Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Bolted Steel Ring Flange Connection For Offshore Wind Monopile Foundations
Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Bolted Steel Ring Flange Connection For Offshore Wind Monopile Foundations
Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Bolted Steel Ring Flange Connection For Offshore Wind Monopile Foundations
Lyngby, Denmark
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering, Brovej, Building
118, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Abstract. The monopile foundation is the dominant solution for support of wind turbines in
offshore wind farms. It is normally grouted to the transition piece which connects the
foundation to the turbine. Currently, the bolted steel ring flange connection is investigated as
an alternative. The monopile--transition piece connection has specific problems, such as out-
of-verticality and installation damage from driving the MP into the seabed and it is not fully
known how to design for these. This paper presents the status of the ongoing development
work and an estimate of what still needs to be covered in order to use the connection in
practice. This involves presentation of an analytical and non-linear FE analysis procedure for
the monopile-transition piece connection composed of two L flanges connected with preloaded
bolts. The connection is verified for ultimate and fatigue limit states based on an integrated
load simulation carried out by the turbine manufacturer.
1. Introduction
Monopile foundations are the prevailing substructure for offshore wind turbine generators (WTG)
supporting 81% of the WTGs in operation at the end of 2016 [1]. The monopile (MP) substructure
consists of circular steel tubes welded together and driven to target penetration by hydraulic
hammering. The bottom of the WTG tower section is bolted directly to the MP or to the top of the
transition piece (TP) by the use of flanges pre-welded to the tubular shells. The majority of the
installed MPs have a TP, as shown in Figure 1. The loads between the MP and TP are typically
transferred by a grouted connection. Settlements of the TP on several offshore wind farms (OWF) in
2010 [2] with the traditional cylindrical grouted connection led to the development of today's most
widely used conical grouted connection and alternatives such as the bolted ring flange connection or
slip/double slip joints. Current tendencies are that an increased number of offshore wind farms are
moving towards the bolted flange solution between the MP-TP [3].
Figure 1. Conceptual sketch of the MP foundation incl. a TP joined to the bottom of the WTG tower.
The top of the monopile is joined to the transition piece and the bottom of the monopile is fixed in the
seabed. Figure: © COWI A/S.
This paper presents the ongoing work of extending the established design procedures of the bolted
steel ring flange connection for the WTG tower to the requirements of the MP-TP connection. The
WTG tower flange is typically located as shown in 0, pos. A-D. The position of the MP-TP
connection, pos. E, leads to specific considerations of the MP-TP flange connection:
During installation the MP is driven into the seabed by direct hammering on the pile top. This may
cause deformation of the flange exceeding limiting values not taken into account in established
design procedures.
Driving the MP into the seabed can result in the MP not being perfectly vertical and the WTG
mounting flange being inclined. This is not covered in existing design procedures.
2. Analytical approach
The tensile ULS and FLS resistance of the circular flange connection used in present paper are
approximated by the analytical methods of Petersen-Seidel and Schmidt-Neuper [4]-[6]. The methods
have already been studied by several researchers in relation to the design of the WTG tower or similar
tubular flange connections. The review presented in the following, highlights the existing methods and
assumptions. Furthermore, it will form the basis for evaluating the key issues associated with the
specific requirements of the MP-TP connection.
2.1.3 Plastic hinge in shell and flange: Failure mode C examines the tensile resistance, FU,C for the
occurrence of failure of the shell and flange due to yielding. This supposes that the considered bolt has
sufficient capacity to resist the axial tension load, Ft,Ed including effects of prying forces. The
resistance is determined from Equation (8). Petersen's method outlined in [5] is different from [4] as it
further divides failure mode C into (C1) plastic hinge in the bolt hole center plane and (C2) plastic
hinges next to the bolt hole.
M pl , 2 + M Pl ,3
FU ,C = (8)
2.2. Fatigue limit state
The FLS verification of the circular flange connection is in this paper limited to investigating the
resistance of the bolts. The Schmidt-Neuper method [4] links the cyclic load in the form of a
max./min. equivalent normal force in the shell, Fz (max/min) to the bolt force, Fb. The stress range in the
bolt is determined from the bolt force from which the fatigue capacity of the bolt can be calculated.
The method is selected as it considers the effect of preload and resilience of the joint. The method,
however, does not consider bending stresses in the bolt which are taken into account during selection
of the fatigue reference strength (FAT class) for the bolt. The Schmidt-Neuper method is devised to be
valid for fabrication/installation imperfections of the flange within the specified range defined in Table
1 and illustrated in Figure 5. This implies that the bolt loads determined by the Schmidt-Neuper
method include additional prying forces as a consequence of the gap, k. Furthermore, it is assumed
that additional bending stresses in the bolts due to the inclination of the flange, αs are sufficiently
The Schmidt-Neuper method approximates the non-linear relation between the shell and bolt forces
due to preload by a piecewise trilinear function. The three straight lines are derived by Equations (10)-
(12) and presented in Figure 6 as three regions:
Region 1: The bolt load for region 1, Fb1, Equation (10) is determined for the flange zone under
compression due to the preload. During the increase of the shell load the compressive zone moves in
the direction of the edge of the flanges. The bolt load is for region 1 a function of the tensile shell
force multiplied by the load factor for the total stiffness of the bolt, p.
The preload, FP,C* is added, representing the initial condition before the external load is imposed on
the joint. As a consequence, the bolt force relative to the shell force increases in region 1 according to
the total stiffness of the joint.
Fb1 = FP ,C* + p ⋅ FZ (10)
Region 2: The tensile zone increases in region 2 and the flange connection begins to open, leading
to the bolt load, Fb2 given by Equation (11), to increase more rapidly than the shell force. The first part
of (11) represents the maximum bolt force for region 1, and the last part the increase in magnitude of
the bolt force relative to the increase in shell force.
Fb 2 = FP ,C* + p ⋅ FZ ,I ,max +
[λ ⋅ F
Z , II ,max ]
− ( FP ,C* + p ⋅ FZ ,I ,max ) ⋅ (11)
Fz − FZ ,I ,max
FZ ,II ,max − FZ ,I ,max
Region 3: Region 3 is where the tensile shell load has exceeded the compressive preload, Fz,IImax
and the flanges are in contact only at their edges. The bolt force, Fb3 given by Equation (12), increases
as a function of the shell force multiplied by the auxiliary parameter λ* (16). λ* represents the
additional contribution from prying forces due to eccentric load of the connection.
Fb 3 = λ* ⋅ FZ (12)
It is decided in the present paper to reduce the characteristic preload, Fp,C to 90% according to [8],
see Equation (13), to account for relaxation of the connection. Assuming a 90% reduction requires re-
tightening of the bolts 6 months after commissioning. The torque applied to the bolt should minimum
be 70% of the ultimate tensile strength of the bolt.
The maximum limit shell force for region 1 and 2 is given in (14) and (15).
a − 0.5 ⋅ b
FZ ,I ,max = ⋅ FP ,C* (14)
FZ ,II ,max = ⋅F (15)
λ ⋅ q P ,C*
0.7 ⋅ a + b
λ* = (16)
0.7 ⋅ a
The load factor for the total stiffness of the bolt, p, and the flanges, q, are obtained from Equation
(17) and (18) where Cs and CD is the spring stiffness of the tension- and compression spring. δp and δs
represents the elastic resilience of the clamped parts and the bolt. The spring characteristics of the
members in the connection are derived according to methods outlined in [10].
p= q= (17)
1 1
CS = CD = (18)
δs δp
3. Numerical approach
The ULS and FLS resistance of the one bolt segment is in the present paper investigated by using
Abaqus CAE. A geometry equivalent to the analytical approaches presented in Section 2.1 and 2.2 is
used and no tolerances are included. Non-linear material properties are defined for the shell, flange,
and bolt assembly along with contact interaction specified between the parts according to Table 2. The
bolt and nut geometry is simplified where an equivalent shank diameter is specified for the bolt. Linear
brick elements (C3D8R) are assigned to the geometry. Different element sizes are used as part of the
refinement study. Two types of loads are defined, see Figure 7; a bolt load representing the preload
and a pressure load applied at the TP shell representing the equivalent normal force.
The mechanical boundary conditions specified for the L flange segment are shown in Figure 8.
This includes cylindrical symmetry conditions applied on both sides of the section cut of the segment
and a pinned support at the bottom of the MP shell.
Figure 7. Definition of loads. Left: Bolt load. Figure 8. Mechanical boundary conditions
Right: Segment shell load. Figure from [7]. specified for the segment model. Left: Pinned
support. Right: Cylindrical symmetry
condition. Figure from [7].
Table 2. Contact surface properties.
Definition Flange to flange, Bolt to washer
Flange to washer
Friction coefficient 0.2
Behaviour Small sliding
Formulation Augmented Lagrange
Interface treatment Adjust to remove overclosure
4. Case study
The connection is designed as a one sided preloaded flange connection located on the inside of the
foundation structure. The connection has 140 bolts specified as hot dip galvanized M64, 10.9 grade
(HV M64-10.9 tZn) bolts. The bolt size exceeds M36, hence [11] is consulted for specification of the
geometry of the bolt, nut and washer. The flange and shell are specified as S355ML. No tolerances are
included in the case study. Non-linear material properties are estimated based on values defined in
Table 6. Parameters for definition of bolt force as function of tensile force in shell wall.
Description Symbol Value Unit
Spring stiffness, bolt p 0.17 [-]
Spring stiffness, clamped flange q 0.83 [-]
Design preload Fp,C* 1,680 [kN]
Shell force max. limit (region 1) Fz,I,max 568 [kN]
Shell force max. limit (region 2) Fz,II,max 954 [kN]
Bolt force max. limit (region 1) Fb,I,max 1,775 [kN]
Bolt force max. limit (region 2) Fb,II,max 2,021 [kN]
Auxiliary parameter λ* 2.1 [-]
Figure 11. Characteristic tensile bolt force as a function of the shell force by the Schmidt-Neuper
approach. Figure modified from [7].
The trilinear relation between shell- and bolt force for the segment flange is presented in Figure 11.
The tensile shell force, Fz, is determined from Markov matrices containing information on the moment
load cycles at the MP/TP joint due to the cyclic actions on the foundation. The Markov matrix
containing the governing directional cyclic loads relative to north is used as basis for the verification.
The moment loads in the Markov matrix are sorted into bins, j, based on the magnitude of the moment
range. Each bin contains ni number of load cycles. The extent of the Markov matrix used in this paper
is given in the format presented in Table 7. The Markov matrix includes information on min. and max.
moment ranges and min. and max. mean moment values for the load cycles included in each bin [13].
The Markov matrix contains 9.95∙108 load cycles divided into j = 5,373 bins which in this study are
assumed to reflect the expected load history for the foundation.
From the information in the Markov matrix the min. and max. values of the shell force are obtained
by Equation (20) to (25). Ashell is the cross sectional area of the shell for the L segment, WE,shell the
section modulus of shell, and Abd3 the minor cross section area of the bolt at the thread-root section.
Table 7. Markov matrix incl. bending moments and number of cycles sorted into bins. Example values
given in top row.
Min. moment Max. moment Min. mean Max. mean No. of
range range moment moment cycles
ΔMmin,j [kNm] ΔMmax,j [kNm] Mmean,min,j Mmean,max,j nj,I [-]
[kNm] [kNm]
0 1.398∙103 -1.053∙105 -1.036∙105 9
ΔMmin,2 ΔMmax,2 Mmean,min,2 Mmean,max,2 n2
ΔMmin,3 ΔMmax,3 Mmean,min,3 Mmean,max,3 n3
ΔMmin,4 ΔMmax,4 Mmean,min,4 Mmean,max,4 n3
∆M min, j + ∆M max, j
∆M mean, j = (20)
∆M mean, j
∆Fz , j = Ashell ⋅ (22)
WE , Shell
M m, j
Fz , mean, j = Ashell ⋅ (23)
WE , Shell
The non-linear dependency of the shell force and the bolt force illustrated in Figure 11 result in the
maximum and minimum tensile bolt force being determined for each bin. The stress range in the bolt
is found according to Equation (26) to (28) for the minor cross section area of bolt, Abd3 considering
the reduction of the bolt diameter due to the thread.
∆Fb , j = Fb , max, j − Fb , min, j (26)
Fb,max, j Fb,min, j
Δσ b,max, j = Δσ b,min, j = (27)
A bd3 A bd3
∆σ b , j = ∆σ b , max, j − ∆σ b , min, j (28)
The sum of the fatigue damage in the bolt is based on the S-N approach in [9] under assumption of
linear cumulative damage (Palmgren-Miner rule):
D = ∑( ) ≤ 1.0 (29)
i =1 Ni
As bending moments in the bolt are not considered, the detail category reference strength of the
bolt, 36* (40 MPa) is used for damage accumulation according to [5].
Available S-N curves are limited to nominal bolt sizes up to 30mm. The M64 bolts studied in the
present paper exceeds this value, hence the additional size effect leading to a reduction of the fatigue
strength, is to be considered. Multiplying the reduction factor, ks defined in Equation (30) with the
reference strength of the bolt account for this effect according to [5].
30 (30)
k s =
d nom
The obtained fatigue damage for the bolt exposed to the loads presented in the Markov matrix
result in a summarized fatigue damage in Equation (31).
Figure 15. Normalized axial stresses at pos. A-E Figure 16. Plastic strain at pos. A-E as function
as function of tensile shell segment force. of tensile shell segment force.
4.3.2 Fatigue Limit State: The fatigue capacity of the bolt is investigated by a finite element analysis
(FEA) of the bolt center, positions C-D, and near the transition from bolt head to shank, position B
shown in Figure 12. The segment shell force is defined in the numerical model for a range of -1,000kN
to 1,500kN, covering the full load range of the Markov matrix.
Figure 17. Output stresses for Fz = 600kN for a mesh size of 8mm and 10mm. Figure from [7].
The stresses obtained from the FEA at the bolt center and near the bolt head are extracted for the
defined segment load range and for two mesh configurations as illustrated in Figure 17.
The position-specific bolt stresses as functions of the shell force are utilized to determine the stress
range for each load bin in the Markov matrix according to (28). The stresses are hereby a function of
the obtained relation between the segment and bolt force, shown in Figure 18. Damage accumulation
is calculated equivalent to Section 2.2, except that a detail category reference strength of 50 MPa is
chosen. This is a consequence of the numerical model considers both axial and bending stresses. The
fatigue damage sum is given in Table 9.
Figure 18. Characteristic tensile bolt force as a function of the shell force in
the segment shell wall. The normal force range covers all load values
derived from the Markov matrix.
Table 9. Accumulated fatigue damage in the bolt for two element sizes
Fatigue damage Fatigue damage
(element = 8 mm) (element = 10 mm)
Bolt head 0.36 0.04
Bolt Shank 0.041 0.028
5. Comparison and discussion
The analytical and numerical results of the L flange segment are compared and discussed in the
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