Total Knee Arthroplasty For Severe Valgus Deformity: J Bone Joint Surg Am
Total Knee Arthroplasty For Severe Valgus Deformity: J Bone Joint Surg Am
Total Knee Arthroplasty For Severe Valgus Deformity: J Bone Joint Surg Am
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Publisher Information The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
20 Pickering Street, Needham, MA 02492-3157
The original scientific article in which the surgical technique was presented was published in JBJS Vol. 86-A, pp. 2671-2676, December 2004
Approximately 10% of patients requiring total knee arthroplasty have ABSTRACT
a valgus deformity (defined as an anatomic valgus of >10°). Correc-
tion of the valgus deformity has posed technical challenges and has
In 1985, the senior author
produced variable clinical results in terms of correction of the defor- (C.S.R.) developed a new soft-
mity, instability, and the overall results. The valgus deformity may be tissue release technique to
caused by rheumatoid arthritis, posttraumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, balance valgus knees to avoid
or metabolic bone disease. unacceptably high rates of late-
The valgus deformity consists of two components: an element of onset instability and the need
bone loss with metaphyseal remodeling, primarily from the lateral for primary constrained im-
plants. This report describes the
femoral condyle and lateral tibial plateau, and a soft-tissue contracture soft-tissue release technique
consisting of tight lateral structures, such as the iliotibial band, lateral and its long-term results when
collateral ligament, popliteus tendon, posterolateral capsule, and ham- performed in primary total knee
string muscles1. arthroplasty in patients with a
Multiple surgical techniques have been described to balance the severe valgus knee deformity.
soft tissues after correction of a severe valgus deformity during total
knee replacement. The following guide describes the “inside-out
Four hundred and ninety consec-
utive total knee arthroplasties
were performed by one surgeon
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE between January 1988 and
Preoperative Radiographic December 1992. In this group,
Evaluation seventy-one patients (eighty-five
Weight-bearing anteroposterior, lateral, and sunrise radiographs of knees) had a valgus deformity of
10°. Thirty-two patients (thirty-
the knee should be assessed for overall coronal alignment in conjunc-
six knees) died, and four pa-
tion with an anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis. The valgus knee tients (seven knees) were lost to
has been classified into three types. A type-I deformity has minimal follow-up, leaving thirty-five pa-
valgus and medial soft-tissue stretching. A typical type-II fixed valgus tients (forty-two knees) followed
deformity has a more substantial deformity (>10°) with medial soft- for a minimum of five years.
tissue stretching, as shown in Figures 1 and 2, and shall be the focus of continued
this technique guide. A type-III deformity is a severe osseous defor-
ABSTRACT | continued
The mean modified Knee Society
clinical score improved from 30
points preoperatively to 93
points postoperatively, and the
mean functional score improved
from 34 to 81 points. The mean
range of motion was 110° both
preoperatively and postopera-
tively. The mean coronal align-
ment was corrected from 15°
of valgus preoperatively to 5°
of valgus postoperatively. Three
patients underwent revision
surgery because of delayed in-
fection, premature polyethylene
wear, and patellar loosening in FIG. 1
one patient each. There were no
Radiograph of a type-II valgus deformity.
cases of delayed instability.
FIG. 2
FIG. 5
The alignment rod is centered over the medial third of the tibial tu-
bercle proximally and the mid-talus distally.
FIG. 4
the center of the femoral and tib- 3. On the femoral side, a proximal tibial cut and a distal
ial shafts. line is drawn at the level of the femoral cut performed in 3° of
2. On the tibial shaft, a line lateral aspect of the distal por- valgus to the anatomical axis.
is drawn perpendicular to the tion of the femur that is in 3° of This is done, as opposed to the
first line at the level of the more valgus in relation to the vertical typical 5° to 7° of valgus used for
involved lateral tibial plateau. line that was drawn in Step 1. a varus knee, in order to protect
This will be used to give an idea This line gives an idea of the against undercorrection of the
of the tibial resection that will be amount of osseous resection underlying deformity.
performed. The relative amount needed from the medial and lat-
of the osseous resection as well as eral femoral condyles. Coronal Lateral Radiograph
the ratio of lateral-to-medial re- correction with the “inside-out 1. On the lateral radiograph, any
section can be determined. technique” is based on a 90° posterior osteophytes should be
Preoperative Selection
of Implant
The goals of total knee replace-
ment are to restore the alignment
of the knee, the joint line, the sta-
bility of the joint, and the range FIG. 6
of motion; to assure proper pa- The femoral alignment rod is set at 3° of valgus during the rough anterior cut and the dis-
tellofemoral tracking; and to ap- tal femoral cut.
ply proper fixation techniques.
While these goals can be accom- placement design, we believe that the use of a posterior stabilized
plished with any total knee re- there are inherent advantages to design when correcting the val-
gus deformity (Fig. 4). First, the
posterior stabilized design is in-
herently more stable than a cru-
ciate-retaining design as a result
of the post-cam mechanism and
joint surface conformity. Thus, it
is applicable to most deformi-
ties. Second, the posterior stabi-
lized design allows for greater
lateralization of the femoral and
tibial components, which greatly
improves patellar tracking and
minimizes the need for lateral
retinacular releases. Finally, this
technique involves complete
resection of the posterior cru-
ciate ligament, obviating any
advantage offered by a cruciate-
retaining design.
FIG. 7
with use of an osteotome or rior stabilized implant requires
electrocautery to create a small release of both cruciate liga-
INDICATIONS: medial sleeve of tissue. The pa- ments at this point. The me-
Type-I and II valgus deformities tella is then everted after releas- nisci are excised, and the tibia is
of the knee with severe arthritis ing the patellofemoral ligament, maximally flexed and externally
and the knee is fully flexed to rotated to expose the entire tib-
CONTRAINDICATIONS: expose the cruciate ligaments ial plateau. The knee is stabi-
Type-III valgus deformities
and the menisci. Use of a poste- lized in flexion by placing the
foot on the previously installed resection will vary, depending be resected from the medial
bump. on the preoperative evaluation side. Before the tibial cuts are
of the deformity and ligamen- made, alignment should be con-
Tibial Resection tous laxity. In type-II valgus de- firmed with the alignment
The proximal portion of the formities, one should remember guide. The distal portion of the
tibia should be resected at 90° to to resect less bone than normal, alignment device should align
its long axis. The exact level of i.e., generally, 6 to 8 mm should with the center of the talus on
the anteroposterior radiograph.
On the lateral radiograph, the
alignment rod should run paral-
lel with the tibial crest. Once the
cutting jig is secured in place,
the proximal tibial resection is
Next, the trial tibial inset is
used to determine the size of
the tibial tray needed on the
basis of the anteroposterior
diameter of the lateral condyle.
An alignment rod is used to
check the alignment of the cut
tibial surface once again (Fig.
5). One should remember that,
when using this technique, a
varus tibial cut causes the fem-
oral component to be inter-
nally rotated during the flexion
gap evaluation.
Femoral Resection
The femoral canal is first en-
tered with use of a gouge to as-
sist in drill passage. The entry
point is the intersection of the
patellofemoral and the tibio-
femoral articular surfaces on the
lateral and medial femoral
condyles. The canal should be
entered with a drill, and then
the entry point should be en-
larged by rotating the drill be-
FIG. 9 fore sinking it completely. With
a correct entry point, the drill
Schematic after release of the posterolateral capsule and “pie-crusting” of the iliotibial
band. Note the symmetrical extension gap. LCL = lateral collateral ligament, and PCL = should not come into contact
posterior cruciate ligament. with the cortices of the femoral
Evaluation of the
Extension Gap
Attention can now be directed
to the extension gap. With an
appropriately sized spacer block
in place, the mediolateral stabil-
ity of the knee is evaluated in
full extension by applying both
a varus and a valgus stress (Fig.
7). The application of stress FIG. 11
should demonstrate lateral side Applying a varus stress. Note the opening on the lateral side.
soft-tissue tightness in an un-
• With this technique, a varus
tibial cut can lead to internal
rotation of the femoral
Applying a valgus stress. Note the equal amount of opening on the medial side. This • The surgeon should ensure
knee is balanced. that the knee is indeed bal-
anced in extension before as-
sessing the flexion gap.
Evaluation of the
Flexion Gap
Once the knee is balanced in ex-
tension, the flexion gap can be
addressed. One should not at-
tempt flexion gap balance until
the extension gap has been bal- FIG. 15
anced. One should remember Evaluation of the flexion gap with a spacer block in place.
that overrelease of the medial
Many different surgical tech- could not be prevented with balanc- author (C.S.R.) in 1985 to addres
niques and approaches have been ing techniques alone. Other sur- inherent instabilities noted with his
described for correcting the valgus geons have promoted medial earlier technique, originally de-
knee2-17. However, the results are collateral ligament tightening re- scribed in 1979, with the total
generally inferior and the com- constructions or lateral parapatel- condylar knee replacement1,2,9,18.
plication rates are generally higher lar approaches to deal with these
inherent instabilities. It is our opin- With use of the “inside-out” tech-
when correcting a valgus defor-
ion that these techniques are not nique and the PFC Sigma posterior
mity compared with its varus
only unnecessary but also techni- stabilized total knee system (DePuy
cally difficult and fraught with the Orthopaedics, Warsaw, Indiana), no
These outcomes are due, in part, to problems with late-onset instability
potential for wound and extensor
the technically demanding nature of or neurovascular injury have been
mechanism complications.
soft-tissue balancing in the valgus noted (Figs. 17 through 20). There-
knee. This, in turn, has led some In an effort to deal with these is- fore, we recommend this technique
surgeons to accept the use of con- sues, the technique described for the correction of all valgus type-I
strained implants when instability herein was adopted by the senior and II deformities.
FIG. 17 FIG. 18
Clinical photograph of a bilateral valgus deformity before Clinical photograph of a bilateral valgus deformity after total
total knee replacement. knee replacement with use of the “inside-out” technique.
to the anteroposterior axis of should first be assessed with the ment is allowed to polymerize.
Whiteside or the transepicondy- tourniquet deflated. If the com- The capsule is closed in flexion
lar axis3. ponents are well aligned and a over a drain.
The final anterior and pos- release is deemed necessary,
terior flexion cuts can now be pie-crusting of the lateral reti- Postoperative Management
made. Box and chamfer cuts can naculum usually suffices and The patient is evaluated closely
then be made allowing for later- avoids the complications of per- for any signs of peroneal nerve
alization of the femoral compo- forming a full longitudinal lat- compromise. If any sign of nerve
nent (Fig. 16). Trial components eral release. compromise develops, the knee
can be inserted to test the knee The knee is irrigated and is placed in flexion. If the com-
for stability through a full range the bone is dried. The compo- promise does not improve, the
of motion and for adequate pa- nents are cemented into place. bandage is then loosened. Physi-
tellar tracking. Excess cement is removed dur- cal therapy and continuous pas-
Maltracking of the patella ing pressurization, and the ce- sive motion are initiated on the
FIG. 20
first postoperative day after the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Lenox Hill Hos- research fund, foundation, educational institu-
pital, 130 East 77th Street, William Black Hall, tion, or other charitable or nonprofit organization
drain has been removed. Pa- 11th Floor, New York, NY 10021. E-mail address with which the authors are affiliated or associated.
tients are progressed to weight- for A.S. Ranawat: [email protected]
The line drawings in this article are the work of
bearing as tolerated. The authors did not receive grants or outside fund- Joanne Haderer Müller of Haderer & Müller
ing in support of their research or preparation of ([email protected]).
Amar S. Ranawat, MD this manuscript. One or more of the authors
Chitranjan S. Ranawat, MD received payments or other benefits or a commit- doi:10.2106/JBJS.E.00308
Mark Elkus, MD ment or agreement to provide such benefits from a
Vijay J. Rasquinha, MD commercial entity (C.S. Ranawat is a consultant
Roberto Rossi, MD for DePuy). No commercial entity paid or directed, REFERENCES
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