Lean Gains For Life
Lean Gains For Life
Lean Gains For Life
All non grayed out cells require input from you, what is entered there is not nessicarily the optimal ratio for you.
2. Save a copy of this sheet, don't send me and email asking for access, I'll deny it.
3. Do research/experimentation to figure out the right Macro split for you
4. 1g/lbBW of protein is the usually recommended amount
5. Some people like to do 75/25 carbs/fat training days and 50/50 rest days. Don't follow my percentages, choose your own
6. Refer to RPT guide and Patreon Bulk post for the cutting and bulking sheets routines to be explained.
7. I lower all weights by 10% but some are recommended to be 5%. I find i do better with a 10% reduction, so change it back if
8. Cutting sheet specifies a difference of how much more you eat on a training day compared to your rest day.
9. Bulking sheet specifies how much over maintence you want to eat on training and rest days.
10. 2300kcal surplus is considered a "leanbulk" amount - but track your weight and adjust calories accordingly
BW in pounds 170
Cals per pound BW 13.64 cal
TDEE 2318 cal
Goal loss/week lbs 1
Workout days/week 3
Addt'l Training day Cals 400 cal
Weekly Deficit Needed 3500 cal
Desired g/protein/lb BW 1.05
Rest Day Carb % 30%
Rest Day Fat % 70%
Workout day Carb % 75%
Workout day Fat % 25%
Workout A 1st set weight 2nd set weight 3rd set weight 4th set weight
Squat 4x6 SS 135 135 135 135
Deadlifts 2x6 RPT 315 282.5
Stiff Leg Deads 1x10 275
Bench Press 3x8 RPT 215 202.5 190
Triceps A 2x10 RPT 75 67.5
Calves A 5x8 20% dropset 360 287.5 230 182.5
Workout B 1st set weight 2nd set weight 3rd set weight
Rows A 3x8 RPT 155 137.5 122.5
OHP 3x8 RPT 125 117.5 110
Weighted Chins 3x6 RPT 247.5 222.5 200
Added weight for chins 89.5 64.5 42
Workout C 1st set weight 2nd set weight 3rd set weight 4th set weight
Squats 4x8 RPT 225 202.5 180 160
Bench AMSAPx5 225
Triceps B 2x10 RPT 160 144
Calves B 5x8 20% dropset 360 287.5 230 182.5
Workout D 1st set weight 2nd set weight 3rd set weight 4th set weight
Rows B 3x10 RPT 175 157.5 140
OHP 3x10 SS 105 105 105
Chins BW x 4 158 158 158 158
Triceps A Calves A Rows A OHP Weighted Chins Triceps B Calves B Rows B
75 360 155 125 247.5 160 360 175
225 10 Est 1RM: 300
Goals Top Set Deadlift Overhead Press Bench Press Hammer Row Squat
Weight (incl bw chins) 350 115 205 285 245
Reps 6 8 8 8 10
Estimated 1RM 405 145 255 355 325
Est 1RM/BW 2.20 0.79 1.39 1.93 1.77
Bodyweight: 184
Rounding Constant: 5
Monday 1st set 2nd set 3rd set Bench
Deadlift 2x6 350 315 Chin Ups
OHP 3x8 115 100 90 Squat
Barbell Curl 2x10 100 90 Deadlift
Powerlift Total
Wednesday 1st set 2nd set 3rd set
Bench 3x8 205 180 160
Hammer Row 3x8 285 255 225
Barbell Calf 2x10 345 310