Active Water: Loss Control
Active Water: Loss Control
Active Water: Loss Control
Authors:José Sardinha, Francisco Serranito, Andrew Donnelly, Vera Marmelo, Pedro Saraiva, Nuno
Dias, Ricardo Guimarães, Daniel Morais, Vitor Rocha
Technical Co-ordination:Francisco Serranito, Andrew Donnelly
Editorial Support Team:Pedro Inácio and Mariana Castro Henriques
Translation:Andrew Donnelly
EPAL and the authors will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person or entity acting
or refraining from acting upon any material contained in this publication.
The mention of specific companies, certain manufactures or products does not imply that they are endorsed or
recommended by EPAL in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned in this publication.
To reference this publication: Serranito, F. S. and Donnelly, A. (eds) 2015, Active Water Loss Control. EPAL, Empresa Portuguesa das
Águas Livres S.A., Lisbon. 95pp. ISBN 978-989-8490-02-5
Preamble and Foreward
1. Introduction 9
2. Losses in Water Supply Networks 11
2.1 Context 11
2.2 The importance of policy and strategy in combating water losses 14
2.2.1 General Considerations 14
2.2.2 Historical Overview of approaches to reducing losses 15
2.2.3 Policies to adopt 16
Evolution of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in the Figure 5.14 Optimized DMA analysis and control process 72
Figure 2.4 EPAL system during the 1990s. 19 Figure 5.15 Geolocalisation map of Lisbon DMAs 73
Water Loss reduction evolution in the EPAL distri- Figure 6.1 Leak Detection Strategy Definition 75
Figure 2.5 bution network 20
Figure 6.2 Life cycle of a leak 76
Comparison of water loss levels in Lisbon with
Figure 2.6 other large cities 21 Integration of network monitoring with leak
Figure 6.3 detection 76
International Water Association (IWA) Simplified
Figure 3.1 Water Balance 23 Flow profile alteration identified in a monitoring
Figure 6.4 system 77
Flowchart of the various water loss factors in a
Figure 3.2 supply system 24 Flow profile alteration due to a progressively
Figure 6.5 larger leak occurance 77
Figure 3.3 Top-Down & Bottom-Up approaches 26
Figure 6.6 Daily Total and Minimum Nightline Flow graph 78
Figure 3.4 Bottom-Up approach for determining real losses 28
Figure 6.7 Process of DMA sub-zoning 80
Minimum night consumption and estimate of
Figure 3.5 potentially recoverable real losses 29 DMA Sub-zoning schematic with provisional
Figure 6.8 meter installation 80
Figure 3.6 Principal factors for reducing real losses 30
Figure 6.9 Step Testing Schematic 81
Apparent water loss control in a DMA with 100%
Figure 3.7 metering 33 Figure 6.10 Effect of Step Testing on DMA flow profile 82
Figure 3.8 Principal factors for reducing Apparent Losses 33 Figure 6.11 Pressure Mapping Schematic 83
Graph of measurement errors of meters removed Figure 6.12 Leak Noise Propagation 84
Figure 3.9 from service 39 Figure 6.13 Installation of acoustic noise loggers 85
Figure 4.1 Essential actions in a water loss reduction strategy 41 Figure 6.14 Acoustic Patrol Loggers 86
Figure 4.2 Principal factors of reducing losses 44 Figure 6.15 Use of Listening Stick 87
Figure 5.1 CIMS Interfaces 50 Figure 6.16 Use of Geophone or Ground Microphone 87
Figure 5.2 Water supply system monitoring schematic 53 Figure 6.17 Deploying a Correlator 88
Differing elements of the various types of volu- Figure 6.18 Acoustic Correlation and correlation graph 89
Figure 5.3 metric and velocity meters 55
Figure 6.19 Static Pressure Decay Test 90
Error curve characteristics of a 1.5 m3 nominal
Figure 6.20 Tracer Gas Injection Method 91
Figure 5.4 flow volumetric meter (DN15), Class C 55
Schematic representation of an electromagnetic
Figure 5.5 flowmeter 56
Schematic representation of two contiguous
Figure 5.6 DMAs 60 contents TABLES Pag.
DMA boundary limit alterations in the Lisbon Key Performance Indicators related to water
Figure 5.7 distribution network 64 Table 3.1 losses 34
DMA boundaries within the city of Lisbon distri- Relevant aspects for flowmeter selection and
Figure 5.8 bution network 66 Table 5.1 installation 57
This book presents, in a systematic way, the most modern and
internationally recognized concepts, strategies and methodologies
for water loss reduction and incorporates important innovations and
improvements resulting from their practical application in one of the
oldest and most prestigious companies in the world: EPAL.
This work, which is very consistent and easy to read, reflects the knowledge accumulated within the company in
regard to this field, the work undertaken by a great water loss control team and, above all, the commitment of top
management that has defined water loss reduction as a priority corporate objective over the past few years.
This initiative by the administration board, chaired by José Sardinha, to widely divulge EPAL’s expertise in this area
should be welcomed, a move which has led to non-revenue water levels being amongst the lowest internationally
and allowed development of new products such as WONE, which is being used successfully in other companies.
Without partiality to present methodologies and sophisticated technologies, based on state of the art information
systems with data collection and processing in real time, applicable in the best companies, the book also includes
internationally recognized basic concepts, essential for utilities wishing to undertake the first steps on the long
journey towards efficiency and excellence.
The fact that I had the privilege of working with the outstanding employees of EPAL a decade ago, does not affect
my objectivity to welcome and recommend, without reservation, this timely and excellent publication that will
certainly inspire and technically support the many aspects of water loss reduction, especially in Portuguese-speaking
This situation reinforces the urgent need for all stakeholders in the sector
to seek to ensure increasingly efficient management of water resources, a
goal that is advocated by major international organizations, thus forming
one of the fundamental aspects of their operations. Given the high level of water losses in supply systems, the
reduction of losses has been established as one of the most relevant factors and challenges for the years to come.
EPAL, as the oldest and largest utility in Portugal and a reference company as regards water supply, shares these
objectives of continuous efficiency improvement and increased operational sustainability, having integrated these
into their mission. Thus, the constant search for operational optimization and increased levels of efficiency over the
various aspects of the company's activity has been one of the main concerns of EPAL over the past few years, with
particular emphasis on reducing levels of water losses. To this end, the company has developed and implemented an
active leakage control program, the results of which have allowed the company to reach levels of excellence in the
management of the Lisbon distribution network, which is now one of the most efficient global capitals, with water
losses of the order of 8%.
Naturally, the implementation of such a strategy, involving the incorporation of some of the best international
practices, provides any utility with a very enriching experience at different levels, allowing its workers to continue
strengthening their knowledge and ability to overcome new challenges. As such, this is seen to be part of our mission
as a reference public company, with sharing of experience and knowledge gained with the various sector stakeholders.
This book has this intention, being the result of more than a decade of operations, transversely involving several
teams and operational areas of EPAL.
In this context, our main goal is that this book will be useful to other utilities as well as technicians and students
within the water sector, providing a contribution to the overall objective to reduce water losses in supply systems and
thus increase levels of sustainability in terms of use of the essential resource that is water.
José Sardinha
Chairman and CEO of EPAL
Active Water Loss Control
1. Introduction
The exponential growth of Earth's population, which is estimated to evolve from the current 7 billion to 11 billion
people by the end of the century, together with the increasing population concentration in large cities in coastal
areas, provokes the tendency to significantly increase water stress in many areas of the globe, making fresh water an
increasingly critical resource that must be preserved and managed with maximum efficiency. Indeed, it is estimated
that by 2050, around half of the world's population may suffer from a lack of water, so this theme constitutes a crucial
issue and is the subject of concern for governments and major international organizations.
In this context, the reduction of water losses in urban supply systems - that reach values of about 50% at a global
level - is a key factor for the improvement of efficiency, implying the adoption of a more sustainable approach,
through the use of new management methods and technologies that should be implemented by managers as well as
by the various water sector stakeholders.
The intention of the book is to contribute to the dissemination of strategies and methodologies to control water
losses in supply systems through a systematic approach to practices and technologies that have been properly tested
and proven in the Empresa Portuguesa das Águas Livres, S.A., EPAL system and which may be used by other supply
system utilities and technical sector, in differing contexts.
Thus throughout the text, the main concepts and approaches related to the theme of active water loss control
are outlined, including clarification of internationally applied monitoring systems and leak detection procedures,
culminating with the one factor that will undoubtedly be the most important in the whole process – namely, the
change of mentality as regards water resource management.
Active Water Loss Control
te r a n d ot h e r fr
wa es
a te r e h
hw Groundwater Ground ice and permafrost
fa c
30.1% 69%
te r
S ur
wa Lakes
0,9% 20.9%
lo b
high water stress. This situation will, in the near future, Throughout the ages, man has been interfering with
become the key critical element for water resources the hydrological cycle, extracting and utilizing available
- potentially provoking contentious disputes at all water for various purposes and uses, corresponding
levels. Compounding this scenario, it seems that the to the following approximate percentages in terms of
phenomena associated with the effects of climate change extracted volumes:
will accelerate and accentuate this situation even further.
• Agriculture: 70,1%,
This idea is further reinforced if one considers that in
• Industry: 20%,
2006, the estimated number of people who suffered
water shortages in the world - considering only the • Domestic/urban: 9,9%.
situations of high water stress – were of the order of
1.200 million, whilst it is estimated that this number is In the current context, there is a fundamental awareness
likely to increase to almost 1.800 million in 2025 (UN that water resources are limited and the need to protect
Water, 2007) and preserve them. This process of awareness must be
12 North America
2 600 000 North America
90 000 27 003
Asia Asia
Europe 60 984
Europe 30 622
2 529
18 216 Africa
31 776
South America
3 431
South America Australia
30 109 800 b
a North America
4 300 000
Europe 7 800 000
1 600 000
5 500 000
accompanied by concrete steps that lead to changes in reagents consumption, with its attendant economic
practices relating to the management and use of water, benefits.
particularly through the development of strategies for
efficient use of water (Almeida et al., 2001). Indeed, the Thus, it is evident that the environmental and economic
issue of resource scarcity is still placed only in certain importance of water losses in water supply systems is a
areas of the planet, the issue of quality is discussed as a problem on a global scale and which is becoming of an
whole (Marques, 1999). increasingly significant dimension and with a central role
in the focus of water supply utilities.
From the above it is very clear that, from a perspective
of integrated water resources management, it is essential In terms of common sense, water losses in supply
to seek increased levels of efficiency of resource systems are best known as the result of poor quality or
utilization, whether through new technology, improved degradation of infrastructure, commonly referred to as
management methods or changing behaviour. "real" losses. This component of water losses, usually
more relevant globally, can be reduced through control
In this dominion, though the vision of a community or a and combatting of water leaks and appropriate strategies
country, it is evident that promoting increased efficiency for renewal of network programs.
and competitiveness should be focused on agriculture and
industry, since they account for about 90% of consumption. There is, however, another aspect, which contributes to
water loss, usually associated with the term "economic"
The urban sector, which accounts for only 10% of or "apparent" losses. This component arises from
global water consumption, must find opportunities for situations of losses from unauthorized use of water, such
improvement given the very considerable economic as theft, often reflecting urban structure (or lack thereof )
consequences, as global water losses reach values of the and local customs, as well as situations of water usage
order of 50%. In Portugal, utilities have water losses rates without metering or tampering with metering systems,
that, on average, reach 40% (ERSAR, 2012) and register a inadequate metering policies or an asset management
great diversity in performance between different entities policy that does not sufficiently consider the losses from
with volumes of non-revenue water ranging between 8% under-metering.
and 80%.
These losses, which can be reduced by promoting the
It is therefore important to find ways to improve adoption of appropriate socio-economic policies are
efficiency in water use, with reducing losses in water equally important, whilst in many cases, these actions
supply systems a crucial factor to achieve this and which may follow urban space redevelopment projects and
involves the adoption of an active and responsible social inclusion in an overall action plan.
attitude in order to ensure proper management and
sustainability of this increasingly scarce and essential In this area it is important that utilities promote the
natural resource. implementation of integrated strategies for demand
management and water conservation, whether through
Currently, a significant portion of the operating cost environmental awareness or through provision of
associated with water supply system management results innovative services or products and to help communities
from the consumption of electrical energy required for adopt more effective behavioural patterns.
the extraction, treatment and transport of water over
long distances, especially in the case of large cities. The size and importance of water loss at the global level
Thus, water loss reduction, beyond the environmental has justified many studies of good practices in this area,
component due to greater water resources use efficiency, as well as the development of specific rules aimed at
also corresponds to a direct reduction in energy and promoting improvements in processes and management
Active Water Loss Control
systems, aimed at increasing efficiency. It is however, a consumer awareness to the reality of water resource
process that requires awareness and involvement of all scarcity, as well as supporting the increasing media
stakeholders, from industry professionals to the final coverage of this issue. Changes in position around water
consumer, being necessary to motivate behavioural issues that have been experienced in recent times, water
changes (McKenzie and Hamilton, 2014). sector regulation and even creation of plans to support
developing countries, have contributed to encourage a
It is for this purpose that the following chapters new way of intervention aimed at reducing water losses
are intended to contribute to the discussion and in all areas of the globe.
advancement, comprising of a set of concepts and good
practices inherent in the theme of water loss control. To In this context, environmental and economic
complete the study, the final chapter comprises a case sustainability, reflected in the need for greater efficiency
study on the experience of controlling water losses at of water supply systems, are pressing governments
EPAL, SA, the utility responsible for supplying water to and fund managers to define and implement strategies
the city of Lisbon. that enable them to improve the performance of their
systems. The challenges dictated by the new water
saving policies and the perception of more demanding
2.2 The importance of policy and consumer incentives in order to implement strategies
strategy in combating water losses to control and combat water losses, which will create
the potential to obtain economic gains and greater eco-
2.2.1 General Considerations efficiency, in turn leading to overall service improvement.
The approach to the problem of water loss depends on These strategies to reduce losses should consider
several factors that influence implementation of the most special articulation between the need to undertake
appropriate and effective strategies for their control and investment and operating costs, operation and repair
reduction. The level of economic development of the of leaks, to establish the best cost-benefit ratio, which
country, environmental awareness, government policy determines the starting point or leverage to implement
priorities, the level of corporate utility management certain control strategy losses.
and even the cultural population habits can dictate the
choices of policy interventions. The main reasons justifying the approach of a water loss
reduction strategy are:
Institutional policies are mainly focused on the
perception and attitude toward water losses, which in • More efficient management with benefits in terms
turn, influences the investment and human resources for of operating and capital cost reduction;
their control. The attitude of governments, national and
local agencies, municipal authorities and the community • Reduction of environmental stress;
strongly affect not only the organization itself, as the
mode of operation of water supply systems. Influences • Improvements in metering and billing - since
of a political nature can also be very relevant - in fact, a a lower occurrence of breakage and optimum
community shown a service such as the expansion of a performance level can have positive results in the
new water source or the construction of a new treatment value of apparent leaks;
service is likely to create "greater visibility" than the
beginning of a leakage policy, which tends to produce • Reduction of structural damage - since leaks
results in the medium term. can cause voids in the subsoil and consequent
collapse of roads and buildings;
Thus, a utility should preferentially promote public and
Active Water Loss Control
• Load reduction in sewers - as the lost water into a logic of efficiency, motivated by the water
usually seeps into the drainage system and losses which were not generating revenue, despite
consequently increases the load on treatment generating costs.
wastewater plants;
Dating from 1850, the first activities of acoustic surveys,
• Improved client satisfaction through improved commonly nicknamed "listening", looked for evidence
service and ensuring water quality and sufficient of leaks in buried pipelines or extensions. The first
pressure - since leaks and bursts can result in method developed in this context was based on the
decreased pressure; same principles that are applied today. Indeed, originally
a wooden stick was used, which once placed on the
• Reduction of risks to health and greater security main or any other element of the network, allowed the
of supply - as the proximity of sewage and other operator to listen to the sound of a possible water leak. It
pollutants is real and infiltration of these pollutants was a method with reduced operating costs and showed
into the water supply for human consumption an acceptable success rate in metal pipes, the material
through bursts, can result in disease, especially in used at the time.
systems with low pressure or intermittent operation.
A major limitation of this type of activity was not looking
The success of a strategy for reducing losses corresponds, for leaks targeted manner, since the entire network was
in practice, to the increase in water availability which considered indiscriminately. The turning point occurred
will avoid or delay the need for new water sources, such when leakage activities were separated into two
as the construction of dams, new wells, or abstraction distinct phases: the macro-location or leak localising,
or desalination solutions that usually involve high which focuses on the identification and prioritization of
investment and therefore costs much higher than those intervention areas at a zonal level, micro-location or leak
inherent in the implementation of a strategic plan to locating at the level of the area surrounding a potential
combat losses. leak, whilst finally, the marking or pin-pointing of the
leak, which includes the effective identification of the
In extreme cases, reducing the volume of water exact leak location.
extracted and thus raise the available water resource
environment may be the only viable alternative to ensure From the 1930s, the first studies concentrated on
continuity of supply, involving the implementation defined areas of distribution networks in which the input
of water loss reduction programs in conjunction with rate was measured by a flow meter installed temporarily.
demand management techniques along with water Within these zones sequential valve closing operations
conservation, public and consumer awareness programs. were undertaken for the purpose of quantifying
consumption in different sub- zone could be conducted.
The sequential closures typically occurred overnight
2.2.2 Historical Overview of approaches to and resulted in a progressive reduction of the size of
reducing losses monitored sub-zone by closing valve and continuous
metering. Thus, the pin-pointing was performed only in
The concept of water losses control arose from delineated areas with higher flow rates. From the 1980s,
the construction of the first water supply systems, the widespread process of creating District Metered
associated with the guarantee of improved efficiency Areas began, allowing the implementation of a proactive
the supply system, since the leaks, in addition to strategy to control losses. In the 1990s, came the first
generating a loss of water supply also implied a acoustic loggers which replaced night leak detection
service suspension affecting the population supplied. work, valving operations and particularly, the cutting of
The logic of effectiveness progressively developed supply to clients.
Active Water Loss Control
As regards leak micro-location, by the 1960s, wooden sticks extremely reliable results, with use in exceptionally
- and their imitation metal rods - gave way to microphones difficult detection situations, particularly in household
(geophones) that were placed on the ground or the pipe service connections or non-metallic mains of small
network, and which amplified noise, thus facilitating diameter, where the application of acoustic techniques
detection and leak location. In the 1970s, the first acoustic have revealed rates lower success.
correlation equipment emerged, obtaining improved results
in leak detection compared to the use of listening sticks. Figure 2.3 outlines the chronological evolution of leak
These devices, while also using the acoustic leak detection detection techniques.
method, autonomously perform a complex mathematical
calculation to determine their exact location, with the result
made available quickly and simply for interpretation by the 2.2.3 Policies to adopt
operator. Until the late 1990s, acoustic correlators evolved
considerably, becoming even more user-friendly, portable The recognition by countries, government agencies
and quicker in locating leaks. In 2002 the first digital correlators and management companies, as to the importance of
with noise elimination were introduced, making it even more implementing policies to control losses has led to the
reliable with a wider field of application technology. topic being examined in different forums, both from a
technical standpoint or a legal framework.
An innovative technique currently available is
detecting and locating leaks by a non-acoustic method, a) International
which developed by use a trace inert, harmless gas
specifically injected into the water main. This technique, The reports Managing Water Losses, published by
although more costly and time consuming, has provided United Kingdom Water Industry Research (UKWIR) in
tic logger &
tester DMAs
ing radar
Manual sounding
Combined acous
Adavnced groun
Ground microph
gorund penatrat
Acoustic logger
Leak noise corr
Digital correlat
Electronic step
Deacon meter
(waste meeterin
Step testing
1994, included presentation of consistent and systematic Studies published in this area have established
methodologies that allowed the understanding, important groundwork, from which guidelines, best
measurement and reduction of losses in distribution practices, performance indicators and the main forms of
networks. These reports have been the starting point for action to combat water losses are defined and applied.
a change in attitude on the part of the water production
and supply industry, progressively guiding the course Given the increasing awareness of water resource
of action towards management of systems losses. The conservation, participants at the 3rd EU Water
emphasis currently observed as regards this issue, results Conference also promoted the development of a water
in the consequent development of a large number of policies strategy for the European Union - "Blueprint to
research activities, whilst a major concern is primarily on safeguard Europe's water resources", published in 2012
the ability of managing utilities to measure and evaluate by the Commission European. This is a matrix designed
the performance levels of their water supply networks. to preserve water resources in Europe, aimed mainly at
the problem of leakage in water distribution networks.
The International Water Association (IWA), founded The Commission states that "these issues should be
in 1999 as a non-profit organization, aims to observe addressed to assess the environmental and economic
all stages of the water cycle, serving an international benefits of reducing their levels of losses. The situation is
network of water professionals through research and very different between member states, where between
development of "best practices" for managing water them, the rates of water losses vary between 7% and
sustainably. The association has over 10.000 members in 50% or even more. The Commission will work with the
some 130 countries and is annually hosts hundreds of European water industry to accelerate the development
conferences and specialized seminars on various aspects and dissemination of best practices with regard to
of water management. economically sustainable levels of leakage (SELL -
Sustainable Economic Level of Leakage) and, more
In June 2003, the IWA Water Loss Task Force was generally, the definition a strategic vision for the future
formed by a group of experts in the operation and of water supply infrastructure in order to help the sector
maintenance of water supply systems, being organized adapt to climate change in a world where resources are
into six research teams which have focused their increasingly scarce."
activities on various topics related to the practical
approach to reducing water losses: Active leakage The proposed action consists in a matrix defined in the
control zones, Control and Monitoring, Management publication to be made by the Commission, Member
and Control of Pressure, Developing Performance States and the water sector, covering best practices and
Indicators for comparing systems, Evaluation of Real tools to achieve a sustainable economic level of leakage.
Losses and Apparent losses. Following the work of the In order to facilitate implementation of the proposed
Water Loss Task Force (currently developed into the measures, financial support instruments, consisting of a
Water Loss Specialist Group), IWA started publishing Structural Fund and the Cohesion Fund and loans from
a series of articles on the results of experiments and the European Investment Bank (EIB) between 2014 and
guidelines for "good management practices" in their 2021, were created.
corporate magazine, Water21. These are aimed at
all kinds of governmental groups within the water b) In Portugal
sector, management companies and their employees,
individuals or partners and community representatives From the perspective of evaluating the efficiency of
at all levels of government, including national and water use and resolution of the Council of Ministers No.
international agencies, to combat the problem of 113/2005, which was published in the official Portuguese
water losses and above all, to reduce future demand government record "has been [..] to develop a planning
for water. effort" for this purpose. In fact, an important ministerial
Active Water Loss Control
and interdepartmental effort was developed to establish quality of life of the population, as well as the
guidelines of a National Program for the Efficient Use of socio-economic development;
Water (PNUEA), with the planned initiative becoming
the National Water Plan, coordinated by the National • Minimize the risk of failure due to the lack of
Laboratory Civil Engineering. This program, which water under normal situations, but enhanced
aims to consolidate and effectively implement various during periods of drought;
plans, aims to contribute to a new approach to water
issues in Portugal, under a framework of sustainable • Develop a new water culture in Portugal that
development. Indeed, it was guided by policies aimed increasingly values this resource, contributing
at the efficient, rational and effective use of water to human and economic development and
resources and the preservation of its good ecological environmental preservation and a perspective of
quality, so that Portugal can have the water it needs sustainable development.
beyond a generational boundary.
In practical terms, the goals set by PNUEA 2020 relating
The National Plan for Water Efficiency, which has to water losses associated with distribution systems,
been subject to successive updates in line with relevant point to values of 20% losses in urban areas, 35% in
European directives, is based on four program areas, agriculture and 15% in medium industrial environment.
each comprising of a set of actions. These actions include The recipients of these goals are the management
metering and re-use of water, awareness, information entities, public or private, responsible for operating water
and education, regulation and standardization, training supply infrastructure and end-users, households and
and technical support. Responsibilities for different urban collective units, agricultural and industrial units.
stakeholders and sectors or groups of users are assigned
along with a set of proposed measures that allow better Water losses are occupying a central role in the
use of this resource and additionally reducing waste concerns of managing utilities in Portugal. In this sense,
water and energy consumption and associated reagents, there is more emphasis on the necessity of reducing
thus contributing to a lower environmental impact. losses through combating leaks and renewing networks.
Establishment of these priorities have been revalued Beyond combating the actual losses, it is known that
at the regional scale as a function of the ratio between a significant number of economic or apparent losses
needs and availability of water. Goal setting for PNUEA in water supply systems are typically associated with
defined an indicator that reflects water use efficiency excessive consumption of water and that often results
in any of the sectors considered, directly, transparently from local customs combined with a low or inadequate
and effectively allowing comparison between goals and tariff policy measurement. This portion of apparent
results. losses should be systematically reduced with the
introduction of new policies for demand management
in 2009 under PNUEA, it was identified that the water and water conservation. Many companies still take
waste associated with water distribution systems was still encouragement and awareness of clients to an efficient
very high, although different in every sector of use: 25% use of this resource programs. Together, these programs
in urban use, 38% in agricultural use and 23% in industrial must be part of the global strategy for the conservation
use. This inefficiency in water use is especially onerous of water resources.
during periods of water scarcity. For environmental,
economic and ethical reasons it has become imperative In Portugal, even before greater emphasis was given to
to create a set of national objectives to: the problem of losses motivated by the establishment of
PNUEA, EPAL has demonstrated a significant concern as
• Improve the efficiency of water use in Portugal, regards this theme which was motivated by the fact that
without jeopardizing the essential needs and demand exceeded supply capacity that the company had.
Active Water Loss Control
In the mid-1990s, when losses in its supply system Such measures have, given the annual volume of non-
were in the order of 25%, the company has proceeded revenue water in the Lisbon distribution network that in
to undertake systematic campaigns of acoustic leak 2002 represented 25% of water entering the network,
detection in temporary study areas in the network. implied additional measures, including the development
and implementation of an active water loss control
Throughout the 1990s the overall values of Non- system, strengthening the approach based on distribution
Revenue Water (NRW) in EPAL were relatively constant, network sectorization into District Monitoring Areas
significantly, with greater levels of losses in the Lisbon (DMAs) and their continuous management.
distribution network. At the turn of the century, there
was an overall annual NRW volume of approximately 50 In this context, during 2005 the company established
million cubic meters, of which approximately 38 million objectives for the reduction of Non-Revenue Water in
cubic meters were lost in the distribution network (see the Lisbon distribution network to sustainable values,
Figure 2.4). setting the goal, until 2010, of attaining levels of
water losses of less than 15%, which led to initiatives
Given the scenario described above, in the early 2000s to reinforce innovation, experience, sustainability,
EPAL decided to undertake an effective strategy for efficiency, optimization and economy, based on six key
control and reduction of water losses, focusing on critical vectors of action:
• Sectoring and continuous monitoring of the
• promoting improved quality of information registered network;
in the GIS (Geographic Information System) and
compatibility of information with the Customer • Development of analytical systems using internal
Management System (AQUAMATRIX®); resources;
• intensification of renovation and rehabilitation of the • Optimization of Active Control Leak procedures;
Lisbon distribution network, progressively based on
more consistent and sustainable decision support • Continuous improvement based on experience
methodologies for defining intervention priorities. and results;
Figure 2.4 Evolution of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) in the EPAL system during the 1990s
Active Water Loss Control
• Process of simple and effective analysis due to the In addition to the above mentioned aspects, advantages
complexity of the distribution systems; created in efficiency levels by reducing water losses
involve positive outcomes for all stakeholders involved,
• Focus on essential and effective cost control. including clients, company, regulator and shareholders,
at different levels:
In addition, a specific computer application was
developed to support active water loss control, namely • environmental
WONE - Water Efficiency for Network Optimization
which is also used to support other water utilities. By allowing reduced extraction rates to be
obtained, reduce energy consumption and
Project development required a total investment of 2 reagents, avoiding, based on cumulative data
million euros, including monitoring point construction, between 2005 and 2013, 21.000 t CO2 emissions.
installation of flow meters and telemetry equipment, As previously stated, there was a dramatic
restructuring of leak detection procedures and decrease in energy consumption required for
equipment as well as organization and training of network the production of distribution network water
analysis teams, distribution network hydraulic model and treatment reagent consumption, which also
development, as well as the development of the WONE resulted in reduction of annual emissions of CO2,
computer application. It was also possible to review transforming the business into a cleaner performer
investment strategies, repair response procedures and with a smaller carbon footprint.
implement a number of improvements to the EPANET
based hydraulic network model. • economic and financial
This small investment generated significant economic Implementation of the project, allowed a
benefits in terms of the substantial reduction in water cumulative NRW reduction in the Lisbon
losses in the network of Lisbon, as shown in Figure 2.5. distribution network with around 98 million
Millions of m3
3.1 Water Balance of the components related to system inputs and water
losses in water supply systems, which are articulated and
3.1.1 Principal Concepts and Definitions outlined in the respective water balance table.
The occurrence of water losses is inherent in all This method of calculation, being separated into
distribution systems, with a variable volume of water components, assists with the characterization of the
actually lost. This volume represents the amount of water amount of water entering the system that can be
that is introduced into the system and which, for various individually measured or estimated in order to complete
reasons, fails to be delivered or charged to the consumer. the overall Water balance, as shown in the figure below.
It may be further considered that the amount of loss
depends on the specifics of each system, in particular the The significance of each principal of water balance
infrastructure condition, operational and maintenance components is as follows:
regimes, thus calculating and quantifying losses may be
just as important as the challenge of reducing it. • System Input Volume (SIV) - annual volume of
water entering the distribution system;
Faced with the need to assess water loss volumes
and its components and thus enable an international • Authorized Consumption - annual volume of water
comparison between the performances of different metered or unmetered but actually consumed
operators, the IWA Water Loss Task Force undertook a by clients, the supplier itself or by those who are
series of investigations and initiatives on the subject. In implicitly or explicitly authorized to consume
2000, the tool which has come to constitute the basis water, such as social commitments and legitimate
for almost all analysis that takes place regarding water use by the fire service. In addition, the volume of
losses was introduced - the Water balance. Added to water that is exported is also included and existing
the concept of water balance, comes a set of definitions leaks present on client service connections;
Potable SIV
Water Billed Potable Water Exported (metered + unmetered) 2
Imported Authorised
Potable Water Billed Authorised Consumption (metered + unmetered)
Potable and Input Unbilled Authorised Consumption Potable
Water Input from Utility Unauthorised Consumption
from Utility Treatment Apparent Supplied
Treatment Works Non-Revenue Losses Customer Metering Errors (excluding
Works Water Water Potable Water
Losses Real From service reservoir, mains and Exported)
Losses service connections up to point of
(leakage) customer metering
Figure 3.1 International Water Association (IWA) Simplified Water Balance
Active Water Loss Control
• Non-Revenue Water (NRW) - is the difference system, with the volume of authorized consumption at
between the volume of water introduced into one or more points in the same system. NRW includes all
the system and the authorized consumption that losses, real and perceived.
is actually billed. Thus, NRW is the water loss
plus the segment that translates into unbilled
authorized consumption; Non-Revenue Water (NRW) = Water Losses +
Authorised Unbilled Consumption
• Water losses – the difference between the
volume of water introduced into the system and Water Losses =
authorized consumption, representing both real Real Losses + Apparent Losses
and apparent losses;
The NRW calculation may be presented by volume, as
• Apparent Losses – corresponds to theft and illicit indicated above, or, as often happens, in percentages:
consumption and can be estimated by checking
the number of illegal connections, number of
defective meters and using estimates of per capita % Non-Revenue Water = (Unbilled Volume /
consumption used to calculate the volume; System Input) x 100
• Real Losses – volume that is lost annually through The various factors of water losses are illustrated
all types of leaks, bursts and leaks in pipelines, graphically in Figure 3.2.
reservoirs and service connections to the point of
the client meter. The water balance and the definitions of its components
are the most common solution for calculation and
The estimated loss is obtained by comparing the evaluation of water losses, having come to form the
volume produced or transferred in from one point of the basis for national and international comparison of utility
Figure 3.2 Flowchart of the various water loss factors in a supply system
Active Water Loss Control
performance. Correct and applicable management continuous improvement. These volumes, calculated or
of water supply systems should include continuous estimated, are liable to error and uncertainties that may
monitoring of flows in order to permit, firstly, the correct have a greater or lesser extent and that will be considered
calculation of water volumes which are not charged and in proportion to the relative volume of unbilled water
secondly, identification of potential water loss. and actual losses.
Despite being the far more common and more easily For recovery of the loss components, namely the
perceived indicator, the use of percentages to quantify real and apparent losses, complementary approaches
NRW is not without some controversy, given the direct should be used for calculation and results obtained can
influence that the volume of water entering the system be considered as credible. The following approaches to
has on the final result. determining losses are accepted consensually:
Overall, many other indicators have been established This approach begins with a macro-analysis of
with different levels of sophistication, whose objective is losses that assesses the need for intervention over
to allow benchmarking between utilities. the whole network. To this end, the system input
volumes through metering are analysed, as well
3.1.2 Calculation Methods as billed and unbilled authorized consumption
and apparent losses due to illegal connections
IWA recommends calculating water balance volumes and potential measurement errors.
of prior to determining performance indicators. This
calculation is based on the volume of water introduced The analysis evolves, so the whole system is
into the system, quantification of authorized billed and separated into smaller areas, which entails the
unbilled consumption, metered or unmetered, leading gradual determination of the current levels of
to the determination of volumes of real and apparent the various potential losses. In this approach,
losses. The basis for calculation is annual (12 full months), losses are calculated from metering of the various
minimizing any time between meter reading and billing system inputs, minus values obtained by client
discrepancies. billing systems.
The water balance should be based preferably on the • Bottom-Up Approach, applied in cases
actual measurement of flow rates and volumes. However, of sectorised systems and equipped with
whenever a reliable duly verified measurement is not continuous monitoring, means it is possible to
possible, then every effort should be made to evaluate calculate the volume of real losses from night
as accurately as possible, each component volume and flow values (OFWAT 2001). This approach serves
consumption and estimate realistically each of the water as a counterpoint to the value of real losses that
balance component. were calculated by the Top-Down approach
and is based on the analysis of Minimum Night
The methods used for determining the estimated Flow obtained from data with high value of
components should be defined, recorded and subject to certainty. However, this approach requires
Active Water Loss Control
thorough knowledge of the network and a more To adopt this approach, the network should be
sophisticated level of management in terms of progressive and properly structured and equipped in
network control. accordance with its normal operation, being analysed
through permanently sectored District Meter Areas
illustrates the two approaches mentioned
Figure 3.3 (DMA). The construction of a hydraulic model also has
schematically. a key role in creating a better understanding of network
behaviour, optimizing the process of sectoring and
Convergence of the values obtained by these two subsequent estimation of combined flows for each of the
approaches gives credibility to the results of the water analysed functions or network zone.
balance and ultimately, assists in identifying any
uncertainties encountered more accurately.
System input
TOP volume
DOWN Billed
26 Approach consuption
Apparent losses
Real losses
Authorised BOTTOM
night flow
• Leaks on client service connections up to the meter, • Condition of the main transmission and
normally underground. distribution pipelines;
In this context it should be considered that the concept • Material, age and attention to the original
of leakage corresponds in general terms to physical loss settlement of pipelines;
of water in each component of the water balance.
• Number and quality of service connections or
Leaks occur in all supply systems varying greatly in size extensions;
and severity, depending on the circumstances of each
site and supplier. Leaks can be visible or invisible, which • Pressure at which the system is operated and
in the second case can exist for an undefined period of pressure fluctuations throughout the day;
time, which can be prolonged if efforts to detect them
are not undertaken. Even the simple detection of a leak • Number and condition of network accessories
cannot quantify the amount lost, so that, in most cases, such as valves, hydrants and air vents;
tests and trials must be undertaken to quantify losses
with any precision, whilst recording the process for • State of hydraulic transients protection
auditing purposes. equipment;
There are also other water loss definitions, which are • Protection against corrosion;
associated with different types of leakage that can occur,
namely: • Materials used for repairs;
• Background losses – occur through small • State of foundations and walls of the reservoirs;
leaks, undetectable using available detection
equipment and characterized by low flow rates, • Surface or "trop-plein" discharges;
long lasting and thus with large volume losses;
• Geotechnical conditions and instability of the soil;
• Burst losses – characterized by high flow, short
duration, often visible and associated damage, • Road traffic or other vehicles loadings.
which correspond to moderate loss volume;
Active Water Loss Control
Of all the factors noted, the relevance of each is overestimating the problem of system leakage. Therefo-
enhanced by the influence of operating pressures, re, assessing the volume of leakage through a combina-
management of which strongly influences losses in the tion of other methods is recommended.
system, where it is known that high pressures:
In the case of Bottom-Up approach, applicable
• Imply a greater amount of water consumed either to sectorised networks equipped with continuous
by bursts or by the client; monitoring systems, the volume of real losses is
estimated based on the observation of night flow values
• Are associated with a higher rate of damage and to the areas in question, typically observed between 2am
breakage in pipes and fittings; and 4am and then extrapolated to 24 hours of operation.
The IWA has published the result of a series of studies to
• Increase the likelihood of hydraulic transients, estimate standard authorized night consumption, defined
particularly in the start and stop events of by the type of client. In this approach, it is essential to
pumping groups and of isolating valve operations. calculate the Night-Day Factor, which corresponds to the
Hydraulic transients can cause bursts in pipelines, ratio between the maximum pressure variation present
shifting stabilising blocks or damaging joints. in the network (usually during the night which is the best
estimate of losses) and the minimum pressure recorded
In systems subject to significant and recurring during peak periods. Figure 3.4 illustrates this approach.
variations in pressure there is a greater tendency for
fatigue in pipes and accessories, especially designed for
plastics. Furthermore, greater efficiency in acoustic leak
detection is achieved with higher pressure values due
to the increased noise level caused by the escape of
water that propagates through the pipeline network and
In the case of top-down approach, it is assumed that: Minimum Recoverable real losses
Volume of Real Losses = System Input Real Losses
Volume - (Authorized Consumption Volume Unavoidable real losses
+ Apparent Losses Volume)
Volume of Real Losses = (Minimum Night amount of water lost through real losses and the cost of
consumption - Authorized Consumption) X leak detection and control activities with the objective to
Night Day Factor minimize the sum of both. This is the concept of Economic
Level of Losses - ELL.
An important advantage of this type of analysis is the
possibility to calculate the volume of real losses, either for The IWA Water Loss Task Force identified four basic
the whole system or DMAs, enabling the utility to ranking factors of real losses management:
and align areas according to intervention priorities. This
type of calculation provides a check of the values obtained • pressure management;
by the water balance and determining the relationship
between network pressure and the level of losses. • speed and quality of repairs;
For this purpose, EPAL has developed the WONE • management of network assets;
application, specifically for treating DMA monitoring
data and network management support, enabling • active leakage control.
automatic implementation of this approach as illustrated
in Figure 3.5, referring to one of the DMAs in the Gráfico
Lisbon do Total eThe following figure highlights the four main areas
Min. Diários
1450 16
1400 14
1350 12
1300 10
1150 4
Authorised consumption
1100 + Unavoidable real losses 2
1050 0
Daily input volume (m3) Minimum night flow (m3/h) Target night flow (m3/h)
Figure 3.5 Minimum night consumption and estimate of potentially recoverable real losses
3.2.2 Management of Real Losses Water supply system pressures unequivocally influence
the occurrence of bursts and leaks, with the correct
Real losses can be minimized but not completely management of pressure in water supply systems being one
eliminated, with the aim being to achieve a level of real of the most effective ways to combat water loss, widely dealt
losses with the lowest cost combination between the with in several studies. (Trow and Tooms, 2014).
Active Water Loss Control
Pressure management
yy Reducing leakage losses
yy Consuption reduction
yy Burst reduction
l losses
U voi
n a
le annual r
eve es
l of real loss
l lo
Infrastructure management ial Proactive leakage control
ly r
yy Selection
yy Installation
ecoverable rea yy Leakage detection campaigns
yy Maintenance
yy Renewal
yy Replacement
Figure 3.6 Principal factors for reducing real losses (IWA Water Loss Task Force)
The speed and quality of repairs carried out on the leaks In the short-term, management of real losses must be
detected on the network allow the reduction of losses undertaken to reduce the duration leaks through the
volume, ensuring that it is maintained at controlled levels. rapid intervention to resolve the detected leakage and
Implementation of an integrated asset management system improving the quality of repairs. To achieve results in
by a utility helps to ensure a balance between performance, the medium and long term, thus effectively reducing
cost and asset risk, contributing to a policy of maintenance, losses in the network, action should be promoted
replacement or renewal effective and sustainable. The last towards pressure management, efficient management of
factor focuses on active leakage control , which calls for a company assets and active leakage control.
proactive strategy towards the reduction of water losses
through the detection of hidden leaks, for which control Active Control Leak is the focus of this document and
is possible through the action of specialized teams and began at EPAL in a continuous and objective way in 2005
continuous monitoring of the supply system. with the implementation of the first DMAs. Sectorisation
Active Control Leak is the focus of this document and began at EPAL in a continuous
and objective way in 2005 with the implementation of the first DMAs. Sectorisation
of the distribution network through DMA creation, continuous monitoring of the network
and the existence of a team dedicated to monitoring system analysis and leakage control
was instrumental in the systematic reduction of NRW at EPAL in recent years.
Active Water Loss Control
of the distribution network through DMA creation, the value to other areas, whilst considering unauthorized
continuous monitoring of the network and the existence usage as those that include illegal connections or theft
of a team dedicated to monitoring system analysis and caused by misuse of fire hydrants. In turn, the legitimate
leakage control was instrumental in the systematic connections can cause apparent losses from billing
reduction of NRW at EPAL in recent years. errors, such as not recorded in the database or known
about, but either intentionally and accidentally omitted
from the database.
3.3 Apparent Losses
With the aim of reducing the number of unknown service
3.3.1 Characterisation of Apparent Losses connections and reconcile the physical registration of
the company network with the billing system, EPAL
Apparent volume losses, also referred to as economic undertook a project to survey and validate compatibility
or commercial losses, are not accounted for and not of service connections. This project has had a great
attributable to leakage. Such losses are divided according impact on the identification of illegal consumption
into two components within the water balance, namely and contributed significantly to the analysis quality
unauthorized consumption, which corresponds water undertaken within the Active leakage control actions,
theft and metering inaccuracies, which may include especially in increasing reliability in identifying clients
meter errors and failures in data handling. Apparent and their consumption.
losses can be influenced by social, cultural, political
and financial factors, amongst others and may require The apparent losses component associated with
organizational and institutional changes. As such, they metering inaccuracy, under-invoicing and commercial
are harder to locate, target under medium and long potential errors is another aspect to consider. To combat
term action plans. these situations, concern should be shown for the correct
choice of meter type, its sizing and installation conditions.
Control of apparent losses is largely undertaken
by analysis and subsequent resolution of problems It is recognized that mechanical meters tend to have
associated with unauthorized consumption, a situation a gradual tendency for under-registration throughout
that is directly related the number and location of existing their life cycle, which can be prematurely exaggerated
illegal connections. This identification can be obtained when subjected to operating systems not covered
by estimating, analysing a pilot area and extrapolating by the respective manufacturer’s guidelines. It is also
With the aim of reducing the number of unknown service connections and reconcile
the physical registration of the company network with the billing system, EPAL
undertook a project to survey and validate compatibility of service connections. This
project had a great impact on the identification of illegal consumption and contributed
significantly to the analysis quality undertaken within the Active leakage control
actions, especially in increasing reliability in identifying clients and their consumption.
Active Water Loss Control
emphasized that oversized meters tend to under- test bench-based measurement and validation of a
register under low flow conditions and may lead to large significant sample of meters installed in the network.
differences between the recorded volume and the water
that is actually consumed. It will therefore be prudent to In this perspective it is recommended to undertake meter
adopt a policy of monitoring and replacement of client validation on test benches of a significant sample of meters
and revenue meters, as sub-metering may result in a installed on the network, to determine any deviations
significant loss of revenue. from the expected standard in terms of the average meter
error due to age. This is essential for determination of this
Some of the key factors contributing to meter factor in the water balance and the existence of reliable
degradation are as follows: measurement of bulk volumes transported, exported
and imported by the system and registered in any of the
various sectors the distribution network.
• Metering inaccuracies
Indeed, study of DMA behavior an important source
• Under-registration caused by low flows and poor of information that helps detect and locate areas with
accuracy due to age or high usage; under-metering, as shown in Figure 3.7, which highlights
• Low accuracy class meter; a DMA in the city of Porto, with universal metering and
• Meter stopped, damaged or obsolete; in which the top of the curves allows identification the
• Improper maintenance or replacement policy. existence of under-metering.
• Unlawful meter intervention The control of unauthorized use must go through the
identification of illicit connections. Data analysis should
• Meter bypass; consider the activities of identifying stopped meters, in
• Vandalism or abuse intervention. order to reconcile client data and consumption data as well
as the rigorous estimation of un-metered consumption.
• Under-billing (errors and fraud by meter reader or
client) Finally, monitoring the integrity of billing data can be
maximized through use of IT, including more reliable and
• Volume under recorded in the billing system; representative client databases. Figure 3.8 highlights the
• Fictitious reading; four main areas to be focused upon as regards reducing
• Data transfer errors; apparent losses.
• Billing software errors.
3.4 Principal Water Loss performance
3.3.2 Control of Apparent Losses indicators
The methodologies applied for active control of Following preparation of the now universally recognized
apparent losses require careful management of water water balance, used in a growing number of management
meters, implementing a control policy for unauthorized companies worldwide, the IWA, through specialized
consumption, control and analysis of received data and working groups, identified a set of performance indicators
the handling and integrity of billing data. for the following components of the water balance:
Figure 3.7 Apparent water loss control in a DMA with 100% metering (ceded by Águas do Porto)
Policy enforcement control un-authorised use data integrity controls
yy Illegal use identification
Customer meter management
Data handling & analysis controls yy Metrological verification plan
yy Stopped meters yy Replacement plan
yy Control of estimated readings yy Meter selection
• Real Losses
The calculation of performance indicators enables
• Apparent Losses a comparison between managing utilities in different
countries and of varying dimensions, becoming more
One of the most commonly used approaches in relevant as a decision-making tool, aiming towards
defining performance indicators is to understand their continuous improvement and cultivating knowledge
subdivision into distinct groups, including financial, regarding the supply system condition and performance.
operational and water resources. Table 3.1, prepared by
the IWA Water Task Force, outlines details relating to the It is stressed that the measurement unit for each
most commonly used performance indicators. indicator varies according to the type of performance
indicator referred to. Financial and water resources
Active Water Loss Control
indicators often use percentage loss in volume or sample of connections and which have used the
percentage of the water value, whilst operational installation of flow meters at the start of these connections
indicators consider units of volume per service to compare the volume registered by customer meters
connection or per kilometre of network per time served by each individual connections. Only in this way
period (hour, day, or year). In the case of operating will it be possible to validate if the dimenison of losses on
performance indicators, this differentiation appears to service connections is indeed one of the main aspects of
avoid misinterpretation of the results due to differences water loss. To confirm this, it will therefore be necessary
and changes in volumes consumed, intermittent supply to undertake more concrete studies, involving tests to
and the presence of client-side storage tanks, a situation provide actual data of sufficient statistical dimension,
that can lead to significant under-metering, due to low including measurements comparing flow into the
flow rates. service connections with the flow out-going flow at the
customer consumption points. In addition, a review of
Given the diversity of situations that can occur in water past service connection repairs could be undertaken, in
supply networks and the intrinsic characteristics of their order to assess any potential impact on water losses. In
functions, it is important to contextualize some of the fact, only by investigating the subject more deeply will
key concepts inherent in the calculation of the indicators it be possible to state unambiguously and technically
mentioned in order to ensure a uniform perception. correctly, if most of the losses occur on the service
connections or not.
First, one of the relevant aspects is related to the
issue of service connections. The importance of service The definition of a service connection should also
connections to the level of water losses stems from the be clarified as to what types of locations fall into this
conviction expressed by several authors that a significant category. Thus, a service connection is considered to
proportion of water losses occur in these connections, be any connection from a main pipe of a water supply
which constitute an effective weak point in the mains. system to an element supplied from this pipe. These
However, there are no known studies that support this locations may be open grounds, buildings, fire hydrants,
presumption, based on a sufficiently representative network elements and irrigation systems, building works
Active Water Loss Control
extensions, sampling points, air valves, network discharge the early identification of a leak and respective repair, so
points and dead ends, irrespective as to whether they are that the volume of leakage is much smaller compared to
in service or not, being under pressure and always under other situations.
load since the connections do not have an isolating valve
at the beginning and thus can be at risk of leaks. Given the above, it is easily understood that it is often
considered that the extension length is the distance
It is also stressed that due to the topography of many between the point of contact between the service
cities, the type of urban planning adopted and even social connection to the main pipe and the limit of private
differences, large differences in the typology of urban property or building. This is more associated with a
areas exist, noting examples where the predominant simplification of the situation rather than for hydraulic
family housing unit varies between situations where each or technical reasons, since it does not have any effective
connection corresponds to a single client to situations correspondence with the actual physical infrastructure.
in which vertical construction predominates with multi- On the other hand, consideration of water loss indicators
apartment buildings or even, as in some areas of the city of based on the number of service connections can lead
Lisbon, with numerous apartment buildings with several to questions as to why the number of meters is not
floors, all served by a single connection. In this latter case, considered as an indicator, when there is a signifcant
each connection corresponds to a high number of clients. diversity of situations. This is a valid whether or not there
This variety of situations naturally has implications in are active contracts, given that with a higher number of
terms of assessment systems and water loss performance meters and greater total length of service connections,
indicator calculation and may give rise to a significant then the greater the number of weak points that will
distortion in the comparison between different systems. exist in the infrastructure, whose losses are borne by the
utility. In addition, expressing the volume of losses in
In addition to the potential distortion provoked by the terms of the number of meters increases the perception
situations described above, there are still many doubts of their meaning by the population served, because in
and questions about the limits of a service connection most countries all properties have a meter (and those
entity, justifying particularly careful consideration. which do not, should have, which is an essential step in
Indeed, it would seem logical that the service connection the reduction of consumption), so that customers can
corresponds to the connecting portion between the understand the significance of water loss per meter, an
principal main and the meter of a house, building or issue which is the responsibility of the utility. Therefore,
condominium for example, or the network element being this helps to convey to both clients and the population,
supplied. This latter situation has a direct correspondence the perception of efficient resource management and
in the case of single dwelling houses, direct supply to resulting economic loss that will ultimately be transferred
network elements and buildings or condominiums which to the customer in the form of extra costs, either through
have a totalizing meter at the entrance area. This may, the fixed or variable component of the client water bill.
however, be questioned in cases of buildings that have
a meter battery, particularly if this battery is away from It is thus clear that, given the diversity of supply systems
the building entrance area and therefore with a variable contexts, making direct comparisons in terms of such
length of section in private ownership. This does not indicators not only is not recommended, it is undesirable.
apply to all buildings, such as in cases in which meters are Accordingly, the application and usefulness of most of
situated in each apartment on different floors. In these these indicators should be aimed towards monitoring
cases, there are long building pipes connected to the and assessing trends in the performance of a particular
meters, all of which create possible water losses along system or managing utility with additional care taken
these sections, which are still the responsibility of the when undertaking benchmarking between utilities, as
operator. This is despite the existence of above-ground the IWA has confirmed in several publications on water
sections and in private buildings which normally imply loss indicators (Alegre et al., 2000).
Active Water Loss Control
3.4.1 Financial Indicators and seeking to remedy the limitations of indicators that
consider only water volumes, the IWA Water Loss Task
The economic-financial performance indicators for Force developed the ILI - Infrastructure Leakage Index
NRW can be expressed in terms of volume, percentage (Lambert, 2003). This infrastructure losses indicator
or value, of which the latter is considered the unit of intended to measure utility efficiency as regards
greatest relevance and representativity as a measure. management of real losses against the pressure regime
in which it operates, hence ILI is based on components
Unbilled authorized consumption and apparent losses that allow calculation of the comparison of actual
must be evaluated according to the water selling price, losses between networks of different dimensions and
since they represent the volume of water that would structures. Thus, the indicator intends to relate the
otherwise be delivered to the consumer. The actual present value of system annual real losses against an
losses may in turn be evaluated based on the average estimate of inevitable losses, considering the five factors
cost of water production or purchase price of treated with the greatest impact: network length, number of
water and imported, if the water was purchased from service connections, average operating pressure, meter
another management company. Therefore: location and continuity of supply.
Active Water Loss Control
In developed countries, well managed systems and in 3.4.3 Apparent Losses Indicators
excellent condition should be close to an ILI of 1 while
higher values indicate older systems with infrastructure As mentioned previously, apparent losses are the
deficiencies. A value of ILI of below 2 means that a sum of the volumes lost by errors in metering used for
greater reduction of losses is not economically viable. billing clients with unauthorized consumption (illicit
ILI values above 8 may not be indicative of a utility with consumption) and obviously not invoiced. There is
very inadequate resources, poor system conditions and currently no accurate method to calculate apparent
maintenance and where the implementation of a water losses values, but there are recommendations to
loss reduction program is imperative. For developing estimate indicators for this type of loss.
countries, the values of ILI are doubled (Lambert, 2009).
One of the recommendations to estimate the volume
The ILI is intended to allow comparison of network of losses originating from meter errors is the application
performance, based on their physical characteristics of the results of metrological tests performed on meters
and pressures, reflecting the degree of management removed from the distribution network using the total
efficiency in terms of infrastructure. This is a purely volume of water measured and billed. Based on tests
technical indicator and does not consider economic conducted on calibrated meter test banks it is possible
factors, but it can be applied to international comparisons to estimate measurement errors associated with client
if the number of service connections is greater than 3.000 meters installed. These systematic tests assume that a
and the average pressure over 25 m. (Lambert, 2009). representative sample of meters installed in the network
need to be removed after several years of service, with
The indicator results from an auditable component based the selection being determined by the measurement
analysis and should be used with caution. It depends in error meter type, calibre, make, model and age. This is
the first instance, on estimating the amount of real losses a result which can be positive or negative, which is then
and also estimation of the average service connection applied to the measured volume of water and charged,
length, the latter being very difficult to obtain given the resulting in a value corresponding to the metering error
varying infrastructure and buildings normally existing in value of the water balance.
the network.
Active Water Loss Control
In turn, there is no agreed methodology for determining under-metering errors that worsen over time, a fact that
the portion concerning unauthorized, although the is reflected in economic losses for the utility and falsely
best recommendation advises that calculation of the elevated real loss values.
difference between the total volume of apparent losses
consumption less the estimated value associated with However, in either case, it is suggested by the IWA, in
measurement errors or billing. the Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services
report (2000), that the values of apparent losses and their
Figure 3.9 outlines metering errors obtained in laboratory respective components are always presented through
tests from a sample of DN15 volumetric type meters the ratio of volume loss per service connection per year
after different periods of service. As can be seen, it is in order to maintain compatibility with the indicators and
clear that this type of meters are usually affected by units used for ascertaining real losses.
Legal time limit for periodic verification
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Average Error (%)
Service Time (years)
Minimum Flow Qmin Transition Flow, Qt Linear (Minimum Flow, Qmin) Linear (Transition Flow, Qt)
4.1 General Considerations successful public services around the globe have adopted
simple strategies based on four key actions (Figure 4.1).
In chapter 2, a number of assumptions regarding the
importance of a strategy for water loss control were Actions aimed at reducing overall operational costs,
clarified. From the perspective of operators, one of protect water resources and set priorities in investment
the basic issues to consider in developing this strategy requires the development of a proactive approach in
consists of evaluating the potential gains from its detecting water losses. Any implementation of this
implementation. In this case, the balance will be between strategy should be supported, managed and constantly
the costs arising from water losses in the system and the reviewed by a dedicated team and any utility should take
benefits that will result from this strategy. into consideration the following aspects:
To proceed with the implementation of a strategy to • Identify internal stakeholders within the business
combat losses, it is essential to take into account the you have interest in NRW, noting that the NRW
specific circumstances of the utility. Thus, a prior diagnosis team must not be a separate department in
is necessary to determine the starting point, which isolation, but should reflect the whole business's
should ensure information collection about the supply intent to economically conserve water;
network, the way in which it is operated and definition of
• Establish policies to support water loss
feasible solutions, given financial constraints, the type of
management; 41
existing infrastructure, levels of experience and degree of
knowledge of available personnel, technology available • Develop an integrated policy for consumption
as well as social, cultural and political influences. monitoring;
The choice of the approach to be taken by the utility • Surveillance of network design so as to readily
depends intrinsically on their systems and financial identify visible leaks and damaged caused by third
capacity as well as determinants on service level parties that could conflict with the infrastructure;
aspects, including network pressure, burst frequency,
level of background leakage, leak identification and • Systematically undertaken listening interventions
location times plus the stipulated time for repair. A utility on network accessories such as valves, discharge
adopting a passive control approach to losses provides points and hydrants, in order to discover potentially
only a reaction to the reported bursts, usually by clients, leaks;
or lack of supply capacity, identified by insufficient
pressure in the network. Although this approach may • Use mobile meters to temporarily measure flow
have a significant impact given the potential waste of in defined areas in order to locate high night flow
resource, it may be considered sufficient in systems in rates;
regions without major limitations of water resources,
with adequate treatment capacity of water and low • Use groups of fixed or temporary acoustic noise
marginal costs. Other situations for which the passive loggers.
approach can be justified relate to:
b) Pro-Active network monitoring and control of
• Reduced operating costs, in particular as regards losses
the purchase of water from external entities, either
as a result of reduced quantity, or low unit price; This method is preferably adopted by leading water
utilities with high financial control and environmental
• Low operating costs plus capital costs deferred liability, based on the network sectorisation in different
when water is saved being sufficient to defer supply areas and monitoring night flows normally
capital investment, as in the case of works for associated with network losses. In these areas, DMAs,
new sources or pumping stations; the rate of supply leakage is permanently measured,
thus guaranteeing identification of potential leakage
• Low price charged to client where water saved can be problems and allowing establishment of leak detection
sold, being typical of systems with water shortages. priorities.
It must however be noted that a passive approach A very important benefit arising from the introduction of
loss control cannot, in general, attain desirable levels of a proactive approach to control water loss is the reduction
efficiency, particularly in terms of water losses, except for of the average time for locating leaks, thus enabling rapid
a limited period of time in new systems built from scratch problem resolution, namely repair of unreported leaks.
using appropriate and quality projects and materials. Thus, it is clear that a proactive approach in combating
Active Water Loss Control
losses, which adopts a permanent monitoring strategy, balance must be constantly monitored to ensure that it
may be more successful because it allows problem is maintained.
resolution at an earlier stage in its life cycle.
One of the main tasks of a water losses control plan 4.2 Economic Level of Leakage (ELL)
is installation of new infrastructure, procedures and
even new attitudes. The development of a strategy for 4.2.1 Concept
NRW reduction implies the ability to assess the current
situation accurately, being necessary to obtain precise A utility is considered to have reached the Economic
level of flow measurement and client data. This strategy Level of Leakage (ELL) when the sum of the cost of water
must be supported and have direct support from the lost in the supply system and the cost of active leakage
highest levels in the utility through enabling policies and control activities undertaken reaches a minimum. In this
provision of adequate resources and training. way, a limit on loss reduction investment is defined, after
which it is no longer economically feasible to exceed the
Alternatively, implementation of a water losses control cost of water production. This notion applies to real and
strategy should be considered a long term goal, aimed apparent losses, whilst ELL is achieved only when their
at reaching the ELL as defined by the operator. When economic levels occur simultaneously.
this loss level is reached, data related to the water
Active Water Loss Control
Reported bursts
Operational information
Annual cost (€/year)
▶▶ Level of losses;
e le
▶▶ Network Pressure;
Short ELL
4.2.2 ELL Calculation Constraints ▶▶ PRV type installed in pressure controlled areas;
▶▶ Database of events in the network; This considers the impacts that certain investment
needs have on the ELL calculation, such as expansion or
▶▶ Databases of clients and their measured or construction of infrastructure (new extraction points or
estimated consumption; mains, etc.) or investments in creating permanent DMA.
Thus, it is also possible to balance investment costs with
▶▶ Personnel and equipment involved in the active those of increased work to reducing losses. Investments
control of losses. should consider the following questions:
The ability to gather all this information in order to • What is the current level of leakage?
undertake a credible water balance calculation can imply
a high level of development of the organization. Based on • What is the short-term ELL?
this information, practicable indicators can be calculated
to define action priorities for setting desired losses levels • How ELL varies depending on short-term
and action or investment alternative scenarios, all of investments?
which fits within the ELL. In addition, these indicators are
calculated by successive repetitions until they may be • How much lost water can be recovered, or
considered as reliable values. a possible change in the active loss control
policy, when compared with existing company
4.2.3 Characterisation of Real Losses ELL policies?
To be able to understand the estimated ELL value, it is • What is the cost of the proposed investment?
necessary to examine how water is valued, this being a
specific calculation for each region, or even being able to • What is the return on investment?
differentiate between different areas of the same supply
system. ELL calculation can observe two distinct forms: The answer to these questions will allow the utility
manager to decide on its investment policy.
a) Short-term ELL (stELL)
This considers only the marginal cost of detection and 4.3 Factors to define water loss control
repair of actual losses. For example, the cost of active strategy
leakage control, in relation to the marginal benefits of
water which is no longer lost in leaks and overflows, The implementation of any water loss control strategy
establishing an optimal balance point. It may still be is conditioned from the outset by external and internal
considered in analysing pressure management actions, factors to the utility itself. Regulatory policies defined
mains condition or other operations not involving for the water sector in each country legally oblige
significant investments in the medium or long term. organizations to achieve certain efficiency goals, or to
In the short term, it is stressed that the equilibrium include funds in their operating budgets earmarked for
Active Water Loss Control
investments in combating water losses. Moreover, the have to intervene when required, particularly when
organizational structure and utility culture, expertise of its there are leaks on private property and the source of
professionals, but mostly, the financial balance of these the problem cannot be identified without resorting to
organizations, unequivocally determines implementing these teams. In parallel, implementation of measures
policies and strategies to control losses. leading to preventative meter replacement but without
major concerns with as regards to the rigorous execution
No single standard solution exists, which is applicable of plans for preventive replacement of meters or use of
to all utilities, hence each company must analyze the higher quality meters.
external and internal constraints to which it is subject,
thus defining a suitable technical and economic level At the opposite extreme are utilities with significant
of leakage, position to achieve in the market, as well as disadvantages and where investments in water loss
strategies to be adopted to combat water losses. In this control far exceed the benefit-cost ratios achieved by the
context, it is important that each entity undertakes a implementation of these measures. These companies
cost-benefit analysis of the financial burden associated have no worries about the timely repair of visible leaks
with the implementation of various measures to combat or leak detection teams in the organization. The utility
losses before taking a decision to implement any strategy. itself does not have the implementation of policies to
The result of this analysis will influence identification of combat losses as a priority or even a strategy defined
the level of losses to achieve and will directly dictate for this purpose. This type of loss control strategy or
the level of investment made in a control strategy for lack of one should not be objectionable and may even
combating water losses. be admissible in very specific situations. Examples are
utilities operating in world heritage cities, where a burst
Given the above, it is apparent that water utilities repair intervention can cost values far above average, or
that have a higher purchase or production cost per involve participation of numerous environmental and
cubic metre of water are those that should adopt more archaeological organizations. In these cases, water loss
proactive strategies to combat losses. These companies interventions are justified only in situations where the
structure their operational plans in order to work water supply to the population may be jeopardized or
actively and continuously to fully combat losses, through service quality is significantly affected.
development of active leakage control measure, pressure
management, application of high quality materials Utilities may also exist where adoption of mixed
in distribution networks or through timely repair of strategies is undertaken, adapting their approach
detected bursts. The level of apparent losses can be depending on the cost-benefit of each supply subsystem
controlled by use of higher standard meters, application or on the influence imposed by their clients. In certain
of a rigorous plan for preventive meter replacement, areas of the world there is commonly a scarcity of water
control of supply points with zero consumption or in warmer periods of the year, forcing managers to
service connections without clients associated. These restrict supply at certain times of day. In these periods
companies can easily recover investments in combating clients impose greater pressure on utilities because
water losses, including observing significant financial they are more sensitive to efficient water use and less
gains from the implementation of a proactive strategy. receptive to resource wastage. In order to convey an
image of real concern, utilities tend to repair bursts faster,
There are, however, utilities where the cost-benefit ratio or even to place restrictions on water uses considered
is not as advantageous, but where some investments in lower priority, such as irrigation of green spaces.
water loss control can still be justified. In such cases,
more reactive water loss strategies should be adopted, It is obvious that in the calculation of cost-effectiveness
simply intervening when problems occur. Although not there are certain factors which are under-valued, yielding
taking active control measures, leakage detection teams significant differences in results obtained by different
Active Water Loss Control
operators, in particular, those relating to the impact on combat losses. However, in countries where regulation is
corporate image in the market, environmental issues or more comprehensive, where it assumes a greater impact
ecological footprint. on business, the price of cubic metre of water is also
higher, leading utilities to adopt measures based on cost-
In parallel, the rules or goals imposed by regulators benefit analysis.
may also influence the choice of strategies to be adopted
by utilities entities in controlling losses. Regulators Each company must therefore adopt a strategy for
with only recommended action do not introduce large water loss control that most suits their actual reality and
pressure on companies but additionally they may have bring a better quality of service to its clients. The optimal
punitive powers to do so. In some countries in Europe, strategy should be that required to achieve the Suitable
utilities may be punished financially if they do not reach Level of Leakage and additionally, provide greater added
certain efficiency goals or they do not invest a certain value for all stakeholders and organizational value.
percentage of the annual budget in control measures to
Active Water Loss Control
Digital Terrain Model – a set of numerical data support • Pumping Groups – year of installation, capacity
that associates any point with its elevation value; curves and working order;
Hydraulic System Model – a software tool that • Valves – year of installation, diameter, type and
allows analysis and prediction of the system hydraulic condition of operation;
behaviour, from the characteristics of its components,
mode of operation and required inputs. • Reservoirs – year of installation, type and height,
minimum and maximum level, maximum volume
These tools, whilst not being essential to monitoring and working order;
system implementation, are very important for the
quality of results and overall optimization of the • Service connections – association with clients,
monitoring system and water losses control, maximizing year of installation, material, diameter, length and
their results and speed at which they can be obtained by operating status;
enhancing process efficiency.
• Flow meters – year of installation, diameter, type
5.1.1 Geographic Information System (GIS) and condition of operation;
• DMA boundaries (virtual polygons that delimit The CIMS must encompass four predominant for water
DMAs, which should intercept flow meters and loss areas, principally for apparent losses:
all boundary valves) – DMA Code and name and
implementation date. • the first relates to the physical register and correct
association of service connections to existing
Indexed with all this information, it becomes possible to clients – noting that it is important that managers
visualize the spatial scope of the network sectorisation have thorough knowledge of the location of its
project, including the DMA set-up master plan. clients and service connections that supply them.
This enables utilities to scale DMAs with greater
5.1.2 Client Information Management System accuracy, as well as enables the correct calculation
of inevitable losses and authorized consumption,
Client management and the relationship between those when seeking to determine volumes of recoverable
who serve and those who are served is one of the most losses in each of these areas. Additionally, proper
strategic activities for any company. The definition of registration of clients on CIMS allows illegal
the core mission of a company is proof that it is usually connections and theft of water to be identified with
focused on the client and service to them. In the case of greater ease and speed, which will help increase
operators, the mission must ensure that the water supply the company's efficiency and loss reduction;
to the population is in sufficient quantity, quality and at the
lowest cost. The relationship between the client and utility • the second area concerns meter management -
should therefore be regarded with the utmost importance the proper management of metering equipment
and must be sustained and supported by an information used for charging clients for the correct volume
system to help businesses better serve their clients. of water supplied is a key element to control
small values of apparent losses. The CIMS should
A Client Information Management System (CIMS) must manage the meter installation date, as well as the
have the ability to be able to systematize a vast and volume of water measured, prompting the need for
diverse set of data, creating binding interfaces between preventive replacement of metering equipment,
them, so as to provide users with treated information, based on the criteria in Measurement Instrument
inherent in different areas of the utility. (Figure 5.1). Directive (MID) or the legal requirements for
each country. The timely replacement of meters
tion Flexibility will significantly decrease the amount of water
nnec Ma
Co lost by under metering, increasing business
ce Tel
r fa efficiency. In parallel, information systems must
te e
ag Do
for accurate billing of water volumes supplied
n cum
ent Ma
rv Re
Se adin estimates. Consumption estimates are, however,
g Flexibility
acceptable when associated with seasonally
adjusted billing, based on actual meter readings
Figure 5.1 CIMS Interfaces when effected. Prior knowledge of the physical
Active Water Loss Control
record of each consumption location and the Use of a high performance CIMS can also enhance
use of appropriate meters, allows utilities to read the company's image with its clients, conveying the
all consumption points, avoiding even potential appearance of organizational efficiency, which can lead
errors in meter readings or missing information. to less unlawful behaviour by some clients as well as a
Alternatively, the existence of meter readings and decrease in water theft. It is thus evident that the use
billing modules in CIMS allows utilities to easily of an information system for client management is a
identify stopped meters and act accordingly to leading tool for managing losses in a utility, including
quickly resolve such occurrences; having a direct impact on the financial sustainability of
the business and client service levels.
• the fourth and final area concerns reporting and
management indicators where the CIMS should 5.1.3 Digital Terrain Model
make a set of reports and indicators available to
managers as a basis for decision-making within Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a digital data support
each company. These reports should be structured that, for a given area, allows the user to associate any
based on the variables under analysis and can be point with its corresponding elevation value. Thus, a
customized by each user in order to allow more DTM can be represented in a two-dimensional or three-
detailed analysis. For the management of such dimensional shape, in particular through a set of points
losses, reports of sites with zero consumption, or lines through an associated interpolation rule, or as
without a client associated or reports of meters is more commonly regarded, as a surface composed of
installed for over X years should be generated. cells arranged in a regular three-dimensional space .
Active Water Loss Control
Thus, it is possible to establish an association A model can be formulated and solved entirely manually,
between existing entities in a GIS register and its without recourse to computational applications.
digital terrain model, enabling spatial analysis on the However, given the complexity and inherent slowness
altimetric information, with all the advantages in setting of calculations, it was with software implementation that
differentiated altimetric zones. models of this type have come to be a viable and useful
tool for effective system simulation in a broad range of
5.1.4 Water System Hydraulic Model operating conditions.
Water supply system hydraulic models are software Infrastructure description in the model is limited to
tools which, with a margin of error, allow the analysis topology and associated modelling parameters, but all
and prediction of the system hydraulic behaviour, from information available in a GIS is not necessary. However,
the characteristics of its components, mode of operation the existence of a GIS in a utility allows the creation of
and required inputs. These models thus allow fast and simulation models much faster, since a substantial part of
efficient performance of sensitivity analysis and simulation the information required for modelling can be exported
of alternative scenarios, with sufficient approximation, directly from the GIS.
without the need to intervene in the system concerned or
risks associated with implementation of unknown modes In addition to describing the physical system, a
of operation. simulation program enables the user to build a detailed
description of water consumption and modes of
Typically, simulation models are computational tools operation, including any conditions imposed by reservoir
used in the design and diagnosis of bulk water transport levels and/or links to other systems.
and water distribution systems at an operational level.
However, they are increasingly being developed and Armed with this information, the software simulation
applied by utilities with a view to making more informed offers the possibility to calculate the system hydraulic
decision on various less common operating situations. balance, expressing in numerical and graphical form,
values of the state variables, such as:
The system behaviour simulation can be used to predict
its response compared to extended operating ranges and • pressure and piezometric head at any points of the
environmental conditions, and thus anticipate a set of network, including water levels in reservoirs;
solutions before investments are undertaken.
• flow rate, pressure drop and flow rate in pipes,
Generally, a model for simulation of a hydraulic water valves and pumps;
supply system comprises of:
• state of opening, closing of regulating valves and
• a set of descriptive data on the system physical pumps.
characteristics, their consumption and operating
conditions; Simulation models have multiple applications as
regards planning, design, operation, maintenance and
• a set of mathematical equations that reproduce the rehabilitation of bulk transport and water distribution
hydraulic behaviour of individual components and systems, amongst can be highlighted:
the system as a whole, expressed in terms of key
state variables, such as flow or pressure in the mains; • sizing of systems, by searching the best topology,
diameters and materials selection for the pipes
• numerical algorithms required for iterative solving and other components and design of reservoirs
of mathematical equations. and pumping facilities;
Active Water Loss Control
• supporting preparation of strategic development • support for networks sectorisation, feasibility and
plans, using simulation of various options, impact of DMA creation;
essentially based on projections in time and
especially consumption; • control of water losses, for example by service
pressure reduction programs.
• simulation of problems and current operating
scenarios, such as seasonal consumption
variations, system management levels with 5.2 Flow Measurement
multiple service reservoirs, or emergency
situations such as failures in pumping groups, The monitoring and control of losses require rigorous
mains suspension or firefighting; flow measurement, hence the proper selection and
installation of meters to be installed in each monitoring
• operator training for complex operational location is of great importance. In planning a water
systems, preventing incurring direct risks to the loss control strategy, the first premise to consider is the
system and clients; correct measurement, depending on which the tasks of
qualification, identification and subsequent correction
• managing rehabilitation of suspended systems can be developed.
and programming assistance with minimized
client impact; The most common scheme for monitoring any water
system seeking to locate potential leakage is based
• reduction of energy consumption resulting from on flow meters or water meters located throughout
the operation of pumping stations; the system, from the source, through WTW outflows,
reservoirs, DMA inputs and consumption by large clients.
Distribution Reservoir
water Water Treatment Trunk main
Bulk meter
Extraction Station
meter Leakage at store tanks
GSM DMA meter
Leakage Closed
PRV on mains valve
Closed valve
Leakage on service
mounted perpendicular to the flow direction, which is During the operation lifespans, volumetric meters
caused to rotate by being on the periphery of a single present reasonable accuracy and very high sensitivity
jet of water. The second type differs from the previous due to the type and design of the respective measuring
type, in the number of water jets which decomposes the element, which means that the volume of water passing
flow passing the turbine with multiple contact points through it is correctly counted, with the exception of a
on its periphery. The last type of meter is equipped with residual low level flow through the rotating and fixed
a propeller driven by the flow. The propeller shaft may elements which are necessary for clearance between the
be arranged parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the moving and stationary parts (Figure 5.4).
main and the meter designated as a horizontal or vertical
Woltmann type.
Such meters are commonly applied in metering of
domestic consumption or other small scale consumption,
with more accuracy than velocity meters, since they directly
SINGLE-JET measure the volume. However, the tight tolerance inherent
in the design of the plunger makes them more susceptible
to mechanical component wear and blocking due to the
possible presence of sand and particles carried by the water.
An additional problem that occurs with mechanical with large consumption values, such as industrial or
meters is converting the readings into electronic data municipal clients, whilst its application in monitoring
signals required for automatic meter reading systems. distribution networks is increasingly common. Such
Again, manufacturers have developed methods to do meters can be powered by a direct electric supply or
so, but they all require some form of electromechanical through a battery, whose life has been progressively
system which wears out with time and is subject to increased with technological developments.
mechanical failure.
These meters operate within a finite range of flow
One of the most common limitations associated with rates over which the measurement error is made, which
mechanic meters originates from the fact that they are not although variable should not exceed values considered
compatible with the possibility of measuring bi-directional acceptable for the level of accuracy required. The main
flow when installed on the network to control DMA inputs source of errors comes from performance featuring the
and outputs, implying consideration of the use of other equipment itself. Such errors, after being determined in
types of meters, usually electromagnetic meters. a calibration laboratory, can be minimized by adjusting
the meter. The conditions under which the meter is
Electromagnetic flowmeters measure the quantity of installed and in operation is another important factor
water flowing per unit of time inside the chamber, using that can significantly affect measurement accuracy, in
a working principle based on Faraday's Law. This law cases where their installation has not been implemented
relates flow with the electromotive force induced by the to recommended standards and reference guides or in
flow of water in a perpendicular magnetic field, created compliance with the manufacturer's instructions. In such
from an electrically powered coil (Figure 5.5). documentation, the mechanical, hydraulic and electric
requirements to be respected for the proper installation
This instrument consists of a primary element or sensor of the equipment are defined, as well as the appropriate
and a secondary element or converter, which converts environmental conditions for operation, particularly
the instantaneous flow rate of the total volume passing with regard to the need to limit climatic, electrical,
through during the integration time. It is used in clients electromagnetic or mechanical influences.
Coil and
Measuring range Flow direction Installation position Determined by law - legal metrology
According to the manufacturer's
Permanent or nominal flow Telemetry Stabilization Sections
Permissible measurement errors Resolution reading
Maximum discharge or
Water Quality
In the meter selection process, each case must be will tend to give rise to meter under-registration, since
considered, beyond the normal level of accuracy of the meter operates outside its optimal range of lower
the consumption profile whose range of flow rates to and upper limits of flow measurement.
be measured, installation location constraints, flow
direction, suitability of the equipment for telemetry signal These notes highlight the importance of correctly
broadcast, water quality, construction and metrological measuring water volumes and flow rates within a
equipment characteristics and costs involved. strategy of network monitoring and losses control.
Thus, utilities who wish to practice this type of strategy
So for the selection of the most appropriate measurement should have a consistent policy of water metering
of certain flows in the supply network instrument, the to ensure measurement accuracy and performance
range of flow rates and the consumption profile to be consistency throughout the different phases of strategy
measured at the installation site must first be diagnosed implementation.
and according to the hydraulic characteristics of these, the
most appropriate technology should be chosen (Table 5.1).
5.3 Network Sectorisation and
One of the most important stages in meter selection Monitoring
corresponds to the instrument design for measurement
over a given range of flow rates of consumption Although the practice of sub-dividing water networks to
characteristic profile which is to be monitored. In this measure losses has been noted from Roman times, the early
case it is important that the measurement interval years of the 1980s saw the first reported consistent approach
associated with the equipment, characterized by a to defining District Meter Areas (DMAs), applied in the UK.
minimum flow and maximum flow, cover the expected The idea of network sectorisation for leakage monitoring is
amplitude, especially with regard to the most significant based on the implementation of a fully sectored distribution
for this type of flow profile, which in systems where the network. In this sense, flow meter installation at strategic
flow rate to be measured can vary significantly and which points is required, in order to measure flow that entering or
may require further analysis. exiting a particular area bounded by a permanent border,
guaranteed by closing valves. DMA creation permits
A meter scaled to accurately measure up to a certain analysis of measured flow rates, in particular night flow,
minimum flow, can be at risk of under-metering, thus enabling calculation of leakage level, as well as obtaining the
introducing a significant potential apparent loss in flow rates. necessary indicators for decision support regarding network
interventions. Advances in data transmission technologies
Occasionally, installed meters are unnecessarily associated with flow metering equipment now allow
oversized, as a meter of larger size allows for a higher effective monitoring, so justifying the name change from
flow rate of flow without significant pressure loss. This Metering to Monitoring, keeping the acronym DMA.
Active Water Loss Control
Therefore, DMAs are a support tool for network of processes operating within the distribution
management and efficiency improvement as well as system.
water losses from bursts and leaks. Thus early in the DMA
sectorisation process, their existence allows utilities Network sectorisation into smaller monitoring
to define intervention order according to the worst and control areas can increase the amount of
performance indicators, which with project progress and information available, given the much broader
potential increasing complexity, begin to play a key role scope of measurement, making it possible
for network performance maintenance through the early to make a detailed analysis of the network
identification of new leaks and consequent triggering functioning, particularly as regards pressure
of response actions necessary for their detection and management, location of hidden faults and their
repairs. causes and obviously, monitoring of night flows
from each DMA.
This approach is particularly successful when
implemented in conjunction with more sophisticated • Identification of each DMA client and abnormal
data model analysis, allowing rapid analysis of DMA nocturnal consumption
data, as well as guiding field team activities. This analysis
will normally utilise night flow values, and recorded daily DMA implementation in a distribution network,
flow, being available for future comparisons. bounded by a continuous, well-defined boundary
At EPAL, under the distribution network DMA project, a total of 179
electromagnetic flow meters were installed, along with associated with
telemetry or SCADA equipment, thus continuously monitoring 152 DMAs in
the network
The implementation of a plan for network sectoring, line, enables continuous monitoring of flow
with the aim of leakage monitoring will also result in entering and leaving the zone and leakage
major improvements in the management and knowledge indicators obtained based on flow night. The daily
of the network, in particular regarding: reception of DMA consumption data also allows
validation of changes in consumption and macro-
• Quantity and quality of information available location, at a DMA level, of bursts or any valving
about the network and its operation operations in the network.
300 mm and are substantially free of service • Be discrete areas, with perfectly defined and
connections. The water loss evaluation methods fixed boundaries, not allowing unknown inter-
and measurement equipment to consider are connections or interchange flows with adjacent
generally the same as normal DMAs but may areas;
however see analysis hampered by the existence
of a greater number of measurement points, • Permit metering interface points with
including either imports or exports to DMAs neighbouring DMA, creating bi-directional
exchanges or unidirectional cascades to
• Management and control of pressure in the neighbouring zones, provided that the same
water distribution network measurement equipment is installed.
Access to data, both flow and pressure at DMA The DMA boundary line is physically defined by closed
entrance points in each zone or group of zones section valves closed, known as DMA boundary valves
monitored, beings an additional level of network in the case of boundaries with adjacent network of the
knowledge, thus it becomes possible to adjust same pressure level or pressure zone boundary valves
pressures managed sections of the network in the case of the adjacent network being of a differing
and optimize operations. The network pressure pressure zone or sub-system. Where no network exists
level must comply with regulatory requirements adjacent to the DMA to be implemented and the
for clients, whilst also contributing to burst process does not imply the closing of any valve, this will
prevention and minimizing of water losses. This be referred to as a naturally closed DMA. In addition
type of analysis may lead to active pressure the flow and pressure is also continuously monitored
control in the network, by Pressure Control Valves at the DMA entrance. In cases with active pressure
(PRV) at DMA entrance points or to create smaller control, in addition to flow meters, pressure-reducing
DMA sub-sectors (e.g. Trow and Tooms, 2014). valves (PRV) may also be installed creating pressure
controlled zones.
5.4 District Monitoring Areas Taking the opportunity to install or replace meters or
PRV equipment, the implementation of improvements in
5.4.1 Definition of District Monitoring Areas the network or other equipment, is advisable:
A District Monitoring Area is defined as a discrete sector • Analysis and definition of installation locations
of the distribution network, either formed naturally or for new flowmeters and other equipment (eg
imposed, which can effectively evaluate the continuous PRV, instruments, telemetry) and preparation for
in-flow of supply through flow meters installed at their telemetry installation;
input and output metering points.
• Location, diameter and type of flow meters to
The DMA behaves as a virtual polygon, implemented install, after consultation with technical operation
in the network with its shape and size dependent on of the network and equipment, taking into
the characteristics and design of the network and its account possible future developments;
topography. Generally, a DMA should meet the following
conditions: • Definition of intervention proposals for improving
the network and other equipment in order to
• Make use of known point(s) of water in-flow and increase or decrease DMA pressure.
out-flow, provided with reliable flow measurement;
Active Water Loss Control
Figure 5.6 illustrates a schematic representation of two a typical DMA, implemented in an urban area
contiguous DMA, whose design allowed the possibility of should comprise between 1.000-3.000 clients,
being able to work with the DMA segmented into smaller according to the population density in the
sub-zones temporarily, which may prove to be very supply network, the existence of large clients
useful for network operations, in particular as regards the and constraints imposed by existing supply
effectiveness and speed of identifying problems in the DMA. zones.
5.4.2 DMA Dimension and Size Interestingly, despite the IWA advocating the
expression of losses in terms of the number of
There are a number of factors that should be considered service connections, when it comes to defining
for the correct sizing of a DMA in a distribution network, water loss minimisation through proper DMA
including the size and physical characteristics of the sizing, the IWA advocates use of the number of
area, economic considerations, improved customer customer meters instead of the number of service
service and water quality. In more detail, the design of a connections. Through the experience gained in
DMA should take into account the following areas: managing the Lisbon network, it is considered
that the use of the number of customers is
• Area and geographical density of clients appropriate, with recommended good practice
indicating that DMAs encompass between 1.500
The size of a DMA is expressed by the number and 2.500 customers.
of associated clients. It is recommended that
(closed) Cascade
– Pressure
– Pressure
valve closed
zone valve closed
pipe pipe
Note that this assists with comparison of DMA • Economic Level of leakage (ELL)
performance, given that if the DMAs are of roughly
equal size, then it avoids or reduces issues when Based on the given range for the ELL associated
comparing nightlines, as they should be in the with the network, the sectorisation process implies
same range. a greater or lesser investment effort in terms of
network monitoring and consequent active leakage
It should be noted that the term “customer" or “client" control work. The interest of utility in achieving ELL
refers to an individual entity, business, or public entity will also condition the human and financial resources
that has a water supply agreement or contract with that will be directed to these active leakage control
the managing utility. In the case of Lisbon and the activities. It should be emphasized that the degree
overall Portuguese situation in general, with universal of monitoring is closely dependent on the size and
metering, each customer has a specific meter, a amount of DMA to implement in the network, as
situation that has no direct correspondence to other well as control of key clients.
cities and countries without universal metering.
DMAs should established on a cost-benefit basis,
In addition to the previously referred to criteria, from managing a complete network however, DMAs
there are other important factors for defining should be considered for a system-wide approach.
DMA sizing, such as the total network length - Hence, a whole sub-zone or supply zone should be
noting that this should not exceed values of the subject to DMA implementation, even if some are
order of 5 to 10 km, with the smaller the extension, larger than others and according to the economics of
then the faster leak detection tends to be - and implementation.
average daily total DMA consumption, which as a
reference should encompass net values of values • Existence of sensitive or critical areas for correct
of the order 1.000 to 1.200 m3/day. supply
• Change the topographical design of the network Defining DMA limits should take into account existing
and supply points records, including experience or local knowledge,
especially in areas close to the lower limit of regulatory
The DMA should cover areas belonging to the supply pressure. Sizing the DMA requires special care,
same pressure supply zone, always respecting since a small increase in pressure head loss can harm
the maximum and minimum regulatory pressure. regular client supply.
In the case of this impossibility, sub-areas with
pressure control should be analysed within the They must also preserve main supply loops (for example
DMA, by installing pressure-reducing valves. trunk mains with higher than average diameters), in
which the flow rate must be maintained, that is, the
For easiness and to gain experience, it is advisable DMA boundary line should follow the path of least flow
that the network sectorisation process starts by resistance and these mains must be as far as possible,
implementing "Natural DMAs", namely those excluded from within the DMA. The impossibility of
areas of the network that were already naturally exclusion involves installing larger diameter flowmeters,
closed. Only after building knowledge and raising the costs of implementation.
understanding of these areas provided by these
first network interventions, should attention Other factors that may influence the design of DMA are:
be focused on more complex areas, where the
closing of boundary valves requires more careful • Geographic or demographic factors such as urban,
planning and specific knowledge. industrial or rural areas;
Active Water Loss Control
• Techniques available or applicable for leakage These values relate to the average indicators for DMA
control in certain areas; sizing in urban areas, having been tested and validated in
the case of Lisbon. However, the ranges of values noted
• Specific options for each utility, such as identifying are not universal and absolute, assuming that they may be
service connection bursts and ease of access to difficult to meet due to the individual nature of each DMA,
the burst; which may necessitate adjustments depending on the
topography and topology of a city and thus distribution
• Variability of hydraulic conditions, such as availability network operating pressure, the predominant type of
or limitation of valves for implementation of properties such as houses, buildings, social housing for
physical boundaries or limits of the DMA; example, the existence of large customers including
hospitals and shopping centres amongst others.
• Type of pipe material and age
It should be stressed that in situations of implementing
• Maintaining service levels and water quality. DMA in rural areas, that it is more difficult to set a limit on
their spatial dimension. Indeed, from a low concentration
DMAs implemented in urban areas with high population of housing and clients, the DMA may have to cover a
density, such as in the center of Lisbon, may include large geographical area, which may correspond to the
more than 3.000 clients, with an upper maximum limit whole of a town or village.
of 5.000. This limitation is imposed, since higher density
housing implies increased in the analysis of night flow
rates, by the limits of being able to identify bursts and 5.4.3 Considerations for Water Quality and
consequent difficulty in leakage location detection. DMA boundaries
For reasons relating to the analysis of night flows, The creation of a new DMA, which is not defined
optimization of the time associated with the identification naturally by the layout of the network in a particular area
of the existence of bursts and consequent speed of of the distribution system, usually involves the effective
detection and location, it is considered that DMA size closing of valves, thus setting up its boundary with
should correspond to a dimension of the network where adjacent DMA. This procedure invariably involves the
there are no more than 3.000 and 5.000 clients. However, formation of new network extremes, namely sections
if restrictions on DMA creation imply they are larger, then of mains with no exit and no consumption where water
can be subdivided temporarily by closing valves inside in tends to stagnate, which normally does not happen in a
DMA for study or leakage detection campaigns purposes. completely open system.
In this case, it is important to ensure the existence of
potential temporary limit valves and the possibility of The existence of extremes or dead sections without
that each sub-area is supplied independently from the consumption, which can be much more problematic
main flow meter, thus allowing evaluation night flows. with greater specific lengths of the dead sections, may
increase the likelihood of degradation of water quality,
Despite the diversity of possible situations and with consequent complaints from clients. This may occur
conditions set out above, DMAs can be split relative to on short or medium terms, from the moment when
their size, in the following categories: the DMA boundary valve was closed until whenever
it is necessary to operate them to ease network
SMALL: less than 1.000 clients;
interventions. Thus, the larger the number of extremes
AVERAGE: 1.000-3.500 clients; created with DMA boundary implementation, the larger
the probability of these potential problems.
LARGE: over 3.500 clients.
Active Water Loss Control
This is not however an insurmountable problem in critical areas, particularly in large-diameter pipes.
and consideration should be given on how best to Ultimately, such situations can be resolved through
reduce the number of extremes in the DMA design and proper DMA reconfiguration, passing part of it to an
implementation phases, balancing the need to install adjacent DMA.
new valves in the network in more favourable areas. If
there are no alternatives to these extremes, then this In the case of the DMA implementation project in
may lead to water quality degradation, hence regular the city of Lisbon, there are several examples where
and systematic programs for water discharges or flushing alteration of DMA limits was necessary after their initial
must be provided in such cases, thus minimizing the clock-in, following identification of solutions to address
problem. certain network problems.
It should be also stressed that the creation of extreme In this context, there situations where adjustments were
is not necessarily bad for the network. Indeed, analysis undertaken to DMA limits due to the closure or change
associated with their existence in DMA and the of use of premises or establishments located at the
consequent greater knowledge, can create opportunities network extremes and with relatively high consumption,
for re-directing flow direction, decreasing flow resistance ensuring that flow circulation in these areas of the
and pressure head loss, improving pressures in critical network occurs at an adequate velocities. With a change
areas and correcting existing poor water quality issues. of circumstances it was often necessary to reconfigure
This can also be achieved by increasing flow velocity DMA boundaries, usually with small interventions in
Active Water Loss Control
the network to create new water circulation routes and pressure problems in the area. Reconfiguration had no
creating conditions for appropriate flow velocities. This is adverse effects on the supply to other customers despite
where model predictions and real-life testing sometimes leading to an increase in the number of customers in one
differ. of the DMAs, as consumption was essentially by domestic
customers. In contrast, the other DMA encompassed
Another particularly interesting situation occurred in an fewer, but primarily non-household customers and
area with recurrent problems in terms of guaranteeing therefore with higher consumption and greater profile
the minimum working pressure, due to the topography variation. Figure 5.7 illustrates the changes made within
and height of some buildings. With the implementation of the limits of the two mentioned DMAs.
two DMAs in the area in question, there was a worsening
supply conditions but only in one of these DMAs, thus The examples highlight that network sectorization, with
indicating that the source of the problem was that the consequent restriction of consumption in specific
particular DMA. Following a more detailed investigation, areas, may create new, known and controllable risks and
which included a pressure mapping exercise along challenges for network management, can also contribute
the DMA, a review and analysis of key customers to solving existing problems or arising out of the urban
consumption was undertaken, through which it was area dynamics. Thus, the possibility of changing DMA
found that the cause was related to a specific customer boundaries is seen as a flexible network measure, since
whose consumption profile included highly irregular, it allows service quality problems to be overcome,
large peaks in consumption. Having identified the source whilst minimizing the effects of changes on customers.
of the problem, a change in the DMA boundaries between In this context, mathematical modeling can be a very
the two zones was undertaken with the ‘disruptive’ client important support tool to optimize DMA adjustments
being included in the DMA with a higher supply capacity, and reconfiguration.
an intervention that allowed complete resolution of
Figure 5.7 DMA boundary limit alterations in the Lisbon distribution network
Active Water Loss Control
5.4.4 DMA Planning Projects Point, CCPP - Critical Client Pressure Point (client
with the highest elevation supply point);
The process of planning and design of a DMA can be
described as performing a series of interrelated tasks, • Problematic areas of the network, defining their
where the overall shape is iterative, corresponding current status and existence of previous historical
to their development resulting from the integration campaigns undertaken in the DMA. If necessary,
of information obtained in the surveys and field hydraulic models should be applied to validate
investigations throughout the process. the proposed DMA;
In the first phase the provisional drawing of the DMA • Extremes and dead sections without consumption
border should be prepared, using GIS, with the aim of created by closing DMA valves;
characterizing the DMA and establishing procedures
for continuous implementation, while ensuring the • Discharge valves which allow periodic cleaning
supply quality and pressure during periods of higher of these sections or, if none exist, to propose
consumption. For DMA preparation, the following must installation of new discharge valves;
be identified:
• Type of telemetry equipment to install in the
• Pressure zone supply source, the influencing input and output DMA flowmeters and other
reservoir, as well as DMA inputs and outputs, points of interest in the network, such as PRV
including characterization of respective upstream and downstream points, for continuous
flowmeters; monitoring of flow-rates and pressures.
• Clients supplied in the DMA, identified by the GIS Based on the actions described, inspections should
and client management system, including the be conducted on-site, which include the following
total volume of water billed. Should large volume actions:
clients be identified, particularly those with a
significant impact on total DMA consumption or • Auditing of existing facilities - flowmeters, PRV,
high night consumption, then the installation of DMA, subsystem/supply zone or pressure
telemetry should be applied; controlled zone boundary valves - and verification
of normal functioning;
• Total length of pipes of the DMA and the average
number and length of service connections; • Checking of the operational status of section valves
of the main supply mains within the DMA and audit
• Boundary valve limits, section valves of the main the status (open/closed) of DMA and subsystem/
supply mains within the DMA and identifying the supply zone limit valves, including validation of
type of valve operations to perform; their accessibility, condition and manoeuvrability;
• Pressure controlled zones and characterization of • Location, accessibility and operational check of the
any pressure reducing valves or pumps; network elements such as hydrants, where pressure
loggers equipment may be required to control DMA
• Equipment associated with pressure monitoring implementation operations and subsequent tests;
points and estimated pressure as the points raised,
namely: EP - Entry Point (next to the flowmeter), • Survey of new works and buildings not registered
PMAX - Point of Maximum Pressure, PAvg – that have impact on network hydraulic
Average Pressure point, CPP – Critical Pressure performance;
Active Water Loss Control
Figure 5.8 DMA boundaries within the city of Lisbon distribution network
Active Water Loss Control
• Pumping accessories and equipment not included This test, in addition to ensuring the effective closure
in the GIS, along with respective correction and of boundary valves and thus the DMA independence,
update. ensures effective metering of DMA consumption through
the monitoring points installed for this purpose. It should
After collecting and organizing all data and taking into be emphasized that this test requires the suspension of
account the information collection actions undertaken supply throughout the DMA and is therefore undertaken
in the field, the next step is validation of DMA project. during periods of lower consumption, usually at night.
This is an iterative process which may require revisions to
the design of the DMA polygon and hence identification To proceed with DMA implementation and Pressure
of new valves or boundary locations for pressure Zero Tests, the following steps should be considered:
monitoring points. In some cases the DMA design may
be conditioned to require works on the network, so it • Installing pressure loggers at the critical pressure
may be necessary to implement a temporary polygon point (CPP) of the network, namely at the point
until completion of the intended works. of highest elevation within the DMA in order
to obtain pressure every minute for seven days
The draft DMA proposal should always be validated by before locking-in the DMA. With the records
other operational areas in the utility, namely operations, obtained, analysis will be undertaken, in
maintenance, construction and water network quality conjunction with telemetry data from the DMA
control areas, being subsequently distributed to the field entry point, to verify and validate the estimated
team for eventual implementation of DMA. For its part, pressure;
the implementation process should be acceptable to
those areas of the company noted, as it will imply changes • Validate DMA implementation by consensus with
in the daily work of many teams. Thus, to test new ways the other areas involved in the process - operation,
of working resulting from DMA implementation, it is maintenance, water quality and leak detection - to
recommended that small pilot areas are initiated to start provide for the effective closure of the DMA, or
the process of DMA set-up. conduct a review and revision of the DMA design,
if the estimated pressure is not validated;
Figure 5.8 illustrates the existing Lisbon distribution
network, grouped by altimetric zones and DMAs. • Confirm accessibility of future DMA boundary
valves, which will be operated at the time of
5.4.5 DMA Implementation and Integrity implementation and check the status (if open)
Confirmation of isolating valves belonging to major mains
supplying the DMA;
After approval of the draft DMA proposal and termination
of any network interventions, the DMA is ready to be • Inform in advance the Operational Command
implemented and tested. As already mentioned, the Centre regarding closing of boundary valves
implementation process should be implemented during in the network in order to prevent the possible
a period of high consumption, verifying that the mean impacts on network service or interference with
network pressure values registered and those at the critical other work in progress. Sensitive consumers,
point are consistent with the estimates, thus guaranteeing such as hospitals and the Fire Service, should also
the correct supply to clients according to the regulations. be informed of these operations, if required;
After the DMA implementation phase, follows the • Closing of DMA boundary valves must be made
validation phase, involving testing its integrity, the most at the time of greatest consumption, with analysis
common method of which is the Pressure Zero Test (PZT). of the impact on pressure values recorded at the
Active Water Loss Control
Critical Pressure point. Utility call centre teams the integrity of the new DMA and ensure the
should be informed in order to prepare the most tightness of its boundary valves. This test will be
appropriate response to any complaints. If there applied preferably in the morning following DMA
is a significantly negative impact on network implementation during hours when less water is
pressure, in addition to the estimated values, the being consumed so as to minimize the impact
rapid opening of the DMA boundary valves should on supply. A successful PZT will confirm the
be undertaken and its design subsequently revised, actual closing all DMA boundary valves, as well
with the definition of new borders, installation of as the lack of unknown connections as inputs or
an additional input or total DMA redefinition. If outputs. Checks on the difference between input
there is no negative impact on supply, the DMA is and output flow values should be conducted
considered to be implemented; only for the supply within the DMA. The PZT
requires analysis of the pressure curve at the
• Undertake the sealing and labelling of DMA logger installed at the critical pressure point of
boundary valves, so they can be easily identified on the DMA when the supply is stopped by closing
the ground by the operational and maintenance staff. the isolation valve at the single input DMA. If
Any action involving DMA boundary valves should closing of boundary valves has been properly
be reported immediately to the person responsible achieved during DMA closure, then the pressure
for network monitoring so that false alarms are not values should approach zero over a short time
generated by the DMA monitoring system. The interval, confirming the actual DMA closing
valves must be catalogued in a database and annual and consequently, its correct implementation.
programs to validate their operational status; For subsequent data analysis, pressure should
continue to be registered at the datalogger
• Undertaken Pressure Zero Test using the installed at the Critical Pressure point for nine
Critical Pressure monitoring point to confirm days, to include a weekend record;
Pressure at Critical Point (m)
readings and reliable records, thus eliminating the need There are numerous gains for utilities arising from
to estimate whilst reducing uncertainty attributable to the availability of these properly treated pressure and
human factors. flow records, can be divided according to the type of
information collected. Pressure data allows the creation
Figure 5.10 illustrates various types of telemetry equipment. of alarms in different network zones and DMA entry
All pressure and flow data provided by telemetry,
associated with DMA and pressure monitoring points These alarms when activated, allow rapid intervention
during the implementation process as well as large in case of sudden changes, anticipating complaints, or
customers, provide valuable information on the supply more serious situations, including major disruptions or
system in question. It is up to the utility managing this service interruptions. They also allow the diagnosis of the
information to make it available to various areas of the source of problems in pressure sensitive areas, providing
company, according to their needs, supporting their the basis for definition of new pressure controlled areas,
decisions to intervene. This phase will be implemented in order to enable active management of network
in a real-time monitoring system, allowing the next stage pressures, a situation that is considered one of the most
of capacity development to organize and analyse data. effective solutions for the reduction of real losses in a
In most utilities the volume of information is very large distribution network.
and it is fundamental to aggregate and ensure the proper
handling of data available on a single software platform Flow data, in addition to allowing calculation of
that allows storage and provision in clear and structured the water balance can also, by direct analysis of any
way, in accordance with the objectives defined. variations noted, give warnings about consumption
Figure 5.11 WONE Monitoring Dashboard Figure 5.12 DMA Daily Control page
Active Water Loss Control
values. In addition, it allows calculation of various DMA to reliably reflect the greater or lesser likelihood of leaks
performance indicators, enabling the identification of in the monitored area, as well as the daily total and night
DMAs which are potentially recording excessive water flow per 1.000 clients or per km of network, with the
losses and which should be the priority objective of aim of organizing performance ranking, comparing and
active water loss control interventions. prioritizing intervention between the DMA volumes.
Figures 5.11 and 5.12 illustrate information made This information is systematized in a table which lists
available by a dedicated application for monitoring all DMAs and identifies performance levels within a
and control of water losses in supply networks (WONE set of predefined colour codes. In addition, alerts are
- Water Optimization for Network eficiency), in which generated to include DMA monitoring points without
it is possible to verifiy which DMAs have the worst data communication, pressure anomalies or zero total
performance at any given time, from which it is possible consumption alarms and measured values outside the
to prioritize attention of leak detection teams. defined limits. From this page, the user can still navigate
all DMA data, consulting more detailed information
The WONE application produces statistical analysis of about each area, their monitoring points and clients.
DMA performance indicators including minimum and
maximum daily flow, night flow, total daily volume and The WONE application provides an additional set
recoverable losses and pressure variation alarms. A set of performance indicators for each DMA that allows
of performance indicators is calculated, including for automatic DMA performance ranking, based on
example, the percentage of minimum flow to the average various indicators, including the minimum flow rate per
daily flow rate of each DMA, an indicator that has proven 1.000 clients per km of network, the authorized night
6.1 General Considerations person with disease that consults a doctor to try and
resolve the problem, from which the doctor decides to
A significant proportion of existing leaks in a water prescribe a drug judging the solution only on the situation
distribution network are not easily detectable because presented without any process of diagnosis. Only by luck
their occurrence is not evident in decreases in customer or great experience is the doctor able to effectively cure
service levels such as lack of supply pressure or the this disease. The same can be said to happen with leak
appearance of water in the street or network infra- detection and application of related techniques.
structure. These leaks are usually caused by mains bursts
or in the associated elements, with the water being Interventions must be preceded by an analysis process
absorbed by the adjacent soils, infrastructure or draining to identify areas of the distribution network where more
into aquifers, subterranean streams or in other existing water is lost, or if possible, to quantify water losses
underground infrastructure. This requires that utilities for the given network length. The application of leak
establish effective mechanisms to locate these invisible detection should be used only in cases where there
leaks, using equipment and techniques for monitoring are already clear signs of the occurrence of bursts and
and leak detection. difficulties in determining the exact location of the leak.
Thus, the application of leak detection techniques should
This problem, which is common to all distribution be applied in priority areas, confirmed using detailed
networks, requires operators to adopt measures to combat analysis and in particularly in DMAs diagnosed as under-
invisible water losses, which should be based on analysis performing in terms of efficiency. The surveillance gained
of ongoing diagnostic of network efficiency, supported by by continuous monitoring of network activities allow for
monitoring and sectorisation strategies (see Figure 6.1). leakage detection to be possible early in the life cycle
of a burst, preventing an increase of the DMA minimum
The application of water leak detection techniques flows and consequently the volume of water lost.
without any prior analysis to identify priority intervention
areas cannot produce practical effects in reducing As can be seen in Figure 6.2, the lifecycle of a leak can
inefficiencies within a distribution network. Imagine a be extremely long and may even occur for years, thus
g a ti o n a li f i c a t i o n n
rin if i c Qu ti o ir
te nt ca pa
➜ ➜ ➜ ➜
What is the flow? How much is lost? What is the priority? Where is it lost? Resolution
representing a huge waste of water to utilities. In addition, size and may even set specific targets for leak detection teams
it is apparent that their occurrence cannot imply immediate once it is possible to measure the problem and evaluate the
appearance of visible evidence that allow its rapid detection. effectiveness of their intervention (see Figure 6.3).
Therefore it appears that the great advantage inherent in
the association with a leak detection monitoring strategy is During interventions to eliminate leakage process,
the possibility that utilities can act much more quickly and there is a clear distinction between the procedures for
effectively when the leaks occur or grow to a considerable leak detection and location of leaks.
- Assessment of minimum;
DMA ranking of intervention Definition of target nightline & - Authorised consumption (monitored & estimated)
priority recoverable losses & unavoidable leakage (UARL)
NO Communication of repair
Leak location
1200 14
1000 Potential leak
600 6
0 -2
Daily Input Value (m3) Minimum Night Flow (m3/h) Target Night Flow (m3/h)
Leak detection aims to identify the onset of one or of the leak until excavation and repair. This activity should
more leaks in a certain area of the network, which can enable the macro-location of leakage in monitored sub-
be supported by evidence from the monitoring processes areas, followed by remaining methodologies to focus on
or simply the inability to maintain sufficient water supply, the exact location of the problem. Thus, it is understood
thus initiating the leak detection process. In the case of a that the leak location process is one that leads to decision
sectorised and monitored network this process is facilitated making for conducting a survey on the ground.
by the possibility of identifying a poor performing DMA
through a higher than expected flow rate. As can be seen in Figure 6.4, the existence of systems for
monitoring and observation of information generated
The actual locating of a leak may be approximate or facilitates diagnose of problem occurrence.
exact and is the process of any activity which allows for
more precise and correct identification of the positioning Where the monitoring systems identify a deviation
1200 25
0 0
Daily Input Value (m3) Minimum Night Flow (m3/h) Target Night Flow (m3/h)
Figure 6.5 Flow profile alteration due to a progressively larger leak occurance
Active Water Loss Control
from the normal or accepted consumption profile, thus Note that the minimum nightline may use the absolute
detecting a potential leak, a process of investigation to minimum, the hourly rolling hour minimum or avarage
locate the origin should be initiated. between fixed night hours, depending on consumption
patterns or consumer charateristics.
Although the situation illustrated in the previous
figure corresponds to a sudden leak, where in the effect
on consumption profile is relatively clear, there are 6.2 Leak Localisation Techniques
instances where leaks have a progressive nature, with a
gradual increase in consumption, which is more difficult Network leak location requires specific techniques
to detect without the use of support monitoring systems, and equipment, hence as mentioned above, utilities are
highlighting the importance of these support tools. Figure strongly advised to have adequate software systems
6.5 illustrates a situation of this nature. which can automatically detect the existence of a
potential water leak, immediately alerting monitoring
Another essential aspect in the analysis of the DMA teams.
performance involves daily determining of the minimum
night flow rate and the total daily volume of each Once a potential water leak problem in the network has
monitored zone (Figure 6.6). This information, which can been detected, the utility must instigate an investigation
be combined between different DMAs, highlights the of the causes of the problem, considering a two-phase
evolution of these indicators and allows comparison of intervention approach, the first approaching aiming for
the minimum night flow with theoretical target flow rates approximate, based on a process of narrowing down
for each DMA, based on the methodology adapted from intervention areas, with the second aiming for the exact
IWA proposals. This information can be exported in the leak location, based on the application of acoustic
form of chart or table to other computer applications and survey or other appropriate techniques. These two
is the basis of DMA Analysis Projects, in which are the approaches should be complementary, accelerating the
gains quantified in terms of minimum night flows, prior whole process of identification of the problem without
to and following active leakage control interventions. unnecessary waste of effort, time and resources.
420 4,5
410 4
Estimated potential
recoverable losses 2
350 0,5
340 0
Daily Input Value (m3) Minimum Night Flow (m3/h) Target Night Flow (m3/h)
Depending on the size and characteristics of the • Acoustic Correlation - mathematical noise
area under investigation, in particular by ensuring the correlators;
existence of section valves or access points to the
network should be adjusted to apply the following • Tracer Gas Injection - Hydrogen or Helium
techniques or methodologies including: Detectors;
a) Technical Approach to Leak Location: • Drop test applied to reservoirs and mains.
• Sub-zoning or internal subdivision of the DMA It may be noted that in situations of an absence
without supply suspension; of monitoring systems or of a preliminary DMA
implementation stage, it should be possible to adopt
• Sequential Step-testing and supply closure; a strategy of detailed inspection and regular network
directed to areas where there is a greater rate of
• Pressure mapping along supply mains; burst occurrences in customer service connections
or in older sections of the networks. In such cases,
b) Techniques for Exact Leak Location: detection teams should be directed to a process of
overall coverage or leakage sweeping of these supply
• Acoustic Sounding - Acoustic Loggers, listening networks, defining a maximum interval between
sticks and geophones; detection cycles.
Active Water Loss Control
Temporary closed
manually register flows at monitoring points throughout of pipe without considerable regular consumption upstream
the test period. of these valves. In these cases a discharge using a specific
valve or fire hydrant must be performed beforehand in order
In DMAs where subareas are transferred to neighbouring to mitigate potential problems with water quality.
DMA and where this may cause disruptions to supply, it
may be required to resort to the installation of one or 6.2.2 Step Testing
more meters at certain boundary points, creating small
temporary DMAs. Thus, the initial DMA will be monitored The principle application of this technique is to reduce
subdivided into two distinct zones, one of which may be the size of the area being studied by closing internal
supplied from a neighbouring DMA via a cascade (Figure valves and consequent suspension of water supply (see
6.8). To ensure complete sectioning and independence Figure 6.9).
of each of these small DMAs, it may be necessary to
verify all section valves operated and closed to create Assessment of the impact of these operations is
the temporary boundary, as well as applying a Pressure made upon observation of the measured flow at the
Zero Test. With monitoring of each of the different area monitoring point, where monitoring equipment can be
entrance points, it should be possible to know the losses used for permanent recording of flow rates (see Figure
associated with each sub-zone. 6.10). Observation of a significant reduction in flow rate
profile during a valve operation indicates the presence of
It is important to note that the opening of DMA boundary one or more leaks in the suspended area or a potential
valves can cause changes in water quality, if there is a length illegal connection with leakage or consumption.
Valve 2 Valve 3
Subzone B Subzone C
Subzone B
DMA meter
Valve 1
Subzone A Subzone C
Subzone D
Subzone A
Valves 4 e 5
Subzone D
DMA meter Test valve to close
1º 2º 3º 4º 5º 6º 7º 8º
• A feeling of insecurity may be created for the vi. Verify positions and details of commercial customers
technical teams, because of the depressurization with an estimate of their night consumption to assist
and subsequent re-pressurization of the in further analysis of test data;
infrastructure, which can potentially cause
disruptions in the distribution network; vii. Numbers of valves, position (open or closed) and
direction of closure.
• The risk of causing changes in water quality or blocking
of building networks and residential meters as a result C. Preparation for the test:
of service reinstatement after supply suspension may
increases the flow velocity, thus releasing debris or i. A discharge program plan for reducing potential
particles deposited inside the mains. water quality issues;
Active Water Loss Control
iii. Close remaining valves in the evening before
starting the test;
iv. Take the initial night flow reading;
The technique of mapping the pressures along supply This technique can be further improved by using a
mains may be applied when excessive DMA consumption calibrated distribution network hydraulic model, as this can
is identified and involves a substantial increase in flow contribute to a better understanding of flow distribution and
velocities. For this purpose various pressure monitoring thus support selection of the preferred locations to install
loggers may be installed, synchronized with each other pressure monitoring and also for greater confidence in
so as to allow for a comparative analysis between them. interpreting results. In addition, model calibration routines
Note that this technique is far more reliable in cases can be included in order to locate, computationally, the
of high flow rates created by excessive consumption, most likely places of excessive consumption.
since the losses are directly influenced by velocity. This
requirement also makes it difficult to apply in DMA with There are many aspects that differentiate and influence
a high level of inter-connections, as there is a large flow the application of the varying techniques noted. The choice
distribution and reduced influence on flow velocity. To of the test type to the detriment of another must take into
minimize this situation, the closing operation of valves account the characteristics of network analysis, monitoring
within the DMA may be considered, thus ensuring a equipment available, technical capacity of existing human
more direct flow. resources, legal or regulatory requirements and especially
customer service quality impacts. Step-testing is the
Analysis of this mapping exercise encompasses technique which has the greatest impact on customer
verification of piezometric elevations (ground elevation service, because it implies supply suspension and can
plus instantaneous pressure) at each pressure monitoring cause problems in terms of water quality or bursts in the
point installed and systematic comparison of the network, which in turn, creates the potential for increased
values calculated along each profile. When the decay suspension periods in order to repair these bursts. Thus,
of piezometric levels between two successive points is this type of test should possibly be considered as a
relevant, it is expected that excessive consumption can be last resort and only after previous efforts using other
located in the section of mains or network between them. techniques have been applied to locate water leaks. A
Otherwise, if there are no changes to the piezometric key point to highlight when step-testing is that of carefull
Active Water Loss Control
valve operation. Network pressure will be at its highest at The market has presented innovative solutions acoustic
night, often much greater than during the day, hence the survey aimed at locating leaks in harsh conditions, in
change from zero to maximum pressure can lead to bursts particular larger diameter mains or softer plastic pipes.
if valves are not operated sufficiently slowly. These are generally more intrusive and require the
prior creation of specific conditions that permit their
6.2.4 Techniques for precise leak location use, such as access points to the interior of the mains.
These techniques include a combination of ground radar,
There are various techniques applicable for the exact sound or video inspection technology, functioning as
location of leaks, the most common being based on true detection systems, such examples are the Sahara
acoustic methodologies, detecting the noise caused developed by WRC, Smart Ball or JD7 Bullet.
by a leak which propagates through the mains and
accessories. However, the diversity of new materials Acoustic Surveying
used in networks, especially with plastic mains,
combined with low operating pressure and lack of access The application of acoustic survey techniques must
points, have conditioned the application of acoustic follow a methodology of successive approximation
techniques to most distribution networks. This reality to the origin of permanent noise caused by a leak,
has challenged utilities and leak detection equipment using specific equipment, including acoustic loggers,
suppliers to invent new technical solutions to enable correlators, ground microphone or listening stick.
leak detecting and locating interventions in all areas of
a distribution network. Example solutions include the Acoustic survey involves listening for leak noise directly
injection of a tracer gas inside the mains or non-intrusive on the network accessories or on the ground surface,
acoustic inspection with a hydrophone, in order to aim to along the alignment of supply infrastructure. The results
overcome the constraints mentioned above. produced with this type of surveying are more effective
if they are applied directly on to mains network access One of the main advantages of the application of
points, thus allowing analysis of the intensity of the leak this technique is the possibility of undertaking the
noise in different accessories of the network. However, detection work without the need for supply suspension.
the time allocated to such activities of exact leak location Moreover, the existence of a minimum possible supply
will be greater when the number of listening points to be pressure is significant for leakage noise detection. This
sounded is highest, hence utilities must make a balance premise assumes utmost importance in systems without
between available resources and expected results. continuous supply because at certain times of the day
the minimum conditions necessary for the application
Acoustic methods are based on the fact that a leak in of acoustic techniques are not available. In these cases,
a pipeline under pressure emits a permanent specific other techniques can be applied such as the injection of
noise, defined by a particular range of frequencies (see a tracer gas, noting that all of these new techniques have
Figure 6.12). specific limitations on their potential application.
The distribution of noise frequencies generated by a leak Alongside the inherent supply conditions, utilities
is specific to that leak and dependent upon such factors should also examine network characteristics and the
as the type and size of the orifice, pressure, material and experience and ability of each operator, adapting the
mains diameters or soil type. The noise is distributed use of different acoustic detection equipment to analyse
along the pipe at a speed dependent on the particular each case.
characteristics of the material with a smaller noise trail
dissipating with the greater the distance between the Amongst the equipment most commonly used for
leak and the listening point. acoustic surveying, the following may be highlighted:
a) Acoustic Loggers
When scanning large areas, equipment can be A leak detected by a set of noise loggers is closest to
transferred successively between locations, until all the unit which has registered the highest noise intensity
the network is inspected for leakage in an operation over a regular sampling period. The proximity to a leak is
frequently referred to as “Lift & Shift”. Installation of this usually identified by a high decibel level and little scatter
equipment in the supply network enables a "sweep" of in the respective frequency range observed.
large areas with little effort and effective inspection of
areas where there may be noise during the daytime, The exact leak location is not usually detected by
caused by traffic or movement of people. In parallel, this type of equipment, as this is not its function. This
Active Water Loss Control
indicates the existence of leakage in the vicinity around In applying acoustic survey inspection methods,
the installation site which is considered to be suspect interventions are undertaken by listening to the noise
and thus subject to a more detailed inspection, by use of leakage by direct contact with valves, hydrants, service
another type of leak detection equipment. connections or other network accessories, through a
listening stick with an amplified electro-acoustic signal.
b) Listening sticks and Geophone/Ground Microphones Having identified the peak noise leakage in a section
of pipe between two points, the leak can be virtually
Once the search area for a leak has been reduced, located (see Figure 6.15).
approximation techniques to pin-point the exact leak
location should be applied with an approximate error When this method is applied to listen to the ground
of one metre, in order to reduce effort and investment surface above the main, a geophone or ground
associated with excavations. microphone is utilized, with this equipment following the
same principle of detection using an amplified electro-
It should be emphasized that the pressure caused acoustic signal (see Figure 6.16).
by water leakage causes vibration in the pipe and
surrounding ground, which can be perceived at different In this context, the ground microphone or geophone,
frequencies and heard through a device similar in which must be protected with filters against noise from
operation to an amplified stethoscope. These vibrations vehicle traffic and wind, is placed in the soil above the
are usually detected on the ground surface in the 200 to main at regular intervals of one or two metres, in order
600 Hz frequency range and directly on the distribution to detect the exact leak location.
network mains between 600 and 2.000 Hz.
Figure 6.15 Use of Listening Stick Figure 6.16 Use of Geophone or Ground Microphone
Active Water Loss Control
d1 = L - ( v * ∆t )
graph leads to the suggestion that it is a leak is present In the latter case, the process begins with the installation
(Figure 6.18). of a pressure data logger at the lowest elevation point, to
be followed by the suspension of all connections to the
The correlation equipment is portable and simple to main and finally closing of the remaining water inlet valve.
install and can be operated by one person. For refinement After this procedure, there should be a drop in the water
and analysis results, the equipment usually has the column pressure to the elevation of the leak. Knowing
option of selecting multiple frequency filters. However, the layout of the mains elevation, the location of the leak
there are some leaks which are very difficult to locate can thus be identified with accuracy depending on the
even with a correlator, particularly for low pressure, large accuracy of the pressure logger (see Figure 6.19).
diameter mains of non-metallic materials and infrequent
contact points for microphone installation. Tracer Gas Injection
Before conducting a correlation inspection, a program This method of detection involves the supply suspension
of leak detection plan should be created, including a site of the mains section where a leak is suspected, where a
plan with all valves and hydrants to be used in inspection tracer gas is then injected and subsequently detected on
indicated and which must be numbered and ordered, the surface above the mains alignment.
along with a table indicating the total length of pipes and
the estimated distance between the test points. This method is very effective, although costly because it
involves consumables, including the tracer gas itself and Static Pressure Decay Test should be applied only as a last resort. It is estimated that
about 20% of water leaks do not produce enough noise
This method, potentially also referred to as a water for application of acoustic methods, in particular due to
tightness test, is currently used for the detection of leaks reduced pressure or low noise propagation by plastic
in reservoirs and can also be applied to testing of pipes materials; hence these cases should be considered for
with an ascending longitudinal profile. this method.
The process starts with supply suspension of the test most common for use in mains with water for human
section, as well as all service connections, prior to injecting consumption. In both cases, the gas has a very small and
a tracer gas through a hydrant or similar accessory, with volatile molecule allowing it to easily escape through a
sufficient pressure so as to be released through the leak leak hole and allow subsequent detection on the surface.
hole in the main (see Figure 6.20). Once stabilized, a gas
detector device is used to trace along the surface above To implement this method, it first necessary to ensure
the mains being analysed. Once the gas is detected on the availability of a sufficient volume of gas to fill the full
surface, concentration values are observed, with higher extent of the main under test, whilst it is important to
values corresponding to greatest leak proximity. suspend all service connections or other connecting
mains, around the suspected leak location section. The
Various tracer gases may be used for these tests, with injection process must be as slow as possible to avoid
helium or a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen being the damage to the pipe.
Active Water Loss Control
whilst the application is used daily as a management tool on the processes leading to project implementation. This
and evaluation and also as a tool for distribution network implementation can be undertaken with more or less
monitoring, safeguarding their performance. Importantly, speed, gradual or phased, but should be guided by an
WONE has enabled the optimization of client service overall objective, taking into account the need to create
levels and it was thus possible to detect leaks in private favourable conditions for essential information and basic
networks hitherto unknown by the owners. Currently, tools such as GIS, Client Management System, which can
information available in the application guarantees the also be iteratively improved, allowing an increase in their
sustainable management of EPAL assets, assessing the contribution throughout the project.
performance of operational infrastructure, in terms of
redundancy and possible replacement, considering In short, implementation of an integrated monitoring
efficiency and cost reduction. strategy and active leakage control is a worthy option
at all levels, contributing to the overall improvement
Thus, there is a clear interest in these approaches that in utility efficiency management, who undertake to
a fundamental start should be made as soon as possible safeguard an essential resource for life, namely water.
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