Testis Cancer
Testis Cancer
Testis Cancer
Testis cancer
Omar Khan, Andrew Protheroe
Testis cancer is an increasing problem, especially in northern potential common factor. Sons of women who
received the synthetic oestrogen, diethylstilboes-
European male populations. However, survival has improved trol, had an increased incidence of testicular
dramatically over one generation. Environmental factors may abnormalities. Certain environmental oestrogens
have a role in the aetiology with high oestrogen concentrations have been implicated in feminisation of male
implicated. Testis cancer is subdivided between seminoma and animals. To date there has been no direct link
between oestrogen exposure and the risk of testis
non-seminoma. At presentation, a testicular lump is the most cancer. There are, however, several known risk
common finding and radical inguinal orchidectomy is factors (box 1).3
recommended for most. Further multidisciplinary management Approximately 2% of individuals with testis
cancer report an affected first degree relative, and
is determined by histological subtype and stage and involves concordant twin studies have also demonstrated a
chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, with many patients higher incidence of testis cancer in monozygotic
only undergoing surveillance. There is increasing emphasis on compared to dizygotic twins.4 Analyses of affected
reducing toxicity of treatments in long term survivors. Treatment families have so far failed to identify a specific
gene although linkage to the Xq27 region has been
refractory testis cancer remains a significant challenge. reported.5 Duplication or amplification of the short
............................................................................. arm of chromosome 12 (12p) is seen in almost all
cases of testis cancer, implying that a key gene is
present in this area.6
estis cancer is the most common solid malig-
nancy of young men, but only accounts for
about 1% of all cancers in men.1 The incidence PATHOLOGY
has been increasing worldwide. Germ cell tumours GCTs can be subdivided into three main groups:
(GCT) represent over 95% of these cancers and for infantile/prepubertal, adolescent/young adult, and
the purpose of this review; references to testis spermatocytic seminoma. They originate from
cancer will imply GCTs. germ cells at different stages of development. By
Advances in the last 40 years in treatments of far the most common is the adolescent/young
this group of patients have led to dramatic adult type and this is the type discussed in this
improvements in disease-free survival. Better review.
treatments are, however, still needed for high risk Intratubular germ cell neoplasia, unclassified
patients. There are many long term survivors and type (ITGCN) is considered to be the precursor to
late toxicities from treatment are more prominent invasive GCTs. It is also often referred to as
than in other solid malignancies. It is important to carcinoma in situ. It is thought that primordial
balance the risk of long term toxicities with germ cells undergo abnormal cell division in
effective treatment without reducing efficacy. response to environmental factors in utero giving
rise to ITGCN.7 This is followed by the duplication
EPIDEMIOLOGY of 12p, as well as several other chromosomal
The incidence of testis cancer has been steadily abnormalities, rendering these cells susceptible to
increasing over the last 40 years.2 It appears to be stimulation by gonadotrophins and subsequent
most common in northern European populations development of invasive tumours. Activation to
with age standardised incidence rates between 4 pluripotency of neoplastic germ cells of these
and 10 per 100 000, whereas in Asian, African and tumours gives rise to NSGCTs (non-seminomatous
African American men, incidence rates are much germ cell tumours—that is, yolk sac tumour,
lower, ranging between 0.2 to 1 per 100 000.3 The embryonal carcinoma and choriocarcinoma) in a
peak incidence is between the ages of 15 to way similar to the reprogramming of a primordial
See end of article for 35 years. Five year survival rates have increased
authors’ affiliations significantly over the last 30 years from about 63% Abbreviations: AFP, a-fetoprotein, AUC, area under the
........................ concentration 6 time curve; b-HCG, b-human chorionic
to more than 90%.3
Correspondence to: gonadotrophin; BEP, bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin;
Dr Omar Khan, Cancer CT, computed tomography; EORTC, European
Research UK, Medical
AETIOLOGY Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer; EP,
Oncology Unit, Churchill The aetiology of testis cancer is not clearly under- etoposide and cisplatin; GCT, germ cell tumour; IGCCG,
Hospital, Oxford OX3 7LJ, stood. Rising incidence suggests a role for envir- International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group;
UK; omar.khan@cancer. onmental factors, which is supported by an ITGCN, intratubular germ cell neoplasia; LDH, lactate
org.uk dehydrogenase; MRC, Medical Research Council; NSGCT,
increasing frequency of other testicular problems non-seminomatous germ cell tumour; PET, positron emission
Received 26 January 2007 such as declining sperm counts and increasing tomography; RPLND, primary retroperitoneal lymph node
Accepted 16 May 2007 incidence of testicular maldescent. High oestrogen dissection; SMR, standardised mortality ratio; VIP,
........................ concentrations in utero have been suggested as a vinblastine, etoposide and cisplatin
Testis cancer 625
626 Khan, Protheroe
Box 2: Clinical manifestations of testis cancer from Box 3: Differential diagnosis of testis cancer
metastatic disease
N Testicular torsion: acute, severe pain is a common
N Systemic symptoms: anorexia, malaise, weight loss presenting feature
N Cough or shortness of breath due to pulmonary N Epididymitis/epididymo-orchitis: associated with fever,
metastases pain not as acute
N Neck mass due to lymph node metastases N Hydrocoele
N Lower back pain from bulky retroperitoneal disease N Varicocoele
N Lower extremity swelling due to iliac or caval obstruction N Hernia
or thrombosis (unilateral or bilateral) N Haematoma
N Nausea, vomiting or gastrointestinal haemorrhage from N Spermatocoele
retroduodenal metastases
N Bony pain
N Central or peripheral nervous system symptoms from Stage I seminoma
cerebral, spinal cord or peripheral nerve root involve- About 85% of men present with stage I disease and a further
ment 10% present with stage II disease. The options post-orchidect-
omy involve active surveillance, radiotherapy or single agent
considered in high risk patients as defined by a small testis
volume (,12 ml), history of cryptorchidism, and young age Surveillance
(,30 years).13 If ITGCN is found then the options available are About 15% of men with stage I disease will relapse within
low dose radiotherapy to prevent tumour progression, or 4 years.16 Salvage rates are high so active surveillance has the
surveillance and surgery once the need arises. Radiotherapy is advantage of avoiding unnecessary treatment and adverse
not recommended for men who wish to preserve their fertility. effects. However, men undergoing surveillance may need
multi-agent chemotherapy on relapse. Regular and reliable
attendance is also necessary. In one pooled analysis of over 600
STAGING OF TESTIS CANCER men undergoing surveillance for stage I seminoma for an
A clinical staging system that is widely used is the Royal average of 7 years, the only significant risk factors for risk of
Marsden Hospital classification (table 2).14 After surgery it is relapse were tumour size >4 cm and rete testis invasion.17
essential to monitor tumour markers and assess their rate of
decline. If markers do not decline as predicted or start to rise
postoperatively the contralateral testis should be examined for
Traditionally radiotherapy was administered to the ipsilateral
a metachronous primary. If this is not found, the patient should
renal hilum and pelvic lymph nodes and the bilateral para-
be treated as having metastatic disease, even if imaging studies
aortic nodes as well as the regional lymph nodes of the involved
do not corroborate this. testis. This so called ‘‘dog-leg’’ field yielded excellent results
The International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative Group with 5 year relapse-free survival rates in excess of 94%.18
(IGCCG) prognostic classification is the generally accepted However, significant gastrointestinal toxicity and increased
prognostic tool used for treatment decisions and eligibility for risk of second malignancies have led to strategies to reduce the
clinical trials in metastatic disease (table 3).15 It relies on the radiation field without compromising on efficacy.
extent of disease and tumour markers together with the More recently, the radiation field has been limited to the
primary site. This was in part developed because of the para-aortic nodes (‘‘PA strip’’). The evidence for this was
variations in classifications and staging systems used through- provided by a number of trials including a prospective trial by
out the world, making it difficult to compare trial data. the Medical Research Council (MRC) Testicular Tumour
Supplementary prognostic information is gained by observing Working Group.19 Three year survival was similar as were the
the rate of decline of tumour markers after starting chemother- total number of relapses, with a slightly higher pelvic relapse
apy. Further management of GCTs depends on their clinical rate in the smaller field group. There was a significant reduction
stage and the pathological classification of the tumour. in short term morbidity in the smaller field group.
Testis cancer 627
Table 2 Royal Marsden Hospital staging of testis cancer determine whether carboplatin can safely replace radiotherapy,
but many centres are now offering it as an alternative. Whether
Stage patients should be given one or two cycles remains contro-
I No evidence of metastasis
versial as most phase II trials have shown lower relapse rates
IM Rising concentrations of serum markers with no other when two cycles are given.
evidence of metastasis All options should be considered for patients with stage I
II Abdominal node metastasis disease, although less radiotherapy is being given and increas-
l A ,2 cm in diameter
l B
ing numbers of patients are undergoing surveillance or
2–5 cm in diameter
l C .5 cm in diameter chemotherapy.
III Supra-diaphragmatic nodal metastasis
l M Mediastinal Stage II seminoma
l N Supraclavicular, cervical or axillary Stage II disease is defined as metastatic disease that is confined
l O No abdominal node metastasis
to the infradiaphragmatic lymphatics. Treatment usually
l ABC Node stage as defined in stage II
IV Extra lymphatic metastasis consists of radiotherapy or platinum based chemotherapy
Lung post-orchidectomy. The optimal treatment depends on the
l L1 ,3 metastases volume of nodal disease, with chemotherapy being offered to
l L2 3 metastases or more, ,2 cm in diameter
l L3
patients with bulkier disease due to the increased risk of renal
3 metastases or more, one or more of which .2 cm in
diameter damage and out of field recurrences with radiotherapy. The
H+: liver metastases; Br+: brain metastases; Bo+: bone metastases definition of bulky disease varies, but in general this is nodal
disease .5 cm in greatest dimension.
Non-bulky disease is usually treated with radiotherapy alone
to the para-aortic and high ipsilateral iliac lymph nodes.23 Five
year survival rates average about 90% and, with the benefit of
A recent MRC trial comparing two different doses of
effective salvage treatments, overall cure rate is also about 90%.
irradiation (30 Gy in 15 fractions compared to 20 Gy in 10
There is some evidence supporting the use of chemotherapy
fractions) in stage I seminoma demonstrated no difference in
in this setting. A recent Spanish study demonstrated a
disease-free survival with a median follow up of 5 years.20
progression-free survival rate of 91% and overall survival rate
Quality of life data indicated better tolerance for lower dose
of 98%, with no late toxicities using bleomycin, etoposide and
radiotherapy suggesting that the dose of radiation can be safely cisplatin (BEP) or etoposide and cisplatin (EP).24 Randomised
reduced. trials are needed comparing this approach to radiotherapy
before any definitive conclusions can be made.
Chemotherapy Patients with bulky stage II seminoma either at presentation
Single agent carboplatin has recently become established as an or at relapse tend not to respond to radiotherapy as well, with
alternative to adjuvant radiotherapy in stage I seminoma. A 5 year disease-free survival rates of about 65%; with the benefit
pooled analysis of phase II trials using two cycles of adjuvant of salvage treatment, 5 year overall survival is about 77%.25
carboplatin demonstrated a relapse rate of 2.9%.21 A joint MRC Chemotherapy has been investigated as first line treatment
and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of following orchidectomy. The optimal chemotherapy regimen
Cancer (EORTC) trial recently reported results of a randomised has not been defined but four courses of EP or three courses of
phase III trial comparing adjuvant radiotherapy to a single BEP are usually recommended.
course of carboplatin dosed at an area under the concentration Management of post-treatment residual masses tends to be
6 time curve (AUC) of 7.22 Almost 1500 men with stage I determined by their size. If ,3 cm then surveillance alone is
seminoma were randomised and with a median follow up of adequate; if >3 cm then management is not as simple, with
4 years there was no significant difference in relapse-free some recommending surgical resection.26 There is little evidence
survival. There was a trend of relapse in the para-aortic nodes in supporting adjuvant treatment after combination chemother-
the carboplatin arm. Longer term follow up is needed to apy for advanced seminomas and some of these masses show
AFP, a-fetoprotein, b-HCG, b-human chorionic gonadotrophin; IGCCG, International Germ Cell Cancer Collaborative
Group; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NSGCT, non-seminomatous germ cell tumour; ULN, upper limit of normal.
628 Khan, Protheroe
The options for men with stage I NSGCT in the UK consist of been treatment advances since the early 1970s. The pivotal
surveillance with treatment given at relapse or chemotherapy. study, published in 1981, combined cisplatin with bleomycin
In the USA and parts of Europe, primary retroperitoneal lymph and vinblastine resulting in cure rates exceeding 50%.34
node dissection (RPLND) is also considered. Surveillance tends Vinblastine was replaced with etoposide, improving efficacy
to be reserved for highly motivated men with low risk disease. and limiting toxicities, and the three-drug combination of BEP
Patients at high risk of relapse can be identified by certain has become the mainstay of treatment for men with advanced
histological factors that are summarised in box 4.29 In clinical seminoma and NSGCTs.35 Cure rates are around 80% and no
practice, the presence of vascular invasion alone is widely regimen to date has been shown to be superior; the scheduling
accepted as the parameter on which to base the decision to and number of cycles varies according to prognosis. Wherever
administer adjuvant chemotherapy. In patients with none of possible, men should be referred to centres with expertise in
these risk factors, relapse rates are between 10–15%, while if management of GCTs.
several risk factors are present then risk of relapse approaches Men with testicular cancer are separated into prognostic
50%.30 groups derived from the IGCCC as previously discussed. The
The main advantage of surveillance is the avoidance of distribution of patients in each category is summarised in
unnecessary treatment for the 70% of patients with stage I table 4.
disease who do not relapse after orchidectomy. However, there
are disadvantages to this approach: intensive follow up GOOD PROGNOSIS ADVANCED DISEASE
requiring additional radiation exposure and uncertainty for Long term outcome of chemotherapy in this risk group is
the patient, and an additional chemotherapy cycle if the excellent with long term relapse-free survival in excess of 90%.
patients do relapse compared to two cycles in the adjuvant Modifications to the use of four cycles of BEP have been made
setting. by decreasing the number of cycles from four to three. In 2001
Adjuvant chemotherapy consists of two cycles of BEP with an the EORTC published data confirming that for good prognostic
etoposide dose of 360 mg/m2. Recurrence rates are reduced disease three cycles of 3 day BEP (500 mg/m2) was sufficient
from 50% to ,5%. The Anglian Germ Cell Cancer Group with a progression-free survival at 2 years of 90.4%.36 An earlier
published a retrospective review of 382 patients with stage I US study also demonstrated similar results.37
NSGCT treated between 1978 and 2000; all men before 1986 Studies have also been performed omitting bleomycin to
were followed by surveillance, and from 1986 onwards those avoid the serious pulmonary toxicity associated with this drug.
with .30% risk of relapse were offered adjuvant chemother- A US study compared three cycles of BEP with three cycles of
apy.31 Relapse occurred in 30% on surveillance and mortality EP in good prognosis patients with metastatic disease,38 and a
rate was 2.6%. Only 4% of men who received adjuvant European study compared four cycles of EP with four of BEP.39
treatment relapsed and 1.4% died from progressive disease. The consensus based on these trials is that the omission of
This approach has the advantages of reducing the anxiety of bleomycin leads to an inferior outcome. A more recent trial by
recurrence and intensive surveillance for the patient as well as the same European group demonstrated equivalence of three
reducing the risk of recurrence at all sites. Short term and long versus four cycles of BEP and of 5 days versus 3 days per cycle
term toxicities are of concern and are addressed later in this in good prognosis germ cell cancer.40 The dose of etoposide
review. should be 500 mg/m2 per cycle. In general, most cancer centres
In the USA, RPLND is the preferred treatment option in this recommend three cycles of 3 day BEP in this patient group,
patient group. This approach is considered to be safe especially with four cycles of EP an alternative for patients with
with nerve sparing surgery, and additional staging information compromised lung function.
is obtained as current radiological techniques are inadequate in
evaluation of retroperitoneal nodal disease in almost a third of INTERMEDIATE AND POOR PROGNOSIS DISEASE
patients.32 Over-treatment with chemotherapy is also avoided. For this group of patients four cycles of 5 day BEP is the
There is a risk of retrograde ejaculation and hence infertility, standard. Five year survival for intermediate and poor risk
but this is ,5% with nerve sparing techniques in specialist patients is 80% and 48%, respectively.15 There is significant
centres.33 Criticisms of the surgical approach include the interest in improving the outcome using different regimens of
increased morbidity of surgery and the fact that 10% of chemotherapy, but as this group of patients comprises a
patients relapse outside of the retroperitoneum.10 After minority of all patients with metastatic disease, generating
RPLND the options available are either surveillance with adequate randomised data can be challenging. The MRC are
chemotherapy at relapse or adjuvant chemotherapy. currently investigating the CBOP/BEP (carboplatin, bleomycin,
vincristine and cisplatin followed by BEP) regimen. A phase II
ADVANCED GERM CELL TUMOURS study demonstrated an 87.6% 5 year survival which has led to
Five year survival rates for GCTs now exceed 95% and even the phase III study comparing with BEP currently recruiting.41
patients with disseminated disease are very curable—a remark- Men in these risk groups often have residual tumours seen
able statistic for a solid malignancy. Figure 2 demonstrates on imaging studies at the completion of chemotherapy. These
complete response in a patient with an advanced, widespread patients with residual disease, particularly in the retroperito-
metastatic GCT. The main reason for this improvement has neum but also mediastinum and neck, should be considered for
Testis cancer 629
further surgery to render them disease-free. Figure 3 demon- survival of 30%.43 More recently paclitaxel has been added to
strates an example of multi-modality treatment of a patient other active drugs, notably ifosfamide and cisplatin, with a 19–
who underwent initial chemotherapy followed by retroperito- 77% complete response rate44 45 and an 85% 2 year survival
neal surgery. The resected specimen revealed mainly necrotic rate.45 Suggested prognostic factors at relapse are inadequate
tissue, but some cells stained positive for AFP so he underwent response to initial treatment, progression-free interval
retroperitoneal radiotherapy. This case is an excellent example ,2 years, and non-testicular primary.
of the multidisciplinary management of testis cancer. High dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue
Furthermore, pathological review of the resected specimen has been investigated as a second or third line treatment.
confirming viable tumour would suggest a significant risk of Several phase II studies or retrospective analyses have demon-
relapse.42 These patients can be offered further chemotherapy or strated efficacy with acceptable toxicity. Longstanding complete
radiotherapy; however, there is some debate over how remissions have been reported in 15–25% of patients. A
beneficial this approach actually is. retrospective series from Einhorn’s group reported a 57%
disease-free rate with a median follow up of 39 months.46
However, a recent study suggested no difference in outcome
SALVAGE TREATMENT FOR RELAPSED AND between conventional standard treatment (cisplatin, ifosfamide
REFRACTORY TESTICULAR GERM CELL TUMOURS and etoposide or vinblastine) and high dose treatment
Following first line chemotherapy, up to 50% of men with (carboplatin, etoposide and cyclophospamide).47 Similar com-
intermediate or poor risk germ cell cancer will require salvage plete and partial response rates were seen in each arm and
treatment for relapsed disease. Men with stage I NSGCT or there were no significant differences seen in overall survival.
seminoma who relapse while undergoing surveillance can
usually be salvaged with standard dose cisplatin based
chemotherapy or RPLND followed by chemotherapy, and are LONG TERM TOXICITIES OF TREATMENT
largely cured by their subsequent treatment. Many patients with testis tumours are young and a proportion
receive significant doses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As
Relapsed germ cell cancer is still a chemosensitive disease
cure rates tend to be high, many are expected to achieve a
and potentially curable in approximately 30% of cases. Several
normal life expectancy. Consequently, toxicities from treat-
different relapse regimens have been investigated using
ments are increasingly important and have a bearing on
cytotoxics that have demonstrated activity in the relapsed
optimising management. The most common long term toxi-
setting. The optimum salvage regimen still needs to be defined,
cities are cardiovascular disease, second cancers, and reduction
but most patients retain platinum sensitivity at relapse.
in fertility.
Vinblastine, etoposide and cisplatin (VIP) used as a salvage
regimen has a complete response rate of 50% and long term
Cardiovascular disease
In a Royal Marsden cohort study of almost 1000 patients, there
Table 4 Percentage of patients with testis cancer in each was a significantly increased risk of a cardiac event in all
prognostic category patients who had received treatment for testis cancer.48 The
relative risk was 2.74 for radiotherapy and 2.59 for chemother-
Seminoma NSGCT apy. In a retrospective analysis of 453 men with stage I or II
Good prognosis 90% 60% seminoma treated with post-orchidectomy radiotherapy, the
Intermediate prognosis 10% 25% standardised mortality ratio (SMR) for deaths from all causes
Poor prognosis – 15% was only significant beyond 15 years of follow up (SMR 1.89).49
NSGCT, non-seminomatous germ cell tumour.
For cardiac deaths the SMR was also significant beyond 15
years (1.95). The mechanism for cardiac mortality has been
630 Khan, Protheroe
Testis cancer 631
1. Epidemiology: .......................
(A) The incidence of testes cancer has remained steady over Authors’ affiliations
the last 40 years Omar Khan, Andrew Protheroe, Cancer Research UK, Medical Oncology
Unit, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK
(B) It is much more common in African men
Competing interest statements: None declared
(C) It has a peak incidence between the ages of 15 and
35 years
(D) The 5 year survival is currently about 65% REFERENCES
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