Measurement and Application of Zeta-Potential: Branko SALOPEK, Dragan and Suzana FILIPOVI
Measurement and Application of Zeta-Potential: Branko SALOPEK, Dragan and Suzana FILIPOVI
Measurement and Application of Zeta-Potential: Branko SALOPEK, Dragan and Suzana FILIPOVI
Key-words. Electrokinetic phenomena, Zeta-Potential, Methods Kljube rue& ElektrokinetiEke pojave, Zeta-potencijal, Metode
of measurement. mjerenja.
The electrokinetic or zeta-potential is an important parameter ElektrokinetiEki ili zeta-potencijal vaZan je parametar dvojnog
of the electrical double layer and represents a characteristic of elektrihog sloja i predstavlja jednoznatnu karakteristiku elektriC
electrical properties of solid/liquid and liquidlgaseous interfaces. nih svojstava na kontaktu faza hrsto-tekuk i tekuk-plinovito.
In the paper electrokinetic phenomena in this contact are described U radu su opisane elektrokinetitke pojave koje pri tom kontaktu
as well as measuring methods. Changes of the values of zeta-poten- nastaju, kao i metode mjerenja potencijala. Prikazane su pro-
tial depending on some properties of solidhiquid interface are mjene vrijednosti zeta-potencijala u ovisnosti o nekim svojstvima
being considered. Evrste i tekuh faze.
proportional to the strength by which an external solution through the membrane, a certain potential
electrical field acts on the charge of liquid phase. difference, called the flow potential, can be provo-
Streaming potential is a phenomenon opposite to ked. It is just proportional to the difference between
electroosmosis. During the passing of the liquid pressures and the flow speed of the electrolite solu-
phase through an electrized membrane due to the tion through the membrane pores. The flow potential
potential difference of the two electrodes, electroo- as well as electroosmosis are phenomena depending
smosis causes a certain difference of pressures, what on the colloidal membrane and its electrization.
again causes a raising of the liquid level. Opposite The phenomenon opposite to the electrophoresis
to this electroosmotic effect, by means of applying is the sedimentation potential. It realizes during the
pressures in the same system and by forcing the movements of electrized particles in gravitational or
sedimentation fields in centrifuges. It is rarely used
in the study of electrokinetic phenomena because it
is very difficult to be measured.
The importance of
zeta-potential in flotation and flocculation
In the flotation process three phases are present:
solid, liquid and gaseous. By their interaction it
comes to oxidation, hydratation and hydrolysis; that
causes lesser or bigger changes in the properties of
the.mineral surface. Here, two factors are important
( F u e r s t e n a u , 1982):
- interaction of water molecules with mineral'surfa-
ce, either in liquid or gaseous surroundings;
- electrical double layer in the solid/liquid interface.
Oriented water layers in mineral surface have a
significant effect on wetting the solids, as well as
Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the device for measuring elec- on the nature of adsorption in an interface. On the
troosmosis other hand, electrical double layer can control the
1. porous mass through which solution flows (membrane); processes of flotation in many ways (F u e r s t e n a u,
2. measuring electrodes; 3. operating electrodes; 4. mea-
suring instrument; 5. parallel capillary; 6. power sour? 1982); the following must be mentioned:
- the symbol and size of the surface charge controls
the physical adsorption of the flotation reagents;
- a high surface charge can inhibit the chemical
adsorption of the collectors;
- the flocculation and dispersion of mineral suspen-
sions is controlled by the electrical double layer;
- slime coatings are determined by electrical double
layer interaction;
- the double layer on air bubbles has a significant
effect on naturally floating mineral systems;
- flotation kinetics relate directly to the effect of
double layers on the kinetics of film thinning.
Fig. 4 Schematic repr&ntation of the device for measuring stra- To be able to separate by means of flotation from
ming potential
1. porous mass through which solution flows (membrane); some paragenesis only a certain mineral, it is indi-
2. measuring electrodes; 3. measuring instrument; 4. pro- spensable to know the following about the present
voking and measuring pressure minerals (N e y, 1973):
- the sort and compostition (main parts, at least);
- solubility and, if possible, the speed of solubility
in clear water, in acids and bases;
- zeta-potential depending on pH values.
On the basis of mineral properties which are mani-
fested during flotation, i. e. which influence their
floatability minerals may be divided in a few groups
(N e y, 1973):
Group 1: Naturally hydrophobic minerals;
Group 2: Minerals floating with sulfhydrilic collec-
Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the device ofr measuring sedi- Group 3: Minerals soluble in acids or sensitive to
mentation potential acids ;
1. container-collector with emptying possibilty for the par- Group 4: Oxide and silicate A t u r e s generally insen-
ticles illloving towards the electrode; 2. operating electro-
des; 3. measuring electrodes; 4. suspension container; 5. sitive to acids;
power source; 6. measuring instrument Group 5: Silicates which form monomineral rocks.
Rudarsko-eeoloSko-naftni zbornik. Vol. 4. Zagreb. 1992
Assessment of stability
Fig. 6 Depedence of zeta-potential on pH values From Table 1 it can be seen that stability is at
the lowest in the vicinity of a point where the value
The curve >>bee shows the zeta-potential of galenite of zeta-potential is approximately equal to zero.
(Group 2) depending on pH values. Electronic holes Therefore, if the suspension is to be destabilized,
should prevail on the galenite planes in the range one of the ways is to lower the zeta-potential, i. e.
from pH 2 to pH 9, as the zeta-potential is positive to reduce the electronegativity of a particle. A mar-
in this region. To this groupe belong mineral raw kedly strong agglomeration is achieved by adding
materials which are very suitable subordinate to longchained polymers which cause a mechanical lin-
flotation because they exhibit marked hydrophobia. king of single particles, i. e. of smaller flocculi into
The curve >>cccshows the zeta-potential of gypsum bigger ones.
(Group 3) depending on pH values. A number of In the Fig. 7 the electrokinetic potential of red
mineral raw materials from this group float only in mud is shown (the insoluble residue after bauxite
acidd or very acid pH regions though the usage of leaching) with addition of polymers of different mole-
acids may even have some negative consequences. cular mass and ionogenity (S a 1o p e k, 1982).
Gypsum floats in a wide range of pH, both with
anion and kation collectors.
The curve ~dccshows the zeta-potential of magne-
tite (Group 4) depending on pH values. For all 50-
mineral rawyaterials of this group the zeta-potential
is p o 9 W e in more or less acid media, and it is > 30- - LO-
abrupt change of concentration of potential determi- series of processes, as stated before. Also, during
ning H+, i. e. OH- ions in the electrical double the flotation process there are mainly artificial sur-
layer takes place. In this narrow pH region the faces which in the sense of energy are always much
potential abruptly increases from 0 to 45 (mV), richer than natural surfaces; further on, all experi-
approx. ments are performed in water or in the air, what
The curve >>beshows the zeta-potential of red causes many changes on the mineral surfaces. Since
mud with an addition of kationic flocculant Praestol the mineral surface is not composed homogeneously
184 K of molecular mass 5 x 16. This flocculant of particles with an identical charge, it shows a more
shows a positive zeta-potential which from the value or less changing activity, what is reflected in the
of 55 (mV) in acid regions gradually drops to 25 zeta-potential.
(mV) in alkali regions. In a sedimentation experi- In solid/liquid separation, as well as in other pro-
ment a very pure overflow has been obtained. cesses where flocculation is used, the inclination to
The curves PC<<, >>d<c
and ne<<show the zeta-poten- stability changes of the suspension cannot be estima-
tial with an addition of anionic flocculants A-6, ted just on the basis of the zeta-potential size,
Flocgel, Praestol 2450, of the molecular mass although a certain connection between the stability
5 . . .10 x lo6, 5 . . .10 x 16 and 5 x 16. The zeta- and the zeta-potential surely exists.
potential is negative during the whole measuring The zeta-potential can help in the choice of floc-
region, with the exception of flocculant A-6 which culants but a definite valuation of its applicability
shows positive values between pH 3 and 4. In the can be given only after sedimentation or other sui-
region of pH 8 . . .10,5 the values of the zeta-poten- table tests.
tial are in accordance with sedimentation experi-
Received: 8. 1. 1992.
ments but as well as with the molecular mass of
single flocculants. A less zeta-potential and greater Accepted: 9. VI. 1992.
molecular mass give more masive flocculi and a
purer overflow. The influence of polymer flocculants
depend much more on their molecular mass than REFERENCES
on ionogenity. A d a m s o n , A r t u r , W. (1x7): Electrical Aspects of Surface
Therefore, a kationic flocculant is not indispensa- Chemisty, John Wiley & Sons, 209 pp, New York.
ble for the destabilization of an electronegative F u e r s t e n au, D. W. (1988): Principles of flotation, South Afri-
suspension as well as the anionic flocculant is not can IMM,Chap 2, Johannesburg.
indispensable in the case of a highly positive zeta- G o c h i n, R. J. (1990): Flotation. In: Svarowsky, L.: Solid-liquid
potential. Separation, Butterworths, 591-627, London.
N e y, P. (1973): Zeta-Potentiale und Flotierbarkeit von Minera-
len, Springer - Verlag, 214 pp., Wien.
0 c e p e k, D. (1989): Bogatenje mineralnih in energetskih suro-
vin, Univerza Edvarda Kardelja v Ljubljani, FNT VTOZD
A greater part of investigations of mineral zeta- Montanistika, 350 pp., LjubIjana.
potentials is based on the presumption of an interac- R i d d i c k, M. T. (1967): Control of colloid stability through
ting dependence between the zeta-potential and Zeta-potential, Inc., New York.
mineral floatability. The results of such investiga- S a 1o p e k, B. (1982): Teorija i tehnologija kombiniranog sistema
tions, obtained by eminent scientists, are very diffe- zgdnjavanja i dubinske filtracije, Disertacija, Univerza
Edvarda Kardelja v Ljubljani, FNT WOZD Montanistika,
rent. The reason is that the zeta-potential of any Ljubljana.
material in water solutions is defined not by one S h a w, D. J. (1970): Introduction to colloid and surface chemistry,
specific process only but it is a consequence of a Butterworths, 236 pp., London.
VeCi dio ispitivanja zeta-potencijala minerala odnosi se na od Eestica identitnog naboja, ona pokazuje viie-manje promjen-
pretpostavku medusobne ovisnosti zeta-potencijala i flotabilnosti. ljivu aktivnost, Sto se odra2ava i na zeta-potencijalu.
Rezultati ispitivanja ove ovisnosti vflo su razlititi. Uzrok tome U postupcima razdvajanja faza hrsto-tekuk, kao i u ostalim
je tinjenica da zeta-potencijal nekog minerala u vodenoj otopini postupcima gdje se koristi flokulacija, ne m o k se samo na temelju
nije definiran samo jednim specifitnim procesom nego je poslje- velitine zeta-potencijala procjenjivati sklonost promjene stabilno-
dica niza procesa. Takoder, u procesu flotiranja uglavnom se sti suspenzije, iako nedvojbeno postoji odredena veza izmedu
radi o umjetnim povrSinama, koje su u energetskom smislu uvijek stabiiosti i zeta-potencijala. Zeta-potencijal moZe biti od pomdi
bogatije od prirodnih povdina, a i svi se pokusi izvode u vodi pri izboru flokulatora, ali konatna se ocjena njegove podobnosti
ili na zraku, Sto naravno ima za posljedicu promjenu mineralnih moZe donijeti tek nakon provedbe sedimentacijskih ili drugih
povriina. Zato Sto mineralna povrsina nije sastavljena homogeno prikladnih testova.