Labs Mark Schemes
Labs Mark Schemes
Labs Mark Schemes
MM (To investigate the Laws of Reflection) MM (To investigate the Laws of Reflection)
Marks Earned Marks Earned
Manipulating instruments 6 Manipulating instruments 6
Sets up apparatus according to diagram 2 Sets up apparatus according to diagram 2
Follows set of instructions to use the Ray Follows set of instructions to use the Ray
2 2
box and plane mirror box and plane mirror
Accurately draws angles of incidence and Accurately draws angles of incidence and
2 2
points ray box along those angles points ray box along those angles
Taking measurements 4 Taking measurements 4
Makes measurements with due regard for Makes measurements with due regard for
1 1
precision and accuracy using a protractor precision and accuracy using a protractor
Uses straight and sharp lines 1 Uses straight and sharp lines 1
Reads reflective angles correctly to obtain Reads reflective angles correctly to obtain
2 2
accurate values accurate values
MM (To investigate the Laws of Reflection) MM (To investigate the Laws of Reflection)
Marks Earned Marks Earned
Manipulating instruments 6 Manipulating instruments 6
Sets up apparatus according to diagram 2 Sets up apparatus according to diagram 2
Follows set of instructions to use the Ray Follows set of instructions to use the Ray
2 2
box and plane mirror box and plane mirror
Accurately draws angles of incidence and Accurately draws angles of incidence and
2 2
points ray box along those angles points ray box along those angles
Taking measurements 4 Taking measurements 4
Makes measurements with due regard for Makes measurements with due regard for
1 1
precision and accuracy using a protractor precision and accuracy using a protractor
Uses straight and sharp lines 1 Uses straight and sharp lines 1
Reads reflective angles correctly to obtain Reads reflective angles correctly to obtain
2 2
accurate values accurate values
MM (To Locate Position of a Virtual Image) MM (To Locate Position of a Virtual Image)
Marks Earned Marks Earned
Marks position of mirror 1 Marks position of mirror 1
Tracks position of the image pin correctly Tracks position of the image pin correctly
2 2
using four search pins using four search pins
Labels position of image correctly 1 Labels position of image correctly 1
Measures and compares object distance Measures and compares object distance
2 2
and image distance and image distance
MM (To Locate Position of a Virtual Image) MM (To Locate Position of a Virtual Image)
Marks Earned Marks Earned
Marks position of mirror 1 Marks position of mirror 1
Tracks position of the image pin correctly Tracks position of the image pin correctly
2 2
using four search pins using four search pins
Labels position of image correctly 1 Labels position of image correctly 1
Measures and compares object distance Measures and compares object distance
2 2
and image distance and image distance
MM (To Locate Position of a Virtual Image) MM (To Locate Position of a Virtual Image)
Marks Earned Marks Earned
Marks position of mirror 1 Marks position of mirror 1
Tracks position of the image pin correctly Tracks position of the image pin correctly
2 2
using four search pins using four search pins
Labels position of image correctly 1 Labels position of image correctly 1
Measures and compares object distance Measures and compares object distance
2 2
and image distance and image distance
MM (Refractive Index of a Glass MM (Refractive Index of a Glass
block) block)
Marks position of glass block (1) Marks position of glass block (1)
Measures the angle of incidence Measures the angle of incidence
correctly (1) correctly (1)
Repositions glass block correctly [glass Repositions glass block correctly [glass
block lies parallel along outline] (1) block lies parallel along outline] (1)
Sends light ray directly through the Sends light ray directly through the
incident ray drawn (2) incident ray drawn (2)
Tracks correct emergent ray using dots Tracks correct emergent ray using dots
(2) (2)
Draws in the angle of refraction Draws in the angle of refraction
correctly (1) correctly (1)
Measures the angle of refraction Measures the angle of refraction
correctly (2) correctly (2)
Discussion is based on data obtained (1) Discussion is based on data obtained (1)
Uses scientific terms correctly (1) Uses scientific terms correctly (1)
Writes neat discussion and reflection (2) Writes neat discussion and reflection (2)