Le Trouvère Prétendu by Peter Siedlecki Book Preview
Le Trouvère Prétendu by Peter Siedlecki Book Preview
Le Trouvère Prétendu by Peter Siedlecki Book Preview
Buffalo, New York
Le Trouvère Prétendu
by Peter Siedlecki
Copyright © 2019
First Edition
ISBN: 978-1-60964-340-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019930790
BlazeVOX [books]
131 Euclid Ave
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It’s the same with that expensive compound I buy at the pet store on Elmwood
Avenue. Made in Sweden, it promises to attack built-up tartar and breath odor in
dogs. It usually comes in a small white plastic container, along with a blue cocaine-
sized spoon. I mix that tiny quantity with Heike’s morning meal. But the last time I
asked for it they had only the large size available--three times more expensive than the
regular size. When I brought it home and contemplated the container’s enormity and
the minuteness of the spoon, I wondered if the substance might not outlast both me
and Heike. So, like Prufrock, I am measuring my life in spoons, but not coffee spoons-
-in blue cocaine-size spoons of Swedish dust that combats tartar, gum disease and bad
breath in dogs.
This is how a mind works at my age; so I was taken aback when Dr. Jain told
me he was worried about a sloshy sound in the steady thumping within my chest.
What I felt as a comforting thump was sounding through his stethoscoped ear more
muffled, more murmury. To him it sounded as though the blood pumping through
my heart was being flushed back by a valve too tired and worn to work as it always
had. I was given choices: I could let it be and die, or have it fixed.
The thought of fixing flashed pictures on my mind of slicing open my chest,
spreading my rib cage and assaulting my quieted heart; but those pictures were erased.
The penetration would be robotic. This news made me think of that absurd movie I
saw so long ago in which Raquel Welch and others were shrunken to microscopic size
and injected into a man’s bloodstream to save him from assassination. I admit
watching it not for plot or medical edification, but for the landscape of Raquel Welch,
even in her microscopic version. Since then I have developed a more mature
consciousness, but still, the thought of that robot piercing my heart with its
companion camera made everything less absurd and more frightening.
Perhaps that fright, that awe, is what causes now my persistent breathlessness.
The sheer amazement of it all and the gift of more time to use up my wood screws and
make Heike’s breath less foul.
Living is made complicated
by its many pieces
constantly construing challenges.
Construction is a syllogism
in process.
How beautiful
is the logic of electricity.
How effectively
it crackles its criticism
of any lack of logic
in the connection of its wires.
How important it is
to make connections
within a process.
How sad it is
to approach
the final illustration.
But look!
Here on the workbench,
there are parts remaining,
an extra g and two k’s.
Yet the structure seems right enough.
Is it possible to begin again?
It IS indeed
to get
the news
from poems,
and people ARE dying daily
for lack of what is found in them,
dying in places all over the globe,
from Connecticut to Syria.
only what
his brain commands.
And what of
the possible unwillingness of
vasopressin to bind sufficiently
to the receptors
of the sub-cortical neurons
in the brain of any normal human being?
Humankind is mythic,
a concept generated by imagination.
There are men.
There are women.
and occasionally able
to get the news they need
from poems.
this is the morning after,
wet with dew
that the sun catches
like a handful of diamonds
and places in a spider’s web
in flashes of fiery light.
It is a time of war,
of pitched battle
in the vacant lot
at Gilmore and Fifth Avenue,
just beyond the last house on the block
where kind old Mr Drozgala
tends to his flowers,
welcomes butterflies,
smiles at our adventures,
and gives us fruit from his trees.
at having wasted so many milkweed pods
on my imagination.
A life
ample as this one
and the constant possibility
of sudden death
remind me of Christmas
and those weeks of
searching and finding
not always what we searched for,
weeks of waiting
and decorating
until the day arrives
and suddenly leaves,
with only that one present
sitting there
unwrapped and literal
under a tree bright with memories,
too real to turn away from,
too secret to open.
And so,
into the garden at the base of the hill,
I welcomed the occasional residence
of the coyote and its sinister dog-smile,
The coyote, whose registration
as omnivore
applies only in the absence of fresh meat,
whose black turds speak of blood.
And I welcome too
the renewed virility
of the serviceberry,
the tiny hint of new leaf
on a stalk of lilium,
and the confidence of
chickadees and sparrows.