Impulse Response and Its Properties of Various LTI Systems
Impulse Response and Its Properties of Various LTI Systems
Impulse Response and Its Properties of Various LTI Systems
For discrete time the representation takes the form of the convolution sum, while
it’s continuous time counterpart is the convolution integral.
For Discrete time:
y[n]= x[n]*h[n] = ∑ x[k] h[n-k]......................(1)
From above expressions we can conclude that the characteristics of an LTI system are
completely determined by its impulse response.
In continuous Time: +∞
x(t)*h(t)=h(t)*x(t)= ∫-∞ h(τ) x(t-τ)dτ
From the above expressions, the output of an LTI system with input x[n] and unit
impulse response h[n] is identical to the output of an LTI system with input h[n] and unit
impulse response x[n]. Similarly, the output of an LTI system with input x(t) and unit
impulse response h(t) is identical to the output of an LTI system with input h(t)and unit
impulse response x(t).
x(t) h1(t)+h2(t)
y(t) y(t)
(a) (b)
The two systems with impulse responses h1(t) and h2(t), have identical inputs and
their outputs are added. So,
y1(t) =x(t)*h1(t)
From the block diagram shown, an interpretation of the associative property can
be illustrated. In the Figure (a)
In the figure (b)
x[n] y[n]
According to the associative property, the series interconnection of the two
systems in fig(a) is equivalent to the single system in fig(b).This can be generalized to an
arbitrary number of LTI systems in cascade. This interpretation and conclusion also hold
in continuous time. From Figures we can conclude that the impulse response of the
cascade of two LTI systems is the convolution of their individual impulse responses.
The unit impulse response of a cascade of two LTI systems does not depend on the order
in which they are cascaded. The order in which they are cascaded does not matter as far
as the overall system impulse response is concerned.
Where K=h[0] is a constant and the convolution sum reduces to the relation
If a discrete time LTI system has an impulse response h[n] that is not identically
zero for n#0, then system has memory.
A continuous time LTI system is memoryless if h(t)=0 fot t#0 and such a
memoryless LTI system has the form
For some constant K and has the impulse response
Let LTI system is apply with unit impulse response h (t), then using convolution sum, we
obtain an expression for the magnitude of the output.i.e
│y(t)│=│ ∫-∞ h(τ)x(t-τ) dτ│.............(ii)
Since the maginitude of the sum of a set of numbers in no larger than the sum of
the magnitudes of the numbers, hence,
│y(t)│≤ ∫-∞ │ h(τ)││x(t-τ) │dτ................(iii)
From eq.(i),│x(t-τ)│<B for all values of t and τ.also from eq.(iii), we get,
│y(t)│ ≤ B∫-∞│h(τ)│dτ...........................(iv)
Hence the system is stable if the impulse response is absolutely integrable, i.e., if
∫-∞│h(τ)│dτ <∞
Similarly, for discrete time system,
│x[n]│<B for all n
Then in analogy with eq. (i)-(iv), we have,
│y[n]│=│∑ h[k] x[n-k]│
≤ ∑│h[k] ││x[n-k]│
≤ B ∑│h[k] │
Therefore the system is stable if the impulse response is absolutely summable, i.e. if
∑ │h[k] │ < ∞
Invertibilty of LTI system:
A system is invertible only if an inverse system exists when connected in series
with the original system and produces an output equal to the input to the first system.
Consequently, if LTI system is invertible then it has an LTI inverse.
Let us consider a continuous time system shown in the figure below with impulse
response h1(t) which results in x(t) such that series interconnection in figure(a) is identical
to the identity system in figure(b).
Hence, for continuous time LTI system, the impulse response h1(t) of the inverse system
for an LTI system with impulse response h(t) if,
Similarly, for discrete time system,