NSQF Level Study Details

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The key takeaways are about the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) which organizes qualifications according to levels of knowledge, skills and responsibilities. It also details the level descriptors and the process of assigning levels to vocational courses.

The National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) organizes qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and core skills and responsibility. These levels are represented in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess regardless of whether they were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning.

Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are: a) Process b) Professional knowledge c) Professional skill d) Core skill e) Responsibility.


Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091
VERSION 1.0: 2018

Sl. No. Topics Page No.

1. Terms & Definitions 1

2. Introduction 2-3

3. NSQF implementation in ITI / CTS courses 4-5

4. Instructions for Trainers 6-8

5. Assessment guidelines 9-13

Annexure - I 14-21

Annexure – II 22

Annexure - III 23-24

1| Terms & Definitions

Few terms are used very frequently in this manual. They are clarified from NCVT point of

a) Competence means the proven ability to use acquired knowledge, skills and
personal and social abilities, in discharge of responsibility roles in a given

b) Learning Outcomes represent what a learner knows, understands and is able to

do on completion of a learning process, and which would be expressed in terms of
knowledge, skills, and competence.

c) Assessment criteria state what is to be assessed and the required level of

performance of the activities. These are defined against each Learning Outcome.

Page 1

Government of India has notified establishment of National Skill Qualification

Framework (NSQF) through Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part 1, Section 2 Ministry of
Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) Notification New Delhi, the 27 th December,

The NSQF shall be anchored by the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA)
and will be implemented through the National Skills Qualification Committee (NSQC).
NSQC shall approve qualifications and maintain Qualification Register.


The National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) organizes qualifications

according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and core skills and responsibility. This
implies performance competence (deliverables) at work place. These levels are
represented in terms of learning outcomes which the learner must possess regardless of
whether they were acquired through formal, non-formal or informal learning.

The levels of a framework indicate different degrees of complexity of the learning

outcomes. The lowest level often define the basic generic or vocational skills for people
who can work effectively under supervision, the central levels typically define the expected
requirements for professional who can act independently, whilst the highest levels
emphasize the capacity to analyses and innovate, create new knowledge and may
include the ability to lead and manage people and processes. Levels relate to factors such

✓ Complexity and depth of knowledge and understanding.

✓ Range and sophistication of practical and intellectual skills.
✓ Degree of integration, independence and creativity required.
✓ Degree of complication and predictability of the context.
✓ Role(s) taken in relation to colleagues/fellow workers.


Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five
domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are:
a. Process
b. Professional knowledge
c. Professional skill
d. Core skill
e. Responsibility.

Page 2


Following standard procedure was adapted for assigning level to different courses:

Existing course curricula was transformed into learning outcome/competency

based curricula. The learning outcomes of particular trade defined were mapped with level
descriptor of specific level. For mapping also standard format was adopted as formulated
by expert bodies. Initially, based on complexity & depth of knowledge and understanding,
range & sophistication of practical and intellectual skills, etc. an expected level
demarcated against the specific trade by the trade experts. It is not mandatory that all
learning outcomes defined for a specific trade will match/align with expected level. Some
learning outcome may be at higher or below the expected level. However if most of the
learning outcomes match/align with expected level, then the specified trade is assigned
the level where majority learning outcomes are matched.

Page 3
It has been decided to introduce NSQF in all courses under CTS. The details of
NSQF aligned curricula are available at www.cstaricalcutta.gov.in/syllabi.aspx.
The training activities will be outcome based. It is the responsibility of the concerned
trainer, principal, State Directorate/ Management to ensure that students achieve the
learning outcomes and demonstrate competency according to assessment criteria.
Assessment would be carried out according to minimum assessment criteria as
prescribed. Assessment criteria shall evolve with learning, must be transparent and known
to trainees in advance. Indicative role & responsibilities of the stake holders are given


1. Facilitate Horizontal and Vertical mobility by interacting with other regulatory

2. Monitor & Coordinate with the State Govt. the implementation of courses
3. Ensure timely fair, valid, reliable assessment and certification.
4. Formulation and updating testing procedure on continuous basis.
5. Promote conducive & competitive environment in ITIs.
6. Notification to all stake holders and govt. agency, prospective employers about
the implementation of NSQF alignment of NCVT courses for market acceptability.


1. Creation of NSQF implementation cell in the state and intra-regional level for
effective and timely implementation
2. Providing infrastructure (if already short) and man power support to go ahead with
the scheme for effective implementation
3. Effective monitoring by suitable MIS mechanism
4. Organizing and supporting of training of trainers and officials through various
programmes in coordination with DGT.


1. All the Principals/Directors/HODs must ensure that their faculty is clear in concept
and understanding of NSQF. They are equipped to support the implementation of
NSQF if any state Directorate/ ITI approach them.
2. All the ITOT programs, which are starting from August 2018, will be run and
evaluated in NSQF format.
3. Each CFI located in the particular region shall identify the entire requirement for
initiating the implementation.

Page 4
4. A nodal officer and a team of officials at every CFI will coordinate with the
concerned State Directorate to provide all possible support to all the stake holders
in the region.
5. CFI shall conduct awareness training programme to all stake holders like ITIs,
industries, industry association, and State govt. officials through special training
methodology including DLP.
6. CFIs in which studios and hubs are located viz. NSTI Chennai and Mumbai shall
organize and coordinate with others hubs and spokes in support with CSTARI
and NIMI for dissemination of all information connected with NSQF.

Page 5

The Principal of the concerned ITI shall act as the chief coordinator of the training
programme and will ensure effective implementation of the course. He/ She shall ensure
that trainers/ faculty are able to deliver the learning objectives. The Trainer/ Instructor will
impart knowledge of the Professional Knowledge, Professional Skill and Core Skill in their
respective trades. The performance appraisal of Trainer/ Instructor shall be linked to
delivery of quality output.

As on date the training were input based and only skill and knowledge component
mentioned in the curricula were taught to the trainees. Under the NSQF level the training
will be output based and all Learning Outcome defined must be carried out by the trainers
during training. Hence, the training to be imparted based on Learning Outcome and
Assessment criteria.

The Learning Outcomes of each trade are broadly categorized in two parts. They
are Generic Learning Outcome and Specific Learning Outcome. The Generic Learning
Outcomes are generic in nature covering components of Workshop Science & Calculation,
Engineering Drawing & Employability Skill and are not trade specific whereas Specific
Learning Outcomes are trade specific. Trainers must explain and apply in trade context.
All the Generic Learning Outcomes may be given due weightage throughout the course.
However, specific learning outcome must be completed during the defined training period

The lesson plan/ demonstration plan may be drawn with respect to the each
Learning Outcome. The training on skill and knowledge components must be planned and
imparted in such way that the trainees are able to execute each Learning outcome as per
defined Assessment Criteria. The trainees must be informed in advance about the
Learning Outcome with Assessment Criteria and it must be confirmed that trainees
understood the learning outcome corresponding to Assessable Outcome and assessment
criteria. Trainers must explain the application of learning outcome in context of

Page 6
The delivery of the training shall be planned in such a way that at the end of the
training all the trainees are in a position to demonstrate competencies as per assessment
criteria defined. The assessment of trainees shall be continuous process and on
completion of each learning outcomes necessary records / evidence to be preserved by
the concern instructor. The trainer must be in position to explain the reason for awarding
specific marks for defined activity, to anyone concerned. The detailed guidelines of the
assessment and certification are given in Item no. 5 of this manual.

Both formative and summative assessments are critical elements of the learning
process to ascertain the acquisition of learning by the trainees and also evaluate the
training plan accordingly. In the context of learning outcome, the assessment must
measure the performance of the skill with respect to predetermined assessment criteria. A
learner must demonstrate competence by successfully performing the task defined in
Learning Outcome.

Assessment of competence should be conducted after trainee has achieved the

competency. The summative assessment relies on the learner’s ability to provide
evidence of his or her ability to execute each Learning outcome. Each assessment may
have certain Assessment Criteria attributed to it and same should be taken care while
assessing. The ITI will maintain trainee portfolio and the same should be produced
before external assessor or any other authority as & when sought for. The instructor must
ensure that the evidence against each learning outcomes are preserved with proper
documentation/ marking so as to verify the same by external assessor or any other
authority as and when required. The total internal assessment mark is 100 and based on
different parameters internal assessment marks to be allotted against each learning
outcomes considering assessment criteria (As per annexure-II). The evidence should be
sufficient to prove that the job was performed and competency achieved by the trainee.
Verification of same evidence by external assessor or any other competent authority is
allowed, if necessary.

Internal assessment of the performance of students will be done by the instructor of

concern ITI in a continuous comprehensive manner. The NCVT will conduct external
competency based assessment/examination of skills & knowledge of the trainees. The
examination will be conducted by NCVT to test basic skills on Workshop Science &
Calculation, Engineering Drawing and Employability Skills as per NCVT guidelines apart

Page 7
from Professional Skill and Professional Knowledge. However, their applications will also
be assessed during execution of specific learning outcome.
Conducting Training:
In order to achieve defined Learning outcome by the trainee, the trainers may adopt
following flow chart:



Divide LO
of Jobs




Identify Input Needed For Trainees

Professional Knowledge Professional Skill Core Skill
Component Component Component

Note: As indicated by arrow lesson plans would be developed from top to bottom but
training will be conducted from bottom to top.

Page 8


As assessment is central to the recognition of achievement and the quality of the

assessment is therefore important to provide credible certification. Credibility in
assessment is assured through assessment procedures and practices being governed by
certain principles.

 Objectivity All decisions related to Assessment should be objective.

 Validity It refers to accuracy of the evidence. A valid test is one that
assesses what is supposed to assess.
 Reliability It refers to consistency of the information and evidence collected.
Technically, reliability refers to the consistency of results. In
practical terms:

- A person, who is declared competent, should be competent,

if tested again on the same test.
- If an equivalent test is given to a competent person, he
should be declared competent again.
- Whosoever carries out assessment, competent persons will
be declared competent and incompetent persons will be
declared not yet competent.
 Sufficiency It collects adequate and appropriate evidence to make an
accurate assessment.
 Currency The evidence collected is recent and still relevant.
 Authenticity The evidence collected and presented for assessment is of the
candidate being assessed.
 Transparency
The candidate is kept informed of assessment criteria at all times
and provided accurate and timely feedback.
 Fairness Assessment should be fair to the candidates in terms of contents,
difficulties, tasks to be performed, time allocation and
Administration. An assessment should be fair to the society in the
sense that :

- Highly competent person should be identified and certified

- Persons found to be not yet competent are not allowed to

Page 9

A. Formative Assessment
B. Summative Assessment

A. Formative Assessment:

This will be done by the Trainer for every Learning Outcome. The Trainer will carry
out the Assessment on the basis of Assessment Criteria and same must be explained to
the trainees in advance. The trainers shall maintain a Portfolio of evidence (trainee
portfolio) for every Trainee.

The Trainer shall prepare a report for every assessment observation and a copy of
this will be placed as evidence in the candidate’s portfolio. The types of evidence such as:

 Assessor’s Observation reports

 Job piece/ output of the Practical exercise/Assignments/Project Reports
along with their appropriate Evaluation documents/Check list.
 Theory written test.
 Result of written or oral Questioning/Viva-voce, conducting interviews and
 Direct Performance Observation
- At the work place/Laboratory/Workshop
- Simulated Work Environment
 Participation in Group activity/competition
 Trainee Portfolio maintained by trainee (to include collection of work
samples, written documents, Photograph/video of trainee doing actual work
in the institute.)

Every Evaluation sheet should have the Signature of the Trainer & Trainee. It must
be verified by the Principal every fortnight. The satisfactory evidences must be produced
to external assessor or any official designated to carry out verification as and when

Evidence of internal assessment to be preserved until forthcoming examination for

audit and verification by examination body.

B. Summative Assessment:

The Summative Assessment is to be carried out for Theory & Practical as prescribed
by NCVT. The Trainee will be eligible for summative assessment after completion of all
the formative Assessments, in addition to requirement of 80% attendance.
The AITT examination is to take place as per notification issued from NCVT time to
time. The each examination encompasses such skills as are listed for that period of
training and also includes theoretical knowledge, Core skills & Employability Skills. The
Employability Skills will be covered in first year only.

Page 10
Theory Tests:

Much of theoretical knowledge will be tested in its application in practical. However,

the theory test is considered necessary to assess the knowledge, which is essential for a
person to do the job. The examination pattern and marks will be as NCVT guidelines
issued from time to time.

Practical Tests:

 Trainees will carry out the assigned exercises as per question papers supplied
by NCVT.
 The External Examiner/assessor will verify the trainee portfolio of every Trainee
and the Marks Awarded against them.
 Evaluation of the practical test will be carried out by the External
Examiner/assessor according to the Marking Instructions/guidelines issued by
 Evidence of external assessment would also be preserved by Institute/State
Director, which can be verified by NCVT representative.

Broadly candidates are to demonstrate that they are able to:

1. Read & interpret technical parameters/documentation, plan and organize work

processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
2. Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention
regulations and environmental protection stipulations;
3. Apply professional knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing
the task.
4. Check the job as per drawing/assembly for functioning, identify and rectify
errors in job/assembly.
5. Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken.

For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for
six months and one year duration courses and 50 % weightage is applied to each
examination for two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Practical is 60% &
minimum pass percent for Theory subjects 40%.

5.3 Following course of action to be observed by the Trainer/Assessor while

allocation of marks during assessment:

The trainer/ assessor should ensure appropriate arrangements are for assessment
and appropriate resources are available for undertaking such assessment. The nature of
special needs should be taken into account while undertaking assessment.

Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial

barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking assessment.

Due consideration to be given while assessing for team work, avoidance/reduction of

scrap/wastage and disposal of scarp/wastage as per procedure, behavioral attitude,

Page 11
sensitive to environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity towards OSHE and self-
learning attitude to be considered while assessing competency.

The following marking pattern to be adopted while assessing:

a) Weightage in the range of 60-75% to be allotted during assessment under following

performance level:

For performance in this grade, the candidate with occasional guidance and showing
due regard for safety procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates
attainment of an acceptable standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

- demonstration of good skill in the use of hand tools, machine tools and
workshop equipment
- below 70% tolerance dimension / accepted limit achieved while undertaking
different work with those demanded by the component/job.
- a fairly good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
- occasional support in completing the project/job.

b) Weightage in the range of above 75% - 90% to be allotted during assessment under
following performance level:

For this grade, the candidate, with little guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of a
reasonable standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

- good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop
- 70-80% tolerance dimension / accepted limit achieved while undertaking
different work with those demanded by the component/job.
- a good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
- little support in completing the project/job

c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment under following
performance level:

For performance in this grade, the candidate, with minimal or no support in

organization and execution and with due regard for safety procedures and practices, has
produced work which demonstrates attainment of a high standard of craftsmanship.

Page 12
In this work there is evidence of:

- high skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
- above 80% tolerance dimension/ accepted limit achieved while undertaking
different work with those demanded by the component/job.
- a high level of neatness and consistency in the finish.
- minimal or no support in completing the project

Recording the Assessment: All the relevant evidence to be preserved till the
examination is over and marks allotted to each trainee against the Learning Outcomes are
to be recorded as per Annexure-II.

Page 13

The NSQF level descriptors are given below:

Process Professional Professional

Level Core Skill Responsibility
Required Knowledge Skill
Level 1 prepares familiar with routine and Reading and No
person common repetitive, writing, responsibility
to/carry out trade takes safety addition always
process that terminology, and security subtraction works under
are instructional measures. personal continuous
repetitive on words financing, instruction
regular basis meaning and familiarity with and close
require no understanding social and supervision
previous religious
practice diversity,
hygiene and
Level 2 prepares Material limited receive and No
person tools and service skill transmit responsibility
to/carry out application used in written and works under
process that in a limited limited oral instruction
are context, context, messages, and close
repetitive on understands select and basic supervision
regular basis context of apply tools, arithmetic
with work and assist in personal
little quality professional financing
application of works with understanding
understandin no variables of social
g, differentiate political and
more of s good and religious
practice bad quality diversity,
hygiene and
Level 3 person may Basic facts, recall and Communicatio Under close
carry process and demonstrate n written and supervision
out a job principle practical oral, Some
which applied in skill, routine with minimum Responsibility
may require trade of and repetitive required for own
limited employment in narrow clarity, work within
range of range of skill of basic defined

Page 14
activities application arithmetic and limit.
routine algebraic
and principles,
predictable personal
banking, basic
of social and
Level 4 work in factual recall and language to Responsibility
familiar, knowledge demonstrate communicate for own
predictable, of field of practical written or oral, work and
routine, knowledge skill, routine with required learning
situation or study and clarity, skill to
of clear repetitive in basic
choice narrow arithmetic
range of and algebraic
application, principles,
using basic
appropriate understanding
rule and of
tool, using social political
quality and natural
concepts environment
Level 5 job that knowledge a range of Desired Responsibility
requires of facts, cognitive mathematical for own
well principles, and practical skill, work and
developed processes skills understanding learning and
skill, with and general required to of some
clear concepts, in accomplish social, political responsibility
choice of a field of tasks and and some skill for other's
procedures in work or solve of works and
familiar study. problems by collecting and learning
context selecting organizing
and information,
applying communication
basic .
materials and
Level 6 demands factual and a range of Reasonably Responsibility
wide range of theoretical cognitive and good in for own work
specialized knowledge in practical skills mathematical and learning
technical skill, broad contexts required to calculation, and full

Page 15
clarity of within a field generate understanding responsibility
knowledge of work or solutions to of social, for other's
and practice study specific political and, works and
in broad problems in a reasonably learning
range of field of work or good in data
activity study collecting
involving organising
standard non- information,
standard and logical
practices communication
Level 7. Requires a wide ranging , wide range of good logical full
command of factual and cognitive and and responsibility
wide ranging theoretical practical skills mathematical for output of
specialized knowledge in required to skill group and
theoretical broad contexts generate understanding development
and practical within a field solutions to of social
skill, involving of work or specific political and
variable study problems in a natural
routine and field of work or environment
ncoroutine study good in
context. collecting and
Level 8 Comprehensive, cognitive, theoretical Exercise management and
knowledge and practical skills to develop supervision in the context of
creative solutions, to abstract problem. work/study having unpredictable
Undertakes self-study, demonstrates changes, responsible for
intellectual independence, analytical rigourand development of self and others.
good communication.
Level 9. Advanced Knowledge and skill Critical Responsible for decision
understanding of the subject, demonstrating making in complex technical
mastery and innovation, completion of activities, involving unpredictable
substantial research and dissertation. study / work situations.

Level Highly specialized knowledge and problem Responsible for strategic

10. solving skill to provide original contribution to decisions in unpredictable
knowledge through research and scholarship. complex situations of

Page 16
Explanation/ Reading Level Descriptors:

1. This is the most basic level of employment in the framework.
2. Work at level 1 will be routine, repetitive, and focused on limited tasks carried out
under close supervision. People carrying out these job roles may be described as
3. Individuals employed to carry out these job roles may be expected to be able to
read, write, add and subtract, but will not normally be required to have any previous
knowledge or skills relating to the work1.
4. When employed, they will be instructed in their tasks and expected to learn and use
the common terminology of the trade and acquire the basic skills necessary for the
5. Job holders at this level will be expected to carry out the tasks they are given safely
and securely and to use hygienic and environmentally friendly practices. This
means that they will be expected to take some responsibility for their own health
and safety and that of fellow workers.
6. In working with others, they will be expected to respect the different social and
religious backgrounds of their fellow workers.

1. Work at level 2 will also be routine and repetitive and tasks will be carried out under
close supervision. The individuals will not be expected to deal independently with
variables which affect the carrying out of the work. People carrying out these work
roles may be described as “assistants” and the range of tasks they carry out will be
2. Individuals employed to carry out these job roles will normally be expected to be
able to read and write, add and subtract. Their work may involve taking and
passing on messages.
3. They may also be expected to have some previous experience, knowledge and
skills in the occupation. When employed, they will be instructed in their tasks and
expected to acquire the practical skills necessary to assist skilled workers and/or
give a limited service to customers. They will learn about, and use, the materials,
tools and applications required to carry out basic tasks in an occupation. They may
have to select the appropriate materials, tools and/or applications to carry out
4. They will be expected to understand what constitutes quality in their job role and
distinguish between good and bad quality in the context of the tasks they are given.
Job holders at this level will be expected to carry out the tasks they are given safely
and securely and to use hygienic and environmentally friendly practices. This

In practice many workers at this level will have limited literacy and NOS and qualifications at this levels should reflect
this – eg in relation to assessment.

Page 17
means that they will be expected to take some responsibility for their own health
and safety and that of fellow workers and, where appropriate, customers.
5. In working with others, they will be expected to respect the different social and
religious backgrounds of their fellow workers, but their contribution to team work
may be limited.

1. Work at level 3 will be routine and predictable. Job holders will be responsible for
carrying out a limited range of jobs under close supervision. Their work may
require the completion of a number of related tasks. People carrying out these job
roles may be described as “partly-skilled workers”.
2. Individuals employed to carry out these job roles will be expected to be able to
communicate clearly in speech and writing and may be required to use arithmetic
and algebraic processes. They will be expected to have previous knowledge and
skills in the occupation and should know the basic facts, processes and principles
applied in the trade for which they are qualified and be able to apply the basic skills
of the trade to a limited range of straightforward jobs in the occupation.
3. They will be expected to understand what constitutes quality in their job role and
more widely in the sector or sub-sector and to distinguish between good and bad
quality in the context of the jobs they are given. Job holders at this level will be
expected to carry out the jobs they are given safely and securely. They will work
hygienically and in ways which show an understanding of environmental issues.
This means that they will be expected to take responsibility for their own health and
safety and that of fellow workers and, where appropriate, customers and/or clients.
4. In working with others, they will be expected to conduct themselves in ways which
show a basic understanding of the social environment. They should be able to
make a good contribution to team work.

1. Work at level 4 will be carried out in familiar, predictable and routine situations.
Job holders will be responsible for carrying out a range of jobs, some of which will
require them to make choices about the approaches they adopt. They will be
expected to learn and improve their practice on the job. People carrying out these
jobs may be described as “skilled workers”.
2. Individuals employed to carry out these jobs will be expected to be able to
communicate clearly in speech and writing and may be required to use arithmetic
and algebraic processes. They will be expected to have previous knowledge and
skills in the occupation in which they are employed, to appreciate the nature of the
occupation and to understand and apply the rules which govern good practice.
They will be able to make choices about the best way to carry out routine jobs
where the choices are clear.
3. They will be expected to understand what constitutes quality in the occupation and
will distinguish between good and bad quality in the context of their job roles. Job

Page 18
holders at this level will be expected to carry out their work safely and securely and
take full account of the health and safety on colleagues and customers. They will
work hygienically and in ways which show an understanding of environmental
4. In working with others, they will be expected to conduct themselves in ways which
show a basic understanding of the social and political environment. They should
be able to guide or lead teams on work within their capability.

1. Work at level 5 will also be carried out in familiar situations, but also ones where
problems may arise. Job holders will be able to make choices about the best
procedures to adopt to address problems where the choices are clear.
2. Job holders will be responsible for the completion of their own work and expected
to learn and improve their performance on the job. They will require well developed
practical and cognitive skills to complete their work. They may also have some
responsibility for others’ work and learning. People carrying out these jobs may be
described as “fully skilled workers” or “supervisors”.
3. Individuals employed to carry out these jobs will be expected to be able to
communicate clearly in speech and writing and may be required to apply
mathematical processes. They should also be able to collect and organize
information to communicate about the work. They will solve problems by selecting
and applying methods, tools, materials and information.
4. They will be expected to have previous knowledge and skills in the occupation, and
to know and apply facts, principles, processes and general concepts in the
5. They will be expected to understand what constitutes quality in the occupation and
will distinguish between good and bad quality in the context of their work. They will
be expected to operate hygienically and in ways which show an understanding of
environmental issues. They will take account of health and safety issues as they
affect the work they carry out or supervise.
6. In working with others, they will be expected to conduct themselves in ways which
show an understanding of the social and political environment.

1. Work at level 6 will require the use of both standard and non-standard practices.
Job holders will carry out a broad range of work which will require a wide range of
specialized technical skills backed by clear factual and theoretical knowledge.
2. Job holders will be responsible for the completion of their own work and expected
to learn and improve their performance on the job. They are likely to have full
responsibility for others’ work and learning. People carrying out these jobs may be
described as “master technicians” and “trainers”.
3. Individuals employed to carry out these job roles will be expected to be able to
communicate clearly in speech and writing and may be required to carry out

Page 19
mathematical calculations. They should also be able to collect data,
organiseinformation, and communicate logically about the work. They will solve
problems by selecting and applying methods, tools, materials and information.
4. They will be expected to have broad factual and theoretical knowledge applying to
practice within the occupation, and a range of practical and cognitive skills. They
will be able to generate solutions to problems which arise in their practice.
5. They will be expected to understand what constitutes quality in the occupation and
to distinguish between good and bad quality in the context of all aspects of their
work. They will be expected to work in ways which show an understanding of
environmental issues. They will take account of health and safety issues as they
affect the work they carry out or manage.
6. In working with others, they will be expected to conduct themselves in ways which
show an understanding of the social and political environment.

1. Work at level 7 will take place in contexts which combine the routine and the non-
routine and are subject to variations. Job holders will carry out a broad range of
work which require wide-ranging specialized theoretical and practical skills.
2. Job holders will be responsible for the output and development of a work group
within and organization. People carrying out these job roles are likely to be
graduates. They may be described as “managers” or “senior technicians”.
3. Individuals employed to carry out these job roles will be expected to be able to
communicate clearly in speech and writing and are likely to be required to carry out
mathematical calculations as part of their work. They should also be skillful in
collecting and organizing information to communicate logically about the work.
4. They will be expected to have wide-ranging factual and theoretical knowledge of
practice within the occupation, and a wide range of specialized practical and
cognitive skills. They will be able to generate solutions to problems which arise in
their work.
5. They will be expected to understand what constitutes quality in the occupation and
distinguish between good and bad quality in all aspects of their work. They will be
expected to work in ways which show a good understanding of environmental
issues. They will take account of health and safety issues as they affect the work
they carry out and manage.
6. In working with others, they will be expected to conduct themselves in ways which
show a good understanding of the social and political environment.

1. Job holders who are qualified at level 8 will normally be responsible for managing
the work of a team and developing the team. The work will involve dealing with
unpredictable circumstances affecting the work.
2. Their work will require the use of comprehensive knowledge and understanding of
the occupational field and a commitment to self-development.

Page 20
3. They will normally need an ability to develop creative solutions to problems
requiring abstract thought. They will be required to show intellectual independence
and a rigorous analytical ability. They will need to be good communicators.


1. Job holders who are qualified at level 9 will normally be responsible for complex
decision-making in unpredictable contexts.
2. They will have to exercise senior responsibility in an organization and show
mastery of the issues in the occupation and the ability to innovate.
3. Their work will require the use of advanced knowledge and skill. They may make
contributions to knowledge in their field through research.

1. Job holders who are qualified at level 10 will normally be responsible for strategic
decision-making. The context of their work will be complex and unpredictable.
2. They are likely to be responsible for an organization or a significant division of an
organization. They will have to provide leadership.
3. Their work will require highly specialized knowledge and problem-solving skills.
They may make original contributions to knowledge in their field through research,
scholarship or innovative practice.

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Format for Internal Assessment

Name & Address of the Assessor : Year of Enrolment :

Name & Address of ITI (Govt./Pvt.) : Date of Assessment :

Name & Address of the Industry : Assessment location: Industry / ITI

Trade Name : Examination: I / II Duration of the Trade/course:

Learning Outcome:
Maximum Marks (Total 100 Marks) 15 10 10 5 10 10 10 15 15

assessment Marks
Safety consciousness

Skills to handle tools

Speed in doing work

Workplace hygiene

Total internal
Economical use of

Manuals/ Written

Result (Y/N)
Ability to follow

Application of

& equipment


Sl. No

Quality in

Candidate Name

# NOTE: - Breakup of marks against each assessment parameters is as per Annexure - III

Page 22
Breakup of marks against each Assessment parameters:
(The below assessment parameters are only an indicative for instructors for
reference only.)

Assessment Components of Assessment Max. marks

Sl. No.
Parameters Parameters Break-up
Dress code 2
Safety Use PPE 5
Consciousness Apply/practice safety 8
Total 15
Maintain personal& workplace 3
Dispose scrap as per standard 2
2. practice
Economical use
Select appropriate material & minimize 5
of materials
Total 10
Initiative 3
Accountability 3
3. Punctuality
Participative in work 4
Total 10
Select right manual 1
Ability to follow
Search for appropriate topic 2
4. Manuals/ Written
Read & interpret the manual 2
Total 5
Plan the work 4
Application of Select appropriate tools & equipment 3
Knowledge Review the work 3
Total 10
Handle & use tools & equipment 4
Skills to handle
Maintain safety in handling 3
6. Tools &
Care & maintain 3
Total 10

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Properly sequence the work 3
Speed in doing Use appropriate technique 5
work Review the work during execution 2
Total 10
Achieve work with high accuracy 7
Quality in Conform to requirement 3
Workmanship Satisfy the purpose 5
Total 15
Response with clarity 5
Technical understanding 7
Conscious towards job role 3
Total 15

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Designed by: -

Central Staff Training and Research Institute (CSTARI)

DGT, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
EN-81, Sector-5, Salt lake, Kolkata
Website: - www.cstaricalcutta.gov.in
Email Id: - [email protected]

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