G F P M D S: Round Ault Rotection Ethods For Istribution Ystems
G F P M D S: Round Ault Rotection Ethods For Istribution Ystems
G F P M D S: Round Ault Rotection Ethods For Istribution Ystems
The system grounding method option has a direct influence voltages. The solidly earth neutral (directly connected to
on the overall performance of the entire medium voltage earth) minimizes the voltage surge but it results in high
network as well as on the ground fault current magnitude. current values.
we can find advantages and disadvantages. A thorough in distribution networks, mainly due to the significant
study is necessary to choose the most appropriate grounding increase in continuity service [1]. A reactance is installed,
protection system. The power distribution utilities justify their known as the Petersen coil, which permits the adjustment of
choices based on economic and technical criteria, according the inductance value to preserve the tuning condition of the
to the specific characteristics of each distribution network. system for different network topologies. The variable
In this paper we present a medium voltage Portuguese reactance is connected to the secondary neutral power
substation case study and a study of neutral system with transformer or to the neutral of a grounding bank [2].
Petersen coil, isolated neutral and impedance grounded.
This grounded system protection is particularly
1. Introduction advantageous in rural areas, to solve the occurrence of
lightning, birds and tree branches caused faults. In urban
The system grounding in power distribution substations is an areas, with mostly permanent faults, resonant grounding
important issue for the proper operation of the entire system can also be used to guarantee electrical service
network. Main goals of system grounding are to minimize continuity.
distribution network performance and on the choice of impedance grounded systems are grounded through a high-
installed equipment protection. The main differences among impedance resistor or reactor with an impedance equal to or
neutral systems are related to the network behaviour in case slightly less than the total system capacitive reactance to
of a ground fault. ground. The neutral resistor is of such a high value that
ground faults on such systems have very similar
There is a wide range of neutral grounding systems in MV characteristics to those of resonant-grounded systems [4-5].
distribution networks. The neutral conductor can be
connected to ground through different ways, according to In the next sections we will see different grounded systems
the type (capacitive, resistive or inductive), and with its value and we will analyze their influence on the occurrence of a
(0 to infinite). Isolated neutral eliminates the fault current line-to-ground fault, and the influence of direct and resistive
flow to earth through the neutral conductor but causes high faults at different network points.
With this neutral system we can reduce the magnitude of implying the installation of a Peterson coil in HV/MV
current fault in a quickly and safely way. substations [9].
The impedance value is always high when compared to the The Petersen coil is also known as suppressor arcs, faults
lines impedance. Therefore the system fault current varies neutralizer or extinction coil. The systems with this neutral
with the fault. This current is approximately in the point are also known as neutral resonant or compensated
magnitude of hundreds of Ampere (100 A to 2000 A). This systems [10].
high value of fault current, as well as the preponderance of
components circulating in the neutral impedance, makes it A Petersen coil is usually connected to the neutral of the
easier to detect earth faults. distribution transformer (Fig. 5), or connected to the zigzag
transformer, so that the fault current is practically zero when
In Fig. 3 we can see the case of a resistive component a fault occurs [4]. The contribution to the fault current from
between neutral and earth. An alternative can be an the current capacity of the lines (where a ground fault
inductive component (Fig. 4), to partially compensate the circulates from a healthy conductor to the earth), is
capacitive component of network [6]. compensated by the current coil [7].
The inductive impedance limits the fault current and The inductance value of the Petersen coil must be equal to
overvoltage. However the protection must act automatically the capacities of the network, which may vary, as it happens
at the first earth fault. To easily detect the fault, the when switching operations occur in the network. When this
inductive current must be higher than the capacitive current happens the system is fully compensated, or 100% tuned.
that circulates in the system. In distribution systems The modern controllers constantly monitor the zero
inductive current values are between 300 A and 1000 A, sequence voltage and detect any changes in the capacities of
because they are easier to detect, thus preventing the network.
overvoltage's [1].
The controller will automatically adjust to the new level,
ensuring that the Petersen coil is properly tuned to
neutralize any ground fault that may occur [11]. This fast
limitation of current fault occurs automatically without any
intervention from another system [12].
Table 3 refers to the use of neutral reactance, and table 4 situations. As expected, in L2 and L3 lines voltage values rise
refers to the neutral isolated system. in all different situations and network points.
This increased voltage values in healthy phases can damage
Table 1. Petersen coil – 40 A
some equipment isolation or reduce its life. In all situations
L1 L2 L3
we can observe a strong shift of the neutral point.
3 0,042 -31,6 1,687 -148,2 1,665 149,5 under three soil conditions. The fault impedance depends on
4 0,021 -30,6 1,694 -148,4 1,673 149,7
the soil characteristics and the conditions when the fault
5 0,021 -30,6 1,694 -148,4 1,673 149,7
occurs. Thus, we simulate the fault for the case of 10, 500
and 1000 ohm. In the following figures we can see the
Table 2. Petersen coil – 20 A
voltage values in lines and let us analyze the drop voltages in
This is because of the drop voltage in the faulty line and the
healthy phases increase.
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situations, which is one of the advantages this system, mixtes”, Spécification Technique EDF, Outubro 2001.
because in both we can practically eliminate the fault current [10] Grid, A., “Network Protection & Automation Guide”, Julho 2002, ISBN: 2-
when the coil is tuned.
[11] HV Power, “Petersen Coils – Basic Principle and Application”, Abril 2012.
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unbalanced, as shown in the previous tables.