Barelf Al: Auxiliary Synthetic Lubricants

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Auxiliary Synthetic Lubricants

OEM’s approvals:
 eciprocating compressors: SPERRE
 efrigerating compressors: BOCK

Features and Benefits

+ Excellent resistance to oxidation.
Description + Natural solvent properties.
Synthetic alkylbenzene oils especially designed + Low pour point.
for air and refrigeration compressor lubrication. + Good anti-wear properties.
+ Good anti-rust properties.
Applications + Good compatibility with seals.
+ All reciprocating air compressors working in + Miscible with mineral oils.
severe thermal conditions.
+ Refrigerating compressors when refrigerants
such as R22, R114 or similar is used

Typical Characteristics

Methods Units 100

ISO Grade 100

Density at 15°C ISO 3675 kg/m3 870
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C ISO 3104 mm2/s 104
Kinematic viscosity at 100°C ISO 3104 mm /s2 8.1
Flash Point (COC) ASTM D 92 °C > 200
Ignition Temperature ASTM D2155 °C > 370
Pour Point ISO 3016 °C - 33
Carbon Conradson Residue NFT 50116 % traces
Characteristics of this chart are indicative typical values.

Handling, Health & Safety

Lubricants consisting of synthetic oils with specific additives. In normal conditions of use, these lubricants present no
particular toxic hazard. All lubricants, of any kind, should always be handled with great care, particularly avoiding any
contact with the skin. Prevent any risk of splashing, and keep away from combustible materials. Store under cover and
away from any risk of contamination.
A safety data sheet complying with current legislation is available at: and

The values shown above are typical values at the date of publication. The color of the lubricant may vary without affecting
its quality or specifications. TOTAL Lubmarine reserves the right to change these typical values without prior notice. LUBMARINE 71/4GB 1705

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