Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cheat Sheet PDF
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cheat Sheet PDF
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cheat Sheet PDF
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• VSM Value Stream Mapping
• TAKT Time
• Batch Size
• SMED Singe Minute Exchange of Die
• Theory of Constraints
• TPM Total Productive Maintenance
• Sample Size Calculator
• Single lot Sampling
• Dual lot Sampling
• Continuous Sampling
• Stratified Sampling
• Random Sampling
• MSA Measurement System Analysis
• Kappa MSA
• Statistics Error Types
• Hypothesis Testing
• Pearson Correlation Co-efficient
• Central Limit Theorem
• FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
• Attribute vs. Variable Data
• Control Charts
• VOC Voice Of the Customer
• Control Limits
• Process Capability
• Control plan
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VSM Value Stream Mapping
• Value Stream Mapping is a tool used to understand a process and how much
value-added and non-value added time is spent on and between each activi-
• The VSM will include a data box of key statistics, such as:
• Often referred to as the rate of customer demand.
• It is how often a product needs to be completed to meet customer demand.
• Formula = Effective Working Time / Average Customer Demand (for that time
Batch Size
• To keep this explanation lean I’ll just write that moving to batch sizes of one
generally reduces cycle time and improves throughput.
• SMED stands for Single Minute Exchange of Die, and covers the techniques
for obtaining a changeover time of less than 10 minutes (a single digit num-
ber of minutes).
• Basically, the SMED methodology consists of 6 steps:
◊◊ observe the current changeover process
◊◊ identify internal and external activities
◊◊ convert activities from internal to external setup
◊◊ increase efficiency of the remaining internal activities
◊◊ optimize the Startup time
◊◊ increase efficiency of external activities
Theory of Constraints
• The underlying assumption of Theory of Constraints is that organizations can
be measured and controlled by variations on three measures: Throughput,
Operating Expense, and Inventory.
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• Throughput is money (or goal units) generated through sales. Operating Ex-
pense is money that goes into the system to ensure its operation on an on-
going basis. Inventory is money the system invests in order to sell its goods
and services.
• Theory of Constraints is based on the premise that the rate of goal achieve-
ment is limited by at least one constraining process. Only by increasing flow
through the constraint can overall throughput be increased. Assuming the
goal of the organization has been articulated (e.g.,“Make money now and in
the future”) the steps are:
◊◊ Autonomous Maintenance
◊◊ Focused Improvement
◊◊ Education and Training
◊◊ Planned Maintenance
◊◊ Quality Maintenance
◊◊ Early Management and Initial Flow Control
◊◊ Safety, Hygiene and Pollution Control
◊◊ Administrative and Office TPM
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Sample Size Calculator
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MSA Measurement System Analysis
• A Measurement System Analysis, abbreviated MSA, is a specially designed
experimentthat seeks to identify the components of variation in the mea-
• Since analysis of data is key to lean six sigma ensuring your data is accurate
is critical. That’s what MSA does – it tests the measurements used to collect
your data.
• Common tools and techniques of Measurement Systems Analysis include:
calibration studies, fixed effect ANOVA, components of variance, Attribute
Gage Study, Gage R&R, ANOVA Gage R&R, Destructive Testing Analysis and
others. The tool selected is usually determined by characteristics of the mea-
surement system itself.
◊◊ Gage R & R
• ANOVA Gauge R&R measures the amount of variability in-
duced in measurements that comes from the measurement
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Kappa MSA
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Statistics Error Types
Hypothesis Testing
• When to use what test: (The Six Sigma Memory Jogger II p 144)
• If comparing a group to a specific value use a 1-sample t-test (The Lean
Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook p 162)
◊◊ Tells us if a statistical parameter (average, standard deviation, etc.)
is different from a value of interest.
◊◊ Hypothesis takes the form Ho: µ = a target or known value
◊◊ This is best calculated using a template or software package. If
needed the formula can be found in the reference.
• If comparing 2 independent group averages use a 2-sample t-test (The
Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook p 163)
◊◊ Used to determine if the means of 2 samples are the same.
◊◊ Hypothesis takes the form Ho: µ1 = µ2
• If comparing 2 group averages with matched data use Paired t-test
◊◊ The number of points in each data set must be the same, and they
must be organized in pairs, in which there is a definite relationship
between each pair of data points
◊◊ If the data were taken as random samples, you must use the inde-
pendent test even if the number of data points in each set is the
◊◊ Even if data are related in pairs, sometimes the paired t is still in-
◊◊ Here’s a simple rule to determine if the paired t must not be used
- if a given data point in group one could be paired with any data
point in group two, you cannot use a paired t test
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• If comparing multiple groups use ANOVA (The Lean Six Sigma Pocket
Toolbook p 173)
◊◊ Hypothesis takes the form Ho: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = …
The smaller the p-value the more likely the groups are different.
• The statistic is defined as the sum of the products of the standard scores of
the two measures divided by the degrees of freedom Based on a sample of
paired data (Xi, Yi), the sample Pearson correlation coefficient can be calcu-
lated as:
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• The central limit theorem states that as the sample size n increases, the-
distribution of the sample average of these random variables approaches
the normal distribution with a mean µ and variance σ2 / n irrespective of
the shape of the original distribution.
• By using the central limit theorem we can apply tools that require a
normal distribution even when the distribution of the population is
non-normal. However, be careful when interpretingresults if you use the
CLT to analyze averages rather than samples from the direct population.
Remember your analysis is based on averages which can be dangerous.
In many cases it’s safer to find a tool that doesn’t require normally dis-
tributed data when analyzing non-normal data.
• • Applying CLT to data analysis:
◊◊ Take 10 data points from the distribution & average them. Then
take 29 other samples of 10 data points averaged. Then use these 30
data averaged data points to do your analysis. This converts your
data from its original distribution to a normal distribution.
◊◊ As long as n (sample size) is large enough, the sampling distri-
bution will be normal and the mean will be representative of the
population mean μ.
◊◊ No matter what the parent looks like the child will look rea-
sonably normal by 30!
◊◊ Formulas:
• Sampling distribution for the mean has SD = σ / √n
• For variables data, applying the 95% rule we expect μ to lie in
the interval:
• 95% Confidence Interval for the Population Mean =
• Sample size: h (maximum error allowed) =
• Attribute data:
• 95% Confidence Interval for the Population Pro-
portion =
• Sample size: ( )
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Attribute vs. Variable Data
• Different Tools are best able to handle different types of date (for example
control charts).
• For six sigma data analysis Discrete or Attribute data is considered the same
thing. Discrete data is any data not quantified on an infinitely divisible nu-
merical scale. Discrete data has boundaries and includes any number that
must be an integer. Discrete examples include day of the week; hour of the
day; age in years; counts; income; an non-numeric translated to a numeric
value (i.e.: good/bad, on-time/not on-time, pass/fail, primary colors, eye col-
or, grade, method).
• Variable or Continuous data is any data on a continuous scale. Examples in-
clude length,diameter, temperature, weight, time.
Control Charts
• A Control Chart is simply a run chart with statistically based limits.
• Within the subject of control charts Voice of the Customer (VOC) is the cus-
tomer requiredspecifications or the Upper Spec Limit (USL) and Lower Spec
Limit (LSL).
• The Voice of the Process is the Upper Control Limit (UCL), and Lower Control
Limit (LCL). It is 3 standard deviations from the process mean and is what the
process will deliver (99.7% of the time).
• When to use what chart:
◊◊ Variable Individual data: use XmR or I or mR (use moving range to mea-
sure control)
• XmR or I
◊◊ Called XmR since we use the Moving Range relative to X
◊◊ Also called I since it is based on Individual data
◊◊ This chart will work for virtually any situation
◊◊ K = # of subgroups
◊◊ Avg(X) = ∑X/k
◊◊ Rm = | (Xi+1 – Xi) |
◊◊ Avg (Rm) = ∑R/(k-1)
◊◊ E2 is based on sample size & is in a table in the reference
◊◊ UCL = avg(X) +E2 * Avg (Rm)
◊◊ LCL = avg(X) +E2 * Avg (Rm)
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• mR
◊◊ K = # of subgroups
◊◊ Avg(X) = ∑X/k
◊◊ Rm = | (Xi+1 – Xi) |
◊◊ Avg (Rm) = ∑R/(k-1)
◊◊ D3 & D4 are based on sample size & is in a table in the refer-
◊◊ UCL = D4 * Avg (Rm)
◊◊ LCL = D3 * Avg (Rm)
◊◊ Variable data of group sizes 2-10: use Xbar & R (use range to measure con-
• Xbar
◊◊ K = # of subgroups
◊◊ Avg(X) = Avg of X for subgroup k
◊◊ Avg(Avg(X)) = ∑Avg(X)/k
◊◊ Avg (R) = ∑R/k
◊◊ A2 is based on sample size & is in a table in the reference
◊◊ UCL = Avg(Avg(X)) + A2 * Avg(R)
◊◊ LCL = Avg(Avg(X)) – A2 * Avg(R)
• R
◊◊ K = # of subgroups
◊◊ Avg (R) = ∑R/k
◊◊ D4 & D3 are based on sample size & is in a table in the refer-
◊◊ UCL = D4 * Avg (R)
◊◊ LCL = D3 * Avg (R)
◊◊ Variable data of group sizes 10 or more: use Xbar & S (use standard devi-
ation to measure control)
◊◊ Xbar
◊◊ K = # of subgroups
◊◊ Avg(X) = Avg of X for subgroup k
◊◊ Avg(Avg(X)) = ∑Avg(X)/k
◊◊ Avg (s) = ∑s/k
◊◊ A3 is based on sample size & is in a table in the reference
◊◊ UCL = Avg(Avg(X)) + A3 * Avg(s)
◊◊ LCL = Avg(Avg(X)) – A3 * Avg(s)
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◊◊ S
◊◊ K = # of subgroups
◊◊ Avg (s) = ∑s/k
◊◊ B3 & B4 are based on sample size & is in a table in the
◊◊ UCL = B4 * Avg(s)
◊◊ LCL = B3 * Avg(s)
• Note: Defect data is a failure to meet one of the acceptance criteria;
Defective data is when an entire unit fails to meet acceptance criteria. A
defective unit may have multiple defects.
• Attribute Defect Data Constant sample size: use C
◊◊ C
◊◊ c = number of defects for each subgroup
◊◊ k = # of subgroups
◊◊ avg (c) = ∑c/k
◊◊ UCL = avg (c) + 3√avg (c)
◊◊ LCL = avg (c) - 3√avg (c)
• Attribute Defect Data Variable sample size : use U
• U
• u = c/n for each subgroup
• avg (u) = ∑c/∑n
• UCL = avg (u) + 3√(avg (u)/n)
• LCL = avg (u) + 3√(avg (u)/n)
• Attribute Defective Data Constant sample size: use nP for number defec-
• nP
◊◊ most reliable when sample size greater than 50
◊◊ np = # defective units for each subgroup
◊◊ k = # of subgroups
◊◊ avg (np) = ∑np/k
◊◊ UCL = avg (np) + 3√[avg(np) * {1- avg(p)}]
◊◊ LCL = avg (np) - 3√[avg(np) * {1- avg(p)}]
◊◊ Attribute Defective Data Variable sample size: use p for fraction defective
• P
◊◊ most reliable when sample size greater than 50
◊◊ p = np/n = % defective units for each subgroup
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◊◊ § avg(p) = ∑np/∑n
◊◊ UCL = avg (p) + 3√([avg(np) * {1- avg(p)}]/n)
◊◊ LCL = avg (p) - 3√([avg(np) * {1- avg(p)}]/n)
◊◊ Process is known to be in control & want to examine small shifts: use
• CUSUM (CUmulative SUM chart)
◊◊ The Cusum chart can detect process shifts more rapidly than
the XmR or XbarR. If a trend develops, it’s evidence that the
process has shifted.
◊◊ To compute:
• n = number of data points
• Avg(x) = ∑X/n
• S(i) = Cumulative Sum of the difference between the
current value and the average.
• The cumulative sum is not the cumulative sum of the-
values. Instead it is the cumulative sum of differences-
between the values and the average. Because the aver-
age is subtracted from each value, the cumulative sum
also ends at zero.
• If S(i) is positive or negative for more than a few points
in a row it is an indication there may be a change in
the process.
• EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average)
◊◊ The Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) is a
statistic for monitoring the process that averages the data
in a way that gives less and less weight to data as they are
further removed in time.
◊◊ EWMAt = λYt + ( 1-λ ) EWMAt-1 for t = 1, 2, ..., n.
• EWMA0 is the mean of historical data (target)
• Yt is the observation at time t
• n is the number of observations to be monitored in-
cluding EWMA0
• 0 < λ < 1 is a constant that determines the depth of
memory of the EWMA.
• The parameter λ determines the rate at which ‘older’
data enter into the calculation of the EWMA statistic.
A value of λ = 1 implies that only the most recent mea-
surement influences the EWMA (degrades to Shewhart
chart). Thus, a large value of λ = 1 gives more weight to
recent data and less weight to older data; a small val-
ue of λ gives more weight to older data. The value of is
usually set between 0.2 and 0.3 (Hunter) although this
choice is somewhat arbitrary.
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• s2 ewma = ( λ/(2- )) s2
• The center line for the control chart is the target value
or EWMA0. The control limits are:
◊◊ UCL = EWMA0 + ksewma
• • LCL = EWMA0 - ksewma
• where the factor k is either set equal 3 or chosen using
the Lucas and Saccucci (1990) tables. The data are as-
sumed to be independent and these tables also assume
a normal population.
• See control charts above. Control Limits are the ‘voice of the process’ and
based on the
• standard deviation and variability of the process.
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• Short-Term Capability indices:
◊◊ Used if long-term data is not available or if process has changed recently.
◊◊ Uses short term process variation to determine process capability
◊◊ Cp tells you if the process is capable: If Cp > 1 then the process is capable
(the process spread fits within tolerance). While Cpk also tells you if the
process is centered; if Cpk < 1 while Cp > 1 then the process is not centered
and should first be centered.
◊◊ Cp
• The ratio of customer-specified tolerance to 6 standard deviations
of the short-term process variation.
• Gives an indication of what the process could perform to if the
mean of the data was centred between the specification limits.
• Sometimes referred to as process potential
• Formula: Cp = USL - LSL / 6sMR
◊◊ Cpk
• The ratio of the distance between the process average and the
closest specification limit to 3 standard deviations of short term
process variation.
• More realistic measure of process than Cp because it uses data
• Formula: Cpk = min{USL- x/3sMR, x- LSL/3sMR}
• Long Term Capability indices:
◊◊ Used if long-term data available & representative of the current process.
◊◊ Uses long-term process standard variation
◊◊ Pp
• The ratio of customer-specified tolerance to 6 standard deviations
of the long-term process variation.
• Gives an indication of what the process could perform to if the
mean of the data was centred between the specification limits.
• Sometimes referred to as process potential
• Formula: Pp = USL - LSL / 6s
◊◊ Ppk
• The ratio of the distance between the process average and the clos-
est specification limit to 3 standard deviations of long term process
• More realistic measure of process than Pp because it uses data
• Formula: Ppk = min { USL - x /3s, x - LSL/3s }
Process Capability (The Black Belt Memory Jogger p 95)
• The control plan is the plan used to control the process. Within six sigma it
is used in the control phase & after project closure to ensure project improve-
ments are sustained.
• There a various control plan templates, but what needs to be captured is
what is being measured; how it is used, what sampling method is used, who
owns the control chart, where it is located, and what conditions constitute
loss of control or improvement that require corrective action.
• Usually Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk (see process capability above) are measured as
part of the control plan, and often process control charts (see control charts
above) are the key control chart used.
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