DHB7 - 13 2 34 PDF
DHB7 - 13 2 34 PDF
DHB7 - 13 2 34 PDF
components in any plane, or the distance between adjacent be developed with the practical limitations of dimensional
components, or the distance between a component and a control in mind, as the tolerances will affect the dimensions
defined point or plane. of the completed structure.
Setup. The process of preparing molds or forms for casting, Tolerances are required for the following reasons:
including installation of materials (reinforcement and hard- • Structural — To ensure that the structural design
ware) prior to the actual placing of concrete. The setup process accounts for factors that are sensitive to variations in
is second only to the mold or form construction in its import dimension and plumbness. Examples include eccen-
ance in the achievement of specified component tolerances. tric loadings, bearing areas, and locations of rein-
Shrinkage. The volume change in concrete caused by drying forcement and embedded items.
that normally occurs during its curing and initial life. The expected • Feasible — To ensure acceptable performance of
shrinkage must be subtracted from the form setup dimensions to joints and interfacing materials in the finished struc-
determine the as-cast dimensions of a component. ture.
Smoothness. The absence of local irregularity or rough- • Visual — To ensure that the variations will be con-
ness. It does not refer to the overall shape of the component. trollable and will result in an acceptable-looking
Specially finished structural precast concrete. A com- structure.
ponent fabricated using forms and techniques common to the • Economical — To ensure ease and speed of produc-
production of structural components and having specified tion and erection.
surface finishes that require uniformity and detailing more • Legal — To avoid encroaching on property lines and
demanding than the typical requirements for structural com- to establish a standard against which the work can be
ponents. See Chapter 14, Section 14.2.3 of this handbook for compared.
PCI plant certification categories. • Contractual — To establish an acceptability range 13
Sweep. An overall variation in a component’s horizontal and also to establish responsibility for developing
alignment. This can sometimes be caused by horizontally and maintaining specified tolerances.
eccentric prestress in narrow components.
13.1.3 Responsibility
Tipping. The offset relationship of an embedded plate
from one edge to another. While the responsibility for specifying and maintaining
Tolerance. The specified permissible deviation from spec- tolerances of the various elements of construction may vary
ified requirements such as dimensions, location, and align- among projects, it is important that these responsibilities be
ment. Examples are: clearly assigned. The conceptual design phase of a precast
• the permitted deviation from a basic dimension or concrete project is the time to begin considering dimensional
quantity, as in the length, width, and depth of a com- control. The established tolerances or required performance
ponent; should fall within generally accepted industry ranges and
• the range of variation permitted in maintaining a should not be made more restrictive than necessary.
basic dimension, as in an alignment tolerance; and Once the tolerances have been specified, and connections
• a permitted variation from location or alignment. that consider those tolerances have been designed, the pro-
Tolerances, erection. Those allowable deviations in dimen- duction and erection of the components must be organized to
sions of a component’s placement in the completed structure ensure tolerance compliance.
required for acceptable layout and placement of precast con- A quality control program that emphasizes dimensional
crete components after they are erected. control is necessary. Likewise, an erection quality assurance
Tolerances, interfacing. Those allowable deviations in program that includes a clear definition of responsibilities
dimensions associated with other materials or systems in will aid in ensuring that the products are assembled in accor-
contact with or in close proximity to the precast concrete. dance with the specified erection tolerances.
Tolerances, product. Those allowable deviations Responsibility should include dimension verification and
in dimensions relating to individual precast concrete adjustment, if necessary, of both precast concrete compo-
components. nents and any interfacing structural elements.
Warping. Twisting of a component, resulting in overall
13.1.4 Tolerance Acceptability Range
out-of-plane curvature of surfaces characterized by all edges
being non-parallel. Warping is most often a concern in panel Tolerances must be used as guidelines for acceptability
components, although it can be a concern in other types of and not as limits for rejection. If specified tolerances are met,
components, such as pretopped double-tees. the product should be accepted. If not, the product may be
accepted if it meets any of the following criteria:
13.1.2 Purpose
• Exceeding the tolerance does not affect the structural
Tolerances are normally established by economical and integrity or architectural performance of the component.
practical production, erection, and interfacing consid- • The component can be brought within tolerance by
erations, and are based on References 1 through 4. Once structurally and architecturally satisfactory means.
established, they should be shown in the contract docu- • The total erected assembly can be modified to meet
ments, and used in design and detailing of components and all structural and architectural requirements.
connections. Architectural and structural concepts should
It is important that cambers are measured at the same Table 13.2.1 Typical tolerances for precast/prestressed
time of day, preferably in the early hours before the sun has concrete components
warmed the components. Cambers for all units used in the
Product tolerances Products
same assembly should be checked at the same age. If a signif-
icant deviation in camber from calculated values is observed,
the cause should be determined and the effect of the deviation Length
on the performance of the component should be evaluated. It ± 1/4 in. 18
± 3/8 in. 16, 17
should be understood that calculations predicting camber are ± 1/2 in. 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15
approximate and that the normal variations of the parameters ± 3/4 in. 3, 5
used can cause deviations of ± 20% over predicted camber. ± 1 in. 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 14
The final installed differential displacement between two , 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15,
± 1/4 in.
adjacent cambered components erected in the field may be 16, 18
the combined result of component differential cambers, vari- + /8 in.
+ 3/8 in., – 1/4 in. 4
ations in support elevations, variation in component depth, ± 3/8 in. 11, 13
and any adjustments made to the components during erec- ± 1/2 in. 17
tion. If differential cambers exceed recommended tolerances, Depth
+ 1/4 in., – 1/8 in. 10,18
additional effort is often required to erect the components in , 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13,
± 1/4 in.
a manner that is satisfactory for the intended use. 14, 15
+ 1/2 in., – 1/4 in. 4
For most flexural components, the tolerance for maximum ± 3/8 in. 11
camber variation from predicted camber is ± 3/4 in., and maxi- Flange thickness
mum differential camber between adjacent units of the same
+ 1/4 in., –1/8 in.
± 1/4 in.
1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 15 13
design is 3/4 in. This may be increased for joists that are used 3, 4
Web thickness
in composite construction. Pretopped precast concrete dou- ± 1/8 in. 1, 8, 10, 12, 15
ble-tees in parking structures should have a more stringent ± 1/4 in. 2,3
+ 3/8 in., –1/4 in. 4
tolerance for differential camber between adjacent double- ± 3/8 in. 5
tees so that a smooth riding surface is achieved. A 1/4 in. dif- Position of tendons
ferential is recommended in Reference 9. Recommendations ± 1/4 in. , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12,
for camber and differential camber of hollow-core units are 14, 15, 18
± 1/4 in. thickness,
not listed because production variations between hollow-core
± 1 in. width 10
systems result in different tolerances for each type. Regional Camber, variation from design
precast concrete manufactureres should be consulted for ± 1/4 in. per 10 ft, 1, 2, 12, 15
appropriate tolerances if differential hollow-core unit camber ± 3/4 in. maximum
± 1/8 in. per 10 ft, 4
tolerances are important for a particular project application. ± 1 in. maximum
± 3/4 in. maximum 3
13.2.6 Weld Plates ± /2 in. maximum
5, 15
Camber, differential
In general, it is easier to hold plates to closer tolerances at 1
/4 in. per 10 ft, 1, 2, 5
the bottom of a component (as cast or against the side form) 3
/4 in. maximum
than with plates cast in the top of the component. Bottom and ± 1/4 in. per 10 ft, 15
± 1/2 in. maximum
side plates can be fastened to the form and, hence, are less Bearing plates, position
susceptible to movement caused by vibration. This applies to ± 1/2 in. 1, 2, 3, 12, 15
position of weld plates as well as tipping and flushness. ± 5/8 in. 4
Bearing plates, tipping and
The tolerance on weld plates is less restrictive than for
bearing plates. The position tolerance is ± 1 in. for all prod- ± 1/8 in. 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 15
ucts. Tipping and flushness tolerance is ± 1/4 in.
13.2.7 Haunches of Columns and Wall Panels Key:
10 = architectural wall panel
The importance of corbel- or haunch-location tolerances 1 = double-tee
11 = pile
depends on the connection at the base of the component. 2 = single-tee
12 = joist
Because base connections usually allow some adjustability, 3 = building beam
13 = step unit (see section
it is more important to control dimensions from haunch to (rectangular and ledger)
haunch in multilevel columns or walls than from haunch to 4 = I-beam
14 = sheet piling
the base of the component. 5 = box beam
15 = stadium riser unit
The haunch-to-haunch tolerance is ± 1/8 in. to ± 1/4 in. Bear- 6 = column
16 = prison cell module –
ing surface squareness tolerance is ± 1/8 in. per 18 in. with a 7 = hollow-core unit
maximum of ± 1/4 in., except for architectural precast con- 8 = ribbed wall panel
17 = prison cell module –
crete panels, which have a tolerance of ± 1/8 in., and columns, 9 = insulated wall panel
which have a maximum tolerance of ± 1/8 in. in the short 18 = prestressed concrete
direction and ± 3/8 in. in the long direction. panels for storage tanks
True plane
Distance to
farthest Corner
adjacent corner
Distance to nearest
adjacent corner (controls
the magnitude of warping)
Exposed Bowing
face elevation Length of bow
(concave) (elevation)
Length of
bow Maximum
Precast concrete
Length of bow
Table 13.3.1 Erection tolerances for interface design of Table 13.3.2 Recommended clearances
precast and cast-in-place concrete components
Recommended minimum
Item Precast concrete compo-
tolerances nent to precast concrete /2 in. (1 in. preferred)
Variation in plan location (any column Precast concrete com-
or beam, any location)....................... ± 1/2 in. for columns, ponent to cast-in-place 1 in. (2 in. preferred)
± 1 in. for beams
Precast concrete compo-
Variation in plan parallel to 1 in. (2 in. preferred)
nent to steel
specified building lines....................... + 1/40 in. per ft for any
beam less than 20 ft long Precast concrete column 11/2 in. (3 in. preferred for
or adjacent to columns covers tall buildings)
spaced less than 20 ft
13.3.2 Recommended Erection Tolerances
/2 in. maximum for adja-
cent columns spaced 20 ft Figures 13.3.2 through 13.3.9 show erection tolerances for
or more apart the following four mixed building systems:
• precast concrete component to precast concrete
Difference in relative position of
adjacent columns from specified
13 relative position (at any check • precast concrete component to cast-in-place
level).................................................. + 1/2 in. concrete
• precast concrete component to masonry
Variation from plumb.......................... + 1/4 in. for any 10 ft of
• precast concrete component to structural steel
1 in. maximum for the See Reference 4 for recommended erection tolerances for
entire height additional precast concrete components.
Variation in elevation of bearing
The tolerances outlined in this section should be the speci-
surfaces from specified elevation fied tolerances for erection of precast concrete components.
(any column or beam, any location).. Maximum low = 1/2 in. If tolerances are desired that are different from those pub-
Maximum high = 1/4 in. lished in PCI documents, this should be made very clear to
bidders in the bid documents.
Variation of top of spandrel from
specified elevation 13.3.3 Mixed Building Systems
(any location)..................................... + 1/2 in.
Mixed building systems combine precast and prestressed
Variation in elevation of bearing concrete with other materials, usually cast-in-place concrete,
surfaces from lines parallel to
specified grade lines.......................... + 1/40 in. per ft for any masonry, or steel. Typically each industry has its own rec-
beam less than 20 ft long ommended erection tolerances that apply when its products
or for adjacent columns are used exclusively. The compatibility of those tolerances
spaced less than 20 ft
/2 in. maximum for any
beam 20 ft or more in Precast concrete component
length or for adjacent col-
umns spaced 20 ft or more
Bearing pad
Variation from specified bearing
length on support............................... ± 3/4 in. Set back
Variation from specified bearing
width on support................................ ± 1/2 in. Bearing length
Jog in alignment of matching Length over support
edges................................................. 1/2 in. maximum
Building grid
Vertical primary
control surface
(N/A at inverted
13 tee beam)
c c
b surface
(at support)
Precast concrete component to precast concrete component, cast-in-place concrete, masonry, or structural steel
The primary control surfaces for beam erection tolerances are usually as shown, although this needs
to be confirmed on a job-by-job basis.
e = Joint width:
Architectural exposed joints............................................................................................. ± 1/4 in.
Hidden joints.................................................................................................................... ± 3/4 in.
Exposed structural joint not visually critical..................................................................... ± 1/2 in.
Note: When bearing pads are used at unarmored edges, they should be set back a minimum of 1/2 in.
from the face of the support or at least the chamfered dimension at chamfered edges.
a. For precast concrete components on a steel frame, this tolerance takes precedence over tolerance
on dimension a.
b. Or component top elevation where component is part of a frame without bearing ledges.
c. This is a setting tolerance and should not be confused with structural performance requirements
set by the architect/engineer. The nominal bearing dimensions and the allowable variations
in the bearing length and width should be specified by the engineer and shown on the erection
a a
a a g
d d
13 c c
Hollow-core plan Double-tee plan
Hollow-core Double-tee
Support h Support
component Primary control surface component Primary control
b for topped deck with b surface for
To allow for exposed underside To allow for pretopped tee
-3 4 in. tolerance Bearing pad by design -3 4 in. tolerance Bearing pad by design
3 in. 3 in.
4 4
f Holdback as required f Holdback as required
Building elevation datum
Hollow-core elevation Double-tee elevation
Precast concrete component to precast, cast-in-place concrete, masonry or structural steel support
The primary control surfaces for floor and roof component erection tolerances are usually as shown.
Tyipcally, there is no designated vertical, primary control surface, and in some scenarios, there are
no primary control surfaces at all. This needs to be determined on a job-by-job basis.
d = Joint width:
0 ft to 40 ft component..................................................................................................... ± 1/2 in.
41 ft to 60 ft component................................................................................................... ± 3/4 in. 13
61 ft + component............................................................................................................. ± 1 in.
e = Differential top elevation as erected (for units of same design and length):
Field topped........................................................................................................................ 3/4 in.
Pretopped tees at driving lanes.......................................................................................... 1/4 in.
Carpet direct hollow-core slabs.......................................................................................... 1/4 in.
Untopped roof b................................................................................................................... 3/4 in.
Note: When bearing pads are used at unarmored edges they should be set back a minimum of 1/2 in.
from the face of the support or from at least the chamfered dimension at chamfered edges.
a. or precast concrete erected on a steel frame building, this tolerance takes precedence over toler-
ance on dimension a.
b. It may be necessary to feather the edges to ± 1/4 in. to properly apply some roof membranes.
c. his is a setting tolerance and should not be confused with structural performance requirements
set by the architect/engineer. The nominal bearing dimensions and the allowable variations
in the bearing length and width should be specified by the engineer and shown on the erection
d d
Building grid •
a a
Vertical primary
control surface
Horizontal primary control
surface (at first corbel) f
e e
Building elevation
Building grid
Building elevation datum
Elevation Elevation
The primary control surfaces are usually as shown, although this needs to be confirmed on a job-by-
job basis.
g f
d d Horizontal
a Building grid primary
datum Vertical primary control
control surface surface
e e b h 10
foundation of
a precast con-
crete support Building
Cast-in-place or datum Nominal joint width
precast concrete
a d d Horizontal g h
Building grid primary
datum Vertical primary control
control surface surface
component e e
b h10
i a c
Steel Building
structure grid
Centerline of datum
a1 steel structure
Nominal joint width
Plan Section Elevation
The primary control surfaces are usually as shown, although this needs to be confirmed on a job-by-
job basis.
a. For precast concrete buildings in excess of 100 ft tall, tolerances a and d can increase at the rate of
/8 in. per story to a maximum of 2 in.
Building grid h
datum dd Horizontal primary
a • control surface
Vertical primary
i control surface
e e
• h10
Centerline of c
steel support
a1 Support elevation
component datum
13 Plan Section Elevation
Walls Walls Walls
Building grid
datum dd Horizontal primary
a • control surface
h or h 10
Vertical primary
i control surface
e e
Centerline of
steel support c
a1 Support datum
Plan Side Elevation
Spandrels Spandrels Spandrels
Bowing plan
The primary control surfaces are usually as shown, although this needs to be confirmed on a job-by-
job basis.
a. For precast concrete buildings in excess of 100 ft tall, tolerances a and d can increase at the rate
of 1/8 in. per story to a maximum of 2 in.
b. For precast concrete components erected on a steel frame, this tolerance takes precedence over toler-
ance on dimension a.
centerline of support
Building grid
or datum (typical)
f e
h e
Vertical primary
control surface
To allow for
-1 in. tolerance
Holdback as required
1 in.
Horizontal primary
control surface
Building grid
or datum (typical)
Horizontal primary
control surface Vertical primary
control surface
g or j
Cross section
Fig. 13.3.7 Single, double, and triple riser erection tolerances (cont.)
The primary control surfaces for single, double, and triple riser erection tolerances are usually as
shown, although this is something that needs to be confirmed with the contractor on a job-by-job
basis. Local building codes may require more restrictive riser-height tolerances, which could also
affect product tolerance.
c = Top elevation from building elevation datum at member’s end (datum may be adjusted to
accommodate existing field conditions.)............................................................................. ± 1/2 in.
h = Joint width (joint width needs to be 1/4 in. minimum in either case)
90 deg angle.................................................................................................................... ± 1/2 in.
Joint width at skewed ends . ........................................................................................... ± 5/8 in.
j = Differential camber (at midspan as erected) between adjacent components of the same
design................................................................................ ± 3/16 in. per 10 ft of component length
k = Differential sweep (at midspan as erected) between adjacent components of the same
design................................................................................ ± 3/16 in. per 10 ft of component length
Building grid
or datum (typical)
Horizontal primary
control surface
b (door head)
The tolerances listed below (a–g) are used at the primary control surfaces only, and only those tol-
erances that are applicable to that surface are used. Normally, the primary control surfaces are the
front face of the room module as the vertical primary control surface, and either the head of the door,
top of room module, or the bottom of balcony as the horizontal primary control surface.
Note: On jobs where pretopped balconies are cast as part of the room module, the horizontal primary
control surface may be the top surface of the balcony.
13 Building grid Plan
or datum (typical)
Line of topping
pan (if applicable)
Intermediate landing
The primary control surface for stair units is the top of landing at floor levels. The tolerances listed
here (a–g) are the same whether landings are monolithic or separate pieces. Local building codes
may require more restrictive riser-height tolerance, which could also affect the product tolerance.
a. At stair units that have pretopped precast concrete landings, the maximum jog between stair
units, as well as from stair unit to finish floor, cannot exceed 1/4 in. However, units that have land-
ings that are topped have more leeway. This needs to be discussed and agreed on with the gen-
eral contractor. See Section 13.2.2.
13.4 Clearances ponents in the structure and how connections will be made.
Adjust the clearance as required.
13.4.1 General
Step 5: Review the clearance to see whether increasing
Clearance is the space between adjacent construction ele- its dimensions will allow easier, more economical erection
ments and provides a buffer area where erection and produc- without adversely affecting aesthetics. Adjust the clearance
tion tolerance deviations can be absorbed. The following as required.
items should be addressed when determining the appropriate Step 6: Review structural considerations such as types of
clearance to provide in the design: connections involved, sizes required, bearing area require-
• product tolerance ments, and other structural issues.
• type of component Step 7: Check design to ensure adequacy in the event that
• size of component minimum component size should occur. Adjust clearance as
• type of abutting construction required for minimum bearing and other structural consid-
• location of component erations.
• component movement
• function of component Step 8: Select final clearance that will satisfy all of the
• erection tolerance conditions considered.
• space required for fireproofing of steel 13.4.4 Clearance Examples
• thickness of plates, bolt heads, and other projecting
elements The following examples are given to show the thought pro-
13 Of these factors, product tolerances and component move-
cess, and may not be the only solutions for the situations that
are described (Fig. 13.4.1 and 13.4.2).
ment are the most significant. As shown in the following
examples, it may not always be practical to account for all
possible factors in the clearance provided. Table 13.3.2 pro-
vides recommended minimum clearances for various mixed
building systems.
13.4.2 Joint Clearance
Joints between architectural panels must accommodate
variations in the panel dimensions and erection tolerances
for the panels. They must also provide a good visual line
and be sufficiently wide to allow for proper joint-sealant
installation. Generally, the larger the panels are, the wider
the joints should be. For most situations, architectural panel
joints should be designed as being not less than 3/4 in. wide.
Tolerances in overall building width and length are normally
accommodated in panel joints.
13.4.3 Procedure for Determining Clearance
The following is a systematic approach for making a trial
selection of a clearance value and then verifying that selec-
tion to ensure that it will allow practical erection to occur:
Step 1: Determine the maximum size of the components
involved (basic or nominal dimension and additive toler-
ances). This should include not only the precast/prestressed
concrete components, but also other materials.
Step 2: To the maximum component size, add the mini-
mum space required for component movement resulting
from deflection and thermal variations.
Step 3: Check if the resulting clearance allows the com-
ponent to be erected within the erection and interfacing
tolerances, such as plumbness, face alignment, and the like.
Adjust the clearance as required to meet all the needs.
Step 4: Check if the component can physically be erected
with this clearance. Consider the size and location of com-
60'-0" (+
–1 in.)
Double-tee roof component
(long term shortening, – 14 in.)
4 in. clearance
Precast, prestressed
wall panel
concrete double-tee
roof component
6 in.
EXAMPLE 13.4.1
Clearance Determination – Single-Story Industrial Building
A 60-ft-long double-tee roof component is bearing on ribbed wall panels that are 25 ft high with a haunch depth
of 6 in. beyond the face of the panel. Long-term roof movement is expected to be 1/4 in.
Tolerance items to consider (refer to Fig. 13.4.1):
• Double-tee length tolerance ±1 in.
• Maximum plan variance ± 1/2 in.
• Variation from plumb 1/2 in. per 10 ft
Find the minimum acceptable clearance.
13 Solution:
Step 1: Determine maximum component sizes.
(Refer to Table 13.2.1)
Maximum double-tee length = +1 in.
Wall thickness = +1/4 in.
Initial clearance chosen = 3/4 in. per end
EXAMPLE 13.4.1
Clearance Determination – Single-Story Industrial Building (cont.)
Step 5: Economy.
In single-story construction, increasing the clearance beyond 3/4 in. is not likely to speed up erection
as long as product tolerances remain within allowables. Adjustment is not required for economic
Allowing a setback from the edge of the corbel, assumed in this instance to have been set by the
engineer at 1/2 in. plus the clearance, the bearing is 4 in. There should be space to allow component
movement. The engineer judges this to be acceptable from a structural and architectural point of view
and no adjustment is required for structural considerations.
Step 8: Solution.
Note: For simplicity in this example, end rotation, flange skew, and global skew tolerances have not been
Possible position of 1
4 in.
precast concrete facade
2 in.
Theoretical plane of
precast concrete facade
building line Steel framing
constructed as per AISC
Code of Standard Practice
2 3 4 in.
concrete facade
Steel framing
EXAMPLE 13.4.2
Clearance Determination – High-Rise Steel-Frame Structure
A 36-story, steel-frame structure, with precast concrete cladding, steel tolerances per AISC 303-05 and neg-
ligible component movement. In this example, precast concrete tolerance for variation in plan is ± 1/4 in. Refer
to Fig. 13.4.2.
Determine whether the panels can be erected plumb and determine the minimum acceptable clearance at the
36th story.
Step 1: Product tolerances.
(refer to Table 13.2.1)
Precast concrete cladding thickness = + 1/4 in., – 1/8 in. 13
Steel width = + 1/4 in., – 3/16 in.
Steel sweep (varies) = ± 1/4 in. (assumption)
Initial clearance chosen = 3
/4 in.
Step 5: Economy.
Clearance chosen = 23/4 in.
Increasing clearance will not increase economy.
No adjustment for economic considerations.
Step 7: Check minimum component sizes at 36th story (refer to Table 13.2.1).
Initial clearance = 23/4 in.
Precast concrete thickness = 1/8 in.
Steel width = 3/16 in.
Steel sweep = 1/4 in.
Steel variance in plan minimum = 3 in.
Clearance calculated = 65/16 in.
EXAMPLE 13.4.2
Clearance Determination – High-Rise Steel-Frame Structure (cont.)
Step 8: Solution.
A clearance of over 6 in. would require an extremely expensive connection for the precast concrete
panel, and would produce high torsional stresses in the steel supporting beams. The 6 in. clearance is not
practical, although the 23/4 in. minimum initial clearance is still needed. Either the precast concrete panels
should be allowed to follow the steel frame or the tolerances for the exterior columns need to be made more
stringent, such as the AISC requirements for elevator columns. The most economical choice will likely be for
the precast concrete panels to follow the steel frame.
Minimum clearance used: = 23/4 in. Use 3 in.
Allow panels to follow the steel frame.
9. Waterproofing
• Location and dimensions of flashing reglets
• Coordination of waterproofing system require-
ments with structural system expansion/provisions
• Special details around special penetrations