Steam Turbine Maintenance Maintenance Instructions
Steam Turbine Maintenance Maintenance Instructions
Steam Turbine Maintenance Maintenance Instructions
Air release properties of the turbine oil with the foam, resulting in a drop in the oil
level in the main oil tank. This change in the
The air release property represents the time
level can cause activation of the level
taken for a specific volume of air to be
monitoring equipment for the main oil tank.
released from the turbine oil sample under
the boundary conditions stipulated in the Increased turbine oil foaming tendency
testing standard of the Turbine Oil occasionally occurs due to high water
Specification [1]. content or increased dust contamination of
the turbine oil.
The turbine oil circulates inside the oil
system and becomes aerated. This air is Silicone-based foam inhibiting additives
released during the dwell time tv = 60n (in have an adverse effect on air release
min) of the turbine oil in the main oil tank, n properties. There is no generally binding
corresponds to the number of passes per evidence regarding any further correlation
hour made by the turbine oil. between foaming tendency and air release
properties, although such a correlation may
If the time required for air release by the exist in individual cases and should be
turbine oil is longer than the dwell time in the investigated.
main oil tank, an oil-and-air mixture will
develop, which will not have as favourable a
density and compressibility as non aerated
Turbine oil care program
turbine oil. This can lead to faults in the
operating oil pumps, fluctuations in oil Owing to correlation between the turbine oil
pressure and impaired functioning of any properties and the factors influencing turbine
control and protection equipment which is oil during operation, the following care
supplied with turbine oil. program for turbine oil must be implemented
during and after initial startup of the turbine
Only in rare cases it is possible to improve
generator set:
the Air release properties of turbine oil with
economically viable treatment methods. For Regular inspection of turbine oil samples
this reason, any factors which might lead to
Continuous treatment of the turbine oil
deterioration of the air release properties of
the turbine oil, must be avoided. Protection of the turbine oil system from
the effects of contaminants
It has been proven that the air release
properties of turbine oil are adversely Drainage of the turbine oil and cleaning
affected by materials containing silicone, of the oil system and the turbine oil
e.g., seal materials or foam inhibiting during inspections and overhauls.
If the turbine oil inspections reveal that or wear to parts such as oil pump seal
alarm levels for certain properties have been ring, etc.
reached or exceeded, it is advisable to
request inspection and evaluation of the Treatment of the turbine oil in the oil
turbine oil by the turbine oil supplier. All data centrifuge
relevant to turbine oil inspection should be
The oil centrifuge can be continuously
sent in together with the turbine oil sample
operated independent of the operating oil
When taking turbine oil samples, care must systems. A small volume of turbine oil is fed
be taken to ensure that sampling bottles are through oil centrifuge with a high separation
clean. efficiency. This achieves a high degree of
purity for the treated turbine oil.
In case of deviation in properties, actions to
be taken as per table 1. As regards the treatment of turbine oil in the
centrifuge, oil filter, dynamic or static
separators, and multipurpose oil purification
Treatment of the turbine oil in the oil
units can be used either independently or in
filters or strainers of the operating oil
combination. In addition, many power plants
have centralised oil purification equipment,
Switchable oil filters either permanently installed or mobile.
The switchable oil filters of the operating The function of the most commonly used oil
oil systems are used to protect purification equipment is described below:
downstream consumers. Contaminants
which, because of their size or
consistency, can cause damage and/or Fine-mesh filter
impair functioning are retained in the oil The turbine oil can be conditioned in an
filters. Because of their relatively large oil filter with filter elements made of fine-
mesh size, the operating oil filters are pored cloth or filter paper. Since the fine-
not suitable for complete removal of mesh filter has a high separation
contaminants from the turbine oil. The efficiency, a high degree of turbine oil
differential pressure across the oil filters purity can be achieved. Contaminants
is monitored. insoluble in oil which ingress into the oil
system from outside, as well as products
If the differential pressure across an oil
of system-internal aging and corrosion
filter increases, this filter should be
mechanisms are almost completely
isolated from the system and cleaned.
removed from turbine oil.
Fine-mesh filters with cloth or paper
Oil Strainers of the main oil tank
elements can also retain small amounts
The oil strainers of the main oil tank of water. If the turbine oil has a high
have a relatively large mesh size and water content, a dynamic or static
are used to retain contaminants in the separator must be used to reduce the
returning turbine oil and to protect the oil water content in the turbine oil to the
pumps from contaminant damage. value stipulated in the Turbine Oil
If the strainer mesh becomes clogged Specification [1].
during the course of operation, this can
lead to a drop in the level in the suction Dynamic separator
space of the main oil tank as a result of
The dynamic separator uses centrifugal
an increase in the level in the riser
force to remove either solid or liquid
contaminants as required from the
For this reason, the oil strainers of the turbine oil. The dynamic separator must
main oil tank must be regularly cleaned, be set to operate in either solid
if possible while the oil pumps are shut contaminant or water separation mode
down. Metal particles in the oil strainers in accordance with the manufacturer’s
can be an indication of bearing damage instructions.
Static separator different additive packages. For this
reason, when topping up, turbine oil
A static separator is used to remove
which has the same product designation
water from the turbine oil. Since the
and which is supplied by the same
efficiency of the filter elements
manufacturer as was originally filled,
deteriorates due to deposits of solid
should be used.
contaminants, and in view of the
expense of filter elements, it is
recommended that the static separator Hydraulic oil
be used in conjunction with an upstream Hydraulic oil or control fluid containing
fine mesh filter. phosphoric esters, if in use, must not be
allowed to ingress into the oil system.
Multipurpose oil purification unit
The multipurpose oil purification unit is Main oil tank
used to remove solid and liquid Openings in the main oil tank must
contaminants from the turbine oil. always be closed and sealed in such a
Operation and maintenance instructions of way that there can be no ingress of
the oil purification unit manufacturer must be contaminants into the main oil tank. The
complied with. cover plates of the main oil tank must be
tightly bolted. There must be no bolts
The maintenance interval for oil filters missing from the plates.
depends on the differential pressure across
the oil filters. For this reason, the differential
pressure instrumentation must be regularly Oil coolers
checked and corresponding annunciations If the water content of the turbine oil
noted. increases, the leak tightness of the
operating oil cooler must be checked.
Cleaning of the oil system during
inspections and overhauls Oil return lines
Over the course of time, solid contaminants Inspection holes in oil return lines must
settle in areas of the oil system not be sealed to prevent the ingress of
subjected to high flow velocities, e.g. the contaminants into the oil system.
main oil tank. For this reason, the turbine oil
must be drained via filters during inspections
Oil vapor extraction system
and overhauls, and the main oil tank, the oil
coolers and the bearing pedestals must be The throttle check valves in the oil vapor
thoroughly cleaned. The drained turbine oil extraction system must be set so that
must either be refilled into the main oil tank the pressure in the bearing pedestals
via fine-mesh filters or treated in a and the main oil tank is slightly sub
centralised oil purification unit before atmospheric. This ensures that no
refilling. leakage steam, or airborne water and/or
dust is drawn into the oil system in the
event of turbine oil or oil vapor being
Measures to protect the oil system from released to the atmosphere.
contaminant ingress
Just as important as turbine oil care are
Dirty fluid
measures designed to protect the oil system
from contaminant ingress: Fluid from the dirty-fluid tank must not
be refilled into the main oil tank without
thorough inspection and treatment.
Turbine oil Small amounts of turbine oil which
Problems can arise as a result of the accumulate in the dirty-fluid tank are to
incompatibility of turbine oils from be disposed properly.
different manufacturers and containing
Material gaskets and silicone-based seal
The compatibility of materials with the
turbine oil has been taken into account
by the turbine manufacturer during Leakage steam system
materials selection. During inspections The butterfly valves of the leakage
and overhauls, care must be taken to steam system must be set to prevent
ensure that no incompatible materials leakage steam from escaping via the
are used. This applies particularly to turbine shaft seals since this could result
in water ingress into the oil system.
Table1 : Actions to be taken when actual conditions deviate from reference conditions
Fault Cause Actions
Boundary conditions
- Reduce intervals for turbine
oil inspections and monitor
evaluation of total-acid
Investigate the origin of
contaminants and prevent
contaminant ingress into oil
The solid contaminant The oil centrifuge is not in Put oil centrifuge into operation.
content or the purity of the operation
turbine oil does not comply
The contaminant separation Take turbine oil samples
with the Specification
efficiency of the oil centrifuge upstream and downstream of
does not comply with the the oil centrifuge and determine
requirements the separation efficiency.
Implement measures in
accordance with the operating
unit manufacturer, in order to
improve contaminant separation
Check oil filter cartridges or
elements, replace damaged oil
filter cartridges or elements.
If necessary, vent the oil filters.
Fault Cause Actions
Boundary conditions
The water content of the There is no permanently Install a dynamic or static
turbine oil does not comply installed dynamic or static separator for removing water
with the specification separator for removing water form the turbine oil. Take turbine
from the turbine oil oil samples upstream and
downstream of the separator
and check water separation
If necessary, implement
measures in accordance with
the operating instructions of the
separator manufacturer, in order
to improve water separation
Fault Cause Actions
Boundary conditions
The air release properties In many cases, there is no Check whether the deterioration
of the oil do not comply specific cause for a in air release properties has an
with the Specification deterioration in air release adverse affect on the operating
properties performance of the systems of
components supplied with
turbine oil.
Involve oil supplier and turbine
manufacturer in inspection
program. If effects are
particularly unfavorable,
consider replacing the turbine
As a precautionary measure,
care should always be taken to
prevent the ingress into the
turbine oil of materials which
could adversely affect the air
release properties (e.g. silicone-
based materials)
Turbine oil foaming The foam inhibiting additives in Consult oil supplier and top up
characteristics do not the turbine oil have been turbine oil with foam inhibiting
comply with the depleted over time additives.
As a rule, foam inhibiting
additives have an adverse effect
on the air release properties and
for this reason, the air release
properties must be closely
monitored when topping up with
such additives.
Fault Cause Actions
Boundary conditions
The oil centrifuge is
defective or the operating
conditions for the oil do not
comply with the
Oil filters
The differential pressure Isolate duplex oil filter and clean
across one oil filter is high filter cartridge
Take oil centrifuge filters out of
operation and replace filter
One oil filter is not sufficiently Open valve in oil filter venting
vented line and adjust
Unit-specific or additional The mode of operation of the Adapt the mode of operation of
dynamic separator dynamic separator does not the separator (solid-contaminant
correspond to the content of separation or water separation)
solid or liquid contaminants in according to the content of solid
the turbine oil contaminants or water in the
turbine oil