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Atomic Structure BKLT ALP Solution-1

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Single choice type

1. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below in the lists (n, and
m are respectively the principal, azimuthal and magnetic quantum no.)
List-I List-II
(A) Number of value of  for an energy level(n) (1) 0, 1, 2, ............. (n - 1)
(B) Values of  for a particular type of orbit (2) + to – through zero
(C) Number of value of m for  = 2 (3) 5
(D) Values of 'm' for a particular type of orbital (4) n
(A) 4 1 2 3 (B*) 4 1 3 2
(C) 1 4 2 3 (D) 1 4 3 2
Sol. Number of values of  = total number of subshells = n.
Value of  = 0,1,2........(n – 1).
 = 2  m = – 2, – 1, 0, + 1 , + 2 (5 values)
m = – to +  through zero.

2. When Z is doubled in an atom, which of the following statements are consistent with Bohr’s theory?

(A) Energy of a state is doubled (B) Radius of an orbit is doubled.

(C*) Velocity of electron in an orbit is doubled. (D) Energy of a state is halfed
Sol. En  Z2   Z doubled  En becomes four times.
Rn  1/Z  Z doubled  Rn becomes half.
vn  Z   Z doubled  v n becomes two times.
3. A photon of 300 nm is absorbed by a gas and then emits two photons. One photon has a wavelength
496 nm then the wavelength of second photon in nm is :
(A*) 759 (B) 859 (C) 959 (D) 659
Sol. Eabsorbed = Eemitted
hc hc hc
 = + .
300 496 
  = 759 nm.
Evo'kksf"kr ÅtkZ = EmRlftZr ÅtkZ
hc hc hc
 = + .
300 496 
  = 759 nm.

4. If the total energy of an electron in hydrogen like atom in an excited state is –3.4 eV, then the de-
Broglie wavelength of the electron is :
150 150 150 150
(A*) Å (B) Å (C) nm (D) nm
3.4 6.8 3.4 6.8
Sol. KE = – TE = 3.4 eV.
150 150
  = = Å.
KE 3.4
5. An electron, a proton and an alpha particle have kinetic energies of 16E, 4E and E respectively. What is
the quantitative order of their de-Broglie wavelengths ?
(A*) e > p =  (B) p =  = e (C) p > e >  (D)e >  > p
h h h h
Sol. e = = , p = = .
2meKEe 2  1/ 1837mp  16E 2mpKEp 2mp  4E


h h
 = =
2mKE 2  4mp  E
 e > p =  .

6. When an excited hydrogen atom returned to its ground state, some visible quanta were observed along
with other quanta . Which of the following transitions must have occurred?
(A*) 2  1 (B) 3  1 (C) 3  2 (D) 4  2
Sol. Since some visible quanta were observed along with other quanta, electrons must have made transition
from some higher state to n = 2 and then from n = 2 to n = 1.
 Transition from 2  1 is compulsory, because electron from n = 2 will finally fall into n = 1.

7. The radii of two of the first four Bohr’s orbits of the hydrogen atom are in the ratio 1 : 4 The energy
difference between them may be :
(A) Either 12.09 eV or 10.2 eV (B*) Either 2.55 eV or 10.2 eV
(C) Either 13.6 eV or 3.4 eV (D) Either 3.4 eV or 0.85 eV

Rn1 n12 1 n1 1
Sol. = =  = .
Rn2 n22 4 n2 2
Among the first four orbits n1 and n2 can be 1 and 2 or 2 and 4.
 Energy difference can be :
E2  1 = 10.2 eV or E4  2 = 2.55 eV.

8. A proton and an -particle are accelerated through the same potential difference from rest. Then the
ratio of their de Broglie wavelength is :
(A) 2 (B) (C*) 2 2 (D) 1/2 2
h h h
Sol. p = a = a =
2mpqp V 2mq V 2  4mp  2qp  V
p 8 2 2
= = .
 1 1

9. Ionization energy of a hydrogen-like ion A is greater than that of another hydrogen like ion B. Let r, u, E
and L represent the radius of the orbit, speed of the electron, total energy of the electron (with sign) and
angular momentum of the electron respectively (for the same n). In ground state
(A) r A > r B (B*) u A > u B (C) E A > E B (D) L  L  
Sol. IEA > IEB
 ZA > ZB .
r1/Z.  rA < rB .
u  Z  uA > uB .
E  Z (But it is negativ e).  EA < EB.
L does not depends on Z.
 For same n, L A = L B .

10. There are two samples of H and He + atom. Both are in some excited state. In hydrogen
atom total number of lines observ ed in Balmer series is 4 and in He + atom total number
of lines observ ed in paschen series i s 1. Electron in hydrogen sample make transitions
to lower states f rom its excited state, then the photon corresponding to the l ine of
maximum energy line of Balmer series of H sample is used to f urther excite the already
excited He + sample. Then maximum excitation lev el of He + sample will be :
(A) n = 6 (B) n = 8 (C*) n = 12 (D) n =
Sol. In H–atom, 4 lines are observed in Balmer series. So, electron is in n = 6(6  2, 5  2,4  2,3  2).
In He+ ion, one line is observed in Paschen series. So electron is in n = 4 (4  3).
(H) 6  2 = (He + ) 1 2  4
 electron in He + will jump from n = 4 to n = 12.


11. The potential energy of the electron present in the ground state of Be3+ ion is represented by:
e2 e e2 e2
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D*) 
 0 r  0 r  0 r 2  0 r
Kq1q 2 K(–e)( 4e) 1 4e 2 –e 2
Sol. P.E = = = ×– = .
r r 40 r 0r

12. An ion Mna+ has the spin magnetic moment equal to 4.9 BM. The value of a is : (atomic no. of Mn = 25)
(A*) 3 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 5
Sol. n(n  2) = 4.9
 No. of unpaired electrons, n = 4.
Mn : [Ar]4s23d5
For having 4 unpaired electrons, a Mn atom should lose 3 electrons (2 from 4s and 1 from 3d).
 a = +3.
13. dz2  orbital has :
(A*) Two lobes along z-axis and a ring along xy-plane
(B) Two lobes along z-axis and two lobes along xy-plane
(C) Two lobes along z-axis and a ring along yz-plane
(D) Two lobes and a ring along z-axis
Sol. dz2 orbital has two lobes along Z axis and a ring along XY plane.
14. Photon having wavelength 310 nm is used to break the bond of A2 molecule having bond energy
288 kJ mol–1 then % of energy of photon converted to the K.E. is [hc = 12400 evÅ , 1 ev = 96 kJ/mol]
(A*) 25 (B) 50 (C) 75 (D) 80
Sol. Energy of one photon = = 4ev = 4 x 96 = 384 kJ mol–1
384  288 96
 % of energy converted to K.E. = = x 100 = 25%
384 384
15. In Balmer series of lines of hydrogen spectrum, the first line from the red end corresponds to which one
of the following inter-orbit jumps of the electron for Bohr orbits in an atom of hydrogen ?
(A) 5  2 (B) 4  1 (C) 2  5 (D*) 3 2
Sol. 1st line from red end in Balmer series.
 Line of minimum energy in Balmer series.
 Transition = (3  2).
16. W hich transition in Li 2 + would hav e the same wav elength as the 2  4 transition in He +
ion ?
(A) 4  2 (B) 2  4 (C*) 3  6 (D) 6  2
Sol. (He+)2  4 = (Li2 )n4 n3
Z1 n2 n 2 2 4
 = = 1 or = =
Z 2 n4 n3 3 n4 n3
 n4 = 3 and n3 = 6.
 Transition in Li2+ ion = 3  6
17. Photons of equal energy were incident on two different gas samples. One sample containing
H-atoms in the ground state and the other sample containing H-atoms in some excited state with a
principal quantum number ‘n’. The photonic beams totally ionise the H-atoms. If the difference in the
kinetic energy of the ejected electrons in the two different cases is 12.75 eV. Then find the principal
quantum number ‘n’ of the excited state.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D*) 4
Sol. KE1 = Ephoton – BE n = 1
KE2 = Ephoton – BEn = n
1 1
KE2 – KE1 = BEn = 1 – BEn = n = 13.6 Z2  2 – 2  = 12.75 (given).
1 n 
 n2 = 16 or n = 4.
BE : Binding energy.


18. The number of possible lines of Paschen series when electron jumps from 7th excited state upto ground
state (in hydrogen like atom) is :
(A) 2 (B*) 5 (C) 4 (D) 3
Sol. Number of lines of Paschen series = 5 (8  3, 7  3, 6  3, 5  3, 4  3).
19. Wavelength of radiations emitted when an electron jumps from a state A to C is 3000 Å and it is 6000 Å
when the electron jumps from state B to C. Wavelength of the radiations emitted when an electron
jumps from state A to B will be
(A) 2000 Å (B) 3000 Å (C) 4000 Å (D*) 6000 Å
Sol. EA  C = EA  B + EB  C
12400 12400 12400
= +  = 6000 Å.
3000 (Å) 6000
20. A certain dye absorbs light of  = 4000 Å and then fluoresces light of 5000 Å. Assuming that under
given conditions 50% of the absorbed energy is re-emitted out as fluorescence, calculate the ratio of
number of quanta emitted out to the number of quanta absorbed.
5 8 3 8
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
8 5 8 3
Sol. Eemitted = × Eabsorbed
No. of emitted photons × Energy of emitted photon = × No. of absorbed photon × Energy of absorbed
12400 50 12400
 ne × = × na × .
5000 100 4000
 =.
21. Last line of Lyman series for H–atom has wavelength 1 Å, 2nd line of Balmer series has wavelength
 2 Å then
16 9 16 3 4 1 16 3
(A) = (B*) = (C) = (D) =
1  2 2 1 1  2 1  2
1 1 1  1  1 1
Sol. = R(1) 2  2 – 2  and = R(1) 2  2 – 2 
1 1   2 2 4 
1 16
 1 = and 2 = .
R 3R
16 3
 = .
 2 1
22. The kinetic energy of the electron present in the ground state of Li2+ ion is represented by :
3e2 3e2 3e 2 3e 2
(A*) (B)  (C) (D) 
8  0 r 8 0 r 4 0 r 4 0 r
1 KZe2 3e 2
Sol. KE = = .
2 r 8 0r
23. For the Hydrogen spectrum, last line of the Lyman series has f requency 1 , last line of
Lyman series of He + ion has f requency 2 and last line of Balmer series of He + ion has
f requency 3 .Then
(A) 2 ( 1 + 3 ) = 2 (B) 1 = 3 (C*) 4 1 = 2 (D) 2 = 3
1 1 
Sol.  1 = Rc(1) 2  2 – 2  = Rc.
1  
1 1 
 2 = Rc(2) 2  2 – 2  = 4Rc.
1  
 1 1 
 3 = Rc(2) 2  2 – 2  = Rc.
 2  
2( 1 +  3 ) =  2 and 1 = 3 and 4 1 =  2 .


24. The uncertainty in position and velocity of the particle are 0.1 nm and 5.27×10–27 ms–1 respectively.
Then the mass of the particle is : (h = 6.625 × 10–34Js)
(h = 6.625 × 10–34Js)
(A) 200 g (B) 300 g (C*) 100 g (D) 1000 g
Sol. x = 0.1 × 10–9 m.
V = 5.27 × 10–27 ms–1.
 x × mV =
 0.1 × 10–9 × m × 5.27 × 10–27 = 0.527 × 10–34.
 m = 0.1 kg. = 100 gm.
25. The ratio of specific charge (e/m) of a proton and that of an -particle is
(A*) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 1
(e / m)p ep / mp 2
Sol. = = .
(e / m) 2ep / 4mp 1

More than one choice type

26. In a H-like sample, electrons make transition from 4th excited state upto 2nd state. Then
(A) 10 different spectral lines are observed
(B*) 6 different spectral lines are observed
(C*) number of lines belonging to the balmer series is 3
(D*) Number of lines belonging to paschen series is 2.

Sol. Transition is taking place from 5  2

 n = 3
3(3  1) 5
Hence maximum number of spectral line observed =  6.
(C) number of lines belonging to the Balmer series = 3 (5  2,4  2,32) 4
as shown in figure.
Number of lines belonging to Paschen series = 2 (5  3,4  3). 2
27. Identify the correct statement(s) : n=1
(A) Wavelength associated with a 1 kg ball moving with the velocity 100 m/s can’t be
(B*) Wave nature of the running train is difficult to observe because wavelength is extremely small.
(C) Wavelength associated with the electron can be calculated using the formulae E =

(D*) If an electron is accelerated through 20 V potential difference if it has already 5eV kinetic energy
then wavelength of the electron is approximately 6 Å.
h 6.626  10
Sol. (A)  can be calculated as :  = = = 6.626 × 10–36 m. (very small).
mv 1 100
(B) de-Broglie wavelength associated with macroscopic particles is extremely small and so, difficult to
(C) de-Broglie wavelength associated with electron can be calculated by using  = .
150 150
(D) KEf = 5 + 20 = 25 eV.  = = = 6 Å.
KEf 25
28. 1st excitation potential for the H-like (hypothetical) sample is 24 V. Then :
(A) Ionisation energy of the sample is 36 eV (B*) Ionisation energy of the sample is 32 eV
32 x 8
(C*) Binding energy of 3rd excited state is 2 eV (D*) 2nd excitation potential of the sample is V


Sol. 1st excitation potential = 10.2 Z2 = 24 V  Z2 = 24/10.2
13.6  24
 IE = 13.6 Z2 = = 32 eV.
0.85  24
Binding energy of 3rd excited state = 0.85 Z2 = = 2eV.
12.09  24 32  8
2nd excitation potential of sample = 12.09 Z2 = = V.
10.2 9
29. Which is true about an electron ?
(A*) Rest mass of electron is 9.1 × 10–28 g
(B*) Mass of electron increases with the increase in velocity
(C*) Molar mass of electron is 5.48 × 10–4 g/mole
(D*) e/m of electron is 1.7 × 108 coulomb/g
Sol. me = 9.1 × 10–31 kg = 9.1 × 10–28 g.
m= (m0 : rest mass ; m : dynamic mass).
1– 2
 v2 
As v ,  1– 2    m
 c 

Molar mass of e = 9.1 × 10–28 × 6.023 × 1023 = 5.48 × 10–4 g/mole.
e 1.6  10 19
For electron, = = 1.7 × 108 c/g.
m 9.1 10 28
me = 9.1 × 10–31 kg = 9.1 × 10–28 g.

30. From the -particle scattering experiment, Rutherford concluded that

(A*) -particle can come within a distance of the order of 10–14 m from the nucleus
(B*) the radius of the nucleus is less than 10–14 m
(C*) scattering followed Coulomb’s law
(D) the positively charged parts of the atom move with extremely high velocities
31. Which of the following statement(s) are wrong ?
(A*) Photons having energy 400 kJ will break 4 mole bonds of a molecule A2 where A – A bond
dissociation energy is 100kJ/mol.
(B*) Two bulbs are emitting light having wavelength 2000Å & 3000Å respectively. If the bulbs A & B are
40 watt and 30watt respectively then the ratio of no. of photons emitted by A & B per day is 1 : 2.
(C*) When an electron make transition from lower to higher orbit, photon is emitted.
(D) None of the above
Sol. (A) Since the number of photons is not specified (it may or may not be equal to 4 NA). So, this
statement is not always true.
(B) No.of photon emitted per day × Energy of one photon = Energy emitted per day.
For bulb A, ne A × × 1.6 × 10–19 = 40 × 24 × 3600.
For bulb B, neB × × 1.6 × 10–19 = 30 × 24 × 3600.
 ne A : neB = 8 : 9.
(C) When an electron make transition from lower to higher orbit, a photon is absorbed.
32. If element 25X+Y has spin magnetic moment 1.732 B.M then
(A*) number of unpaired electron = 1 (B) number of unpaired electron = 2
(C) Y = 4 (D*) Y = 6

Sol. n(n  2) = 1.732

Number of unpaired electrons, n = 1.
X : [Ar] 4s23d5
For having one unpaired electron, 6 electrons are to be removed (2 from 4s & 4 from 3d).
 Y = 6.


33. Isotone of 32 Ge is/are :
77 77 77 78
(A) 32 Ge (B*) 33 As (C) 34 Se (D*) 34 Se
Sol. No. of neutrons in 32 Ge = A – Z = 76 – 32 = 44.
No. of neutrons in 33 As = 77 – 33 = 44.
No. of neutrons in 34 Se = 78 – 34
= 44.
34. When alpha particles are sent towards a thin metal foil, most of them go straight through the foil
(A*) alpha particles are much heavier than electrons (B) alpha particles are positively charged
(C*) most part of the atom is empty space (D) alpha particles move with high speed

Sol. Since most part of atom is empty space, so, when  particles are sent towards a thin metal foil, most of
them go straight through the foil.
35. Bohr’s theory is not applicable to
(A*) He (B) Li2+ (C*) He2+ (D) H-atom ijek.kq
Sol. Bohr model is only valid for single electron species i.e., Total no. of electrons in the species should be
36. In which transition, one quantum of energy is emitted ?
(A*) n = 4  n = 2 (B*) n = 3  n = 1 (C*) n = 4  n = 1 (D*) n = 2  n = 1
Sol. In all the given cases, only one quantum of energy is emitted since only one electronic transition
37. The magnitude of the spin angular momentum of an electron is given by
h h 3 h 1 h
(A*) S = s(s  1) (B) S = s (C*) S =  (D) S = ± 
2 2 2 2 2 2
Sol. Spin angular momentum S = s(s  1) .
1 3 h
s=   S=  .
2 2 2
38. The change in angular momentum corresponding to an electron in Balmer transition inside a hydrogen
atom can be :
h h h h
(A) (B*) (C*) (D)
4  2 8
h h
Sol. Change in angular momentum for 3  2 transition = (3 – 2) = .
2 2
h h
Change in angular momentum for 4  2 transition = (4 – 2) = .
2 
39. Choose the correct configurations among the following :
(A*) Cr (Z = 24) : [Ar] 3d5 4s1 (B*) Cu (Z = 29) : [Ar] 3d10 4s1
(C*) Pd (Z = 46) : [Kr] 4d 4s
10 0
(D) Pt (Z = 78) : [Xe] 4d10 4s2
Sol. 24
Cr : [Ar] 3d5
; 29
Cu : [Ar] 3d10

Pd : [Kr] 4d 5s
10 0
; 78
Pt : [Xe] 5d 6s
9 1

40. The configuration [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p4 is similar to that of

(A) boron (B*) oxygen (C*) sulphur (D) aluminium
Sol. 8
O : [He] 2s2
; 16
S : [Ne] 3s2

41. In which of these options do both constituents of the pair have the same spin magnetic moment?
(A*) Zn2+ and Cu+ (B) Co2+ and Ni2+ (C*) Mn4+ and Co2+ (D) Mg2+ and Sc+
Sol. Zn : 0 unpaired electron
; Cu : 0 unpaired electron

Co2+ : 3 unpaired electron ; Ni2+ : 2 unpaired electron

Mn : 3 unpaired electron
; Mg2+ : 0 unpaired electron
Sc : 2 unpaired electron.

42. In a hydrogen like sample two different types of photons A and B are produced by electronic transition.
Photon B has it’s wavelength in infrared region. If photon A has more energy than B, then the photon A
may belong to the region
(A*) ultraviolet (B*) visible (C*) infrared (D) None


Sol. If photon A has more energy than photon B, then  of photon A must be less than  of photon B. If of
photon B is in IR region,  of photon A can be in Infrared region or visible region or ultra violet region.
43. Many elements have non-integral atomic masses because
(A*) they have isotopes
(B) their isotopes have non-integral masses
(C) the constituents, neutrons, protons and electrons combine to give fractional masses
(D) none of these
Sol. Non integral atomic masses of elements are due to existence of isotopes of that element which have
different masses.
Assertion - Reason Type
Each question has 5 choices (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(E) Statement-1 and Statement-2 both are False.
44. Statement-1 : Humphry series discovered in H-atomic spectra has lowest energy radiations among all
Statement-2 : Lowest state for this series is n1 = 6.
Ans. (A*)
Sol. For Humphry series, (n2 = 7,8,9.......) and n1 = 6.
45. Statement-1 : A photon of energy 12 eV can break three molecules of A2 into atoms which has bond
dissociation energy of 4 eV/molecule.
Statement-2 : Total energy is conserved and interaction is always one to one between photon and
Ans. (D)
Sol. Since interaction between a photon and a molecule is always one to one, so a photon of energy 12eV
can break only one molecule of A2 into atoms and remaining 8eV energy becomes kinetic energy of
46. Statement-1 : Thomson’s analysis of cathode ray experiment led him to conclude that electrons were
fundamental particles.
Statement-2 : e/m ratio for particles in cathode rays was found to be independent of the nature of the
gas taken in the tube.
Ans. (A)
Sol. e/m ratio for particles in cathode rays comes out to be same for all gases.
e/m = 1.76 × 1011 C/kg.
This led to the conclusion that electrons were fundamental particles.
47. Statement-1 : e/m ratio in case of anode ray experiment is different for different gases.
Statement-2 : The ion of gases formed after the ejection of electron are different if gas is different.
Ans. (A)
Sol. e/m ratio for particles in anode rays is different for different gases as different gases produce different
positively charged particles upon ionisation.


1. The de-Broglie wavelength of electron of He+ ion is 3.329 Å. If the photon emitted upon de-excitation of
this He+ ion is made to hit H-atom in its ground state so as to liberate electron from it, what will be the
de-Broglie's wavelength of electron ?
Ans. 2.351 Å
h h2 (6.625 x 10 34 )2
Sol. =  KE = 2
= = 21.73 x 10–19 J = 13.58 eV
2mKE 2m 2 x 9.11 x 1031 x(3.329 x 1010 )2
this is the K.E. of electron.
Therefore, total energy = –13.58 eV
En = –13.6 x eV


For He+ ion, Z = 2 and En = –13.58 eV
13.6 x 4
So, n2 =  n=2
Thus, He+ ion is in the 1st excited state.
 1 1  1
Energy of photon emitted = 13.6 Z2  2  2  eV = 13.6 x 4  1   = 40.8 eV
n n   4 
 1 2 
Energy of photon = I.P. of H + K.E. of electron
Thus, K.E. of photoelectron = 40.8 – 13.6 = 27.2 eV
h 6.625 x 1034
= = = 2.351 x 10–10 m = 2.351 Å
2mKE 2 x 9.11 x 10 31 x 27.2 x 1.602 x 10 19
2. It has been found that gaseous iodine molecules dissociated into separate atoms after absorption of
light at wavelengths less than 4500 Å. If each quantum is absorbed by one iodine molecule, what is the
minimum input, in kJ/mol, needed to dissociate 2 by this photochemical process ? Also calculate the
kinetic energy of iodine atoms. [Bond energy of 2 = 240 kJ mol–1].
Ans. 2.17 × 10–20 J/atom.
Nhc (6.023 x 1023 )(6.63 x 1034 )(3 x 108 )
Sol. E= = = 266.17 kJ/mol
 4500 x 1010
Some part of absorbed energy is used in bond cleavage and remaining energy becomes KE of atoms.
Remaining energy = 266.17 – 240 = 26.17 kJ/mol
26.17  103 1
K.E. of iodine atoms = 23
× = 2.17 × 10–20 J/atom.
6.023  10 2
3. A gas of identical H-like atom has some atoms in the lowest (ground) energy level A and some atoms in
a particular upper (excited) energy level B and there are no atoms in any other energy level. The atoms
of the gas make transition to a higher energy level by absorbing monochromatic light of photon energy
2.5 eV. Subsequently, the atoms emit radiation of only six different photons energies. Some of the
emitted photons have energy 2.5 eV. Some have more than 2.5 eV energy and no photon has less than
2.5 eV energy.
Find the maximum energy of the emitted photon.
Ans. 48.2 ev.
n(n  1)
Sol. As it produces six spectral lines in back transition therefore =6
 n = 4 is the excited state.
As it produces photons having energy 2.5 ev or greater than this, hence it must have gone from 3  4
 13.6 z2 = 2.5  13.6 z2 × = 2.5
16  9
 13.6z2 = 51.43 ev.
1 1 15
 Emax (4  1) = 13.6 Z2  2  2  = 51.43 × = 48.2 ev.
1 4  16
4. Electrons in the H-atoms jump from some higher level upto 3rd energy level. If six spectral lines are
possible for the transition, find the initial position of electron.

Ans. n2 = 6.
(n2  n1)(n2  n1  1)
Sol. Number of spectral lines =
(n2  3)(n2  3  1)
6=  12 = n22  5n2  6
 n22 – 5n2 – 6 = 0.
 n2 = 6 or – 1.
Since n2 = –1 is not possible. Hence n2 = 6.


5. Show that de-Broglie's hypothesis applied to an electron moving in a circular orbit leads to Bohr's
postulate of quantized angular momentum.
Ans. Hence according to Bohr's postulates, angular momentum is quantized.
Sol. According to de–Broglie Hypothesis,
= .....(i)
Also, for stationary orbit,
2r = n ....(ii)
Put  = from (ii) in (i).
 mvr =
Hence according to Bohr's postulates, angular momentum is quantized.
6. Photochemical dissociation of oxygen results in the production of two oxygen atoms, one in the ground
state and one in the excited state [O*].
O2  O + O*
The maximum wavelength () needed for this is 160 nm. If the excitation energy O  O* is
4 x 10–20 J. How much energy in eV is needed for the dissociation of one oxygen molecule into normal
atoms in ground state ? (Given hc = 12400 eV Å)
Ans. 7.5 eV
Sol. Energy required per molecule in the following process may be given as :
O2  O + O*
hc 12400 31
E= = = eV
 1600 4
Energy for, O  O* is 4 x 10–20 J = eV.
Thus, energy for O2  2O will be
 31 1  30
 4  4  eV = 4 = 7.5 eV.
 
7. An element undergoes a reaction as shown : -
x + e–  x – energy released = 30.87 eV
If the energy released, is used to dissociate 12 g of H2 molecules, equally into H+ and H*, where H* is
an excited state, in which the electron travels a path length equal to four times it’s debroglie
Determine the least amount (in moles) of ‘x’ that would be required.
Given: I.E. of H = 13.6 eV/atom
Bond energy of H2 = 4.526 eV/molecule.

Ans. 6
Sol. x + e–  x–
energy released = E.A1 + E.A2 = 30.87 eV/atom
Let no. of moles of X be a
 a × Na × 30.87 = 6 × Na × 4.526 + 6 × Na ×13.6 + 6 × Na × 12.75  a = 6 moles

8. A microscope using suitable photons is employed to locate an electron in an atom within a distance of
0.1Å. What is the uncertainity involved in the measurement of its velocity?
[Mass of electron = 9.1 x 1031 kg and Planck’s constant (h) = 6.626 x 1034Js)
h h
Sol. x × p = or x × mv =
4 4
h 6.626  1034 Js
v = =
4  x  m 4  3.14  0.1 1010 m  9.11 1031kg
= 0.579 × 107 ms–1 (1 J = 1 kgm2s–2) = 5.79 × 106 ms–1


9. 1st excitation Potential of a hypothetical hydrogen like sample is 15 volt. If all the atoms of the sample
are in 2nd excited state then find the K.E. in eV of the electron ejected if a photon of energy eV is
supplied to this sample.
Ans. 5
Sol. 15 eV = 13.6 Z2 x
 13.6 Z2 = 20 eV
13.6Z 2 20
Energy of 2nd excited state = – = eV
32 9
65 20 45
 K.E. of electron = – = = 5 eV
9 9 9


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