Em I
Em I
Em I
7.6.2 Scope
7.6.3 Prerequisites
7.6.4 Syllabus
ii. GATE
iii. IES
7.6.8 Journals
ii. GATE
iii. IES
Electricity does not occur naturally in usable form and it also can’t be stored in useful large quantities.
Therefore it must be generated continuously to meet demand of power at all times. An efficient and
convenient way to generate electrical power is by conversion of mechanical power into electrical
form in a rotating device called “Generator”. Other than lighting and heating major use of electrical
energy is made by converting it back to mechanical form to run the wheels of industry as well as tiny
household appliances. In the process there may be losses existing. The basic duty of an electrical
engineer should be to design more efficient machine. Therefore, it is recommended to study and
understand the basic aspects of machines.
Electrical machines course is one of the important courses of the Electrical discipline. In this course the
different types of DC generators and motors which are widely used in industry are covered and their
performance aspects will be studied.
7.6.2 SCOPE
After going through this course the student gets a thorough knowledge on electromechanical energy
conversion, construction operation characteristics speed control methods and testing of different types of
DC Generators and DC motors, with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-
world electrical and electronics problems and applications.
This course requires basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, electricity and magnetism.
Introductory circuit theory, basic mechanics and elementary differential equations are mandatory
This unit explains the electromechanical energy conversion principles. It also explains magnetic
force, co-energy in a single and multiexcited systems.
Electromechanical Energy Conversion: Electromechanical energy conversion, forces and torque in
magnetic field systems, energy balance, energy and force in a singly excited magnetic field system,
determination of magnetic force- co-energy, multiexcited magnetic field systems.
This unit explains the working principle of DC Generator and types of windings used for armature
and emf equation, armature reaction effect , it’s remedies, effect of commutation and methods of
improving commutation.
D.c. Generators and armature reaction: D.C.Generators, principle of operation, action of
commutator, constructional features, armature windings, lap and wave windings, simplex and
multiplex windings, use of laminated armature, E.M.F Equation-problems.
Armature reaction, cross magnetizing and de- magnetizing AT/pole, compensating winding,
commutation, reactance voltage, methods of improving commutation.
This unit explains the different methods of excitation of DC machine and building-up of emf in DC
shunt generator giving the significance of critical field resistance and critical speed the
characteristic of different generators and parallel operation of generators.
Types Of D.C.Generators And Load Characteristics : Methods of excitation, separately excited and
self excited generators, build of E.M.F critical field resistance and critical speed, causes for failure to
self excite and remedial measures.
Load characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators, parallel operation of D.C series
generators, use of equalizer bar and cross connection of field windings, load sharing
This unit explains working principle of DC motor, back emf and torque equation. Load characteristics
of all types of motors. Speed control of DC motors and necessity of starter for DC motor are
D.C. Motors And Speed Control Methods : D.C. Motors, principle of operation, back E.M.F-
Torque equation, characteristics and application of shunt, series and compound motors, armature
reaction and commutation. Armature voltage and field flux control methods. Ward- Leonard
system. Motor starters (3 point and 4 point starters)-protective devices.
This unit includes the understanding of losses , efficiency of DC machines and different methods of
testing DC machines.
Testing of D.C. Machines: Losses, constant and variable losses, calculation of efficiency,
condition for maximum efficiency. Methods of testing, direct, indirect and regenerative testing, brake
test, Swinburne’s test, Hopkinson’s test, Field’s test, retardation test, separation of stray losses in a
DC motor test. GATE
Principle of energy conversion, determination of magnetic force- co-energy.
Armature windings, Lap and wave windings, simplex and multiplex windings, EMF equation
Armature reaction, commutation
Methods of excitation, causes for failure to self excite and remedial measures
Load characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators
Not covered
DC Generators, construction, operation and EMF equation
Armature reaction, cross magnetizing and demagnetizing AT/pole, compensating windings commu-
tation, reactance voltage, methods of improving commutation.
"There is a wonderful, mystical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind
-- are always attained by giving them to someone else." - Author :Unknown
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
Types of DC Generators, methods of excitation, build up of EMF, causes for failure to self excite and
remedial measures
Load characteristics of shunt, series and compound generators
T1 Electrical Machines, P.S. Bimbra, Khanna Publishers.
T2 Principles of Electrical Machines, V. K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta, S. Chand Publishing.
R1 Electric Machines, Mulukutla S. Sarma, Mukesh K. Pathak, Cengage Learning.
R2 Electric Machines by I.J. Nagrath & D.P. Kothari, Tata Mc Graw – Hill Publishers.
R3 Fundamentals of Electric Machines, B. R. Gupta, Vandana Singhal, New Age International
R4 Electrical Machines, M. V. Deshpande, PHI Learning Private Limited.
R5 Electrical Machines, R. K. Srivastava, Cengage Learning.
1. www.abii.com
2. www. ieee.org
3. www.ntpc.co.in
4. www.tce.com
5. www.powergridindia.com
6. www.iitm.ac.in
7. www.iitd.ac.in
8. www.iitk.ac.in
9. www.iitii.ac.in
10. www.iitg.ernet.in
11. www.iisc.ernet-in
"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."
- Author :William Shakespeare
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
1. Prof. Ramakrishna Gokaraju
Dept. of Elecl.Engg.,
Room 3B33,
57, Campus Drive,
Saskatoon, saskatchewan,
S7N5A9, Canada,
email : [email protected].
Ph: 306-906-5385
1. Prof. S.S.Murthy,
Room.No. II/235 A,
IIT Delhi, Houszkhas,
email: [email protected],
Ph: +111 2659663.
1. Prof. Dhanvanthri,
Head of EEE Department,
Bharat Engg. College,
Cell : 9849052608.
2. Dr. S.Kamakshaiah
Electrical Engineering Department,
CVR College of Engineering,
3. Dr U. k. Choudary
General Manager
Hyderabad- 500 093
"If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows that he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off
from other lands, but a continent that joins to them." - Author :Francis Bacon
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
1. IEEE Transactions on energy conversion
2. IEEE Computer applications in power
3. IEE Proceedings : Part-C [Generation, Transmission & Distribution]
4. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
5. IEEE Electrical Insulation magazine
6. Power Engineering Journal, IEE
1. Electrical India
2. Journal of Institution of Engineers (India).
3. Electrical Engineering Update
1. "NEW ERA" in power transmission 1200kV UHVAC Technology", IEEMA Journal, Vol. 3, No. 9, May
2. "Large storage flow batteries", IEEMA Journal, Vol. 3, No. 9, May 2012.
3. Opto electrical and structural properties of CUxO thin films gram by R.F. Spultering method, Journal
of alternate energy sources and technologies, Vol. 1, Issue 1-3, 2011.
4. Thermophilic adaption of anaerobic sludge for electricity production, Journal of alternate energy
sources and technologies, Vol. 1, Issue 1-3, 2011.
5. A fuzzy logic based electronics load controller for self excited induction generation, Journal of alternate
energy sources and technologies, Vol. 1, Issue 1-3, 2011.
6. Novel robust control algorithm of dc motors, Ba-Hai Nguyen, T he 6th International Conference on
Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2009)
"Help your brother's boat across, and your own will reach the shore."
- Author :Hindu Proverb
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can read."
- Author :Mark Twain
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
"Give what you have .To someone , it may be better than you dare to think."
- Author :Unknown
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
"It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding."
- Author :Kahlil Gibran
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
Topics scheduled Salient topics to be discussed
Electromagnetics – Fundamentals, and Maxwell’s Derivations and problems on Maxwell’s
Equations Equations.
Emf generated, and self and separately excited generator Problems on Emf generated
3 Armature windings, Lap and wave winding Problems on winding design
Armature reaction, demagnetizing and cross magnetizing
4 Problems on armature reaction
5 Commutation, reactance voltage, commutation methods Problems on commutation
10 Back emf and significance of back emf of a DC Motor Problems on back emf
"The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose."
- Author :Hadia Bejar
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2012 -13 Aurora’s Engineering College
1 a) State the advantages of analyzing energy-conversion devices by field energy concept.
b) Explain the principle of energy conversion. (Dec 14)
2 a) Find an expression for the magnetic force developed in a singly excited translational magnetic system.
b) Two magnetic surfaces separated by distance g have a flux density of 1.5 T in between them. This value is
usually the saturation level for ferromagnetic materials. Find the force between these two surfaces for area
A=2 m2. (Dec 14)
3 a) Define field energy and co-energy. Give the significance of co-energy in the derivation of torque or force in
an electromechanical energy conversion device.
b) Self and mutual inductances in henries of two coupled coils are
L1=3+1/2x, L2=2+1/2x, M12=1/2x, over a certain displacement x in meters. The coil resistances are
negligible. For constant currents of I1=10A and I2=-5A.
c) Compute the mechanical work done in increasing x from 0.5 to 1m. (Dec 14)
1. i Derive the expression for field energy and co energy in a doubly excited system assuming constant
voltage system.
ii Tw o c o u p l e d c o i l s h a v e s e l f a n d m u t u a l i n d u c t a n c e o f
over a certain range of linear displacement x. The first coil is excited
by a constant current of 20A and the second by a constant current of -10A.Find.
a) Mechanical work done if x changes form 0.5 ro 1m.
b) Energy supplied by each elecrical source in part(i).
c) Change in field energy in part(i).
Hence verify that the nenergy supplied by the source is equal to the increase in the field energy plus
the mechanical work done. (Dec-2013)
2. i Describe the principle of energy conversion. From the consideration of various energies include,
develop the model of an electromechanical energy conversion device.
ii Derive an expression for the energy stoted in a magnetic field system. (Dec-2012)
3. i. For a linear magnetic circuit, show that the magnetic stored energy density is given by ½B 2/ joules/
ii. A 10 KW, 1440 rpm d.c shunt generator has a time constant L f=R f of 0.2 sec for its field winding.
Under normal operating conditions, the I f2r f loss in the filed winding is 400 watts. Compute the energy
stored in the magnetic field produced by the field winding, under normal operating conditions.
(May 11)
4. i. What are the significances of energy and co - energy of energy conversion system?
ii. Show how mechanical energy output can be determined in the multiple excited nonlinear systems.
(May 11)
5. i. Draw and explain fully the general block diagram representation of an electro mechanical energy
conversion device.
ii. For a singly excited magnetic system, derive the relation for the magnetic stored energy in terms of
reluctance. (May 11)
10. Two windings, one on stator and the other on rotor, has the following parameters
Rs = 3.5 rr = 4 Ls = 0.06H L r = 0.25 H M sr = 0.08cos r
"Speak only the truth. Act with only the best intentions. Once you get into the habit, you can live by this code."
- Author :Unknown
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
Where r is the space angle between stator and rotor winding axes. The two windings are connected
in parallel and the rotor is locked at r = 900. With the currents initially zero, the windings are switched
on to a voltage source of 60 volt d.c at time t=0
i. Find is , ir as functions of time
ii. Find an expression for magnetic torque as a function of time (Nov 10)
11. i. Derive the expression for the forces developed in electro magnetic system.
ii. All energy conversion devices use magnetic field as a coupling medium rather than electrical field.
Explain why? (Nov 10, Feb 08, Mar 04)
12. In a rectangular electro magnetic relay, the exciting coil has 1200 turns. Cross sectional area of the
core is A = 6 cm × 6 cm. neglect the reluctance of the magnetic circuit and fringing effects. With coil
current kept constant at 2A, derive expression for force on armature as a function of air gap of length
x. Find the work done by the magnetic field when x decreases from 1 cm to 0.5 cm by integrating the
force. (June 10, Nov 08)
13. i. Define field energy and co - energy. Give the significance of coenergy in the derivation of torque or
force in an electro mechanical energy conversion device.
ii. In a rectangular electromagnetic relay the exiting coil has 900 turns of a resistance 1.5 ohm. Cross
sectional area of the core is A=3 c.m2.neglect reluctance of the magnetic circuit and fringing effects.
If the coil is exited with an ac voltage of 50 Hz frequencies, having a peak to peak value of 200 V and
the armature is held at a distance of 1cm, find the average force on the armature.
(June 10)
14. i. Prove that energy and coenergy in a linear magnetic system are given by identical expressions.
ii. A 10 KW, 1500rpm d.c shunt generator has a time constant Lf /Rf of 0.5 sec for its field winding. Under
normal operating conditions, the I 2 fr f loss in the filed winding is 600 watts. Compute the energy
stored in the magnetic field produced by the field winding, under normal operating conditions.
(June 10, Nov 08)
15. i. Describe the principle of energy conversion. From a consideration of the various energies involved,
develop the model of an electro mechanical conversion device.
ii. Show that the torque developed in a doubly excited magnetic system is equal to the rate of increase
of field energy with respect to the displacement at constant currents. (June 10)
16. i. Explain the significance of energy and co-energy with neat diagrams.
ii. In a rectangular electromagnetic relay, the exciting coil has 2000 turns and cross sectional area of
30cm2. Neglect the reluctance of magnetic path, and resistance of the coil. When the coil is excited
with a sinusoidal voltage source of 45V (RMS), 60Hz and armature is held at 1.5cm, find the force on
the armature. (Nov 09)
17. i. What is energy balance equation? Explain the importance of it in electromechanical energy conversion
ii. For an electromagnetic relay, calculate the maximum force on the armature if saturation flux density is
1.6T, cross sectional area is 30cm2 and turns = 1000. Neglect the reluctance of magnetic path and
calculate the current required to obtain a displacement of 0.2mm. (Nov 09)
18. i. Explain the mechanical energy and work done in a singly excited system when actual displacement
ii. In an electromagnetic relay, the exciting coil has 1200 turns. The cross sectional area of the core is
25cm2. Reluctance of the magnetic path may be neglected. Find the inductance of the coil with an air
gap of 1cm. Find the field energy and force on armature if current in the coil is 2 Amp. (Nov 09)
"The one who will be found in trial capable of great acts of love is ever the one who is always doing considerate small ones."
- Author :F. W. Robertson
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
19. i. What is field energy? Deduce the relation between mechanical energy and field energy in a linear
ii. The -i relationship for an electromechanical system is given by =3.5i2/3 lg, where lg is the length of
air gap. Determine the mechanical force on moving part if the current in the exciting coil is 11 Amp and
lg=1mm. (Nov 09)
20. Describe the principle of energy conversion. From the consideration of variousenergies included,
develop the model of an electromechanical energy conversion device. (Nov 08, Mar 06, 03)
21. Show that torque developed in a doubly excited magnetic system is equal to the rate of increase of
field energy with respect to displacement at constant current? (Nov 08)
22. i. What are the significances of energy and co-energy of Energy Conversion system?
ii. Derive expression for the magnetic force developed in linear electro magnetic system.
(Feb 08, Nov 07, May 05, Mar 04, 02)
23. i. Derive the force in a singly excited relay in the linear case.
ii. The magnetizing curve of the iron portion of a cylindrical ironclad solenoid magnet is given in the
following table. The exciting coil has 1100 turns and carries a steady current of 2.5 A. Find direction
and magnitude of electrical energy flow if plunger is made to move from a gap of 0.2 to 1 cm.
(Feb 08)
24. i. Derive the force in a doubly excited system in the linear magnetic system.
ii. The magnetizing curve of the iron portion of a cylindrical ironclad solenoid magnet is given in the
following table. The exciting coil has 1200 turns and carries a steady current of 2.25 A. Calaculate
magnetic field energy and co-energy for an air-gap of 0.3 cm for the linear case.
(Feb 08)
25. i. Show how mechanical energy output can be determined in the doubly excited system in the linear
magnetic system.
ii. A doubly excited magnetic field system has coil self and mutual inductances of L 11 = L22 = 2, L12 = L21
= cos20, where 0 is the angle between the axes of the coils. If coil 2 is shorted while coil 1 carries a
current of i = I m sin wt, derive expressions for instantaneous and time average torques. Find time
average torque when 0 = /4 and I m = 2 sin 314t. (Nov 07)
26. ii. Derive the force in a singly excited relay in the linear magnetic system..
ii. In a rectangular electromagnetic relay excited from a voltage source, the current and flux linkages are
related as i = ( + 2 (1 ? x )2 ); x < 1. Find force on the armature as a function of . (Nov 07)
27. i. What is field energy? What is the relation of mechanical energy and field energy? Relate them in a linear
ii. The magnetic flux density on the surface of an iron face is 1.45 T, find the force density on the iron face.
(Feb 07, Nov 06)
28. i. With the help of energy balance theory, explain the concept of coenergy and mechanical energy.
ii. Two coupled coils have self and mutual inductances of L 11= L22= and L12= 1 - 2x. If I 1= 5Amp and
I2= -2 Amp, find the input energy required to increase x from 0 to 0.5 m. (Feb 07)
"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which,
over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee." - Author :Marian Wright-Edelman
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
29. With the help of neat diagram obtain the expression for the energy stored in a magnetic system for a simple
attracted armature type relay. Explain the operation of system. (Feb 07, Nov 06)
30. i. Show how torque can be determined in the multiply excited linear system.
ii. In a rectangular electromagnetic relay, the exciting coil has 1300 turns. Crosssectional area of thecore
is A = 5cm × 5cm. If the i-ë curve representing themovement of the armature is a straight line,
findexpression for the mechanical energy output and calculate its value when currents ia= 2 A, ib =
1.5 A,corresponding to gaps xa = 1 cm and xb = 0.5 cm respectively. (Mar 06)
31. i. Derive expression for the energy stored in a magnetic field system.
ii. What is the expression for electromagnetic torque developed in a linear electromagnetic system.
(Mar 06)
32. i. What is the torque produced by reluctance motor.
ii. Define energy and co-energy in a linear magnetic system. (May 05)
33. Derive force in a singly excited relay in the non linear case? (May 03)
34. i. Show how mechanical energy output can be determined in the singly excited relay in non linear case?
ii. A doubly excited magnetic field system has coil self and mutual inductances of L 11 = L 22 =2,
L12 =L21=cos2q, where q is angle between axes of coils. If coil 2 is shorted while coil 1 carries a current
of Im = Ö 2 sin 314t, derive expressions for instantaneous and time average torques. If the rotor is
allowed to move, at what angle will it come to rest? Plot the average torque variation with respect to
q and explain your result? (May 03)
35. Explain clearly about singly excited systems and develop expressions for force produced in the system?
(Mar 02)
36. i. What are advantages of analyzing energy conversion devices by field energy concept?
ii. Prove that energy and co energy in a linear magnetic system are given by identical expressions?
(Mar 02)
37. i. State and briefly explain various phenomenon useful for electromechanical energy conversion in
rotating mechanisms?
ii. Energy conversion devices make use of magnetic field as a coupling medium rather than an electric
field .discuss? (Mar 02)
1. a) What are the two functions of a commutator in D.C machines ?
b) Explain the following terms with reference to armature windings of D.C machines:
(i) Pole pitch (ii) Back pitch (iii) Front pitch (Dec 14)
2. a) Explain the methods of improving commutation in D.C generators with the help of neat sketches.
b) A 250kW, 400V, 4 pole d.c generator has 720 lap wound conductors.It is given a brush lead of 3 angular
degrees (mech) from the geometric neutral.Calculate the cross and demagnetizing ampere turns per pole. Neglect the
shunt field current. (Dec 14)
3. a) What is armature reaction ? What are the effects of armature reaction? How the armature reaction is
b) A single turn coil has an inductance of 0.02mH in the commutating zone. Find the value of compensating
field required for obtaining straight line commutation for an armature current of 120A for 4-pole lap wound d.c
machine. (Dec 14)
3. Explain the constructional features of dc machine and principle of operation? (Dec 11)
4. A 6-pole d.c generator runs at 850 r.p.m and each pole has a flux of 12mwb. If there are 150 conductors in
series between each pair of brushes, what is the value of generated e.m.f? (Dec 11)
5. Draw a neat sketch of a d.c generator. State the function of each part and explain the principle of operation
as a motor and generator? (Dec 11)
6. A 4-pole lap-wound dc armature has a bore diameter of 0.7metre. It has 560 conductors and the ratio of pole
a r c / p o l e p i t c h i s 0 . 6 3 . I f t h e a r .m a t u r e i s r u n n i n g a t 6 0 0 r . p . m . a n d t h e f l u x d e n s i t y i n t h e a i r g a p i s 1 . 2 w b / m
Determine the induced emf in the armature if effective length of armature conductor is 20cm.
(Dec 11)
7. i. Discuss the principle of operation of d.c machine as a motor and as a generator?
ii. Derive the expression of emf generated in case of generator from the first principles? (Dec 11)
8. An 8-pole lap-wound d.c generator armature has 960 conductors, a flux of 40mwb and a speed of 400 r.p.m.
Calculate the e.m.f generated on open circuit. If the same armature is wave wound, at what speed must it be
driven to generate 400V? (Dec 11)
10. A 4-pole generator has an induced emf of 262V when driven at a speed of 400rpm. The armature is lap wound
and has 652 conductors, its resistance being 0.15. The bore of the pole shoe is 42cm diameter; the pole
subtends an angle of 600 and is 20cm long. Calculate the flux density in the air gap. (Dec 11)
13. The armature winding of a 4-pole. 250V dc shunt motor is lap connected. There are 120 slots, each
slot containing 8 conductors. The flux per pole is 20mWb and current taken by the motor is 25A. The
resistance of armature and field circuit is 0.1 and 125 respectively. If the rotational losses amount
to be 810W find.
i. gross torque
ii. usefull torque and
iii. efficiency.
(May 11)
14. i. What are the similarities and dissimilarities between lap and wave windings in a D.C machine
ii. A 4 pole lap wound dc armature has a bore diameter of 0.7 metre. It has 560 conductors and the ratio
of pole arc/pole pitch is 0.63. if the armature is running at 600 rpm and the flux density in the air gap
is 1.2 Wb/m2. Determine the induced emf in the armature if e”ective length of the armature conductor
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
17. Design a lap winding for 32 conductors, 4 pole d.c machine. Show also the brush position.
(May 11, 05, Feb 08, Nov 07, 05, Mar 06)
18. i. What are the factors on which the choice of type of armature winding of a dc machine will depend?
ii. A 4 pole dc machine armature with lap connected coils has 72 slots and 6 coil sides per slots.
Determine the winding pitches and connections to 9 equally spaced equalizer rings. (Nov 10)
20. The resistance of the field circuit of a dc shunt generator is 200. When the output of the generator
is 100 KW, the terminal voltage is 500 V and the generated emf is 525 V. Calculate
i. The armature resistance and
ii. The value of the generated emf when the output is 60 KW and terminal voltage is 520 V. (Nov 10)
21. Explain with neat sketches, the difference between progressive and retrogressive windings of a d.c
machine. (Nov 10, May 04)
22. The armature core of a 4 pole DC machine has 31 slots each designed to accommodate 4 coil sides of
a simplex wave winding. The winding has total of 496 conductors. Find (Nov 10, May 05)
i. Total number of coils
ii. Turns per coil
iii. Commutator pitch
iv. Back, front and total pitches and
v. Number of commutator segments
23. Explain the space distribution of main pole flux and armature flux in a dc motor? A 6 pole dc motor has
300 conductors each carrying 80A. flux per pole is 0.015Wb and speed is 1800 rpm. Compute the e.m.f,
power developed in armature and electromagnetic torque if the armature conductors are lap connected.
(June 10)
24. Draw the developed diagram of simple two layer progressive lap winding for 4 pole generator with 12
slots. Each slot containing two coil sides. Indicate the position of brushes. Determine
i. Front pitch
ii. Back pitch
iii. Resultant pitch
iv. The number of brushes
v. The number of commutator segments for the machine. (June 10)
"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you, not because they are kind, but because you are."
- Author :Unknown
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
25. Work out the winding details of 4 pole simplex wave wound dc armature having 21 slots and 4 coil
sides per slot. Draw the sequence diagram for the winding. (June 10)
28. i. Discuss about the various losses taking place in a DC generator. How can they be minimized?
ii. A 12 pole, DC generator has total flux of 0.3 wb and the armature conductors are lap wound with
600conductors. Calculate the generated emf on open circuit when it runs at 500rpm. If the armature is
wave wound, at what speed it must be driven to generate the same voltage. (Nov 09)
29. i. Explain the role of brushes and commutator in a DC machine. Mention the materials used for them.
ii. A 6 pole, DC generator is wave wound. There are 66 slots on the armature surface and 10 conductors
per slot. The current carrying capacity of each conductor is 25A. Find the power developed by the
armature, if the flux per pole is 50m wb and rotated at 500 rpm. (Nov 09)
30. i. Obtain the EMF equation of a DC generator. How the generated EMF of a DC generator can be
ii. The armature of a DC generator is wound with 4 poles. There are 560 conductors wounded in double
layer. The resistance of each conductor is 10 milliohm. Find the resistance of armature and emf
generated, if the flux per pole is 45m wb and the generator is rotated at 350rpm. (Nov 09)
31. i. Distinguish between lap and wave windings? Explain their limitations and suitability?
ii. A DC generator is supplying a load of 700 amperes at a terminal voltage of 300 volts. Find the
resistance of armature conductor when the EMF induced is 320 volts. The machine is with 8 poles,
wave wounded with 48 slots and 6 conductors per slot. (Nov 09)
32. i. In which type of d. c. armature windings do you need equalizer rings? Why?
ii. Derive from first principles the E. M. F. equation of a d. c. generator. (Nov 08, 07)
33. Describe the various parts of a dc machine. Explain fucntion of commutator. Show how the flux flows
in these parts. Enumerate the conditions essential to build up voltage in a dc shunt generator. what
do you understand by the following terms.
i. armature
ii. commutation. (Nov 08)
34. The lap wound armature of a 4 - pole generator armature has 51 slots. Each slot contains 20 conductors.
What will be the e.m.f generated in machine when driven at 1500 r.p.m. If useful flux per pole is
0.01Wb? (Nov 08)
36. What are the ordinary types of armature winding for dc machine? Explain the essential difference
between them and give relative merits and the applications of the two types windings. (Nov 08)
37. An 6 pole lap wound generator armature has 720 conductors, a flux of 30 mwb and a speed of 600 r.p.m.
Calculate the e.m.f generated on open circuit. If the same armature is wave wound, at what speed it be
driven to generate 600 volts? (Nov 08)
38. Give the developed view of a 13 slot, 2 coil sides/slot, 4-pole, D.C. wave winding. (Feb 08)
39. A 4-pole wave connected armature has 51 slots. Draw a developed winding diagram and show the
brush positions. Assume any other data required. (Feb 08, May 05)
40. A 4-pole 32-conductor d. c. machine is to lap wound. Develop the simplex progressive lap winding and
show the windings with brush positions. (Nov 07)
42. An 8 pole DC generator has per pole flux of 40mWb and winding is connected in lap with 960 conductors.
Calculate the generated EMF on open circuit when it runs at 400 rpm. If the armature is wave wound at what
speed must the machine be driven to generate the same voltage. (Feb 07, Nov 06)
43. i. A DC generator is connected with lap winding. The numbers of poles in machine are 6. If the resistance of
each conductor is 2 milliohm and if there are 60 slots with 4 conductors in each slot, find the resistance of
armature.Repeat the calculation if the winding is wave winding.
ii. Explain the terms equalizer rings and dummy coils? With which windings they are related? (Feb 07)
44. The armature of a DC generator is wave wound with 6 poles. There are 56 slots on the armature surface and
6 turns per coil. The armature winding is double layer winding. The current carrying capacity of each
conductor is 45 Amp, find the power developed by the armature, if flux per pole is 45mwb and generator is
rotated at 350 rpm. Find the resistance of armature, if resistance of each conductor is 3 milliohm and hence
find the output power and electrical eciency of machine. Repeat the calculation for lap winding. Compare
the out put power and comment on result. (Nov 06)
45. The armature core of a 4-pole d. c. machine has 31 slots each designed to accommodate 4 coil sides of
a simplex wave winding. The winding has total of 496 conductors. Findi. Total number of coils ii.
Turns per coiliii. Commutator pitch(iv. Back, front and total pitches and(v. Number of commutator
segments. (Mar 06)
46. Explain with sketches, the difference between a progressive and retrogressive winding. Also, explain
why progressive windings are used with lap windings. (Mar 06, Nov 05, May 04)
47. Determine a suitable winding scheme for a 2-circuit, 4-pole winding of a D. C.machine. The armature
slots are 17 and the commutator bars are 51. Give the winding table and use retrogressive type
winding. (Mar 06)
48. Draw the winding diagram in radial for a 4-pole 13-slot simplex wave connected d. c. generator with
commutator having 13 segments. The no.of coil sides per slot is 2. Indicate the position of brushes.
(Nov 05)
49. Give lay out (winding tablv. of a simplex lap progressive winding used for a 44 slot, 4-pole d. c.
armature with 44 commutator segments (Nov 05)
50. Derive from first principles, the emf equation of dc generator? (May 04)
51. A 4 pole , wave wound armature has 230 conductors , 23 commutator segments. Give table of winding
connections, choose retrogressive winding? (May 03)
52. i. A 10kw, 6-pole, dc generator develops an emf of 200V at 1500rpm. The armature has a lap connected
winding. The average flux density over a pole pitch is 0.9T. The length and diameter of armature are
0.25m and 0.2m. calculate
ii. Flux per pole
iii. Total number of active conductors in armature
iv. Torque developed by machine when armature supplies a current of 50A. (GATE 91)
53. A 200V, 10kw lap wound dc generator has 10 poles and 500 conductors on its armature. If the pole face
covers 80% of pole pitch, the pole face conductors required to fully compensate for armature reaction
will be how many conductors/ pole? (GATE 97)
1. a) Define critical field resistance and critical speed of D.C generator.
b) Draw the external characterestics of a D.C series generator. (Dec 14)
2. a) Explain the desirable conditions and parallel operation of D.C compound generators with aneat circuit
b) Two d.c shunt generators are rated 230 kW and 150kW, 400 V. Their full load drops are 3% and 6%
respectively. They are excited to no load voltages of 410V and 420V respectively. How will they share load of
1000A and the corresponding bus voltage? (Dec 14)
3. a) How O.C.C charecterestics of d.c separately excited generator is drawn?
b) The open circuit charecterestics of a d.c shunt generator at rated speed is
If(A) 1 2.5 5 7 9 12 15 18
VOC(V) 22 231 400 479 539 605 642 671
The field and armature resistances are 46Ω band 0.12Ω respectively. Determine the terminal voltage when the armature current
is 360A in two cases:
i) Armature reaction is negligible
ii) 1A field current is needed to counteract the effect of armature reaction.. (Dec 14)
2. ii Develop an expression for the demagnetizing and cross magnetizing armature ampere- turns in a d.c.
ii Estimate the number of turns needed on each interpole of a 6 pole generator deliverinmg 200kW at
200V given number of lap conncted armature conductors are 540, interpole air gap is 1.0cm, flux
density in interpole air gap is ignore the effect of iron parts of the circuit leakage.(Dec-12)
4. Explain the process of commutation in d.c machine and describe the methods to improve it?
(Dec 11)
(Dec 11)
6. i. What do you understand by demagnetizing and cross magnetizing effects of armature reaction in a
d.c machine?
ii. Define commutation. Explain the process of commutation in d.c generators with neat sketches?
(Dec 11)
7. What is armature reaction? Describe the effects of armature reaction on the operation of d.c machine.
How armature reaction is minimized? (Dec 11)
8. i. What do you understand by armature reaction? Explain the concept of demagnetizing and cross
magnetizing armature ampere turns?
ii. A 4 pole dc generator supplies a current of 148A. It has 492 armature conductors lap connected. The
brushes are given lead of 10 0 when the machines delivers full load. Calculate the demagnetising ATs
per pole. If the shunt field winding takes 6 A. Determine the number of extra shunt field turns
necessary to neutralize this demagnetization.
(May 11)
9. i. What is the difference between resistance commutation and E.M.F commutation?
ii. A 2000 kw, 500 V, 16 - pole generator has a lap wound armature with 2360 conductor. Calculate the
number of pole face conductors in each of the compensating winding. Assume that pole faces cover
66 percent of the entire circumstances. (May 11)
12. A 480V, 20 kW shunt motor took 2.5A when running light. For an armature resistance to be 0.6 field
resistance of 800 and brush drop of 2V. Find the full load efficiency. (Nov 10)
13. i. Explain the action of compensating windings in certain dc machines. Show schematically how they
are connected .
ii. A 500 V, wave wound, 750 rpm dc shunt generator supplies a load of 195 A. The armature has 720
conductors and shunt field resistances is 100 ohms. Find the demagnetising ampere turns/pole if the
brushes are advanced through 3 commutator segments at this load. Also calculate the extra field
turns required to neutralize this demagnetization. (Nov, June 10)
14. A 600V dc motor drives a 60 kW load at 900 rpm. The shunt field resistance is 100 and the armature
resistance is 0.16 . If the motor efficiency is 85%, determine:
i. the speed at no-load and the sped regulation.
ii. the rotational loss. (Nov 10)
15. i. How are demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere-turns/pole in a D.C Machines calculated?
ii. Determine AT/pole for each interpole of a 4 pole generator with 88 slots each containing 900 amp -
conductors. The interpole air gap is 0.01 m and flux density in the interpole air gap is 0.3 T. The effects
of iron parts of iron parts of the circuits and leakage may neglected. (Nov 10, 08)
17. i. With the help of neat sketches, explain the effect of armature reaction on the air gap flux in a D.C.
ii. A 300 KW, 500V,6 - pole lap wound DC generator has 70 slots with 12 conductors/slot. The brushes
are advanced through 3.33 mechanical degrees. Find the number of demagnetizing and cross
magnetizing AT/pole. Ignore shunt filed current. (Nov 10)
18. A 50 Kw, 500V, 4 pole generator has a 2 layer simplex lap winding in 48 slots with 12 conductors in
each layer. If the brushes are given an actual lead of 150, calculate
i. Cross magnetizing AT/pole
ii. Demagnetizing AT/pole and
iii. Number of turns per pole on the compensating winding if the pole arc to pitch is 0.7 and brushes are
placed on geometric neutral plane. (Nov, June 10)
19. i. A dc shunt generator gives an open circuit voltage of 240V. when loaded the terminal voltage drops
to 220V.determine the load current in case armature and field resistances are 0.1 and 50 ohms. neglect
the effect of armature reaction.
ii. Why is the resistance of the field winding of a dc shunt generator kept below critical field resistance.
(June 10)
20. i. Define the terms critical resistance and critical speed and bring out their roles in the process of self
excitation of D.C machines.
ii. A separately excited generator has no load voltage of 120V at a field current of 2A, when driven at
1500 rpm. Assuming that it is operating on the straight line portion of its saturation curve, calculate
a. the generated voltage when the field resistance is increased to 2.5A
b. the generated voltage when the speed is reduce to 1400 rpm and the field current is increased to
2.84A (June 10)
21. A 6 pole lap connected DC generator having a commutator ring of diameter 40cm runs at 900 r.p.m the
brush width is 1.7. cm and thickness of mica insulation is 0.2 cm .the load current delivered by the
generator is 116A and the shunt field current is 4A .T he self - inductance of each coils is
0.09mH.Determine the reactance voltage if the commutation is:
i. Linear
ii. Sinusoidal. (June 10)
22. A 4-pole lap wound dc generator delivers a full load current of 400A. It has shunt field current of 12A
and 123 commutator segments in the commutator ring of the machine. If the brushes are advanced by
3 commutator segments on full load, calculate
i. Cross magnetizing AT/pole.
ii. Demagnetizing AT/pole. (June 10, Feb 08, May 05)
24. i. Discuss and derive the cross magnetizing ampere turn per pole. Mention how that effect can be
ii. A 8 pole, wave wound, DC generator has 480 armature conductors. The armature current is 250A.
Find the demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere turns per pole if the brushes are shifted by 6 0
electrical from geometrical neutral axis. (Nov 09)
25. i. Discuss about armature reaction and its effect on the performance of a DC machine.
ii. Calculate the armature demagnetizing and cross-magnetizing ampere turns per pole of an 8-pole
generator having an output of 200A at 500V, the lap-connected armature has 1280 conductors, 160
commutator segments, when the brushes are advanced by 3 segments from the no-load neutral axis.
(Nov 09)
26. i. Discuss and derive the Demagntezing ampere turns per pole. Mention how that effect can be nullified?
ii. What are the causes of sparking in a DC machine? Explain how it can be avoided? (Nov 09)
27. i. Explain the armature reaction in a D.C generator on no-load. Enumerate and explain the method to
overcome the adverse effects of the armature reaction.
ii. A 4-pole 50 KW, 250v wave wound, shunt generator has 400 armature conductors. Brushes are given
a lead of 4 commutator segments. Calculate the demagnetizing ampere turns/pole if shunt field resistance
is 50 ohms. Also calculate extra shunt filed turns/pole to neutralize the demagnetization. (Nov 08)
28. A 4-pole generator supplies a current of 143A. It has 492 armature conductors
i. wave wound
ii. lap wound connected. When delivering full load, the brushes are given an actual lead of 10 0.
Calculate the demagnetizing ampere turns/pole. This field winding is shunt connected and takes 10A.
Find the number of extra shunt filed turns necessary to neutralize this demagnetization. (Nov 08)
29. i. How demagnetizing and cross magnetizing ampere turns per pole are calculated in a DC machine?
ii. Determine per pole, the number of
a. across magnetizing ampere turns
b. demagnetising ampere turns
c. series field turns to balance the back ampere turns in the case of a dc generator having the following
data 6000 conductors, total current 100A, 6 pole wave wound, angle of lead is 10 0, leakage
coefficient=1.3 (Nov 08)
32. Explain the importance of series field, interpole and compensating windings in d.c. compound machine.
(Nov 07, Mar 06, May 05)
33. i. With relevant diagrams, explain the phenomena of commutations in a d.c.machine
ii. Explain what is meant by ‘straight line commutation,’ ‘Accelerated’ & ‘Retarded commutation’.
Discuss the role of interpoles in improving commutation. (Nov 07, 05, May 04)
34. i. Explain about demagnetizing Ampere turn per pole and Cross magnetizing Ampere Turn per pole.
ii. What is the purpose of compensating winding? Explain in detail. (Feb 07, Nov 06)
37. i. Explain the effects of armature reaction in a d. c. generator and discuss briefly the methods to minimize
these effects.
ii. With a neat sketch explain the function of commutator in a d.c. mechine. (Mar 06, Nov 05, May 05)
39. Estimate the number of series turns/pole for a 500KW compound generator required to develop 500V
on load, and 550V at full load, the required ampere-turns per pole being 7900 and 11200 at no load
and full load respectively. The shunt winding is designed to give 500V on load where its temperature
is 200C. Its final temperature on load is 600C. (Mar06)
41. A belt driven dc shunt generator runs at 1500 rpm delivering 10kohm at 220V busbars. The belt breaks,
following which the machine operates as a motor drawing 2kw power. What will be its speed as motor?
Armature and field resistances are 0.25 and 55 ohms respectively. Contact drop is 1V/brush?
(GATE 00)
42. Explain effect of armature reaction on main field flux by using developed view of armature current
sheet and poles of dc machine? Hence outline bad effects of armature reaction?
Discuss resultant flux density waveform obtained above gets modified with the use of interpoles?
(IES 01)
43. Why compensating winding and interpole winding is used in dc machines? (IES 96)
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
1. i. State the applications of d.c shunt motor.
ii. A 240V series motor takes a 40 A and gives its rated output at 1500rpm. Its resistance is 0.3Ω. Find what
resistance must be added to obtain rated torque.
a) at starting b) at 1000rpm. (Dec 14)
2. i. Derive an expression for the electromagnetic torque produced by d.c motor.
ii. A 10 kW, 250V d.c shunt motor takes a no load armaturte current of 6A at rated voltage and runs at
1250rpm The armature circuit resistance is o.3Ω and the field resistance is 50Ω. At rated load and rated voltage,
the motor takes a current of 20A and armature reaction weakens the field flux by 2%. Calculate the full load speed
and the corresponding electromagnetic torque of the motor. (Dec 14)
3. I.Explain different speed control methods of d.c motor. Mention their advantages and disadvantages.
ii. A d.c series motor is driving a fan load where the load torque is proportional to the cube of speed. The
resistance of the armature and field in series is 0.1Ω and the motor Tks 10A and runs at 1000rpm when operating
from a 200V supply. Calculate the value of resistance to be inserted in series with the armature to reduce the
operating speed to 800 rpm. (Dec 14)
1. i Explain experimental determination of critical field resistance for a self excited generator.
ii What are the causes and indication of over load generated? (Dec-13)
2. i What is critical field resistance? How di you calculate the critical field resistance practically?
ii A 20kW,200V shunt generetor has an armature resistance of 0.05and a shunt field resistance of
200Calculate the power developed in the armature when it deliver rated output. (Dec-12)
3. i. Explain the process of building up of voltage in a d.c shunt generators and give conditions to be
satisfied for voltage build up?
ii. What are various possible causes for d.c shunt generator not building up voltage? (Dec 11)
4. A short shunt compound d.c generator delivers 100A to a load at 250V. The generator delivers 100A
to a load at 250V. The generator has shunt field, series field and armature resistance of 130 , 0.1
and 0.1 respectively. Calculate the voltage generated in armature winding. Assume 1V drop per
(Dec 11)
5. i. What are the different types of d.c generators according to the ways in which fields are excited?
Show the connection diagram of each type?
ii. Explain the process of building up of voltage in a d.c shunt generators and give conditions to be
satisfied for voltage build up? (Dec 11)
6. Explain the process of building up of voltage in d.c shunt generator? What is its significance? How
O.C.C. is being drawn for shunt generator? (Dec 11)
7. Distinguish between self excited and separately excited d.c generators. How is self-excited d.c
generators classified? Give their connection diagram? (Dec 11)
8. A shunt generator gives a full-load output of 30kw at a terminal voltage of 200V. The armature and
shunt field resistance are 0.05 and 50 respectively. The iron and friction losses are 1000w. Calculate
i. generated e.m.f
ii. copper losses
iii. efficiency (Dec 11)
10. In a 110 V compound generator, the resistance of the armature, shunt and series windings are 0.06, 25,
and 0.04 ohms respectively. The load consists of 200 lamps each rated at 55 w, 110 V. Find the e.m.f
generated and armature current when the machine is connected:
i. long shunt
ii. short shunt
iii. How will the ampere-turns of series winding be changed if in (i), a diverter of resistance 0.1 ohm be
connected in parallel with the series winding? Ignore armature reaction and brush contact drop.
(May 11)
Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit
of tolerance in the entire population. - Albert Einstein
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
11. i. A separately excited generator when running at 1200 rpm supplies a current of 150A at 125 V to circuit
of constant resistance. What will be the current when the speed drops to 800 rpm if the field current
is unaltered? Armature resistance is 0.05 ohm and the total voltage drop at the brushes is 2V. Ignore
the change in armature reaction.
ii. A short shunt compound generator delivers a load current of 20 A at 220 V and has armature, series
field and shunt field resistance of 0.03, 0.01, and 250 respectively. Calculate the induced emf and
the armature current. Allow 1.0 V per brush contact drop. (May 11)
12. What features of a dc series generator distinguish it from other types of dc generators explain.
(May 11)
13. A 10 kW, 250V dc shunt generator has total no load rotational loss of 400W. The armature circuit
(including brushes) and shunt field resistance are 0.5 and 250 respectively. Calculate the shaft
power input and the efficiency at rated loa. Also calculate the maximum efficiency and the
corresponding power output. (May 11)
14. i. How are the series and shunt windings arranged on the pole of a dc compound machine.
ii. The magnetization curve of a dc shunt generator running at 1000 rpm is as follows:
Field amperes : 0.25 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 2.5 3
EMF ( V ) : 36 72 138 188 225 250 270
a. The value of field resistance to give 240 volts on load .
b. The speed at which generator fails to build up. (May 11)
15. i. Explain in detail how a dc shunt generator builds up its voltage. What limits the voltage to which can
build up?
ii. A series generator delivers 100A at 250V and the resistance of the series field and armature resistance
are 0.055 and 0.1 respectively. Calculate the armature current and generated emf.
(May 11, 10)
16. Draw the connection diagrams for the shunt , series and compound generators and Discuss their
load characterstics. (Nov 10)
17. i. Explain the various possible causes for the failure of build up of voltage in dc generators.
ii. A 6 pole lap wound shunt generator supplies to 100 lamps of 100 watts, 200V each. The field and
armature resistances are 500 ohms and 0.2 ohm respectively. Allowing a brush drop of 1V each brush,
calculate the following
a. armature current
b. current per path
c. generated emf
d. power output of D.C generator (Nov 10)
I pay very little regard...to what any young person says on the subject of marriage. If they profess a disinclination for it, I only set
it down that they have not yet seen the right person. - Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
21. i. Draw OCC of a dc shunt generator and define critical speed and critical resistance.
ii. A dc shunt generator has the following open circuit magnetization curve at its rated speed
Field current ( A ) : 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 3 4
EMF ( V ) : 180 340 450 500 550 570
The resistance of the field circuit is 200 . The generator is driven at its rated speed. Find the terminal
voltage on open circuit. (Use graph paper) (Nov 10, 08)
23. i. Explain with suitable characteristics, the concept of critical resistance and critical speed in a DC
ii. A series generator having combine armature and field resistance of 0.4 ohm is running at 100rpm and
delivering 5.5KW at a terminal voltage of 110V. If the speed is raised to 1500 rpm and load is adjusted
to 10KW, find the new current and terminal voltage. Assume the machine is working on the straight
line portion of the magnetizing characteristics. (June 10)
24. A 50 Kw, 440 V shunt generator having an armature circuit resistance including inter-pole winding of
0.15 ohm at normal working temperature was run as a shunt motor on no-load at rated voltage and
speed. The total current drawn by the motor was 5 A including shunt field current of 1.5 A. Calculate
the efficiency of the shunt generator at 3/4 th full-load. (June 10)
25. i. Write about “build-up of EMF” in self excited generator. Mention the reasons for failure of “voltage-
ii. A 20KW compound generator works on full load with a terminal voltage of 230V. The armature, series
field and shunt field resistances are 0.1, 0.05 and 115 respectively. Calculate the generated emf,
when the generator is connected as short shunt. (Nov 09)
26. i. Illustrate how DC generators are classified based on the “methods of excitation” using neat schematic
ii. A short shunt compound generator delivers a load of 15KW at 200V and through a pair of conductors
of total resistance of 0.1 and armature; series field and shunt field resistances of 0.04, 0.03 and
80 respectively. What is the emf generated? Allow 1.0V per brush contact drop. (Nov 09)
27. i. Define the terms critical resistance and critical speed. Explain their significance in DC generators.
ii. A 100KW, 250V DC shunt generator has 4-pole, lap connected armature with 280 conductors. The
generator is rewound to form two armature circuits with wave connected armature for the same
number of conductors. Calculate the new rating of the machine for voltage, output current and power
if the speed and flux per pole remain as before neglecting shunt field current. (Nov 09)
If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the
unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years. - Bertrand Russell
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
The shunt circuit has resistance of 37 ohms. Find the speed at which the excitation may be expected
to build up. The armature resistance is 0.04 ohm. Neglecting the effect of brush drop and armature
reaction, estimate the terminal voltage when the speed is 1000 rpm and the armature delivers a current
of 100 A. (Nov 07)
34. i. What is critical speed? How do you calculate the critical speed in the laboratory?
ii. What are the conditions to build up of emf in a shunt generator? (Nov 07, 05, May 03)
35. i. Draw the neat graph to show open circuit characteristic of a separately excited DC generator? Why is a
field regulator necessary for this machine.
ii. What is critical speed? Explain the significance of critical speed. (Feb 07)
36. What is critical speed? How do you draw magnetization characteristics in laboratory. (Feb 07, Nov 06)
37. i. Explain experimental determination of critical field resistance for a self excited generator? (Nov 06)
37. i. How do you determine the critical resistance and critical speed in the laboratory.
ii. How do you determine the internal and external characteristics of D.C component generators.
(Mar 06)
39. i. How do you classify the compound generators.
ii. What are the various characteristics of compound generators. Explain them briefly? (Mar 06, May 03)
In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.
- Bertrand Russell
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
1. i. Enumerate the various losses in a d.c machine.
ii. Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a D.C motor. (Dec 14)
2. I.Explain the procedure of conducting a suitable test to separate stray losses in a d.c motor.
ii. A 200V, 41.92kW D.C shunt motor when tested by Swinburne’s method gave the following results.
Running light: Armature current was 6.5A and field current was 2.2A
With armature locked: The current was 70A when a potential difference of 3V was applied to the brushes.
Estimate the efficiency of the motor when working under full load conditions. (Dec 14)
3. a) Discuss the effect of speed and size on the efficiency of D.C machines.
b) Two identical d.c machines when tested by Hopkinson’s method gave the following test results:
Field currents are 5A and 4.2A. Line voltage is 230V. Line current excluding both the field currents is 40A.
Motor armature current is 350A. The armature resistance of each machine is 0.02Ω. Calculate the efficiency of
both machines. (Dec 14)
1. i Sketch and explain the load characteristics of DC generators. Also give their fields of application.
ii Two shunt generator operating at parallel deliver a total current of 250A. One of the generated is rated
50kW and the other is 100kW. he voltage rating of both machine is 500V and have regulations of
6%(smaller one) and 4% Assuming linear characteristics determine (i) the current delivered by each
machine and (ii) terminal voltage. (Dec-13)
3. A 25kw, 250V dc shunt generator has armature and field resistance of 0.06Ù and 100Ù respectively.
Determine the total armature power developed when working
i. as generator delivering 25kw output
ii. as motor taking 25kw input. (Dec 11)
4. Explain what is meant by back e.m.f. Explain the principle of torque production in d.c motor and also
derive the expression of torque? (Dec 11)
5. Draw the connection diagrams for the shunt, series and compound generators and Discuss their load
characterstics. (May 11)
7. Explain the importance of series field, interpole and compensating windings in dc machine.
(May 11)
8. Write short notes on the following: (May 11, 10)
i. Parallel operation of DC generators
9. Two 220 V d.c. generators operate in parallel. One machine has a terminal voltage of 270 V on no-load
and 220 V at al load current of 35 A. The other has a voltage of 280 V on no-load and 220 V at 50 A. The
external characteristics are linear. Calculate the bus-bars voltage and the output current of each
machine when the total load is: (May 11)
i. 60 A
ii. 20 A.
10. i. How will you distinguish between series and shunt windings of a dc compound machine.
ii. A short shunt compound generator delivers a load current of 30 A at 220 V and has armature, series
field and shunt field resistance of 0.05, 0.03, and 200 respectively. Calculate the induced emf and
the armature current. Allow 1.0 V per brush contact drop. (Nov 10)
11. Two short-shunt compound generators A and B running in parallel supply a load current of 140A at
a terminal voltage 100 V. An equalizig bar connects the two machines. The data regarding the machines
Generator A: Ra=0.02 ohm; Rsh=80ohm; Rse=0.02 ohm.
Generator B: Ra=0.05 ohm; Rsh=100 ohm; Rse=0.05 ohm; e.m.f generator B, 105 V.
i. current in series windings
ii. armature currents
iii. current in equalizer
iv. e.m.f generated by generator A. (Nov 10, 08)
14. i. Draw the internal and external characteristics of DC shunt generators and Explain.
ii. Two DC generators operating in parallel supply a total load current of 150A. The terminal voltage of
one machine falls uniformly from 240V on open circuit to 225V when delivering 80A. The terminal
voltage of second machine falls uniformly from 230V to 220V when delivering 80A. Find the current
output of each generator and the bus-bar voltage. (Nov 09)
15. Two DC shunt generators operating in parallel supply a total load current of 200A. The terminal
voltage of one generator falls uniformly from 240V to 225V when delivering 120A. The terminal
voltage of second generator falls uniformly from 230V to 220V when delivering 100A. Find the load
current shared by each generator and the bus-bar voltage. (Nov 09)
16. i. Explain the exact procedure for connecting a shunt generator in parallel with others already supplying
a load.
ii. A shunt generator has external characteristic such that the terminal voltage falls uniformly from 450V
on no-load to 440V when delivering 120A. It is in parallel with a battery of 224 cells each of emf 2V and
internal resistance of 0.02ohm. Find how a load of 400A would be shared.
(Nov 09)
17. i. Explain the necessity of parallel operation of DC generators. Discuss the conditions necessary for
parallel operation of DC shunt generators.
ii. A 100KW, 200V, long-shunt, cumulatively compounded DC generator has equivalent armature
resistance of 0.03ohms, a series field resistance of 0.004 ohms. There are 1200 shunt field turns per
pole and 5 series field turns per pole. The data of magnetization curve at armature speed of 1000 rpm
is given below.
If (A) 0 1 2.2 3.3 42 5.3 7.1
E e(A) 11 33 100 167 200 215 222
Calculate the terminal voltage at the rated current output for the shunt field current of 5A and a speed
of 950rpm. The armature reaction may be ignored. (Nov 09)
19. i. What are the reasons for failure of voltage build up in a self excited D.C generator
ii. A shunt generator is to be converted into a level compounded generator by the addition of a series
field winding. From a test on the machine with shunt excitation only, it to give 400V on no-load and
4.8A to give the same voltage when the machine is supplying its full load of 200A. the shunt winding
has 1200 turns/pole. find the noos series turns required per pole. (Nov 08)
20. Draw the load charectristics of all the D.C generators. (Nov 08)
21. i. Enumerate the principal losses that occur in a DC generator and where appropriate, state the general
form of the physical law upon which each loss depends?
ii. Calculate the efficiency of a self excited DC shunt generator from the following data.
Rating : 10 KW, 250 V, 1000 rpm. Armature resistance = 0.35, voltage drop at brushes = 2V. Winding
and frictional losses = 150 W, Iron loss at 250 V = 180 W Open circuit characteristic:
EMF (V) : 11 140 227 285 300 312
Field current (A) : 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.2 2.4 (Feb 08)
If the above machine works in parallel to supply a total load of 400 KW, determine
i. The load taken by each machine and
ii. The amount by which the open circuit emf of the machine must be raised by field regulation so that the
two machines share the 400 KW load equally? (Feb 08)
I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.
- Oscar Wilde
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
23. A 250V, 50KW shunt generator has 1000 turns on each pole of its field winding. On no load a current
of 3.5A in the field winding produces a terminal voltage of 250V, but on full load the shunt current has
to be increased to 5A for the same terminal voltage at the same speed. Calculate number of series field
turns per pole required for level compounding. (Nov 07)
24. What is the procedure to connect two series generators parallel? (Feb 08, Mar 06)
25. What is an equalizer connection? What is necessity of equalizer connection? (Feb 07, Nov 06)
26. i. Sketch the internal and external characteristics of DC shunt and series generators. What are their fields of
application? (Feb 07, Nov 06)
ii. Discuss the need for parallel operation of generators. Explain the load sharing of DC Shunt generators
operating in parallel. (Feb 07)
27. i. What are the reasons for the parallel operation of DC generators?
ii. What are the conditions necessary for parallel operation of DC shunt generators?
iii. Explain the conditions under which two shunt generators operating in parallel do not share the total load
in exact proportion to the machine ratings. (Feb 07)
28. i. Explain clearly why an equilizer connection makes it possible for two compound generators to operate in
parallel in stable equilibrium.
ii. Discuss the necessity for parallel operation of generators. Explain the parallel operation of DC Series
generators. (Feb 07, Nov 06)
29. Six DC generators are running in parallel, each having an armature resistance of 0.15 ohm, running at the
same speed and excited to give equal induce e.m.f(s). All generators share load equally at a terminal voltage
of 500V. The total load is 360KW. If the field current of one generator is raised by 5% and the speed remains
constant, Calculate
i. New Terminal Voltage
ii. Output of each machine. (Nov 06)
31. A separately excited generator with constant excitation is connected to a constant load. When the speed
is 1200 rpm, it delivers 120A at 500V. At what speed will the current be reduced to 60A ? Armature resistance
is 0.1 ohm. Armature reaction may be ignored. (Nov 06)
Hide not your talents , they for use were made.What's a sun-dial in the shade?
- Benjamin Franklin
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
32. Two d.c. compound generators, A and B with an equilising bar, supply a total loadof 500A. The data
relating to the machine are as follows. Armature resistance, RA = 0.05 ohm, RB =0.03 ohm Series field
winding RSA = 0.02 ohm, RSB = 0.01 ohm Generated emf EA = 463V, EB = 470X. Calculate
i. The current in each armature.
ii. The current in each series winding.
iii. The current in the equilising bar and
iv. The bus-bar voltage. Neglect the shunt currents and state thenecessary assumptions made, if any.
(Mar 06)
33. i. How do you classify the compound generators.
ii. What are the various characteristics of compound generators. Explain them briefly? (Mar 06)
34. What is parallel operation? How do you connect the two shunt generators in parallel.Explain briefly?
(Nov 05)
35. Two d.c. compound generators, A and B with an equilising bar, supply a total load of 500A. The ata
relating to the machine are as follows. Armature resistance, RA = 0.05 ohm, RB = 0.03 ohm Series field
winding RSA = 0.02 ohm, RSB = 0.01 ohm Generated emf EA = 463V, EB = 470X. Calculate i. The current
in each armature. ii. The current in each series winding. iii. The current in the equilising bar and (iv.
The bus-bar voltage. Neglect the shunt currents and state the necessary assumptions made, if any.
(Nov 05)
36. i. Explain the procedure of parallel operation of generators.
ii. Two separately-excited d.c generators are connected in parallel and supply a load of 200A. The
machines have armature circuit resistances of 0.05 ohm and 0.1 ohm and induced emfs of 425V and
440V respectively. Determine the terminal voltage, current and power output of each machine. The
effect of armature reaction is to be neglected. (Nov 05)
37. i. Draw the load characteristics of dc series, shunt and cumulative compound generators and give an
application of each generator?
ii. A long shunt compound generator delivers a load current of 400A at a terminal voltage of 250V.
armature, series and shunt field resistances are 0.04,0.01 and 125ohm respectively. Calculate, generated
emf and power developed in armature? (May 02)
38. i. Shunt generator having drooping characteristics are best suitable for parallel operation. Discuss
ii. Two dc shunt generators with following data are running in parallel emfs: 120V, 115VArmature
resistances: 0.05 and 0.04 ohms Common load: 25kwHow do they share the load? (May 02)
39. What are no load rotational losses in rotating electrical machines? How can these be determined?
(IES 01)
40. Why does the external characteristics of a dc shunt generator turn back as it is overloaded? (IES 01)
41. Two dc generators having rectilinear characteristics operate in parallel. One machine has terminal
voltage of 270V on no load and 220V at the load current of 30A. the other has a voltage of 280V at no
load and 220v at the load current of 30A. calculate output current and bus voltage of each machine
when (i) Total load current is 50A (ii) The load resistance is 10ohm. (IES 00)
42. Find the resistance of the load which takes a power 0.5 KW from a dc shunt generator whose external
characteristic is given by the equation: V = 250 – 2.5 I L (IES 95)
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
- Sir Winston Churchill
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
2. i Explain the how unidirectional torque is a d.c motor. Mention the performance of d.c series motor
when it is started without a load on it.
ii Discuss armature reaction and commutatikon in d.cmotors.
iii A 440V shunt motor has armature resistance of and field resistance is runs at 1000 rpm.
If iron and friction losses amount to 1500W. Find the armature torque and shaft torque when takes a
total current of 200A. (Dec 12)
4. A 250V shunt motor runs at 1,000 rpm at no load and takes 8A. The total armature and shunt field
resistance are respectively 0.2 and 250. Calculate the speed when loaded and taking 50A. Assume
the flux to be constant. (Dec 11)
5. Discuss the different methods of speed control of d.c motor with neat circuit diagram. (Dec 11)
6. A d.c shunt machine, connected to 250V, has an armature resistance of 0.12 and resistance of the
field circuit is 100. Find the ratio of the speed as a generator to the speed as a motor, the line current
in each case being 80A. (Dec 11)
7. Derive an expression for the emf generated in a dc motor? The counter emf of a shunt motor is 227 V,
the field resistance is 160 ohm and field current is 1.5A. If the line current is 39.5 A, find the armature
resistance. Also find the armature current when the motor is stationary. (May 11, 10)
9. A 230V, 1000 rpm dc shunt motor has field resistance of 115 and armature circuit resistance of 0.5.
At no load, the motor runs at 1000 rpm with armature current of 4A and with full field flux.:
i. For a load requiring 80Nm, compute armature current and speed of the motor
ii. If it is desired that motor develops 8kW at 1250 rpm determine the value of external resistance that
must be inserted in series with the field winding. Saturation and armature reaction are neglected.
(May 11)
I am a strong believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
- Benjamin Franklin
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
11. A 7.46 kW, 250V shunt motor takes a line current of 5A when running light. Calculate the efficiency as
a motor when delivering full load output, if the armature and field resistance are 0.5 and 250
respectively. At what output power will the efficiency be maximum? Is it possible to obtain this
output from these machine? (May 11)
12. A 10kW 900 rpm, 400V dc shunt motor has armature circuit resistance (including brushes) of 1 and
shunt field resistance of 400. If efficiency at rated load is 85%, then calculate:
i. The no-laoad armature current,
ii. The speed when motor draws 20A from the mains and
iii. The armature current when the total(or internal) torque developed is 98.5 Nm.
Assume the flux and remain constant. (May 11)
15. A dc series motor drives a fan at 800 rpm and takes 20A. When fed from rated voltage of 230V. The
motor resistance is 0.4. The motor speed is to be raised to 1000 rpm by voltage control. Find the
voltage and current in case magnetic circuit is:
i. saturated and
ii. unsaturated. (Nov 10)
16. Shunt mo tor connected to a co nstant d. c. voltage so urce, d rives a load r eq uiring co nstant
electromagnetic torque. Prove that, if counter e.m.f. E a > (1/2)Vt, the speed decreases with an increase
in flux (or vice-versa) and if E a < (1/2)Vt the speed increases with an increase in flux. Here Vt is the
armature terminal voltage. (Nov 10)
17. A 10 kW, 240V dc shunt motor draws a line current of 5.2A while running at noload speed of 1200 rpm
from a 240V dc supply. It has an armature resistance of 0.25 and a field resistance of 160. Estimate
the efficiency of the motor when it delivers rated load. (Nov 10)
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
- Mark Twain
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
18. i. Draw and explain the Torque-current characteristics of various types of dc motors.
ii. A 220V shunt motor with an armature resistance of 0.5ohms is excited to give constant main field. At
full load the motor runs at 500 rpm and takes an armature current of 30A.If a resistance of 1.0ohm is
placed in the armature circuit, find the speed at:
a. full-load torque and
b. double full-load torque. (June 10)
19. i. Derive the expression for torque developed in the armature of a DC motor. State the factors on which
the torque depends.
ii. A 4 pole, DC series motor has lap connected armature winding with 600 conductors. When fed from
250V, the motor supplies a load of 10KW and takes a line current of 50A. The flux per pole is 0.03 wb
and runs at 3000rpm. The friction and iron losses are 500W. Calculate the armature torque and shaft
torque developed by the motor. (Nov 09)
20. i. Distinguish between motor and generator action. Derive the voltage equation of the DC motor.
ii. A 12 pole, lap wound, 240V motor has 740 armature conductors. The armature resistance is 0.33ohms
and the useful flux per pole is 0.03wb. If the total torque developed by the motor is 150Nm. find the
armature current taken and the speed of operation. (Nov 09)
21. i. Explain the operating principle of a DC motor? Mention how unidirectional torque can be developed?
ii. A 6 pole, lap wound, 240V motor has 740 armature conductors. The armature resistance is 0.2ohms
and the useful flux/per pole is 0.035wb. If the total torque developed by the motor is 130Nm. find the
armature current taken and the speed of operation. (Nov 09)
23. A 20 KW,250 V dc shunt motor has a full-load armature current of 85 A at 1100 rpm.The armature
resistance is 0.18 ohm.
i. the initial torque developed;
ii. the internal torque of the field current is suddenly reduced to 80% of its original value;
iii. The steady motor speed in part assuming the load torque to have remained constant. (Nov 08)
25. A 250v 4 pole shunt motor has two circuit armature winding with 500 conductors.The armature circuit
resistance is 0.25 ohms field resstance is 125 ohm and the flux per pole is 0.02wb.neglect armature
reaction.find the sped and torque developed if the motor draws 14 A from the mains. (Nov 08)
26. i. Develop the general expression for the speed of a motor in terms of supply voltage, armature resistance
and flux per pole.
ii. Discuss the applications of series motors and compound motors. (Feb 08)
27. i. Discuss about ward-Leonard system method of Speed Control of D.C. machines in detail.
ii. In a shunt machine, running at 500 rpm, the hysteresis and eddy current losses are 250W and 150W
respectively. Find the speed at which the total core losses are reduced by 30%. (Nov 07)
28. A 4-pole 250V DC shunt motor has lap connected 960 conductors. The flux per pole is 20mWii.
Determine the torque developed by the armature and the useful torque in Nm when current drawn by
the motor is 32A. The armature resistance is 0.1 and shunt field resistance is 125. The rotational losses
of the machine amount to 825W. Derive the formula used (Feb 08, Nov 07, Mar 06, May 05)
30. i. How does a DC motor automatically adjust input to match the mechanical load on the motor?
ii. Explain armature reaction in DC shunt motors, indicating also a few remedies to its adverse effects.
(Feb 08, Nov 06)
31. i. Differentiate between generator action and motor action of a DC machine.
ii. Explain the applications of DC shunt and series motors with the help of their characteristics and equations.
(Feb 07, Nov 06)
32. i. Define torque. Derive the expression for torque developed by a D.C. motor from fundamentals.
ii. Determine the torque developed when a current of 30A passes through the armature of a motor with the
following particulars: lap winding, 310 conductors, 4-pole, pole-shoes 16.2 cm long subtending an angle of
600 at the centre, bore radius 16.2 cm, flux density in air gap 0.7 tesla. (Feb 07)
Animals do not admire each other. A horse does not admire its companion.
- Blaise Pascal
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
37. i. Explain how the performance characteristics of a d.c. shunt motor can be determined by conducting
actual load test. Draw the model curves.
ii. In a Hopkinson’s test on 200V machines, the line current excluding the field currents was 15 A a n d
motor armature current 115A. The field currents were 5A and 4.2A and armature resistance of each
machine was 0.04 . Calculate the efficiency of each machine allowing 1 V drop at each rush.(Mar 06)
38. A 220V shunt motor takes 60A when running at 800rpm. It has an armature resistance of 0.1. Find the
speed and armature current if the magnetic flux is weakened by 20%, contact drop per brush = 1V.
Total torque developed remains constant. (Mar 06)
40. i. How can you control the speed of D.C. Shunt Motor by using Ward-Leonard system.
ii. A 220V series motor runs at 800 rpm when taking a current of 15A. The motor has an armature
resistance of 0.3 and series field resistance of 0.2. Find the resistance to be connected in series with
the armature if it has to take the same current at the same voltage at 600 rpm. Assume flux is proportional
to current. (Mar 06)
41. i. A 6 pole, 500 V, wave connected shunt motor has 1200 armature conductors and useful flux/ pole of
20 mwii. The armature and field resistances are 0.5 and 250 respectively. What will be the speed and
torque developed by the motor when it draws 20 A from the supply mains? Neglect armature reaction.
If magnetic and mechanical losses amount to 900 W, find
a. useful torque b. output in KW & c. efficiency at this load.
ii. A 230V, 10 H.P. shunt motor takes a full load line current of 40A. The armature and the field resistances
are 0.25 and 230 respectively. The total brush drop is 2V, and the core and friction losses are 380W,
Calculate the effciency of the motor. Assume that the stray load loss is 1% of the rated output.
(Nov 05)
42. i. What is the power flow diagram of DC motor? And explain about losses involved in each stage?
ii. A 4-pole 120KW, 240V, 800rpm wave wound generator has shunt field current of 4A at rated voltage.
The generator has the following data. Armature winding single turn coils Length of conductors
(including over hang) = 0.48 m Number of conductors = 480 : Voltage drop/brush = 1 volt Cross
sectional area of conductors = 25 mm2 Full load temperature = 600C : Commutator diameter = 0.6 m
Specific resistance of copper at 200C = 1.725 × 10-2 /m/mm2 Find
a. Full - load armature copper loss
b. Shunt field copper loss, and
c. Brush contact loss (Nov 05)
43. i. Explain the principle of operation of a DC motor . Derive the equation for the torque developed b y
a DC motor.
ii. Determine the torque developed when a current of 30 A passes through the armature of a motor with
lap winding of 310 conductors, 4 pole , pole shoes 16.2 cm long subtending an angle of 60 deg at the
center, borre radius 16.2 cm , flux density in air gap 0.7tesla. (May 05)
44. A separately excited dc motor has armature resistance of 0.5ohm. it runs off a 250V supply drawing an
Ia=20A at 1500rpm. The torque developed for Ia of 10A will be how much for same field current?
(GATE 92)
45. A 10kw, 240V dc shunt motor draws a load current of 5.2A while running at no load speed of 1200 rpm
from a 240V dc supply. It has an armature and shunt field resistance of 0.25 and 160 ohms respectively.
Estimate efficiency of motor when it delivers rated load? (GATE 93)
46. A 440V, dc shunt motor has a no load speed of 2000rpm. It is running at 1000rpm at full load torque,
reduced armature voltage and full field. If load torque is reduced to 50% of rated value with armature
voltage and field voltage held constant at previous values, the speed increases to 1050rpm. Find the
armature voltage drop at full load? (GATE 94)
47. A 220V, 1.5KW, 859 RPM, separately excited dc motor has an armature resistance of 2.5ohm and it
draws a current of 8A at rated load condition. If field current and armature voltage are fixed at value of
rated speed at rated load, what will be the no load speed of motor? (GATE 95)
48. A 5 KW, 200V DC shunt motor has armature and shunt field resistance of 1 and 100 Ohm respectively.
At no load, the motor draws 6A from 200V supply and runs at 1000 rpm. Find
i. Rotational losses
ii. No load torque (GATE 95)
49. What is the terms air gap power, internal mechanical power, developed and shaft power? How are
these terms related with each other? (IES 01)
51. Explain speed-current, torque- current and speed- torque characteristics of dc series motor? (IES 92)
1. i Explain the flux control and armature control methods of speed control of DC shunt motors.
ii A 220 V d.c shunt motor has an armature resistance of 01.5 ohm and takes an armature current of 40 A
on a certain load. By how much the main flux be reduced to raised speed by 50% if the developed
speed is constant? Neglect saturation and armature reaction. (Dec-13)
2. i What are the diffrent methodss of speed control of a d.c motor? Explain.
ii Explain the operation of a three points starter with a neat sketch. (Dec-12)
3. A shunt generator delivers 50kw at 250V when running at 400 r.p.m. The armature and field resistance
are 0.2 and 50 respectively. Calculate the speed of the machine when running as a shunt motor
and taking 50kw input at 250V. Allow 1V per brush for contact drop? (Dec 11)
4. What are the general methods of speed control of d.c motors and explain them briefly? (Dec 11)
5. A 220-V, d.c series motor is running at a speed of 800 r.p.m and draws 100A. Calculate at what speed
the motor will run when developing half the rated torque. Total resistance of the armature and field is
0.1. Assume that the magnetic circuit is unsaturated. (Dec 11)
6. What are the drawbacks of three-point starter? Describe a four-point starter with a neat sketch?
(Dec 11)
7. Describe the Swinburne’s test with the help of a neat diagram to find out the efficiency of d.c
machine. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of this test? (Dec 11)
.In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
- Kahlil Gibran
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
8. Explain Hopkinson’s test and corresponding circuit diagram and procedure for efficiency calculation
as motor and generator? (Dec 11)
10. A 200V d.c shunt motor, with an armature resistance of 0.1, is running at 1000 r.p.m. and takes an
armature current of 50A. If the field flux is suddenly reduced by 10% obtain:
i. the maximum value of current at this instant and the corresponding torque and
ii. ultimate speed and armature current after the transients are over. Assume constant load torque and
negligible armature inductance. (May 11)
11. A shunt motor fed from a 400 V direct current supply takes an armature current of 100 A when running
at 800 rpm. If the total torque developed remains unchanged, find the speed at which the motor will
run if the flux is increased to 120% of its original value and a resistance of 0.8 ohm is connected in
series with the armature. The armature resistance is 0.2 ohm. (May 11)
12. A shunt wound motor has a field resistance of 400 and an armature resistance of 0.1 and runs off
240V supply. The armature current is 60A and the motor speed is 900 rpm. Assuming a straight line
magnetization curve calculate
i. the additional resistance in the field to increase the speed to 1000 rpm for the same armature current
ii. the speed with which the original field current of 200A. (May 11)
14. Why is a dc series motor used to start heavy loads? A 250 V dc series motor runs at 500 rpm. The shaft
torque is 130 N-m and the efficiency at this load is 88%. Find the current taken by the motor.
(Nov 10)
15. A dc shunt motor, with armature circuit resistance of 0.1, runs at 1600 rpm while taking an armature
current of 100A from 230V dc source. The friction and windage loss is 300W, no-load core losses are
1200W and the total I 2R loss is 2500W. Stray loss equals 1% of the output. Find the shaft torque of
the motor and its efficiency. (Nov 10)
16. A 10 KW, 250 V, dc shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.5 ohm and a field resistance of 200
ohm. At no load and rated voltage, the speed is 1200 rpm and the armature current is 3 A. At full load
and rated voltage, the line current is 47 A and because of armature reaction, the flux is 4% less than
its no-load value:
i. What is its full-load speed?
ii. What is the developed torque at full load? (Nov 10)
17. A 50 KW, 230 V dc shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.1ohm and a field resistance of 200
ohm. It runs on no-load at a speed of 1400 rpm, drawing a current of 10 A from the mains. When
delivering a certain load, the motor draws a current of 200 A from the mains. Find the speed at which
it will run at this load and the torque developed. Assume that the armature reaction causes a reduction
in the flux/pole of 4% of its no-load value. (Nov 10)
18. A 200V dc shunt motor takes 22 amperes at rated voltage and runs at 1000 rpm. Its field resistance is
100 and armature circuit resistance (including brushes) is 0.1 . Compute the value of additional
resistance required in the armature circuit to reduce the speed to 800 rpm: When:
i. the load torque is independent of speed (as in a reciprocating pump).
ii. The load torque is proportional to speed. (June 10)
19. i. With the help of neat sketches, explain torque-speed characterstics of the following DC motors:
a. Series connected
b. Shunt wound.
ii. What are the operating characteristics of dc motors? (June 10)
20. Explain the need and necessity of starters in dc machines. Explain the working of a 3-point starter
with neat diagram. (June 10)
21. i. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of speed control methods of DC
ii. A 500V shunt motor runs at its normal speed of 250rpm. When the armature curent is 200A, the
resistance of armature is 0.12. Calculate the speed when a resistance is inserted in the field which
reduces the shunt field to 80. (June 10)
22. i. Discuss any two methods for speed control of a DC shunt motor in detail.
ii. A DC series motor running a fan at 1000 rpm, takes 50A from 250V mains. The combined armature and
field resistance is 0.6. If an additional resistance of 4 is inserted in series with the armature circuit,
find the motor speed if the field flux is proportional to the armature current. (Nov 09)
23. i. What is the difficulty in starting DC series motors at no load? Explain this with torque-speed relation
of DC series motor.
ii. A 220V, DC shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.5 and field circuit resistance of 220. It
takes a line current of 41A, when delivering full load torque. If it is desired to raise the speed by 50%
with the load torque remaining constant, find the additional resistance to be inserted in the field
circuit. (Nov 09)
26. The speed of a 50 h.p series motor working on 500V supply is 750 rpm at full load and at 90 %
efficiency. If the load torque is made 350Nm and a 5 ohm resistance is connected in series with the
machine, calculate the speed at which the machine will run. Assume the magnetic circuit to be
unsaturated and the armature and field resistance to be 0.5ohm. (Nov 08)
27. A 240V, 50A,800 rpm dc shunt motor has armature circuit resistance of 0.2 ohm. If load torque is
reduced to 60% of its full-load value and a resistance of 2 ohm is inserted in series with armature
circuit, find the motor speed. Armature reaction weakens the field flux by 4% at full load and by 2% at
60% of full load. (Nov 08)
28. A 250V dc series motor has armature and series field resistance of 0.25 and 0.15ohms respectively.
i. Calculate the current for developing a torque of 80Nm at 1200 rpm.
ii. Calculate the percentage reduction in flux when the motor runs at 1800 rpm at half the current obtained
in part (i). (Nov 08)
30. i. Explain about series-parallel method of Speed Control of D.C. Series Motors.
ii. A 500V, d.c. shunt motor takes a current of 5 A on no-load. The resistances of the armature and the
field circuits are 0.22 ohm and 250 ohm respectively. Find
a. The efficiency when loaded and taking a current of 100A.
b. The percentage change of speed. State precisely the assumptions made. (Feb 08, Nov 07)
31. i. What are the different methods of speed control of DC motor? Explain.
ii. A 220V DC shunt motor draws a no load armature current of 2.5A when running at 1400rpm. Determine
its speed when taking an armature current of 60A if armature reaction weakens the flux by 3%. (Assume
Ra = 0.2) (Feb 08, Nov 05)
32. i. A 220V shunt motor takes 60A when running at 800rpm. It has an armature resistance of 0.1. Find the
speed and armature current if the magnetic flux is weakened by 20%, contact drop per brush = 1V.
Total torque developed remains constant.
ii. A 220V series motor runs at 800 rpm, when taking a current of 15A. The motor has Ra = 0.3 and
Rf = 0.2. Find the resistance to be connected in series with armature if it has to take the same current
at the same voltage at 600 rpm. Assume flux is proportional to current. (Feb 08, Nov 07, 05, Mar 06)
33. i. What is a starter necessary for a DC motor / Explain the working of a 3-point starter with the help of
a neat diagram.
ii. Develop the general expression for the speed of a motor in terms of supply voltage, armature resistance
and flux per pole. (Nov 07, May 05)
34. i. A 250V DC shunt motor has a rated current of 120A and an armature resistance of 0.08 ohms. It is to
accelerate a load whose torque is constant and of rated value. The peak current is not to exceed twice
the rated value. Calculate the value of starting resistance and the manner in which it is divided among
several sections.
ii. Explain the design of a starter for a dc shunt motor. (Nov 07)
35. i. The following readings were obtained in a brake test conducted on a DC shunt motor, supply volts =
240V, armature current = 35A, shunt field current = 4A, load on one band = 60 Kgf and load on the
other band is 15 Kgf. Diameter of brake pulley = 0.35m, speed = 1000 rpm. Determine
a. Output torque
b. Horse power output
c. Efficiency
ii. A 200V shunt motor has a 5-step starter. The maximum current during starting should not exceed 40A.
Armature resistance is 0.5ohms. Find the resistance of different steps. (Nov 07)
Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the fr iends we c hoose.
- Tehyi Hsieh
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
36. i. Discuss about ward-Leonard system method of Speed Control of D.C. machines in detail.
ii. In a shunt machine, running at 500 rpm, the hysteresis and eddy current losses are 250W and 150W
respectively. Find the speed at which the total core losses are reduced by 30%. (Nov 07)
37. i. With Neat diagram Explain the construction and working of 4-point starter
ii. A DC shunt motor runs at 750 RPM from 250 V supply and is taking a full load line current of 60 Amps. Its
armature and field resistances are 0.4 and 125 respectively and brush voltage drop is 2V, calculate,
a. The no load speed, for a no load line current of 6 Amp.
b. The value of resistance to be added in series with armature to reduce full load speed to 600 RPM.
(Feb 07)
38. For a Ward-Leonard system two identical 220 V, 15 A DC machines are used. Total armature resistance of
each machine is 0.4 and the magnetization curve for each machine at 1500 RPM is as given below:
39. i. Compare armature voltage control and flux control methods of speed control of DC motor. Enumerate the
advantage and disadvantage of each method.
ii. A 400 V DC shunt motor takes a current of 5.6 A on no-load and 68.3 A on full load. The load current
weakens the field by 3 %. Calculate the ratio of full-load speed to no-load speed, if Ra = 0.18 , brush voltage
drop = 2 V, Rf = 200 . Also calculate the resistance to be added in series with armature to reduce speed to
50% of no load speed in gross torque remains unchanged. (Feb 07)
40. i. A 220 V DC shunt motor, with an armature resistance of 0.1 is running at 1000 RPM and takes an armature
current of 50 A. If the field flux is suddenly reduced by 10%, obtain
a. The maximum value of current at this instant and the corresponding torque.
b. Ultimate speed and armature current after the transients are over. Assume constant load.
ii. Explain the use of diverters in speed control of DC series motors. (Feb 07)
41. i. Explain the ’above normal speed’, speed control of DC motor. How this control is achieved? Explain why
speed is above normal?
ii. A 220 V series motor runs at 700 RPM when operating at full load current of 20 Amp. The motor resistance
is 0.5 . Assume magnetic path is un-saturable. What will be the speed if:
a. Load torque is increased by 44%
b. Motor current = 10 Amp. (Nov 06)
42. i. With Neat diagram Explain the construction and working of 3-point starter
ii. A 2 ? pole lap wound DC shunt motor with 360 conductors operates at a constant flux level of 50mWb. The
motor armature has a resistance of 0.12 and is designed to operate at 240 V, taking a current of 60 A at full
iii. Determine the value of external resistance to be inserted in the armature circuit so that armature current
does not exceed twice its full load value at starting. (Nov 06)
If you have no enemies you are apt to be in the same predicament in regard to friends.
- Elbert Hubbard
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
43. i. With neat diagram explain the construction of mechanical starter used for starting of DC shunt motor.
ii. A 4 kW DC series motor has four field coils. The motor runs at 900 RPM and takes 20 Amp from a 230 V DC
source, when field coils are in series under normal operation. Estimate the speed and current taken by the
motor, if field coils are reconnected in two parallel groups of two in series. (Nov 06)
44. Deduce the expression for the number of steps, No. of studs, and resistance for each step of a 3-point
starter. (Nov 06)
45. i. How can you control the speed of D.C. Shunt Motor by using Ward-Leonard system.
ii. A 220V series motor runs at 800 rpm when taking a current of 15A. The motor has an armature
Resistance of 0.3 and series field resistance of 0.2. Find the resistance to be connected in series with
the armature if it has to take the same current at the same voltage at 600 rpm. Assume flux is proportional
to current. (Mar 06, Nov 05)
46. i. Explain clearly how the direction of rotation of a DC motor can be reversed.
ii. What are the various power stages of D.C.Motor.
iii. One of the two-similar 500-V shunt machines A&B running light and takes 3A. When A is mechanically
coupled to B, the input to A is 3.5 A with B unexcited and 4.5 A. When B is seperately excited to
generate 500 V. Calculate the friction and windage loss and core loss of each machine. (Mar 06)
47. i. What is the power flow diagram of DC motor? And explain about losses involved in each stage?
ii. A 4-pole 120KW, 240V, 800rpm wave wound generator has shunt field current of 4A at rated voltage.
The generator has the following data. Armature winding single turn coils Length of conductors
(including over hang) = 0.48 m Number of conductors = 480 : Voltage drop/brush = 1volt Cross
sectional area of conductors = 25 mm2 Full load temperature = 600C : Commutator diameter = 0.6 m
Specific resistance of copper at 200C = 1.725 × 10-2 /m/mm2 Find i. Full - load armature copper loss ii.
Shunt field copper loss, and iii. Brush contact loss (Mar 06)
48. i. Write a note on series-parallel Speed Control method of D.C. Series Motors.
ii. A 4 pole, 250V, d.c. series motor has a wave wound armature with 496 conductors. Calculate:
i. The gross torque ii. The speed iii. The output torque iv. The efficiency, if the motor current is 50A v.
The value of flux per pole under these conditions is 22 mwb and the corresponding iron, action and
vintage losses totaling 810 w. Armature resistane = 0.19 field resistance = 0.14 (Mar 06)
49. i. Why is a starter necessary for a dc motor? What is the difference between 3&4 point starters?
ii. Calculate the values of resistance elements for a 6-stud starter. The maximum current at starting is not
to exceed 20A for a 200V shunt motor. The armature resistance is 0.5. What is the value of minimum
current? (Mar 06)
50. i. What is the effect of excitation, speed and load on the losses of a DC machine?
ii. A 230V, DC shunt motor is taking 5A when running light (i.e at no loaiv.. The armature resistance
(including brushes) is 0.2 and field circuit resistance is 115. For an input current of 72A, calculate the
shaft output and efficiency. Also calculate the armature current at which the efficiency is maximum.
(Nov 05)
51. A 220 V shunt motor takes 60 A when running at 800 rpm. It has an armature resistance of 0.1 ohm.
Find the speed and armature current if the magnetic flux is weakened by 20%, contact drop per
brush=1V. Total torque developed remains constant. (May 05)
52. A 220 V series motor runs at 800 rpm, when taking a curren of 15 A. the motor has jRa=0.3 ohm and
Rf= 0.2 ohm . Find the resistance to be connected in series with armature if it has to take the same
current at the same voltage a t 600 rpm. Assume flux is proportional to current (May 05)
Hide not your talents , they for use were made.What's a sun-dial in the shade?
- Benjamin Franklin
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
53. A dc series motor draws a load current of 100A from the mains while running at 1000rpm. Its armature
and shunt field resistance are 0.15 and 0.1ohm respectively. Assuming that the flux is corresponding
to a current of 25A is 40% of that corresponding to 100A, find speed of motor whenit is drawing 25A
from 230V supply? (GATE 96)
54. A 200V dc shunt motor takes 20A at rated voltage and runs at 1000rpm. If field and armature resistances
are 100 and 0.1 ohms respectively. Compute the value of additional resistance required in the armature
circuit to reduce the speed ot 800rpm. When (IES 99)
55. A 220V, shunt motor takes 22A at rated voltage and runs at 1000rpm. Its field and armature resistances
of 100 and 0.1 Ohms respectively. Compute the value of additional resistance required in the armature
circuit to reduce the speed to 800rpm. When (IES 93)
i. The load torque is proportional to speed
ii. The load torque is proportional to square of speed
1. i A DC shunt motor, with armature circuits resistance of 0.1 ohm, runs at 1600 rpm while taking an
armature current of 100A form 230V DC source. The friction and windage loss is 300W, no-load losses
are 1200W and the total loss is 2500W.
Stray loss equals 1% of the output. Find the shaft torque of the motor and its efficiency.
ii Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a d.c. machine. (Dec-13)
3. i. Draw the power flow diagram of a d.c generator and d.c motor?
ii. Derive the condition for maximum efficiency? (Dec 11)
4. A 4-pole, 250-V, wave-connected shunt motor gives 10kw when running at 1000 r.p.m and drawing
armature and field currents of 60A and 1A respectively. It has 560 conductors. Its armature resistance
is 0.2. Assuming a drop of 1V per brush. Determine
a) total torque b) useful torque c) useful flux per pole d) rotational losses e) efficiency (Dec 11)
5. i. Explain with neat diagram how field's test can be conducted on pair of identical series machines.
ii. A field's test on two identical machines gave the following data: Motor armature current=60A, Motor
armature voltage=500V, Motor field voltage=40V, Generator armature current=46A, Generator terminal
voltage=450V, Generator field voltage=40V. Armature resistance including brushes is 0.25 ohm for
each machine. Find the efficiency of the machines. (May 11)
6. i. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of speed control methods of DC
ii. A 500V shunt motor runs at its normal speed of 250rpm. When the armature current is 200A, the
resistance of armature is 0.12. Calculate the speed when a resistance is inserted in the field reducing
the shunt field to 80% of normal value and the armature current is 100A. (May 11)
In short, the habits we form from c hildhood make no small difference, but rather they make all the difference.
- Aristotle
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
7. Two windings, one on stator and the other on rotor, has the following parameters
Rs = 2.5 rr = 3 L s = 0.03H L r = 0.12 H M sr = 0.06cos r
Where r is the space angle between stator and rotor winding axes. The two windings are connected
in parallel and the rotor is locked at r = 90 0. With the currents initially zero, the windings are switched
on to a voltage source of 30 volt d.c at time t = 0
i. Find is, ir as functions of time.
ii. Find an expression for magnetic torque as a function of time. (Nov 10)
9. Explain how efficiency is calculated using no-load test. Draw the relevant circuit diagram for the
above test. (June 10)
10. A dc shunt machine while running as generator develops a voltage of 250V at 1000 rpm on no-load.
It has armature resistance of 0.5 and field resistance of 250. When the machine runs as motor,
input to it at no load is 4A at 250V. Calculate the speed and efficiency of the machine when it runs as
a motor taking 40A at 250V. Armature reaction weakens the field by 4%. (June 10)
11. A 10 kW, 240V dc shunt motor draws a line current of 5.2A while running at noload speed of 1200 rpm
from a 240V dc supply. It has an armature resistance of 0.25 and a field resistance of 160. Estimate
the efficiency of the motor when it delivers rated load. (June 10)
It concerns us to know the purposes we seek in life, for then, like archers aiming at a definite mark, we shall be more likely to attain
what we want. - Aristotle
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2013-14 Aurora’s Engineering College
16. The Hopkinson’s test on two similar machines gave the following full load results.
Line current =48A
Line voltage =110V
Motor armature current=230A
The field currents are 3A an 3.5A. Armature resistance of each machine is 0.035 ohms.Calculate the
efficiency of each machine assuming a brush contact drop of 1V per brush. (Nov 08)
17. A 10kW 900 rpm, 400V dc shunt motor has armature circuit resistance (including brushes) of 1ohm and
shunt field resistance of 400 ohm. If efficiency at rated load is 85%, then calculate:
i. The no-laoad armature current,
ii. The speed when motor draws 20A from the mains and
iii. The armature, eurrent, when the total(or internal) torque developed is 98.5 Nm.
Assume the flux remain constant. (Nov 08)
18. A 50 Kw, 440 V shunt generator having an armature circuit resistance including inter-pole winding of
0.15 ohm at normal working temperature was run as a shunt motor on no-load at rated voltage and
speed. The total current drawn by the motor was 5 A including shunt field current of 1.5 A. Calculate
the efficiency of the shunt generator at 3/4 th full-load. (Nov 08)
19. A 200V shunt motor has Ra=0.1ohm, Rf=240 ohm and rotational loss=236W. On full load the line
current is 9.8A with the motor running at 1450 rpm. Determine:
i. the mechanical power developed
ii. the power output
iii. the load torque
iv. the full load efficiency. (Nov 08)
20. i. The following readings were obtained in a brake test conducted on a DC shunt motor, supply volts =
240V, armature current = 35A, shunt field current = 4A, load on one band = 60 Kgf and load on the
other band is 15 Kgf. Diameter of brake pulley = 0.35m, speed = 1000 rpm. Determine
a. Output torque
b. Horse power output
c. Efficiency
ii. A 200V shunt motor has a 5-step starter. The maximum current during starting should not exceed 40A.
Armature resistance is 0.5ohms. Find the resistance of different steps. (Feb 08, Nov 07)
21. i. Outline the steps to estimate the efficiency of given two d.c. machines by conducting Hopkinson’s
test. Draw schematic diagram to illustrate the method.
ii. In a Hopkinson’s test on a pair of 500V, 100KW, shunt generators, the following data was obtained.
Auxiliary supply 30A at 500V
Generator output Current 200 A
Field currents 3.5 A and 1.8A
Armature circuit resistances of each machine 0.075 ohms
Voltage drop at brushes (each machine) : 2 V
Calculate the efficiency of each machine acting as a generator. (Feb 08, Nov 07)
22. i. What are the various methods of finding inertia of a motor? Explain any one method to calculate
inertia experimentally?
ii. A retardation test is carried out on a 1000 rpm DC machine. The time taken for the speed to fall from
1030 rpm to 970 rpm is
I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
- Mark Twain
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
25. i. Explain various losses and their equations, that takes place in DC load shunt compound generator and
short shunt compound motor.
ii. Find the efficiency of long shunt compound generator rated at 250kW, 230V, when supplying 75 % of rated
load, at rated voltage. The resistances of armature & series field are 9m and 3 m respectively. The shunt
field current is 13 Amp. When the machine is run as a motor at no-load the armature current is 25 A at rated
voltage. (Feb 07)
26. i. Explain constant and variable losses. Draw the graph of losses v/s load.
ii. A 60 kW, 250 V shunt motor takes 16 Amp, when running light at 1440 RPM. The hot resistance of the
armature and field are 0.2 and 125 respectively.
a. Estimate the eciency of the motor when taking 152 A.
b. Also estimate the eciency if working as generator and delivering a load current of 151 A at 250 V.
(Feb 07)
27. i. The following readings are obtained when performing a brake test on DC shunt motor. Spring Balances, 08
kgs and 30 kgs. Diameter of drum = 42 cm. Speed of the motor = 1000 rpm. Applied voltage = 220 V. Line
current = 50 A. Calculate out put power and efficiency.
ii. A 500 V DC shunt motor takes a current of 5 A on no-load. The resistances of the armature and field circuit
are 0.2 and 300 respectively. Find, the eciency when loaded and taking a current of 125 A and the
percentage change of speed. (Feb 07)
29. i. Explain the various losses taking place in DC machines. With the help of these losses draw the power
flow diagram for a DC Motor.
ii. A 440 V DC shunt motor takes a current of 3 A. at no-load. The armature resistance including brushes is
0.3 and the field current is 1 A. Calculate the output and eciency when the input current is 20 A.
(Nov 06)
30. i. A DC motor is fed from a constant voltage supply runs at 900 RPM. At this speed hysteresis loss is 70 W
and eddy current loss is 40 W. If the motor speed is increased to 1000 RPM by reducing the flux, calculate
the new core loss. Take Steinmitz’s constant as 1.6 and neglect armature circuit resistance.
ii. Explain dierent iron losses. How these losses can be reduced. (Nov 06)
35. i. By conducting load test, how the torque and efficiency of a D.C. series motor can be determined?
Explain it with a neat circuit diagram?
ii. A 250V, 14.92 KW shunt motor has a max. efficiency of 88% and a speed of 700 rpm. t hen delivering
80% of its rated output. The resistance of its shunt field is 100. Determine the efficiency and speed
when the motor draws a current of 78A from the mains. (Nov 05)
36. i. In case of Hopkinson’s test the efficiency of the two identical machines are not same, why?
ii. In a test on a DC shunt generator, whose full load output is 200KW at 250V,the following figure were
obtained. i. With the machine at rest, a potential difference of 8volts produced on a armature current
of 400A. ii. With the motor running at no load and at rated speed the line current was 36A, the field
current 12A and the supply voltage 250V. Obtain the generatorefficiency at full load and half full load.
(Nov 05)
37. i. Describe a suitable method for determining the efficiency of series motor ?
ii. A test on two coupled similar tramway motors, with their fields connected in series, gave the following
results when one machine acted as motor and the other as a generator. Motor: armature current =56A,
armature voltage=590 V, Voltage drop across field winding =40V.
Generator: armature current =44A, armature voltage=400V, field voltage drop =40 V, resistance of each
armature=0.3 ohms. Calculate the efficiency of the motor and generator at this load. (Nov, May 05)
II-EEE-1 st Sem.-2014-15 Aurora’s Engineering College
38. Explain how the efficiency of d.c series motors can be determined, by conducting field’s test, with a
neat circuit diagram. (May 05)
39. i. Explain why Swinburne’s test cannot be used to determine the efficiency of d.c series machines.
ii. Explain how a swinburne’s test can be used to predetermine the efficiency of a d.c machine, when
used as i. a generator and ii. as a motor. (May 05)
40. i. What do you mean by back-to -back test in case of DC shunt machines? What are the limitations of
this test?
ii. A 220 V series motor runs at 800 rpm , when taking a current of 15 A. The motor has Ra=0.3 ohm and
Rf=0.2 ohm. Find the resistance to be connected in series with armature if it has to take the same
current at the same voltage a t 600 rpm . Assume flux is proportional to current. (May 05)
41. i. Discuss in detail, the different types of losses taking place in a dc machine?
ii. What do you mean by power stages? Also explain
a. Electrical efficiency
b. Mechanical efficiency
c. Commercial efficiency (May 04)
42. i. Explain with neat sketch how can you find the efficiency of small dc motor with brake test?
ii. The Hopkinson’s test on two shunt machines gave the following results for full load. The supply
current was 15A at 200V. the generator output current was 85A. the field currents for motor and
generator were 2.5A and 3A respectively. The armature resistance of each machine was 0.05ohm. find
the efficiency of each of the machines under above loading conditions? (May 04)
45. i. Explain swinburne’s test of finding the performance of dc machine working as a motor. What are
advantages and disadvantages?
ii. Write a note on brake test on dc motor? (May 03)
46. i. What is effect of excitation, speed and load on the losses of a dc machine?
ii. A 230V, dc shunt motor is taking 5A when running light(ie at no load. The armature and field resistances
are 0.2 and 115ohms respectively. For an input current of 72A, calculate the shaft output and efficiency.
Also calculate the armature current at which the efficiency is maximum? (May 03)
47. i. How can you conduct the retardation test on dc shunt motors?
ii. A field test on two mechanically coupled dc series motors( with their field windings connected in
series) gave the following date; motor: armature current – 50A, armature voltage-500V, drop across
field winding-38V (May 03)
(Answer to the point. Do not write unwanted information and avoid paper filling-Answer all
questions-In case of any difficulty, the Faculty may be consulted)
1. Explain the working principle of a 3 point starter and also the protection features.
2. How is the speed of the DC shunt motor controlled? Discuss in detail the speed control
and reversal of rotation of a DC shunt motor using Ward- Leonard system.
3. Explain why a series motor cannot be started at no load based on its speed- Torque
4. A 440 Volts DC shunt motor which runs at 1000 RPM has an armature and field
resistances of 0.8Ωand 220 Ω respectively. The iron and frictional losses amount to 1500
watts. Find the armature torque and shaft torque when it draws a total current of 200
Amps from the supply.
10 DC Motors Principle Flemings left hand rule L32 T2-Ch4, R2-Ch4 GATE
of Operations
Lenz’s law R7-Ch6 IES
Back emf –Torque
equation Motor Torque production
Effects of armature reaction L36 T2-Ch4, R2-Ch4
Methods of commutation
12 Speed control of D.C Armature control and field L38 R2-Ch4, R3-Ch7 GATE
Motors, Armature control of shunt motors
voltage and field flux R7-Ch7 IES
control methods
Speed control of series motor by L39 R2-Ch4, R3-Ch7
Ward –Leonard diverted field , tapped field and
series parallel control R7-Ch7
system of speed
Ward Leonard method of speed L40 R2-Ch4, R3-Ch7
Disadvantages and advantages
of the system