E/X Weapon Special Rule
E/X Weapon Special Rule
E/X Weapon Special Rule
Written by Chapow!
Wednesday, 03 March 2010 17:35
The Necron menace is one of the greatest threats that a human may face. Against all
but the most well-equipped parties, each individual Necron is an all but undefeatable
opponent - impervious to most weapons and psychic effects, and wielding weapons
that can vaporize a man in full armor with a single shot.
I have included all the Necron units from Codex: Necrons (4th ed.) except the Necron
Lord, the Monolith, and the C'Tan. The suffix (x2) after a stat represents the
Unnatural Characteristic (x2) trait, which doubles the characteristic bonus and adds
+20 to relevant Tests. Comments and criticism are desired.
In honor of the tried and true method of drowning one's enemies in the blood of
guardsmen, two special rules are first added for mass concentrated fire on a single
near-indestructible target.
Necron Warrior
WS 60
BS 70
S 50 (x2)
Ag 20
Int -
Per 40
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 20
True Grit
Armor: 20
Trained Skills:
Gauss Gun: inflicts 10 damage to wounds and 1d10+1X critical damage regardless of
toughness, armor, and wounds. s/-/- 80m unlimited clip. At DM disgression,
consider capping this damage to 7 (limb removal without instant death) for hits to
arms and legs. Against vehicles, roll 2d10+10 pen5X.
Melee Attachment: 2d10+sb pen5 R, may not be destroyed by powerfield.
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
May move 10m and fire/attack once. May not move more than 10m. May not attack
more than once. May not aim. May not dodge. May parry.
Size: Hulking (+10 to hit)
Necron Wraith
WS 60
BS 70
S 70 (x2)
Ag 50 (x2)
Int -
Per 40
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 20
True Grit
Armor: 20
Trained Skills:
Claws: 2d10+SB pen8 R, may not be destroyed by powerfield
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Phases out when unable to continue fighting.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
Whenever the Wraith is hit by an attack, roll 1d100. On a 51 or higher, the attack
phases through the Wraith with no effect.
The Wraith may pass unaffected through solid objects up to 3m thick. It never needs
to test to pass through difficult terrain.
The Wraith is silent. It cannot be detected by sound.
If the Wraith moves less than 10m, it may attack 6 times, allocating hits to any targets
within 2m. If the wraith moves more than 10m, it may attack 2 times. The wraith
may always attack at least 2 times provided it passes within melee range of an enemy
at some point durring its turn.
Size: Hulking (+10 to hit)
WS 60
BS 70
S 20 (x2)
Ag 50
Int -
Per 30
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 0
True Grit
Armor: 5
Trained Skills:
Weapons: Special
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Phases out when unable to continue fighting.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
Flier 6/12/18/36
Size: Minuscule (-30 to hit)
When the Scarab attacks, roll 1d10. If the rolled value is less than or equal to the
target's armor on the hit location, reduce the armor on that location by the rolled value
as the Scarab burrows into it. Repeat this once per turn until the Scarab is removed.
Removing the Scarab is an Opposed Strength Check (half action).
If the rolled value is greater than the target's armor on the hit location, it is assumed to
have found a chink in the armor. Deal 2d10+10R damage bypassing armor as the
Scarab burrows into the target's flesh. Repeat this once per turn until the Scarab is
removed. Removing the Scarab requires an Opposed Strength Check (half action) and
inflicts 2d10+10R damage.
A Scarab thus removed is at +20 to hit in melee and -20 to hit at range. Retaining hold
of a Scarab requires an Opposed Strength Check.
Flayed One
WS 60
BS 70
S 50 (x2)
Ag 40
Int -
Per 40
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 20
True Grit
Armor: 20
Trained Skills:
Claws: 2d10+SB pen5 R Tearing, may not be destroyed by powerfield.
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Phases out when unable to continue fighting.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus. Always makes ranged attacks
at +0 +range bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum)
*Flayed One:
May move 10m and attack 3 times. May not move more than 10m. May not attack
more than 3 times. May not aim. May not dodge. May parry.
Fear 2
Flayed Ones conceal themselves in the corpses of the dead. Concealing in this manner
takes two full actions. Spotting a Necron concealed in this manner is an Awareness or
Search check opposed by a Concealment check, and should be made when characters
are within 50m (beginning at -30), gaining +10 for every 10m closer. Because the
Necron is completely still and silent, Awareness is at an additional -30, although
Search is at no additional penalty.
Size: Hulking (+10 to hit)
Necron Pariah
WS 60
BS 70
S 60 (x2)
Ag 50
Int 50
Per 60
WP -
Fel 20
Wounds: 25
True Grit
Armor: 25
Trained Skills:
Lore: the sum total of Necron knowledge
Warscythe with built-in Gauss Blaster:
Ranged: inflicts 10 damage to wounds and 1d10+1X critical damage regardless of
toughness, armor, and wounds. s/3/- 40m unlimited clip. At DM disgression,
consider capping this damage to 7 (limb removal without instant death) for hits to
arms and legs. Against vehicles, roll 2d10+10 pen5X.
Melee: 2d10+sb pen12 R powerfield, Fast (-10 to parry or dodge).
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
[[[When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.]]]
(see Pariah)
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
If the Pariah moves less than 10m, it may attack 3 times, allocating hits to any targets
within 2m; or it may make a semi-auto burst ranged attack. If the Pariah moves more
than 10m, it may attack once; or it may fire its ranged weapon once. The Pariah may
always attack at least once times provided it passes within melee range of an enemy at
some point durring its turn and has not fired its ranged weapon.
Soulless: any character within 50m takes a -20 penalty to Intelligence, Willpower,
Fellowship, and Perception. Any psyker within 30m must test Willpower at the start
of every turn or immediately gain 1d10 insanity points and 1d10 levels of fatigue as
the soulless abomination burns his soul away. Any daemon within 30m must test
Toughness or take one point of damage bypassing toughness and armor, critical effects
applied simultaneously to body, arms, legs, and head.
Fear 2.
Something Human Remains: A 'killed' Pariah only gets one test before Phasing Out.
Size: Hulking (+10 to hit)
Necron Immortal
WS 60
BS 70
S 50 (x2)
Ag 20
Int -
Per 50
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 25
True Grit
Armor: 25
Trained Skills:
Immortal Gauss Blaster: inflicts 10 damage to wounds and 1d10+1X critical damage
regardless of toughness, armor, and wounds. s/4/- 80m unlimited clip. At DM
disgression, consider capping this damage to 7 (limb removal without instant death)
for hits to arms and legs. Against vehicles, roll 2d10+10 pen5X.
Melee Attachment: 2d10+sb pen5 R, may not be destroyed by powerfield.
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
May move 10m and fire a single shot or a semi-auto burst, or attack once. May not
move more than 10m. May not attack more than once. May not aim. May not
dodge. May parry.
Disruption Fields: The Immortal may tear through armored vehicles with ease in
melee: at the start of its turn, it may choose to have its attacks inflict 1d10 damage to
the vehicle's armor on the facing location rather than attempting to damage it directly.
Size: Hulking (+10 to hit)
Necron Destroyer
WS 60
BS 70
S 50 (x2)
Ag 20
Int -
Per 50
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 25
True Grit
Armor: 25
Trained Skills:
Gauss Cannon: inflicts 20 damage to wounds and 2d10+1X critical damage regardless
of toughness, armor, and wounds. s/4/- 140m unlimited clip. At DM disgression,
consider capping this damage to 7 (limb removal without instant death) for hits to
arms and legs. Against vehicles, roll 4d10+10 pen5X.
Melee Attachment: 2d10+sb pen5 R, may not be destroyed by powerfield.
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
May move 10m and fire a single shot or a semi-auto burst, or attack once. May not
attack more than once. May not aim. May not dodge. May parry.
If the Destroyer does not fire, it moves with hover 6/12/18/36, ignoring difficult
terrain, but limited to a height of 10m over the ground.
Size: Hulking (+10 to hit)
The Destroyer may substitute its Gauss Cannon for a Heavy Gauss Cannon and reduce
its movement to 5/10/15/30, thereby becoming a Heavy Destroyer.
Heavy Gauss Cannon: inflicts 30 damage to wounds and 3d10+1X critical damage
regardless of toughness, armor, and wounds. s/-/- 120m unlimited clip Recharge (one
shot per two turns). Against vehicles, roll 6d10+10 pen10X.
Melee Attachment: 2d10+sb pen5R, may not be destroyed by powerfield, Unwieldy
(cannot parry).
Tomb Spyder
WS 20
BS 30
S 70 (x2)
Ag 20
Int -
Per 70
WP -
Fel -
Wounds: 40
True Grit
Armor: 25
Trained Skills:
Claws: 2d10+sb pen10 R, may not be destroyed by powerfield.
Automatically passes Toughness and Willpower checks.
Immune to blood loss, Fatigue, and Stunning.
Regain 1 wound per turn.
When 'killed', roll 1d100 per round at the start of the Necron's turn. On 80+, the
Necron phases out, unable to continue fighting. If the Necron is still present after
three such tests, it comes back to life at 0 wounds. Any damage (after armor) against
the Necron while it is 'killed' prompts another test. A 'killed' Necron is Helpless.
Always makes melee attacks at +20 +numerical bonus+size bonus. Always makes
ranged attacks at +0 +range bonus+size bonus.
Unaffected by environmental effects (fog, darkness, underwater, vacuum, etc)
Armor counts double against psychic attacks - even those that would normally bypass
*Tomb Spyder:
May move 10m and attack six times. May not attack more than six times. May not
aim. May not dodge. May parry.
If the Tomb Spyder does not attack, it moves with hover 4/8/12/24, ignoring difficult
terrain, but limited to a height of 10m over the ground.
Size: Enormous (+20 to hit)
Heavy Disruption Fields: The Tomb Spyder may tear through armored vehicles with
ease in melee: at the start of its turn, it may choose to have its attacks inflict 2d10
damage to the vehicle's armor on the facing location rather than attempting to damage
it directly.
Artificier: The Tomb Spyder may create two Scarabs as a Full Action. The Scarabs
enter the initiative order immediately after the Tomb Spyder.
The Tomb Spyder repairs damaged Necrons. It may restore a 'killed' character with
the Necron trait to zero wounds as a full action. Any Necron within 10m which would
have Phased Out as a result of a failed Phase Out test may remain 'killed' indefinitely,
waiting for the Tomb Spyder to repair it. A Necron which forfeits its 'Phase Out' in
this manner may never Phase Out unless it is first restored to 0 wounds by the Tomb
Spyder - or some poor Mechanicus acolyte thousands of years later... - and defeated a
second time.