DBT Portal
DBT Portal
DBT Portal
Aaple Sarkar DBT Portal (Direct Benefit Transfer) is an initiative taken by the Government of
Maharashtra, which is a unique Platform for Citizens to help them to avail benefits through the
The main objective of Aaple Sarkar DBT is for Development of a State DBT and Services Portal as
the front end and the work flow management and content management platform as back end
to various DBT schemes and services starting with scholarship schemes.
Citizens can Register and submit their application form online (For applying state sponsored
scholarship schemes) from anywhere, anytime.
Citizens can View/Track the status of their own application by entering the Application Id in the
Application Tracking module.
Applicants will receive SMS and email alerts at various stages of application processing.
Direct disbursal of benefits to the registered applicants Aadhaar linked Bank Account.
Applicants are advised to go through the Instructions Bulletin carefully and acquaint themselves
with all requirements to fill-up the scholarship form on Aaple Sarkar DBT Portal.
It will be the sole responsibility of the applicant to make sure that he/she is eligible to apply
(Refer Check eligibility module) and fulfills all the conditions prescribed for the scholarship.
In case of in-eligibility of the applicant, which detected during any stage by verification by
authorities, his/her scholarship will be rejected / cancelled with remarks.
Applicant must check that all details provided by him/her are correct before final submission, as
there will be no provision to edit details thereafter.
Mode of submission of application for scholarship will be through online only. No other mode
will be entertained.
Titles / Labels which carrying star marked (* required!) are compulsory fields in Application
Browsers –
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Recommended Version
About Us
User Manuals
Important Links
Help Desk
Funds Disbursed
Registered Users
Schemes Applied
About us:
The aim of reforming the Government delivery system of benefits by re-engineering the existing
process in welfare schemes for simpler and faster flow of information/funds and to ensure
accurate targeting of the beneficiaries, avoid duplication and reducing leakages in the existing
Aaple Sarkar DBT is the highest priority and focus area of the Government of Maharashtra.
Notice board displays latest Government schemes and announcements of various updated
Grievance option will help citizen send issues and suggestions to the system
Instructions will display the
FAQ will display the questionnaires related to the portal
User Manuals:
User Manual will be a pdf file displaying all the contents, queries and other portal related
Important Links:
Links in the portal related to the schemes as provided by the government. Schemes can be
internal and external
Names and information of the government departments providing the schemes and the
Scheme information of all the departments for the general information to the citizen
Login screen to login into the portal for the registered users
New user will register on this portal and then get scheme related benefits after login in through
the registered username and password.
Help Desk:
Helpline number for the citizen for helping out and communicating via telephone
Funds Disbursed:
Funds disbursed by the government through the various schemes information will be displayed
Schemes Applied:
Total Schemes applied through the portal information will be displayed under schemes applied.
5. Online Registration for Aaple Sarkar DBT:
The new user to Register into the portal, click on ―New Registration‖button
5.1. Registration using Aadhaar Number
Please select ―Yes‖and click on Continue button to continue with Registration process.
Step 2 - Choose Authentication Type - There are two types of authentication available.
OTP - If the mobile number registered with Aadhaar, then the user can select the
Biometric – If the mobile no not registered with Aadhaar, then the user can select the
authentication type as Biometric.
If your Mobile Number registered with Aadhaar, then choose the authentication type as
Tick on the consent check box to agree to share your information with Maharashtra
government for DBT purpose
Enter Aadhaar number and click on “Send OTP” button. The system validates the aadhaar
number and sends the system generated “OTP” to the registered mobile number
An alert message displayed saying that – OTP for Aadhaar authentication has been sent to your
Aadhaar linked registered Mobile number. Click on OK button.
Enter the received OTP in the system and click on ―Verify OTP‖ button
Post successful OTP verification an alert message ―Authentication Successful! Please click on
Continue‖ will be displayed on the screen. Click on OK button to continue with registration
Step 3: Post Successful OTP verification the Applicant details fetched from UIDAI will be auto
populated in the Personal details fields Personal Details, Address Details, Bank Details.
If there is any change in the details, the applicant should contact UIDAI to update the relevant
Step 4- Creation of Applicant’s Username and Password - Applicant will need to create the User
Name and Password to access the system in this step.
Applicant will enter the User Name, Password, Confirm Password and Captcha and click the
Register button.
On clicking the Register button, the system validates entered details and display‘s the alert
message saying that ―Profile created successfully.
User can use the registered User Name and Password to login into the Aaple Sarkar DBT portal.
5.2. Registration using Biometric
Step 1- If Mobile Number not registered with Aadhaar, the User can select the
Make sure that a functional biometric device is attached to the system, which the user using for
Then the user can view the Biometric authentication form - Enter Aadhaar number, User ID,
Pass word and confirm password. The User has to put the finger on Biometric device for to get
scan and verify.
After successful verification, the User can login with created User ID and Password.
5.3. Registration using Non Aadhaar
For Question - Do you have Aadhaar Number? Select ―No option and continue
on ―No Button
After No button is selected, Book appointment for Aadhaar button should be displayed and on
click URL – https://appointments.uidai.gov.in/ should be displayed
OTP will be sent to the entered email ID. Enter the received OTP
Enter the received OTP in the textbox and click on “Verify OTP for Email” button
Mobile Number - Enter valid and personal mobile number and click on “ Get OTP for Mobile
OTP will be sent to the entered email ID. Enter the received OTP
Enter the received OTP in the textbox and click on “ Verify OTP for Mobile Number” button
Step 4 :
Enter Applicant Name and then click on Applicant Name (Marathi) .
Select Date of Birth and age will get calculated automatically and displayed in the age textbox.
Select District from the dropdown options. List will be displayed as per the State selected.
Select Taluka from the dropdown options. List will be displayed as per the District selected
Enter Pincode .
Step 5:
Creation of Applicant‘s Username and Password –
Enter the User Name & Password and confirm the password then enter the proof details –
1. Identity Proof - Select from the dropdown values and upload file
PDF file should be less than 256kb and size of jpeg/jpg file should be between 5kb to
2. Address Proof - Select from the dropdown values and upload file PDF file should be less
than 256kb and size of jpeg/jpg file should be between 5kb to 20kb
3. Birth Proof - Select from the dropdown values and upload file PDF file should be less
than 256kb and size of jpeg/jpg file should be between 5kb to 20kb
4. Relationship Proof - Select from the dropdown values and upload file PDF file should be
less than 256kb and size of jpeg/jpg file should be between 5kb to 20kb
5. Buttons- a. Save - It will the save the form and user will get registered
For Question - Do you have Aadhaar Number? Select ―Yes option and continue
Enrollment ID Check – The system will ask, ―Do you have an Enrolment ID? Click on ―Yes
Enter Enrollment ID and click on “ Check your Aadhaar Status”. New tab will get opened and in
the tab URL – https://resident.uidai.gov.in/check-aadhaar-status
Step 3:
If the Enrollment ID (EID) is Generated, then the user will be redirected to step 2
of Aadhaar registration flow
If the Enrollment ID (EID) is Rejected, the user should start registering on DBT
User should know the reason of rejection of the Enrolment ID and should search for
Aadhaar Permanent Enrolment Center (PEC) and re-enroll for getting the Aadhaar.
If the Enrollment Id (EID) is Under process, the user has to Enter the enrolment
If User Forgot User Name / password then Click on Forgot User Name / Password section on
the Home DBT page. Then the User has to select Authentication type Mobile number or Email
Select Authentication type: Mobile Number /Email Step1:
Enter registered mobile number or email and correct captcha code and click on submit button
to get the OTP.
The User will receive an OTP on registered mobile or email on after successful verification of
entered details. Incase, Multiple records found for the registered mobile number. System
checks for DOB.
Step 2: Verify OTP
Enter the system generated OTP which has been send to registered mobile number or email.
System validates the OTP, which has been send to registered mobile number or email.
Step 3: Enter the New Password & Confirm Password and click on change Password.
7. User Dashboard:
After Successful Login to the Portal, the user will see Welcome page by default.
The following items shown on the Left panel of the Applicant dashboard after login
1. Home
1 Home Page Information: The applicant can view profile completeness status and add
or update accordingly.
User can also view the “Suggested Eligible Schemes” according to the profile as filled up
2. Profile
Aadhaar Number
Mobile number
Email ID
Date of Birth
Religion (Dropdown)
Domicile Details :
Did you receive the certificate from Aaple Sarkar Seva Kendra or Aaple Sarkar Portal and have a
barcode on it?
Income Details :
Family Income
Did you receive the certificate from Aaple Sarkar Seva Kendra or Aaple Sarkar Portal and have a
barcode on it?
Enter Barcode Here
Job type
Disability Type
Sibling Number
Caste Details
Caste Details :
Caste Category
Sub Caste
Did you receive the certificate from Aaple Sarkar Seva Kendra or Aaple Sarkar Portal and have a
barcode on it?
Parent’s/Guardian’s Details
Parent’s/Guardian’s Details:
Father Name
Is Salaried?
Posted in Maharashtra
Service Type
Mother Name
Is Salaried?
Posted in Maharashtra
Service Type
Qualification Information
Qualification type
Completed or Pursuing
Admission Date
Passing Year
Upload Marksheet
Hostel Information
Hostel Details
Hostel Type
Hostel Name
Is Hostel Aided?
Hostel Address
Date of Admission
Is mess available?
Hosteller Certificate
University Name
University Address
University Email ID
Date of Admission
College Name
Course Name
Year of Study
Completed or Pursuing
University Name
Grant Type
College Type
Date of Admission
Home button will display the landing page of the Portal where “Suggested eligible Schemes”
according to the Profile will be displayed.
All Schemes will display all the schemes available on the Portal open for Application
3. All Schemes
This screen will display all the Post Matric schemes after clicked on All Schemes
User can either apply for schemes or Click on PDF to view the GR of the schemes
4. My Applied Scheme
In order to check for the total number of schemes applied, applicant should click on
applied schemes button.
1. Application ID
2. Department Name
3. Scheme Name
4. Status
5. Action
6. View Form
7. Tentative Benefits
Under Action column, user can “Cancel” the application which is applied
Under View form column, user can “View” the application which is applied
Under Tentative Benefits column, user can view the “Tentative Benefits” break down in new a