Fluidized Bed Gasification As A Means of Converting Waste To Energy
Fluidized Bed Gasification As A Means of Converting Waste To Energy
Fluidized Bed Gasification As A Means of Converting Waste To Energy
David Granatstein
Natural Resources Canada
CANMET Energy Technology Centre-Ottawa
ØEnvironmental Equipment/Performance
ØZeltweg BioCoComb Gasifier, Austria
ØLahti, Finland
ØGreve in Chianti, Italy
ØGeneral Conclusions
BioCoComb Gasifier, Zeltweg,
Ø 10 MWt circulating fluidized bed gasifier by
Austrian Energy operates at 850°C; air-blown
Ø Steel with brick/concrete refractory
Ø 4.1 t/h bark, wood chips, waste wood, sewage
Ø Produced gas is heat exchanged with
fluidization air then is fed to upper burner in
340 MWt conventional coal boiler (3% coal
Ø Boiler equipped with SNCR and Lurgi CFB de-
SOx scrubber
Zeltweg (cont’d)
Ø Emissions similar to boiler, with exception of
NOx (-15%)
Ø Result of gas feeding in ‘reburning’ mode
Ø Net electrical efficiency 127 MWe/340 MWt =
Ø Capital cost - US$4.6 M ($1022/kW) - 25% of
capital from EU THERMIE Programme
Ø Gasifier O & M cost US$3.80/tonne of feed
Ø Main boiler (peak load) shut down due to
unfavorable market in 2001 April, and gasifier
ceased operation after 40 months of successful
Lahden Lampovoima Gasifier,
Lahti, Finland
Ø 45-70 MWt Foster Wheeler air-blown circulating
fluidized bed gasifier, operates at 800-1000°C
Ø Refractory-lined steel
Ø 17.9 t/h recycled energy fuel (REF), sawdust, bark,
woodworking waste, etc.
Ø Heat-exchanged produced gas is fed to bottom
burners of conventional coal/gas boiler (15%
fuel substitution)
Ø Reburning not employed to allow sufficient heat and
residence time for impurity destruction
Ø Boiler equipped with ESP, flue gas recirculation,
staged combustion, but no de-SOx (low-S coal)
Lahti (cont’d)
Ø Slight increase in HCl and some heavy metal
emissions (still meets limits); SOx, NOx,
particulates reduced
Ø Net electrical efficiency for 167 MWe - 31.1%
Ø Thermal efficiency for 240 MWt - 49.4%
Ø Capital cost - US$10.9 M (approx. $590/kW)
Ø 25% of capital from EU THERMIE programme
Ø Gasifier O & M cost US$14.75/tonne of feed
S.A.F.I. RDF Pellet Gasifier
Greve in Chianti, Italy
Ø Two Termiska Processer (TPS) CFB
gasifiers, each with capacity of 100 t/d of
RDF pellets (15 MWt each), operating at
850°C, refractory-lined
Ø Gas passes through U-beam impingement
separator (coarse particles) and cyclone
(fine particles), then enters top of
purpose-built gas boiler
Greve in Chianti (cont’d)
Ø Boiler operates at 1050°C with high
excess air
Ø Uses natural gas as secondary fuel
Ø Post-combustion chamber: auxiliary
burners, secondary air to allow >2 sec
at 850°C (for dioxin control), and
ammonia injection (SNCR) for NOx
Greve in Chianti (cont’d)
Ø Three-stage Research-Cottrell spray
dryer absorber (calcium hydroxide
slurry) and dry injection upstream of
baghouse result in:
Ø SO2 < 50 mg/Nm3
Ø HCl < 10 mg/Nm3
Ø Particulates < 10 mg/Nm3
Ø Dioxins ~ 10 ng/Nm3 with no activated
carbon required
Greve in Chianti (cont’d)
Ø Original cost was US$20 million
Ø Boiler fouling resulted in US$10 million
refit (gas cleanup line and second boiler
installed between one gasifier and
steam turbine)
Ø Aggregate capital cost US$4665/kW for
about 6.3 MWe
Ø Operators non-responsive—no further
information available
Ø Fluidized bed gasification of waste,
when operated as gas generator to feed
existing coal boiler, is economical and
highly efficient
Ø Union of waste and utility sectors can
provide mutual benefits:
Ø Reduced feedstock costs
Ø Reduced landfill requirements
Ø Reduced reportable specific CO2 emissions
This paper presents an analysis of commercial fluidized bed gasifiers used to recover energy
from municipal solid wastes (MSW) and biomass. The work reported here is excerpted from
three case studies prepared for the International Energy Agency’s Bioenergy Agreement, under
Task 36 (Energy from Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems, 2001-2003). Included are
the VERBUND BioCoComb gasifier in Zeltweg, Austria [1], Lahden Lämpövoima’s Lahti
gasifier in Finland [2], and the S.A.F.I. gasifier in Greve in Chianti, Italy [3].
Case studies prepared for the IEA Bioenergy Agreement generally examine operation of and
problems with the feed preparation and combustion technology, environmental control system,
and residue recovery and disposition. Additionally, fuel characteristics, mass and energy
balances, and environmental performance are evaluated. Finally, capital, operating and
maintenance costs, and the sociological background for each project are examined. This
summary of information from the above four case studies compares and contrasts, where
available, only the effectiveness and cost of the selected gasification/combustion/environmental
control technologies. The full case study reports will shortly be available through the IEA (see
Environmental Performance
With only 3% thermal substitution of coal by product gas in the coal boiler, most emissions
from the boiler are substantially identical to those without substitution. Operating logs have
indicated no increase in CO emissions when firing product gas, suggesting that gas burnout is
very good. This is of interest because the product gas burner is atypical in that it does not have a
separate supply of combustion air; rather gas is burned in the excess oxygen present in the boiler.
Because the typical feedstocks contain less sulphur than does the boiler coal, a minimal
overall SO2 emissions reduction occurs. Also, depending on feedstock, there will be up to 3%
reduction in reportable CO2 emissions. Of major impact, however, is the reduction in NOx as a
result of the location of the gas burner in the boiler, above the coal burners. In this “reburning”
mode, some of the NOx formed lower in the boiler is reduced, by a slight deficiency of oxygen,
to N2 . Thus to meet NOx emissions regulations, 10-15% less ammonia solution is required in the
SNCR. This represents a 3x-5x increase from the 3% product gas contribution, and this
multiplier effect should continue, within limits, as product gas substitution is increased.
of 925 €/kWe, quite high due to the relatively small scale.
Several studies have been undertaken to estimate the cost of larger-scale plants. One detailed
study by Austrian Energy for a 50 MWt plant follows, based on the following assumptions:
The estimated investment cost was calculated as 400-500 €/kWe, equivalent to 9 M€ for 20
MWe. Austrian Energy states that, from experience at Zeltweg, the power plant personnel can
operate the gasification plant without additional manpower. Electricity production costs depend
on the feedstock price. If feedstock is waste at zero cost, electricity can be produced for less than
0.02 €/kWh. This rises to 0.047 €/kWh if feedstock is purchased for 0.014 €/kWh.
A 100 MWt plant is expected to cost 10-14.5 M€, equivalent to a specific investment of 250-
360 €/kWe. This illustrates the economies of scale. However, care must be taken when
extending this analysis to larger-capacity plants, as sufficient feedstock must be available locally
to avoid high transportation costs. Also, a suitably-sized boiler must be available, as a coal
substitution much greater than 10-15% might adversely affect efficiency and boiler operation.
Averaged additional operating and maintenance costs of the complete plant at Zeltweg to the
end of 2000 were 17 €/h at a standard load of 10 MWt. This figure is high, but includes
remedying the many system trips that occurred prior to modifications. In the absence of trips,
maintenance costs were near zero, including only control, cleaning and lubricating. However,
this might not be representative, considering the relatively low operating hours.
Unfortunately, the main boiler at Zeltweg has been shut down since April 2001, because
electricity generation at the plant is too expensive (peaking plant) and there is an overcapacity in
the area. However, we have been assured that gasifier operation played no part in the decision.
precipitator, but has no sulphur removal capability; however, the sulphur content of the coal used
varies between only 0.3 to 0.5%. Flue gas recirculation/staged combustion is provided to lower
NOx emissions.
Environmental Performance
Table 2 summarizes the changes in environmental emissions from the main boiler at Lahti as
a result of cofiring gas produced in the gasifier. The fact that CO emissions do not change
indicates that there has been no degradation in combustion caused by cofiring the produced gas.
Reductions in NOx and particulates can be attributed to moisture in the product gas. Moisture
content slightly lowers the flame temperature in the boiler, reducing NOx while moisture in flue
gas enhances performance of the electrostatic precipitator, reducing particulates emissions.
Other changes result from increases (e.g., Cl) or decreases (e.g., S) of particular elements in the
biomass/waste feedstock compared to the coal/natural gas used.
Figure 2. Cross-section of Lahti Gasifier Figure 3. Gasifier Connection to Lahti Boiler
Table 3 lists typical trace pollutant concentrations in the product gas when gasifying non-
contaminated feedstocks. Contaminated fuels generally increase concentrations of ammonia,
hydrogen cyanide and alkalis. For example, gasification of gluelam can increase the ammonia
level to 3 000-5 000 mg/m3 , HCN to 200-300 mg/m3 and total alkaline content to 0.3 ppmw.
Table 3. Typical Trace Pollutant Concentrations in Product Gas
Gas Component Concentration
Range (mg/m3 , dry)
NH3 800-1 000
HCN 25-45
HCl 30-90
H2 S 50-80
benzene 7-12
tars 7-12
alkalis <0.1
particulates 6-10
Bottom ash from the gasifier consists mainly of bed sand and limestone plus small amounts of
metal chunks and concrete, etc. C content is typically less than 0.5% and chlorine is negligible.
The ash also contains trace amounts of certain heavy metals; however, leachability is low.
Gasifier ash makes up only a small proportion (3-5%) of total main boiler ash and, therefore,
has little effect on quality. Unburned carbon and alkali levels are unchanged, but some heavy
metal levels are increased slightly, depending on the type of feedstock. For example, zinc
content increases when shredded tires are gasified. No changes in trace organics, such as
dioxins, have been detected. Leachability test results were satisfactory, and the plant is
permitted to market boiler ash as it did prior to addition of the gasifier.
Energy Balance
Efficiency of biomass/waste conversion to electricity is very nearly equivalent to that of the
coal-fired unit itself. Based on a 15% fuel substitution by waste/biomass gas, it has been
reported that net thermal efficiency for electricity production was reduced only from 31.3% to
31.1% and, for district heating, from 49.9% to 49.4% (on a HHV basis). One reason this occurs
(despite the increased product gas moisture content and flue gas nitrogen content) is increased
flame radiation in the furnace, and an improvement in the effectiveness of the convective heating
surfaces through the back passes of the boiler and the superheater. Other explanations are, of
course, possible. During a site visit, the following operating data were recorded for the gasifier:
Input: 5.09 kg/s feed at 10.3 MJ/kg and 32.8% moisture (52.4 MWt)
3.45 Nm3 /s air at 365ºC (heat-exchanged with product gas)
Output: 19.2 Nm3 /s product gas at 2.48 MJ/Nm3 , 6 mbar and 810ºC (47.6 MWt)
Product gas enters the boiler, in equal streams, through two bottom burners at 712ºC, after
heat-exchange with the input air stream. This gas has the following composition:
• CO – 9.6%
• CO2 – 12.3%
• CH4 – 3.3%
• H2 – 6.7%
• H2O – 35.0%
• Balance N2
The overall energy balance (52.4/47.6) is 90.8%. The operator reported that the usual
gasification efficiency is approximately 92%.
Direct cofiring (if feasible) is the cheapest option, with upstream gasification rating second.
Note in Table 4 that all cost projections are based on economic factors and estimates specific to
the study authors, and are inserted here to represent trends rather than firm quotes.
For the same 20 MWe biomass plant as outlined in Table 4, the following capital, operating
and maintenance breakdown has been developed (M€/a, unless otherwise indicated):
• Fuel sub-total – (2.5)
• Total costs – 1.7
• Electricity cost (gasifier contribution) – 0.011 €/kWh
• Electricity cost (coal boiler contribution) – 0.018 €/kWh
• Total electricity cost – 0.029 €/kWh
At Lahti presently, fuel costs depend on the type and quality. Forest residue is purchased for
7 €/MWh (LHV), while recovered energy fuel (REF) costs 2-3 €/MWh. Feedstocks are tested
for chlorine content, and payment is on a sliding scale, with a tipping fee (also varying)
applicable when chlorine content exceeds 0.5%. Coal currently consumed at the plant costs
about 12 €/MWh. Four employees currently operate the plant. With a modern computer control
system, three employees would suffice. One operator is in charge of the gasifier and boiler, and
sits in a combined control room. Thus with no dedicated personnel and fuel cost savings,
operating costs approach zero.
Greve in Chianti Combustor/Boiler
The combustor/boiler was purpose-built to accept produced gas from the gasifiers, unlike the
Lahti and Zeltweg plants at which the gasifiers were add-ons to existing coal- fired boilers.
Design of the boiler had already been undertaken before TPS got involved in the project. The
primary combustion chamber is refractory lined and operates adiabatically. At the top of this
chamber, a downward- facing, dual- fluid burner is positioned, consisting of ten raw gas injectors
arranged axially around the air injector. The gas injectors are angled to the axis to impart swirl
to ensure mixing. The burner operates at high excess oxygen, which is adjusted by the control
system to maintain the flue gas temperature at 1050°C. Natural gas is used as an auxiliary fuel.
The post-combustion chamber is designed as determined by law (DM 503/97) to provide 6%
excess oxygen in the flue gas, and a residence time greater than two seconds at a minimum
temperature of 850°C (for dioxins/furans destruction). Auxiliary burners (natural gas) and
secondary air ports are provided to ensure that temperature restrictions are met. Ammonia
(NH4 OH) or urea (NH2 CONH2) is injected directly into the post-combustion chamber flue gases
to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions through selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR).
Exhaust gases enter the radiation section of the boiler, reaching the superheater at a
temperature of 650°C, then pass through the convective bank and the economizer, leaving the
boiler at 200°C. Superheated steam is generated in the boiler at 380°C and 42 bar, with a design
mass flow of 18 t/h to the 6.7 MWe condensing steam turbine. (Note that the original plan was
to eventually build a second boiler to fully load this steam turbine.) Figure 4 shows the process
scheme of the plant.
Environmental Performance
Environmental regulations in force at the time of construction stipulated that sulphur dioxide
(SO2 ) emissions must be reduced to less than 50 mg/Nm3 , while HCl emissions could be no more
than 10 mg/Nm3, both measured at 11% oxygen. To achieve this, a 1-3% (by weight) slurry of
hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 ) is prepared and injected cocurrently into the flue
gas exiting the economizer in a three-stage Research-Cottrell spray dryer absorber. The
residence time is sufficient to allow SO2 and HCl to partially react with the slurry. Downstream
of the spray dryer and upstream of a fabric filter, more lime is injected, this time dry. In-duct
reaction, coupled with further reaction as the flue gases pass through the sorbent in the filter cake
on the bag surface, are sufficient to meet the regulated limits. The baghouse also removes fine
particulates not captured by the cyclone. As previously stated above, dioxins/furans are
suppressed in the post-combustion chamber of the boiler, as is NOx (via SNCR).
Tables 5 and 6 present air emissions data, as measured in stack testing at Greve. As is
obvious from the numbers, the plant is capable of meeting all EU regulations and US EPA New
Source Performance Standards (NSPS). Wastewater is produced in the scrubber system, and
blowdown streams are generated by the boiler and cooling tower. Pilot test data suggest that
these wastewater streams can be treated adequately in a biological system or with activated
carbon filters.
have placed the overall electrical efficiency of the Greve in Chianti plant, as it existed in 1997,
between 18% and 20%. This was due to a number of problems that resulted in an expensive
retrofit (addition of a second boiler and gas cleaning equipment). Because communication with
the plant was difficult after the renovations, no new data are available. Instead, mass and energy
balances are presented for a high-efficiency combined cycle TPS system based on the Greve
RDF pellets as feedstock, and TPS’s extensive pilot-scale test results. In a combined cycle, the
cleaned produced gas from the gasifier is combusted in a gas turbine producing electricity, and
hot combustion gases from the gas turbine’s exhaust then flow through a heat recovery steam
generator (HRSG) to produce steam that generates more electricity in a steam turbine/generator.
Thus, feed of 387 t/d of RDF produces 25.7 MWe from the gas turbine and a further 17.0 MWe
from the steam turbine. Power requirements include 7.3 MWe to compress the clean produced
gas to be fed into the gas turbine, and a further 1.7 MWe needed for other equipment. This
yields net power output of 33.7 MWe, and a remarkable efficiency of 39% on a higher heating
value basis. Of course, this value must be reduced by the energy required to reduce the mass of
the original MSW by 30% and pelletize the resulting RDF. (This value has not been reported in
the available literature.)
Note that additional cleanup equipment—a dolomite catalytic tar cracker, fabric filter
baghouse, wet scrubber and H2S removal—are required because the gas turbine has very strict
restrictions on particulate matter, alkalis, sulphur compounds, etc. On the other hand, this will
ensure that plant emissions levels, e.g., sulphur, NOx and particulates, mercury and dioxins, will
be extremely low, capable of meeting present and future regulations.
cogeneration, combined cycle plant would gasify 63.7 t/h of wood wastes to produce 33.8 MWe
net and 98 MWt of high- and low-pressure steam for use in the plant. Capital cost of this plant,
as a retrofit, is US$ 102.1 million (1995 US dollars), yielding a specific capital investment
(electricity only) of US$3 020/kW. Total annual O&M costs are US$4.69 million, for a gross
waste disposal cost of US$9.35/t. (Note that this figure is based on 90% plant annual capacity
factor, and does not include credit for the value of generated electricity or steam).
NREL has also estimated the cost of larger greenfield plants (without cogeneration) to
examine the economies of scale. For a 59 MWe plant, specific capital investment was US$1
750/kW, and net electricity generation efficiency was calculated as 30% (HHV basis). A plant
producing 100 MWe could be built for US$1 535/kW. While these figures look good on paper,
a plant generating 100 MWe would require more than 1.5 million t/a of wood waste. At these
quantities, the cost of acquiring and transporting waste fuel would soon render the plant
uneconomical to operate.
Gasification in fluidized bed equipment is an excellent means of recovering energy from
waste both economically and at high efficiency. While Zeltweg is now closed and Greve in
Chianti has had boiler problems, gasifiers in the three cases studied have performed flawlessly.
When operated as a gas generator to feed an existing coal boiler, investment costs can be as low
as US$600/kW; O&M costs as low as US$4/t of feed; and electricity generation efficiency as
high as 37% (dependent on the boiler). This represents a cost-effective opportunity for the waste
and utility sectors, providing mutual benefits (reduced feedstock costs, reduced landfill
requirements and reduced reportable specific carbon dioxide emissions).
1. Granatstein, D.L., “Case Study On BioCoComb Biomass Gasification Project, Zeltweg
Power Station, Austria”, IEA Bioenergy Task 36 Report, September 2002.
2. Granatstein, D.L., “Case Study On Lahden Lämpövoima Gasification Project, Kymijärvi
Power Station, Lahti, Finland”, IEA Bioenergy Task 36 Report, November 2002.
3. Granatstein, D.L., “Case Study on Waste- fuelled Gasification Project, Greve in Chianti,
Italy”, IEA Bioenergy Task 36 Report, August 2003.