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Ms Office

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Q: What are inserted as cross-reference in Word??

A. Placeholders
B. Bookmarks
C. Objects
D. Word fields

Q: Ctrl + N is used to?

A. Save Document
B. Open Document
C. New Document
D. Close Document

Q: Which file starts MS Word??

A. winword.exe
B. word.exe
C. msword.exe
D. word2003.exe

Q: Which of the following are word processing software??

A. WordPerfect
B. Word pad
C. MS Word
D. All of above

Q: Page Down Key is used to?

A. Moves the cursor one line down

B. Moves the cursor one page down
C. Moves the cursor one screen down
D. Moves the cursor one paragraph down

Q: Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an
existing presentation?

A. Edit, Add a New Slide

B. Insert, New Slide
C. File, Open
D. File, New

Q: The view that displays the slides of a presentation as miniature

representations of the slides is called?

A. Slide Show
B. Slide Sorter view
C. Notes Page view
D. Outline view

Q: Line spacing refers to ?

A. the space between the lines of text

B. the height of the line
C. the length of·the line
D. a and b

Q: To exit the PowerPoint application, you should ?

A. click the application Minimize button

B. click the document Close button
C. double-click the application Control-menu icon
D. double-click the document Control-menu icon

Q: Objects on the slide that hold text are called ?

A. Place holders
B. Object holders
C. Auto layout
D. Text holders

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is not a feature of Power Point ?

A. Printing transparencies
B. Printing the speaker's notes along with slide images
C. Linking a slide transition with a laser pointer
D. Drawing with a pen
Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the key on the keyboard can be used to view slide
show ?

A. F1
B. F2
C. F5
D. F10

Q: The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the
presentation is called the ?

A. Table slide
B. Graph slide
C. Bullet slide
D. Title slide

Q: Slide show options available to the presenter include all of the following
except ?

A. Transitions command
B. Speaker notes command
C. Meeting minder command
D. Navigation commands

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the following should you use if you want all the
slide in the presentation to have the same "look" ?

A. The slide layout option

B. Add a slide option
C. Outline view
D. A presentation design template

Q: It is a visual aspect that indicates a control is ready to receive input from

you in Windows operating system?

A. Control's Focus
B. Dialog Boxes
C. Command Buttons
D. Text Boxes
Q: Microsoft Windows provides a graphics application named ?

A. Paint
B. Adobe Photoshop
C. Jasc Paint Shop
D. None of these

Q: In Windows operating system it is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of a

screen, Unlike the desktop which can get obscured by the windows on top of it, it
is visible almost all the time. ?

A. Sidebar
B. Taskbar
C. Icons
D. None of these

Q: Text editor that Is the part of Windows operating system ?

A. Wordpad
B. Notepad
C. Adobe Photoshop
D. Jasc Paint Shop

Q: What field type is used to store picture in a table? ?

A. Memo
C. Hyperlink
D. None

Q: The following database object can you import from one MS-Access
database to another? ?

A. Queries
B. Tables
C. Forms
D. All of the above

Q: The procedure for selecting multiple controls on a report? ?

A. Hold down the Shift key as you click each object that you want to select
B. If the controls are aligned along a horizontal or vertical line, click the horizontal
or vertical ruler above or to the left of the controls
C. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click each object that you want to select
D. All of these above are true

Q: The type of query extract the data and put them into separate table ?

A. A parameter query
B. A make-table query
C. An update query
D. A crosstab query

Q: You can keep the sum([Sales]) to calculate the totals for each month in ?

A. the report footer section

B. the page footer section
C. the month group footer section
D. the summary section

Q: The checking operation performed on input data is called the ?

A. Validation of data
B. Verification of data
C. Cross check
D. Control of data

Q: What is the propose to a sub datasheet? ?

A. To provide a hierarchical view of related tables or queries in a single

B. To display grouped data in a report
C. To display summarized data.
D. All of the above

Q: To display sales grouped by country, region, and salesperson, all at the

same time ?

A. Use the Sort Descending command

B. Use the Pivot table view command
C. Use the find command on specified groups
D. All of above

Q: What is the purpose of the description column in Table Design View? ?

A. To define the data type applied to each field within the table
B. To describe the data that should be entered in each field
C. To enter lookup data that the field should refer to.
D. None of the above

Q: In MS-Excel constant is another name for this type of data ?

A. number
B. equation
C. formula
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel Graphics objects on a chart are used to ?

A. Add emphasis to chart data

B. Add interest to a chart
C. Help explain the chart data
D. All the above

Q: In MS-Excel Book1 is an example of how are numbered and named during

each work session ?

A. Active cell
B. Formula bar
C. Menu bar
D. Name box

Q: In MS-Excel which is used to perform what if analysis? ?

A. Solver
B. Goal seek
C. Scenario Manager
D. All of above

Q: In MS-Excel Comments put in cells are called?

A. Smart tip
B. Cell tip
C. Web tip
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel when integrating MS-Word and MS-Excel, MS-Word is

usually the ?

A. Server
B. Destination
C. Client
D. Both (A) and (C)

Q: In MS-Excel how can you find specific information in a list? ?

A. Select Tools > Finder from the menu

B. Click the Find button on the standard toolbar
C. Select lnsert > Find from the menu
D. Select Data > Form from the menu to open the Data Form dialog box and
click the Criteria button

Q: In MS-Excel two common wildcard characters that MS-Excel recognizes

are ?

A. * and ?
B. < and >
C. ^ and /
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel Chart wizard term data categories refers to ?

A. A chart plot area

B. A horizontal axis
C. The organization of individual values with a chart's data series
D. All of these

Q: In MS-Excel chart wizard term data series refers to ?

A. A chart legend
B. A collection of chart data markers
C. A set of values you plot in a chart
D. None of these

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint two kind of sound effects files that can be added
to the presentation are ?

A. .wav files and .mid files

B. .wav files and .gif files
C. .wav files and .jpg files
D. .jpg files and .gif files

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint which of the following can you use to add times to
the slides in a presentation ?

A. Slide Show menu

B. Rehearse timing button
C. Slide transition button
D. All of the above

Q: Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show? ?

A. .jpg
B. .gif
C. .wav
D. All of the above

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint you can show the shortcut menu during the slide
show by ?

A. Clicking the shortcut button on the formatting toolbar

B. Right clicking the current slide
C. Clicking an icon on the current slide
D. (A) and (B) both

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the following presentation elements can you

modify using the slide master ?

A. Slide comments
B. Slide transitions
C. Speaker note font and color
D. All of above
Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint presentation designs regulate the formatting and
layout for the slide and are commonly called ?

A. Design plates
B. Templates
C. Placeholders
D. Blueprints

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the entry effect as one slide replaces another in a

show is called ?

A. Animation
B. Slide transition
C. Custom animation
D. Preset animation

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the following allow you to select more than one
slide in a presentation ?

A. Alt + Click each slide

B. Shift + drag each slide
C. Shift + Click each slide
D. Ctrl + Click each slide

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the following is the default page setup orientation

for notes pages, outlines and handouts ?

A. Vertical
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of above

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint in order to see all the slides on one screen use ?

A. View, slide sorter

B. View, slide
C. View, master
D. View, slide show

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint the following will not advance the slides in a slide
show view ?
A. Esc key
B. The spacebar
C. The Enter key
D. The mouse button

Q: In Microsoft PowerPoint to add a header or footer to your handout, you

can use ?

A. The title master

B. The slide master
C. The handout master
D. All of above

Q: Which command brings you to the first slide in your presentation? ; ?

A. New slide button

B. Page up
C. Ctrl + home
D. Ctrt + end

Q: In Microsoft Power Point good design determines ; ?

A. Credibility
B. First impression
C. Readability
D. All of the above

Q: In Microsoft Power Point when you were giving your presentation and you
need to click a slide that's few slides back. Best way to achieve this is ?

A. Press ESC to get back into a normal view: click the slide thumbnail in
normal view; then click the resume slide show button
B. Press backspace until your desired slide
C. Righi click --> Goto Slide --> Select Slide
D. All of the above

Q: What is the memo data type field used for? ?

A. To add table
B. To store objects created in other programs
C. For long text entries
D. For shout text entries of no more than 255 characters

Q: The filter by selection feature allows you to filter ?

A. Those records that match an entity in a field

B. Records based on a criterion you specify
C. Records that meet any of several criteria you specify
D. All of above

Q: What method can you use to add a new table to your database? ?

A. Use Design View to create a table

B. Enter data directly by using a datasheet
C. Both of above
D. None of these

Q: A query summarizes information in a grid, organized by regions and

months. Which type of query is this? ?

A. A cross tab query

B. An update query
C. A parameter query
D. An action query

Q: How can you display Pivot Table report summary data in a currency
format? ?

A. Use custom calculation

B. Type in the currency symbol
C. Modify the field settings
D. None of the above

Q: How can you display the relationship in a database? ?

A. Select View > Relationship from the menu

B. Click the Relationship button on the toolbar
C. Select Edit >Relationship from the menu
D. All the above are true

Q: In MS-Access press ALT+F11 to ?

A. Display the Control menu
B. Display the shortcut menu
C. Close the active window
D. None of these

Q: Press the following keys in MS-Access to Print the current or selected

object ?

B. P or CTRL+P
C. S
D. C or ESC

Q: Press the following keys in MS-Access to Cancel Print Preview or Layout

Preview ?

B. P or CTRL+P
C. S

Q: In MS-Access press CTRL+O to ?

A. Open a new database

B. Open an existing database
C. Exit MS-Access
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Access to Refresh the contents of a Lookup field (Lookup field: A

field, used on a form or report in an Access database, that either displays a list
of values retrieved from a table or query, or stores a static set of values.) list
box or combo box ?

D. F9

Q: In MS-Access to Open a combo box ?

D. F9

Q: In MS-Excel Documentation should include ?

A. Destination and users of the output data

B. Source of input data
C. Information on the purpose of the workbook
D. All of the above

Q: In MS-Excel which of the following is an absolute cell reference? ?

A. !A!1
B. $A$1
C. #a#1
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel how can you delete a record? ?

A. Delete the column from the worksheet

B. Select Data > Form from the menu to open the Data Form dialog box, find
the record and Click the Delete button
C. Select Data > Delete Record from the menu
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel comments can be added to cells using ?

A. Edit > Comments

B. Insert > Comments
C. File > Comments
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel which elements of worksheet can be protected from

accidental modification? ?

A. Contents
B. Objects
C. Scenarios
D. All of above
Q: In MS-Excel value used in a formula that does not change is called a ?

A. Cell address
B. Constant
C. Function
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel what chart object is horizontal or vertical line that extends

across the plot area to make it easier to read and follow the values? ?

A. Category axis
B. Data marker
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Gridline

Q: What MS-Excel feature can you use if you want to work with one record at
a time? ?

A. Auto Complete
B. Auto Filter
C. Data Form
D. All of the above

Q: In MS-Excel 3-D reference in a formula ?

A. Cannot be modified
B. Only appears on summary worksheets
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Spans worksheets

Q: In MS-Excel you can open the Highlight Changes dialog box by choosing
Track Changes from the Menu. ?

A. Edit
B. Insert
C. Tools
D. None of these

Q: In MS-Excel to protect a worksheet, you can choose Protection and the

Protect Sheet from the menu ?
A. Edit
B. Format
C. Tools
D. All of the above

Q: In MS-Excel which functions will calculate the number of workdays

between 6/9/2013 and 8/12/2013 ?

A. Workday
B. Date
C. Networkday
D. Weekday

Q: MS-Excel uses the Function when creating a data table ?

A. Average
B. Count
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Table

Q: In MS-Excel data marker on a chart are linked to data points in a

worksheet, therefore ?

A. You can automatically apply formatting to a data series

B. You can change the position of a data marker and that automatically changes the
data point value in the worksheet
C. You can change a data point value and automatically that is drawn in the chart
D. Both (b) & (c)

Q: You can indent selected text by ?

A. typing the indent position in the Paragraph dialog box

B. clicking the Decrease Indent button
C. clicking the Increase Indent button
D. All of the above

Q: Type face refers to ?

A. the density of the characters

B. the design and appearance of the characters
C. the slant of the characters
D. the height of the character

Q: When you use the repeat command on the Edit menu to repeat formats
applied from the Formatting toolbar?

A. only the last format is applied

B. the text is changed to uppercase
C. none of the formats are repeated
D. all the formats are repeated

Q: The Bold, Underline, and Italic buttons on the Formatting toolbar ?

A. apply formats that emphasize text

B. are toggle switches that apply or remove formats
C. are turned on by default
D. a and b

Q: Character spacing options are found in tbe ?

A. AutoText dialog box

B. Formatting dialog box
C. AutoCorrect dialog box
D. None of the above

Q: AutoText entries ?

A. can be deleted
B. can be edited
C. are saved with the Normal template
D. a, b, and c

Q: The "Use smart cut and paste" option ?

A. inserts a special symbol at the end of each document

B. copies text in a document without using the Clipboard
C. adds or deletes spaces as needed when pasting text
D. copies text to the Clipboard

Q: The drag-and-drop feature allows you to ?

A. switch from insert to Overtype mode
B. move and copy text using the mouse
C. move and copy text using the Clipboard
D. open a new document and drop it into the active document

Q: You can display the Find and Replace dialog box by using the ?

A. CTRL+H keys
B. F5 key
C. Find or Replace commands
D. Select Browse Object button

Q: Hyperlinks can be created between a Word document and ?

A. another Word document

B. another Office document
C. a Web page on the WWW
D. all of the above

Q: You can add a date to a document by ?

A. inserting a text date

B. inserting a date field that will update automatically
C. typing the date manually
D. All. of the above

Q: The special characters Word inserts into your document are called ?

A. removable characters
B. nonprinting characters
C. printing characters
D. absolute characters

Q: When you want to view different parts of a document without moving the
insertion point ?

A. use the Previous Page or Next Page buttons

B. use the keyboard
C. use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars
D. use the Zoom button
Q: The following toolbars display in the Word application window by default?

A. Forms toolbar
B. Formatting toolbar
C. Standard toolbar
D. b and c

Q: The Word Wrap feature ?

A. automatically moves text to the next line when necessary

B. appears at the bottom of the document
C. allows you to type over text
D. is the short horizontal line indicating the end of the document

Q: To preserve any changes to the document currently displayed on your

screen, you should ?

A. close the application

B. open a new document
C. move the document to the new screen
D. save the document frequently

Q: Which of the following special characters can be inserted in a filename? ?

A. the semicolon (;)

B. the hyphen (-)
C. the period (.)
D. All of above

Q: Which of the following is not part of the merge process? ?

A. date field
B. merge field
C. data source
D. main document

Q: Data fields ?

A. are indicated by columns in a table

B. may be left empty
C. separate data into many logical parts
D. may contain multiple lines of text

Q: You can move the insertion point in a table ?

A. with the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys

B. with the SHIFT+TAB keys
C. with the TAB key
D. All of the above

Q: To update a formula in a table, press the ?

A. F9 key
B. ALT+F9 keys
C. SHIFT+F9 keys
D. F8 key

Q: Word inserts a formula as ?

A. numbers
B. a field code
C. values
D. text

Q: To align numbers with the same number of decimal points in a table

column ?

A. set a decimal tab stop

B. right-align the numbers
C. center-align the numbers
D. a and b

Q: The default paper size and orientation is ?

A. A4
B. 9.5" X 12" Portrait
C. 8.5" x 11" Portrait
D. 11" x 18"Portrait

Q: Documents can be printed to ?

A. a CD
B. a file on the disk
C. a printer
D. b and c

Q: You can display the next page in Print Preview by ?

A. clicking the Page Forward button

B. clicking the Previous Page button
C. using the vertical scroll bar
D. clicking the Next Page button

Q: Which of the following options is not an option in the Print dialog box? ?

A. Print selected pages

B. Print selected text
C. Set the paper orientation
D. Collate copies

Q: When you display your document in Full Screen view ?

A. you see the Previous Page and Next Page buttons

B. you add section breaks to your document
C. you can view more typing area in your document
D. the title bar, status bar, menu bar, scroll bars, taskbar, and toolbars are displayed

Q: Which of the following is not paragraph formatting? ?

A. Alignment
B. Indenting
C. Margins
D. Boldface

Q: You can copy character formats by ?

A. using the TrueType fonts

B. selecting the text and pressing the DELETE key
C. using the Find command on the 'Edit menu
D. using the Format Painter tool

Q: You can apply a double underline to text with ?

A. the Underline list box in the Font dialog box
B. the Underline button on the Fonnatting toolbar
C. the Subscript option in the Font dialog box
D. the Superscript option in the Font dialog box

Q: In MS Word the use of CTRL while dragging text ?

A. Deletes the selected text

B. Copy the selected text
C. Formats the text
D. None of these

Q: In MS Word command to cut something and place it on clipboard to paste

it some where else is ; ?

D. None of these

Q: "Ctrl + PageDown" is used to?

A. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down

B. Moves the cursor one Page Down
C. Moves the cursor one Line Down
D. Moves the cursor one Screen Down

Q: In MS Word when ;CTRL+SHIFT is used with any of the arrow keys ;it ;

A. Highlights a block of text

B. Deletes something
C. Pastes something
D. None of these

Q: Command used to copy something to clipboard is ; ?

D. None of these
Q: In MS Word command CTRL+E is used to ?

A. Open the Search bar

B. Start the Find utility
C. Open the History bar
D. None of these

Q: In MS Word to paste something from clipboard command used is ?

D. None of these

Q: In MS Word shortcut for paste is?

D. None of these

Q: End Key is used to?

A. Moves the cursor end of the line

B. Moves the cursor end of the document
C. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
D. Moves the cursor end of the screen

Q: Which shortcut key is used to spell check in MS-Word?

A. F1
B. F2
C. F7
D. F9

Q: "Ctrl + Right Arrow" is used to?

A. Moves the cursor one word right

B. Moves the cursor end of the line
C. C. Moves the cursor end of the document
D. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down
Q: Home Key uses for?

A. Moves the cursor beginning of the document

B. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph
C. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen
D. Moves the cursor beginning of the line

Q: What is the extension of files created in Ms-Word 97- 2003?

A. dot
B. doc
C. dom
D. txt

Q: What is the function of CTRL+R in MS-Word?

A. Open the Print dialog box

B. Update the current Web page
C. Close the current window
D. None of these

Q: What is the function of Ctrl + B in Ms-Word?

A. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
B. It adds a line break to the document
C. It makes the selected text bold
D. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text

Q: AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace _________ words as you


A. short, repetitive
B. grammatically incorrect
C. misspelled
D. none of the above

Q: When the Language bar is _____, it means that you do not see it on the
screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer.?

A. restored
B. hidden
C. minimized
D. close

Q: Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge


A. Main document
B. Data source
C. Merge fields
D. Word fields

Q: Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and

A. Status bar
B. Tool bar
C. Menu bar
D. Title bar

Q: What is gutter margin??

A. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing

B. Margin that is added to right margin when printing
C. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
D. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing

Q: A word processor would most likely be used to do?

A. keep an account of money spent

B. do a computer search in media center
C. maintain an inventory
D. type a biography

Q: Which enables us to send the same letter to different persons??

A. macros
B. template
C. template
D. none
Q: The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is

A. document formatting
B. database management
C. mail merge
D. form letters

Q: Which of the following is not the Section Break Option??

A. Next Page
B. Previous Page
C. Odd Page
D. Even Page

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