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Introduction :
 What is Dividend?
 What is dividend policy?
 Theories of Dividend Policy
 Relevant Theory
 Walter’sModel
 Gordon’s Model

 Irrelevant Theory
 M-M’s Approach
 Traditional Approach
What is Dividend?

“A dividend is a distribution to shareholders out of

profit or reserve available for this purpose”.

- Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Forms/Types of Dividend
 On the basis of Types of Share
 EquityDividend
 Preference Dividend

 On the basis of Mode of Payment

 Cash Dividend
 Stock Dividend

 Bond Dividend

 Property Dividend

 Composite Dividend

 On the basis of Time of Payment

 InterimDividend
 Regular Dividend

 Special Dividend
What is Dividend Policy :

 “ Dividend policy determines the division of

earnings between payments to shareholders and
retained earnings”.

- Weston and Bringham


Dividend Policies involve the decisions, whether-

 To retain earnings for capital investment and other

purposes; or
 To distribute earnings in the form of dividend among
shareholders; or
 To retain some earning and to distribute remaining
earnings to shareholders.
Factors Affecting Dividend Policy
 Legal Restrictions
 Magnitude and trend of earnings
 Desire and type of Shareholders
 Nature of Industry
 Age of the company
 Future Financial Requirements
 Taxation Policy
 Stage of Business cycle

 Regularity
 Requirements of Institutional Investors
Dimensions of Dividend Policy
 Pay-out Ratio
 Funds requirement
 Liquidity

 Access to external sources of financing

 Shareholder preference

 Difference in the cost of External Equity and Retained

 Control

 Taxes

 Stability
 Stable dividend payout Ratio
 Stable Dividends or Steadily changing Dividends
Types of Dividend Policy

 Regular Dividend Policy

 Stable Dividend Policy
 Constant dividend per share
 Constant pay out ratio

 Stable rupee dividend + extra dividend

 Irregular Dividend Policy

Dividend Theories

Relevance Theories Irrelevance Theories

(i.e. which consider dividend (i.e. which consider dividend
decision to be relevant as it decision to be irrelevant as it does
affects the value of the firm) not affects the value of the firm)

Walter’s Gordon’s
Model Model

Modigliani and Traditional

Miller’s Model Approach
Walter’s Model
 Prof. James E Walter argued that in the long-run
the share prices reflect only the present value of
expected dividends. Retentions influence stock price
only through their effect on future dividends. Walter
has formulated this and used the dividend to
optimize the wealth of the equity shareholders.
 Assumptions of Walter’s Model:
 Internal Financing
 constant Return in Cost of Capital

 100% payout or Retention

 Constant EPS and DPS

 Infinite time
Formula of Walter’s Model
D + r (E-D)
P = k
P = Current Market Price of equity share
E = Earning per share
D = Dividend per share
(E-D) = Retained earning per share
r = Rate of Return on firm’s investment or Internal Rate of Return
k = Cost of Equity Capital
Illustration :
 Growth Firm (r > k):
r = 20% k = 15% E = Rs. 4
If D = Rs. 4
P = 4+(0) 0.20 /0 .15 = Rs. 26.67
If D = Rs. 2
P = 2+(2) 0.20 / 0.15 = Rs. 31.11
Illustration :
 Normal Firm (r = k):
r = 15% k = 15% E = Rs. 4
If D = Rs. 4
P = 4+(0) 0.15 / 0.15 = Rs. 26.67
If D = Rs. 2
P = 2+(2) 0.15 / 0.15 = Rs. 26.67
Illustration :
 Declining Firm (r < k):
r = 10% k = 15% E = Rs. 4
If D = Rs. 4
P = 4+(0) 0.10 / 0.15 = Rs. 26.67
If D = Rs. 2
P = 2+(2) 0.10 / 0.15 = Rs. 22.22
Effect of Dividend Policy on Value of Share

Case If Dividend Payout ratio If Dividend Payout Ration

Increases decreases

1. In case of Growing firm Market Value of Share Market Value of a share

i.e. where r > k decreases increases

2. In case of Declining firm Market Value of Share Market Value of share

i.e. where r < k increases decreases

3. In case of normal firm No change in value of No change in value of

i.e. where r = k Share Share
Criticisms of Walter’s Model

 No External Financing
 Firm’s internal rate of return does not always
remain constant. In fact, r decreases as more and
more investment in made.
 Firm’s cost of capital does not always remain
constant. In fact, k changes directly with the firm’s
Gordon’s Model
 According to Prof. Gordon, Dividend Policy almost
always affects the value of the firm. He Showed how
dividend policy can be used to maximize the wealth
of the shareholders.
 The main proposition of the model is that the value of
a share reflects the value of the future dividends
accruing to that share. Hence, the dividend payment
and its growth are relevant in valuation of shares.
 The model holds that the share’s market price is equal
to the sum of share’s discounted future dividend
 Assumptions:
 Allequity firm
 No external Financing

 Constant Returns

 Constant Cost of Capital

 Perpetual Earnings

 No taxes

 Constant Retention

 Cost of Capital is greater then growth rate (k>br=g)

Formula of Gordon’s Model

E (1 – b)
P =
K - br

 Where,
P = Price
E = Earning per Share
b = Retention Ratio
k = Cost of Capital
br = g = Growth Rate
Illustration :
 Growth Firm (r > k):
r = 20% k = 15% E = Rs. 4
If b = 0.25
P0 = (0.75) 4 = Rs. 30
0.15- (0.25)(0.20)
If b = 0.50
P0 = (0.50) 4 = Rs. 40
0.15- (0.5)(0.20)
Illustration :
 Normal Firm (r = k):
r = 15% k = 15% E = Rs. 4
If b = 0.25
P0 = (0.75) 4 = Rs. 26.67
0.15- (0.25)(0.15)
If b = 0.50
P0 = (0.50) 4 = Rs. 26.67
0.15- (0.5)(0.15)
Illustration :
 Declining Firm (r < k):
r = 10% k = 15% E = Rs. 4
If b = 0.25
P0 = (0.75) 4 = Rs. 24
0.15- (0.25)(0.10)
If b = 0.50
P0 = (0.50) 4 = Rs. 20
0.15- (0.5)(0.10)
Criticisms of Gordon’s model
 As the assumptions of Walter’s Model and
Gordon’s Model are same so the Gordon’s
model suffers from the same limitations as
the Walter’s Model.
Modigliani & Miller’s Irrelevance Model

Value of Firm (i.e. Wealth of Shareholders)

Depends on

Firm’s Earnings

Depends on

Firm’s Investment Policy and not on dividend policy

Modigliani and Miller’s Approach
 Assumption
 Capital Markets are Perfect and people are Rational
 No taxes

 Floating Costs are nil

 Investment opportunities and future profits of firms

are known with certainty (This assumption was
dropped later)
 Investment and Dividend Decisions are independent
M-M’s Argument
 If a company retains earnings instead of giving it
out as dividends, the shareholder enjoy capital
appreciation equal to the amount of earnings
 If it distributes earnings by the way of dividends
instead of retaining it, shareholder enjoys dividends
equal in value to the amount by which his capital
would have appreciated had the company chosen
to retain its earning.
 Hence,
the division of earnings between dividends and
retained earnings is IRRELEVANT from the point of
view of shareholders.
Formula of M-M’s Approach

1 ( D1+P1 )
Po =
(1 + p)

Po = Market price per share at time 0,
D1 = Dividend per share at time 1,
P1 = Market price of share at time 1
1 (nD1+nP1)
nPo =
(1 + p)

 The expression of the outstanding equity shares of

the firm at time 0 is obtained as:

1 {nD1+(n + m)P1- mP1}

nPo =
(1 + p)
mP1 = I – (X – nD1)
X = Total net profit of the firm for year 1

nPo 1 [nD1+ (n + m)P1– {I – (X – nD1)}]

(1 + p)

nPo 1 nD1+ (n + m)P1– I +X – nD1

(1 + p)
nPo 1 (n + m)P1– I +X
(1 + p)
Criticism of M-M Model

 No perfect Capital Market

 Existence of Transaction Cost
 Existence of Floatation Cost
 Lack of Relevant Information
 Differential rates of Taxes
 No fixed investment Policy
 Investor’s desire to obtain current income
Traditional Approach
 This theory regards dividend decision merely as a
part of financing decision because
 The earnings available may be retained in the business
for re-investment
 Or if the funds are not required in the business they
may be distributed as dividends.
 Thus the decision to pay the dividends or retain the
earnings may be taken as a residual decision
 This theory assumes that the investors do not
differentiate between dividends and retentions by
the firm
 Thus, a firm should retain the earnings if it has
profitable investment opportunities otherwise it
should pay than as dividends.
 Dividend is the part of profit paid to Shareholders.
 Firm decide, depending on the profit, the
percentage of paying dividend.
 Walter and Gordon says that a Dividend Decision
affects the valuation of the firm.
 While the Traditional Approach and MM’s
Approach says that Value of the Firm is irrelevant to
Dividend we pay.

 Google
 Financial management by prasanna chandra.

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