DLP The Discipline of Counseling
DLP The Discipline of Counseling
DLP The Discipline of Counseling
II. CONTENT The disciplines of counseling: The disciplines of counseling: The disciplines of counseling:
1.1 Counseling 1.1Counseling (continuation) 1.1Counseling (continuation)
1.1.1 Definitions 1.1.4 Core Values 1.1.5 Principles --Group Performance--
1.1.2 Goals
1.1.3 Scope
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages DIASS CG, p. 1 of 7 DIASS CG, p. 1 of 7 DIASS CG, p. 1 of 7 DIASS CG, p. 1 of 7
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Dela Cruz, A. R. D., et.al., (2016). Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., pp. 19-34
Sampa, E.M., (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Rex Book Store, Inc. pp. 11-18
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Ask the students to accomplish a Fact or Bluff: Definitions, Call a student to enumerate Ask a student to enumerate
lesson or presenting the Venn Diagram differentiating the Goals, and Scopes of the different core values of the principles of counseling
new lesson social sciences from the applied counseling. counseling.
social sciences. (5mins.) (4mins.)
What have you searched
about the principles of
B. Establishing a “Student Feud” Game Ask the students to recite “Prinsipyo Mo, Isulat Mo” Present the mechanics and
purpose for the lesson Common problems among the core values of the rubrics for the evaluation of
senior high school students school. (2mins.) Instructions: the group presentation.
Common misconceptions 1. In a piece of paper,
about counseling. students will write their
(5mins.) DepEd Core Values: principle in life.
2. All papers will be collected
Common Common Maka-Diyos and placed in a box.
problems Misconceptions Makatao 3. Three papers will be picked
1. Relationship 1. A person Makabayan from the box.
problems seeing a Makakalikasan 4. Let the students read and
2. Family counselor discuss their principle.
problems has mental (10mins.)
3. Academic illness
problems 2. Counseling
4. Financial means giving
problems advice
5. Personal 3. Counseling is
problems part of the
6. Etc. discipline
4. A counselor
is a problem
5. Counseling is
C. Presenting some Group Activity: “Kailangan Ko’y The teacher will present Processing question: Preparation for Group
examples and/or Ikaw” examples of core values 1. What transpires you to presentation (10mins.)
instances of the new from different organizations have these principles?
lesson Make a concept map showing the (e.g., other government 2. How do these principles
persons they turn to in times of agencies, business affect your life as a
troubles and uncertainties and institutions, etc.) student? (8mins.)
present it to the class (7mins.)
Example: Examples:
Appreciate other
people’s interest beyond
_____ YOU _____
Guide Question:
1. Through a role-playing
(dyad), demonstrate how
the counseling principles
can be exhibited in a
counseling session.
2. Pair up with a classmate.
Assign which of you will
act as a counselor and a
3. In five minutes, the
counselee thinks of a life
issue to bring up with the
counselor and the
counselor applies the
principles of counseling.
4. Start the role-play.
5. After five minutes, reverse
H. Making / Asking Call a student to summarize the Give the core values of Ask: Give feedbacks to each
generalizations and topic. (3mins.) counseling and the 1. What are the principles of group presentation.
abstractions about the importance of these to the counseling?
lesson Expected answer: field and its members. 2. How these principles help
(5mins.) to achieve effective
Counseling is a professional counseling? (5mins.)
relationship that empowers diverse Expected Answer:
individuals, families, and groups to 1. Respect for human Expected Answer:
accomplish mental health, wellness, dignity 1. Reassurance
education, and career goals. The 1. Partnership 2. Release of emotional
primary goal of counseling is to help 2. Autonomy tension
people utilize their prevailing social 3. Responsible caring 3. Clarified thinking
skills and problem solving skills more 4. Personal integrity 4. Reorientation
functionally, or to cultivate new 5. Social justice 5. Listening skills
surviving and coping skills. 6. Respect
7. Empathy and positive
8. Clarification, confrontation,
and interpretation.
9. Transference and
I. Evaluating learning Short Quiz about the topic True or False type of quiz. Assignment/ Journal Writing: The students will be graded
discussed. (5mins.) Justify your answers using Write an essay elucidating according to the rubric.
what you learned in the how the principles of
1. Define counseling in two to three lesson. (1 mins.) counseling can be applied to
sentences. daily dealings.
2. Give at least five goals of 1. Counselors act with care
counseling. and respect for individual
3. Give at least five scope of and cultural differences.
counseling. 2. Counselors can harm
their clients provided with
valid and legal reasons.
3. Counselors can divulge
information regarding
their clients.
4. Counselors can make-up
stories to protect the
interest of his or her
5. Counselors practice
within the scope of their
J. Additional activities for Prepare a group demonstration of a Advance Reading: (Look for Prepare for group
application or remediation situation in which practitioners of different sources, i.e., books, presentations.
counseling work together to assist internet, etc.) about the
individuals, groups, or communities Principles of Counseling.
involved in difficult situations which
will be presented at the end of the
Group 1: post-disaster
Group 2: separation of parents
Group 3: cyber bullying
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
SHS T-II, Division of Tarlac Province Facilitator/Trainor-Group C-SHS-HUMSS EPS – CLMD