshwater or land snails are put in class
Gastropoda. This class of Molluscs has anextraordinary diversity of habitats. They are found in
gardens, woodlands, deserts, mountains, lakes, small ponds, estuaries, mudflats, beaches, abyssal
depths of oceans etc. They are called Gastropods because they have their feet in their ventral region. Body
of gastropods is divided into three main portions: the head, the visceral mass and the foot.
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Cephalopods (headfeet) are another class of molluscs which have a prominent head and a set of arms
/ tentacles (muscular hydrostats). These arms are modified feet. The Cephalopods are colloquially
called inkfish, because of their ability to squirt ink. The Octopus, Squids and Cuttlefish are some of
the common examples of Cephalopods.
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
The Chordates that bear jaws have been placed in a division called Gnathostomata. It has been
divided into two super-classes viz. Pisces (fishes) and Tetrapoda (that bear limbs). This division is
shown in below graphics.
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Fish are all aquatic animals and, as a result, have a hydrodynamic and elongated body suitable for
moving underwater, without limbs and with fins. This habitat is also related to their branchial
Gas Bladder / Swim Bladder
Bony fish have a specialized organ called a gas bladder, or swim bladder, whose interior can be filled
with gas released from gas glands. The swim bladder works as a hydrostatic organ, since it produces
variations in the relative density of the body, thus regulating the buoyancy and the depth of the fish
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
in water. Such swim bladders are not found in the Chondrichthyes. Due to this, they must continuously
move their body to keep swimming and to maintain their depth in water. This is the reason that Sharks need to
move their body to swim while bony fishes do not.
Further, when the swim bladder is filled with gas, it reduces the density of the body of the fish and,
when it is emptied, this density is increased. As a result, this mechanism controls the depth of the
fish under water.
Respiration in Fishes takes place via Gills, the highly vascularized organs specialized in gas exchange
underwater. Apart from fishes, gills are also found in marine annelids, crustaceans, Molluscs, tadpole
etc. Gills are covered in bony fishes while not covered in cartilaginous fishes.
Fish Heart
The Fish Heart has only two consecutive chambers called atrium and ventricle.
Fish have Kidneys has excretory organs. While Bony fishes excrete ammonia, cartilaginous fishes
excrete Urea as nitrogenous waste.
Lateral Line
Lateral lines of bony fish are sensory organs that extend along both sides of their body. They contact
the environment by a series of specialized scales that transmit information about pressure variation
and vibrations in the surrounding water.
Class – Amphibia
Amphibians were the first vertebrates to venture out onto land. Early amphibians retained many fish-like
characteristics but during the Carboniferous period amphibians diversified. Even today, Amphibians
live a dual life. They are totally aquatic during their larval stage and partially terrestrial animals as
adults. Because of this, they are considered intermediate organisms in the evolutionary passage of
vertebrates from an aquatic to terrestrial. Amphibians are also the first tetrapod animals; that is, the
first with two pairs of limbs, a typical feature of terrestrial vertebrates. The name “amphibian” comes
from the double life (aquatic as larvae and partially terrestrial as adults) of these animals.
Common Amphibians
Bufo (Toad), Rana (Frog), Hyla (Tree frog), Salamandra (Salamander), Ichthyophis (Limbless
Amphibia), Newt are some of the common frogs.
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Salient Features
There are several features of amphibians that make them dependent on water to survive. These
include a permeable skin; a body subject to dehydration, external fertilization, eggs without shells
and a larval stage with branchial respiration.
In the fishes, the gas exchange is carried out via the direct contact of water with the gills, while in
adult amphibians; the gas exchange is carried out through their moist and permeable skin. This kind
of respiration is called cutaneous respiration. Further, they also have lungs. During larval (tadpole)
stage, they respire only through gills and this is the reason that frogs and other amphibians need
water to survive.
Amphibian Heart
While the fish heart only has two chambers; amphibians have three chambers (two atrium and one
The adult amphibians have kidneys to excrete nitrogenous wastes as Urea. However, their larvae
(Tadpole) are aquatic and excrete ammonia.
Reproduction in Amphibians
In most amphibians, fertilization is external. However, despite the external fertilization, amphibian
males and females copulate to stimulate the release of sperm and egg cells. However, females release
eggs in water and males also release the sperms in water only.
Amphibians to Higher Vertebrates: Adaptations to Terrestrial environments
Transition of vertebrates from aquatic environment to terrestrial environment needed to solve some
problems. Firstly, they needed to avoid dehydration. This problem was solved by a thicker,
impermeable skin which allows to less water. While Amphibians have semi-permeable skin which
helps them in respiration also, higher vertebrates have impermeable skin.Secondly, they needed to
eliminate waste with less amount of water available. We note here that Ammonia is highly soluble in
water and essentially excretion of ammonia is feasible only in aquatic animals. When they are on
ground, they need to save water. This was possible by excreting nitrogenous wastes as Urea or Uric
Acid as they need less water to dissolve. In amphibians, while their larvae release ammonia (thus
called Ammonotelic), the adult amphibians need economy of water and thus excrete Urea. In Birds,
the system is even more efficient as they excrete Uric Acid which needs least water.Thirdly, they
needed to protect themselves against the harmful solar radiation. This was done was skin pigments,
feathers, hair, fur or whatever means to filter the harmful radiation. While amphibians have skin
pigments, other higher vertebrates have other means for the same purpose. Fourthly, they needed to
solve the problem of fertilization. Hitherto animals had a media (water) which allowed the mixing of
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
male and female gametes. In amphibians also male and female release the gametes in water.
However, in higher vertebrates this problem was solved by internal fertilization.
Class – Reptilia
Reptiles are the first entirely terrestrial vertebrate class, totally independent from the aquatic habitat for
survival. They have excellent evolutionary innovation to get them rid of water life. Their skin is
keratinized and impermeable to water whereas amphibian skin is permeable. Due to keratinized skin,
the hitherto cutaneous respiration became impossible and respiration became dependent on internal
organs such as airways and lungs. Snakes and lizards shed their scales as skin cast.
Distribution and sub-groups
Reptiles are found in all continents except Antarctica. There are several sub-groups such as:
Testudines: This includes some 400 species of turtles, terrapins and tortoises.
Sphenodontia: This includes only two species of tuatara (found in New Zealand)
Squamata: This is largest group of reptiles having some 9600 species of lizards and snakes
Crocodilia: This group has some 25 species of crocodiles, gavials, caimans, and alligators.
Reptiles are both carnivorous and herbivorous. For example, snakes, crocodiles etc. are carnivorous
while Iguanas are herbivorous.
Pulmonary Respiration
Since reptiles have no permeable skin, they need to respire using internal organs. Thus, like birds
and mammals, reptiles also have pulmonary respiration.
Heart of Reptiles
Like amphibians, the reptile heart has three chambers (two atria and one ventricle). However, their
heart is advanced from amphibians because ventricular separation (process of having two ventricles)
appears in their heart. Further, Heart is four-chambered in crocodiles.
Greater mobility
Reptiles have larger and more powerful legs. The placement of the reptilian legs beneath the body
(instead of at the side as in amphibians) enabled them greater mobility.
External Ear
Reptiles do not have external ear openings. Tympanum represents ear.
Body temperature
Fish, amphibians as well as Reptiles are hetero-thermic animals; which means that they are unable to
maintain the body temperature. They are also called Cold blooded animals or poikilothermic or
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
keratinized outside. In terms of reproduction, fertilization is internal in both and the embryo
develops within a shelled egg. In terms of excretion, both excrete uric acid.
Reproduction in Birds
Birds reproduce sexually. Embryos develop within shelled eggs and embryonic development occurs
outside the mother’s body. The eggshell is made of calcium carbonate. The white, or albumen, is
composed by albumin, a protein. The yolk is predominantly made up of lipids, but also contains
proteins and vitamins.
Body Temperature Control in Birds
While Reptiles are heterothermic, as they do not control their body temperature; birds are the first
homoeothermic (endothermic) animals, as they are able to maintain a constant body temperature.
This is the reason that many birds live in regions of intense cold. Penguins are an example of birds
that live in polar region.
Other important Facts
Modern Birds don’t have teeth. They possess beak.
The digestive tract of birds has additional chambers, the crop and gizzard.
Class – Mammalia
Both birds and mammals have evolved from a reptile ancestor. In terms of evolution, mammals are
most advanced organisms found in almost all habitats in Earth’s biosphere including polar ice caps,
deserts, mountains, forests, grasslands and dark caves.
Common features of all mammals
All mammals have six things in common. Firstly, all mammals are vertebrates and have a backbone.
Secondly, all mammals have lungs and breathe dry air.Thirdly, all mammals are endothermic i.e.
warm blooded. animals. Fourthly, all mammals have some fur or hair on their bodies. The hair or fur
may differ in proportion. Fifthly, all mammals have two pairs of limbs.Sixthly, the most unique
mammalian characteristic is the presence of milk producing glands (mammary glands) by which the
young ones are nourished.
Monotremes / Marsupials / Placentals
Mostly female mammals give birth to the young ones but there are only a few mammals that lay eggs.
On this basis, Mammals have been divided into three groups viz. Monotremes (prototheria),
Marsupials (metatheria) and Placentals (Eutheria).
Monotremes (prototheria)
Monotremes or Prototherians are egg laying (oviparous) mammals. They are themost primitive
mammals. Currently, only three species of Monotremes are extant viz. Duckbilled Platypus and two
species of Echidnas. Monotremes are found only in Australia and New Guinea.
The word “monotreme” means “one opening” which denotes that Monotremes have only one
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
Marsupials (Metatheria)
Marsupials include kangaroos, wallabies, koala, possums, opossums, wombats, numbat etc. There are
around 330 species of Marsupials distributed in three continents viz. Australia South America and
North America (only two species are found north of Mexico).
Most (70%) are found Australia continent which includes Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and
neighbouring islands in the Pacific Ocean. Remaining is mostly found in South America and Central
Key Features
The term marsupium means a pouch. Marsupials give birth to a relatively undeveloped
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
young, which often resides in the pouch with the mother for a certain time after birth. This
also implies that they have a relatively short gestation
Marsupials have different ecological niches, ranging from moles to insect eaters to plant
They first evolved in South America some 100 million years ago when Australia, South
America and Antarctica were joined together. Gradually, these three continents separated and
the marsupials got isolated. They freely evolved in isolation.
Most Marsupials are nocturnal and they have best sense of smell and hearing.
Small Kangaroos are called wallabies. Red Kangaroo is largest Marsupial of the world.
Further, Kangaroos are able to move more efficiently at high speed in comparison to low
speed because of tendons in their hind legs and tail acts as pendulum.
Kangaroos are able to withstand dry periods and little rainfall and can survive without water
for many months.
A male kangaroo is called a boomer, a female kangaroo a flyer, and a baby kangaroo a joey.
Placentals (Eutheria)
There are nearly 4000 described species in Placental mammals, of which most are rodents and bats.
The Placental mammals give birth to live young. Before birth, the embryo is nourished in mother’s
uterus via a specialized organ connected to uterus called placenta. We note that Marsupials also have
a placenta but it is very short lived and does not make any substantial contribution in the
nourishment of the foetus.
The placental animals have been divided into several orders as enumerated below:
Artiodactyls are mammals with an even number of fingers in claws or paws like. These include
cows, sheep and giraffes.
Perissodactyls or ungulates (hooved), are large animals with an odd number of fingers on each
paw, such as horses and rhinos.
Carnivorous mammals are predators with canine teeth such as dogs, lions and tigers.
Cetaceans are aquatic mammals without posterior limbs, such as whales and dolphins.
Edentates are mammals with rare or absent teeth, such as sloths, armadillos and anteaters.
Lagomorphs are small-sized mammals with three pairs of continuously growing incisor teeth
specialized in gnawing, such as rabbits and hares.
Primates are characterized by their large cranium and well-developed brain, such as humans
and apes.
Proboscideans are large animals whose nose and upper lip form a trunk (snout), such as
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
With a few exceptions, all mammals and birds are warm-blooded, and all reptiles, insects,
arachnids, amphibians and fish are cold-blooded.
4. Which among the following is homologous to a human arm?
[A] Wing of an insect
[B] Leg of a lobster
[C] Lateral Fin of a whale
[D] Front leg of a reptile
Answer: [C] Lateral Fin of a whale
The lateral fin of the whale consists of the same bones as a human’s arm, the radius, ulna, and
humerus. These structures are considered to be homologous because the underlying structure is
similar and, therefore, humans and whales share a common ancestor. The lobster’s leg, the reptile’s
front leg, and the insect’s wing are analogous to the human’s arm. They have a common function
but no common structure, and they do not share a common ancestor.
5. How Alligators are different from Crocodiles?
1. While Alligators and Crocodiles belong to same family of reptiles, their orders are different
2. While Alligators prefer a freshwater habitat, crocodiles prefer to live in brackish water or
3. While the salt glands are non functional in Alligators, they work in Crocodiles
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 is correct
[B] Only 2 & 3 are correct
[C] Only 2 is correct
[D] 1, 2 & 3 are correct
Answer: [B] Only 2 & 3 are correct
Both these reptiles belong to same order Crocodilia, alligators are classified under Alligatoridae
family, whereas crocodiles are members of the Crocodylidae family. In regards to the habitat
comparison of alligators and crocodiles, both spend their life in and near water bodies and lay their
eggs on land. But the difference is alligators prefer a freshwater habitat, while crocodiles prefer to
live in brackish water or saltwater. Alligators have a broader ‘U’ shaped snout, whereas the snout
shape of crocodiles is narrow and form a V towards the end.
The tooth placement is also a distinguishing feature to demarcate alligators and crocodiles. The
jaw placement of an alligator is such that the upper jaw is wider and covers the lower jaw
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
completely. In case of a crocodile, the width of the upper and lower jaw are the same, hence, the
teeth in the lower jaw become apparent after the mouth is closed.Dermal Pressure Receptors
(DPRs) are small, black, sensory pits that help in detecting changes in the water pressure. Both in
alligators and crocodiles, DPRs serve as an important organ for locating their prey. In alligators,
DPRs are present only around the jaw, whereas in crocodiles, these sensory organs are present in
nearly every scale of the body.
Both alligators and crocodiles have structurally modified salivary glands (salt glands) in the tongue.
The crocodiles use these salt glands for excreting excess salt from the body, whereas in alligators,
these salt glands are non functional. This is the reason as to why, a crocodile can tolerate saline
water, whereas an alligator cannot. (Buzzle.com)
6. The birds not have respiratory trouble at the time of flying at high altitude. What is the reason for
[A] The size of lungs of birds is larger in comparison to their body
[B] At higher altitudes birds fly inactively
[C] Birds have extra air sacs
[D] None of the above is a correct reason
Answer: [C] Birds have extra air sacs
Because flying takes a tremendous amount of energy, birds need to get lots of oxygen. The air sacs
in their lungs help them to keep fresh air flowing in, unlike mammals, where the “old” air within
the trachea and mouth (which has low oxygen content and high CO2 levels) in inhaled each time.
Birds eliminate this “anatomical dead space” problem by using air sacs.
7. Taxonomically, which among the following is closet to Sea Corals?
[A] Sea Lettuce
[B] Sea Horse
[C] Sea Anemone
[D] Sea Urchin
Answer: [C] Sea Anemone
As cnidarians, sea anemones are related to corals, jellyfish, tube-dwelling anemones, and Hydra.
8. Which among the following is most distantly related to other three animals?
[A] Walrus
[B] Sea Lion
[C] Seals
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
General Science-3: Animal Kingdom
General Knowledge Today
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Animal Tissues ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Types of Animal Tissues ............................................................................................................................ 4
Digestive System .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Mouth / Oral Cavity ................................................................................................................................... 5
Digestion in Small Intestine ....................................................................................................................... 8
Digestion in Large Intestine ..................................................................................................................... 10
How food is assimilated? ......................................................................................................................... 10
Disorders of Digestive System ................................................................................................................. 11
Respiratory System ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Circulatory System ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Human Heart and Circulatory system .................................................................................................. 14
Human Heart .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Blood ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Plasma .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Red Blood Corpuscles ............................................................................................................................... 17
White Blood Corpuscles ........................................................................................................................... 17
Platelets and Hemostasis .......................................................................................................................... 18
Lymphatic System ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Blood Related Diseases ............................................................................................................................. 19
Sickle-cell disease ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Anemia ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Thalassemia ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Leukemia ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Thromboembolic Disease ....................................................................................................................... 20
Arteriosclerosis .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Vein Diseases .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Hypertension .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Stroke ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
Excretory System ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Skeletal and Muscular System ........................................................................................................................ 23
Bone ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Cartilage ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Muscles ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Joints ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Vertebral Column ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Nervous System ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Cells of the Nervous System ................................................................................................................... 25
Brain ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
Basic idea about Animal Tissues; Tendons and Ligaments; Types of Teeth; Dental
Formula in Children and Adults; Teeth Tissues (pulp, dentin, enamel, and cementum);
Steps in Digestion; Digestive Enzymes; Gut flora; Digestion of cellulose in Ruminants;
Open and Closed Circulatory Systems, Pulmonary and Systematic Circulation; Systole
and Diastole; comparison of Arteries and Veins; Blood composition and Features; RBCs
and WBCs, Blood Clotting, Blood Related Diseases, Types of Anemia, Functions of
Bones; Parts of Brain; Various Endocrine Glands and Hormones
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
Animal Tissues
In all the animals, tissues develop from the embryonic germ layers during the blastula (early stage of
embryonic development) phase. On the basis of germ layers, all animals except Porifera and
Protozoa; there are either two or three germ layers.
The animals which develop from two germ layers (ectoderm and endoderm) are called Only
Ctenophores (comb jellies) and Cnidarians (Hydra, Corals, Sea Anemones, Jelly Fishes, Sea Pens)
have this feature.
The animals which develop from three germ layers viz. ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
are called triploblastic. All animals from Platyhelminthes to Humans are triploblastic.
Types of Animal Tissues
There are 4 categories of animal tissues viz. Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscular Tissue
and Nervous Tissue.
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial tissue makes the covering of the internal organs as well as our body. This is the simplest
and non specialized tissue. Epithelial tissue originates from all the three embryonic layers viz.
Ectoderm, Mesoderm and Ectoderm.
Connective Tissue
The tissues that bind several tissues in the body are called connective tissues. They do the function of
supporting the organs and packaging of the organs. Please note that except muscles all the connective
tissue is derived from the mesoderm of the embryonic blastula. 30% of the body by mass is composed
of connective tissue. This tissue includes connective tissue proper, skeletal issue and fluid tissue.
Collective tissue proper includes the below two types:
Collagen fibres which make tendons that connect muscles to bones. We note here that
Vitamin C helps in synthesis of Collagen and lack of vitamin C causes a deficiency of
connective tissue called “Scurvy”.
Yellow elastic fibres which make ligaments that connect bones to bones. Yellow elastic
fibres are also present in arteries to provide elasticity to them. We note here that
Yellow Elastic Fibre is resistant to chemical change, though it loses elasticity with
aging. Resistance to chemical change is also evident from the fact that when mummies
are dissected, arteries are among the internal organs that might be found in most
intact condition!
Skeletal Tissue is derived from the mesoderm of embryonic blastula {this question is frequently
asked in UPSC and state exams}. There are two types of skeletal tissues viz. cartilage and
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
Cartilage is softer, elastic tissue that makes joints between bones, rib cage, ear, nose,
bronchial tubes, intervertebral discs etc.
Bone is a highly mineralized tissue in which connective tissue part is 1/3rd while
mineral part is 2/3rd portion.
Fluid Connective Tissue includes Blood, Lymph and Cerebrospinal fluid(CSF). Blood and
Lymph circulate in the body and help in transportation of the metabolites. They have a
common matrix called plasma. They have various kinds of cells which are called “corpuscles.
There are no fibers or matrix in fluid connective tissue.
Nervous Tissue
Nervous Tissue is the main component of brain; spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It helps in the
regulation and control of body functions and activities and allows us to see and perceive the world. It
is made of neurons {nerve cells}, and Neuroglia, which helps in propagation of the nerve.
Muscular Tissue
These tissues are made of muscle fibres whose contractions and relaxations provoke the movement
and locomotional activities.
Digestive System
The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract and other organs that help the body break
down and absorb food. Organs that make up the digestive tract include mouth, oesophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine (also known as colon rectum) and anus. Inside these hollow organs is a
lining called the mucosa.
Mouth / Oral Cavity
The oral cavity has a number of teeth and a muscular tongue.
Each tooth is embedded in a socket of jaw bone. Most of the animals including humans have two sets
of teeth during their life. First set is of temporary milk or deciduous teeth, which is replaced by a set
of permanent or adult teeth. Adult human has 32 permanent teeth which are of four different types
viz. Incisors, Canines, Premolar and Molars.
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
Incisors are the eight front teeth (4 up, 4 down). Canines are another four teeth on either side of
incisors in both sides (2 up, 2 down). Beyond canines are eight premolars (4 up, 4 down). These teeth
have two pointed cusps on their biting surface and are sometimes referred to asbicuspids. Beyond
Premolars are 12 molars (6 up and 6 down) thus making a set of 32 teeth in humans. The three pairs
of molars in upper or lower jaw are denoted as first, second and third molars. Third molar is also
known as wisdom teeth that come up in 30s. The above system is arranged in the form of a dental
formula, which is 2123/2123 in humans.
In children, there are only 20 deciduous teeth or milk teeth. They begin to develop before birth and
begin to fall out when a child is around 6 years old. The dental formula for milk teeth is2102. We
note here that Children don’t have premolars. Their premolar is called by dentists as first molars rather.
These baby molars are replaced by adult premolars.
Human teeth are made up of four different types of tissues viz. pulp, dentin, enamel, and cementum.
Pulp is the innermost portion of the tooth and consists of connective tissue, nerves, and blood
vessels, which nourish the tooth. Pulp is surrounded by Dentin, a hard yellow substance that makes
up most of the tooth and is as hard as bone. Enamel which covers the dentin ishardest tissue in the
body and forms the outermost layer of the crown. A bony layer of cementum covers the outside of
the root, under the gum line, and holds the tooth in place within the jawbone. Cementum is also as
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
hard as bone.
Steps in Digestion
The digestive system performs four functions viz. ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination.
Ingestion is intake of food. Digestion is of two types viz. mechanical (food is broken down into
smaller pieces, this begins as soon as we put food in our mouth) and chemical (use of enzymes and
acids to break down consumed food). Absorption is the assimilation of digested food in cells while
elimination is passing out of what we cannot digest. The entire digestive system is made of
alimentary canal and accessory digestive organs. Alimentary canal is made of salivary glands,
Pharynx, Oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. Accessory digestive organs are
liver, gallbladder and pancreas.
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
starch into sugars. Further, another enzyme called lingual lipase also begins digestion of the lipids /
fats in mouth cavity only. Thus, while digestion of carbohydrates and lipids begins in mouth cavity,
digestion of proteins begins only in stomach in highly acidic environment. Mouth cavity leads to pharynx
that is common passage for food and air. When we swallow the food, the windpipe is closed by a flap
of cartilage behind the root of the tongue. This flap is called epiglottis. Beyond epiglottis is
Oesophagus, a food pipe which ends in stomach. At the junction of the oesophagus and stomach,
there is a ring like muscle, called the oesophageal sphincter that relaxes and allows the food to pass
through to the stomach. No digestion takes place in oesophagus.
Digestion in stomach
The Stomach has three mechanical tasks. To store the swallowed food, to mix up the food, liquid, and
digestive juice produced by the stomach and to empty its contents slowly into the small intestine.
Digestion of carbohydrates, proteins as well as fats takes place in stomach. We note here that least
time is needed to digest carbohydrates, more for protein and maximum for fats.
Key Enzymes in Stomach
The main gastric enzyme is Pepsin which is secreted in inactive form called Pepsinogen. It is activated
by stomach acid (HCl). It breaks protein into peptide fragments and amino acids. Here, Hydrochloric
acid plays role to denture the proteins and kill any bacteria or viruses in the food. Another stomach
enzyme is Gastric lipase. It works in acidic environment {other lipases such as pancreatic lipase work
in alkaline environment} digests fats and lipids.
How stomach saves itself from acids secreted?
Stomach has highly acidic environment. To protect its own lining from digestion by digestive juices,
it secrets Mucin and carbonate from its mucous cells. This is one way to save its own cells. Another
way is a high turnover of stomach cells.
Function of Gastrin Hormone
Gastrin is an important hormone of G-cells of stomach. It stimulates stomach cells to produce
hydrochloric acid (HCl) and another chemical called Intrinsic factor (IF).
Digestion in Small Intestine
Small intestine is largest part of digestive system (around 6 meters) and divided into three parts viz.
the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
By the time food is ready to leave the stomach, it has been processed into a thick liquid called chyme.
A walnut-sized muscular valve at the outlet of the stomach called thepylorus keeps chyme in the
stomach until it reaches the right consistency to pass into the small intestine. Once entered into
duodenum, the chyme comes into contact with pancreatic juice with a pH of approximately 8.5.
Thus, the hitherto acidic environment of stomach (pH near 2) is turned into alkaline environment.
Here we note that the neutralization of the acidity of the chyme is necessary for the functioning of the
digestive enzymes that act in the duodenum. Further, without neutralization of the acidity of the
chyme, mucous membrane of the intestine would be damaged.
What happens here is that the acidity of chyme stimulates production of a hormone called secretin in
the duodenum. Secretin stimulates the pancreas to release pancreatic juice and also signals the
gallbladder to expel bile in the duodenum. The pancreatic secretion, rich in bicarbonate ions, is
released in the duodenum and neutralizes the chyme acidity; this acidity is also neutralized by the
secretion of bile in the duodenal lumen.
Further, most of the chemical digestion of fats begins only in duodenum via so calledemulsification
Role of Liver: Bile Juice and Emulsification
Bile, an emulsifier liquid, is made by the liver and later stored in the gallbladder and released in the
duodenum. Bile is composed of bile salts, cholesterol and bile pigments. Bile salts are detergents,
amphiphilic molecules, or rather, molecules with a polar water-soluble portion and a non-polar fat-
soluble portion. This feature allows bile salts to enclose fats inside water-soluble micelles in a process
called emulsification. Through this process, fats come into contact with intestinal lipases, enzymes
that break them down into simpler fatty acids and glycerol.
Why patients with gall stones are not allowed to take fatty foods?
Bile is concentrated and stored in the gallbladder. When foods high in fat are ingested, the
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
gallbladder contracts to release bile into the duodenum. This is the reason why patients with
gallstones are advised to not to eat fatty foods, because the reactive contraction of the gallbladder
may move some of the stones to the point of blocking the duct that drains bile into the duodenum,
causing pain and other complications.
Other functions of Liver
Apart from making bile for releasing in small intestine, Liver is also a site for storing, processing and
inactivating poisons in food. This work is done by a network of veins in the liver called mesenteric
circulation. Liver also polymerizes glucose and stores it as Glycogen. It stores many vitamins and the
iron absorbed in the intestine. It detoxifies poisonous substances such as alcohol, nicotine, drugs etc.
Role of Pancreas
The pancreas produces enzymes that help digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It also makes a
substance that neutralizes stomach acid. The pancreatic juice is released into the mixture that
contains the following enzymes to help chemically digest fats and carbohydrates:
Pancreatic Lipase breaks apart fat molecules into fatty acids and glycerol.
Pancreatic amylase breaks long carbohydrates into disaccharides, which are short chains of two
sugars. The disaccharidases then break apart into monosaccharides that can be absorbed by
the cells lining the small intestine.
Trypsin and chymotrypsin are enzymes that break apart peptide fragments. After they break
the peptides down into small chains, amino peptidases finish them off by breaking apart the
peptides into individual, absorbable amino acids.
Intestinal Villi and Microvilli
After digestion, the next step is absorption by cells of the mucous membrane of the intestine. For this
to happen, a large absorption surface is needed. This is done by two ways.Firstly, intestine itself is
long and tubular and closely folded and numerous loop. Secondly, a more efficient process is done by
intestinal Villi and the microvilli of the mucosal membrane cells. These are like gloved fingers which
scale up the process of absorption by increasing absorption area manifold.
The majority of water, vitamins and mineral ions are absorbed by the small intestine.
Digestion in Large Intestine
The large intestine is not responsible for digestion but only for reabsorption of nearly 10% of
ingested water, a significant amount that gives consistency to feces. If there is some disease in colon,
water will not be absorbed and person will suffer from diarrhoea.
How food is assimilated?
The sugars, amino acids, mineral salts and water are taken from the capillary vessels of small
intestine to mesenteric circulation. The blood from the mesenteric circulation distributes nutrients
to tissues in body.
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is chronic inflammation of the intestines that affects older
kids, teens, and adults.
Hepatitis, a condition with many different causes, is when the liver becomes inflamed and
may lose its ability to function.
Respiratory System
Respiration is the entire process of taking air in, exchanging needed gases for unnecessary gases,
using the needed gases, and releasing the waste form of gases. The Human respiratory system
consists of the following parts, divided into the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
Upper Respiratory Tract
Mouth, nose & nasal cavity
The nostrils act as the air intake, bringing air into the nose, where it’s warmed and humidified. Tiny
hairs called cilia protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract, filtering out
dust and other particles.
Pharynx is part of the digestive system as well as the respiratory system because it carries both food
and air.
This is also known as the voice box as it is where sound is generated. It also helps protect the trachea
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
by producing a strong cough reflex if any solid objects pass the epiglottis.
Lower Respiratory Tract
Trachea (Wind Pipe)
It carries air from the throat into the lungs. The inner membrane of the trachea is covered with cilia.
The trachea is surrounded by 15-20 C-shaped rings of cartilage at the front and side which help
protect the trachea and keep it open.
The trachea divides into two tubes called bronchi, one entering the left and one entering the right
Tertiary bronchi continue to divide and become bronchioles, very narrow tubes, less than 1
millimetre in diameter. There is no cartilage within the bronchioles and they lead to alveolar sacs.
Individual hollow cavities contained within alveolar sacs. Alveoli have very thin walls which permit
the exchange of gases Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. They are surrounded by a network of capillaries,
into which the inspired gases pass.
Thorax or the chest cavity
It is the airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart, and other structures. The top and
sides of the thorax are formed by the ribs and attached muscles, and the bottom is formed by a large
muscle called the diaphragm.
It is located below the lungs. It is a large, dome-shaped muscle that contracts rhythmically and
continually, and most of the time, involuntarily. Upon inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and
flattens and the chest cavity enlarges which pulls air into the lungs. Upon exhalation, the diaphragm
relaxes and returns to its domelike shape, and air is forced out of the lungs.
Steps in Respiration
Respiration involves the following steps:
1. Breathing or pulmonary ventilation by which atmospheric air is drawn in and CO2 rich
alveolar air is released out.
2. Diffusion of gases (O2 and CO2) across alveolar membrane.
3. Transport of gases by the blood.
4. Diffusion of O2 and CO2 between blood and tissues.
5. Utilisation of O2 by the cells for catabolic reactions and resultant release of CO2.
The process of Respiration
In a process called diffusion, oxygen moves from the alveoli to the blood through the capillaries (tiny
blood vessels) lining the alveolar walls. Blood has a massive capacity to dissolve oxygen – much more
oxygen can dissolve in blood than could dissolve in the same amount of water. This is because blood
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contains Haemoglobin – a specialized protein that binds to oxygen in the lungs so that the oxygen
can be transported to the rest of the body. This oxygen-rich blood then flows back to the heart,
which pumps it through the arteries to oxygen-hungry tissues throughout the body.
In the tiny capillaries of the body tissues, oxygen is freed from the hemoglobin in the blood and
moves into the cells. Carbon dioxide, which is produced during the process of diffusion, moves out
of these cells into the capillaries, where most of it is dissolved in the plasma of the blood.
Blood rich in carbon dioxide then returns to the heart via the veins. From the heart, this blood is
pumped to the lungs, where carbon dioxide passes into the alveoli to be exhaled.
Circulatory System
Circulatory system is responsible for movement of nutrients, gases and wastes within blood vessels.
Open and Closed Circulatory Systems
Circulatory system is not found in Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematodes and Echinoderms.
An open circulatory system is found in arthropods, gastropods, bivalves and protochordates. In open
circulatory system blood (called hemolymph) flows in vessels as well as open in body cavities. Such
circulatory system has low blood pressure.
In annelids, Cephalopods and Vertebrates, closed circulatory system in found in which blood
circulates only inside blood vessels. Due to this, the blood pressure is high in these organisms and
thus blood can travel greater distances to the organs and tissues. Further, higher circulatory speed
also increases the capacity to distribute large supplies of oxygen.
Human Heart and Circulatory system
The main components of human circulatory system include blood vessels (arteries, veins and
capillaries), heart, blood, lymph and lymphatic system.
Human Heart
Human heart has four chambers viz. right atrium & right ventricle and left atrium & left ventricle
through which blood passes.
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We note that two sides of our heart are anatomically and functionally separate pumping units. The
cardiovascular system is composed of these two circulatory paths.
Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary circulation or circuit refers to the movement of deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs,
getting oxygenated in lungs and then coming back to heart.
Systematic Circulation
Systemic circulation or circuit is the movement of blood from the heart through the body to provide
oxygen and nutrients, and bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
Notable points about the above two circulations are as follows:
The right side of heart pumps blood through the pulmonary circulation, while the left side of the
heart pumps blood through the systemic circulation.
Usually, arteries carry oxygen rich blood. But the pulmonary artery (which takes blood from
heart to lungs) carries deoxygenated blood. Similarly, usually veins carry deoxygenated blood,
but pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood.
Systole and Diastole
Systole and diastole are the two stages into which the cardiac cycle is divided. Systole is the stage
when the contraction of ventricular muscle fibers occurs and the ventricles are emptied. Diastole is
the stage of the cardiac cycle when the ventricular muscle fibers expand and the ventricles are filled
with blood. When ventricles contract (systole), the blood is sent to pulmonary and systemic
circulation. To prevent the flow of blood backwards into the atria during systole, the atrio-
ventricular valves close, creating the sound (lubb). When the ventricles finish contracting, the aortic
and pulmonary valves close to prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricles. This is what
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creates the second sound (dubb). Then, the ventricles relax (called diastole) and fill with blood from
the atria, which makes up the second phase of the cardiac cycle. This is how sounds of our heart are
represented as lubb-dubb-pause-lubb-dubb-pause.
Heart Beat Rate
The normal heart beat is 70-72 per minute in males and 78-82 per minute in females. The heartbeat
of a child is more than that of an adult at around 140/min.
Coronary Circulation
The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle. These vessels originate from the aorta
immediately after the aortic valve and branch out through the heart muscle. The coronary veins
transport the deoxygenated blood from the heart muscle to the right atrium.
Arteries, Veins and Capillaries
Arteries carry blood from the heart to various body parts. All arteries carry oxygenated blood from
the heart except pulmonary artery. Arteries have thick elastic muscular walls; they don’t have valves
and blood in them flows under high pressure. Arteries are pulsating blood vessels. The arterial pulse can
be felt during a medical examination, for instance through the palpation of the radial artery in the
internal-lateral face of the wrist near the base of the thumb.
Veins carry blood from the various body parts to the heart. All veins carry deoxygenated blood from
the various body parts except pulmonary vein. They have thin non elastic walls and they consist of
valves to prevent back the backward flow of blood. Blood flows under low pressure in veins.
Capillaries are fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arteries and veins.
They help to enable the exchange of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and many other nutrients and
waste substances between the blood and the tissue.
Blood comprises of around 9% of body mass in adult human. In an average man, blood is 90 milliliter
per kg of body weight and in an average woman blood is 65 milliliter per kg of body weight. Its
specific gravity {specific gravity means Relative density) is 1.060 {this means slightly more than
water} and average pH is 7.4 {means blood is little alkaline). Its osmotic pressure at room
temperature is 7.6 atmospheres. Hemoglobin in normal healthy adult is 14-16 gm per 100 milliliter.
Blood is a connective tissue and means of substance transportation in body. It distributes nutrients,
oxygen, hormones, antibodies and cells specialized in defense to tissues and collects waste such as
nitrogenous wastes and carbon dioxide from them. It is made of two portions viz. fluid part (plasma)
and cellular part (blood cells or corpuscles).
Plasma is 55% of the blood by volume and constitutes 5% of the body weight. Plasma is a pale yellow
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transparent clear fluid which consists of 90-92% water and 8-10% organic and inorganic substances.
Organic substances are mainly plasma proteins viz. albumin, globulin, prothrombin and fibrinogen.
Albumins are responsible for maintenance of osmotic pressure of Blood. Globulins are chief sites for
formation of antibodies; while prothrombin and fibrinogen are essential for clotting of blood.
Inorganic substances in plasma include Glucose, Fructose, cholesterol, nucleosides, Vitamins,
hormones, uric acid etc. and gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide in dissolved phase.
Red Blood Corpuscles
RBCs or Erythrocytes are biconcave cells which don’t have a nucleus. They are responsible for
transporting oxygen from the lungs to tissues with the help of respiratory pigment hemoglobin,
which is main constituent of RBCs.
In the embryonic stage RBC are produced in Liver, spleen and Lymph nodes (all the three). Up to 20
years of age, they are produced in bone marrow of long bones such as femur. After 20 years they are
produced in the bone marrows of membranous bones. RBCs complete a circulation in the body in 20
seconds. Their life span is 100-120 days. Their main constituent Hemoglobin is made of four
polypeptide chains and four heme (iron) groups. The spleen is the main organ where old red blood cells are
destroyed. During the destruction of red blood cells, the heme groups turns into bilirubin and this
substance is then captured by the liver and later excreted to the bowels as a part of bile.
White Blood Corpuscles
White Blood Cells leukocytes are specialized in the defense of the body against foreign agents and are
part of our immune system. There are several types of WBCs such as lymphocytes, monocytes,
neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. Out of them, the neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils are
called granulocytes because their cytoplasm looks containing granules when viewed under
microscope. Lymphocytes and monocytes are called agranulocytes.
Monocytes are largest WBCs and have a horse shoe shape. They are most powerful phagocytes {cells
which eat other cells} which work as scavengers. Monocytes make around 5% of the total WBC
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Lymphocytes make around 25% of the WBC count and they are made in lymph nodes and lymphatic
tissues in spleen, liver etc. They are able to show some amoeboid movement. Their function is to
make antibodies.
Neutrophils are WBCs with multi-lobbed nucleus. They ingest and destroy the bacteria or other
foreign bodies. Wherever there is some infection, neutrophils pass out from the blood streams and
accumulate creating puss by eating debris and bacteria.
The main function of histamine rich eosinophils is to combat the multicellular parasites and
certain infections. Along with the mast cells, they also control mechanisms associated
with allergy and asthma. Thus, their number increases during chronic bronchitis, asthma or allergic
Basophils appear during inflammatory reactions which cause allergy. They contain
anticoagulant heparin, which prevents blood from clotting too quickly.
White blood cells perform several functions in the body as:
Leucocytosis and leukopenia are clinical conditions in which a blood sample contains an abnormal
count of leukocytes. When the leukocyte count in a blood sample isabove the normal level for the
individual, it is called leukocytosis. When the leukocyte count is lower than the expected normal
level, it is called leukopenia. Leukocytosis generally happens when body is suffering from infections
or in cancer of these cells. Leukopenia, occurs when some diseases, such as AIDS, attack the cells or
when immunosuppressive drugs are used.
Platelets and Hemostasis
Platelets or thrombocytes are fragments of large bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes. Through
their properties of aggregation and adhesiveness, they are directly involved in blood clotting as well
as release substances that activate other hemostatic processes. When tissue wound contains injury to
a blood vessel, the platelets and endothelial cells of the wall of the damaged vessel release substances
(platelet factors and tissue factors, respectively) that trigger the clotting process.
Blood Clotting
Blood clotting is basically a sequence of chemical reactions whose products are enzymes that catalyze
the subsequent reactions. This is the reason that clotting reactions are called cascade reactions. In
plasma, thromboplastinogen transforms into thromboplastin, a reaction triggered by tissue and
platelet factors released after injury to a blood vessel. Along with calcium ions, thromboplastin then
catalyzes the transformation of prothrombin into thrombin. Thrombin then catalyzes a reaction that
produces fibrin from fibrinogen. Fibrin, as an insoluble substance, forms a network that traps red
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blood cells and platelets, thus forming the blood clot and containing the hemorrhage.
Clotting factors
Clotting factors are substances (enzymes, coenzymes, reagents) necessary for the clotting process to
happen. In addition to the triggering factors and reagents already described (tissue and platelet
factors, thromplastinogen, prothrombin, fibrinogen, calcium ions), other substances participate in
the blood clotting process as clotting factors. One of these is factor VIII, the deficiency of which
causes hemophilia A, and another is factor IX, the deficiency of which causes hemophilia B. Most
clotting factors are produced in the liver. Vitamin K participates in the activation of several clotting
factors and is essential for the proper functioning of blood coagulation.
Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of specialized vessels with valves, which drains interstitial fluid
called lymph. The lymphatic system is also responsible for the transport of chylomicrons (vesicles
that contain lipids) produced after the absorption of fats by the intestinal epithelium.
Along lymphatic vessels are ganglial-like structures called lymph nodes, which contain many
immune system cells. These cells filter impurities and destroy microorganisms and cellular waste.
The lymphatic vessels drain to two major lymphatic vessels, the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic
duct, which in turn drain into tributary veins of the superior vena cava.
The lymph nodes, or lymph glands, have lymphoid tissue that produces lymphocytes (a type of
leukocyte). In inflammatory and infectious conditions, it is common to see the enlargement of lymph
nodes in the lymphatic circuits that drain the affected region due to the reactive proliferation of
Blood Related Diseases
Sickle-cell disease
Sickle-cell disease (SCD) is an autosomal recessive genetic blood disorder with overdominance,
characterized by red blood cells that assume an abnormal, rigid, sickle shape. Sickling decreases the
cells’ flexibility and results in a risk of various complications. The sickling occurs because of a
mutation in the haemoglobin gene. Red Blood Cells alter shape and threaten to damage internal
Anemia refers to low RBC count or low hemoglobin or abnormality of the RBCs. It is characterized
by low oxygen transport capacity of the blood.
Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease in which body lacks intrinsic factor required to absorb
vitamin B12 from food. Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of hemoglobin.
Aplastic anemia is caused by the inability of the bone marrow to produce blood cells. Pure red cell
aplasia is caused by the inability of the bone marrow to produce only red blood cells.
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Thalassemia results in the production of an abnormal ratio of hemoglobin subunits. It’s a genetic
Malaria link of Sickle-cell disease and Thalassemia
Malaria parasite spends big part of its life-cycle in Red Blood Cells. During this period it feeds on the
hosts hemoglobin and then breaks them apart. This causes fever at several intervals. Both sickle-cell
disease and Thalassemia are more common in malaria prone areas, because these mutations convey
some protection against the parasite.
A great increase in abnormal leukocytes may occur for unknown reasons, resulting in the diseases
known as the leukemias. These range in severity from the chronic lymphocytic leukemia, in which a
person may live for many years, to devastating acute leukemia, often causing death within months.
Thromboembolic Disease
This disease results in abnormal clotting in the blood vessels. It is caused by a relatively inactive
lifestyle, or by a person’s confinement to bed, is one of the most common causes of death in middle-
aged and elderly persons.
The single major cause of artery disease is the thickening and hardening of arterial walls by deposits
of fatty materials, known as arteriosclerosis. In major vessels such as the aorta, this process is
called arthrosclerosis. These are common cause of coronary heart disease, including heart attacks.
Bypass surgery, the surgical replacement of the narrowed segment of artery with a vein taken from
elsewhere in the body, is a common medical treatment for arterial narrowing in coronary arteries.
Another medical therapy, angioplasty, is the dilation of the narrowed segment with a tiny balloon
delivered by catheter.
Other major diseases of the aorta include true aneurysms and so-called dissecting aneurysms. The
former are balloon-like swellings that result from weakening of the aorta wall, most commonly
because of atherosclerosis.
Vein Diseases
The most common peripheral vascular disease of the veins isthrombophlebitis or phlebitis. This
disorder involves the formation of a blood clot (or clots) in large veins, usually in the leg or pelvis. A
distressing but usually minor disorder of the veins, known as varicose veins, results from a failure of
valves in the veins to keep blood flowing back toward the heart.
High blood pressure is a common disorder among the adult population. By far the most common
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type is essential hypertension, the causes of which are medically unknown. The remaining cases of
high blood pressure are secondary to at least 30 different conditions.
Stroke, also known as Cerebro-Vascular Accident (CVA), involves damage to the brain because of
impaired blood supply and causes a sudden malfunction of the brain. Some stroke risk factors include
increasing age, gender (more men have strokes), diabetes mellitus, prior stroke, and family history of
stroke, hypertension, heart disease, cigarette smoking, and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), or little
strokes. Strokes are of three kinds viz. Ischemia, Haemorrhage and Heart Failure. Ischemia is the
narrowing or blockage of an artery by means of atherosclerosis or by an embolus.
About 63% of strokes are ischemic. Atherosclerosis, or progressive hardening of the arteries,
produces ischemia by obstruction of vessels with fatty deposits. Another form of ischemia is
thrombosis, or blockage resulting from an embolus.
About 22% of all strokes are caused by cerebral hemorrhage or bleeding in the brain. The
most common causes of spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage, commonly called apoplexy, are
hypertension and aneurysm.
Heart Failure is a condition in which the heart fails to maintain an adequate output, resulting
in diminished blood flow and congestion in the circulation in the lungs and/or the body. The
causes of heart failure are high blood pressure and heart disease. To properly manage heart
failure the underlying heart disease must be treated.
Excretory System
Several kinds of wastes, including sweat, carbon dioxide gas, feces (stool), and urine are produced by
our body. These wastes exit the body by
Sweat is released through pores in the skin.
Water vapor and carbon dioxide are exhaled from the lungs.
Undigested food materials are formed into feces in the intestines and excreted from the body
as solid waste in bowel movements.
In humans, the excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, one pair of ureters, a urinary bladder
and a urethra.
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The kidneys are located just under the ribcage in the back, one on each side. The right kidney is
located below the liver, so it’s a little lower than the left one.
The functional unit of Kidney is a Nephron. Each Kidney has around 1 million Nephrons that work
as tiny filtering units which remove the harmful substances from the blood. Each of the nephrons
contains a filter called the glomerulus, which contains a network of tiny blood vessels known as
capillaries. Blood travels to each kidney through the renal artery. Once in Nephrons, it is filtered
by glomerulus then travels down a tiny tube-like structure called a tubule, which adjusts the level of
salts, water, and wastes that are excreted in the urine. Filtered blood leaves the kidney through the
renal vein and flows back to the heart. The continuous blood supply entering and leaving the kidneys
gives the kidneys their dark red color.
Urine is a concentrated solution of waste material containing water, urea (a waste product that
forms when proteins are broken down), salts, amino acids, by-products of bile from the liver,
ammonia, and any substances that cannot be reabsorbed into the blood. Urine also contains
urochrome, a pigmented blood product that gives urine its yellowish color.
Antidiuretic hormone
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the pituitary promotes water retention by the kidneys, and its
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secretion is regulated by a negative feedback loop involving blood water and salt balances.
Other functions of Kidney
The kidneys also secrete the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates and controls red blood cell
production. In addition, the kidneys help regulate the acid-base balance (or the pH) of the blood and
body fluids.
Skeletal and Muscular System
The main organs and tissues of the musculoskeletal system in humans are bones, cartilages and
muscles. These systems provide support and protection to organs; maintain structure of the body;
help in movement of organs and limbs; and store nutrients {muscles store glycogen; while bones
store calcium and phosphorus}. Further bones also have function of Hematopoiesis {making of blood
cells} in bone marrow (mainly within flat bones).
Bone is a highly mineralized tissue in which connective tissue part is 1/3rd while mineral part is
2/3rd portion. Apart from providing mechanical strength, the bones work as homeostatic reservoir
for ions such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Thus, bones have a very important function
in acid base balance in the body. There are 270 bones in a new born baby and 206 in an adult human.
Bone as connective Tissue
Formation of bones is called Osteogenesis or Ossification. Bones are made of three types of
specialized cells called osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts make the bone while
Osteoclasts break / remodel the osteous tissue. They create canals in bones. Osteocytes provide
The intercellular part between Osteocytes is made of casein protein and inorganic phosphates. We
note here that bony tissue is highly vascular and has greater regenerative power than any other tissue of the
body except Blood. Bones have narrow tubes called Haversian Canals and Volkmann’s Canals apart from
the network of blood vessels.
Number of Bones
An adult human has 206 bones while a new born baby has 300 bones. 94 bones fuse as a baby grows.
The total number of bones in human skull is 29. The face of a man is made up of 14 bones. Largest
and longest bone is femur (thigh bone).The shortest bone in the human body is stapes or stirrup
bone in the middle ear.
Cartilage is softer, elastic tissue that makes joints between bones, rib cage, ear, nose, bronchial tubes,
intervertebral discs etc.
The human body has more than 650 muscles, which make up half of a person’s body weight. Humans
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have three different kinds of muscle: Skeletal, Involuntary and Cardiac muscles.
Skeletal muscle
These are voluntary muscles that hold the skeleton together, give the body shape, and help it with
everyday movements. They are striated because they are made up of fibers that have horizontal stripes
when viewed under a microscope. They can contract quickly and powerfully, but they tire easily and
have to rest between workouts.
Involuntary or smooth muscle:
It is also made of fibers, but looks smooth, not striated and they’re controlled by the nervous system
automatically. Walls of the stomach and intestines, walls of blood vessels are the examples of
involuntary muscles. Smooth muscles take longer to contract than skeletal muscles but they can stay
contracted for a long time because they don’t tire easily.
Cardiac muscle
It is an involuntary type of muscle found in the heart. Its rhythmic, powerful contractions force
blood out of the heart as it beats. Cardiac muscle contraction is totally involuntary, meaning it occurs
without nervous stimulation and doesn’t require conscious control.
Sarcomeres are the functional units of muscle fibers. Within them, the blocks of actin and myosin
molecules are placed in an organized manner. Sarcomeres are the contractile units of muscle tissue,
formed of alternating actin blocks (thin filaments) and myosin blocks (thick filaments).
Myoglobin is a pigment similar to hemoglobin which is present in muscle fibers. Myoglobin has a
large affinity to oxygen. It keeps oxygen bound and releases the gas under strenuous muscle work.
Therefore, myoglobin acts as an oxygen reserve for muscle cells. If oxygen from hemoglobin or
myoglobin is not enough to supply energy to the muscle cells, the cell begins to use lactic fermentation
in an attempt to compensate for that deficiency. Lactic fermentation releases lactic acid and this
substance causes muscle fatigue and predisposes the muscles to cramps.
Joints are structures where two bones are attached so that bones can move relative to each other.
Bones are held together at joints by ligaments, which are strong, fibrous, connective tissues. Joints
are classified into three groups:
Immovable (fibrous) joints, e.g. skull bones;
Slightly movable (cartilagenous) joints, e.g. intervertebral discs;
Freely movable (synovial) joints, e.g. limb joints.
Synovial joints permit the greatest degree of flexibility and have the ends of bones covered with a
connective tissue (synovial membrane) filled with joint (synovial) fluid.
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Vertebral Column
The spinal cord runs along the dorsal side of the body and links the brain to the rest of the body.
Vertebrates have their spinal cords encased in a series of (usually) bony vertebrae that comprise the
vertebral column. Our back is composed of 33 bones called vertebrae, 31 pairs of nerves, 40 muscles
and numerous connecting tendons and ligaments running from the base of your skull to your
tailbone. Between our vertebrae are fibrous, elastic cartilage called discs known as shock absorbers.
Nervous System
The nervous system is made of two parts viz. Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral
Nervous System (PNS). CNS is made of Brain {cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum} and spinal cord.
The PNS is made of nerves and neural ganglia. Further, the meninges {three membranes that
envelop the brain and spinal cord) are also a part of the nervous system.
Cells of the Nervous System
The main cells of the nervous system are neurons. In addition to neurons, the nervous system is also
made up of glial cells. Neurons are cells that have the function of receiving and transmitting neural
impulses. Glial cells support, feed and electrically insulate the neurons. One common example of
Glial cells are the so called “Schwann cells” that produce the myelin sheath of the peripheral nervous
The neuron is the functional unit of the nervous system with 3 parts viz. Dendrite, Cell Body and
Axon. Dendrites receive information from another cell and transmit the message to the cell body.
The cell body contains the nucleus, mitochondria and other organelles typical of eukaryotic cells.
The axon conducts messages away from the cell body.
There are three types of the Neurons viz. Sensory, Motor and Inter. Sensory neurons carry messages
from sensory receptors to the central nervous system. Motor neurons transmit messages from the
central nervous system to the muscles. Inter neurons are found only in the central nervous system
where they connect neuron to neuron.
Some axons are wrapped in a myelin sheath by specialized glial cells known as Schwann cells. The gap
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between Schwann cells is known as the Node of Ranvier, and serves as points along the neuron for
generating a signal.
Synapses are the structures that transmit a neural impulse between two neurons. When the electric
impulse arrives, the presynaptic membrane of the axon releases neurotransmitters that bind to the
postsynaptic receptors of the dendrites of the next cell. The activated state of these receptors alters
the permeability of the dendritic membrane and the electric depolarization moves along the plasma
membrane of the neuron to its axon.
The brain is made up of three main sections: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain.
The forebrain is the largest and most complex part of the brain. It consists of the cerebrum and some
other structures beneath it. The cerebrum contains the information that essentially makes us who we
are: our intelligence, memory, speech, ability to feel etc. Specific areas of the cerebrum are in charge
of processing these different types of information. These are called lobes, and there are four of them:
the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.
The cerebrum has right and left halves, called hemispheres, which are connected in the middle by a
band of nerve fibers (corpus collosum) that enables the two sides to communicate.
The left side is considered the logical, analytical, objective side. The right side is thought to be more intuitive,
creative, and subjective.
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The outer layer of the cerebrum is called thecortex (also known as “gray matter”). Information
collected by the five senses comes into the brain from the spinal cord to the cortex. This information
is then directed to other parts of the nervous system for further processing.
In the inner part of the forebrain sits the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland.
The thalamus carries messages from the sensory organs like the eyes, ears, nose, and fingers to
the cortex.
The hypothalamus controls the pulse, thirst, appetite, sleep patterns, and other processes in
our bodies that happen automatically.
It also controls the pituitary gland, which makes the hormones that control our growth,
metabolism, digestion, sexual maturity, and response to stress.
The Midbrain
The midbrain, located underneath the middle of the forebrain, acts as a master coordinator for all the
messages going in and out of the brain to the spinal cord.
The Hindbrain
The hindbrain sits underneath the back end of the cerebrum, and it consists of the cerebellum, pons,
and medulla.
The cerebellum — also called the “little brain” because it looks like a small version of the cerebrum —
is responsible for balance, movement, and coordination.
The pons and the medulla, along with the midbrain, are often called the brainstem. The brainstem
takes in, sends out, and coordinates all of the brain’s messages.
It also controls many of the body’s automatic functions, like breathing, heart rate, blood pressure,
swallowing, digestion, and blinking.
Spinal cord
The spinal cord is a long bundle of nerve tissue about 18 inches long and ¾ inch thick. It extends
from the lower part of the brain down through spine. Along the way, various nerves branch out to
the entire body. These are called the peripheral nervous system. Both the brain and the spinal cord
are protected by bone: the brain by the bones of the skull, and the spinal cord by a set of ring-shaped
bones called vertebrae. They’re both cushioned by layers of membranes called meninges as well as a
special fluid called cerebrospinal fluid.
Endocrine System
Endocrine system is a collection of glands that work interdependently and produce hormones that
regulate the body’s growth, metabolism, and sexual development and function. The Endocrine
system influences almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies. It is instrumental in
regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, and sexual function and
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reproductive processes.
Hormones, the chemical messengers are carried in the bloodstream to a target tissue elsewhere in the
body, where they must be absorbed into the tissue before they can have an effect. There are two
groups of Hormones viz. Peptide Hormones and Steroid Hormones. Peptide hormones, such as
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insulin, are short chains of amino acids. Peptide hormones are hydrophilic (water loving), so they
don’t pass easily through cell membranes. The receptors for peptide hormones are embedded in the
plasma membranes of target cells. Steroid hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, are lipids,
so they’re hydrophobic (water fearing) and can pass easily through the hydrophobic layer of the
plasma membrane and enter cells. Thus, the receptors for steroid hormones are located inside the
The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland or pineal body or epiphysis is located in the center of the head. It secretes the
hormone melatonin, a hormone produced at night and related to the regulation of circadian rhythm
(or the circadian cycle, the wakefulness-sleep cycle). Melatonin may also regulate many body
functions related to the night-day cycle.
Pituitary Gland
The pituitary gland or hypophysis is located in one of the bones at the base of the skull. It has two
portions viz. anterior hypophysis and posterior hypophysis. The anterior part produces two
hormones that work directly viz. growth hormone (GH) and prolactin; and four tropic hormones
{tropic hormones regulate the other endocrine glands} viz. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH). The posterior part releases two hormones produced in the hypothalamus viz. oxytocin and
antidiuretic hormone (ADH or vasopressin).
Growth Hormone (GH) acts on bones, cartilage and muscles to promote the growth of these
tissues. During childhood, GH secretion deficiencies may lead to dwarfism. Excessive
production of GH in children may cause exaggerated bone growth and gigantism.
Prolactin stimulates the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glands in women.
ACTH stimulates the cortical portion of the adrenal gland to produce and secrete cortical
hormones called glucocorticoids.
TSH stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, increasing the production and secretion of
its hormones T3 and T4.
FSH is a gonadotropic hormone {gonadotropic means it stimulates the gonads} and acts on
the ovaries to induce the growth of follicles and, in men, it stimulates spermatogenesis.
LH is also a gonadotropic hormone; it acts upon the ovaries of women to stimulate ovulation
and the formation of the corpus luteum (which secretes estrogen); in men, it acts on the
testicles to stimulate the production of testosterone.
Oxytocin is secreted in women during delivery to increase the strength and frequency of
uterine contractions and therefore to help the baby’s birth. During the lactation period, the
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
infant’s sucking action on the mother’s nipples stimulates the production of oxytocin, which
then increases the secretion of milk by the mammary glands.
Vasopressin, or ADH, participates in the regulation of water in the body and therefore in the
control of blood pressure, since it allows the reabsorption of free water through the renal
tubules. As water goes back into circulation, the volume of blood increases.
Thyroid Gland
The thyroid is located in the anterior cervical region (frontal neck), in front of the trachea and just
below the larynx. It is a bilobed mass below the Adam’s apple. It secrets thyroxine (T4),
triiodothyronine (T3) and calcitonin.
T3 and T4 act to increase the cellular metabolic rate of the body (cellular respiration,
metabolism of proteins and lipids, etc.) Goiter. the abnormal enlargement of the thyroid
gland, can occur as a result of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Endemic goiter is caused
by a deficiency in iodine consumption. Hypothyroidism caused by deficient iodine ingestion
is more frequent in regions far from the coast because sea food is rich in iodine.
Calcitonin inhibits the release of calcium cations by bones, thus controlling the level of
calcium in the blood.
The parathyroids are four small glands, two of which are embedded in each posterior face of one lobe
of the thyroid. The parathyroids secrete parathormone, a hormone that, along with calcitonin and
vitamin D, regulates calcium levels in the blood.
Pancreas is a mixed gland because it produces both endocrine and exocrine secretions. It releases
pancreatic juice as exocrine gland whileinsulin, glucagon and somatostatin hormonesas endocrine
gland. These hormones are produced in so called “islets of Langerhans”.
Glucose Regulation
For normal body functions, the Blood glucose levels must be maintained. If blood glucose levels are
abnormally low, it shall not be able to supply the energy metabolism of cells. If it is too high, it causes
severe harm to peripheral nerves, the skin, the retina, the kidneys and other important organs, and
may cause cardiovascular diseases.
The pancreatic hormone Glucagon increases blood glucose while Insulin reduces it. Glucagon
stimulates glycogenolysis, thus forming glucose from the breakdown of glycogen. Insulin is
the hormone responsible for the entrance of glucose from blood into cells.
When glucose is low (for example during fasts), glucagon is secreted and insulin is inhibited.
When glucose is high (for example after meals) glucagon is inhibited and insulin secretion is
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
While glucagon targets the liver, insulin works in all cells. Somatostatin inhibits both insulin and
glucagon secretions.
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is caused by deficient production or action of insulin and, as a result, characterized
by a low glucose uptake by cells and a high blood glucose level. This diseases is identified by a so
called diabetic triad called polyuria (excessive urine) , polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyphagia
(excessive hunger). Diabetic persons are advised to take less carbohydrates because these substances
are broken down into glucose and this molecule is absorbed in the intestines.
Type-I and Type-II diabetes
Type I or juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes is the impaired production of insulin by the
pancreas and is caused by destruction of the cells of the islets of Langerhans by autoantibodies
(autoimmunity). Type II diabetes occurs adults. In this, the pancreas secretes normal or low levels of
insulin, but the main cause of the high glucose sugar is the peripheral resistance of the cells to the
action of the hormone.
Type I diabetes is treated with the parenteral administration of insulin. Insulin must be administered
intravenously or intramuscularly because, as a protein, it will be digested if ingested orally. In type II
diabetes, treatment is done with oral drugs that regulate glucose metabolism or, in more severe cases,
with parenteral insulin administration. The moderation of carbohydrate ingestion is an important
aid in diabetes treatment.
Diabetes insipidus is the disease caused by deficient ADH secretion by the pituitary gland. In diabetes
insipidus, blood lacks ADH and, as a result, the reabsorption of water by the tubules in the kidneys is
reduced, and a large volume of urine is produced. The patient urinates in large volumes and many
times a day.
Adrenal Glands
Each adrenal gland is located on the top of each kidney (forming a hat-like structure on the top of the
kidneys). Each adrenal gland has two parts viz. outer cortical portion and inner adrenal cortex.
Further, there is a central part called adrenal medulla.
Adrenal medulla releases adrenaline (aka epinephrine) and noradrenaline (aka
norepinephrine). These two hormones increase the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, thus
increasing blood sugar and metabolic rate. They are released during situations of danger
(fight or flight response) and they intensify the strength and rate of the heartbeat and
selectively modulate blood irrigation in some tissues.
The adrenal cortex releases cortical hormones viz. glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and
cortical sex hormones. Glucocorticoids stimulate the formation of glucose and as
immunosuppressive role, meaning that they reduce the action of the immune system and for
General Science-4: Human Body Systems
this reason are used as medicine to treat inflammatory and autoimmune diseases and the rejection
of transplanted organs.
Mineralocorticoids regulate the concentration of sodium and potassium in the blood and, as a
result, control the water level in the extracellular space.
Cortical sex hormones are Androgens. They promote secondary male and female features.
General Knowledge Today
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Evolution ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Scientific Hypotheses about Origin of Life . .......................................................................................... 4
Origin of Photosynthesis and Aerobic Life ............................................................................................. 5
Theory of Evolution .................................................................................................................................... 6
Evolutionary theories .................................................................................................................................. 6
Darwinism ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Industrial revolution in England – An example of natural selection ................................................ 8
Comparison of Lamarckism vs. Darwinism .......................................................................................... 8
Neo-Darwinism ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Reproductive isolation ................................................................................................................................ 9
Speciation .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Adaptive Convergence and Adaptive Radiation ................................................................................... 11
Adaptive Convergence ............................................................................................................................... 11
Adaptive Radiation ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Analogous and Homologous Organs .................................................................................................... 14
Genetics ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Mendel’s Laws ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Selection of Pea plant for experiments .................................................................................................. 15
Non-Mendelian Inheritance ..................................................................................................................... 16
Other concepts ........................................................................................................................................... 16
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
RNA World Hypothesis and Protein World Hypothesis, Evidences of Evolution, Neo-
Darwinism and Antibiotic Resistance, Reproductive isolation, Speciation, Adaptive
Convergence and Adaptive Radiation, Alleles and Genes, Phenotype and Genotype,
Dominant and Recessive Genes.
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
Scientific Hypotheses about Origin of Life
Earth is believed to be some 4500 million years old. Life on earth is believed to have originated after
around 1 billion years of Earth’s birth i.e. 3500 million years ago. Various theories, mostly
mythological tried to explain the origin of life on earth. Currently, this scientific problem remains
However, there is a general agreement among scientists that all life has evolved from common
descent from a single primitive life form. Further, it is also believed that some kind of Chemical
evolution happened before biological evolution.
However, which came first –metabolism or genetics? – This question also remains unsolved. There are
two main hypotheses in this context viz. RNA World Hypothesis and Protein World Hypothesis. The
RNA world hypothesis, which came in 1980s, says that genetics came first. The primitive life had only
RNA as genetic material and structural molecules, and later it turned into DNA and proteins. The
logic behind this theory is that RNA predates DNA and it can work both as catalyst as well as
enzyme. The Protein World Hypothesis says that first proteins evolved which worked as enzymes and
metabolism. It formed amino acids and then all other things followed.
Both of the above hypotheses are based upon the primitive atmosphere of Earth. Currently, Earth’s
atmosphere is composed mainly of molecular nitrogen and oxygen. Presence of molecular oxygen in
the primitive atmosphere was extremely rare. Oxygen became abundant with emergence of the
Photosynthetic organisms. Further, the water cycle was also much faster that what it is today due to
extremely high temperature, characterized by harsh storms and intense electrical charge. Moreover,
it is believed that there was no ozone layer protection from ultraviolet rays from Sun.
In summary, electricity, radiation and heat were the main available of sources of energy. In 1953,
Stanley Miller arranged something of this kind of environment in his laboratory. He heated a
mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and circulating water that, when heated, was transformed
into vapour.
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
Miller made this mixture subject to a continuous bombardment of electrical discharge. After a few
days, he obtained a liquid residual within which he discovered organic molecules. Among these
organic molecules were amino acids glycine and alanine, which are most abundant components of
the proteins. This experiment was reproduced by other researchers who were able to make possible
formation of organic molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates and nucleotides!
This theory put full stop on all mythological theories regarding origin of life and brought forward
the natural organic synthesis concept for the origin of life on earth.
Origin of Photosynthesis and Aerobic Life
Another related and unsolved question in context with the origin of life is -who came first –
autotrophic or heterotrophic organisms? The heterotrophic hypothesis has got little more weight here.
This theory claims that first living organisms werefermenting heterotrophs. They released CO2 via
fermentation and then the atmosphere became rich in this gas. Through mutation and natural
selection, organisms capable of using CO2 and light to synthesize organic material appeared. These
would have been the first photosynthetic organisms. These were called fermenting autotrophs because
oxygen was not in abundance in the atmosphere. When Molecular oxygen became available, some
organisms developed aerobic respiration, a highly efficient method to produce energy.
Further, it is believed that the prokaryotes appeared before Eukaryotes. Life first originated in water
because protection from UV radiation was not available on land in primitive earth. Life on land was
possible only when there was enough oxygen in atmosphere and ozone layer was formed to filter the
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
This theory was albeit doomed to be rejected; was important because it was proposed at a time when
fixism and creationism dominated. In fact, Lamarck must be hailed for his bravery to introduce an
evolutionary theory based on natural law in those times.
Charles Darwin is considered the father of the theory of evolution. When he was about 23 years old,
he had embarked on a ship called Beagle as volunteer scientist for a five year expedition to the South
American coast and the Pacific. During the voyage, the most famous part of which was the stop in
the Galapagos Islands, Darwin collected data that he used to write his masterpieceThe Origin of
Species in 1859. In this work, the principles of the common ancestry of all living organisms and natural
selection as the force that drives the diversity of species were described.
Natural selection
The original name of Darwin’s work was “Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection“. The core
idea behind natural selection is that species which are less adapted to environment are eliminated.
Natural selection is when the organisms with favourable traits are more likely to reproduce. In doing
so, they pass on these traits to the next generation and over the time; this process would allow
organisms to adapt to their environment. This is because the frequency of genes for favourable traits
increases in the population.
Darwin noted that within on particular species, there are individuals with different characteristics.
Such differences could lead to different survival and reproduction chances for each individual.
Therefore, he discovered the importance of the effect of the environment on organisms and the
preservation of those with characteristics more advantageous for survival and who are more able to
generate offspring. This is how he described the basis of the principle of natural selection.
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
Natural selection explains why living organisms change over time to have the anatomy, the functions
and behaviour that they have. It works like this:
1. All living things have such fertility that their population size could increase rapidly forever.
2. Actually, the size of populations does not increase to this extent. Mostly, numbers remain
about the same.
3. Food and other resources are limited. So, there is competition for food and resources.
4. No two individuals are alike. Therefore, they do not have the same chance to live and
5. Much of this variation is inherited. The parents pass the traits to the children through their
6. The next generation comes from those that survive and reproduce. The elimination is caused by the
relative fit between the individuals and the environment they live in. After many generations,
the population has more helpful genetic differences, and fewer harmful ones.
In summary, the Natural selection is really a continuous process of elimination.
Industrial revolution in England – An example of natural selection
One of the classic examples of natural selection is the moths of industrial zones of England at the end
of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. As the industrial revolution advanced, the
bark of the trees that moths landed on became darker due to the soot released from factories. The
population of light moths decreased and was substituted by a population of dark moths, since the
mimicry of the dark moths in the new environment protected them from predators, meaning that
they had an adaptive advantage in that new environment. Light moths in turn suffered the negative
effect of natural selection because they had become more visible to predators, and were almost
eliminated. In the open forest far from factories, however, it was experimentally verified that light
moths maintained their adaptive advantage and the dark moths continued to be more easily found by
Comparison of Lamarckism vs. Darwinism
Both Lamarckism and Darwinism are evolutionary theories opposed to fixism and, both admit the
existence of processes that caused changes in the characteristics of living organisms in the past.
However, these two theories have different explanations for those changes. Lamarckism combines
the law of use and disuse with the law of the transmission of acquired characteristics to explain the
changes. Darwinism defends the effect of natural selection.
The modern Darwinist theory that incorporates knowledge from genetics and molecular biology is
called neo-Darwinism. It is also known as synthetic theory of evolution. It argues that the variation of
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
inherited characteristics is created by alterations in the genetic material of individuals, and more precisely
by modifications or recombination of DNA molecules. Small changes in genetic material accumulate and
new phonotypical characteristics emerge. The carriers of these characteristics are then subject to
natural selection.
Modern science has established that the genetic variability occurs from various thins such as
recombination of chromosomes during sexual reproduction; DNA mutation in germ cells and
gametes etc. Such variability creates individuals which are carriers of some new features compared to
their ancestors. These individuals are submitted to environmental pressure and can be more or less
well-adapted concerning survival or reproduction. Those better adapted transmit their genetic
heritage to a larger number of descendants, thus increasing the frequency of their genes in the
population. Those less well-adapted tend to transmit their genes to a smaller number of descendants,
thus decreasing the frequency of their genes in the population or even becoming extinct.
Neo-Darwinism and Antibiotic Resistance
The appearance of multi drug resistant strains of pathogenic parasites such as bacteria or superbugs
can be explained by the synthetic theory of evolution. As in any environment, TB bacteria in
hospitals undergo changes in their genetic material. In the hospital environment, however, they undergo
continuous exposure to antibiotics. Many of them die from the effect of the antibiotics butcarriers of
mutations that provide resistance to those antibiotics proliferate freely.These resistant microorganisms,
when subject to other antibiotics, once again undergo natural selection and those which became
resistant to these other drugs are preserved and proliferate. This is how MDR, XDR kinds of TB and
NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1) types of super bugs develop. The use (and overuse) of
antibiotics is a factor that promotes natural selection and the emergence of multi-resistant bacteria.
Reproductive isolation
Reproductive isolation refers to various mechanisms by which different species cannot cross-breed
among themselves; or even if they cross-breed would produce infertile offspring. This is an
important phenomena because it defines the concept of a species. These mechanisms are as follows:
Spatial Isolation
If two populations are either at a great distance from each other or inhabit different parts of same
area, it is called spatial isolation.
Geographical Isolation
If there is a physical barrier between two species such as water bodies, mountains, deserts etc. then it
would prevent interbreeding between them and the process of natural selection would occur
independently on both the sides. A common example of Geographical isolation is Darwin’s finches
on Galapagos Islands.
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
speciation is that the groups which are kept in geographical isolation for a long time, tend to
accumulate different phenotypical (appearance) characteristics from each other by means of genetic
variability (i.e. mutations and recombination) and natural selection. Speciation is considered to have
occurred when they reach at a point where cross breeding between these two groups becomes
Adaptive Convergence and Adaptive Radiation
Adaptive Convergence
Adaptive convergence refers to a phenomenon in which living organisms that face similar
environmental pressures or problems might incorporate similar solutions (structures in their bodies)
during evolution. Such similar structures are called analogous to each other. A common example of
this is fins and hydrodynamic body of Shark (Fish) and Dolphin (Mammal), Taxonomically and
phylogenetically, they are distant animals but they have similar organs and shape because they need
to adapt to similar environments.
Adaptive Radiation
Adaptive radiation is when a single ancestral form diversifies into several or many different types
because they spread to various regions or environments. It is also known as Divergent Evolution.
Adaptive Radiation in Darwin’s Finches
The classic example of Adaptive Radiation is the finches of Galapagos Islands, also called Darwin’s
Finches. During his five weeks there, Darwin noticed that Finches differed from one island to
another. When he returned to England, his speculation on evolution deepened after experts
informed him that these were separate species, not just varieties, and famously that other differing
Galápagos birds were all species of finches. All the 15 finches observed by Darwin are thought to
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
have been radiated from a common seed eating ancestor. They occupy different ecological niches as
well as habitats.
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
The above theory also proposes that the primitive common ancestor might be a insect eater like a
common shrew.
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
As shown in the above graphics, alleles are located at corresponding locations on the Chromosomes,
which constitute a chromosomal pair. All diploid organisms (animals and plants) have two alleles at a
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
given location on a pair of chromosome. On the other hand, the gametes (for example sperms or
eggs) contain only one allele of a particular gene. After fertilization, when the diploid condition is
restored, one allele of the two may dominant or recessive resulting in the phenotypes.
We can understand this by human example. I have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each pair has two
homologous chromosomes (one from my mother and one my father). Both of these contain
information related to production of same proteins (except sex chromosomes, which are
heterologous). Whether I look more like my father or my mother – is an example of a phenotype.
We note here that naturally one allele comes from father and another from mother, it is not
obligatory always. In clones, both alleles would come from a single parent.
Further, there may be three or more copies of the chromosome rather than the expected two copies
in some cases called Polysomy. In this case, additional alleges would be found in organism. For
example, three alleles would be found in trisomy whole four in tetrasomy.
Phenotype and Genotype
A phenotype is observable characteristic, while a genotype nucleotide sequences contained in the
chromosomes. Thus, a phenotype is biological manifestation of genotype. If a gene of a diploid
species has two different alleles, such as A and a; then there may be three possible genotypes viz. Aa,
AA, and Aa. These three genotypes manifest in three different kinds of phenotypes. Aa and AA are
called Homozygous while Aa is called heterozygous.
The alleles may be dominant and recessive. In this example, if the allele A is dominant over the allele
a, the phenotype A will be manifest; whether it’s AA, or Aa. a will manifest only if genotype is aa.
A recessive allele can remain hidden because it may be present in the genotype but is not expressed
in the phenotype. When this allele is transmitted to the offspring and forms a homozygous genotype
with another recessive allele from another chromosomal lineage, the phenotypical characteristics
that appear reveal its existence.
Mendel’s Laws
Gregor Mendel (1822–84) is known as the “father of modern genetics”. Ironically, his work was
discovered and recognized only 16 years after his death. He was an AustrianFriar {Friars are members of some
secular religious orders who practice the principles of monastic life and devote themselves to the service of humanity}.
He carried out experiments and
studies on heredity on pea plants and postulated the Mendel’s laws.
Selection of Pea plant for experiments
Mendel used pea plants in his experiments for two main reasons. First, the Pea plants reproduce
sexually; and second that these plants are self-pollinating (the male and female organs are enclosed in
the same flower). This ensured true breeding of the plants. Mendel used self-fertilization in peas
over several generations for the purpose of obtaining individuals with the desired characteristics and
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
General Science-5: Evolution and Genetics Basics
Multiple Alleles
Multiple alleles is when same gene has more than two different alleles (in normal Mendelian
inheritance, the gene only has two alleles). In multiple alleles, relative dominance among the alleles
may exist. Common example of Multiple alleles is ABO blood group system, in which there are three
alleles (A, B or O, or IA, IB and i). IA is dominant over i, which is recessive in relation to the other IB
allele. IA and IB lack dominance between themselves.
Complementary Genes
In complementary genes, a phenotypic trait is manifested by two or more genes.
General Knowledge Today
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
States of Matter ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Concepts Related to Atoms ............................................................................................................................... 4
Chemical Reactions ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Chemical and Physical Changes ............................................................................................................... 6
Rate of Chemical Reaction ........................................................................................................................ 7
Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions ................................................................................................. 8
Acids and Bases ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Key Features of Acids ................................................................................................................................. 8
Key features of Bases .................................................................................................................................. 9
Important Notes on Acids and Bases ...................................................................................................... 9
pH Scale ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Red Cabbage Juice as Acid Base Indicator ........................................................................................... 10
Periodic Table ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Elements ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Isotopes ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Allotropes ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Periodic Table ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Periods .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Groups .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Alkali metals ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Key features: ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Alkaline Earth Metals ................................................................................................................................ 15
Metals versus Non-Metals ....................................................................................................................... 16
Minerals ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Minerals versus Ores ................................................................................................................................. 18
Basics of Metallurgy .................................................................................................................................. 18
Concentration of ores ............................................................................................................................... 19
Conversion of concentrated ore into metal oxide ............................................................................... 21
Reduction of metallic oxide to the metal .............................................................................................. 21
Refining of metals ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Some basic terms related to Metallurgy ............................................................................................... 22
Important Inorganic Compounds .................................................................................................................. 22
Sodium Carbonate / Washing Soda ..................................................................................................... 23
Baking Soda ................................................................................................................................................ 23
How baking soda helps in baking? ....................................................................................................... 24
Bleaching Powder ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Working of Bleaching Powder ............................................................................................................... 24
Plaster of Paris ............................................................................................................................................ 25
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
Cement ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Glass ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Organic Compounds ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Carbon Compounds ................................................................................................................................. 28
Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups ................................................. 29
Saturation in Organic Chemistry ........................................................................................................... 29
Alkanes ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Alkenes ........................................................................................................................................................ 32
Notable Points about Alkenes ................................................................................................................ 34
Alcohols ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Common Applications of Alcohols ....................................................................................................... 36
Physical Properties of Ethanol ................................................................................................................ 39
Chemical Reactions of Ethanol ............................................................................................................... 39
Applications of Ethanol ............................................................................................................................ 39
Carbonyl Compounds .............................................................................................................................. 40
Formaldehyde ............................................................................................................................................ 40
Acetaldehyde ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Acetone ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Carboxylic Acids ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Acetic Acid ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Soaps & Detergents .......................................................................................................................................... 43
Hardness of water and soaps . ............................................................................................................... 43
Soaps Versus Detergents ......................................................................................................................... 44
How soaps work? ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Advantages of Detergents over Soap ................................................................................................... 45
Miscellaneous Topics ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Zeolites ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Use of Barium and Iodine based materials as contrast media in X-Ray ....................................... 47
Brinjal and Apples become dark when they are kept open ............................................................ 47
Dry Cleaning Materials ............................................................................................................................ 47
Teer Gas .................................................................................................................................................... 47
Deodorants and Antiperspirants ............................................................................................................ 47
Knocking of Engine .................................................................................................................................. 48
Chlorination and Ozonation of Water . ................................................................................................ 49
Sodium Vapour Lamp and Mercury Vapour Lamp ........................................................................... 50
Colors in Fireworks .................................................................................................................................. 50
Silver Tarnish .............................................................................................................................................. 51
Ice Cubes are Cloudy on the Inside ....................................................................................................... 51
Free Flowing Salts and Desiccants ........................................................................................................ 52
Copper & Brass cleaning by Vinegar ..................................................................................................... 53
List of Chemical Compounds with Common Names . ..................................................................... 53
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
Plasma State and its uses; Difference between Atomic Number, Atomic Mass and Mass
Number, Nuclear Binding Energy, Chemical and Physical Changes, Exothermic and
Endothermic Reactions -common examples, Common features of Acids and Bases, pH
of common fluids, Isotopes and Allotropes, Periodic table -variation in periods and
groups; Common uses of alkali metals and alkaline metals, other metals, metalloids and
non-metals; Difference between Metals versus Non-Metals, Minerals and Ores,
Concentration of ores, Flux and Slag in metallurgy, Common organic and inorganic
compounds and their uses in everyday life
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
States of Matter
Four States of Matter
Matter can exist in at least four fundamental states viz. solid, liquid, gas and plasma. There are other
states also such as Bose–Einstein condensate, quark-gluon plasmas etc. which don’t exist in our
natural environment.
Basic difference between Solid, Liquid and Gas
In solids, the constituent particles are held very close to each other in an orderly fashion and there is
not much freedom of movement. In liquids, the particles are close to each other but they can move
around. In gases, the particles are far apart as compared to those present in solid or liquid states and
their movement is easy and fast.
Because of such arrangement of particles, solids have definite volume and definite shape; the Liquids
have definite volume but not the definite shape. They take the shape of the container in which they
are placed. The Gases have neither definite volume nor definite shape. Gases completely occupy the
container in which they are placed. These states of matter are interconvertible by changing the
conditions of temperature and pressure.
Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter. Plasma is basically ionized molecules or atoms.
The Ionization can be induced by heat or strong electromagnetic field applied with a laser or
microwave generator. When this is done, the molecular bonds dissociate to give rise to Plasma.
Difference between Gas and Plasma
Like gas, plasma does not have a definite shape or a definite volumeunless enclosed in a container.
However, unlike gas, plasma can form structures such as filaments, beams and double layers under
the influence of a magnetic field.
Plasma in Universe
Plasma is most common state of matter in universe and most of it is found as rarefied inter-galactic
plasma. It is found in stars and galaxies.
Plasma in appliances
In everyday life, plasma can be found in many electronic instruments such as Plasma TV, Neon
Lights, Static Electric sparks etc. Further, the area in front of a spacecraft’s heat shield during re-entry into
the atmosphere is a plasma. The electric arc in an arc lamp, an arc welder or plasma torch is also
plasma. Laser-produced plasmas (LPP) are created when high power lasers interact with materials.
Magnetically induced plasmas (MIP) are typically produced using microwaves as a resonant coupling
Concepts Related to Atoms
Atomic Number and Mass Number
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
Atomic Number is the number of Protons in nucleus of an Atom. Mass number of an element is the
number of nucleons viz. Neutrons and Protons. The atomic mass number is represented by a super
index in left side such as 238U. The number 238 denotes that it has total 238 of nucleons (neutrons
and Protons).
Difference between Atomic Mass and Mass Number
While mass number is total number of nucleons, atomic mass is relative mass of an atom to another.
Earlier, atomic mass of Hydrogen was fixed at 1 without any units and other atoms were assigned
masses relative to it. Currently, atomic mass is defined as 1/12 of a mass of an atom of the carbon-12
(12C) isotope. This is called atomic mass unit (amu) or a Dalton. On this basis, the mass of Hydrogen
atom is 1.0080 amu. Mass of oxygen – 16 (16O) atom is 15.995 amu.
Nuclear Binding Energy
All the protons have a similar charge that is positive charge. To keep all the protons together which
are similarly charged (positive), a nuclear force exists which is a very short range force and works
within the nucleus. This is called Nuclear Binding energy and is released when nucleus is broken
apart via nuclear fission. Thus, the energy required to break apart or split the nucleus of the atom
into its component nucleons viz. Neutrons and Protons is also called Nuclear Binding Energy.
Due to nuclear binding energy the mass of the atomic nucleus is always less than the sum of the individual
masses of the nucleons. This gives an explanation to the non whole number of the atomic mass. For
example the mass of 19F is 18.9984032 u. This mass difference is called Mass defect. Please note that
nuclear binding energy is millions of times more than the electron binding energy.
Molecular Mass
Molecular mass is the sum of atomic masses of the elements present in a molecule. It is obtained by
multiplying the atomic mass of each element by the number of its atoms and adding them together.
For example, molecular mass of methane which contains one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms
can be obtained as follows:
Molecular mass of methane,
(CH4) = (12.011 u) + 4 (1.008 u)
= 16.043 u
Similarly, molecular mass of water (H2O)
= 2 atomic mass of hydrogen + 1 atomic mass of oxygen
= 2 (1.008 u) + 16.00 u
= 18.02 u
One mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many particles or entities as there are atoms
in exactly 12 g (or 0.012 kg) of the 12C isotope. It may be emphasised that the mole of a substance
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
always contain the same number of entities, no matter what the substance may be. In order to
determine this number precisely, the mass of a carbon-12 atom was determined by a mass
spectrometer and found to be equal to 1.992648 10–23 g.
Chemical Reactions
Chemical and Physical Changes
In a physical change, substances don’t change; only their molecules are rearranged. No new substance
is formed in a physical change. In Chemical Change, a chemical reaction takes place and new
substances are formed. Such reaction either takes energy or releases energy.
Examples of Physical Change
Any change in state of matter in solid, liquid or vapour and vice versa is a physical change.
For example, heating water would turn it into vapour while cooling it would turn it into ice.
Sublimation of iodine or salt; melting of gold, silver or other metals.
Absorption of water into a towel, Crumpling a piece of paper, Pulling copper into a thin wire,
cutting wood, breaking glass, ripping a paper of tin foil etc.
Dissolving sugar in water is also an example of Physical change because sugar molecules are
dispersed within the water, but the individual sugar molecules are unchanged.
Examples of Chemical Changes
Rusting of Iron (Iron reacts with Oxygen and turns into Iron Oxide)
Burning of all kinds of fuels results in release of energy and gases such as CO2
Cooking of egg would denature the protein molecules; which uncoil and create cross links to
become solid white.
Fermentation in which yeast converts Carbohydrates to alcohol, CO2 and other by products.
Souring of Milk results in production of lactic acid from lactose sugar
Burning of Camphor
Explosive reaction of sodium with water and phosphorous with moist air
Setting of cement
A change is considered to be chemical reaction only if chemical bonds are broken in reactants and
new bonds are formed in products. In other words, chemical reaction is a bond breaking and bond making
process. In some cases, the products of a reaction recombine to form the reactants back. These are
called reversible reactions. Others are irreversible reactions.
During chemical changes, there is a rearrangement of atoms that makes or breaks chemical bonds. In
a chemical reaction, bonds are broken and new bonds are formed between different atoms.
Dissolving salt into water is a Physical Change or Chemical Change?
Sometimes, changes are difficult to categorize into physical or chemical changes. One definition of
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Physical change is that may result in re-arrangement of molecules but the molecules should not be
broken apart. Although dissolving salt in water involves the breaking of chemical bonds, yet is
described as physical change.
Burning of Candle is a Physical Change or Chemical Change?
Burning of candle is example of both physical and chemical change. Physical change is melting and
solidifying of the wax. Chemical change is the production of heat by consuming oxygen.
Rate of Chemical Reaction
The rate of a chemical reaction is defined as the change in the concentration of the reactant or
product per unit time. The Factors affecting the rate of reaction are summarized as below:
Concentration of Reactants
The rate of reaction generally increases with increase in concentration of the reactants.
Generally increase in temperature increases the rate of reaction. When the temperature increases,
the reactant molecules acquire higher energy and can easily form the products. Cooked food gets
spoilt quickly during summer than winter. Souring of milk is faster in summer. These are all due to
the fact that the chemical reactions responsible for these changes take place faster at higher
Presence of Light
There are certain reactions which take place or are accelerated by the absorption of light by the
reactants. Such reactions are known as photochemical reactions. These reactions do not occur if the
reactants are shielded from light. The combination of hydrogen and chlorine to produce hydrogen
chloride does not take place at measurable rate in the dark. The plants prepare starch from carbon
dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight by the process of photosynthesis. This reaction is slow
in dim sunlight but it is much faster in bright sunlight.
Presence of Catalyst
A catalyst is a substance which is added to a reaction mixture to alter the rate of chemical reaction
where the mass and the chemical composition of the catalyst remain unchanged at the end of the
reaction. Many industrially important reactions such as manufacture of ammonia, sulphuric acid,
nitric acid and polythene are carried out using suitable catalysts.
Chemical Equilibrium
In reversible chemical reactions, there is a point when forward and backward reactions proceed
simultaneously at the same rate. This is called Chemical Equilibrium. For instance when hydrogen
and iodine are taken in a closed vessel maintained at 717 K, hydrogen molecule combines with iodine
molecule to form hydrogen iodide.
H2(g) + I2(g) ←→ 2HI(g)
Since the reaction is reversible in nature, the molecules of hydrogen iodide formed begin to
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which are almost completely ionised in aqueous solution are termed as strong acids. Acids such
as acetic acid (CH3COOH) is partially ionised and is called a weak acid.
Similarly, bases like NaOH and KOH are almost completely ionised in aqueous solution and
are therefore called strong bases. Ammonium Hydroxide is partially ionised and is called a
weak base.
Important Notes on Acids and Bases
Acid-base indicators are dyes or mixtures of dyes which are used to indicate the presence of
acids and bases.
Acidic nature of a substance is due to the formation of H+(aq) ions in solution. Formation of
OH–(aq) ions in solution is responsible for the basic nature of a substance.
When an acid reacts with a metal, hydrogen gas is evolved and a corresponding salt is
formed. When a base reacts with a metal, along with the evolution of hydrogen gas a salt is
formed which has a negative ion composed of the metal and oxygen.
When an acid reacts with a metal carbonate or metal hydrogen carbonate, it gives the
corresponding salt, carbon dioxide gas and water.
Both acidic and basic solutions in water conduct electricity because they produce hydrogen
and hydroxide ions respectively.
pH Scale
The acidity or basicity of a solution is usually expressed in terms of function of the hydrogen ion
concentration. This function is called pH of a solution. pH of a solution may be defined as the
negative logarithm (to the base 10) of hydrogen ion concentration expressed in moles per litre.
pH = – log10 [H+]
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For pure water and neutral solutions, at 298 K, concentration of hydrogen ions is 1 x 10-7 mol L-1.
These hydrogen ions are formed by ionisation of some of the water molecules.
H2O (l) H(aq) + + OH(aq) –
Thus, for pure water at 298 K,
[H+] = [OH-] = 1 x10 mol L-1
Sp pH of distilled water is :
-log (1 x 10 ) = 7
The approximate values of pH for some familiar solutions are as follows:
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Elements are pure chemical substances consisting of one type of atom. Elements can be metals,
metalloids or non-metals. Examples: carbon, oxygen (non-metals), silicon, arsenic (metalloids),
aluminium, iron, copper, gold, mercury, and lead (metals).
As of now, 118 elements have been defined of which 98 are known to occur naturally and 80 are
stable. Others are either radioactive, decaying into lighter elements over various timescales from
fractions of a second to billions of years or synthesized.
Most abundant elements
Hydrogen and helium are by far the most abundant elements in the universe. However, iron is the
most abundant element (by mass) making up the Earth. Oxygen is the most common element in the
Earth’s crust.
Isotopes have different number of neutrons but same number of protons. The number of protons is
called atomic number so all isotopes have same atomic number but different number of nucleons
(neutron + proton) due to different number of neutrons. For example C12, C13 & C14 are isotopes.
Each of them has 6 protons. But they have 6, 7, 8 neutrons. So their atomic weights vary. The 80
elements with stable isotopes have atomic number of 1 to 82.
The two elements between this atomic number range elements 43 and 61 (technetium and
promethium) have no stable isotopes.
83rd element is Bismuth and from Bismuth onwards all undergo radioactive decay. They
don’t have stable nuclei but are found in nature.
Remaining 24 are artificial or synthetic elements.
The first synthetic element was technetium. Technetium is found in trace amounts in nature
and was discovered in 1925 but it was synthesized in 1937.
Some chemical elements are known to exist in two or more different forms because the atoms are
bounded together in different manners. Most common example is Carbon which exists in Diamond,
graphite, fullerenes etc. Allotropy is for elements and NOT for compounds. For example water and
ice are not allotropes. The changes in state between solid, gas and liquid is NOT allotropy.
Oxygen has two allotropes viz. Oxygen and Ozone. These allotropes can stay in all the liquid, gaseous
and solid phases. Phosphorus has many allotropes but when melted, all return to the P4 form. The
different structural forms of the same element lead to the allotropes to show different physical
properties and chemical behaviours.
Some allotropes
Allotropes of Carbon:
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Carbon has allotropes such as Diamond which is extremely hard, transparent crystal in which
atoms are arranged in a tetrahedral lattice.
Another allotrope is Lonsdaleite which is also known as hexagonal diamond. It has a
hexagonal lattice in comparison to the diamond which has tetrahedral crystal structure. It is
less hard than diamond (Diamond has Mohs hardness 10 while the Lonsdaleite has 7-8). It’s a
brown color substance.
Another allotrope is Graphite which is soft, black and flaky and a moderate electrical
conductor. In graphite the C atoms are bonded inflat hexagonal lattices layered in sheets.
Each lattice is called a Graphene.
Amorphous carbon is another allotrope. It has no crystalline structure.
Fullerenes are other allotropes of Carbon. The fullerenes exist in various shapes such as
hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tubes. Accordingly they have been named buckyballs (for
spherical) and buckeytubes for tube fullerenes. Tube fullerenes are the carbon nanotubes.
The first fullerene discovered was C60 in 1985 and it was called buckministerfullerene.
Carbon nanotubes display extraordinary properties that make them potentially useful in
many applications including in nanotechnology, electronics, optics and other fields of
materials science. They exhibit extraordinary strength and unique electrical properties, and
are efficient thermal conductors. They are either single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and
multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs).
Allotropes of Phosphorus
The crystalline solid phosphorous is P4 which is called white phosphorus.
The Red phosphorus is polymeric.
There are scarlet phosphorus, Violet Phosphorus, Black Phosphorus and Diphosphorus.
Black Phosphorous is a semiconductor which is very much equivalent to Graphite.
Allotropes of Oxygen
2 3
Oxygen has two allotropes Dioxygen O , which is colourless and Ozone O which is blue.
Apart from this there is tetraoxygen O4 which is also called oxozone and it is metastable.
The solid oxygen is Octaoxygen which exists in 6 phases under various pressures and
temperatures; it is also called Red Oxygen.
Allotropes of Nitrogen
N2 is stable isotope. Another is unstable Polynitrogen molecule N4.
Allotropes of Sulfur
Sulfur is amorphous polymeric solid which is calledplastic Sulfur, then there are S8
molecules which are large crystalline structures called Rhombic Sulfur.
Another form is fine needle like structures called monoclinic Sulfur.
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Apart from that there are other ring molecules such as S7 and S12.
Periodic Table
Periodic classification attempts to arrange the chemical elements on the basis of fundamental
properties. The practice started in 19th century when Dmitri Mendeleev propounded the Mendeleev
law. This law states that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their
atomic weights. Thus, as per this law, if the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic
weights; then after certain definite number there would be the elements which would have almost
same properties.
He arranged the known elements in a table and created the Periodic table. Via this table, he predicted
discovery of new elements and kept black space for them.
The periodic table of Mendeleev was modified several times later. Currently, periodic table has 7
horizontal rows (periods) and 18 vertical columns (groups). Please note that there is an extended
version of the periodic table which contains 8th period. No element of the eighth period has yet been
When we go from left to right in a period
size of atomic radius, metallic property decrease.
Electron affinity, Electron negativity, ionization potential increase
Chemical reactiveness first decreases and then increases till halogens. However, this is
not applicable to last group of Nobel gases.
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Animal cells, potassium ions are vital to cell function. They participate in the Na-K pump and
in helping to restore the body’s total amount of fluid.
Sodium is the chief cation in fluid residing outside cells in the mammalian body
Low sodium intake may lead to sodium deficiency which is known as hyponatremia.
About 93% of the world potassium production is consumed by the fertilizer industry
Potassium chloride is used in execution by lethal injection.
Potassium vapour is used in several types of magnetometers
Caesium is one among the five metals which are liquid at room temperature. These are
Mercury (melting point −39 °C), Francium (27 °C) caesium (28 °C), Gallium (30 °C) &
rubidium (39 °C)
Caesium has been used in the petroleum Industry exploration as caesium formate.
The caesium atomic clocks use the resonant vibration frequency of caesium-133 atoms as a
reference point. Precise caesium clocks measure frequency with an accuracy of from 2 to 3
parts in 1014, which would correspond to a time measurement accuracy of 2 nanoseconds per
day, or one second in 1.4 million years.
Alkaline Earth Metals
Group 2 of the periodic table is known as Alkaline earth metals and it includes the Beryllium
(Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba) and Radium (Ra).
Beryllium has very low absorption for X-rays and its most important applications are in
radiation windows for X-ray tubes.
Magnesium ions are essential to all living cells, where they play a major role in manipulating
important biological polyphosphate compounds like ATP, DNA, and RNA. Hundreds of
enzymes thus require magnesium ions to function.
Magnesium is also the metallic ion at the center of chlorophyll, and is thus a common
additive to fertilizers.
Magnesium hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Mg(OH)2. As a
suspension in water, it is often called milk of magnesia because of its milk-like appearance it
is used as an antacid and laxative.
Magnesium has three stable isotopes: 24Mg, 25Mg and 26Mg, all are in significant amount.
Magnesium is the third most commonly used structural metal. The two most commonly used
are iron and aluminum.
It has a low weight and used in Electronic devices.
Calcium has four stable isotopes (40Ca and 42Ca through 44Ca).
New Rocks: The uplift of mountains exposes Ca-bearing rocks to chemical weathering and
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releases Ca2+ into surface water. This Ca2+ eventually is transported to the ocean where it
reacts with dissolved CO2 to form limestone. Some of this limestone settles to the sea floor
where it is incorporated into new rocks.
Dissolved CO2, along with carbonate and bicarbonate ions, are referred to as Dissolved
Inorganic Carbon (DIC).
Making of cheese, where calcium ions influence the activity of rennin in bringing about the
coagulation of milk.
Calcium plays an important role in building stronger, denser bones early in life and keeping
bones strong and healthy later in life.
Approximately ninety-nine percent of the body’s calcium is stored in the bones and teeth.
Vitamin D is added to some calcium supplements. Proper vitamin D status is important
because vitamin D is converted to a hormone in the body which then induces the synthesis of
intestinal proteins responsible for calcium absorption.
Strontium is named after a village in Scotland where it was first discovered.
The 90Sr isotope is present in radioactive fallout and has a half-life of 28.90 years
Barium sulphate is used for its heaviness, insolubility, and X-ray opacity.
133Ba, is routinely used as a standard source in the calibration of gamma-ray detectors in
nuclear physics studies
Barium sulphate is used as a radio contrast agent for X-ray imaging of the digestive system
(“barium meals)
The most stable isotope of radium is 226Ra, has a half-life of 1601 years and decays into
radon gas.
Radium is over one million times more radioactive than the same mass of uranium, Handling
of radium has been blamed for Marie Curie’s death due to aplastic anaemia.
Metals versus Non-Metals
On the basis of their properties, the elements are broadly classified into metals and non-metals. The
metals have been placed on the left hand side and in the centre of the periodic table, whereas non-
metals have been placed on the right hand side. There are certain elements which show the
properties of both metals and non-metals and these are called metalloids. The metals and non-metals
in the periodic table are separated by a zig-zag line of metalloids. The metalloids are bismuth, silicon,
germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium and polonium.
The following table differentiates between metals and non metals with their general properties.
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Except mercury, all metals all solids at room Non-metals can be solids, liquids or gases. For
temperature example bromine is a liquid.
Generally high melting and boiling points (except Generally low melting and boiling points
sodium and potassium) (exception graphite)
A mineral is a naturally occurring substance that is solid and stable at room temperature,
representable by a chemical formula, usually abiogenic, and has an ordered atomic structure. It is
different from a rock, which can be an aggregate of minerals or non-minerals, and does not have a
specific chemical composition. There are around 5000 known minerals. The diversity and abundance
of mineral species is controlled by the Earth’s chemistry. Silicon and oxygen constitute approximately
75% of the Earth’s crust, which translates directly into the predominance of silicate minerals.
Minerals are distinguished by various chemical and physical properties. Differences in chemical
composition and crystal structure distinguish various species, and these properties in turn are
influenced by the mineral’s geological environment of formation.
The general definition of a mineral encompasses the following criteria:
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Naturally occurring
Stable at room temperature
Represented by a chemical formula
Usually abiogenic
Ordered atomic arrangement
As the composition of the Earth’s crust is dominated by silicon and oxygen, silicate elements are by
far the most important class of minerals in terms of rock formation and diversity. However, non-
silicate minerals are of great economic importance, especially as ores. Non-silicate minerals are
subdivided into several other classes by their dominant chemistry, which included native elements,
Sulfides, halides, oxides and hydroxides, carbonates and nitrates, borates, sulphates, phosphates, and
organic compounds. The majority of non-silicate mineral species are extremely rare (constituting in
total 8% of the Earth’s crust), although some are relative common, such as calcite, pyrite, magnetite,
and hematite.
Minerals versus Ores
The Inorganic elements or compounds of various metals found in nature, associated with their
earthly impurities are called Minerals. For example, sodium chloride – NaCl, potassium chloride –
KCl, calcium carbonate, – CaCO3, magnesium carbonate – MgCO3, zinc sulphide – ZnS, cuprous
sulphide – Cu2S etc., which are found in nature are minerals. Some minerals may contain a large
percentage of metals whereas others may contain only a small percentage. All the minerals cannot be
used to extract metals. Those minerals from which metals can be extracted profitably and
conveniently are called Ores.
There are four types of Ores
Oxide ores: Bauxite Al2O3.2H2O, Cuprite Cu2O, Zincite ZnO, Haematite Fe2O3, Pyrolusite
Sulphide ores : Copper pyrites CuFeS2, Argentite Ag2S, Zinc blende ZnS, Cinnabar HgS,
Galena PbS and Copper glance Cu2
Carbonate ores : Limestone CaCO3, Calamine ZnCO3.
Halide ores : Rock salt NaCl, Fluorspar CaF2
Basics of Metallurgy
The process of extracting metals from their ores followed by refining is known as metallurgy. The
four steps usually employed in metallurgy are :
Concentration of ore (or enrichment of ore)
Conversion of concentrated ore into metal oxide.
Reduction of metal oxide to metal
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Electromagnetic separation
If one of the impurities present is magnetic in nature, it can be removed by this method. Thus,
tinstone, an ore of tin, contains Wolframite as an impurity, which is paramagnetic (i.e., attracted by a
magnet). To remove wolframite the powdered tinstone ore is dropped over a travelling belt passing
over electromagnetic rollers. Wolframite being paramagnetic is attracted and collected in a heap near
the magnets while tinstone is dropped away from the roller and forms another separate heap.
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During calcination process, the moisture and volatile impurities are removed from the concentrated
ore and the mass becomes porous. Decomposition of the ores may also take place. Thus, in the case
of oxide ores water is lost from the ores and Carbonate ores undergo decomposition with the
evolution of carbon dioxide leaving behind a porous oxide ore.
Roasting is the name of process of heating the concentrated ore strongly in the presence of excess air.
Usually, sulphide ores are subjected to roasting. For example, zinc sulphide gives zinc oxide on
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Refining of metals
The metals obtained by any of the methods described above need further purification as they may
contain other metals, dissolved oxides, carbon, phosphorous etc. The following methods are
employed for refining.
This is employed for purifying volatile metals like zinc and mercury. On heating, pure metal is
vaporised, condensed and gets collected and non-volatile impurities remain behind.
It is used for refining easily fusible metals having low melting point like tin. Impure metal is placed
on the inclined bed of a furnace and heated. When the metal melts, it flows down leaving the non-
fusible impurities behind.
If the impurities present in a metal can be easily oxidised, then the metal is refined by stirring the
molten mass thoroughly in the presence of air. During this process, the impurities come to the
surface in the form of a scum and can be skimmed off.
Electrolytic refining
The impure metal to be refined is made as anode and the cathode consists of a piece of pure metal in
an electrolyte which is a suitable salt of the impure metal. Pure metal gradually passes from the anode
to the cathode while the impurities settle to the bottom. Copper, tin, lead, aluminium etc., are
purified by this method.
Some basic terms related to Metallurgy
Gangue or matrix
The ore mined from the earth’s crust contains some unwanted substances or impurities such as sand,
rocky or clay materials. These substances are called gangue or matrix. The gangue has to be removed
before the extraction of metals.
A flux is a substance that is added to the furnace charge (roasted or calcined ore and coke) during the
process of smelting to remove the non-fusible impurities present in the ore.
Flux combines with non-fusible impurities to convert them into fusible substances known as slag. It
is being light, floats over the molten metal and is removed from there. Impurities present in metal
oxides may be acidic or basic. For acidic impurities, such as silica or phosphorus pentoxide (SiO2 or
P2O5), calcium oxide is added as a flux to the mixture during smelting. If basic impurities such as
manganese oxide are present, silica is added as a flux.
Important Inorganic Compounds
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Baking soda is a white solid. It is sparingly soluble in water and the solution is slightly alkaline which
turn red litmus blue.
Baking powder is a mixture of sodium bicarbonateand tartaric acid. Baking powder is used in
aerated drinks and as an additive in food stuff to make it soft.Sodium carbonate produced during
baking is neutralised by tartaric acid present in baking powder.
How baking soda helps in baking?
When it is heated, it decomposes with the evolution of carbon dioxide gas. Hence, it is used as a
constituent of baking powder to soften the dough and to aerate the drinks. The evolution of carbon
dioxide also makes it useful for fire extinguishers.
It gives brisk effervescence with acids due to the liberation of carbon dioxide
Bleaching Powder
Bleaching powder is chemically, calcium oxychloride (CaOCl2). Bleaching powder is manufactured
using Backmann’s plant in which slack lime and Chlorine are made to react to create Bleaching
Bleaching powder is a yellowish white powder with a strong smell of chlorine. When exposed to air,
bleaching powder gives a smell of chlorine. This is because bleaching powder reacts with carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere to produce calcium carbonate and chlorine.
CaOCL2+CO2→CaCO3 +Cl2
Working of Bleaching Powder
In the presence of a very small amount of dilute acid, it gives nascent oxygen. Due to the evolution of
nascent oxygen, it acts as an oxidising and a bleaching agent.
2CaOCl2 + H2SO4 → CaCl2 + CaSO4 + 2HOCl
2HOCl → 2HCl + 2 [O]
When it is treated with excess of dilute acids, chlorine is evolved. Chlorine gas produced in this way
is known as, “available chlorine” which is responsible for the bleaching action of bleaching power.
Available chlorine in bleaching powder is usually 35 – 38% by weight. The strength of bleaching
powder is estimated on the basis of available chlorine content.
CaOCl2 + H2SO4→ CaSO4 + H2O + Cl2
CaOCl2 + 2HCl→ CaCl2 + H2O + Cl2
Bleaching powder is used to bleach cotton and linen in textile industry and wood pulp in paper
industry. It is also used to bleach washed clothes in laundry. Bleaching powder is also used as a
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disinfectant and germicide, since it liberates chlorine on exposure to the atmosphere which
destroys the germs. It is also used for disinfecting water for the same reason. It is also used as an
oxidising agent in many chemical industries
Plaster of Paris
Plaster of Paris is calcium sulphate hemihydrates. The formula is given as, CaSO
4. H 2 O or
(2CaSO4).H2O. The powder is called plaster of Paris, because the gypsum which was used to get the
powder was mainly found in Paris. POP is prepared by heating gypsum at 373K in rotary kilns,
where it gets partially dehydrated.
If the temperature is not maintained carefully, further dehydration will take place at higher
temperature and setting property of the plaster will be partially reduced.
CaSO4.2H2O→CaSO4 + 2H2O
How POP works?
Plaster of Paris is a white powder. When it is mixed with water (1/3rd of its mass), gypsum is
obtained back. It initially forms a plastic mass with the evolution of heat and then sets to a hard solid
mass within 5 to 15 minutes. Setting of plaster of Paris is accompanied by a slight expansion (about
1%) in volume which makes it suitable for making casts for statues, toys, etc. The setting of plaster of
Paris can be catalysed by adding sodium chloride to it.
Cement was first discovered by an English brick layer named Joseph Aspdin in 1824. He called it
Portland cement for the reason that the cement he discovered, resembled the limestone found in
Portland. The approximate composition of Portland cement is given below
Lime (CaO) : 60 – 70%
Silica (SiO2): 20 – 25%
Alumina (Al2O3): 5 – 10%
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3): 2 – 3 %
The raw materials used for the manufacture of Portland cement are limestone (provides CaO) and
clay (provides SiO2 , Al2O3 and Fe2O3) which are finely powdered and then mixed in the ratio 3 : 1
by mass. The mixture is again ground to a fine powder and water is added. The finely ground
powder called slurry is heated to 1773 K in a rotary kiln. On heating, lime, silica, alumina and ferric
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oxide react together and produces a mixture of dicalcium silicate, tricalcium silicate and tricalcium
aluminate called clinker. The clinker is cooled and a small amount of gypsum (2 – 5%) is added to it,
to delay the setting time of cement. The mixture of clinker and gypsum is then ground to a fine
powder which is called cement. It is stored in tall structures called silos. The cement is then packed in
water-proof bags and sold in markets.
When cement is mixed with water, it becomes hard over a period of time. This is called setting of
cement. Gypsum is often added to Portland cement to prevent early hardening or “flash setting”,
allowing a longer working time.
The approximate composition of ordinary glass is given by the formula, Na2O. CaO.6SiO2. The raw
materials required for the manufacture of ordinary glass are sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate
and silica. The raw materials are ground separately to a fine powder, weighed accurately and mixed
in a definite proportion. The mixture is called batch.
A specific amount of cullet (broken pieces of glass) is added to increase the fusibility of the glass
produced The mixture is heated in fire clay pots or in a tank furnace. The pots (or tanks) are heated
by using producer gas. The burning of gases produces a high temperature of about 1673 K in the
furnace. The raw materials present in the batch melt at this high temperature and react with one
another to form glass. Carbon dioxide is evolved during the reaction.
Annealing of Glass
The slow and uniform cooling of Glass is called Annealing. The glass articles are made by pouring
molten glass into moulds and then cooling. If the glass is cooled rapidly, it becomes very brittle and
cracks easily and if it is cooled very slowly, it becomes opaque. Therefore, it should be cooled neither
very slowly nor very quickly. In the annealing process, the hot glass articles are placed on a slow
moving belt which passes through a long narrow chamber in which the temperature is regulated
carefully so that it is hot at the starting point and at room temperature at the other end. It takes
several days for completion.
Soda glass or soda-lime glass
It is the most common variety of glass. It is prepared by heating sodium carbonate and silica. It is
used for making windowpanes, tableware, bottles and bulbs.
Coloured Glass
Small amounts of metallic oxides are mixed with the hot molten mixture of sand, sodium carbonate
and limestone. The desired color determines the choice of the metallic oxide to be added, as different
metallic oxides give different colors to the glass.
Chemicals Used in Making of Colored Glass
Iron oxide is used to produce bluish-green glass (used in beer bottles). Chromium along with
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Iron Oxide gives richer green color, used for wine bottles.
Sulfur + Carbon + Iron salts make iron polysulfides, which give amber glass ranging from
yellowish to almost black.
In borosilicate glasses rich in boron, sulfur imparts a blue color. With calcium it yields a deep
yellow color
Manganese is added to remove the green tint given by iron. Manganese dioxide, which is
black, is used to remove the green color from the glass; in a very slow process this is
converted to sodium permanganate, a dark purple compound.
In New England some houses built more than 300 years ago have window glass which is
lightly tinted violet because of the above chemical change; and such glass panes are prized as
Small concentrations of cobalt (0.025 to 0.1%) yield blue glass.
2 to 3% of copper oxide produces a turquoise color.
Nickel, depending on the concentration, produces blue, or violet, or even black glass.
Lead crystal with added nickel acquires purplish color.
Nickel together with a small amount of cobalt was used for decolorizing of lead glass.
Uranium (0.1 to 2%) can be added to give glass a fluorescent yellow or green color. Uranium
glass is typically not radioactive enough to be dangerous, but if ground into a powder, such as
by polishing with sandpaper, and inhaled, it can be carcinogenic. When used with lead glass
with very high proportion of lead, produces a deep red color.
Safety glass
It is made by placing a sheet of plastic such as celluloid between sheets of glass.
Laminated glass
It can also be called bulletproof glass. Several layers of safety glass are bound together with a
transparent adhesive.
Flint Glass
Optical glass is softer than any other glass. It is clear and transparent. Potassium and lead silicates are
used in making optical glass. It is also called flint glass. The main use of flint glass is in the
manufacture of lenses, prisms and other optical instruments.
Pyrex glass
Pyrex glass is highly heat resistant. In ordinary glass, silica is the main constituent. In pyrex glass
some of the silica is replaced by boron oxide.Boron oxide expands very little when heated,
thus, pyrex glass does not crack on strong heating. Pyrex glass is also called borosilicate glass. It
has a high melting point and is resistant to many chemicals. Laboratory equipment and ovenware are
made of pyrex glass.
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Photo-chromatic glass
Photochromatic pr Photochromic glass acquires a darker shade when exposed to bright light and
returns to its original lighter shade in dim light. This happens becausesilver halides (iodide or
chloride) is added to this glass. Plastic photochromic lenses rely on organic photochromic
molecules (such as oxazines and naphthopyrans) to achieve the reversible darkening effect.
Lead crystal glass
Lead crystal glass has high refractive index, and so has the maximum brilliance. It sparkles and is used
for high quality art objects and for expensive glassware. It is also called cut glass because the surface
of the glass objects is often cut into decorative patterns to reflect light. In order to increase the
refractive index, lead oxide is used as flux in crystal glass, therefore it is also called lead crystal
Organic Compounds
Carbon Compounds
Cells in our body are made of proteins. The fossil fuels are the important energy resources. The life
saving antibiotics and drugs play a vital role in our day to day life. In recent years, many synthetic
polymer products like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polyethylene, nylon, terylene, bakelite, etc.
are widely used in various fields.. Soaps, detergents and many cleansing agents are useful for
domestic and industrial purposes. The above mentioned products namely, proteins, fossil fuels,
antibiotics, drugs, synthetic polymers, soaps and detergents are compounds of carbon. Carbon
exhibits a characteristic property called catenation by which carbon atoms can attach themselves
with one another and due to this property, a large number of carbon compounds are existing. The
role of carbon and its compounds in our daily life shows the importance of the study of these
Carbon forms a large number of compounds with hydrogen. Compounds containing only carbon
and hydrogen are called Hydrocarbons. Many carbon compounds, in addition to hydrogen, also
contain some elements like oxygen, nitrogen, halogens (chlorine, bromine and iodine) and sulphur.
Defining Organic Molecule
The difference between organic and inorganic molecules has been a subject of debate. An organic
molecule is considered to be a molecule that plays role in organic activities.
All organic molecules have Carbon.
Oxygen may or may not be present, for example CH3 (methane) is organic despite not having
The presence of C–C and C–H bonds are also not needed in some important molecules to call
them organic. For example, Urea has no C–H bond. The same is with Oxalic Acid.
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Then C–C bond is neither present in methane, nor in Carbon Tetra Chloride.
Thus, there is no “official” definition of an organic compound. Some textbooks define an organic
compound as one containing one or more C-H bonds; others include C-C bonds in the definition.
Others state that if a molecule contains carbon-it is organic. One more definition is that except
hydrocarbons, organic compounds consists of two parts, namely a reactive part which is known as
Functional group and a skeleton of carbon and hydrogen atoms called alkyl radical.Functional
group may be defined as an atom or group of atoms which is responsible for the characteristic
properties of the compound. The chemical properties of an organic compound are determined by the
functional group and the physical properties of an organic compound are determined by the
remaining part of the molecule.
Classification of organic compounds based on functional groups
Organic compounds containing -OH as the functional group are known as Alcohols. For example,
methanol (CH3OH), ethanol (C2H5OH), propanol (C3H7OH), Butanol (C4H9OH) etc., are alcohols.
Most of the characteristic properties of alcohols are due to the presence of the -OH group.
Organic compounds containing –CHO as the functional group are known as aldehydes. For example,
methanal (HCHO), ethanal (CH3CHO), propanal (CH3CH2CHO), butanal (CH3CH2CH2CHO) etc., are
Ketones (>C=O)
Organic compounds containing >C=O as the functional group are known as ketones. For example,
propanone (CH3COCH3), Butanone (CH3CH2COCH3) are ketones.
Carboxylic acids
Organic compounds containing carboxyl group (-COOH) as the functional group are known as
carboxylic acids. For example, methanoic acid (HCOOH), ethanoic acid (CH3COOH), propanoic acid
(CH3CH2COOH), butanoic acid (CH3CH2CH2COOH) etc., are carboxylic acids.
Saturation in Organic Chemistry
In organic chemistry, a saturated compound has no double or triple bonds or ring. In saturated
hydrocarbons, every carbon atom is attached to two hydrogen atoms, except those at the ends of the
chain, which bear three hydrogen atoms. In the case of saturated ethane, each carbon centre has four
single bonds as is characteristic of other saturated hydrocarbons, alkanes.
In contrast, in alkenes such as ethylene (C2H4), double bonds are common. Thus, like other alkenes,
ethylene is unsaturated. The degree of unsaturation specifies the amount of hydrogen that a
compound can bind. The term is applied similarly to the fatty acid constituents of fats, which can be
either saturated or unsaturated, depending on whether the constituent fatty acids contain carbon-
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carbon double bonds. Unsaturated is used when any carbon structure contains double or occasionally
triple bonds. Many vegetable oils contain fatty acids with one (monounsaturated) or more
(polyunsaturated) double bonds in them. The bromine number is an index of unsaturation.
Chain compounds in which all carbon-to-carbon bonds are only simple single bonds (C-C) are called
ALKANES. They are also called saturated hydrocarbons, because each carbon-to-carbon bond is a
single bond, and the valence of the carbon atom is, therefore, saturated.
No more atoms can be bonded to the atoms in the compound, without breaking the compound into
two or more fragments. If it contains one or more bonds which can react with hydrogen it is called
an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Almost all other organic compounds can be named as derivatives of
these simple hydrocarbons. Alkanes which have long carbon chains are often called paraffins in
chemical industry. The general formula of alkanes is CnH2n+2.
The simplest alkane is the gas methane, whose molecular formula is CH4. Methane exists as a
tetrahedral shape, but it is often represented by a flattened structure as are most organic compounds.
Flattened structures for the three simplest alkanes are given in the adjacent figure. In many cases the
structures can be further simplified without loss of information by omitting all single bonds and
writing the letter symbol of the element close to the letter symbol of the element to which it is
Thus the representation of methane as CH4, ethane as H3CCH3 (rather than as C2H6), and propane
as H3CCH2CH3 (rather than as C3H8) is a representation of structure as well as of molecular
The alkanes above propane are named by giving the number of carbons (in Greek) with the ending -
ane added. If an alkane is not a straight chain, then the longest straight chain in it is used as the basis
of the name and the shorter side chains are considered to be substituents; thus names such as
methylpropane and methylbutane are derived.
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Saturated hydrocarbons occur in three forms: straight-chain forms , branched chain forms and
cyclic forms which are known as cycloalkanes. The cycloalkanes contain only single bonds, and have
the general formula CnH2n. Cyclomethane and cycloethane obviously cannot exist, but cyclopropane
can; it is a triangular stable structure, though somewhat reactive because the bond angles are
somewhat strained to form the triangular structure. The bond angles in cyclopropane are those of an
equilateral triangle, 60 degrees, as compared to the tetrahedral bond angle of 109.5 degrees.
Cyclobutane is a square structure; it is less reactive than cyclopropane because the bond angle strain
is less, 90 degrees compared to the tetrahedral bond angle of 109.5 degrees. Cyclopentane and larger
cycloalkanes are, like the normal alkanes, quite unreactive; there is no significant bond angle strain in
these molecules.
Notable Observations about Alkanes
Alkanes occur in nature in various ways; biologically they are not among the essential
Musk of the Musk dear contains Cycloalkanes with 14 to 18 carbon atoms.
Methanogens are the bacteria that are found in the guts of cows, produce large quantities of
methane by the metabolism of carbon dioxide or other oxidized organic compounds. The
energy is released by the oxidation of hydrogen as follows:
CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O
First four alkanes are used mainly for heating and cooking purposes and in some countries
for electricity generation. Methane and ethane are the main components of natural gas; they
are normally stored as gases under pressure. It is, however, easier to transport them as liquids:
This requires both compression and cooling of the gas.
Propane and butane can be liquefied at fairly low pressures, and are well known as liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG). Propane, for example, is used in the propane gas burner and as a fuel
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for cars, butane in disposable cigarette lighters. The two alkanes are used as propellants in
aerosol sprays.
From pentane to octane the alkanes are reasonably volatile liquids. They are used as fuels in
internal combustion engines, as they vaporise easily on entry into the combustion chamber
without forming droplets, which would impair the uniformity of the combustion. Branched-
chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less prone to premature ignition, which causes
knocking, than their straight-chain homologues. This propensity to premature ignition is
measured by the octane rating of the fuel, where 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (isooctane) has an
arbitrary value of 100, and heptane has a value of zero.
Apart from their use as fuels, themiddle alkanes are also good solvents for nonpolar
Alkanes from nonane to hexadecane (C16) are liquids of higher viscosity, less and less suitable
for use in gasoline. They form instead the major part of diesel and aviation fuel. Diesel fuels
are characterized by their cetane number, cetane being an old name for hexadecane.
However, the higher melting points of these alkanes can cause problems at low temperatures
and in Polar Regions, where the fuel becomes too thick to flow correctly.
Alkanes from hexadecane upwards form the most important components of fuel oil and
lubricating oil. In the latter function, they work at the same time as anti-corrosive agents, as
their hydrophobic nature means that water cannot reach the metal surface. Many solid
alkanes find use as paraffin wax, for example, in candles. This should not be confused
however with true wax, which consists primarily of esters.
Alkanes with a chain length of approximately 35 or more carbon atoms are found in bitumen,
used, for example, in road surfacing. However, the higher alkanes have little value and are
usually split into lower alkanes by cracking.
Some synthetic polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene are alkanes with chains
containing hundreds of thousands of carbon atoms. These materials are used in innumerable
applications, and billions of kilograms of these materials are made and used each year.
An alkene, olefin, or olefine is an unsaturated chemical compound containing at least one carbon-to-
carbon double bond.. Thus, Alkenes are the simplest of the unsaturated hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons
which will react with hydrogen.
<blockquote>An alkene may be distinguished from an alkane by shaking the hydrocarbon with
bromine water. Bromine water is reddish-brown, and will decolorize with an alkene but not with
an alkane. Bromine adds across the double bond of an alkene to form a colourless dibromo alkane.
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This is an example of an addition reaction. An addition reaction occurs when two or more reactants
join together to form a single product.
Alkenes contain one or more reactive double bonds between carbon atoms, and are easily indicated
by the symbol =. Since a double bond requires two carbon atoms, the simplest alkene is C2H4 or
H2C=CH2, ethene. The presence of a double bond is indicated by the change of ending from -ane to -
ene. An older form of the name, ethylene, is used in chemical industry. The general formula is
CnH2n. All alkenes have at least one double bond.
Alkenes and Cycloalkanes have the same general formula, CnH2n. Therefore, the general formula
does not identify the structure as an alkene nor a cycloalkane. To further become problematic there
are alkenes which contain more than one double bond. Those with two double bonds have the
formula, CnH2n-2.
The physical properties of alkenes are comparable with those of alkanes. The main differences
between the two are that the acidity levels of alkenes are much higher than the ones in alkanes. The
physical state depends on molecular mass. The simplest alkenes, ethene, propene and butene are
gases. Linear alkenes of approximately five to sixteen carbons are liquids, and higher alkenes are
waxy solids.
Alkenes are relatively stable compounds, but are more reactive than alkanes. Some common
reactions related to alkenes are as follows:
Hydrogenation of alkenes produces the corresponding alkanes. The reaction is carried out under
pressure at a temperature of 200 °C in the presence of a metallic catalyst. Common industrial catalysts
are based on platinum, nickel or palladium.
Alkenes are oxidized with a large number of oxidizing agents. In the presence of oxygen, alkenes
burn with a bright flame to produce carbon dioxide and water.
Ozonolysis is the cleavage of an alkene or alkyne with ozone to form organic compounds in which
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the multiple carbon–carbon bond has been replaced by a double bond to oxygen. The outcome of the
reaction depends on the type of multiple bond being oxidized and the workup conditions. Alkenes
can be oxidized with ozone to form alcohols, aldehydes or ketones, or carboxylic acids.
Notable Points about Alkenes
Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond (R-C=C-R). They are from a
homologous series with the general formula CnH2n. The 1st member to possess this functional
group is ethane, C2H4. Ethene is an important raw material for the petrochemical industry.
Alkenes are extremely important in the manufacture of plastics. All plastics are in some way related
to alkenes. The names of some plastics (Polythene or Poly Ethene, Polypropene), relate to their
alkene partners. Plastics are used for all kinds of tasks, from packaging and wrapping, to clothing and
outdoor apparel.
Lower alkenes are used as fuel and illuminant. These may be obtained by the cracking of
kerosene or petrol.
For the manufacture of a wide variety of polymers, e.g., polyethene, polyvinylchloride (PVC)
and teflon etc.
As raw materials for the manufacture of industrial Chemicals such as alcohols, aldehydes, and
Besides, alkenes also used for artificial ripening of fruits, as a general anesthetic, for making
poisonous mustard gas (War gas) and ethylene-oxygen flame.
Alcohols are compounds which contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Alcohols can be derived from
alkanes, if a hydrogen (–H) in alkane is replaced by a hydroxyl group (–OH). For example,
Generally alcohols are represented as R–OH where R is an alkyl group and –OH is the functional
group and the general formula of alcohol is given as CnH2n + 1 OH, where ‘n’ is the number of
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carbon atoms. There are two ways of naming organic compounds namely Common and IUPAC
system. The common names of alcohols are derived when the last letter ‘-ane’ in the name of the
parent hydrocarbon is replaced by ‘-yl’ and it is combined with the word ‘alcohol’.
According to IUPAC system, the last letter ‘-e’ in the name of the parent hydrocarbon is replaced by
Alcohols are classified into primary, secondary (sec), and tertiary (tert), based upon the number of
carbon atoms connected to the carbon atom that bears the hydroxyl group. The primary alcohols
have general formulas RCH2OH; secondary ones are RR’CHOH; and tertiary ones are RR’R”COH,
where R, R’, and R” stand for alkyl groups. Ethanol and n-propyl alcohol are primary alcohols;
isopropyl alcohol is a secondary one.
Chemical Formula IUPAC Name Common Name
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As a result, there is a small fraction of methanol vapour in the atmosphere. Over the course of
several days, atmospheric methanol is oxidized with the help of sunlight to carbon dioxide and water.
Methanol burns in oxygen (including open air), forming carbon dioxide and water:
2 CH3OH + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 4 H2O
Methanol ingested in large quantities is metabolized to formic acid or formate salts, which is
poisonous to the central nervous system, and may cause blindness, coma, and death. Because of these
toxic properties, methanol is frequently used as a denaturant additive for ethanol manufactured for
industrial uses.
Applications of Methanol
Methanol is a common laboratory solvent.
The largest use of methanol by far is in making other chemicals. About 40% of methanol is
converted to formaldehyde, and from there into products as diverse as plastics, plywood,
paints, explosives, and permanent press textiles.
Methanol is used to produce a gasoline additive methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE).
In addition to direct use as a fuel, methanol (or less commonly, ethanol) is used as a
component in the transesterification of triglycerides to yield a form of biodiesel.
Methanol derived Dimethyl ether (DME) has replaced chlorofluorocarbons as an aerosol
spray propellant. Dimethyl ether (DME) also can be blended with liquified petroleum gas
(LPG) for home heating and cooking, and can be used as a diesel replacement for
transportation fuel.
Methanol is used on a limited basis to fuel internal combustion engines. It is not widely used
as a fuel because , using high concentrations of methanol (and other alcohols, such as ethanol)
in fuel is the corrosivity to some metals, particularly to aluminium. Methanol, although a
weak acid, attacks the oxide coating that normally protects the aluminum from corrosion
Methanol is a traditional denaturant for ethanol, the product being known as “denatured
alcohol” or “methylated spirit”. This was commonly used during the Prohibition to discourage
consumption of bootlegged liquor, and ended up causing several deaths.
As an antifreeze in pipelines and windshield washer fluid.In some wastewater treatment
plants, a small amount of methanol is added to wastewater to provide a carbon food source
for the denitrifying bacteria, which convert nitrates to nitrogen to reduce the nitrification of
sensitive aquifers.
Methanol is also a widely used fuel in camping and boating stoves. Methanol burns well in an
unpressurized burner, so alcohol stoves are often very simple, sometimes little more than a
cup to hold fuel. This lack of complexity makes them a favorite of hikers who spend extended
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95.6% ethanol and 4.4% water. This is called Rectified spirit. This mixture is then heated under reflux
over quicklime for about 5 to 6 hours and then allowed to stand for 12 hours. On distillation of this
mixture, pure alcohol (C2H5OH = 100%) is obtained. This is called Absolute alcohol.
Physical Properties of Ethanol
Ethanol is a colorless liquid having a pleasant smell and a burning taste.
It is a volatile liquid having a low boiling point of 78° C (351 K).
It is miscible with water in all proportions.
Ethanol does not contain any ions, as it is a covalent compound and has no effect on litmus
The boiling point of alcohols is, in general, much higher than the corresponding alkanes.
This is because in alcohols there is intermolecular association of a large number of molecules
due to Hydrogen bonding which is absent in alkanes.
Chemical Reactions of Ethanol
Reaction with oxygen or combustion
Ethanol is a highly inflammable liquid (it catches fire easily). It burns with a blue flame to form
carbon dioxide and water.
C2H5OH +3O2→2CO2↑ + 3H2O↑
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Properties of Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent smelling gas. It is highly soluble in water. It can be easily
condensed into liquid. The liquid HCHO boils at 252K. It causes irritation of skin, eyes, nose and
throat. Its solution acts as an antiseptic and a disinfectant.
Applications of Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is oxidized to methanoic (Formic) acid in the presence of oxidizing agents like
alkaline potassium permanganate or Ammoniacal silver nitrate.Formic Acid occurs
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Common names of monocarboxylic acids have been derived from the Latin name of the products /
organisms in which they are found naturally. For example,
Formic Acid HCOOH is found in the sting of Ants. Ants are called Formica in Latin.
Acetic Acid CH3COOH is found in Vinegar. Vinegar is called Acetum in Latin.
Butyric Acid CH3CH2CH2COOH is found in Butter. Butter is called butyrum in Latin
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Acetic Acid
Acetic acid is the second member of the carboxylic acid series after Formic Acid. The formula of
acetic acid is CH3COOH and the IUPAC name of acetic acid is ethanoic acid. A dilute solution of
acetic acid in water is called vinegar. Vinegar contains 6 to 10% acetic acid. Acetic acid is
manufactured in the form of vinegar by the bacterial oxidation of ethanol. Ethanol is oxidised by the
oxygen in air in the presence of Bacterium Mycoderma aceti to form a dilute solution of acetic acid
called vinegar.
Acetic Acid is an important chemical reagent and industrial chemical, mainly used in the production
of cellulose acetate mainly for photographic film and polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, as well as
synthetic fibres and fabrics. In households, diluted acetic acid is often used in descaling agents. In the
food industry, acetic acid is used under the food additive code E260 as an acidity regulator and as a
condiment. The major use of acetic acid is for the production of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM).
VAM is further polymerized to polyvinyl acetate or to other polymers, which are components in
paints and adhesives. The acetates of metals such as Sodium, Magnesium etc. have wide usage such as
preservatives, food inudustry, fungicides, dyes etc.
Soaps & Detergents
Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of some long chain carboxylic acids. Sodium salts of fatty acids
are known as hard soaps and potassium salts of fatty acids are known as soft soaps. Hard soaps are
prepared from cheap oils, fats and sodium hydroxide. They contain free alkali and are used for
washing purposes. Soft soaps are prepared from good oils and potassium hydroxide. They do not
contain free alkali, produce more lather and are used as toilet soaps, shaving creams and shampoos.
Soap is prepared by heating vegetable oil or animal fat containing Glyceryl stearate with
concentrated sodium hydroxide solution. Hydrolysis of fat takes place and a mixture of sodium salts
of fatty acids and glycerol is formed. The salts of fatty acids thus formed are used as soap. The
alkaline hydrolysis of oils and fats forming soaps is commonly known as saponification.
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Detergents are sodium salts of benzene sulphonic acids. Thus instead of -COOH group in soaps,
detergents contain -SO3H group. The detergents do not form precipitates with metal ions
such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ present in hard water. Therefore, the cleansing action of detergents is
better than soaps. Detergents are prepared by treating hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum with
conc. sulphuric acid. The corresponding sulphonic acids are then converted into their sodium salts.
Washing powders available in the market contain about 15 to 30 percent of detergents by weight.
Some other chemicals which are added to detergents for specific cause are as follows:
Sodium sulphate and sodium silicate added to keep the washing powder dry.
Sodium carbonate is added to maintain alkalinity which helps in removing dirt and also in
softening water.
Carboxy-methyl cellulose (CMC) added to keep the dirt suspended in water.
A mild bleaching agent such as sodium perborate is added to produce whiteness in clothes.
Soaps Versus Detergents
Soap Detergents
Soaps are sodium salts of long chain fatty acids Detergents are sodium salts of sulphonic acids.
The ionic part of a soap is -COO- Na+ The ionic part in a detergent is -SO3 - Na+
They are prepared from animal fats or vegetable They are prepared from hydrocarbons obtained from
oils. coal and petroleum.
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soap or detergent is dissolved in water, the molecules join together as clusters called miscelles. Their
long hydrocarbon chains attach themselves to the oil and dirt. The dirt is thus surrounded by the
non-polar end of soap molecules. The charged carboxylate end of the soap molecules make the
miscelles soluble in water. Thus, the dirt is washed away with soap.
Advantages of Detergents over Soap
Detergents can be used even in hard water whereas certain amount of soap gets wasted if water is
hard. Detergents can be used even in acidic medium as they are the salts of strong acids and are not
decomposed in acidic medium.
For example: oil/fat is insoluble in water, but when a couple of drops of dish soap are added to the
mixture the oil/fat apparently disappears. The insoluble oil/fat molecules become associated inside
micelles, tiny spheres formed from soap molecules with polar hydrophilic (water-loving) groups on
the outside and encasing a lipophilic (fat-loving) pocket, which shielded the oil/fat molecules from
the water making it soluble. Anything that is soluble will be washed away with the water. Synthetic
detergents operate by similar mechanisms to soap. The type of alkali metal used determines the kind
of soap produced. Sodium soaps, prepared from sodium hydroxide, are firm, whereas potassium
soaps, derived from potassium hydroxide, are softer or often liquid. Historically, potassium
hydroxide was extracted from the ashes of bracken or other plants. Lithium soaps also tend to be
hard—these are used exclusively in greases.
Soaps are derivatives of fatty acids. Traditionally they have been made from triglycerides (oils and
fats). Triglyceride is the chemical name for the triesters of fatty acids and glycerin. Tallow, i.e.,
rendered beef fat, is the most available triglyceride from animals. Its saponified product is called
sodium tallowate. Typical vegetable oils used in soap making are palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and
laurel oil. Each species offers quite different fatty acid content and, hence, results in soaps of distinct
feel. The seed oils give softer but milder soaps. Soap made from pure olive oil is sometimes called
Castile soap or Marseille soap, and is reputed for being extra mild. The term “Castile” is also
sometimes applied to soaps from a mixture of oils, but a high percentage of olive oil.
Soap is an emulsification agent. Oil and grease are not soluble in water (they don’t dissolve in water),
which is why, for instance, oil and water will separate when combined. This is because oils are non-
polar molecules, but water is a polar molecule, and non-polar things do not mix well with polar
things. In order to remove oil from clothes or from your dishes with water, the oils must be made
soluble by the process of emulsification.
The non-polar end adsorbs the oil or other hydrophobic dirt. The ionic end is highly soluble in
water. This allows for an emulsion to be formed. The alkali metal (sodium or potassium ion) does
not play a role in the action of the soap.
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Soap use is not a chemical reaction, but a physical one. Under normal conditions, the soap does not
react with the dirt chemically. If “hard water” minerals are present (magnesium or calcium) these can
chemically react with the soap and lessen its effectiveness by removing the soap from solution.
The structure of the emulsion is such that the oil or oily dirt is surrounded by soap molecules with
the ionic part of the molecules toward the outside where water will react with the ionic end (by
hydrogen bonding) and keep the oil in “solution.” Hot water helps in the formation and suspension
of the emulsion.
Other additives are sometimes added to soap for antibacterial or antifungal effects, but these are not
the main ingredients — they just enhance the primary function of emulsifying oils in water.
Miscellaneous Topics
Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents.
Zeolites are widely used in industry for water purification, as catalysts, for the preparation of advanced
materials and in nuclear reprocessing. They are used to extract nitrogen from air to increase oxygen
content for both industrial and medical purposes. Their biggest use is in the production of laundry
detergents. They are also used in medicine and in agriculture.
Zeolites and Permanent Hardness of water
Hardness in water is due to the presence of carbonates and biocarbonates of Calcium or Magnesium
(when it is temporary hardness) or sulphates and chlorides of Calcium and Magnesium (when it is
permanent hardness). Temporary hardness of water can be removed easily by boiling water or by
adding washing soda (Sodium Carbonate-hydrated). Permanent hardness cannot be removed by
merely boiling or adding washing soda. A complex salt called sodium aluminium silicate (zeolite) is
used to remove permanent hardness in water.
Permotit or zeolite is packed into a column and the hard water is allowed to flow through it. Double
decomposition occurs and calcium aluminium silicate is formed. Eventually the permotit is
completely converted into its calcium salt. It can be made fit for use again by pouring a strong
solution of common salt through the column.
Sodium Aluminium Silicate (zeolite)+ Calcium Sulphate (salt causing hardness of water)→ Calcium
Aluminium Silicate+ Sodium Sulphate (zeolite)
After adding salt water:-
Calcium Aluminium Silicate + Sodium Chloride (common salt) →Sodium Aluminium silicate
(zeolite) + Calcium Chloride
In the above reaction the tower is revived and reset for use again, thus the zeolite is not wasted. The
principle of the permutit process has been greatly extended to modern synthetic ion-exchange resins.
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
These can be used to remove all metallic and acidic ions from water and provide a cheap and
convenient way of making high purity water purer even than the best distilled water. Another
application is in the preparation of drinking water from sea water
Use of Barium and Iodine based materials as contrast media in X-Ray
The production of X-ray images depends on the differences between the X-ray absorbing powers of
various tissues. This difference in absorbing power is called contrast and is directly dependent on
tissue density. To artificially enhance the ability of a soft tissue to absorb X-rays, the density of that
tissue must be increased. The absorption by targeted soft tissue of aqueous solutions of barium
sulfate and iodized organic compounds provides this added density through the heavy metal barium
and the heavy nonmetal iodine.
Brinjal and Apples become dark when they are kept open
This is mainly because of so called Climacteric Rise. In many fruits, especially the fleshy types, there
are marked changes in their `respiration rate’ after they mature. In certain fruits, there is a
considerable increase in the respiration rate at the time of `ripening’, which is known asclimacteric
rise. Even after the fruits are harvested, they continue to respire, which leads to consumption of food,
water and other cellular fluids. This results in the breakdown of tissues eventually and causes the
perishability of fruits. The onset of fruit ripening happens due to the release of ethylene (C2H2).
Dry Cleaning Materials
Dry cleaning uses non-water solvents such as highly vaporising organic solvents. Many dirt, soil or
stains producing substances on the fabric are organic in nature (sticky oily compounds). In dry
cleaning, cleansing is achieved by the action of a solvent, which dissolves out the sticky matter due to
its like nature. Dry cleaning fluids serve as a vehicle to carry away the soil.Camphene, naphtha,
benzene, benzol, petrol, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethyleneare some of the
frequently used dry cleaning fluids.
Teer Gas
Tear gas, formally known as a lachrymatory agent or lachrymator stimulates the corneal nerves in
the eyes to cause tears, pain, and even blindness. Common lachrymators include OC, CS, CR, CN
(phenacyl chloride), nonivamide, bromoacetone, xylyl bromide and syn-propanethial-S-oxide (from
Tear gas is a noxious gas. It is also called as war gas since it is used to disperse soldiers in a battle and
an attacking mob. It is one kind of Lachrymator.
Deodorants and Antiperspirants
Deodorants mask the smell of body odour, which is actually caused by bacteria, where as anti-
perspirants block the pores of the skin to stop us from perspiring.
There are two types of glands in our underarms, apocrine and eccrine. The eccrine glands are by far
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
the most numerous sweat glands and are responsible for producing most of the sweat in our
underarms, as well as in our entire body.
Most antiperspirants contain aluminium chlorohydrate/ aluminium chloride or aluminium zirconium,
which are highly soluble and readily absorbed into the skin. Once in the body, the aluminium passes
freely across cell membranes and is readily absorbed. The aluminium ions are taken into the cells that
line the eccrine-gland ducts at the opening of the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. When the
aluminium ions are drawn into the cells, water passes in with them. As more water flows in, the cells
begin to swell, squeezing the ducts closed so that sweat can’t get out.
Knocking of Engine
An Internal combustion engine under load develops `pinging’ or `knocking’, where the fuel mixture
starts exploding due to compression before the right time, causing rough running, stalling going up
hills, and so on.
Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) is one such component that is added to petrol to reduce its tendency to `ping’
under compression. TEL breaks down to lead at upper cylinder temperatures. Lead atoms spread
around and combining with the free radicals and slowing down the reaction.
However, `Leaded’ petrol was a grave danger to the environment, as lead is a poison when it is
absorbed into the body.
But reason for going completely unleaded is different. The reason is to reduce other pollutants, the
unburned hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. To achieve this, catalytic exhausts have been adopted,
and they cannot stand even the residual lead, which will affect the platinum catalyst. It was
discovered that passing the exhaust gases through a filter of platinum caused a catalytic conversion of
the oxides to other products, which could then be prevented from escaping into the greenhouses,
used for food production.
Lead Alternates
There are three main groups of substances oil companies use instead of lead to improve octane
Aromatics: organic compounds based on the benzene ring, a 6-carbon ring with 3
delocalised double bonds e.g., benzene, toluene, xylene,
Olefines: organic compounds, which have, double bonds. After combustion, one critical by-
product is 1,3-butadiene.
Oxygenates: organic compounds containing oxygen molecules such as methane, ethane or
MTBE (methyl-tertiary-butyl ether).
As benzene and 1,3-butadiene are the top toxic air pollutants. They are both highly carcinogenic
substances, MTBE is the most popular additive in unleaded petrol. The third group of alternative
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
octane-raising substances mentioned above are the oxygenates. A major by-product of their
combustion is acid aldehyde — the first substance the body produces in the alcohol-detoxifying
process. So the oxygenates are less toxic than benzene and 1, 3-butadiene. Another advantage of
oxygenates is that, because they contain oxygen molecules, they cause the fuel to burn more
efficiently-and thus lowering the levels of all pollutants from car emissions.
Chlorination and Ozonation of Water
Chlorine, Iodine and Bromine can be used for disinfecting water but not fluorine because it is too
reactive. Chlorine is often chosen simply because it is cheap, readily available and relatively easy to
handle. Disinfection relies on disrupting a harmful organism’s metabolism or structure. That can be
achieved by oxidation and non-oxidising chemicals which have similar effects, as well as by non-
chemical processes such as ultraviolet (including sunlight), X-rays, ultrasound, heat (as in
pasteurisation), variations in pH and even storage to allow organisms to die naturally. Chlorine gas
consists of molecules of two chlorine atoms but no oxygen. When added to water, one of the atoms
forms a chloride ion. The other reacts with water to form hypochlorous acid, an oxidising agent.
Disinfection comes from the hypochlorous acid reacting with another molecule, most probably in
the bacterial cell wall, in an oxidation-reduction reaction. If this happens enough times, the
organism’s repair mechanisms are overwhelmed and it dies. So concentration of disinfectant and the
length of time pathogens are exposed to it are important factors. Disinfection needs to be carried out
under closely controlled pH conditions, ideally between 7 and 7.6. If the pH is too low — less than 6.8
— there is a tendency for nitrogen compounds, especially urea (a common pool contaminant) to
degrade via another route to chloramines. The worst of these is nitrogen trichloride, which irritates
the eyes and creates the so-called chlorine smell associated with poorly run or overused swimming
Best time of Chlorination of Swimming Pool is Night Hours.
Chlorine, or more commonly a substance containing hypochlorite ion, is added to pools as a
disinfectant. However, sunlight rapidly destroys hypochlorite, drastically reducing the effectiveness
of the sanitizer. Hence, the effectiveness of the disinfectant is maximized when added in the evening
Ozonation Versus Chlorination
Ozonation of water has strong virucidal effect. It inactivates viruses in a matter of seconds. Many
countries around the world are using ozone for water treatment. Ozone has no residual germicidal
effect, but in the case of chlorination there is residual effect over the germs. Combined treatment of
water with ozone and chlorine effectively sterilise the water. 0.2 to 1.5 mg of ozone is necessary to
sterilise one litre of water. As ozone destroys all micro organisms and it removes disagreeable
odours, the resultant water is absolutely safe, pure, fresh and healthy. Ozonised water is colourless
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
and odourless.
Sodium Vapour Lamp and Mercury Vapour Lamp
Difference Sodium Vapour Lamp Mercury Lamp
Filaments of the lamp sputter fast The mechanism in mercury vapour lamp is
moving electrons, which hit the sodium more involved and sequential. The
atoms (vapour) causing the valence sputtered electrons from the filaments,
Process of electrons of the sodium atoms to excite after having been accelerated by high
Lightning to higher energy levels and the electrons voltage, hit the mercury atoms. Here also,
thus excited relax by emitting the the excited electrons of mercury atoms
characteristic monochromatic bright relax by emitting characteristic but
yellow light (589nm). ultraviolet (254nm, invisible) light.
Colors in Fireworks
Pyrotechnics is the art of making fireworks, which produce different colours when lit. The art
involves the intimate mixing of a fuel (burnable material) that is in a fine state of subdivision and an
oxidising agent using a binder. This burning coincides with the fuel oxidizer interaction. The binder
also burns in air and that adds to flame formation. The effects, so produced owe their selective light
emission to the presence of the various elements and compounds. These are summarized below:
Aluminium is used to produce silver and white flames and sparks. It is a common component
of sparklers.
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
calcium and magnesium salts). The presence of these substances affects the temperature at which
water freezes. Pure water freezes at 0~ water with dissolved gases and mineral salts freezes at a lower
temperature. The higher the concentration of dissolved gases and minerals, the lower the freezing
point of water. As water cools, the first layer of ice that forms is at the interface with air. As ice
forms, pure water solidifies, leaving the dissolved gases and salts in solution. Thus, the freezing
process concentrates the dissolved species in smaller and smaller volumes of liquid solution,
effectively increasing their concentration. With a higher concentration of dissolved material, the
temperature at which additional ice will form is lowered. The cloudiness in the center of an ice cube
thus is the consequence of the concentration of dissolved gases and minerals that refract light and
create an opaque appearance.
Free Flowing Salts and Desiccants
Calcium silicate (CaSiO3), a commonly used anti-caking agent, added to e.g. table salt, absorbs both
water and oil. This white powder has the incredible ability to absorb liquids and still remain a flee-
flowing powder. In general, calcium silicate absorbs 1 to 2.5 times its weight of liquids. For water, its
total absorption power is estimated as 600%, that is, absorbing 600 times its weight of water.
Desiccants – Silica Gel
A desiccant is a hygroscopic substance that induces or sustains a state of dryness (desiccation) in its
local vicinity in a moderately well-sealed container. Some commonly used desiccants are: silica gel,
activated charcoal, calcium sulfate, calcium chloride, montmorillonite clay, and molecular sieves such
as Zeolites. These desiccants remove water by a variety of physical and chemical methods:
adsorption, a process whereby a layer or layers of water molecules adhere to the surface of the
desiccant; capillary condensation, a procedure whereby the small pores of the desiccant become filled
with water; and chemical action, a procedure whereby the desiccant undergoes a chemical reaction
with water.
Montmorillonite clay is a naturally occurring adsorbent that swells to several times its original
volume when water adsorption occurs.
The most commonly used desiccant is silica gel (SiO2. H20), an amorphous form of silica
manufactured from sodium silicate and sulphuric acid. The porous nature of silica gel forms a vast
surface area that attracts and holds water by both adsorption and capillary condensation, allowing
silica gel to adsorb about 40% of its weight in water. Zeolites or “molecular sieves” are rigid, hydrated
crystalline aluminosilicate minerals that contain alkali and alkaline earth metals. Zeolites possess a
three-dimensional crystal lattice structure that forms surface pores of uniform diameter and contain
numerous regular internal cavities and channels. Water molecules are readily incorporated within
the pores and cavities.
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
Sugar Sucrose
General Science-6: Everyday Chemistry
General Knowledge Today
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Model Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Measurement and Units ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Fundamental Units and Derived Units .................................................................................................... 4
Motion .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Horizontal Motion ....................................................................................................................................... 5
One, Two and Three Dimensional Motions .......................................................................................... 5
Distance and Displacement ....................................................................................................................... 6
Speed .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Average Speed ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Velocity .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Acceleration .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Deceleration / Retardation / Negative Acceleration ........................................................................... 7
Various Graphs ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Motion under Gravity ................................................................................................................................. 9
Horizontal Projectile Motion ................................................................................................................... 12
Circular Motion .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Laws of Motion .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Inertia ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Force ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Newton’s First Law of Motion ................................................................................................................ 17
Newton’s Second Law of Motion .......................................................................................................... 17
Newton’s Third Law of Motion ............................................................................................................. 17
Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum ........................................................................................ 17
Weight (w) .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Friction ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Pushing or pulling an object .................................................................................................................... 19
Work, Power and Energy ................................................................................................................................. 19
Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Notable Examples regarding work: ....................................................................................................... 19
Power ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Energy .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Mechanical Energy .................................................................................................................................... 20
Potential Energy ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Gravitation and Artificial Satellites ................................................................................................................. 23
Kepler’s Laws ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Kepler’s First law (Law of orbits) .......................................................................................................... 23
Second law (Law of areas) ...................................................................................................................... 23
Third law (Law of periods) ..................................................................................................................... 23
Newton’s universal law of gravitation .................................................................................................. 24
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Model Questions
Prelims MCQ Topics
Fundamental Units and Derived Units, Horizontal Motion basics, Speed, Velocity,
Acceleration, Retardation and simple motion graphs, Motion under Gravity, Terminal
Velocity, Horizontal Projectile Motion, Circular Motion, Laws of Motion, Inertia, Force,
Weight, Conservation of Momentum, Friction, Pushing or pulling an object, Work,
Power and Energy, Kinetic and Potential Energies, Work-Energy Theorem, Artificial
Satellites, Kepler’s Laws. Projectile motion in artificial satellites, Geostationary and
Geosynchronous Orbits, Low and Medium Earth Orbits, Polar Orbit, Sun-synchronous
Orbit, Elasticity, Elastic Limit, Crazy Balls, Fluids- Pascal’s Law, Atmospheric Pressure,
Pressure in water, Blood Pressure, Buoyancy-Archimedes Principle, Laws of Floatation,
Viscosity, Lubricants, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Surface Tension & Capillary Action,
Conduction, convection and radiation, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Expansion,
Change in state of mater, Light-Refraction, Refractive Index, Total Internal Reflection,
Optical Fibres and Periscope, Lenses, Real Images and Virtual Images, Twinkling of
Stars, Mirage, Optical Illusion, Human Eye-its parts and working, Dispersion of Light,
Various Colors, Sound-Pitch, Loudness, Speed of Sound, Echo, Refraction and
Resonance of Sound, Doppler Effect, Sonic Boom, Static Electricity and Current
Electricity, Common Electric Appliances.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
1. Length metre m
2. Mass kilogram kg
3. Time second S
4. Temperature Kelvin kg
Apart from the above seven, there are two supplementary fundamental units viz. Radian and
Steradian. While Radian (Rad) is used to measure plane angle, Steradian (Sr) is used to measure Solid
The derived units are derived from fundamental units. Examples of derived units are velocity
(meter/second), acceleration (meter /second²) etc.
At present, a kilogram is defined by a cylindrical piece of platinum-iridium kept at the office of
International Committee on Weights and Measures in Paris. However, that lump has lost 50
microgram since 1879 and that is why scientists are looking for ways of expressing a kilogram in
terms of the fundamental constants of nature, rather than a man-made object.
Earlier meter was calibrated as the distance between two “Xs” on a platinum Iridium metal bar kept
in Paris at a temperature of 0°C. Later, it was fixed as length of the path travelled by light in vacuum
during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. Currently, one meter contains 1650763.73
wavelength of orange-red light of Kr-86.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Earlier, second was the length of a mean solar day divided by 86,400. Since 1967, a second has been
classified time in which caesium atom vibrates 9192631770 times in an atomic clock.
One Kelvin is the 1/273.16 part of the thermodynamics temperature of the triple point of water.
Candela is the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic
radiation of frequency 540×10 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1⁄683 watt
per steradian.
1 ampere is the electric current which it maintained in two straight parallel conductor of infinite
length and of negligible cross-section area placed one metre apart in vacuum will produce between
them a force 2 x 10 N per metre length.
One mole is the amount of substance of a system which contains a many elementary entities (may be
atoms, molecules, ions, electrons or group of particles, as this and atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon
isotope 6C .
A complete set of units, both fundamental and derived is known as System of Units. There are four
commonly used systems of units’ viz. CGS, FPS, MKS and SI systems. CGS refers to centimetre,
gram and time; FPS refers to foot, pound and second; MKS refers to meter, kilometer and second
while SI system uses the seven fundamental units as mentioned above.
Horizontal Motion
Motion is when an object changes its position with respect to its surroundings with time. If the
object does not change its position with respect to its surroundings with time, it is called to be at rest.
Being is rest and motion are relative and depend on reference frames. This implies that an object
may be in rest in one frame of reference while in motion in another frame of reference. For example,
if I am standing on ground, that is my frame of reference. Motion of anything would be compared to
reference point of ground. However, if I am in a moving Bus, then moving Bus is my reference
point. Any other person in Bus will be in rest for my, while for anyone standing on ground Bus and
everything within that will be in motion.
One, Two and Three Dimensional Motions
Motion can be either one dimensional or two dimensional.
In one dimensional motion, only one out of three coordinates specifying the position of
object changes. Example: object falling under gravity.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
In two dimensional motion, only two out of three coordinates specifying the position of the
object change. Example: Circular motion.
In three dimensional motion, all the three coordinates specifying the position of object
change with respect to time. Example: A flying bird, kite or aeroplane.
Distance and Displacement
Distance refers to the actual path traversed by an object. Distance is a scalar quantity and it can be
never zero or negative. Distance is measured by meter. Displacement is the shortest distance
between initial and final positions of any object during motion. Displacement is a vector quantity
and can be either positive or negative or zero. Displacement is also measured in meter.
Speed refers to the rate of change of position of the object in any direction with respect to time.
Speed (v) = Distance travelled (s) / Time taken (t)
The unit of speed is meter / second and it’s a scalar quantity. If the object covers equal distance in
equal intervals of time, it would be uniform speed. If the object covers unequal distances in equal
intervals of time, it is called non-uniform speed.
Average Speed
Average speed is the total distanced travelled divided by total time taken. When an object moves in a
straight line at a steady speed, we can calculate its average speed if you know how far it travels and
how long it takes. The below equation shows the relationship between average speed, distance
moved and time taken:
where average speed is measured in metres per second, m/s;distance moved is measured in
metres, m; and time taken is measured in seconds, s
For example, a car travels 300 m in 20 s. Its average speed is: 300 ÷ 20 = 15 m/s
Velocity is the rate of change of displacement of an object in particular direction. Thus, Velocity is
Displacement / time taken. The unit of velocity is also meter per second. However, unlike speed,
velocity is a vector quantity both in magnitude and direction. Thus, velocity of an object can be
positive or negative or zero.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
If an object undergoes equal displacements in equal intervals of time, it would be called uniform
velocity; while if it undergoes unequal displacements in equal intervals of time, it would be called
non-uniform velocity. Relative velocity is the time rate of change of relative position of one object
with respect to another object. The average velocity is ratio of total displacement to total time taken.
The rate of change in velocity per unit of time is called acceleration.
The units for acceleration are commonly written as m/s/s or m/s2. The equation for acceleration can
also be represented as:
where a is acceleration in m/s2; v is final velocity in m/s; u is initial velocity in m/s and t is time in s
For example, a car accelerates in 5 s from 25 m/s to 3 5m/s. Its velocity changes by 35 – 25 = 10 m/s.
Therefore its acceleration is 10 ÷ 5 = 2 m/s
Deceleration / Retardation / Negative Acceleration
Deceleration, or negative acceleration, is observed when an object slows down. The units are the
same as for acceleration but the number has a negative symbol before it. For example, the car slowed
down at -1 m/s . For example, a car decelerates in 5 s from 35 m/s to 25 m/s. Its velocity changes by
25 – 35 = -10 m/s. Therefore its acceleration is -10 ÷ 5 = -2 m/s
Acceleration is also a vector quantity and can be positive, negative or zero. Positive acceleration
means velocity is increasing with time, zero acceleration means velocity is uniform while negative
acceleration means velocity is decreasing with time. Negative acceleration is also known as
Various Graphs
Time-Displacement Graphs
In the above graphics, first graph from left is of a stationary body because there is no change in
displacement with time. Second graph denotes constant velocity because equal distance is being
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
covered in equal time intervals. Third graph is of constant acceleration because more distance is
being covered as time lapses. Fourth graph is constant retardation because less distance is being
covered as time lapses.
Time-Velocity Graphs
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
s = ut + 1/2 at
Relation between v, u, a and s
v2 = u2 + 2as
Distance travelled in nth second.
Sn = u + a / 2(2n – 1)
If a body moves with uniform acceleration and velocity changes from u to v in a time interval, then
the velocity at the midpoint of its path:
√u2 + v2 / 2
A is running after a bus. The bus is travelling at an average speed of 5 m/s. The man
runs 25 m in 6 s. Does he catch the bus?
Answer: No. The man’s average speed is 25 ÷ 6 = 4.2 m/s. So he will not catch a bus
moving at 5 m/s.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
By Equation (4)
The above discussion makes it clear that time of ascent is equal to the time of descent in the case of
bodies moving under gravity.
Time of Flight
The time of flight is the time taken by a body to remain in air and is given by the sum of the time of
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Practical Questions
When we drop a coin and a feather simultaneously in a tube fill with air and evacuated
tube, which one will reach the bottom first?
When we drop a coin and a feather simultaneously in a tube fill with air and evacuated tube, we get
the following observations.
When the tube has air, coin which is heavier than the feather reaches the bottom of the tube
more rapidly while the feather flutters down slowly.
When there is no air in the tube, coin and the feather to fall together.
From this experiment we understand that air resistance affects the motion of a falling body. The air
resistance on a falling body depends on its shape, size and speed.
Is it possible for the acceleration to be decreasing while the velocity increasing during the
same interval of time?
Yes, it’s possible. If the acceleration acts in the direction of motion, it will always cause increment in
the velocity. If the acceleration is decreasing but acting in the same direction, the rate, of increase of
velocity will decrease. Consequently the velocity will continue to increase slowly. For example, in
case of a sphere falling in a viscous liquid, the net acceleration decreases but the velocity increases till
the sphere attains its terminal velocity.
A beaker is left out in the rains. Will the rate at which the beaker is filled be altered if a
horizontal wind starts to blow?
Answer: No. Beaker will be filled with the same rate because filling of beaker depends on vertical
component of the rain.
Two balls of different masses are thrown vertically upwards with the same speed. They
pass through the point of projection in their downward motion with the same speed
(neglect air resistance). This statement is true or false?
Answer: True. In absence of air resistance a ball will return to the point of projection with the same
Terminal Velocity
When a body falls, it accelerates due to gravity and the retarding force of air resistance increases with
speed. This continues till the force of air resistance equals the weight of the object. Now the object
no longer accelerates but falls with a constant speed called the terminal velocity. The terminal
velocity is about 200 km/hr for a skydiver with an unopened parachute. While falling, the skydivers
use a “spread-eagle” position to increase the air resistance and prolong the time of fall. When the
parachute is opened, the fall is slowed by the additional resistive force.
Horizontal Projectile Motion
When an object is thrown from horizontal at an angle θ except 90°, then it will follow a trajectory
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
and the motion is called projectile motion. A horizontally thrown ball and a bullet fired from a rifle
held horizontally are the examples of projectiles in the horizontal direction. For this type of
projection there is an initial velocity u only in the horizontal or x-direction. But there is no initial
velocity in the vertical or y-direction.
However, there is acceleration in the downward direction due to gravity. Since there is no
acceleration or force in the x-direction after it is projected, the projectile moves in this direction with
a constant speed (u).
As the object moves horizontally, it also falls in the downward direction due to gravity. In the
downward direction, the motion is the same as that of a dropped object.
Let us consider a body A which is allowed to fall freely and another body B projected horizontally
with a velocity u from the same height and at the same time. The body B possesses simultaneously:
Uniform horizontal velocity u
A non-uniform vertical velocity v.
As the body B travels down its vertical velocity (v) increases due to acceleration due to gravity. But
the horizontal velocity u remains constant. Hence the body A which is freely falling and the
body B projected horizontally from the same height at the same time will strike the ground
simultaneously at different points. But the two bodies at any instant will be at the same vertical
height above the ground. Thus the motion of a freely falling body is same as that of a horizontally
thrown projectile. A stone released from a moving train behaves like the horizontal projectile B. As
the path of B is a parabola, a stone released from a moving train also follows a parabolic path.
Oblique projection Motion
Consider a body which is projected at an angle with the horizontal. Let u be the initial velocity of the
projectile and θ be the angle of projection.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Initial velocity can be resolved into two components viz. (i) the horizontal component u cos θ and
(ii) the vertical component u sin θ. The path of the projectile ACB is a parabola and CD (h) is the
maximum height reached by it. The time (t) taken by the projectile to reach the maximum height is
given by
The time of flight (tf) of a projectile is defined as the time taken by it to reach the horizontal plane
after its projection. It s given by
The distance between the point of projection A and the point B where the projectile strikes the
horizontal plane again is called its range (R). It is given by
Equation (4) shows that the range is maximum when θ = 45° (because sin 90°= 1). This is a
consideration in several sports
Events such as shot-put, javelin and golf where maximum ranges are desired. The player is expected
to throw at an angle of 45° to achieve maximum range.
Circular Motion
When an object moves in circular path, it is called circular motion. If the speed of the object in
circular motion remains constant, then it is called uniform circular motion. If the speed is not constant,
then the motion is non-uniform circular motion. In circular motion, an acceleration acts on the
body, whose direction is always towards the centre of the path. This acceleration is called centripetal
acceleration or radial acceleration. Further, the Centripetal force is the force which makes the body
to move in a circular path. Centripetal force is the force that is directed toward the center of an orbital
path/spinning object which keeps the revolving object in its orbit. This is in opposition to the
“centrifugal force” – a kind of fictitious force that appears to try to pull the object away from the
center of the orbit (due to inertia).
Important Observations on Circular Motion
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Artificial Satellites
An artificial satellite orbiting around the earth does not fall down. This is so because the attraction of
earth provides the necessary acceleration for its motion. This acceleration is “constant” in
magnitude but “changing in direction”. By the launch rocket, immediately before the satellite is
established in the predetermined orbit, the speed given to it is 30, 000 km/hr. The speed must be
great enough so gravity doesn’t bring the satellite back to Earth, but not so great that the satellite
escapes gravity out into space. This means that the speed, which is provided by the rocket is the
source of the centrifugal force, and the attraction of the earth holds it from moving away from this
centrifugal force.
Working of Washing Machines
Both Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force play role in working of a Washing Machine.
The spin dryer of a washing machine removes excess water from the clothing by rotating at a high
speed. The high speed of rotation creates a high centrifugal force for the water in the clothing which
causes it to be pulled to the outside of the spinning portion of the washing machine and away from
the clothes. However, it is the Centripetal force that keeps the clothes themselves away from the
outer portion of the washing machine. This is provided by the walls of the rotating spin dryer. Since
there is insufficient centripetal force affecting the water (only friction & surface tension holding it to
the clothes), it flows to the outer walls and is separated from the clothes, which removes the excess
Wheel of an automobile spins in mud because the centripetal force is not enough to hold the mud on
tyre. When vehicles turn around at a turn, the centripetal force is provided by the friction between
tyres and road.
The less desirable case of lack of centripetal force is when the rear wheel of an automobile spins in
mud. The adhesion of the mud to the wheel which is the centripetal force in this case is not enough
to hold the mud on the tyre. So it comes off tangentially to the tyre’s circular motion.
If a vehicle moves at very high speed over a curved path, thecentrifugal force makes it topple. This is
because the centrifugal force overcomes the frictional force between the road and the tyres of the
vehicle. To prevent this, the curved tracks are always banked. It means that the outer edge of the
road is slightly elevated at an angle. This angle of elevation is given by
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reached. Thus toppling of vehicles is prevented on curved roads. This is known as banking of tracks.
The racing track is designed like a concave disc for the same reason.
In circus there during the cage of death event, a motor cyclist drives a motor cycle at a high speed on
the inner walls of a spherical cage of iron. But he does not fall off the motor cycle even when he is
upside down. The centrifugal force keeps the motor cyclist glued to his seat while driving his motor
cycle inside the cage.
Other Notes
Total work done by the centripetal force is always zerobecause the centripetal force and
displacement are at right angles to each other.
During orbital motion of the planets, centripetal force is provided by the gravitational force
between planet and sun.
During orbital motion of electron around nucleus in an atom, the centripetal force is
provided by Electrostatic force between electron and nucleus.
When we swing a stone tied to a string, the centripetal force is provided by tension in the
Centrifugal force is in opposite direction to Centripetal force. On earth, it is minimum at
poles and maximum at equator.
In centrifuges, heavier particles move away from the centre while lighter particles remain
near axis of rotation.
When a sample of blood is centrifuged, the red blood cells accumulate at the bottom, because
red blood cells are heavier than White Blood Cells.
Cream from milk is separated by centrifuges in dairy separators. Ultra centrifuges with
speeds of the order of 5 x 10 rpm are used to concentrate viruses in solution.
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Weight (w)
Weight refers to a force with which a body is pulled towards the centre of the earth due to gravity. It
has the magnitude mg, where m is the mass of the body and g is the acceleration due to gravity, thus
When a lift is either at rest or moving with a constant speed, then apparent weight of a
person standing in it is equal to his actual weight. Thus, R = mg
When a lift is accelerating upward, then apparent weight would be R1=M(g+a). Thus
weighing machine would read the apparent weight more than the actual weight.
When a lift is accelerating downward, then apparent weight would be R2=m(g-a). Thus, the
weighing machine would read less than actual weight.
When the lift is falling freely under gravity then apparent weight R3=m(g-g) =0. In this case,
machine will read zero.
If lift is accelerating downward with an acceleration greater than g, then the person will lift
from floor to the ceiling of the lift.
Friction is force acting on the point of contact of the objects, and which opposes the relative motion.
Friction always works parallel to the contact surfaces. Frictional forces are produced due to
intermolecular interactions acting between the molecules of the bodies in contact.
There are three kinds of friction viz. static friction, limiting friction and Kinetic friction.
Static friction is the opposing force which works when one body tends to move over the surface of
the other body but actual motion is not taking place. This makes harder for two objects to slide
alongside one another. Glass on Glass is an example of static friction. Static friction results from the
interlocking irregularities present on the two surfaces in contact. This force will increase in response
to an attempt to move the objects until it is overcome at the threshold of motion. The maximum
value of static friction when body is at the verge of starting motion is called Limiting Friction. The
friction that occurs after the point where motion is achieved is referred to as kinetic friction.
Common examples of Friction:
We can hold a pen while writing due to the force of friction. Friction is needed in this case
for better grip. If there is no friction, it would be really difficult to write.
If there was no friction, walking on the road would become impossible. It is friction that
allows us to walk.
After a shower, it becomes difficult to drive a car at high speed on the wet road because
friction decreases.
Angle of sliding or angle of repose is the minimum angle of inclination of a plane with the
horizontal in such a way that the body placed on it begins to slide down. It depends upon
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limiting friction.
Further, when a body moves on an inclined plane then several forces work on it viz. normal
reaction of plane, friction force acting in opposite direction of motion, gravitation force
vertically down etc.
Pushing or pulling an object
To pull an object (such as lawn mower) is always easier than to push whenever the force is applied at
an angle to the object. This is because horizontal component of force will act to move the object. so:
If we push, then the vertical component of force will press the object downward and the
friction will be more.
If we pull then the Vertical component of force will act upward and the friction will be less.
Work, Power and Energy
Work is said to have been done when a force acts on an object and the object actually moves in the
direction of force. Work done is equal to the product of the force and the displacement of the object in
the direction of force.
Work = Force X Displacement
SI unit of work is Joule (J) which is equivalent to SI base units 1 kg.m2/s2. Thus, 1 Joule of work is
said to have been done when a force of 1 N causes a displacement of 1 m.
Notable Examples regarding work:
No work is done by a man rowing a boat upstream but is at rest with respect to the bank.
This is because when the man is rowing a boat upstream, it is at rest with respect to the bank.
So, the displacement of the boat is zero. Hence, no work is done by the boat.
No work is done if I apply all the force upon a wall and is not able to move it. Similarly, I will
do no work if I am a coolie and I just standing with a load on my head but not moving. {work
is done in this case if I lift a luggage from ground to place it on my head}
Work can be positive, zero or negative. Negative work implies that the displacement is in
opposite side of the force. Negative Work is done when brakes are applied to a moving
vehicle and vehicle stops.
When a ball is projected vertically upward and it comes back due to force of gravity, work is
done by both ball and gravity in opposite directions.
Work done in Circular Path
Work done depends only on the initial and final Positions and not on the actual path followed
between initial and final positions. When a body moves in a circular path no work is done. This is
because centripetal force acting on the body is always at right angles to the displacement of the body
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along the circular path. Since cos 90° = 0, so W = F cos 90° × S = 0 × S = Zero.
Similarly, when a satellite revolves around the earth in a circular orbit, the work done by force of
gravity is also zero because it acts at right angles to the direction of displacement of the satellite.
Power is the time rate of work done by a body. Thus if work done is divided by time taken, we get
Power =Work done / Time taken
The SI unit of power is Watt which is equal to 1 joule per second. 1 Horse power is equal to 746
watt. Power is a scalar quantity.
Energy of a body refers to its capacity of doing work. Energy is a scalar quantity. SI unit of Energy is
erg. 1 erg = 10 J
There are several types of energies for example, mechanical energy, chemical energy, light energy,
heat energy, sound energy, nuclear energy, electric energy etc.
Mechanical Energy
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy are called Mechanical Energy. The sum of kinetic and potential
energies at any point remains constant throughout the motion. It does not depend upon time. This is
known as law of conservation of mechanical energy.
Kinetic Energy
The energy possessed by any object by virtue of its motion is called its kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy of an object is given by k = 1 / 2 mv
where m = mass of the object, and v is its velocity.
So it’s obvious that Kinetic energy is zero in stationary objects as v=0.
The above formula shows that the Kinetic Energy is a product of half the Mass and velocity Squared.
When the velocity is doubled, the Kinetic energy would go up four times. If velocity is tripled, kinetic energy
would go up nine times. If velocity is increased by 1.5 times the Kinetic energy would go up by
1.5×1.5=2.25 times.
Further, since kinetic energy is a product of mass and velocity squared, a tennis ball and a football
don’t have equal kinetic energy if they have equal velocities. To get equal kinetic energy, the tennis
ball needs to have few times higher velocity than a football.
Energy in a running horse, Speeding car, fired bullet, oscillating pendulum, flowing water, flying
bird are examples of Kinetic energy.
Potential Energy
The energy possessed by any object by virtue of its position or configuration is called its potential
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energy. There are three important types of potential energies viz. gravitational, elastic and electric.
If a body of mass m is raised through a height h against gravity, then it hasgravitational
potential energy. It would be equal to E=mgh
If a spring of spring constant k is stretched through a distance x, then elastic potential energy of
the spring would be E=1/2 kx2
Examples of Potential Energy include: a stretched bow and arrow system; a wound up spring of a
watch; water stored high up in reservoirs; stone lying on the top of the roof.
Work-Energy Theorem
Work energy theorem says that the work done by a force in displacing a body is equal to change in
its kinetic energy. When we move an object (i.e. we do work on it), we increase itskinetic energy.
When we bring a moving object to rest, we also do work on the object, but in this case we are
decreasing its kinetic energy. Regardless of whether we are increasing or decreasing an object’s
kinetic energy, the amount of work done is equal to the change in energy.
Mass-Energy Equivalence
Einstein showed us the way that mass can be transformed into energy. When
Δm is converted into energy, the energy produced is equal to E = Δmc² , where c is the speed of light
in vacuum.
Principle of Conservation of Energy
This says that sum of all kinds of energies in an isolated system remains constant at all times.
The law of conservation of mass and energy states that the total energy (Rest mass energy + kinetic
energy + potential energy) of a closed system is constant; that is, energy or mass can neither be
created nor destroyed.
Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy
For conservative forces the sum of kinetic and potential energies of any object remains constant
throughout the motion. An object may have both kinetic and potential energy at the same time but
total of them would be same. For example, a flying aeroplane, an oscillating pendulum, a stone
thrown upwards have both kinetic and potential energy.
A swinging pendulum has maximum kinetic energy and minimum potential energy when it is at the
middle of the arc i.e. at its lowest point. However, when it is at highest point on either side, its
kinetic energy is zero and all energy is potential energy. Throughout its swing, the total mechanical
energy remains same.
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A century later, Newton demonstrated that Kepler’s laws were the consequence of a simple force that
exists between any two masses. Newton’s law of gravitation and laws of motion, provide the basis for
the motion of planets and satellites.
Newton’s universal law of gravitation
Everybody in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional to the
product of the masses of the two bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between them. If m1 and m2 are the masses of two bodies separated by a distance r, the force of
attraction F between them is given by:
-11 2 -2
where G is the universal constant of gravitation. The value of G = 6.67 x10 N m Kg . The force of
gravitation is directed along the line joining the two bodies. If m1 = m2 = 1 kg and r = 1 m then F =
G. Thus the gravitational constant is equal to the force of attraction between two bodies each of mass
1 kg separated by a distance of 1 metre.
Artificial Satellites
Satellite refers to any project that is orbiting earth, sun or other planetary bodies. Satellites can be
artificial or natural. The artificial satellites basically work on principle of projectiles. The only force
that works on satellites is gravity. Once launched in an orbit, gravity is the only force governing the
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Now, if we have such a powerful device to throw this stone with such a tremendous speed that
radius of the curved path it follows becomes little bigger than the radius of earth, we cannot expect it
to return to earth. Rather, it will keep on revolving around the earth. This is how the artificial
satellites work. They are projected with such a speed that the “radius” of their curved path is
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From the above formula, we first note that there is no place for m , which means that the speed of
an artificial satellite does NOT depend upon its mass. This implies that at a particular distance
from earth, all objects would move at same speed of revolution.
But the above formula says that v is dependent upon r. The above formula now we derive again as
F (Gravitational) = F (centripetal)
In the above formula, G is the universal gravitational constant and M is the mass of earth. We arrive
at v as follows:
Here we conclude that higher the orbit is, lower is its speed. When we whirl a small string with an
small object tied at one of its and also allow to get it rolled around our finger, we find that the smaller
the radius of the circle is, higher is its speed.
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So, when a satellite moved from higher orbit to lower orbit, its speed increases.
Since, g= 9.8 square meters per second and radius of earth is 6.4 x 106 meters, we conclude that
Thus, if we throw the satellite of a speed lesser than 7900 meters per second or 28500 kilometers per
hour, it will simply fall on earth. But the speed higher than this will produce an elliptical orbit.
However if this speed is more than 11.2 kilometers per second, it will escape the earth’s gravitation
field and will never come back.
This value of 11.2 kilometers per second is known as escape velocity and it explains why we have the
gaseous atmosphere which does not go away from earth. On moon the escape velocity is 1.9
kilometers per second and molecules of any gas formed on moon would have velocity more than this
value and that is why moon has not gaseous atmosphere.
Launching a satellite needs tremendous forces, because providing it an speed of 28500 kilometers per
second is not an easy task.
Launching a satellite on Equator versus Poles
Earth is not round and we all know that its radius on poles is smaller than its radius on equators. The
away we move from centre of earth, lower is the gravitational force and this is the reason that the
gravitational pull is minimum at Equator. So, Equator or the places near to equator are found
suitable for launching the satellites as it will save efforts.
Launching a satellite in eastward versus westward direction
We know that Earth rotes from west to east, the satellites are launched in Eastward direction so that
the speed of earth’s rotation which comes nearly 462 meters per second will provide it additional
push. (40000 x 1000 ÷24÷60÷60=462 (though exact speed is 465.1 meters per second))
Geostationary and Geosynchronous Orbits
The core principle of an orbit is that as a satellite or object moved tangentially, it falls toward the
earth / other body, but it moved so quickly that earth / body will curve away beneath it. Thus we can
understand that gravity pulls this object into a curved path as it attempts to fly off in a straight line. A
satellite has enough tangential velocity to miss the orbited object, and will continue falling
In other words, when the satellite is moving in the orbits, it stays in position because the centripetal
force on the satellite balances the gravitational attractive force of the earth. This balance depends on
the following:
Distance from the earth
Tangential speed of the satellite
Earth’s radius
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There is ONLY one geostationary orbit.
Geosynchronous Orbit
There is a difference between the geostationary and geosynchronous orbits. We should note that
while other orbits may be many, there is ONLY ONE Equatorial orbit, i.e. the orbit which is directly
above the earth’s equator. Sometimes we send a satellite in the space which though has a period of
revolution is equal to period of rotation of earth, but its orbit is neither equatorial nor Circular.
So, this satellite will finish one revolution around the earth in exactly one day i.e. 23 hours, 56
Minutes and 4.1 seconds, yet it does NOT appear stationary from the earth. It looks oscillating but
NOT stationary and that is why it is called Geosynchronous.
Features of a geosynchronous satellite
The orbit is NOT circular
The orbit is NOT in equatorial planee. directly above the equator, it’s in inclined orbit
The angular velocity of the satellite is equal to angular velocity of earth
Period of revolution is equal to period of rotation of earth.
Finish one revolution around the earth in exactly one day i.e. 23 hours, 56 Minutes and 4.1
There are many geosynchronous orbits.
Please note that it is practically NOT possible to achieve an absolute geostationary orbit. So, the
terms geostationary and geosynchronous are used alternatively.
Advantages of GEO satellites
Most communications satellites in use today for commercial purposes are placed in the
geostationary orbit, because one satellite can cover almost 1/3 of Earth’s surface, offering a
reach far more extensive than what any terrestrial network can achieve.
The geosynchronous satellites remain stationary over the same orbital location, users can
point their satellite dishes in the right direction, without costly tracking activities, making
communications reliable and secure
GEO satellites are proven, reliable and secure – with a lifespan of 10-15 years.
GEO systems have significantly greater available bandwidth than the Low Earth Orbit -LEO
and Medium Earth Orbit -MEO systems. This permits them to provide two-way data, voice
and broadband services that may be unpractical for other types of systems.
Because of their capacity and configuration, GEOs are often more cost-effective for carrying
high-volume traffic, especially over long-term contract arrangements. For example, excess
capacity on GEO systems often is reserved in the form of leased circuits for use as a backup to
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V is the speed. Now, we know that the speed v of the planet in its orbit is equal to the circumference
of the orbit divided by the time required for one revolution T. so v=2πr/T. So, the above formula
becomes as follows:
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The above mathematical derivation is suitable for circular as well as elliptical orbits. Now we know
that geostationary satellite follows a circular, equatorial, geostationary orbit, without any inclination,
so we can apply the Kepler’s third law to determine the geostationary orbit. Since, the path is circle,
its semi-major axis will be equal to the radius of the orbit.
Now, it has already been calculated that Earth completes one rotation on its polar axis in 23 hr 56
min and 4.09 sec, which comes out to be 86164.09 seconds. So, the period of rotation of the
Geostationary satellite should be 86164.09 seconds.
This means that
T=86164.09 seconds
Now we use this formula:
The above derivation gives the height of the Geostationary orbit. Now, please note that the above
height includes radius of Earth which is 6,384 km. When we deduct it from the calculated height we
get 35916 Kilometers. The precise height is altitude of 35,786 km (22,236 mi) above ground.
Orbital speed (how fast the satellite is moving through space) is calculated by multiplying the angular
speed by the orbital radius:
Orbiting at the height of 22,282 miles above the equator (35,786 km), the satellite travels in the same
direction and at the same speed as the Earth’s rotation on its axis, taking 24 hours to complete a full
trip around the globe. Thus, as long as a satellite is positioned over the equator in an assigned orbital
location, it will appear to be “stationary” with respect to a specific location on the Earth.
Inclined Orbit
An inclined orbit is used to cover the Polar Regions. It’s not a very popular orbit and used not very
frequently. The height of the inclined orbit is kept such that it covers the required area of the region
of interest. The time for which the satellite is visible to the point on the earth is also controlled.
Satellite cannot remain in continuous contact with the point on the earth if rotating in inclined orbit.
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The stations would be arranged approximately equidistantly around the earth and the following
longitudes appear suitable:
30°E – Africa & Europe
150°E – China & Oceania
90° W- The Americas
The station chain would be linked by radio or optical beams and thus any broadcast service could be
provided. The geostationary orbit is now sometimes referred as the Clarke Orbit or the Clarke Belt
in his honor.
Low Earth Orbits
A satellite can also be placed in Low Earth Orbits (about 1,000 kilometers above the Earth (between
400 miles and 1,600 miles)). However, satellites in LEO need a higher velocity than Geostationary
orbits. For example, a satellite which is placed in an orbit at altitude of 200 kilometers will need an
orbital velocity of approximately 29000 kilometer per hour. Similarly, a satellite placed in an orbit at
around 1730 kilometers will need a speed of 25,400 kilometers per hour.
Key Features of LEO
Unlike GEOs, the LEO satellites appear travelling across the sky from earth. A typical LEO satellite
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takes one and half hours to orbit the Earth, which means that a single satellite is “in view” of ground
equipment for a only a few minutes. As a consequence, if a transmission takes more than the few
minutes that any one satellite is in view, a LEO system must “hand off” between satellites in order to
complete the transmission. In general, this can be accomplished by constantly relaying signals
between the satellite and various ground stations, or by communicating between the satellites
themselves using “inter-satellite links.”
International Space Station
The International Space Station is in a LEO that varies from 320 km (199 mi) to 400 km (249 mi)
above the Earth’s surface
Applications of Low Earth Orbit Satellites
LEO systems are designed to have more than one satellite in view from any spot on Earth at any
given time, minimizing the possibility that the network will lose the transmission. Because of the
fast-flying satellites, LEO systems must incorporate sophisticated tracking and switching equipment
to maintain consistent service coverage. The need for complex tracking schemes is minimized, but
not obviated, in LEO systems designed to handle only short-burst transmissions.
The advantage of the LEO system is that the satellites’ proximity to the ground enables them to
transmit signals with no or very little delay, unlike GEO systems. LEO satellites rotate the earth and
currently deliver significant voice quality over theGeosynchronous (GEO) satellite systems. Now
days, LEO Satellites are used in constellations such as Globalstar and Iridium constellations. In
addition, because the signals to and from the satellites need to travel a relatively short distance, LEOs
can operate with much smaller user equipment (e.g., antennae) than can systems using a higher
orbit. In addition, a system of LEO satellites is designed to maximize the ability of ground equipment
to “see” a satellite at any time, which can overcome the difficulties caused by obstructions such as
trees and buildings.
Orbital Decay
The satellites particularly in the LEO are subject to a drag produced by an atmosphere due to
frequent collisions between the satellite and surrounding air molecules. The amount of this drag
keeps increasing or decreasing depending upon several factors including the solar activity. The more
activity heats of the upper atmosphere and can increase the drag. This drag in a long duration causes
a reduction in the altitude of a satellite’s orbit, which is called orbital decay.
So, the major cause of the orbital decay is Earth’s atmosphere. The result of the drag is increased heat
and possible reentry of satellite in atmosphere causing it to burn. Lower its altitude drops, and the
lower the altitude, the faster the decay. Apart from Atmosphere, the Tides can also cause orbital
decay, when the orbiting body is large enough to raise a significant tidal bulge on the body it is
orbiting and is either in a retrograde orbit or is below the synchronous orbit. Mars’ moon Phobos is
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shaped) orbit
Polar Orbit
The Polar Orbit is not much suitable for communication purposes because it moves in a different
direction than that of direction of earth’s rotation. So, the use of Polar satellites depends upon their
arrival at a particular point on earth at a particular point. The Polar orbits are used for special
applications like navigational satellites.
Key features of Polar Orbits
Polar orbits are useful in earth mapping
A satellite in polar orbit would pass over equator on different longitude in successive times.
No one spot on the Earth’s surface can be sensed continuously from a satellite in a polar orbit,
however, to make them work on a particular area, they are launched in highly elliptical orbit
with its apogee over that area
In a polar orbit, the satellite passes above or nearly above both poles of the earth being orbited on
each revolution. So, we can say that the inclination of such orbit is almost 90 degrees to the equator.
The Polar orbits are used for earth-mapping, earth observation, and reconnaissance satellites, as well
as for some weather satellites. However, Iridium satellite constellation also uses a polar orbit to
provide telecommunications services.
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hovering over a certain area for larger time, it can be placed in a highly elliptical orbit
with its apogee over that area.
Sun-synchronous orbit
Sun-synchronous orbit or a heliosynchronous orbit very important because of its particular
importance to satellites intended for remote sensing and military applications. A sun-synchronous
orbit is one that lies in a plane that maintains a fixed angle with respect to the Earth-sun direction. In
other words, it combines altitude and inclination in such a way that an object on that orbit ascends or
descends over any given point of the Earth’s surface at the same local mean solar time.
We can say that the orbital plane in such a case has a fixed orientation with respect to the Earth-sun
direction and the angle between the orbital plane and the Earth-sun line remains constant
throughout the year. It is shown by the below diagram:
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Frozen Orbits.
Thus we can say that:
Frozen orbit is a Sun-synchronous orbit in which the precession of the orbital plane around
the polar axis of the Earth caused by the oblateness of the Earth is utilized to the benefit of the
mission by choosing correct orbital parameters.
The Earth observation satellites ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat are all operated in Sun-
synchronous “frozen” orbits
Other Orbits
Super synchronous orbit is a disposal / storage orbit above GSO. From earth, they would
seem drifting in westerly direction.
Sub synchronous orbit is a orbit close to but below GSO and is used for satellites undergoing
station, changes in an eastern direction.
Graveyard orbit is a Supersynchronous orbit where spacecraft are intentionally placed at the
end of their operational life.
Elasticity refers to that property of an object by virtue of which it regains its original configuration
after removal a deforming force. Deforming force is the force which causes a change in configuration
of an object when applied to it.
Important Notes on Elasticity
The upper limit of the deforming force up to which a body regains its original configuration
completely is called Elastic Limit. Beyond elastic limit, the body will lose its property of
elasticity and will deform permanently.
If a body regains its original configuration immediately and completely after removal of the
deforming force, it would be called Perfectly Elastic Body. There is no perfectly elastic body
but quartz fibre and Phosphor bronze are examples of near perfect elastic bodies.
If a body does not regain its original configuration at all after the deforming force is removed,
it is called perfectly plastic body. Examples of near perfect plastic bodies are wax, putty etc.
When a ball falls, it is temporarily deformed. Because of elasticity, the ball tends to regain its
original shape for which it presses the ground and bounces up.
The materials which show large plastic range beyond elastic limit are called ductile materials,
e.g., copper, silver, iron, aluminum, etc. Ductile materials are used for making springs and
sheets. The materials which show very small plastic range beyond elastic limit are called
brittle materials, e.g., glass, cast iron, etc.
The materials for which strain produced is much larger than the stress applied, with in the
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limit of elasticity are called elastomers, e.g., rubber, the elastic tissue of aorta, the large vessel
carrying blood from heart. etc. Elastomers have no plastic range.
Elasticity of steel is more than that of copper and so for equal applied force, the elongation of
steel spring is less than that of copper for same initial length. This implies that the steel spring
can bear a larger tension before the elastic limit is crossed. Further, steel recovers its original
state quicker than copper after the deforming force is removed. Due to this reason, steel is
preferred in making springs in comparison to steel.
Glass is more elastic than rubber because for a given applied force per unit area, the strain
produced in glass is much smaller than produced in rubber.
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Atmospheric Pressure
Barometric, or atmospheric, pressure is the force exerted on a surface by the weight of the air above
that surface, as measured by an instrument called a barometer.
Pressure is measured in Pounds Per Square Inch or Newton per M² (also called Pacal). It is also measured
in toor and bar. 1 torr is equal to 1 mm of mercury column, while 1 bar = l05 Pa.
Pressure is greater at lower levels because the air’s molecules are squeezed under the weight of the air
above. So while the average air pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch {100000 N/m2 }, at
1,000 feet (304 meters) above sea level, the pressure drops to 14.1 pounds per square inch (around
about half of the figure at sea level). Changes in air pressure bring weather changes. High pressure
areas bring clear skies and fair weather; low pressure areas bring wet or stormy weather. Areas of
very low pressure have serious storms, such as hurricanes.
Atmospheric Pressure at sea level is equal to:
76 cm of mercury column
980 dyne/cm
100000 N/m2
Why atmospheric Pressure does not crush over body?
The atmospheric pressure does not crush our body because the pressure of the blood flowing
through our circulatory system balances this pressure.
Pressure in water
We can understand this by imagining a small cube of water as shown below:
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In the above cube, the middle black arrow shows force of gravity on the cube. This implies that the
total downward force of the cube is larger than the upward force. Thus, pressure increases with the
depth of the water. This explains why or ears hurt when we dive to the bottom of the swimming
pool. It also explains why dams thicker at the bottom than at the top. Also, in Hydro power stations,
the generator is placed at the lower part so that the pressure of the water is high enough to drive the
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure refers to the pressure that our blood exerts on our arteries. The fluid dynamics of
blood play a major role in blood pressure. The device used to measure blood pressure is the
sphygmomanometer. It is placed around the upper arm (Brachial artery), inflated, and then deflated,
while a meter measures the pressure passing through that section of the arm and either a person
using a stethoscope or an electronic sensor detects the pulse. The cuff is inflated until no pulse can be
heard. It is then slowly lowered. As the pressure falls below the systolic pressure the pulse can be
heard. When it’s below the diastolic pressure the pulse gets weaker. Also note that the Blood
Pressure 120/70 means that the systolic pressure is 120 torr and the diastolic pressure 70 torr.
Why blood Pressure is taken from upper arm?
We have discussed above that pressure of a liquid is dependent on the depth of the fluid. Thus, to get
the blood pressure correctly, it should be measured at a height of our heart. It cannot be measured
around the heart so brachial artery in the upper arm provides convenient location. If a person is laying
down, the blood pressure can be taken from any artery.
Where is the water pressure greater, in a lake 20 meters deep or in the ocean at a depth of 10
In the lake, because pressure depends on height.
Where is the water pressure greater, in a lake 10 meters deep or in the ocean at a depth of 10
At similar depth, Ocean water will exert more pressure because saltwater is denser than freshwater
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
We take two identical lead shots and drop one in water and the other in glycerine at the same time.
We see that the lead shot dropped in water comes down more quickly and the lead shot in glycerine
descends slowly. This implies that the viscous force is more in the case of glycerine than that in the
case of water.
Flow of liquid through Pipes
There are two types of flows viz. streamlined flow and turbulent flow.
If all the particles of the liquid pass across a point with the same velocity, the flow is said to be
stream lined. In this flow, a particle follows the same path throughout its motion.
If the particles pass across a point with different velocities, the flow is turbulent. In this flow,
a particle does not follow the same path throughout its motion.
When a liquid flows slowly and steadily through a pipe, the velocity of the layer of the liquid in
contact with the walls of the pipe is zero. As we move towards the axis of the tube, the velocity of the
layers gradually increases and reaches a maximum value along the axis of the tube. In the case of
streamlined flow of a river, the velocity is maximum for water on the upper layer (surface) of river .
The velocity is minimum for water in the bottom most layer. When two parallel layers of a liquid are
moving with different velocities, they experience tangential forces which tend to retard the faster
layer and accelerate the slower layer. These forces are (F) called viscous forces. Newton found that
the viscous force is:
Directly proportional to the common area (A) of the liquid layers in contact.
Directly proportional to their relative velocity (v1 – v2).
Inversely proportional to the distance (x) between them.
This can be represented by the following formula:
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Where η is a constant known as coefficient of viscosity of the liquid and (v1-v2)/x is called the
velocity gradient. The unit of coefficient of viscosity is N s m-2 or Poise. The values of coefficient of
viscosity are different for different liquids as shown in the below table:
Fluid η (poise)
Glycerine 13.4
Turpentine 0.015
Water 0.018
Mercury 0.0015
Honey 0.2
Blood 0.0027
Air 0.019 X 10
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Similarly, Let h be the height of the liquid above the earth’s surface.
Then its potential energy = mgh
Potential energy per unit mass = gh
Similarly, Let P be the hydrostatic pressure exerted by a liquid, r be its density and V be its volume.
Then its pressure energy = PV
These three types of energies possessed by a liquid under flow are mutually convertible one into
another. Bernoulli’s theorem says that thesum of the energies possessed by a flowing, non-viscous,
incompressible liquid at any point throughout its flow is constant when the flow is streamlined.
This implies that:
Pressure Energy + Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy = Constant.
For a unit mass of liquid:
The above equation makes it clear that when the velocity of the fluid increases, the pressure of the
fluid decreases and vice versa. This principle can be illustrated by numerous demonstrations.
Everyday applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem
Venturimeter, atomiser and filter pump
Bernoulli’s principle is used in venturimeter to find the rate of flow of a liquid.
It is used in a carburettor to mix air and petrol vapour in an internal combustion engine. Bernoulli’s
principle is used in an atomiser and filter pump.
Wings of Aeroplane
Wings of an aeroplane are made tapering. The upper surface is made convex and the lower surface is
made concave. Due to this shape of the wing, the air currents at the top have a large velocity
than at the bottom. Consequently the pressure above the surface of the wing is less as compared to
the lower surface of the wing. This difference of pressure is helpful in giving a vertical lift to the
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
How storms blow off the roofs?
Due to strong wind, storm or cyclone, the roofs are blown off. When a strong wind blows over the
roof, there is lowering of pressure on the roof. As the pressure on the bottom side of the roof is
higher, roofs are easily blown off without damaging the walls of the building.
How a moving train attracts a person standing nearby on a platform?
A suction effect is experienced by a person standing close to the platform at railway station when a
fast train passes the person. This is because the fast moving air between the person and train
produces a decrease in pressure and the excess air pressure on the other side pushes the person
towards the train.
Surface Tension & Capillary Action
Surface tension of a liquid is defined as the tangential force per unit length acting at right angles on
an imaginary line drawn on the surface of the liquid. Its unit is Newton per Metre.
Understanding Surface Tension
Insects like ants, water-spider are able to walk on the surface of water. Mosquitoes sit and move
freely on the surface of stagnant water. When we sprinkle water at the roots of trees and shrubs, the
sprinkled water gradually rises to their branches upwards. All these observations can be explained on
the basis of a property of liquids called surface tension. When we take a clean glass plate and place a
very small amount of mercury on the plane surface, we observe that the mercury assumes the form
of a spherical drop. However, when we place large amount of mercury on the plane surface, we
observe that now mercury assumes ellipsoidal shape. Similarly, when we place a greased sewing
needle carefully on a water surface, the sewing needle makes a small depression in the surface and
keeps floating even though the density of the needle is very much greater than that of water. A
tumbler is filled to the brim with water. Some nails are put inside the water so that water is displaced
upwards. A few more nails are added carefully. It is found that water surface rises well above the edge
of the tumbler but water does not overflow. This is because the water surface stretches as water is
displaced upwards. If a brush is dipped in water its bristles spread out. If it is taken out the bristles
come closer and cling together.
The conclusion from the above observations is that there exists a tension on the surface of a liquid
which tends to contract the surface to a minimum area. This property of the liquids is known as
surface tension.
Adhesive and Cohesive Forces
Surface Tension is essentially a molecular phenomenon. There are two types of molecular forces of
attraction viz. adhesive force and cohesive force. Forces between molecules of different substances
are called adhesive forces. The adhesive force is different for different pairs of substances. Gum or
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
glue is an adhesive. The force of attraction between gum and paper is an adhesive force. Forces
between molecules of the same substances are calledcohesive forces. The cohesive forces are short
range forces and therefore they are effective only up to a very small distance. The adhesion of water to glass
is stronger than the cohesion of water. On the other hand, the cohesion of mercury is greater than its
adhesion to glass. The maximum distance at which the molecules can attract each other is called
molecular range. The molecular range is of the order of 10−8 cm.
How Surface Tension works?
A sphere drawn with the molecule as centre and radius equal to the molecular range is called the
sphere of molecular influence. The molecular forces are effective within this sphere of molecular
influence. Therefore all the molecules lying within this sphere of molecular influence exert a force of
attraction on the molecule at the centre. These molecular forces are responsible for surface tension.
On the basis of this, Laplace gave an explanation of the surface tension.
In the above diagram, PQ represents the free surface of a liquid in a container. Let A, B and C
represents molecules with their spheres of influence drawn around them. The sphere of influence
around the molecule A is well within the free surface PQ. Hence it is equally attracted in all
directions by the molecules in the sphere of influence. Therefore the resultant force acting on the
molecule A is zero.
In the case of molecule B the sphere of influence is partly outside the liquid surface PQ. The number
of molecules in the upper half is less than that in the lower half. Thus the resultant force on B acts in
the downward direction.
The molecule C is exactly on the free surface PQ. The sphere of influence around the molecule C is
exactly half outside and half inside the liquid.Hence this molecule C is attracted in the
downward direction with maximum force.Thus we conclude that the molecules in the
surface PQ are pulled downwards due to the resultant cohesive force. This makes the free of
the liquid at rest behave like a stretched elastic membrane. This force gives rise to the surface tension
of the liquid.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
To understand this, we can make a circular wire ring in which a loop of thread is attached as shown
in the adjacent diagram. The wire and thread are dipped in a soap solution and taken out gently. We
see that a film of the soap solution is formed across the ring. The zig-zag loop of the thread lies on
the film. If the film inside the loop of thread is punctured with a needle, then the loop takes the shape
of a circle due to surface tension. The surface of the liquid film pulls the thread radially outward as
shown by the arrows.
Capillary Action
A glass tube with a very fine uniform bore is called a capillary tube. When a capillary tube is dipped
vertically into a liquid contained in beaker, the liquid immediately rises or falls in the tube.
T is the surface tension of the given liquid.
r is the radius of the capillary tube
ρ is the density of the liquid
g is acceleration due to gravity
θ is the angle of contact for the given pair of solid and liquid
The angle of contact is defined as the angle between the tangent to the liquid surface at the point of
contact and the solid surface inside the liquid. The angle can be acute or obtuse. If the angle of
contact is acute, the level of liquid inside the capillary tube is higher than that in the beaker. This
capillary rise is observed in the case of water. If the angle of contact is obtuse, the level of liquid
inside the tube is lower than that in the beaker.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Sun is the main source of heat energy for Earth. Fuels such as wood, petrol, coal and gas are other
sources of heat energy. For the survival of all living things, heat energy is essential.
The temperature of a body is a measure of its hotness or coldness. It is a measure of the kinetic
energy of the particles of the body.
Change in temperature, change of state and thermal expansion in a body, are some of the main
observable physical effects of heat energy. Heat energy plays a major role in determining the climatic
and weather conditions.
Specific Heat Capacity
We take three identical glass beakers and fill them with equal mass of water, kerosene and coconut
oil. We first note down their initial temperatures and then heat them one by one by same lamp for 5
minutes each; we find that the rise in temperature of each of them is different.
We take four cylindrical blocks of aluminium, lead, copper and iron of equal mass having the same
area of cross section. Now, we suspend the cylindrical blocks fully inside boiling water. After few
minutes, take out the blocks simultaneously and place them on a thick paraffin cake side by side.
What we observe is that depths of sink are different for different materials.
We take a stone and water of same mass. Place them in the hot sun for about half an hour. Now
touch the stone with one hand and water with the other hand. What we observe is that the stone is
hotter than water.
When a substance is heated, it absorbs heat energy and its temperature rises. Theamount of heat
energy absorbed by the substance (Q) is directly proportional to mass of the substance (m) and the
change in temperature (Δt)
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Q = m sΔt
Here s is a constant called Specific Heat Capacity. The value of the specific heat capacity depends on
the nature of the substance. In the above equation, If m = 1 kg and Δt = 1 K then Q = s. This implies
The specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of 1 kg mass of the substance by 1 K. Its unit is J kg K . It is a measure of thermal
-1 -1
inertia of a substance.
The heat capacity of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
the substance through 1 K.
Heat capacity = mass x specific heat capacity.
Its unit is J/K.
The following table shows the specific Heat Capacity of some common materials.
Sr. No. Substance Specific Heat Capacity (J kg-1 K-1)
1. Lead 128
2. Mercury 138
3. Copper 386
4. Aluminium 899
5. Wood 1755
6. Kerosene 2090
7. Ice 2130
8. Water 4180
Among the liquids, the specific heat capacity is maximum for water, hence water is used as a coolant
in radiators of automobile engines and mercury is used as a thermometric liquid.
Thermal Expansion
Thermal expansion takes place in all states of matter. The gases expand more than liquids and liquids
expand more than solids for the same amount of heat. Thermal expansion plays an important role in
many engineering applications.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
When an object is heated itsmolecules vibrate more violently because they have more
kinetic energy. They also need more space around them. This causes the material to expand.
Increase in length due to heating is calledlinear expansion. Increase in area as superficial
expansion and that of volume asvolume expansion or cubical expansion. The thermal
expansion is different for different substances.
Every day applications of thermal expansion of solids
If we find difficult to remove the stopper from a glass bottle, we can heat the neck of the
bottle. Now the neck of the bottle expands and the stopper comes out easily.
The principle of thermal expansion is used in fixing iron rim with the wooden wheel firmly.
Rivets are used to hold steel plates together very tightly. A very hot rivet is pushed through
the two plates and its end is hammered over. When the rivets cools down it pulls the two
plates together very tightly.
To avoid bursting of soft drink bottles containing gas, due to thermal expansion, their walls
are made very thick.
Bimetallic Strip
A bimetallic strip consists of two different metals such as brass and iron joined together.
At normal temperature the bimetallic strip is straight. As it is heated the brass expands more than the
iron. So the brass forms the outside of a curve with the iron on the inside. Such a bimetallic strip can
be used in a thermostat to break an electrical circuit. A thermostat is used to maintain a steady
temperature in a system. As the temperature increases the strip bends and breaks electrical contact in
the heater circuit. When the temperature decreases, the bimetallic strip returns to its original
position and shape. Thus contact is restored.
Some of the problems created by thermal expansion is the changing of shape and dimensions of
objects such as doors, Wall collapsing due to bulging, cracking of glass tumbler due to heating and
bursting of metal pipes carrying hot water or steam.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
Clock Pendulums
The period of oscillation of a pendulum in a clock depends on its length. When the temperature
changes, the length also changes. Hence the clock loses time in summer and gains it in winter. This
can be compensated by using a bimetallic pendulum against the effect of thermal expansion.
Change in state of mater
Matter exists in three states viz., solid, liquid and gas. The change from one state to another can be
brought about by the application or withdrawal of heat.
Change in State of Matter
The water can be in the form of solid ice or liquid water or gaseous steam. The process in which a
solid changes into liquid on heating is called melting. For example, ice changes into water. The
change of a liquid into a solid on cooling is known as freezing. The process in which a liquid changes
into vapour on heating is called vaporisation. e.g., water changes into water vapour or steam. Some
materials may change directly from a solid to a gas. This is called sublimation. Solid carbon dioxide
changes to carbon dioxide gas as it warms up. Another substance which sublimes is Iodine. When
vapour condenses to form a liquid the change of state is called condensation. Steam changes to water
as it condenses.
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Latent Heat
The latent heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat absorbed by a unit mass of the
substance to change its state without change of temperature. The heat absorbed during the change of
state of a substance is used to overcome the force of attraction between the molecules of a substance.
The kinetic energy of the molecules does not increase and hence there is no raise in temperature
during the change of state of the substance. Two of the more common forms of latent heat (or
enthalpies or energies) encountered are latent heat of fusion (melting or freezing) and latent heat of
vaporization (boiling or condensing). These names describe the direction of energy flow when
changing from one phase to the next: from solid to liquid, and to gas.
Cooling due to evaporation
When we put a little ether or petrol at the back of our hand and wave it around, we observe
that the spirit evaporates rapidly and our hand feels very cold. The sprit takes the heat of
vaporization from our hand. The hand loses heat and gets cooled. Similarly, water vaporizing
from the leaves of the trees cools the surrounding air.
A liquid evaporates when it changes into gas. Evaporation occurs at the surface of a liquid.
During evaporation, only high energy molecules overcome the attraction of their
neighbouring molecules and leave the liquid. In this way, the liquid loses its most energetic
molecules, while the less energetic molecules are left behind.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
The average kinetic energy of the remaining molecules is therefore, reduced. This results in a
fall of temperature of the liquid which gets cooled. The rate of evaporation of a liquid
depends on its surface area, temperature and the amount of vapour already present in the
surrounding air.
On a rainy day, wet clothes take longer time to dry, because large amount of vapour already
present in the air, slows down the evaporation. Similarly, during high fever, a cloth soaked in
cold water is kept on the forehead the water evaporates rapidly and takes heat from the head
and the body.
Dogs keep their tongue usually out in summer. Water evaporates from the tongue and keeps
it cool. Water in an earthen pot remains cool in summer. Water comes out of the pores of
the vessel and evaporates. Therefore water remains cool in an earthen vessel by evaporation.
After sometimes, when the pores get blocked by the dissolved material in water, the earthen
pot becomes useless.
Evaporation of sweat or perspiration from our skin causes a cooling effect.
Fusion of Ice Experiment
We take a test tube with clean water and a thermometer is placed in the test tube. The test tube is
placed in a freezing mixture bath. The water level in the test tube is well below the level of the
freezing mixture. While stirring water slightly and carefully, the thermometer readings for every 30
seconds are recorded till the temperature falls a few degrees below 0 °C. A graph is drawn by taking
time along the X-axis and temperature long the Y axis. The portion AB represents the liquid state. At
B the change of state takes place from liquid to ice at 0 °C. At C entire liquid is changed to ice. Here
during the change of state the temperature remains constant. Below C it is in the solid state (ice).
The flat portion of the graph represents the time during which the water solidifies. Here both solid
and liquid states exist together. This is the melting or freezing point. During this time heat continues
to be lost from the substance as it changes from liquid to solid but there is no fall in temperature.
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When water changes into solid; its volume increases. When a substance melts, heat is gained. When
it freezes, heat is lost
Working of Refrigerators
When a liquid evaporates it takes in heat energy and cools its surroundings. When the gas condenses
back to a liquid, the latent heat is released. This is used to take heat from inside a fridge, and release it
outside. A liquid which evaporates easily is called volatile liquid. Freon is a volatile liquid used in
most fridges. The liquid evaporates in the coils around the ice box or cold plate inside the fridge.
This causes cooling. The Freon gas formed is pumped away and pressurised in the condenser on the
back of the fridge. Here the Freon gas condenses back into liquid. As it condenses it releases the heat
energy it has taken in. So heat energy has been taken from food and other things inside the fridge
and released outside it.
If we leave the fridge door open, the pump has to work hard and more heat will be released into the kitchen
which will eventually become hotter.
Freezing Mixtures
A mixture of compounds that produces a low temperature is called freezing mixture. A freezing
mixture consists of powdered ice, common salt and ammonium nitrate. Temperatures lower than 0°
C can be produced by mixing certain salts such as Sodium Chloride, Ammonium Chloride,
Magnesium Sulphate etc. with ice. When salt is mixed with ice, some ice melts taking heat from the
salt. The temperature of the mixture decreases. Now salt gets dissolved in the water formed. The
necessary heat for this is extracted from the mixture itself and consequently the temperature of
mixture falls below zero. With the freezing mixture of salt and ice in the ratio 1 : 3, temperatures as
low as -13°C can be obtained
Latent heat of fusion
The latent heat of fusion of a substance is the quantity of heat required to convert unit mass of the
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
solid at its melting point to the liquid state at the same temperature. The S.I unit of Latent heat is J
Ice at 0°C is more effective in cooling a substance than water at 0°C. This is due to the fact that for
melting at 0°C each kilogram of ice takes its latent heat of 3.34 x10 J from the substance and hence
cools the substance more effectively. On the other hand water at 0°C cannot take latent heat from the
substance. This concept is valid for most of the liquids and their solids.
Latent heat of vaporization
Latent heat of vaporization of a liquid is the amount of heat required to convert unit mass of a liquid
at its normal boiling point into vapour at the same temperature.
The burns caused by steam are much more severe than those caused by boiling water though both of
them are at the same temperature of 100°C. This is due to the fact that steam contains more heat in
the form of latent heat (2.26 x 106 J/kg) than boiling water. Here we note that the latent heats of
fusion is maximum for ice and latent heat is maximum for steam. Hence steam and ice can be
considered to be the best source and sink of heat respectively in a heat engine.
Impact of pressure Melting Points
When we take two pieces of ice and apply pressure and release them; we observe that the two pieces
freeze together. This implies that melting point of a substance can be lowered by applying pressure.
We take a slab of ice is and a put a metal wire over it. Two equal weights (5 kg) are fixed to its ends.
The wire passes through ice slab due to the load applied to it. Just below the wire, ice melts at a lower
temperature due to increase in pressure. When the wire has passed, the water above the wire freezes
again. Thus the wire passes through the slab and the slab does not split. This phenomenon of
refreezing is called regelation.
Here, we have to note down that if a substance contracts on melting, as in the case of Ice, its melting
point is lowered by an increase of pressure. If a substance expands on melting, as in the case of a
paraffin wax, its melting point is raised by an increase of pressure.
Skates, Sledges and Snowballs
Since the edges of the skates are fine, the pressure applied on ice is sufficient to melt it. Water thus
formed due to melting acts as a lubricant and enables the skates to move freely over ice. Due to
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regelation the water formed is again converted into ice. Thus free motion of skates with good grip is
achieved. The same explanation holds good for sledges and snow balls.
It means that a longer time is required for cooking in hill stations. The time required for cooking
vegetables and other foods can be greatly reduced if the boiling point of water is raised. This can be
done by the use of a pressure cooker. A pressure cooker consists of a strong vessel of an aluminium
alloy or stainless steel sealed so tightly that steam can be confined inside it with a pressure of about 2
atmospheres. The boiling point of water at this pressure will be about 120°C. When foods are cooked
under these conditions there is a considerable saving of fuel and time. Since the cooking time is
reduced the food value (vitamins and minerals) is retained better. Any possible oxidation of food
material is also prevented because cooking takes place in an atmosphere of steam instead of air. The
pressure cooker solves cooking problems at high altitudes also.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
If the air contains the maximum amount of water vapour its R.H is 100%. In such a case, water on
earth cannot vaporate at all. If the relative humidity is less than 100% but still high, the rate of
evaporation will be slow and the clothes do not dry up easily in such weather. The relative humidity
varies from season to season. During rainy season, as the amount of water vapours in air increases,
the relative humidity becomes more (R.H = 100%) More R.H is a permanent feature of coastal areas.
Due to more R.H perspiration from our body does not evaporate and we feel sultry.
Refraction of light
When we place a pencil in a beaker containing water, we observe that the pencil appears to be bent
at the point where it just enters water. Again, when we put a coin in the bottom of an empty cup and
position our head so that the coin is just off sight, we can bring it into our view without moving
head or the cup, by just pouring water in the cup.
General Science-7: Everyday Physics
The above two observations lead us to conclude that the ray of light bends at the boundaries of air
and water medium. The phenomenon of bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is
known as the refraction of light.
Refraction is the change in direction of a wave due to a change in its medium. It is essentially a
surface phenomenon.
The phenomenon is mainly in governance to the law of conservation of energy and momentum. Due
to change of medium, the phase velocity of the wave is changed but its frequency remains
constant. Refraction of light is the most commonly observed phenomenon, but any type of wave
can refract when it interacts with a medium, for example when sound waves pass from one medium
into another or when water waves move into water of a different depth. Refraction is described by
Snell’s law, which states that for a given pair of media and a wave with a single frequency, the ratio of
the sines of the angle of incidence θ1 and angle of refraction θ2 is equivalent to the ratio of phase
velocities (v1 / v2) in the two media, or equivalently, to the opposite ratio of the indices of refraction
(n2 / n1):
The refractive index of the medium with respect to air (or vacuum) is called the absolute refractive
index of the material. The refractive index for light going from first medium to second is equal to the
reciprocal of the refractive index for light going from second to first medium.
The refractive index of glass with respect to water is equal to the ratio of refractive index of glass and
refractive index of water with respect to air.
The refractive index of the medium gives the light bending ability of that medium. Glass has higher
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refractive index than air. So more bending of light rays take place in glass. Glass is said to be optically
denser medium and air is an optically rarer medium. The following table shows the refractive index
of some common materials with respect to air or vacuum:
Substance Refractive Index
Air 1.0029
Ice 1.3
Water 1.33
Ethanol 1.35
Kerosene 1.44
Quartz 1.46
Glycerine 1.48
Benzene 1.5
Ruby 1.71
Diamond 2.42
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The above implies that refractive index of any medium with respect to air is the reciprocal of the sine
of the critical angle.
The critical angle of diamond is 24.4°. So C= 24.4° and μ=?
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air diamond = 1/sinC
air diamond = 1/sin 24.4° = 2.42
Working of a Periscope
There are two essential conditions for Total Internal Reflection. One is that the light must proceed
from denser medium to a rarer medium. Second is that the angle of incidence in the denser medium
must be greater than the critical angle. For example, a prism having an angle of 90° between its two
refracting surfaces and the other two angles each equal to 45° is called a totally reflecting prism,
because 45° is greater than the critical angle for glass (42°). Totally reflecting prisms are used in the
construction of periscope. Periscope is used in the submarines to see objects above the surface of
Optical Fibres
An optical fibre is a device based on total internal reflection by which a light signal can be
transmitted from one place to other with negligible loss of energy. An optical fibre is a long glass rod
of only a few millimeters thick and it is quite flexible. The fibre glass consists of a cylindrical inner
core that carries light and an outer concentric shell called cladding. The refractive index of inner core
(m = 1.7) is relatively greater than that of cladding (m = 1.5). The rays of light travelling along the
fibre cannot escape because they are totally reflected from the core-cladding interface. So the fibre of
solid glass can be used as a light pipe.
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Optical fibres can carry light round bents. This allows doctor to see inside our body. (endoscopy).
Optical fibres can also carry information in the form of a digital code of light pulses with minimum
loss. They carry telephone messages and computer data. Fibre optics technique is used to destroy
tumours in solid organ like liver.
A lens is a thin piece of a transparent material bounded by two spherical surfaces or by one spherical
and other plane surface. The width or diameter of a lens is called theaperture of the lens. The
geometric centre of a lens is known as its optic centre (O). The centre of curvature (C) is the centre
of the sphere of which its surface forms a part. The radius of curvature (R) of a surface is the radius
of the sphere of which the surface forms a part. The line passing through the centres of curvature of
the two surfaces and optic centre of a lens is called the principal axis.
When we place a comb in between the torch light and the convex lens and adjust the lens, we
observe that the light rays converge at a point. In the case of concave lens, the rays appear to diverge
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from a point.
A beam of rays parallel to the principal axis after refraction through the lens actually converges at a
point on the principal axis. This point is called principal focus of a convex lens.
A beam of rays parallel to the principal axis after refraction through a concave lens appear to diverge
from a point on the principal axis. This point is called principal focus of a concave lens.
The focal length of a lens is the distance between optic centre and principal focus of the lens.
Behavior of Rays in Convex Lens
An incident ray which is parallel to the principal axis, after refraction, passes through the principal
focus on the other side of the lens.
An incident ray which passes through the principal focus, after refraction, emerges parallel to the
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principal axis
An incident ray which passes through the optic centre goes straight without deflection.
An incident ray which proceeds towards the principal focus, after refraction, emerges parallel to the
principal axis.
An incident ray which passes through the optic centre goes straight without deflection.
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The real images can be caught on the screen and they are inverted.
The images that appear without actual intersection of the refracted rays are called virtual images.
Convex Lens
As the object is moved closer to the lens, the image distance increases and the image size increases.
At 2F, the object distance equals the image distance. As the object distance approaches one focal
length, the image distance and size approach infinity. When the object distance is one focal length,
there is no image. When the object distance is less than one focal length, the images are virtual erect
and located on the same side of the object. Finally, if the object distance approaches zero, the image
distance also becomes zero. The image size ultimately becomes equal to the object size.
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Concave Lens
When an object is moved closer to the concave lens, the image distance decreases and the image size
increases with respect to that of previous image. As the object approaches the lens, its virtual image
on the same side of the lens also approaches the lens and image size increases. If the object is placed
at the optic centre, the virtual erect image of same size will be formed at the optic centre itself.
The power of a lens is the measure of its ability to produce convergence or divergence of a parallel
beam of light. The power of a lens depends on its focal length. The power of a lens is defined as the
reciprocal of its focal length in metres. The unit of power of a lens is dioptre (D).
If two lenses of focal length f1 and f2 are in contact, then:
P = P1 +P2
For example, if a lens has a focal length of 40 cm, its power would be: 1/40 x10 = 100/40 = 2.5D
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Twinkling of Stars
Heat energy radiated by the earth changes the density of the atmospheric layers continuously. This
changing density of the air layers near the ground affects its refractive index. Due to the refraction of
light rays from the star, path of these rays goes on varying. Hence the eye some times receives more
light with the result that the star appears brighter and sometimes it receives only a few rays or no
rays which make the star appear fainter. The brighter and fainter appearance of the star with varying
time is called the twinkling of the stars.
A mirage is an optical illusion observed in deserts or over hot extended surfaces like a coal tarred
road. During hot days the lower layers of air near the earth’s surface are hotter and lighter than the
upper layers away from the earth’s surface. Cold air is more dense than warm air and has therefore a
greater refractive index. As light passes from colder air across a sharp boundary to significantly
warmer air, the light rays bend away from the direction of the temperature gradient. When light rays
pass from hotter to cooler, they bend toward the direction of the gradient. If the air near the ground
is warmer than that higher up, the light ray bends in a concave, upward trajectory. Hence light from
an object (say the top of a tree) undergoes a series of refraction and total internal reflections and
bends upwards. Once the rays reach the viewer’s eye, the visual cortex interprets it as if it traces back
along a perfectly straight “line of sight”. This line is however at a tangent to the path the ray takes at
the point it reaches the eye. The result is that an “inferior image” of the sky above appears on the
ground. The viewer may incorrectly interpret this sight as water which is reflecting the sky, which is,
to the brain, a more reasonable and common occurrence. In the case where the air near the ground is
cooler than that higher up, the light rays curve downward, producing a “superior image”. Superior
Image is common in polar areas, which is known as Looming.
Due to the mirage, a traveller sees shimmering pond of water some distance ahead of him. This
optical illusion is called mirage. Thus, Mirage is due to the combination of Refraction as well as Total
Internal Reflection of light.
Human Eye & Eye Defects
Our eyeball is nearly spherical with white outer layer called the sclera. Here is a short description of
how our eye works.
Working of Human Eye
The light enters the eye through a curved transparent tissue called Cornea. In humans, the refractive
power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres. While the cornea contributes most of the eye’s
focusing power, its focus is fixed. The curvature of the lens, on the other hand, can be adjusted to
“tune” the focus depending upon the object’s distance. The cornea has no blood supply; it gets oxygen
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directly through the air. Oxygen first dissolves in the tears and then diffuses throughout the cornea to keep it
Behind the cornea, is a circular diaphragm called iris which has a central hole called pupil. The size of
the pupil aperture is adjusted by muscle action and controls the amount of light entering the eye. The
converging crystalline lens composed of glassy fibres is situated behind the iris. The shape and
curvature of the crystalline lens is controlled by ciliary muscles. The images are formed on the retina
by adjusting and changing the curvature of the lens. This is called accommodation of the eye. The eye
ball contains a fluid in front of the lens and a gelatinous material in the space behind it. The retina of
the eye consists of two types of photo sensitive rods and cones. The more numerous rods have a greater
sensitivity to light, but do not respond to colour. Rods work well when the light is dim. The cones are sensitive
to bright light and colour. They are helpful to us to see things in colour.Special optical nerves carry the
messages from retina to the brain which interprets the images as erect images. The functioning of
the eye is similar in many ways to that of a camera. Both have a lens but eyes are advanced because
curvature of the camera lens cannot be changed.
The points between which the eye can see distinctly are called far point and near point. The far point
is normally without limit (infinity) and near point depends on the accommodation of the crystalline
When we move a pencil slowly towards our nose. At some points, we observe that the pencil
appears blurred. This is the near point. For a normal human eye, the near point is 25 cm from the
The near point increases with the age as shown below:
Short-sightedness or Myopia
The inability to see the distant objects clearly and distinctly is called short sightedness. This defect
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arises when the image is formed infront of the retina. A short sighted person can see near objects
clearly. This may arise due to either excessive curvature of the cornea or elongation of the eyeball.
This defect is corrected by wearing glasses with a concave lens.
Long sightedness (or) Hypermetropia
The inability to see near objects clearly and distinctly is called long sightedness. This defect arises
when the image is formed behind the retina. This defect may arise due to shortening of eye ball. A
long sighted person can see the distant objects clearly. This defect is corrected by wearing spectacles
with convex lens (converging) of appropriate focal length. A converging lens will correct this defect
by converging the incoming rays so that the image is formed on the retina.
Longsightedness occurs naturally with age. As we grow old, our ciliary muscles weaken, and the
crystalline lens looses its elasticity or hardens which limits the eye’s accommodation. Some persons
may have both Longsightedness and short sightedness defects. They should wear glasses consisting
of both converging and diverging lenses on the same piece of glass. This is called bifocal glass. The
bifocal lens was invented by Benjamin Franklin.
Dispersion of Light
When a beam of white light is passed through a prism, white light splits up into different colours.
Consequently a coloured pattern is obtained on the screen.
This splitting of white light into its constituent colours is called dispersion of light. The coloured
patent obtained on the screen is called a spectrum. The colours are not in strips but change gradually
through many different shades of colour. The colours of the spectrum of white light are violet,
indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (VIBGYOR). The white light is a mixture of different
colours. Each colour is associated with light of a particular wavelength. Red light has longer
wavelengths than the blue light. The angle of deviation by a prism is not the same for all the
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wavelength (colours) of light. Hence the prism disperses white light into its constituent colours. The
red is deviated least and the violet most.
Color wavelength
Color of Objects
The colour of an object depends upon the colour of light it reflects. If all colours are reflected the
object appears white. If some colours are reflected, the object appears coloured. The colour seen by
the eye is the colour of the reflected light. A ball appears red when it is seen through a piece of red
glass. White objects reflect all colour and black objects absorb all colours. Red objects reflect red only
and absorb other colours.
Primary Colors, Secondary colors and Complimentary Colors
Primary colours are sets of colours that can be combined to make a useful range of colours. For
human applications, three primary colours are usually used, since human colour vision is
trichromatic. For additive combination of colours, as in overlapping projected lights or in CRT
displays, the primary colours normally used are red, green, and blue. For subtractive combination of
colours, as in mixing of pigments or dyes, such as in printing, the primaries normally used are cyan,
magenta, and yellow, though the set of red, yellow, blue is popular among artists. The colours
obtained by mixing of any two primary colours are called secondary colours. Two colors are called
complementary if, when mixed in the proper proportion, they produce a neutral color (grey, white,
or black). The common complimentary colors are:
red + green + blue
yellow + blue
magenta + green
cyan + red
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reflects after hitting a distant object such as a wall, an echo is heard. But the minimum distance of the
reflecting surface from the source of sound to hear an echo is 17 metres. If the distance is less than 17
metres, then the echo reaches us in less than 0.1 second and the echo cannot be distinguished as a
separate sound. It gives the impression of the original sound being prolonged. This is called
reverberation. Reverberation can also occur when a series of echoes are heard due to more than one
reflecting surface.
The speed of sound can be measured by using an echo. For example, echoes of ultrasonic waves can
be used to measure depth of sea-beds or finding the location of submerged objects. Ultrasonic waves
are also used for finding faults in the interiors of solids and mapping of underground structures for
oil and mineral deposits. Bats produce ultrasonic waves and use echoes to determine distance of the
objects on their way. Ultrasonic waves are also used in medical diagnosis and treatment. Sound
waves pass through various tissues, and from the pattern of echoes, tumours, lesions and other
defects are detected.
Refraction of Sound
The character of sound waves to travel faster in warm air than in cold air causes bending of sound
waves when they pass through successive layers of air that have different temperatures. This bending
property is called refraction. On warmer days, the air near the ground is warmer than the air above
and due to this the speed of sound waves near the ground is higher. It results in bending of the sound
away from the ground. On colder days, the reverse will happen and the sound waves bend towards
the earth. This is reason for hearing of sounds over longer distances on a cold day.
Depending on the factors such as the elasticity and shape of the object, each vibrating object has a
natural frequency. A resonance occurs when an object oscillates at its natural frequency, as a result of
impulses received from some other system vibrating with the same frequency. Resonance can
happen in different kinds of systems: acoustical, mechanical, electrical and optical. Resonance leads to
increased amplitude of vibration. In some cases, the amplitudes that result from resonance can be
disastrous. This is the reason for ordering soldiers to break up while crossing a suspension bridge.
The resonant vibrations caused by the marching may severely damage the bridge. Oscillations also
occur in an electrical circuit. A radio receiver is tuned to a particular frequency when the oscillating
electrical circuit inside the radio is set into resonance with incoming signals.
Doppler Effect
The frequency of a wave changes depending on the motion of the source or observer. This is known
as Doppler Effect. When the source approaches the listener, the frequency of a sound appears to be
higher and vice versa.
Radar guns used by the police to check the speeding vehicles use Doppler Effect. The radar gun sends
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out a radio pulse and wait for the reflection. Then it calculates the Doppler shift in the signal to
determine the speed of the vehicle. In astronomy, Doppler Effect is used to find out whether a star is
approaching us or receding away from us. When a star is receding from us the light emitted from the
star appears redder. Doppler Effect is also used to detect the rotation of a star or for tracking a
moving object, such as a satellite, from a reference point on the earth.
Sonic Boom
A sonic boom is an impulsive noise similar to thunder caused by a supersonic (faster than sound)
aircraft that produces a cone of sound called a shock wave.
Musical Scale
A musical scale is a group of pitches arranged in an ascending order. The diatonic scale includes the
notes with frequencies: sa (256), re (288), ga (320), ma (341.3), pa (384), dha (426.7) and ni (480).
The next note denoted by sa’ has a frequency 512, twice that of sa. The interval sa-sa’ is called an
octave (8).
Noise Reduction in Recording Media
Music recording company Dolby Laboratories Inc. has developed techniques to reduce noise levels in
recorded music. Dolby noise reduction works in tandem to improve the signal-to- noise ratio. Dolby
A, Dolby B, Dolby C, Dolby SR and Dolby S are the noise reduction systems developed by the
Magnetism Basics
A simple magnet is a magnetised bar of iron. It attracts and holds iron pieces but does not attract
pieces of copper. Those materials attracted by a magnet comes under magnetic materials and those
not attracted are described as non-magnetic. Examples for strong magnetic materials include iron,
nickel, cobalt and certain alloys whereas copper, glass, wood, etc. are non-magnetic materials.
However, in presence of strong magnets, even non-magnetic substances show feeble magnetism. A
bar magnet when suspended with a thread tied exactly in its middle, after oscillating for a little it
comes to rest in the north-south direction. The end pointing to north direction is called north pole
of magnet and the end pointing to south direction is called south pole of magnet. Like poles of two
magnets repel and unlike poles of two magnets attract.
Earth’s Magnetism
Earth also has magnetism however its origin is still not clear. It is believed that the motion of charges
in the molten outer core creates the magnetic field. Earth’s magnetism may be due to heat arising
from the earth’s inner core. The heat may be responsible for cause of convection currents in the
molten outer core.The flow of ions and electrons would produce a magnetic field. It is probably the
combination of such convection currents with the rotational effects of the earth are source of the
earth’s magnetic field.The South Pole of the Earth is located upon the Antarctic Continent in the
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southern hemisphere.The North Pole is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. At any place on
the earth, the magnetic north is not usually in the direction of the geographic north. The angle
between the two directions is called the declination. Mariners using compasses must allow for
declination in determining the true north. The angle made by a freely suspended bar magnet with
the horizontal is called the dip of the place. On the equator, the dip is zero and on the poles it is 90°.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
MRI is a non-invasive medical test that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to take
images of internal organs of the body.The images are examined on a computer monitor, printed or
copied on a compact disc. MRI does not use x-rays.
Electricity Related Topics
Static electricity refers to an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a material. The
charge remains until it is able to move away by means of an electric current or electrical discharge.
Electricity by Friction
Friction produces the electric effects. The well-known example is, a hard rubber comb attract small
pieces of paper after using it on a dry hair. It is because after rubbing, the comb becomes charged
with electricity. The same effect is noticed when a plastic pen is rubbed on a coat sleeve. Static
electricity is the electricity produced by friction between two dissimilar objects. Based on the nature
of the objects, one object becomes a positive charge and the other an equal negative charge. For
example, when a glass rod is rubbed with silk, the rod becomes positive charge and the silk an equal
negative charge. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.
Electrification by friction involves transfer of electrons (negatively charged particles of an atom). In
the example of a glass rod rubbed with silk, some electrons from the rod transferred the silk. By
losing electrons, the glass becomes positively charged and by gaining the same number of electrons
silk acquires an equal negative charge.
In case of hollow metallic conductors, when they are charged with static electricity it is found that
the charge remains on the outside of the conductor; the inner surface remains uncharged. This is the
reason for when a car is struck by lightning, persons sitting inside are shielded from the electricity as
the charge remains on the outer surface. In case of a pear-shaped conductor, the charge is
concentrated on and near the pointed end. When the charge on the conductor is increased, the
pointed end starts losing charge. A pointed end also acts as a collector of charge. The lightning
conductor works on this principle.
Lightning Conductor
Lightning involves heavy discharge of electricity between two charged clouds or between a charged
cloud and the earth. Lightning conductors are used in tall buildings for protection from lightning. A
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lightning conductor is a thick copper strip fixed to an outside wall of the building. The upper end of
the strip consists of several sharp spikes reaching above the highest part of the building and the
lower end is connected to a copper plate buried in the earth. When lightning occurs, the lightning
conductor accepts any electric discharge.
Insulators, Conductors, Superconductors and Semiconductors
All the substances can be arranged based on their ability to conduct electrical charge. Almost all
metals are good conductors and most non-metals are poor conductors or insulators. Metals conduct
electricity as they have a large number of free electrons whereas insulators have no free electrons.
With decreasing of temperature, the resistance of metals to flow of electricity reduces. At near
absolute zero temperatures, metals have almost zero resistance and become superconductors. It is
also discovered that certain ceramics can behave as superconductors at relatively high temperatures
of above 100K. Currently, scientists are working on in the field of high temperature
superconductivity hoping to achieve it at room temperatures. Materials such as silicon and
germanium have electrical resistivity in between those of conductors and insulators. Such materials
are called as semiconductors. They are good insulators in their pure crystalline form but their
conductivity increases by adding small amounts of impurities. After the addition of impurities, they
become n-type and p-type semiconductors.
Transistors used in radios, televisions, computers and other devices are composed of both n-type and
p-type semiconductors. They need very little power and in normal use they work indefinitely.
Integrated Circuits (IC)
An integrated circuit is an arrangement of multifunction semiconductor devices. It consists of a
single-crystal chip of silicon containing both active and passive elements and their interconnections.
Current Electricity
Electric current is different from static electricity and it involves the flow of electric charge. The flow
of electrons in solid conductors, and the flow of ions and electrons in liquids constitute the current.
To maintain continuous flow of current in a circuit, it is essential to have an electromotive force that
can be provided by a cell or a generator.
Electrical Resistance
Conductors such as a metallic wire offer some obstruction when electric current flows through it.
This character of conductors to offer obstruction is called its electrical resistance. The resistance (R)
of a wire of a given material depends on its length (l) and area of cross-section (a).
R= ρ (l/a); ρ is a constant called the resistivity of the material of the wire.
With increasing temperature, resistivity of a good conductor increases whereas resistivity of a
semiconductor decreases.
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Electric Cell
In cells, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy. Cells are of two types viz. primary and
secondary. Examples of primary cells include torches, radios, etc. The constituents of a dry cell are a
negative electrode, a positive electrode and an electrolyte. The negative electrode is made with zinc
as it is the outer shell of the cell. A carbon rod surrounded by a mixture of carbon and manganese
dioxide acts as the positive electrode. The electrolyte is a mixture of ammonium chloride and zinc
chloride in the form of a paste. A dry cell produces about 1.5 volt.
Lead cells which are used for ignition and lighting on motor car are secondary cells. Secondary cells
are used as storage cells or accumulators. Due to their low internal resistance, secondary cells are
capable of giving large currents. They can be recharged after they discharged. They are used in
emergency lights in hospitals and other buildings.
Car Battery
In a car battery, there is a combination of 6 lead-acid secondary cells each with 2.04 volts. These cells
use lead plates as electrodes and sulphuric acid as the electrolyte. The car battery provides large
currents for a short time as large currents are required to start the engine. After engine started, the
alternator provides power to the car.
Effects of Electric Current
Magnetic Effect
When current flows through a wire, a magnetic field is developed around it. If a current-carrying
wire is brought near to a bar of iron, it gets magnetised and when the current flow is stopped, the
iron bar loses its magnetism. Electromagnets produced in this way have lot of applications. They are
used for lifting and transporting steel plates, scrap iron etc. They are also used in electric bells,
telephone receivers, etc.
Chemical Effect, Electrolysis
When electric current passes through a solution, it results in decomposition of the solution into
negative and positive ions. Positive ions are collected at the negative electrode i.e. cathode and
negative ions are collected at the positive electrode i.e. anode. This process is called electrolysis. This
process is widely used in electroplating.
Heating Effect
When electric charge flows through a conductor, it results in heating of the conductor i.e. electric
energy is converted into heat energy. The heating effect is used in a wide variety of appliances such
as geyser, room heater, etc. These appliances use coils of nichrome, which are heated with flow of
current. In an electric iron, the heating element is placed between two thin sheets of mica, which is
highly insulating and can withstand high temperatures.
Motor Effect
If a current-carrying conductor is placed at right angles to a magnetic field, a force acts on the
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conductor. When a current-carrying rectangular coil is placed in a magnetic field, the coil starts
rotating as a couple acts on the coil. This is the mechanism used in an electric motor i.e. in an electric
motor, electric energy is converted into mechanical energy. Electric motors are used in electric fans,
washing machines etc. In loudspeakers, energy is transferred from electric current into mechanical
energy of vibration.
Electric Generator (Dynamo)
The electric generator works on the principle identical to that of an electric motor. In a generator,
the armature is rotated in the magnetic field and an emf is generated in it due to electromagnetic
induction. Thus a generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. With a minor change
in construction, a generator can produce alternating emf or direct emf. The corresponding currents
produced are called alternating Current (ac) and direct Current (dc).
An inverter converts DC to AC. The inverters for home and office purpose are designed to convert
DC from a battery to AC, and also to charge the battery. If there is a power failure, the inverter
automatically switches on the AC, converted from the battery’s DC. After the mains supply is
restored, the inverter automatically switches to a mode where it starts charging the battery.
Power Generation and Transmission
Power stations generate electricity of 11 kilovolts (kV) and it is stepped up to 132 kV for
transmission to main substations. In a high voltage power transmission, there is little power-loss in
the transmission cables. In the main substations, the voltage is stepped down to 33 kV.This voltage is
further stepped down and consumers are supplied at 220V. As the voltage is alternating, 220 is the
effective value of the voltage.The frequency of a.c. is 50 Hz (cycle per second).
Domestic Electric Installation
Electricity is supplied to houses by using two cables, the “live” cable and the “neutral” cable. A third
cable is also used for safety purposes. It is called the “earth” and is connected to the earth terminal
provided in the building. From the meter installed in a house, connections are made to the
distribution board through a main fuse and a main switch.
A fuse is a short piece of wire that has a low melting point. It is generally made of a tin-lead alloy.
Fuse melts and breaks whenever there is short circuiting, overloading, voltage fluctuation, etc. This
will protect the electrical appliances and also prevents fire accidents.Fuses are always connected in
the live wire. Nowadays, miniature circuit breakers (M CBs) are replacing fuses.
A circuit breaker automatically protects an electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short
circuit. Unlike a fuse, a circuit breaker need not be replaced. It needs to be reset manually to resume
normal operation.
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The earth wire is used for safeguarding of electrical appliances against shocks.
Flexible Cables
All electrical appliances comes with three-core flexible cables. The cables insulations are coloured red
or brown (for live connection), black or light blue (for neutral connection), and green or yellow (for
earth connection).
Plugs, Sockets and Switches
In a three pin plug, one pin is longer and thicker, and the other two are similar. The longer pin is
used for earthing and it is connected to the green wire of the appliance. The other pins are connected
to the red (or brown) and the black (or blue) wires. As the earth pin is longer, an appliance is always
first earthed before it is connected to the live circuit. In a socket, the lower right hole is used for the
live connection and the left hole is for the neutral connection, and the top bigger hole is for the
earth.All switches in a house are connected to the live wires. If they are connected in the neutral
wire, the sockets would remain live even if the switches are in off position.
Electric Light
Incandescent Lamp or Filament Lamp
In electric lamps, electrical energy is converted to light energy. In electric lamps, a tungsten filament
is connected between two lead-in wires. The tungsten filament is heated with passage of current and
emits light.The reason for use of tungsten is it has a high melting point of 3,400°C. The electric lamp
also contains a small quantity of argon (an inert gas) to prevent evaporation of tungsten. Air is not
used as it would oxidise the tungsten.
Fluorescent Tubes
A fluorescent tube consists of mercury vapours at low pressure. When electricity flows through the
tube, the mercury vapours emit invisible ultraviolet rays. These ultraviolet rays fallon the fluorescent
coating on the inside of the tube and emit visible light. In a fluorescent tube very little heat is
produced, so almost all the electrical energy is converted to light energy. The fluorescent tubes are
cheaper and efficient.
Compact Fluorescent Lamps
In incandescent light bulbs, lot of electricity is wasted in the form of heat. A CFL (compact
fluorescent lamp) is a miniature fluorescent tube that works 4 to 6 times more efficient than an
incandescent bulb. A 15W fluorescent bulb can produce the same amount of light as a 60W
incandescent bulb. Mercury used in the fluorescent lamps is a hazardous substance. Most light
sources including fluorescent bulbs emit a small amount of UV, but it is far less than the amount
produced by natural daylight.
Cost of Electricity
Electricity consumption is measured in the unit kWh. From the power rating of electrical appliances,
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we can calculate the consumption of electrical energy. By knowing the rate per unit, one can work
out the cost of consumption.
Working of Some Electronic Devices
TV Remote Control
A TV or music system remote control contains a chip (an integrated circuit) and other components,
such as a diode, a transistor, capacitor, etc. When a key is pressed, remote control translates it into
infra-red signals which are received by the electronic circuit in the TV, and the desired operation is
Cordless Phone
Cordless phones are directly plugged into an existing telephone socket that essentially serves as a
wireless extension to the existing phone wiring. A cordless phone has two parts viz. a base unit and a
hand set. The hand set can communicate with a number of frequencies (channels) in the 46-48 MHz
bands. Based on the quality, a cordless phone can permit mobility (range) up to 100 m.