1. A rectangular lot has a correct area of two 3. Find the degree of curve of a central simple
hectares. Its length is twice its width. If the curve if it has a spiral curve 100 m long on
lengths of the sides were measured with a two sides, on which a car travelling at 75
50-m tape that is 0.02 m too long, compute kph will not skid. Use arc basis.
the error in the area of the lot. Ans: 7.5451°
Ans: 15.9904 𝐦𝟐
The radius of the curve is
The true tape length is
0.036v 3
TLcorrected = TL ± e Ls =
TLcorrected = 50 + 0.02 = 50.02 m 0.036(75)3
100 =
By ratio and proportion, the area of the lot R
subject to correction is R = 151.8750 m
Acorrected TLcorrected 2 The degree of the curve using arc basis is
=( )
Aerroneous TLerroneous s = Rθ
2(10,000) 50.02 π
=( ) = 19,984.0096 m2 20 = 151.5750 [D ( )]
Aerroneous 50 180°
The error in area is 𝐃 = 𝟕. 𝟓𝟒𝟓𝟏°
5. The center height of the road at Sta 5+320 is considering the effect of earth’s curvature
4.25 m cut. At Sta5+420 it is 1.80 m fill. The and refraction.
ground slopes uniformly at -5% from Sta Ans: 641.2733 m
5+320 to Sta 5+420. How far from Sta
5+320 towards Sta 5+420 will the
excavation extend?
Ans: 70.2479 m
The correction from station Alpha to station
Bravo due to earth’s curvature and refraction is
Solution hcr = 0.067k 2
The ground and road grades are shown. hA−B = 0.067(12)2
The value of y is hA−B = 9.6480 m
0.05 = The correction from station Alpha to station
100 Charlie due to earth’s curvature and refraction is
hA−C = 0.067(27)2
The grade of the finished road is
hA−C = 48.8430 m
1.80 − (y − 4.25)
g road = By ratio and proportion, the elevation of the line
100 of sight at station Bravo is
g road = 0.0105 = 1.05% (EI.X−hA−B )−(EI.C−hA−C ) EI.A−(EI.C−hA−C )
= kA−C
The length of the excavation is
(EI.X−9.648)−(620−48.843) 680−(620−48.843)
0.05x + 0.0105x = 4.25 =
15 27
(645+4−9.648)−(620+y−48.84) (680+y)−(620+y−48.84)
15 27 Solution
𝐲 = 𝟕. 𝟕𝟐𝟔𝟕 𝐦 The radius of the simple curve is
20 = RD
8. Without constructing any tower at station πrad
Bravo, what height of tower must be 20 = R [6° ( °)]
constructed at station Charlie so that both
stations Bravo and Charlie would be visible R = 190.9859 m
from station Alpha? The external distance is
Ans: 8.385 m
E = R (sec − 1)
E = 190.9859 (sec − 1)
𝐄 = 𝟏𝟒. 𝟗𝟗𝟗 𝐦