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1. A rectangular lot has a correct area of two 3. Find the degree of curve of a central simple
hectares. Its length is twice its width. If the curve if it has a spiral curve 100 m long on
lengths of the sides were measured with a two sides, on which a car travelling at 75
50-m tape that is 0.02 m too long, compute kph will not skid. Use arc basis.
the error in the area of the lot. Ans: 7.5451°
Ans: 15.9904 𝐦𝟐
The radius of the curve is
The true tape length is
0.036v 3
TLcorrected = TL ± e Ls =
TLcorrected = 50 + 0.02 = 50.02 m 0.036(75)3
100 =
By ratio and proportion, the area of the lot R
subject to correction is R = 151.8750 m
Acorrected TLcorrected 2 The degree of the curve using arc basis is
=( )
Aerroneous TLerroneous s = Rθ
2(10,000) 50.02 π
=( ) = 19,984.0096 m2 20 = 151.5750 [D ( )]
Aerroneous 50 180°
The error in area is 𝐃 = 𝟕. 𝟓𝟒𝟓𝟏°

Aerror = Acorrected − Aerroneous

Aerror = 2(10,000) − 19,984.0096 4. A downgrade of 3.20% meets a rising grade
of 4.60% at Sta 73+180 where the elevation
𝐀𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟗𝟗𝟎𝟒 𝐦𝟐 998 m. A sag curve, 440 m long, connects the
grade lines from A at the downgrade to B at
2. A line level was run from point 5 to point 6,
the upgrade. Find the elevation of B.
8 km apart. The average back sight and also
Ans: 1,008.12 m
fore sight distance was 100m. at every
turning point, the rod settles by 3 cm. Find
the correct elevation of point 6 based on its
recorded elevation of 182 m.
Ans: 180.83 m
The total number of set ups is
No. of setups = = 40 Solution
100 + 100
The elevation of PT is
The no. of turning points is 40 – 1 = 39
The total settlement of the rod is 39(0.03) = 1.17 Elev. PT = Elev. PI + (g 2 )
The correct elevation of point 6 is Elev. B = 998 + (+0.046)
182 − 1.17 = 𝟏𝟖𝟎. 𝟖𝟑 𝐦 Elev. B = 𝟏, 𝟎𝟎𝟖. 𝟏𝟐 𝐦

5. The center height of the road at Sta 5+320 is considering the effect of earth’s curvature
4.25 m cut. At Sta5+420 it is 1.80 m fill. The and refraction.
ground slopes uniformly at -5% from Sta Ans: 641.2733 m
5+320 to Sta 5+420. How far from Sta
5+320 towards Sta 5+420 will the
excavation extend?
Ans: 70.2479 m

The correction from station Alpha to station
Bravo due to earth’s curvature and refraction is
Solution hcr = 0.067k 2
The ground and road grades are shown. hA−B = 0.067(12)2
The value of y is hA−B = 9.6480 m
0.05 = The correction from station Alpha to station
100 Charlie due to earth’s curvature and refraction is
hA−C = 0.067(27)2
The grade of the finished road is
hA−C = 48.8430 m
1.80 − (y − 4.25)
g road = By ratio and proportion, the elevation of the line
100 of sight at station Bravo is
g road = 0.0105 = 1.05% (EI.X−hA−B )−(EI.C−hA−C ) EI.A−(EI.C−hA−C )
= kA−C
The length of the excavation is
(EI.X−9.648)−(620−48.843) 680−(620−48.843)
0.05x + 0.0105x = 4.25 =
15 27

𝐱 = 𝟕𝟎. 𝟐𝟒𝟕𝟗 𝐦 EI. X = 𝟔𝟒𝟏. 𝟐𝟕𝟑𝟑 𝐦

7. Assume that station Bravo will obstruct the
line of sight from station Alpha while
For items 6 – 8
observing station Charlie and a 4 – m tower
The elevation of station Alpha is 680 m while is constructed on top of station Bravo. Find
that is Charlie is 620 m. In between stations the height of equal towers at stations Alpha
Alpha and Charlie is station Bravo with elevation and Charlie in order that the three stations
645 m. The distance from Alpha to Bravo is 12 as observed from station Alpha will still be
km and from Bravo to Charlie 15 km. visible.
Ans: 7.7267
6. Find the elevation of the line of sight at
station Bravo with the instrument placed at
station Alpha such that station Charlie
would be visible from station Alpha

For items 9 and 10

A 6° simple curve has a central angle 44°. The
stationing of the point of curvature 13+080.
9. Find the distance from the midpoint of the
curve to the intersection of the tangents at
PC and PT.
Ans: 14.999 m
By ratio and proportion, the height of equal
towers at stations Alpha and Charlie is
(EI.B+4−hA−B )−(EI.C+y−hA−C ) (EI.A+y)−(EI.C+y−hA−C )
kB−C kA−C

(645+4−9.648)−(620+y−48.84) (680+y)−(620+y−48.84)
15 27 Solution
𝐲 = 𝟕. 𝟕𝟐𝟔𝟕 𝐦 The radius of the simple curve is
20 = RD
8. Without constructing any tower at station πrad
Bravo, what height of tower must be 20 = R [6° ( °)]
constructed at station Charlie so that both
stations Bravo and Charlie would be visible R = 190.9859 m
from station Alpha? The external distance is
Ans: 8.385 m
E = R (sec − 1)
E = 190.9859 (sec − 1)
𝐄 = 𝟏𝟒. 𝟗𝟗𝟗 𝐦

Solution 10. Find the distance from the midpoint of the

curve to the midpoint of the long chord
By ratio and proportion, the height of tower joining the point of curvature and the point
station Charlie is of tangency.
(EI.B−hA−B )−(EI.C+y−hA−C ) EI.A−(EI.C+y−hA−C ) Ans: 13.9069 m
kB−C kA−C
(645−9.648)−(620+y−48.843) 680−(620+y−48.843)
= 27 The middle ordinate is
𝐲 = 𝟖. 𝟑𝟖𝟓𝟎 𝐦 1
M = R (1 − cos )
M = 190.9859 (1 − cos )
𝐌 = 𝟏𝟑. 𝟗𝟎𝟔𝟗 𝐦

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