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Energy Calculations
The decision on
which approach to
take is not always
Arc flash events pose extreme danger to those Vi/orking near energized equipment.
Arc flash 1 0 1 . The severity of an arc flash is determined by the magnitude ofthe
incident energy a worker is exposed to during an arcflash.The magnitude of incident
energy is determined by three factors: shall take into consideration the design for each task listed. The use of HRC is
• Distance from the source. of the overcurrent protection device and intended to only be used with the tables
• Fault current available at the point its opening time, including its condition such that it is known that the severity
of work. of maintenance." levels are estimates at best.
• Clearing time of the protective Fxception: The requirements of The Table above shows a section of
device. 130.7(C)(15), and 130.7(C)(16) shall be the 130.7 Tables for PPE. This section
Ensuring accuracy of these factors is permitted to be used in lieu of determin- addresses panelboards, which are com-
critical to determining a valid severity ing the incident energy at the working mon in most all electrical systems. Each
level. Variations of any of these factors distance. section of Table 130.7(C)(15)(a) begins
can result in significant changes in the The NFPA 70E paragraph requires the with a listing of conditions and the
available incident energy. For example, calculation of incident energy and then potential arc flash boundary. Let's take a
it is not unusual for a 2x change in fault relaxes the requirement in the Exception, look at some examples:
current to result in a lOx change in clear- allowing the use of the 130.7(C) tables. Panelboards or other equipment rated
ing time. A decrease in fault current can The calculation of incident energy, at greater than 240V and up to 600V.
increase the clearing time, thus increas- performed in accordance with IEEE- • 25kA short circuit current, maxi-
ing the arcflashthreat. That is why it is so 1584, is based on the actual equipment mum
common for systems with low fault cur- in the system. These calculations also • 0.03 fatdt clearing time, maximum
rent to have higher arc flash threats than define the distance to the point where • 18-inch working distance, mini-
similar systems with high fault currents. the incident energy is below 1.2 cal/cm^ mum
— establishing an arc flash boundary. • Potential arc flash boundary with
Table vs. caiculation method. NFPA The table approach lists an approach exposed energized conductors: 2 feet,
70F contains two ways to accomplish an boundary for different types of equip- 6 inches
arc flash study: one is based on the haz- ment, which frequently does not match 600V motor control center
ard/risk category (HRC) table; the other the HRC levels listed. To use the bound- • 65kA short circuit current, maxi-
requires calculating the incident energy at aries listed, assumptions must be made mum
each piece of equipment. The goal of both for the clearing time and short circuit • 0.03 fault clearing time, maximum
approaches is to define the arcflashsever- current. Typically, these assumptions • 18-inch working distance, mini-
ity, flash boundary, and required PPE. basically amount to a best guess because mum
NFPA 70E paragraph 130.5 states: "An the necessary data is not available to • Potential arc flash boundary with
arc flash hazard analysis shall determine make accurate determinations. exposed energized conductors: 4 feet,
the arc flash boundary, the incident en- The table approach (see HRC Table 5 inches
ergy at the working distance, and the per- Highlights on page 23) also provides 600V motor control center
sonal protective equipment that people a group of tables that can be used to • 42kA short circuit current, maxi-
within the arc flash boundary shall use." determine the PPE requirements based mum
It goes on to say, "The arc flash hazard on the voltage, type of equipment, and • 0.33 fault clearing time, maximum
analysis shall be updated when a major task being performed — none of which • 18-inch working distance, mini-
modification or renovation takes place. are key factors in determining incident mum
It shall be reviewed periodically, not to energy. The values contained in these • Potential arc flash boundary with
exceed five years, to account for changes tables were identified by a task group exposed energized conductors: 13 feet,
in the electrical distribution system that using their collective experience and 9 inches
could affect the results of the flash hazard estimated exposure levels. 600V switchgears and switchboards
analysis... The arc flash hazard analysis The HRC tables list a severity level • 35kA short circuit current, maximum
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