Ieep 104
Ieep 104
Ieep 104
(a) 31
15 X
(b) 31
16 X
(c) 16
15 X
(d) 15
16 X
5. Which of the following statements about Rutherford’s model of atom are
(i) considered the nucleus as positively charged
(ii) established that the α–particles are four times as heavy as a hydrogen
(iii) can be compared to solar system
(iv) was in agreement with Thomson’s model
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) only (i)
7. In the Thomson’s model of atom, which of the following statments are correct?
(i) the mass of the atom is assumed to be uniformaly distributed over the atom
(ii) the positive charge is assumed to be uniformaly distributed over the atom
(iii) the electrons are uniformaly distributed in the positively charged sphere
(iv) the electrons attract each other to stabilise the atom
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (i), (iii) and (iv)
9. The ion of an element has 3 positive charges. Mass number of the atom is
27 and the number of neutrons is 14. What is the number of electrons in
the ion?
(a) 13
(b) 10
(c) 14
(d) 16
10. Identify the Mg2+ ion from the Fig.4.1 where, n and p represent the number
of neutrons and protons respectively
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 4.1
11. In a sample of ethyl ethanoate (CH3COOC2H5) the two oxygen atoms have
the same number of electrons but different number of neutrons. Which of
the following is the correct reason for it?
(a) One of the oxygen atoms has gained electrons
(b) One of the oxygen atoms has gained two neutrons
(c) The two oxygen atoms are isotopes
(d) The two oxygen atoms are isobars.
12. Elements with valency 1 are
(a) always metals
(b) always metalloids
(c) either metals or non-metals
(d) always non-metals
16. Which of the following in Fig. 4.2 do not represent Bohr’s model of an atom
Fig. 4.2
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
18. Atomic models have been improved over the years. Arrange the following
atomic models in the order of their chronological order
(i) Rutherford’s atomic model
(ii) Thomson’s atomic model
(iii) Bohr’s atomic model
20. Write any two observations which support the fact that atoms are divisible.
21. Will 35Cl and 37Cl have different valencies? Justify your answer.
22. Why did Rutherford select a gold foil in his α–ray scattering experiment?
23. Find out the valency of the atoms represented by the Fig. 4.3 (a) and (b).
(a) (b)
Fig. 4.3
24. One electron is present in the outer most shell of the atom of an element X.
What would be the nature and value of charge on the ion formed if this
electron is removed from the outer most shell?
25. Write down the electron distribution of chlorine atom. How many electrons
are there in the L shell? (Atomic number of chlorine is 17).
26. In the atom of an element X, 6 electrons are present in the outermost shell.
If it acquires noble gas configuration by accepting requisite number of
electrons, then what would be the charge on the ion so formed?
27. What information do you get from the Fig. 4.4 about the atomic number,
mass number and valency of atoms X, Y and Z? Give your answer in a
tabular form.
(X) (Y)
Fig. 4.4
which is represented as 31
15 X
30. Match the names of the Scientists given in column A with their contributions
towards the understanding of the atomic structure as given in column B
(A) (B)
(a) Ernest Rutherford (i) Indivisibility of atoms
(b) J.J.Thomson (ii) Stationary orbits
(c) Dalton (iii) Concept of nucleus
(d) Neils Bohr (iv) Discovery of electrons
(e) James Chadwick (v) Atomic number
(f) E. Goldstein (vi) Neutron
(g) Mosley (vii) Canal rays
31. The atomic number of calcium and argon are 20 and 18 respectively, but
the mass number of both these elements is 40. What is the name given to
such a pair of elements?
32. Complete the Table 4.1 on the basis of information available in the symbols
given below
35 12 81
(a) 17 Cl (b) 6 C (c) 35 Br
Table 4.1
Element np nn
33. Helium atom has 2 electrons in its valence shell but its valency is not 2,
35. An element X has a mass number 4 and atomic number 2. Write the valency
of this element?
37. The ratio of the radii of hydrogen atom and its nucleus is ~ 105. Assuming
the atom and the nucleus to be spherical, (i) what will be the ratio of their
sizes? (ii) If atom is represented by planet earth ‘Re’ = 6.4 ×106 m, estimate
the size of the nucleus.
38. Enlist the conclusions drawn by Rutherford from his α-ray scattering
39. In what way is the Rutherford’s atomic model different from that of
Thomson’s atomic model?
40. What were the drawbacks of Rutherford’s model of an atom?
43. In the Gold foil experiment of Geiger and Marsden, that paved the way for
Rutherford’s model of an atom, ~ 1.00% of the α-particles were found to
deflect at angles > 50º. If one mole of α-particles were bombarded on the
gold foil, compute the number of α-particles that would deflect at angles
less than 500.